The Streaming-DMT of Fading Channels - CiteSeerX

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Feb 23, 2013 - where T (pXl′ l. ) and T (pYl′ l. ) denotes the set of typical {Xl′ l } and {Yl′ l } sequences respectively and where h(pXk,Yk ) denotes the ...
The Streaming-DMT of Fading Channels Ashish Khisti Member, IEEE, and Stark Draper Member, IEEE

Abstract We study sequential transmission of a stream of messages over a block-fading multi-input-multi-output (MIMO)

arXiv:1301.2180v2 [cs.IT] 23 Feb 2013

channel. A new message arrives in each coherence block and the decoder is required to output each message after a delay of T coherence blocks. We establish the optimal diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (DMT) and show that it can be achieved using a simple interleaving of messages. The converse is based on an outage amplification technique which appears to be new. We also discuss another coding scheme based on a sequential tree-code. This coding scheme only requires the knowledge of delay at the decoder and yet realizes the optimal DMT. We finally discuss some extensions when multiple messages at uniform intervals arrive within each coherence period.

I. I NTRODUCTION Many multimedia applications require real-time encoding of the source stream and a sequential reconstruction of each source frame by its playback deadline. Both the fundamental limits and optimal communication techniques for such streaming systems can be very different from classical communication systems. In recent years there has been a growing interest in characterizing information theoretic limits for delay constrained communication over wireless channels. When the transmitter has channel state information (CSI), a notion of delay-limited capacity can be defined [2]. For slow fading channels, the delay-limited capacity is achieved using channel inversion at the transmitter [3]. In absence of transmitter CSI, an outage capacity can be defined [4], [5]. An alternative notion of expected capacity using a broadcast strategy has also been proposed [6] in such scenarios. Each fading state maps to a virtual receiver and a broadcast coding technique is used at the encoder. This approach has been further treated in e.g., [7]–[10]. For related work on joint source-channel coding over fading channels, see e.g., [11]–[21] and the references therein. The present paper studies delay constrained streaming over multi-antenna wireless channels. We assume a block fading channel model and assume that the transmitter observes a sequence of independent messages, one in each coherence block. The encoded signal is a causal function of the messages. The decoder is required to output each message with a maximum delay of T coherence blocks. As our main contribution we characterize the diversitymultiplexing tradeoff of this delay-constrained streaming model and refer to it as streaming-DMT. Diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (DMT) of the quasi-static (slow-fading) channel model was first introduced in [22]. The authors propose diversity order and multiplexing gain as two fundamental metrics for communication over a wireless channel, and establish a tradeoff between these. A significant body of literature on DMT for quasi-static Part of this work was presented at the International Symposium on Information Theory, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2011 [1]. A. Khisti’s work was supported by an NSERC (Natural Sciences Engineering Research Council) Discovery Grant and an Ontario Early Researcher Award. The corresponding author is A. Khisti ([email protected])


w0 x0(w0)




x2(w0,.. w2)


x3(w0,.. w3)





x(w0,.. w4)


x(w0,.. w5)



Fig. 1. Proposed Streaming Model. One new message arrives at the start of each coherence block. The message stream is encoded sequentially and each message needs to be output at the receiver after T coherence blocks. In the above figure T = 2.

fading channels already exists, both in performance analysis and practical code constructions; see, e.g., [23]–[38]. All these works assume the transmission of a single message and do not consider the streaming setup. As we discuss in the sequel the quasi-static model falls out as a special case of our model when we set the delay T = 1. Delay-universal streaming has been studied in e.g., [39]–[45]. A tree-based code is proposed to encode a sequence of messages. The decoder is required to produce an estimate of each past message (at each time) under the constraint that the error probability decreases exponentially with the delay. Such a delay-universal (anytime) constraint is motivated by an application of stabilizing a control plant over a noisy channel. A maximum likelihood decoder is studied and the associated error exponent is characterized for a variety of discrete memoryless channels. In contrast the present work focuses on the streaming-DMT of block fading channels. We show that for a fixed decoding delay, the optimal DMT is achieved using a surprisingly simple interleaving technique, and does not require a tree code. We also study the performance achieved by a tree based encoder and a decision feedback based decoder and show that such a scheme can achieve the streaming-DMT in a delay universal manner. For related work on erasure channels we point the reader to e.g., [46]–[52] and references therein. II. M ODEL Our setup is illustrated in Fig. 1. We consider an independent identically distributed (i.i.d.) block fading channel model with a coherence period of M : Yk = Hk · Xk + Zk ,


where k = 0, 1, . . ., denotes the index of the coherence block of the fading channel. The matrix Hk ∈ CNr ×Nt denotes the channel transfer matrix in coherence period k. We assume that the transmitter has Nt transmit antennas and the receiver has Nr receive antennas. Xk = [Xk (1) | . . . | Xk (M )] ∈ CNt ×M is a matrix whose j-th column, Xk (j), denotes the vector transmitted in time-slot j in the coherence block k and similarly Yk ∈ CNr ×M is a matrix whose j-th column, Yk (j) denotes the vectors received in time-slot j in block k. The additive noise matrix is Zk ∈ CNr ×M . Thus (1) can also be expressed as, Yk (j) = Hk · Xk (j) + Zk (j),

j = 1, . . . , M.



We assume that all entries of Hk are sampled independently from the complex Gaussian distribution1 with zeromean and unit-variance i.e., CN (0, 1). The channel remains constant during each coherence block and is sampled independently across blocks. All entries of the additive noise matrix Zk are also sampled i.i.d. CN (0, 1). Finally the realization of the channel matrices Hk is revealed to the decoder, but not to the encoder. PM We assume an average (short-term) power constraint E[ i=1 ||Xk (i)||2 ] ≤ M ρ. Note that ρ denotes the transmit

signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR). We will limit our analysis to the case where M is sufficiently large so that random coding arguments can be invoked within each coherence block. A delay-constrained streaming code is defined as follows: Definition 1 (Streaming Code): A rate R streaming code with delay T , C(R, T ), consists of 1. A sequence of messages {wk }k≥0 each distributed uniformly over the set IM = {1, 2, . . . , 2MR }. k+1 2. A sequence of encoding functions Fk : IM → CNt ×M ,

Xk = Fk (w0 , . . . , wk ),

k = 0, 1, . . .


that maps the input message sequence to a codeword Xk ∈ CNt ×M . ˆ k based on the first k + T 3. A sequence of decoding functions Gk : CM(k+T ) → IM that outputs message w observations, i.e., ˆ k = Gk (Y0 , . . . , Yk+T −1 ), w

k = 0, 1, . . .


