Recent Researches in Tourism and Economic Development
The structure of accommodation units in Romania L. BRUCKNER, Adina-Maria PUSCASU, V. SURD, Emilia Florentina GROSU, Oana ORBAN Human Geography Babes-Bolyai University Str. Clinicilor, nr. 5-7, Cluj-Napoca Romania
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Abstract: - In this paper we will present the result of combining statistical datas with the vector datas, using cartographic and GIS softwere. Statistically there are 6260 accommodation units recorded in many forms and with different levels of comfort. Also, we will watch the accommodation units structure after the number of units and their places available for each category. Given the fact that the housing units and places are unevenly devided between 1040 location all over Romania, it will be analysed the situation of accommodation units fot each location and then the situation for each cunty includind the confort level.
Key-Words: - Accommodation, comfort level, percentage, tourism, Romania. Through this article is intended an objective presentation of the current situation of accommodation structures in Romania starting from a official database developed by the Ministry of Regional and Tourism Development (M.R.T.D.).
1 Introduction The tourist market is represented by the interference area of tourism product with their consumers. It has two basic concepts, namely: tourism offer (expressed by the tourism product) and the tourism demand ( tourists and their needs) [1] The great extend of tourism activity is determined primarily by natural tourism potential and historical cultural heritage. Romania has the advantage of being able to offer a comprehensive range of destinations, its territory is characterized by a large variety of lanscapes and different forms of relief, waters, flora and fauna, sunny beaches of the Black Sea and the Danube Delta, a rare phenomenon with an unique ecosystem. To this they are added historical monuments from ancient times, lands interspersed with legends, art monuments, original folk elements, traditional cuisine , ethnocultural events and mch more.
3 Method The main method used in the present paper is statistical analysis, correlated with cartographic and descriptive-interpretive study. A few important steps in composing the database behind the maps were : collecting statistical datas about the accommodation units, the conversion of statistical datas in a format that is compatible with the GIS software used, building the vector datas and the final step was to combine the two data types through a GIS software.
4 Analysis The tourism establishments, in any form, propriety and organisation, are classified accordind to the constructions endowments and the quality of public services, in other words, after the comfort level offered on a number of stars or flowers (for the agrotouristic guesthousese). The types of facilities with accommodation functions, existing in Romania, according to the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism, are in total of 17 like this: rent apartment (1-3 stars),
2 Purpose The revaluation and promoting of tourist attractions is mostly limited by the quality of infrastructure in tourist areas, accomodations and recreation services, all stand at the base of tourism development in Romania. The tipe and comfort of accommodation units are important facts to decide the next trip.
ISBN: 978-1-61804-043-5
Recent Researches in Tourism and Economic Development
bungalow (1-3 stars), chalet (1-3 stars), rent room (1-3 stars), camping (1-4 stars), cottages (1-3 stars), hostel (1-3 stars), hotel (1-5 stars), motel (1-3 stars), waterways (2-5 stars), guesthouse (1-5 flori si 1-5 stars), floating pontoon (2-3 stars), tourist stop (1-3 stars), holiday village (2-5), camping site (1 stea), villa (1-5 stars). This clasification is established by the General Authosization and Control Department of the Ministry of Tourism, which verifyes the compliance with the classification criteria and prepares a certificate of classification for each tourist accommodation unit. In Romania There are 6260 accommodation units registered at the Trade Register Office.
