The time-dependent Schroedinger equation, Riccati equation and Airy ...

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Apr 22, 2009 - arXiv:0903.3608v5 [math-ph] 22 Apr 2009. THE TIME-DEPENDENT SCHR¨ODINGER EQUATION,. RICCATI EQUATION AND AIRY ...

arXiv:0903.3608v5 [math-ph] 22 Apr 2009

NATHAN LANFEAR AND SERGEI K. SUSLOV Dedicated to Dick Askey on his 75th birthday

Abstract. We construct the Green functions (or Feynman’s propagators) for the Schr¨odinger equations of the form iψt + 41 ψ xx ± tx2 ψ = 0 in terms of Airy functions and solve the Cauchy initial value problem in the coordinate and momentum representations. Particular solutions of the corresponding nonlinear Schr¨odinger equations with variable coefficients are also found. A special case of the quantum parametric oscillator is studied in detail first. The Green function is explicitly given in terms of Airy functions and the corresponding transition amplitudes are found in terms of a hypergeometric function. The general case of quantum parametric oscillator is considered then in a similar fashion. A group theoretical meaning of the transition amplitudes and their relation with Bargmann’s functions is established.

1. Introduction In this paper we discuss explicit solutions of the Cauchy initial value problem for the onedimensional Schr¨odinger equations ∂ψ 1 ∂ 2 ψ i + ± tx2 ψ = 0, ψ (x, 0) = ϕ (x) (1.1) 2 ∂t 4 ∂x with a suitable initial data on the entire real line R. The corresponding Green functions are found in terms of compositions of elementary and Airy functions in the coordinate and momentum representations. It is well-known that the Airy equation describes motion of a quantum particle in the neighborhood of the turning point on the basis of the stationary, or time-independent, Schr¨odinger equation [15], [38], [73], [41], and [49]. Here we consider an application of these functions to the time-dependent Schr¨odinger equations for certain parametric oscillator. It is worth noting that the Green functions for the Schr¨odinger equation are known explicitly only in a few special cases. An important example of this source is the forced harmonic oscillator originally considered by Richard Feynman in his path integrals approach to the nonrelativistic quantum mechanics [26], [27], [28], [29], and [30]; see also [43]. Since then this problem and its special and limiting cases were discussed by many authors; see Refs. [13], [33], [36], [46], [49], [70] for the simple harmonic oscillator and Refs. [8], [16], [35], [51], [59] for the particle in a constant external field and references therein. Date: April 22, 2009. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 81Q05, 35C05. Secondary 42A38. Key words and phrases. The time-dependent Schr¨odinger equation, Cauchy initial value problem, Riccati differential equation, Green function, propagator, gauge transformation, nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation, quantum parametric oscillator, Meixner polynomials, Bargmann’s functions. 1



The case of Schr¨odinger equation with a general variable quadratic Hamiltonian is investigated in Ref. [20]; see also [21], [22], [43], [48], [62], and [63]. Here we present a few examples that are integrable in terms of Airy functions. In this approach, all known exactly solvable quadratic models are classified in terms of solutions of a certain characterization equation. These exactly solvable cases may be of interest in a general treatment of the linear and nonlinear evolution equations; see [12], [17], [18], [19], [39], [42], [47], [64], [69] and references therein. Moreover, these explicit solutions can also be useful when testing numerical methods of solving the time-dependent Schr¨odinger equations with variable coefficients. The solution of the quantum parametric oscillator problem found in this paper is also relevant. 2. Green Function: Increasing Case The fundamental solution of the time-dependent Schr¨odinger equation ∂ψ 1 ∂ 2 ψ + + tx2 ψ = 0 ∂t 4 ∂x2 can be found by a familiar substitution [20] i


2 2 1 ei(α(t)x +β(t)xy+γ(t)y ) . ψ = A (t) eiS(x,y,t) = p 2πiµ (t)


The real-valued functions of time α (t) , β (t) , γ (t) satisfy the following system of ordinary differential equations dα − t + α2 = 0, (2.3) dt dβ + αβ = 0, (2.4) dt dγ 1 2 + β = 0, (2.5) dt 4 where the first equation is the special Riccati nonlinear differential equation; see, for example, [32], [34], [50], [57], [58], [72] and references therein. The substitution