We now define the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (DMT) [22] associated with the streaming code C(R, T ). Let ˆ k ) where w ˆ k is the decoder output (4) and the the error probability for the k-th message be pk = Pr(wk 6= w error probability be averaged over the random channel gains. Let Pr(e) = supk≥0 pk denote the worst-case error probability2. The DMT tradeoff [22] of (r, d) is achievable with delay T if there exists a sequence of codebooks C(R = r log ρ, T ) such that d = lim


− log Pr(e) , log ρ

r = lim


R(ρ) . log ρ

Of interest, is the optimal diversity-multiplexing tradeoff, denoted by dT (r). III. M AIN R ESULT The optimal tradeoff between diversity and multiplexing (DMT) for the quasi-static fading channel was characterized in [22]. We reproduce the result below for the convenience of the reader. Theorem 1: ( [22]) For the quasi-static fading channel Y(t) = H · X(t) + Z(t) 1 While 2 We


we only focus on the Rayleigh channel model, our result easily extends to other channel models.

caution the reader that this is not the maximum error probability with respect to a single realization of the fading state sequence. This

later quantity is clearly 1 as in any sufficiently long realization, we will eventually find at-least one block that leads to an outage. In our definition we fix an index, k and find the error probability pk averaged over the channel gains. We subsequently search for an index k with maximum error probability. For time-invariant coding schemes, due to symmetry, pk will be independent of k.


where the entries of H ∈ CNr ×Nt are sampled i.i.d. CN (0, 1), the optimal DMT tradeoff d1 (r) is a piecewise linear function connecting the points (k, d1 (k)) for k = 0, 1, . . . , min(Nr , Nt ), where d1 (k) = (Nr − k)(Nt − k).  In our analysis the following simple generalization of the quasi-static DMT to L parallel channels is useful. Corollary 1: Consider a collection of L parallel quasi-static fading channel Yl (t) = Hl · Xl (t) + Zl (t),

l = 1, . . . , L

(6) k

where the entries of Hl ∈ CNr ×Nt are all sampled i.i.d. CN (0, 1). The DMT tradeoff is given by dL (r) = L·d1 for any r ∈ (0, L min(Nr , Nt )).

r L

 We provide a proof of Corollary 1 in Appendix A. Our main result establishes the optimal DMT for a block fading channel model with a delay constraint of T coherence blocks. Theorem 2: The optimal DMT tradeoff for a streaming code in Definition 1 with a delay of T coherence blocks is given by dT (r) = T · d1 (r), where d1 (r) is the optimal DMT of the underlying quasi-static fading channel.  The result in Theorem 2 illustrates that the DMT of a streaming source under a delay constraint of T coherence blocks is identical to the DMT of a system with T independent and parallel MIMO channels if the rate of the latter system is suitably normalized. Indeed our achievability scheme exploits this connection. We show that the DMT can be achieved by interleaving messages in a suitable manner to reduce the system to a parallel channel setup. We also present another scheme based on a tree code that achieves the DMT. The converse however does not appear to follow from earlier results. We present, what appears to be a new idea called “outage-amplification” which is specific to our streaming setup. In the remainder of this paper we present the converse in Section IV, and two coding schemes for achieving the optimal DMT in Sections V and VI respectively. We discuss an extension to the case when two messages arrive within each coherence block in Section VII. IV. C ONVERSE A. Discussion We first present simple bounds that suffice to bound the maximum diversity and maximum multiplexing gain, but are not tight in between. We then provide a heuristic explanation of the new dimension of our proof in tying together the bounding results for individual messages to take into account their overlapping transmission times. A formal proof of the converse is presented in section IV-B. For our discussion we consider a single-antenna channel model when T = 2. Consider the decoding of w0 from blocks 0 and 1. One upper bound is obtained by revealing w1 to the decoder resulting in d+ 0 (r) = 2 − r. Another upper bound is obtained by revealing w1 to the encoder at time t = 0, revealing w2 to the decoder and relaxing the



d+2(r) d+1(r) d+0(r) d2(r)

d+ (r)

d1(r) r

Fig. 2.

Simple bounds on the single-antenna model for T = 2. The actual DMT is d2 (r) = 2(1 − r). Among the sequence of upper

+ + bounds d+ k (r), note that d0 (r) is tight at the maximum diversity point while d∞ (r) is tight at the maximum multiplexing point. However the

intersection of these bounds is not tight enough to yield d2 (r).

delay of w0 to T = 3. The setup is identical to a system with three parallel channels and two messages and hence d+ 1 (r) = 3 − 2r. Generalizing this argument so that w0 , . . . , wN are revealed to the encoder at time t = 0, revealing wN +1 to the decoder, and relaxing the delay constraints so that all the messages are decoded at the end of block + N + 1, results in d+ N (r) = (N + 2) − (N + 1) · r. These bounds are illustrated in Fig. 2. While the bound d0 (r)

provides a tight bound on the diversity order 2 and d+ ∞ (r) provides a tight bound on the maximum multiplexing gain, it can be easily verified that the intersection of these bounds does not yield a converse that matches the claim of Theorem 2. We illustrate the main idea of our proposed technique in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 and provide some intuition below. Assume that a DMT larger than that claimed in Theorem 2 is achievable; assume that d(r) = 2(1 − r + 2δ) for ·

ˆ k 6= wk ) ≤ ρ−2(1−r+2δ) holds for each k ≥ 0. Now suppose that gains h0k+1 some δ > 0. This implies that Pr(w belongs to the set Hk defined as:

Hk =

 (h0 , . . . , hk+1 ) : |h0 |2 ≥ 1, . . . |hk−1 |2 ≥ 1, |hk |2 ≤ ρ−(1−r+δ) , |hk+1 |2 ≤ ρ−(1−r+δ) )



Input Message Stream wk-2 wk-1



Xk-2 Xk-1















Decoded Message Stream
























X4 w2



Step 2: Decoding of S1




Input Message Stream w0


Xk+1 Xk+2 Xk+3


Decoded Message Stream


Step 1: Decoding of S0

Step 3: Decoding of S2








w3 w2

Streaming setup when T = 2. The source data stream is

Fig. 3.