seats, meaning 18.79 percent). The villas have 13876 beds (4.86 percent). You can see that to each guesthouse correspounds an average of 16.57 places, compared with the hotel where the average value is 127.03 places. According M.R.T.D. there is a single unit recorded as camping site at Bixad, Covasna county with a star. Also there are six floating pontoons, five in Tulcea county and one in Braila county, there are 14 holiday villages, two for each of Poiana Brasov and Salard localities and one for each of the following: Berceni, Brezoi, Gura Portitei, Navodari, Neptun, Nufaru, Orastie, Sarichioi, Sohodol and Sucevita localities. From 1040 localities with accommodations, the capital of Romania, Bucharest, meets most accommodation units (202 units, 3.22 percent). Between 101 and 200 accommodation units we find six cities: Busteni – 144 units, Brasov – 112 units, Predeal – 112 units, Cluj-Napoca – 108 units, Sinaia – 108 units, Sibiu – 102 units. Between 51 and 100 accommodation units there are 14 localities, between 26 and 50 units, there are 30 localities, between 11 and 25 there are 81, between 6 and 10 there are 79 localities, and between 1 and 5, there are 830 localities, which means 79,80 percent. To be noted there are 491 localities (47.21 percent) that have only one registered accommodation unit which in most cases corresponds to be a guesthouse. (see Figure 1) Most accommodations are in Mamaia, Constanta county, with 21.094 places, meaning 7.38 percent from the total places in Romania. Between 10001 and 20000 places are found three localities: Eforie Nord (10074 places), Neptun (10833 places) and Bucharest (19838 places). Between 5001 and 10000 places there are four localities: Jupiter, Venus, Costinesti and Saturn, all are coastal resorts from Constanta county. Between 1001 and 5000 places there are 44 localities (4.23 percent), between 401 and 1000 places there are 64 localities (6.15 percent), between 201 and 400 places there are 67 localities (6.44 percent), the remaining 857 localities (82.40 percent) do not exceed the verge of 200 places. (see Figure 2) Even from the first view on the maps you can see a significat concentration, in terms of accommodation units and places, along Prahova Valley and along Black Seas coast. The resort from the Prahova Valley area gather a total of 445 accommodation units and the seaside resorts 670 units. These highly visited tourist destinations can host 98692 tourists together, mening 34.55 percent (more than a third from total accommodation posibilities in Romania).
5.1 Accommodation units at local level The accommodation units are divided into 1040 localities, nationwide are being gathered 285583 accommodation posibilities. Table 1 The accommodation units categories with their number of places. Category Rent apartment Bungalow Chalet Rent rooms Camping Cottage Hostel Hotel Motel Waterways Rural guesthouse Guesthouse Floating pont. Tourist stop Holiday village Camping site Villa Total
Accom. units 58 58 170 194 46 29 210 1392 198 21 806 2432 6 58 14 1 567 6260
% 0.93 0.93 2.72 3.10 0.73 0.46 3.35 22.24 3.16 0.34 12.88 38.85 0.09 0.93 0.22 0.02 9.06 100.00
Accom. places 288 1716 4672 1797 10078 761 10712 176836 7418 345 11713 41942 142 2539 738 10 13876 285583
% 0.10 0.60 1.64 0.63 3.53 0.27 3.75 61.92 2.60 0.12 4.10 14.69 0.05 0.89 0.26 0.00 4.86 100.00
Source: M.R.T.D.
As we can see in the table above, most accommodations are of guesthouse type, classified by stars (2432 units, with a share of 38.85 percent of total), though, they measure only 41942 places, representing 14.69 percent of total. These are followed by hotels with a number of 1392 units (22.24 percent) and the rural guesthouses with 806 units (12.88 percent). In Romania, the most accommodations places are provided by the hotel units (176836 places, meaning 61.92 percent), nemely with 3.29 times more seats than both types of guesthouses (53655
ISBN: 978-1-61804-043-5
Recent Researches in Tourism and Economic Development
Fig. 1 The accommodation units at locality level.
ISBN: 978-1-61804-043-5
Recent Researches in Tourism and Economic Development
Fig. 2 The accommodation places at locality level.