 ′ 2 µ′ µ′′ µ ′ α= , α = − , (2.6) µ µ µ which according to Ref. [50] goes back to Jean le Round d’Alembert [23], results in the second order linear equation µ′′ − tµ = 0. (2.7)

The initial conditions for the corresponding Green function are µ (0) = 0 and µ′ (0) = 1/2. It is well-known that Eq. (2.7) can be solved in terms of Airy functions which are studied in detail; see, for example, [1], [3], [50], [53], [67], [72] and references therein. A different definition of these functions that is convenient for our purposes in this paper is given in the Appendix A. We choose µ0 = (1/2) a (t) and the required Green function solution of the system is given by α0 =

a′ (t) , a (t)

β0 = −

2 , a (t)

γ0 =

b (t) , a (t)




where the Airy functions a (t) = ai (t) and b (t) = bi (t) are defined by (12.13) and (12.14), respectively. Indeed, ′ dβ 0 a′ = −2 a−1 = 2 2 = −α0 β 0 , (2.9) dt a and  ′ b W (a, b) 1 2 b′ a − ba′ dγ 0 = = = − β . (2.10) = dt a a2 a2 4 0 Thus, the Green function has the following closed form   ′ 1 a (t) x2 − 2xy + b (t) y 2 , t>0 (2.11) G (x, y, t) = p exp i a (t) πia (t) in terms of elementary and Airy functions.

It is worth noting that a more general particular solution has the form 1 2 2 ψ = K (x, y, t) = p ei(α(t)x +β(t)xy+γ(t)y ) , 2πiµ (t)


where µ = c1 a (t) + c2 b (t) with µ (0) = c2 6= 0, µ′ (0) = c1 and

c1 a′ (t) + c2 b′ (t) c1 , α (0) = , c1 a (t) + c2 b (t) c2 c2 β (0) , β= c1 a (t) + c2 b (t) c2 β 2 (0) a (t) γ = γ (0) − . 4 (c1 a (t) + c2 b (t)) α=

(2.13) (2.14) (2.15)

This can be easily verified by a direct substitution into the system (2.3)–(2.5). 3. Initial Value Problem: Increasing Case The solution of the Cauchy initial value problem ∂ψ 1 ∂ 2 ψ + + tx2 ψ = 0, ψ (x, 0) = ϕ (x) ∂t 4 ∂x2 is given by the superposition principle in an integral form Z ∞ ψ (x, t) = G (x, y, t) ϕ (y) dy, i




where one should justify interchange differentiation and integration for a suitable initial function ϕ on R; a rigorous proof is given in Ref. [63]. The special case ϕ (y) = K (z, y, 0) of the time evolution operator (3.2) is Z ∞ K (x, y, t) = G (x, z, t) K (z, y, 0) dz



and its inversion is given by

G (x, y, t) = µ (0) |β (0)|



K (x, z, t) K ∗ (y, z, 0) dz,




where the star denotes the complex conjugate. The familiar Euler–Gaussian–Fresnel integral [14] and [55], r Z ∞ πi −ib2 /a 2 e , Im a ≥ 0, (3.5) ei(az +2bz ) dz = a −∞ allows to obtain the following transformation [63]

µ (t) = 2µ (0) µ0 (t) (α (0) + γ 0 (t)) , β 20 (t) , α (t) = α0 (t) − 4 (α (0) + γ 0 (t)) β (0) β 0 (t) β (t) = − , 2 (α (0) + γ 0 (t)) β 2 (0) γ (t) = γ (0) − 4 (α (0) + γ 0 (t))

(3.6) (3.7) (3.8) (3.9)

and its inverse 2µ (t) (γ (0) − γ (t)) , µ (0) β 2 (0) β 2 (t) , α0 (t) = α (t) + 4 (γ (0) − γ (t)) β (0) β (t) β 0 (t) = − , 2 (γ (0) − γ (t)) β 2 (0) γ 0 (t) = −α (0) + 4 (γ (0) − γ (t))