Fig. 4.

Illustration of the outage amplification argument. Assume that

observed sequentially and mapped into the channel stream. If we assume

the channel gains h0 , . . . , h4 are all in outage. For decoding w0 only

that d(r) > 2(1 − r) holds then message wk can be recovered even if

the values of h0 and h1 matter. The message w0 thus can be decoded

the channel gains in blocks k and k + 1 (shaded) are in outage. This

from blocks 0 and 1. At this point we can reconstruct X0 as it only

is indicated in the upper figure with blocks k and k + 1 shaded. Our

depends on w0 and treat block 0 as if it were not in outage. Then using

outage amplification argument amplifies this effect and shows that we

blocks 1 and 2 we can decode w1 , recover X1 . Repeating this procedure

can decode every data packet by its deadline even if all the channel gains

we can proceed to decode all the messages sequentially.

are in outage, as illustrated in the lower figure.

From standard analysis [22] we have3 . Pr(hk+1 ∈ Hk ) = ρ−2(1−r+δ) 0


> Pr(wk 6= wk ).


Thus the receiver cannot declare an outage event for the set Hk . It turns out that given this fact, one can exploit the streaming nature of the problem to show successful decoding over a much weaker set of channels. For each N ≥ 1 let: ⊗ HN



h0 , . . . , hN : |hk | ≤ ρ


, 0≤k≤N


denotes the set that all the N + 1 links are simultaneously in outage. We reason that the above decoder must in fact recover all the messages w0 , w1 , . . . , wN −1 by their respective deadlines. 3 Throughout ·

. . we use the notation = to denote equality in the exponential sense. The function f1 (ρ) = f2 (ρ) if limρ→∞


define ≤ and ≥ in a similar manner.

log f1 (ρ) log f2 (ρ)

= 1. We


⊗ 1 Consider any hN 0 ∈ HN . Since h0 ∈ H0 the decoder can recover w0 at the end of block 1. Upon recovering w0 ,

the decoder also recovers the transmitted codeword X0 (w0 ) and can replace the original channel output Y0 with ˜ 2 with h ˜ 0 = 1 and h ˜ 2 = h2 now satisfies h ˜ 2 ∈ H1 . Y0 = 1 · X0 + Z0 . The effective sequence of channel gains h 0 1 1 0 Hence the decoder can decode message w1 at the end of block 2. Continuing this argument, for the decoding of ˜ k+1 message wk , we assume that w0 , . . . , wk−1 have already been decoded and therefore the associated sequence h 0 ˜ j = 1 for j = 1, 2, . . . , k − 1 is contained in Hk . Therefore wk is also decoded. Thus we see that the entire with h sequence of messages w0N −1 can be decoded. ⊗ However for sufficiently large N , this leads to a contradiction. Notice that when h0N ∈ HN , N

X 1 N log(1 + |hk |2 ρ) I(XN 0 ; Y0 ) = M



= (N + 1)(r − δ) log ρ whereas the total message rate is N r log ρ. Thus if N >

r δ


− 1, we have that the information rate decoded over

the channel exceeds the instantaneous capacity. This contradicts Fano’s inequality. Hence our assumption that d(r) ≥ 2(1 − r + 2δ) cannot be true. Our formal proof that applies for any Nr , Nt and T is presented next. B. Proof We establish that a lower bound on the error probability for any C(R = r log ρ, T ) code in Definition 1 is .

Pr(e) ≥ ρ−T d1 (r) where d1 (r) is the DMT tradeoff associated with a single-link MIMO channel. Define Ek = {wk 6= wk }, the error event associated with message wk , and note that Pr(e) = supk≥0 Pr(Ek ). We begin by lower bounding Ek associated with message wk . Recall that this message needs to be decoded −1 −1 after T coherence blocks indexed as t ∈ {k, . . . , k + T − 1}. Let Hk+T = Hk+T be the realization of the k k

channel matrices in this interval. Applying Fano’s Inequality [53] for message wk and using the fact that w0k−1 is −1 independent of wk and Hk+T we have k −1 −1 Pr(Ek ; Hk+T = Hk+T )≥1− k k

−1 −1 I(wk ; Ykk+T −1 |w0k−1 , Hk+T = Hk+T ) 1 k k − . M r log ρ M r log ρ

Since the second term vanishes as the coherence period M → ∞, we ignore it in our analysis. To bound the remaining terms we let  o n  ρ Hδ = H : log det I + HH† ≤ (r − δ) log ρ M


and use HδT to denote the T −fold Cartesian product of the set Hδ . Furthermore since the channel gains are sampled i.i.d. −1 Pr(Hk+T ∈ HδT ) = (Pδ )T k


where Pδ = Pr(H ∈ Hδ ). From the single link DMT in Theorem 1, . Pδ = Pr(H ∈ Hδ ) = ρ−d1 (r−δ) .




d1 (·)

Pr(Ek ) = EHT



associated DMT function in Theorem  , can be lower bounded as follows.






