The Tablo - Optus

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The Tablo. A netbook-tablet conversion. By Andrew Lorimer. Original post on – by Rob928. I started look


A netbook-tablet conversion

By Andrew Lorimer

Original post on – by Rob928

I started looking around for netbooks that I could convert I ended up using the same one as in the forum post – Dell Mini 9.

Original Plans Two methods:  Cut out space in keyboard for screen Put spacer in between keyboard section

and screen

I had to do a lot of drawings before I could start building.

Step 1: Taking the netbook apart Take out the keyboard, touch pad, and screen

Step 2: Adjustments Adding touch screen, adding chopping board

Step 3: Putting it all together 


Double-sided tape

Final Product:

Bezel and Screen Chopping board

Body of Netbook