I have found that taking the time to tell the roughly 8-bullet point story of TOAN,
tends to convert prospects who I know. - whereas no initial advertising has shown
The TEAM TOAN Success Strategy Each Member 1. USE THE PRODUCT RIGHT AWAY - Place Text & Banner Ads for any of your other programs and observe the traffic the next few days (and urge your referrals to do the same) 2. Try to place 3 STRONG MARKETERS on your level 1. 3. WHAT WORKS? - I have found that taking the time to tell the roughly 8-bullet point story of TOAN, tends to convert prospects who I know - whereas no initial advertising has shown much response yet (have not had a chance to do really do this much). - The Story: • • • • • • • •
12 year veteran Brain Rooney (co-founder TrafficWave.net) comes out with new, sexier product, UNLIMITED Advertising - for a Limited Price of $20/mon - same 3x10 forced compensation matrix maxing at $88/k/m It's Early days - hard launched mid Sept - market isn't saturated like the a/r market More universally useful product? Easier to sell - free for first 15 days to try out Jump onto it now before their 6,000 membership grows to 60,000 and then 600,000 and beyond Earn 1/10th of the Matrix max = $8,800/month NUMEROUS leaders on board our team already causing spillover Skype support discussion and Spreecast webinars planned to help newbies if they get stuck
4. BEWARE OF THE DIAMOND MATRIX FORMATION - Recognize the enormity of the challenge - that each of the 10 levels requires 3 times the effort to fill than the last did - Recognize those last few levels where the big pay is may be difficult to hit - let's decide to erre on the side of more than we need - Many times at first the Matrix growth is strong and wide - then too many come on who cannot get their 3 and growth stalls and the lower part of the matrix shrinks to form a diamond shape - We need people who can get 3 or more referrals - not too many warm bodies - however, collectively, given the talent in our group already, the product and the timing - if we all focus - we can do this working together and I can quarterback it for us 5. So Please Focus - watch Brian Tracy's Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iDbs3vh6KM&feature=share&list=PLD8F77ECC25589071 And now apply this to TOAN.
Other TOAN Links Regular Affiliate Link: http://www.theonlineadnetwork.com/affiliates/t.php?rid=5820 Video Link: http://www.theonlineadnetwork.com/affiliates/video1.php?rid=5820 Advertising Categories http://www.theonlineadnetwork.com/ My Video Review of TOAN http://youtu.be/Fs8xJHS7gPk TOAN Facebood Group - Owner, Brian assists us, responds to requests https://www.facebook.com/groups/208503012554629/ 6. Multiple positions are allowed! You could get one, and then get 3 more and buy out your first level! (I purchased a second for my Traffic Exchange, Traffic-fusion.biz). Note - it's a bit tricky signing in and out with more than one sometimes and you have to spend time cleaning your cache, maybe use separate browsers.
7. Utilize the vast array of talent assembled almost overnight to create a co-operative tool box of marketing tools web site and resources and incentive to join TeamTOAN members. 8. Use Skype and Spreecast to meet and brainstorm 9. Incentives to Join TeamTOAN • • • • •
FREE splash / capture pages text and video versions Skype support TeamTOAN Video embedded code for your own splash pages Team URL Rotator (still discussing) Team Ad co-ops
10. Splash Pages - thumbnail examples and links and embedded code for graphics ? 11. Links to Video Reviews of TOAN