ISBN: 978-1-61804-043-5
Recent Researches in Tourism and Economic Development
The Black Sea coast can accommodate 85692 tourists (30.00 percent) and Prahova Valley resorts 13000 tourists (4.55 percent). Generally, the county seat contain, thanks to there endowments and central administration of county, most of the accommodation units or accommodation places. In the maps one and two it can be seen the number of units and places for every location but mainly for each county seat. In the following lines we will highlight the number of hosting units and their capacity cover for each county seat: Alba-Iulia (Alba) 16 units with 853 places, Arad (Arad) 57 units with 2117 places, Pitesti (Arges) 28 units with 1608 places, Bacau (Bacau) 20 units with 708 places, Oradea (Bihor) 30 units with 1730 places, Bistrita (Bistrita-Nasaud) 19 units with 989 places, Botosani (Botosani) 10 units with 727 places, Braila (Braila) 18 units with 982 places, Brasov (Brasov) 112 cu 4916 places, Bucuresti (Ilfov) 202 units with 19838 places, Buzau (Buzau) 12 units with 551 places, Calarasi (Calarasi) 10 units with 516 places, Resita (carasSeverin) 12 units with 468 places, Cluj-Napoca (Cluj) 108 units with 4415 places, Constanta (Constanta) 70 units with 4159 places, Sfantu Gheorghe (Covasna) 18 units with 436 places, Targoviste (Dambovita) 12 units with 617 places, Craiova (Dolj) 35 units with 1805 places, Galati (Galati) 33 units with 1369 places, Giurgiu (Giurgiu) 3 units with 230 places, Targu Jiu (Gorj) 21 units with 879 places, Miercurea Ciuc (Harghita) 25 units with 907 places, Deva (Hunedoara) 18 units with 365 places, Slobozia (Ialomita) 6 units with 329 places, Iasi (Iasi) 63 units with 3118 places, Baia Mare (Maramures) 37 units with 1256 places, Drobeta-Turnu Severin (Mehedinti) 20 units with 1113 places, Targu Mures (Mures) 39 units with 2147 places, Piatra Neamt (Neamt) 20 units with 808 places, Slatina (Olt) 9 units with 509 places, Ploiesti (Prahova) 17 units with 1086 places, Zalau (Salaj) 14 units with 532 places, Satu Mare (Satu Mare) 18 units with 838 places, Sibiu (Sibiu) 102 localitati cu 3643 places, Suceava (Suceava) 21 units with 1117 places, Alexandria (Teleorman) 3 units with 182 places, Timisoara (Timis) 88 units with 4656 places, Tulcea (Tulcea) 35 units with 1423 places, Ramnicu Valcea (Valcea) 22 units with 670 places, Vaslui (Vaslui) 9 units with 351 places si Focsani (Vrancea) 14 units with 410 places. Accounting the values for all of the 41 county seats, the result will be 1425 accomodations (22.76 percent from total) such as 75357 places (26,38 percent from total places).
ISBN: 978-1-61804-043-5
5.2 Accommodation units at county level The 6260 accommodation units are divided into the 41 counties, adding Bucharest capital as we can follow in the table bellow: Table 2 Accommodation units at county level. County Alba Arad Arges Bacau Bihor Bistrita-Nasaud Botosani Braila Brasov BUCHAREST Buzau Calarasi Caras-Severin Cluj Constanta Covasna Dambovita Dolj Galati Giurgiu Gorj Harghita Hunedoara Ialomita Iasi Ilfov Maramures Mehedinti Mures Neamt Olt Prahova Salaj Satu Mare Sibiu Suceava Teleorman Timis Tulcea Valcea Vaslui Vrancea Total
Accom. units 128 97 200 115 183 43 18 37 754 202 83 16 163 238 677 111 54 55 44 14 66 320 182 22 88 41 225 48 180 133 20 400 37 46 277 305 9 140 187 23 57 222 6260
% 2.04 1.55 3.19 1.84 2.92 0.69 0.29 0.59 12.04 3.23 1.33 0.26 2.60 3.80 10.81 1.77 0.86 0.88 0.70 0.22 1.05 5.11 2.91 0.35 1.41 0.65 3.59 0.77 2.88 2.12 0.32 6.39 0.59 0.73 4.42 4.87 0.14 2.24 2.99 0.37 0.91 3.55 100.00
Accom. places 3175 3686 5324 3965 10012 2559 862 2207 22549 19838 2443 600 6076 7809 85826 4735 2121 2753 1615 501 2076 6837 5053 2214 3640 2676 4902 1812 7050 3869 851 11387 1070 1909 8024 8370 540 6777 5074 824 1211 10761 285583
% 1.11 1.29 1.86 1.39 3.51 0.90 0.30 0.77 7.90 6.95 0.86 0.21 2.13 2.73 30.05 1.66 0.74 0.96 0.57 0.18 0.73 2.39 1.77 0.78 1.27 0.94 1.72 0.63 2.47 1.35 0.30 3.99 0.37 0.67 2.81 2.93 0.19 2.37 1.78 0.29 0.42 3.77 100.00
Source: M.R.T.D.