µ0 (t) =

(3.10) (3.11) (3.12) (3.13)

in the cases (3.3) and (3.4), respectively. Direct calculation shows, once again, that our solutions (2.8) and (2.13)–(2.15) do satisfy these transformation rules. It is worth noting that the transformation (3.10)–(3.13) allows to derive our Green function from any regular solution of the system (2.3)–(2.5). 4. Oscillatory Case A time-dependent Schr¨odinger equation i

∂ψ 1 ∂ 2 ψ + − tx2 ψ = 0 2 ∂t 4 ∂x


can be solved in a similar fashion by the substitution (2.2) with dα + t + α2 = 0, dt dβ + αβ = 0, dt dγ 1 2 + β = 0. dt 4

(4.2) (4.3) (4.4)


Here µ0 = − (1/2) a (−t) and α0 = −

a′ (−t) , a (−t)

β0 =

2 , a (−t)

γ0 = −


b (−t) . a (−t)


The Green function is   1 a′ (−t) − 2xy + b (−t) y 2 G (x, y, t) = p exp −i , a (−t) −πia (−t)



and the solution of the initial value problem is given by the integral (3.2).

A more general particular solution has the form (2.12), where µ = c1 a (−t) + c2 b (−t) with µ (0) = c2 6= 0, µ′ (0) = −c1 and c1 a′ (−t) + c2 b′ (−t) c1 , α (0) = − , c1 a (−t) + c2 b (−t) c2 c2 β (0) , β= c1 a (−t) + c2 b (−t) c2 β 2 (0) a (−t) . γ = γ (0) − 4 (c1 a (−t) + c2 b (−t)) α=−

(4.7) (4.8) (4.9)

This can be easily verified by a direct substitution into the system (4.2)–(4.4) or with the aid of the transformations (3.6)–(3.9) and (3.10)–(3.13). We leave further details to the reader. 5. Momentum Representation The Schr¨odinger equation (2.1) takes the form ∂ψ ∂2ψ 1 − t 2 − x2 ψ = 0 (5.1) ∂t ∂x 4 in the momentum representation; see, for example, Ref. [22] for more details. The substitution (2.2) results in dα 1 + − 4tα2 = 0, (5.2) dt 4 dβ − 4tαβ = 0, (5.3) dt dγ − tβ 2 = 0. (5.4) dt The Riccati equation (5.2) by the standard substitution i

1 µ′ α=− 4t µ


is transformed to the second order linear equation 1 µ′′ − µ′ − tµ = 0, t whose linearly independent solutions are the derivatives of Airy functions a′ (t) and b′ (t) .




We choose µ0 = −2b′ (t) and the required solution of the system is α0 = −

b (t) , 4b′ (t)

β0 =

1 , 2b′ (t)

γ0 = −

a′ (t) . 4b′ (t)


The Green function is given by 1 G (x, y, t) = p exp −4πib′ (t)

b (t) x2 − 2xy + a′ (t) y 2 4ib′ (t)


t > 0.


A more general particular solution has the form (2.12), where µ = c1 a′ (t) + c2 b′ (t) , µ (0) = c1 6= 0 and c1 1 c1 a (t) + c2 b (t) , (5.9) , α (0) = − α=− ′ ′ 4 c1 a (t) + c2 b (t) 4c2 c1 β (0) β= , (5.10) ′ c1 a (t) + c2 b′ (t) c1 β 2 (0) b′ (t) . (5.11) γ = γ (0) + c1 a′ (t) + c2 b′ (t) This can be verified, once again, by a direct substitution into the system (5.2)–(5.4) or with the aid of the transformations (3.6)–(3.9) and (3.10)–(3.13). The oscillatory case is similar. The Schr¨odinger equation (4.1) in the momentum representation has the form ∂2ψ 1 ∂ψ + t 2 − x2 ψ = 0 (5.12) i ∂t ∂x 4 and dα 1 + + 4tα2 = 0, (5.13) dt 4 dβ + 4tαβ = 0, (5.14) dt dγ + tβ 2 = 0. (5.15) dt Here 1 µ′ (5.16) α= 4t µ and 1 µ′′ − µ′ + tµ = 0. (5.17) t The corresponding solutions are µ0 = 2b′ (−t) ,

α0 =

b (−t) , 4b′ (−t)

β0 = −

1 , 2b′ (−t)