−1 Pr(Ek ; Hk+T ) k

Pr(Ek ) ≥

−1 I(wk ; Ykk+T −1 |w0k−1 , Hk+T ∈ HδT ) k ∈ · 1− M r log ρ ! −1 I(wk ; Ykk+T −1 |w0k−1 , Hk+T ∈ HδT ) k 1− M r log ρ ! −1 N I(wk ; Ykk+T −1 |w0k−1 , HN ∈ H ) 0 δ 1− M r log ρ ! −1 I(wk ; Y0N −1 |w0k−1 , HN ∈ HδN ) 0 1− M r log ρ

−1 Pr(Hk+T k


= (Pδ )


= (Pδ )

≥ (Pδ )T

HδT )





−1 k+T −1 −1 k where (17) follows from the fact that the channel gains (H0k−1 , HN , Hk+T ). k+T ) are independent of (w0 , Yk k

Now we combine the error events. max

0≤k≤N −T −1


= PδT ≥ PδT

Pr(Ek ) ≥

1 N −T

PN −T −1

N −T X−1

Pr(Ek )


−1 I(wk ; Y0N −1|w0k−1 , HN ∈ HδN) 0 1− (N − T )M r log ρ ! −1 I(w0N −T −1 ; Y0N −1 |HN ∈ HδN ) 0 1− (N − T )M r log ρ ! −1 −1 I(XN ; Y0N −1 |HN ∈ HδN ) 0 0 1− (N − T )M r log ρ k=0



−1 where (19) follows from the data processing inequality since w0N −T −1 → XN → Y0N −1 holds. Finally since the 0

fading across different blocks is indepenent, max

0≤k≤N −T −1

Pr(Ek ) PN −1

I(Xi ; Yi |Hi ∈ Hδ ) ≥ PδT 1 − i=0 (N − T )M r log ρ ! N M (r − δ) log ρ T ≥ Pδ 1 − (N − T )M r log ρ ! N (r − δ) . = 1− ρ−T d1 (r−δ) (N − T )r





where (21) follows by substituting in (13). For any δ > 0, by selecting N > T δr the term inside the brackets is strictly positive. Since δ > 0 is arbitrary, it follows that the diversity order greater than T d1 (r) cannot be achieved. V. C ODING T HEOREM : I NTERLEAVING S CHEME We now present an interleaving based scheme that achieves the DMT stated in Theorem 2. Our codebook C maps each message wk ∈ IM , {1, 2, . . . , 2Mr log ρ } to T codewords X0 (wk ), X1 (wk ), . . . , XT −1 (wk ) of length M T

i.e., C = C0 × C1 . . . × CT −1 and Xk ∈ Ck .


Coherence Block: K

Fig. 5.


X1(wk-1) X2(wk-2) X3(wk-3) X4(wk-4) X5(wk-5)

Coherence Block: K+1

X0(wk+1) X1(wk)

Coherence Block: K+2

X0(wk+2) X1(wk+1) X2(wk)

Coherence Block: K+3

X0(wk+3) X1(wk+2) X2(wk+1)

Coherence Block: K+4

X0(wk+4) X1(wk+3) X2(wk+2) X3(wk+1)

X2(wk-1) X3(wk-2) X4(wk-3) X5(wk-4) X3(wk-1) X4(wk-2) X5(wk-3) X3(wk)

X4(wk-1) X5(wk-2) X4(wk) X5(wk-1)

Interleaving based coding scheme for T = 6. Each coherence block is divided into T sub-intervals and each sub-interval is dedicated

to transmission of one message. The transmission of message wk spans coherence blocks k, k + 1, . . . , k + T − 1 using codewords of X0 (wk ), . . . , XT −1 (wk ) as shown by the shaded blocks.

For transmission of these messages, we assume that each coherence block of length M is further divided into T sub-blocks of length

M T ,

as indicated in Fig. 5. Let Ik,0 , . . . , Ik,T −1 denote these intervals. The codeword X0 (wk )

is transmitted in the first sub-block Ik,0 of coherence block k. The codeword X1 (wk ) is transmitted in the subblock Ik+1,1 of coherence block k + 1 and likewise Xj (wk ) is transmitted in the j-th sub-block of coherence block {k + j}. The corresponding output sequences associated with message wk are denoted as Yk,j = Hk+j Xj (wk ) + Zk,j ,

j = 0, . . . , T − 1.


The decoder finds a message wk such that for each j ∈ {0, . . . , T − 1}, (Xj (wk ), Yk,j ) are jointly typical. The outage event at the decoder is given by:   where Cj (ρ) = log det I +

† ρ N t Hj Hj

1 T

k+T X−1

Cj (ρ) ≤ r log ρ



 . Since (56) precisely corresponds to the outage event of a quasi-static parallel

MIMO fading channel, with T channels and a multiplexing gain of T · r, the DMT follows form Corollary 1.

VI. C ODING S CHEME : S EQUENTIAL T REE C ODES We propose a second construction which is inspired by the sequential tree codes proposed in [39]–[45]. This approach has the advantage that the encoder does not need to be revealed the delay. The delay constraint only needs to be revealed to the decoder and yet the optimal DMT is attained. Our proposed streaming code, C(R, T ), consists of a semi-infinite sequence of codebooks {C0 , C1 , . . . , Ck , . . .},


w2 w2





w1 w2

w1 w1

w2 w1


w2 w0 w2


Decoding of w0

w1 w1

w2 w2 w2


w2 w1


w2 w0

w0 Decoding of w1

Decoding of w2

Codebook Construction

Fig. 6.

The left hand figure illustrates illustrates construction of our proposed codebook. The message w0 is mapped to one of 2nR codewords

in the first level, the message pair (w0 , w1 ) is mapped to one of 22nR codewords in the second level of the tree etc., While decoding wk the decoder starts at the root of the tree. It first finds all possible transmit paths of depth k + T in the tree typical with the received sequence. If a unique prefix codeword in level 1 is determined then the corresponding message w0 is decoded. At this point the decoder moves along the path of w0 and finds all possible codewords from level 2 to k + T that are typical with the received codeword. A unique message w1 is determined if there is a unique prefix codeword in level 2. This process continues till level k is reached and wk is determined.

where Ck is the codebook to be used in coherence block k when messages (w0 , . . . , wk ) are revealed4. Codebook Ck consists of a total of 2MR(k+1) codewords and each codeword is assigned to one element in the set k+1 IM = { (w0 , . . . , wk ) : w0 ∈ IM , . . . , wk ∈ IM } .


where IM , {1, 2, . . . , 2MR }. All codewords are length M sequences whose symbols are sampled i.i.d. from   CN 0, Nρt . In coherence block k, the encoder observes w0 , . . . , wk , maps it to the codeword Xk (w0k ) ∈ CNt ×M

in Ck , and transmits each of the M columns of Xk over M channel uses. The entire transmitted sequence up to and including block k is denoted by  Xk0 (w0k ) , X0 (w0 ), X1 (w01 ), . . . , Xk (w0k ) ,