The counties with the richest accommodation infrastructure are: Brasov with 754 units (12,04 percent), Constanta with 677 units (10,81 percent), Prahova with 400 units (6,39 percent), Harghita with 320 units (5,11 percent) si Suceava with 305 units (4,87 percent).
Recent Researches in Tourism and Economic Development
Fig. 3 The accommodation units at county level.
ISBN: 978-1-61804-043-5
Recent Researches in Tourism and Economic Development
Fig. 4 The accomodation places at county level.
ISBN: 978-1-61804-043-5
Recent Researches in Tourism and Economic Development
The countis with the fewest accommodation units are: Teleorman with 9 units (0,14 percent), Giurgiu with 14 units (0,22 percent) and Calarasi with 16 units (0,26 percent). (see Figure 3) Most accommodations can be found in the following counties: Constanta with 85826 places (30,05 percent), Brasov with 22549 places (7,90 percent), municipiul Bucharest with 19838 places (6,95 percent), Prahova with 11387 places (3,99 percent) and Vrancea with 10761 places (3,77 percent). He counties with the fewest accommodations are: Giurgiu with 501 places, Teleorman with 540 places and Calarasi with 600 places. (see Figure 4). Analysing the datas will be captured the fact that these counties have the most accommodation structures available in our country: Cluj and Bucharest for rent apartments (each with 13 of 58); Constanta for bungalow (with 21 of 58), for camping (with 11 of 46), for hostel (with 55 of 210), for hotel (with 322 of 1392) and for villas (with 181 of 567); Bacau for cottages (with 4 of 29); Brasov for rural guesthouse (with 128 of 806), guesthouse (with 366 of 2432), for holiday village, same value with Tulcea (each with 3 of 14); Tulcea for nava fluviala (with 18 of 21), for floating pontoon (with 5 of 6); Covasna for camping sites (the only one registered); Hunedoara for chalet (with 27 of 170); Prahova for rent rooms (with 78 of 194), for motel (with 14 of 198) si Valcea for tourist stop (with 8 of 58). This hierarchy of largest number of accommodation units on categories at county level is mainly valide also concerning the places of accommodation with some exceptions: for rent apartments, Bucharest has the most places, for cottages, Tulcea, for motels, Brasov, for tourist stop, Constanta, and for holiday village, Tulcea.
References: [1] X1. Cocean, P., Vlascianu, G., Negoiescu, B., Geografia Generala a turismului, Meteor Press, 2008. [2] X2. Ministerul Dezvoltarii Regionale si Turismului: - accessed on 29.07.2011
5 Conclusion Through this study it has been accomplished a digital complete and up to date database at locality and county level which contains the number of accommodations and their posibilities of hosting, on categories. These database may be very useful in many activity fields but mostly in the tourism domain both for consumer as for tourism dealer. The cartographic method used in this study consists of a useful tool to those who wish quick and fair informing. Maps allow the viewer to capture and understand a phenomenon faster and with a greater impact than classical statistical analysis.
ISBN: 978-1-61804-043-5