The tight esophagus - Bougies or balloons - Hindawi
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Jul 17, 2001 - with porfimer sodium versus thermal ablation therapy with Nd:YAG laser for palliation of esophageal cancer: a multicenter randomized trial.
Apr 1, 2002 - Liposarcomas of the gastrointestinal tract are exceedingly rare. Only nine cases of esophageal involvement have been described.
Corres/JOndence and reprints: Dr Linda Rabeneck, Yale University School of Medicine, Clinical. Scholars ... HIV serol- ogy carried out by Western blot tech- ..... non-Haitian patients in South Florida. ... Radiologic and endoscopic findings in.
N m-1 (e.g. Mangan and Sisson 2000; Shea et al. 2010). ... limit for these domains was chosen as follows: Castro and Gardner (2008) found that rhyolitic.
Verrucous carcinoma of the esophagus eluding multiple sets of endoscopic biopsies and endoscopic ultrasound: A case report and review of the literature.
that it is easier to blow up a balloon once it has been started, because the pressure is ... we measured the pressure of air inside the balloon ... The first is made of soft latex (pink dots) while the ... The balloon on the left in the photograph (p
Purpose: Age-related changes in the esophagus include altered motility and sensitivity to ... of esophageal varices (EV) by endoscopic variceal ligation (EVL).
Despite delivering the stent in the left renal artery at 10 atm pressure, it didn't open up properly. ... blood pressure was stable at 80/60 mm Hg. Discussion.
Sep 18, 2015 - He's made a tiny mountain of the tiny amount of sand. OLIVIA. (after a beat) ... lion looking for prey. S
as carcinosarcoma have con- tamed cell aggregates resembling chondro- sarcoma. [,, 4]. However, we wish to report the first instance of a primary esophageal.
a pedicle in the cervical esophagus to the gastroesophageal junction, with its distal tip prolapsed into the ... bulging into the superomedial aspect of the gastric.
Oct 25, 2013 - tinguished grossly from ectopic sebaceous glands and small subepithelial tumors such as carcinoid and granular cell tumor. Moreover,.
The tight esophagus - Bougies or balloons - Hindawi
Dec 9, 1990 - ABSTRACT: Esophageal strictures can be managed with a variety of techni- ques. Each device ... diffuse esophageal spasm, cricopharyngea 1.
The tight esophagus Bougies or balloons JOHNS GOFF,
ABSTRACT: Esophageal strictures can be managed with a variety of techniques. Each device for dilation has its advantages and disadvantages which are important in selecting the appropri ate one for each situation. Stricture management with dilation may require many sessioni. over a prolonged time. Complications of dilation are infrequent, hut perforation must be watched for closely since Its consequences are so serious. The most important facror in stricture management with dilators is physician familiarity with the method selected. Can J Gastroenterol l 990;4(9):593-595 Key Words: Dilation, Esophageal stricture
La stenose de I'oesophage - Bougies ou ballons RESUME: Les retrecissemcnts de l'ocsophage peuvent etre traites par diverses techniques. Chaque instrument servant a la dilatation a ses avantages et ses inconvenients, qui sont a prendre en consideration au moment de cho1sir la so:..Cion ac.Japtce a chaque situation. Le traitemcnt peut requerir des dilatations repetees sur une pcriode prolongee. Les complications de la dilatation sont peu frequentes mais ii faut reste r attentif a route perforation evenruelle, les consequences etant particulierement graves. Le facteur le plus important dans le naitement des stenoses au dilatateur est la dcxterite du mc