Xk0 (w0k ) ∈ CNt ×(k+1)M


For decoding message wk , our proposed decoder does not rely on previously decoded messages, but instead 4 We


will make the practically relevant assumption that the communication terminates after a sufficiently large but fixed number of coherence


¯ 0k at time computes a new estimate of the all the messages w Tk = k + T − 1


¯ 0 by searching over using the entire received sequence Y0Tk = (Y0 , . . . , YTk ). First it searches for a message w ˆ 0Tk ), Y0Tk )} are jointly typical. If each such sequence has a unique ˆ 0Tk such that {XT0 k (w all message sequences w ¯ 0 then w ¯ 0 is selected as the message in block 0. Otherwise an error is declared The decoder then proceeds prefix w sequentially, producing estimates of w1 , . . . , wk . In determining wl , l ≤ k, the decoder uses the already-determined ¯ 0l−1 . The decoder searches for a sequence of messages w ˆ lTk such that the corresponding vector of estimates w ¯ 0l−1 , w ˆ lTk ) has the property that the sub-sequence between l to Tk (the suffix) satisfies transmit sequence XT0 k (w ¯ 0l−1 , w ˆ lTk ), YlTk ) ∈ Tl,Tk , (XTl k (w


where the set Tl,l′ is the set of all jointly typical sequences [53], Tl,l′ =

Pl′  − k=l [log pXk ,Yk (Xk , Yk ) − h(pXk ,Yk )] ′ ′ ′ ′ ≤ ε , (29) (Xll , Yll ) : Xll ∈ T (pXl′ ), Yll ∈ T (pYl′ ), l l M (l′ − l + 1) ′

where T (pXl′ ) and T (pYl′ ) denotes the set of typical {Xll } and {Yll } sequences respectively and where h(pXk ,Yk ) l


denotes the differential entropy of jointly Gaussian random variables. ˆ lTk that satisfy (28) have a unique prefix w ¯ l then we concatenate w ¯ l with If the list of all message sequences w ¯ 0l−1 to get w ¯ 0l , otherwise an error is declared. When the process continue to step k + 1 without declaring an error, w ¯ k is declared to be the output message. message w ¯0k , it first estimates w ¯ 0 based on Y0Tk . It Remark 1: Our decoder is a decision directed decoder. In estimating w ¯ 1 based on Y1Tk with w ¯ 0 fixed, and continues along in k + 1 steps. One may next makes a conditional estimate of w ˆ0k be tempted to try a simpler decoding scheme that avoids the k + 1 steps and directly search for a unique prefix w such that the resulting transmit sequence XT0 k is jointly typical with the received sequence Y0Tk i.e.,   PTk − k=0 [log pXk ,Yk (Xk , Yk ) − h(pXk ,Yk )] ≤ε M (k + T )


ˆ k . This is because for k ≫ 1 the contribution of the Such an approach will not guarantee the recovery of true w

ˆ Tk , YTk ) will in general ˆ k will dominate. Even when {w ˆ k 6= wk } but w ˆ 0k−1 = w0k−1 , the pair (X terms before w ˆ k will be negligible. satisfy (30) as the contribution of the suffix associated with w Our proposed decision directed decoder guarantees that when decoding wk we do not include the bias introduced by w0k−1 in (29).

A. Analysis of error probability We show that for any δ > 0 and 0 < r < min(Nr , Nt ), the error probability averaged over the ensemble of ·

codebooks C(R = (r − δ) log2 ρ, T ), satisfies Pr(E) ≤ ρ−T ·d(r) . By symmetry we will assume, without loss of generality, that a particular message sequence w0k = w0k is transmitted.


For the analysis of error probability we define the events   l ¯0 , . . . , w ¯ l−1 ) = (w0 , . . . , wl−1 ), w ¯ l 6= wl , El = w0 : (w and note that ¯ k 6= wk } ≤ Pr {w

k X



Pr(El ),



where El corresponds to the event that our proposed decoder fails in step l of the decoding process. We develop an upper bond on El for each 0 ≤ l ≤ k and substitute these bounds in (32). We further express El = Al ∪ Bl , where o n Al = (XTl k (w0Tk ), YlTk ) ∈ / Tl,Tk


denotes the event that a decoding failure happens because the transmitted sub-sequence starting from position l fails to be typical with the received sequence whereas     Tk Tk Tk Tk l−1 l−1 ¯0 : w ¯ 0 = w0 , w ¯ l 6= wl , Xl (w ¯ 0 ), Yl Bl = ∃w ∈ Tl,Tk


denotes the event that the decoding failure happens because a transmit sequence corresponding to a message sequence ¯ l 6= wl appears typical with the received sequence. with w As shown in the Appendix B, using an appropriate Chernoff bound we can express, Pr(Al ) ≤ 2−M(Tk −l+1)f (ε)


where f (ε) is a function that satisfies f (ε) > 0 for each ε > 0. ¯ l 6= wl , To bound Pr(Bl ) we begin by noting that by our code construction, we are guaranteed that whenever w ¯ 0Tk ) is sampled independently from YlTk . Hence from the joint typicality the associated transmit subsequence XTl k (w ¯ 0Tk with w ¯ l 6= wl analysis [53], we have that for any sequence w   ¯ 0Tk ), YlTk ) ∈ Tl,Tk | HTl k Pr (XTl k (w ≤2


P Tk

 I(Xj (1);Yj (1))−3ε



PT k

 Cj (ρ)−3ε



where   ρ Hj H†j Cj (ρ) = log det I + Nt


is the associated mutual information between the input and output in the j-th coherence block when the channel matrix equals Hj = Hj . Applying the union bound we have that Pr(Bl | HTl k ) ≤ 2 To bound Pr(Bl ) we define ( Ol =

(Hl , . . . , HTk ) :

Tk X i=l


P Tk


 Cj (ρ)−(Tk −l+1)R−3ε


Ci (ρ) ≤ (k + T − l)r log ρ + (k − l)∆(r) log ρ + 4ǫ log ρ





where ∆(r) =

(Nt − r)(Nr − r) , 0 ≤ r < min(Nt , Nr ). 2(Nt + Nr − 2r)


Note that Pr(Bl ) ≤ Pr(Bl | HTl k ∈ Olc ) + Pr(HTl k ∈ Ol )


Pr(Bl | HTl k ∈ Olc ) ≤ 2−M(k−l)∆(r) log ρ−Mε log ρ


From (38) and (37) we have

. = ρ−Mε−M(k−l)∆(r) .