γ0 =

a′ (−t) 4b′ (−t)


and µ = c1 a′ (−t) + c2 b′ (−t) , 1 c1 a (−t) + c2 b (−t) , α= 4 c1 a′ (−t) + c2 b′ (−t)

µ (0) = c1 6= 0, c2 α (0) = , 4c1

(5.19) (5.20)



c1 β (0) , c1 (−t) + c2 b′ (−t) c1 β 2 (0) b′ (−t) γ = γ (0) − . c1 a′ (−t) + c2 b′ (−t) β=




The Green function is given by   b (−t) x2 − 2xy + a′ (−t) y 2 1 exp i , G (x, y, t) = p 4b′ (−t) 4πib′ (−t)

t > 0.


We leave further details to the reader.

6. Gauge Transformation The time-dependent Schr¨odinger equation   1 ∂ψ 2 = (p − A (x, t)) + V (x, t) ψ, i ∂t 4


where p = i−1 ∂/∂x is the linear momentum operator, with the help of the gauge transformation ψ = e−if (x,t) ψ ′


can be transformed into a similar form   1 ∂ψ ′ 2 ′ ′ = (p − A (x, t)) + V (x, t) ψ ′ i ∂t 4

with the new vector and scalar potentials given by ∂f ∂f A′ = A + , V′ = V − . ∂x ∂t Here we consider the one-dimensional case only; see Refs. [41] and [49] for more details.



An interesting special case of the gauge transformation related to this paper is given by V = −tx2 ,

A = 0, A′ = −

2x , t

f =−

V ′ = −tx2 −

x2 t

x2 , t2

(6.5) (6.6)

when the new Hamiltonian is H

 2 2x 1 1 x2 ′ 2 ′ p+ = (p − A ) + V = − tx2 − 2 4 4 t t   2 2 x 4x 1 2 2 p + (px + xp) + 2 − tx2 − 2 = 4 t t t   1 ∂2 ∂ i = − 2x − + 1 − tx2 , 2 4 ∂x 2t ∂x


and equation (2.1) takes the form

i ∂ψ 1 ∂ 2 ψ 2 + + tx ψ + i ∂t 4 ∂x2 2t

  ∂ψ 2x +ψ =0 ∂x




with a singular variable coefficient at the origin. Substitution (2.2) results in 2 dα − t + α + α2 = 0, dt  t  1 dβ β = 0, + α+ dt t dγ 1 2 + β = 0, dt 4

(6.9) (6.10) (6.11)


µ′ 1 − , µ′′ − tµ = 0. (6.12) µ t As a result one can conclude that the time-dependent Schr¨odinger equation (6.8) has a solution of the form Z ∞ −ix2 /t ψ (x, t) = e G (x, y, t) ϕ (y) dy, (6.13) α=


where the Green function G (x, y, t) is given by (2.11). This solution is not continuous when t → 0+ but it does satisfy the following modified initial condition lim+ eix


2 /t

ψ (x, t) = ϕ (x) ,


which reveals the structure of the singularity of the corresponding wave function at the origin. We leave further details to the reader. ¨ dinger Equations 7. Particular Solutions of Nonlinear Schro One can find solutions of the corresponding nonlinear Schr¨odinger equations following Refs. [20] and [22]. For example, consider the case ∂ψ 1 ∂ 2 ψ + + tx2 ψ = h (t) |ψ|2s ψ, ∂t 4 ∂x2 and look for a particular solution of the form i


2 2 eiφ ei(α(t)x +β(t)xy+γ(t)y +κ(t)) , ψ = ψ (x, t) = Kh (x, y, t) = p µ (t)


φ = constant.


Then equations (2.3)–(2.5) hold with the general solution given by (2.13)–(2.15). In addition, Z t dκ h (t) h (τ ) =− s , κ (t) = κ (0) − dτ . (7.3) s dt µ (t) 0 µ (τ )

The last integral can be explicitly evaluated in some special cases, say, when h (t) = λµ′ (t) :  λ  1−s 1−s    κ (0) − 1 − s (µ (t) − µ (0)) , when s 6= 1, (7.4) κ (t) =    µ (t)   , when s = 1.  κ (0) − λ ln µ (0)

Here µ (0) 6= 0; see [20] and [22] for more details. An example of a discontinuity of the initial data can be constructed by the method of Ref. [22]. Other cases are investigated in a similar fashion.



