The systematic photogrammetric recording of the ...

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Texas A&M University. Anthropology Department. College Station, Texas, USA. Katarina Batur. University of Zadar. Department of Archaeology. Zadar, Croatia ...

The systematic photogrammetric recording of the Gnalić shipwreck hull remains

Jose Luis Casaban Texas A&M University Anthropology Department College Station, Texas, USA Irena Radić Rossi University of Zadar Department of Archaeology Zadar, Croatia

Kotaro Yamafune A.P.P.A.R.A.T.U.S. LLC Yonago City, Tottori Prefecture, Japan Rodrigo de Oliveira Torres Centro de Investigaciones del Patrimonio Costero. Centro Universitario de la Región Este – UdelaR, Maldonado, Uruguay

Katarina Batur University of Zadar Department of Archaeology Zadar, Croatia __________________________________________________________________________

IN POSEIDON'S REALM XXII, Koblenz, 17-19 March 2017 DEGUWA Annual Conference on Underwater Archaeology 2017

The Shipwreck of Gnalić – Mirror of Renaissance World

2012 - 2016 research campaigns

2012 excavation campaign: work in the trenches and recording with photogrammetry

3D visualisation of the 2012 trench (K. Yamafune)

The results of photogrammetry recording in 2012 (Pierre Drap)

Image: J.L. Casabán

Control points network

Image: J.L. Casabán

Gnalić 2013

Photo Coverage

Image: J.L. Casabán

Image Processing

Photo Alignment

Dense point cloud model

Image: J.L. Casabán

Image: J.L. Casabán


Adding Texture

Image: J.L. Casabán

Orthophoto generation

Image: J.L. Casabán

CAD processing Image: J.L. Casabán

GIS Analysis Image: J.L. Casabán

Gnalić 2014

Strategy of 2014 Photogrammetric recording

• New Control Network • Separate Areas

• Models from Different dates • More Integration with the project

Control Network (Site Recorder)

Composite Photogrammetric Model

August 2nd

August 7th

August 4th

August 8th

August 2nd – 11th, 2014

August 6th

August 11th

Measurable 3D models

Composite Orthophoto

August 2nd, 2014

August 8th, 2014

August 4th, 2014

August 7th, 2014

August 11th, 2014


Near Stern Structure/shape Inside of the the hole, curvatures of wooden structure suggest that shape of this area is very similar to water-run/deadwood area of wooden sailing vessels.


Keel And close to the end of field season of 2014, the team find keel timber beneath the heavily framed area. This timber shows uniquely shaped grooves called rabbets where receive garboard strakes of hull planking.

Gnalić 2016




Bilge Pump


Composed _________________________________

3D recording of the artifacts and the timbers

Thank you for your attention!

IN POSEIDON'S REALM XXII, Koblenz, 17-19 March 2017 DEGUWA Annual Conference on Underwater Archaeology 2017