Thus it remains to bound Pr(Ol ) in (40). Note that Ol is precisely corresponds to the parallel MIMO channel in Corollary 1 with L = Tk − l + 1 and the multiplexing gain of s = Lr + (k − l)∆(r) + 4ε. The associated diversity order is given by: L · d1

s L

 s  s = L Nt − Nr − L L


> L(Nt − r)(Nr − r) − (k − l)(Nt + Nr − 2r)∆(r) − oε (1) = T (Nt − r)(Nr − r) + = T d1 (r) +

(k − l) (Nt − r)(Nr − r) − oε (1) 2

(44) (45)

k−l d1 (r) − oε (1) 2


where we substituted (39) for ∆(r) in (45) and let oε (1) be a function of ε that vanishes as ε → 0. Thus we have ·

Pr(Ol ) ≤ ρ−(T d1 (r)+

(k−l) d1 (r))+oε (1) 2



From (40) and substituting (42) and (47) and using El = Al ∪ Bl we have Pr(El ) ≤ Pr(Al ) + Pr(Bl )



≤ 2−M(Tk −l+1)f (ε) + ρ−Mε−M(k−l)∆(r) + ρ

d1 (r)+oε (1) −T d1 (r)− (k−l) 2



From the union bound, Pr(E) ≤

k X

Pr(El )



k X

2−M(Tk −l+1)f (ε) +


k X

ρ−Mε−M(k−l)∆(r) +


k X

ρ−T d1 (r)−

(k−l) d1 (r)+oε (1) 2



Substituting for Tk = k + T − 1, we can express the first term in (51) as k X

2−M(k+T −l)f (ε) =


∞ X l=0

k X

2−M(l+T )f (ε)



2−M(l+T )f (ε) = 2−MT f (ε)+1 ,



=0 w11





h2 w11

Fig. 7.

= M/2 w22




h3 w21






h2 w11



h3 w12



Streaming setup with two messages arriving in each coherence block. The first message, wk,1 arrives ∆M symbols from the start of

the coherence block while the second message wk,2 arrives M/2 symbols later. We assume a decoding delay of M symbols for each message. the left figure shows the case when ∆ = 0, while the right figure shows the case when ∆ =

1 . 2

which vanishes as M → ∞. By a similar argument we can simplify the second and third terms in (51) to get ·

Pr(E) ≤ oM (1) + ρ−T d1 (r)+oε (1) .


where oM (1) → 0 as M → ∞. Since ε > 0 is arbitrary we have established that the DMT of T d1 (r) is achievable. VII. M ULTIPLE M ESSAGES PER C OHERENCE B LOCK Our primary focus in this paper has been the case when there is one message per coherence block i.e., we assume that the message wk arrives at the beginning of coherence block k, and needs to be reconstructed after a delay of T · M symbols. In this section we will consider the case when two messages, say wk,1 and wk,2 arrive in each coherence block. We assume that wk,1 arrives at time tk,1 = kM + ∆M and wk,2 arrives at time  tk,2 = kM + ∆ + 12 M where ∆ ∈ [0, 1/2]. We will assume that each message wk,i is uniformly distributed in

the set IM = {1, 2, . . . , 2MR/2 } and each message has a decoding delay of T · M symbols. We will restrict our discussion to the case when T = 1. In general when multiple messages arrive in each coherence block there exists an asymmetry in channel conditions experienced by these messages. For example in Fig. 7 when ∆ = 0 the message wk,1 only span one coherence block whereas the message wk,2 span across two coherence blocks and thus see two independent fading gains. Therefore the simple interleaving technique which was optimal in the case of a single message may not be optimal when there are multiple messages in each block. The following result shows that this is indeed the case. Proposition 1: The optimal DMT of the SISO streaming setup with two messages per coherence block, and with ∆ = 0 and T = 1, is   r d(r) = min 1 − , 2 − 2r , 2

r ∈ [0, 1].


Proof: The upper bound is based on the following observation. The bound d(r) = 1 − r/2 follows by revealing every message wk,2 to the destination. The bound d(r) = 2 − 2r follows by revealing message wk,2 at the start of coherence block k and relaxing the deadline of wk and wk+1 such that both only need to be recovered at the end of the coherence block k + 1. From Theorem 2 the associated DMT of this setup is d(r) = 2 − 2r. The upper bound follows.


1 2 The achievability is as follows. We split each message wk,1 into two equal sized messages (wk,1 , wk,2 ) of rate

R0 = R/4. We do not split the messages wk,2 . We sample three Gaussian codebooks as follows. •


The codebook CA consisting of 23MR0 codewords xA

1 sampled i.i.d. from CN (0, ρ). Each pair (wk,1 , wk−1,2 )

1 is mapped to a unique codeword xA (wk,1 , wk−1,2 ) •


2 sampled i.i.d. from CN (0, ρ). Each message wk,1 is


sampled i.i.d. from CN (0, ρ1−β ). Each message wk,2

The codebook CB consisting of 2MR0 codewords xB 2 mapped to a unique codeword xB (wk,1 ).

The codebook CC consisting of 22MR0 codewords xC

is mapped to a unique codeword xC (wk,2 ). We will select β = r/2. 1 In coherence block k, the transmitter transmits xk,I = xA (wk,1 , wk−1,2 ) in the first half of the coherence block and 2 xk,II = xB (wk,1 ) + xC (wk,2 ) in the second half of the coherence block. The receiver observes yk,i = hk xk,i + zk,i

for i ∈ {I, II}. The decoding of the messages is as follows. •

2 The receiver decodes wk,1 from yk,II treating xC as additional noise. An outage happens if     1 r |hk |2 ρ ≤ log 1 + log ρ 2 1 + |hk |2 ρ1−β 4

setting |hk |2 = ρ−(1−α) and β = r/2, we can show that (56) is equivalent to     r ρα ≤ log 1 + log ρ r 2 1 + ρα− 2



from which it can be shown that d(r) = 1 − 2r . •

2 2 After decoding wk,1 the decoder subtracts xB (wk,1 ) from yk,II i.e., y˜k,II = yk,II − hk xB . The decoder 1 1 searches for a pair (wk,2 , wk+1,1 ) such that (xC (wk,2 ), y˜k,II ) are jointly typical and (xA (wk+1,1 , wk,2 )) are

jointly typical. An outage happens if    1 3 1 log 1 + ρ1−β |hk |2 + log(1 + ρ|hk+1 |2 ) ≤ r log ρ 2 2 4


Setting |hk |2 = ρ−(1−α1 ) and |hk+1 |2 = ρ−(1−α2 ) and β = r/2 in (58), log(1 + ρα1 −r/2 ) + log(1 + ρα2 ) ≤

3r log ρ 2


The associated DMT is given by d2 (r) =


(1 − α1 )+ + (1 − α2 )+

(α1 ,α2 )∈A


where A = {(α1 , α2 ) ≥ 0 : (α1 − r/2)+ + α2 ≤ 3r/2}. 1 It can be deduced that d2 (r) = 2 − 2r. Thus the DMT associated with the decoding of (wk,2 , wk+1,1 ) equals

min(1 − r/2, 2 − 2r). Since this analysis can be applied for each k (55) follows.. We note that if ∆ = 1/2, and the decoding delay equals T = M symbols, then message w1 spans across two coherence blocks whereas w2 only spans one coherence block. By reversing the role of wk,1 and wk,2 in the coding scheme in Prop. 1 we can still achieve the DMT in (55). However the following result shows that we cannot have a universal coding scheme oblivious of ∆ that achieves the same DMT.


Proposition 2: Consider the SISO channel model with two messages in each coherence block as in Prop. 1. Assume that either ∆ = 0 or ∆ = 1/2, but the actual value of ∆ is known only to the receiver. The DMT for this setup equals d(r) = 1 − r. Proof: The achievability is straightforward. Each message wk,j is mapped to a codeword of length M/2 of a Gaussian codebook and transmitted immediately. Since each message is of rate

r 2

log ρ the DMT of d(r) = 1 − r

is achievable. For the converse, we consider a multicast setup with two receivers. In coherence block k the transmitter transmits xk,I in the first half of the coherence block and transmits xk,II in the second half i.e., xk = [xk,I xk,II ], where both xk,I , xk,II ∈ CM/2 . Receiver 1 observes yk = [yk,I yk,II ] in coherence block k as follows: yk,I = hk xk,I + nk,I,1 ,


yk,II = hk xk,II + nk,II,1


where receiver 2 observes vk = [vk,I vk,II ] in coherence block k as follows: vk,I = hk xk,I + nk,I,2 ,


vk,II = hk+1 xk,II + nk,II,2


where the noise variables nk,j,l have i.i.d. CN (0, 1) entries. For both receivers, message wk,1 must be decoded at the end of the coherence block k and message wk,2 must be decoded in the middle of coherence block k + 1. Note that the duration of wk,1 spans only one fading state hk , for receiver 1 while wk,2 spans only one fading state hk+1 , for receiver 2. By construction any feasible coding scheme for the original channel where the transmitter is oblivious of ∆ must be simultaneously feasible for the two receivers on the multicast channel. We show that under this constraint d(r) = 1 − r is the maximum possible DMT. We begin by considering Fano’s inequality for receiver 1 for message w0,1 and rate Pr(E0,1 ; h0 = h0 ) ≥ 1 −

2 2I(w0,1 ; y1 |h0 = h0 ) − M r log ρ M r log ρ

Mr 2

log ρ: (65)

Ignoring the second term, which goes to zero as M → ∞ and using the same sequence of steps leading to (16) we have with Pδ = ρ−(1−r+δ)   2I(w0,1 ; y0 |h0 ∈ Hδ ) Pr(E0,1 ) ≥ Pδ 1 − M r log ρ

2I(w0,1 ; y0 |h0N ∈ HδN +1 ) M r log ρ

(66) !

= Pδ


≥ Pδ

2I(w0,1 ; y0N , v0N |h0N +1 ∈ HδN +2 ) 1− M r log ρ

where (67) follows from the fact that h1N is indpendent of (w0 , y0 , h0 ).

(67) !



Similarly applying Fano’s inequality for receiver 2 for message w0,2 we have   2I(w0,2 ; v0,II , v1,I |w0,1 , h1 ∈ Hδ ) Pr(E0,2 ) ≥ Pδ 1 − M r log ρ ! 2I(w0,2 ; v0,II , v1,I |w0,1 , h0N +1 ∈ HδN +2 ) = Pδ 1 − M r log ρ ! 2I(w0,2 ; y0N , v0N |w0,1 , h0N +1 ∈ HδN +2 ) ≥ Pδ 1 − M r log ρ

(69) (70)


Likewise we can show that for each k ≤ N − 1 !

Pr(Ek,1 ) ≥ Pδ

2I(wk,1 ; y0N , v0N |h0N +1 ∈ HδN +2 , w0k−1 ) 1− M r log ρ

Pr(Ek,2 ) ≥ Pδ

2I(wk,2 ; y0N , v0N |h0N +1 ∈ HδN +2 , w0k−1 , wk,1 ) 1− M r log ρ

(72) !


Thus we have that max

0≤k≤N −1

max {Pr(Ek,1 , Pr(Ek,2 ))}

N −1 1 X {Pr(Ek,1 ) + Pr(Ek,2 )} 2N



! I(w0N −1 ; y0N , v0N |h0N +1 ∈ HδN +1 ) ≥ Pδ 1 − N M r log ρ ! N N N +1 I(xN ∈ HδN +1 ) 0 ; y0 , v0 |h0 ≥ Pδ 1 − N M r log ρ PN   k=0 I(xk,I ; yk,I , vk,I |hk ) + I(xk,II ; yk,II , vk,II |hk , hk+1 ) ≥ Pδ 1 − N M r log ρ   N + 1 + (N + 1)(r − δ) log ρ −(1−r+δ) 1− ≥ρ N r log ρ


(76) (77) (78)

where the steps leading to (78) are similar to (21) and hence not elaborated. For N sufficiently large the expression in the brackets in (78) is positive. This establishes that d(r) ≥ 1 − r + δ must hold. Since δ > 0 is arbitrary this concludes the converse in Prop. 2. We conclude this section with the following remark. When there are multiple messages, at equal intervals arriving in each coherence block different messages observe different channel conditions. Prop. 1 shows that coding schemes that exploits this asymmetry across the messages indeed improve the DMT. On the other hand such schemes crucially rely on where the messages arrive in each block. If such information is not available the DMT is in general smaller, as established in Prop. 2. VIII. C ONCLUSIONS We studied the problem of delay constrained streaming over a block fading channel and established that the associated diversity multiplexing tradeoff when there is one message arriving in each coherence block. The converse


is based on an outage-amplification argument and does not follow from simple reductions to known upper bound. The DMT can be achieved using an interleaving scheme that reduces the system to a set of parallel independent channels. We also show that another coding scheme, that uses a sequential tree code, can achieve the DMT in a delay universal fashion. We also discuss some extensions when multiple messages arrive in each coherence block. We believe that the fundamental limits of delay-constrained streaming over fading channels are not well understood and the techniques developed in this work can be a useful starting point for many other scenarios in wireless communications.




Let us define:   ρ † Cl (ρ) = log det I + Hl Hl , Nt

l = 1, . . . , L


which is the maximum mutual information over channel l. Using Theorem 1 we have that . Pr(Cl (ρ) ≤ r log ρ) = ρ−d1 (r) , . Let Σ(ρ) =




Cl (ρ) . Pr (Σ(ρ) ≤ s log ρ) L \


= Pr

{Cl (ρ) ≤ rl log ρ}

l=1 P r1 ,...,rL l rl ≤s,rl ≥0


  L Pr {Cl (ρ) ≤ rl log ρ}l=1



P r1 ,...,rL l rl ≤s,rl ≥0





Pr (Cl (ρ) ≤ rl log ρ)




l=1 P r1 ,...,rL l rl ≤s,rl ≥0

. =




d1 (rl )

P r1 ,...,rL l rl ≤s,rl ≥0

where (82) follows from the union bound, (83) follows because the random variables in (79) are i.i.d. random variables and (84) follows by substituting in (80). Applying Vardhan’s Lemma [22] we have that . Pr(Σ(ρ) ≤ s log ρ) = ρ−d(s) ,


where d(s) =



P r1 ,...,rL l=1 l rl ≤s,rl ≥0

d1 (rl ).



Since the objective function on the right hand side of (86) is symmetric and convex in r1 , . . . , rL the minimum happens when r1 = r2 . . . = rL = s/L, thus yielding d(s) = Ld1

s L



as required.




Our proof is based on the Chernoff-Cramer theorem of large deviations stated below. Theorem 3: Suppose that x1 , . . . , xN are i.i.d. random variables with a rate function fx (·) defined as   fx (t) = sup θ · t − log Ex [exp(θ · x)] ,



and let Mn =

1 n


i=1 xi .

Then there exists a constant N > 0 such that for all n ≥ N we have, Pr(Mn ≥ t) ≤ e−nfx (t)


Recall that Al,l′ is the event that the true codeword is not jointly typical with the received sequence. To upper bound the probability we can ignore the marginal typicality constraints and use Pr(Al,l′ ) ≤ ! P l′ k=l [log pXk ,Yk (Xk , Yk ) − h(pXk ,Yk )] Pr >ε . M (l′ − l + 1)


Note that as Yk = Hk Xk + Zk , the Hk are known to the decoder, and the noise sequence {Zk } is independent, pXk ,Yk (Xk , Yk ) = pXk (Xk )pYk |Xk (Yk |Xk )


= pXk (Xk )pZk (Yk − Hk · Xk )


= pX (Xk )pZk (Z),


where the last equality holds since the codewords are sampled i.i.d. and the noise is also i.i.d. Thus h(pXk ,Yk ) = h(pX ) + h(pZ ). And so l′ X [log pXk ,Yk (Xk , Yk ) − h(pXk ,Yk )]



′ X l [log pX (Xk ) + log pZ (Zk ) − h(pX ) − h(pZ )] =


l′ l′ X X ≤ [log pX (Xk ) − h(pX ) + [log pZ (Zk ) − h(pZ )] k=l




where the last step follows from the triangular inequality. Substituting (95) into (90) and using using the union bound we have Z Pr(Al,l′ ) ≤ Pr(AX l,l′ ) + Pr(Al,l′ )


where we define ) P l′ k=l [log pX (Xk ) − h(pX )] = : ≥ ε) , M (l′ − l + 1) ) ( P l′ k=l [log pZ (Zk ) − h(pZ ) Z l ≥ε . Al,l′ = Zl′ : M (l′ − l + 1) (

AX l,l′

′ Xll



Note that Xk is a sequence of M i.i.d. random vectors each sampled from CN (0, Nρt I) and E[log pX (Xk )] = h(pX ). Similarly, E[log pZ (Zk )] = h(pZ ). Then using Theorem 3, there exist functions fX (ε) and fZ (ε) such that for sufficiently large N = M (l′ − l + 1) ′ Pr(AX l,l′ ) ≤ exp{−M (l − l + 1)fX (ε)}, ′ Pr(AZ l,l′ ) ≤ exp{−M (l − l + 1)fZ (ε)}.

Furthermore by directly using (88) we can show that fX (ε) > 0 and fY (ε) > 0. Setting f (ε) = max(fX (ε), fZ (ε)) establishes (35). R EFERENCES [1] A. Khisti and S. C. Draper, “Streaming data over fading wireless channels: The diversity-multiplexing tradeoff,” in ISIT, 2011, pp. 1111– 1115. [2] S. V. Hanly and D. N. C. Tse, “Multiaccess Fading Channels-Part II: Delay-Limited Capacities,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 44, no. 7, pp. 2816–2831, 1998. [3] G. Caire, G. Taricco, and E. Biglieri, “Optimum power control over fading channels,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 1468–1489, 1999. [4] E. Biglieri, J. G. Proakis, and S. Shamai, “Fading channels: Information-theoretic and communication aspects,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 2619–2692, 1998. [5] D. Tse and P. Viswanath, Fundamentals of Wireless Communication.

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