8. Quantum Parametric Oscillator and Airy Functions The time-dependent Schr¨odinger equation for a parametric oscillator can be written in the form iℏ

∂Ψ = HΨ ∂t


with the Hamiltonian

p2 mω 2 (t) 2 ℏ ∂ H= + x, p= , (8.2) 2m 2 i ∂x where ℏ is the Planck constant, m is the mass of the particle, ω (t) is the time-dependent oscillation frequency. The initial value problem of the form ∂Ψ ℏ2 ∂ 2 Ψ mω 2 =− + (ωt + δ) x2 Ψ, Ψ (x, 0) = Φ (x) (8.3) ∂t 2m ∂x2 2 can be solved by the technique from the previous sections in terms of Airy functions. The substitution Ψ (x, t) = ε1/2 ψ (ξ, τ ) (8.4) iℏ

with τ = ωt + δ, results in

ξ = εx,



mω 2ℏ


∂ψ 1 ∂ 2 ψ + − τ ξ 2 ψ = 0, ψ (ξ, δ) = ϕ (ξ) = ε−1/2 Φ (x) . ∂τ 4 ∂ξ 2 The Green function has the form r  mω  mω 2 2 G (x, y, t) = α (τ ) x + β (τ ) xy + γ (τ ) y exp i 4πiℏµ (τ ) 2ℏ i



with τ = ωt + δ, where µ (δ) = 0, µ′ (δ) = − (1/2) W (ai, bi) = 1/2 and

1 (ai (−δ) bi (−τ ) − bi (−δ) ai (−τ )) , 2 ai′ (−τ ) bi (−δ) − ai (−δ) bi′ (−τ ) α (τ ) = − , ai (−τ ) bi (−δ) − ai (−δ) bi (−τ ) 2 , β (τ ) = ai (−τ ) bi (−δ) − ai (−δ) bi (−τ ) ai′ (−δ) bi (−τ ) − ai (−τ ) bi′ (−δ) γ (τ ) = − . ai (−τ ) bi (−δ) − ai (−δ) bi (−τ ) µ (τ ) =

(8.8) (8.9) (8.10) (8.11)

This can be derived with the aid of transformation (3.10)–(3.13). Thus 1 2 1 α∼ , β∼− , µ ∼ ωt, 2 ωt ωt + as t → 0 and the corresponding asymptotic formula is ! r m im (x − y)2 G (x, y, t) ∼ , exp 2πiℏt 2ℏt

1 ωt


t → 0+ ,





where expression on the right-hand side is a familiar free particle propagator. The solution of the initial value problem (8.3) is given by Z ∞ Ψ (x, t) = G (x, y, t) Φ (y) dy. (8.14) −∞

We leave the calculation details to the reader and consider an application. The time-dependent quadratic potential of the form  1   mω 20 x2 , t ≤ 0,   2    1 mω 2 (ωt + δ) x2 , 0 ≤ t ≤ T , V (x, t) = 2     1  2 2  t≥T  mω 1 x , 2


describes a parametric oscillator that changes its frequency from ω 0 to ω 1 during the time interval T. The continuity at t = 0 and t = T defines the transition parameters ω and δ as follows  2 2/3 1/3  ω 1 − ω 20 T 2 ω= (8.16) , δ = ω0 T ω 21 − ω 20 in terms of the initial ω 0 and terminal ω 1 oscillator frequencies. This model is integrable in terms of Airy functions with the help of the Green function found in this section as follows. (0)

When t < 0 the normalized wave function for a state with the definite energy En = ℏω 0 (n + 1/2) is [41], [49]: r  1/4  mω  −iω 0 (n+1/2)t  e mω mω 0 0 0 (0) 2 √ Ψn (x, t) = x Hn x , (8.17) exp − πℏ 2ℏ ℏ 2n n!

where Hn (ξ) are the Hermite polynomials [1], [3], [4], [52], [53], [56], [67], and [68]. When 0 ≤ t ≤ T the corresponding transition wave function is given by the time evolution operator Z ∞ (0) Ψn (x, t) = U (t) Ψn = G (x, y, t) Ψ(0) (8.18) n (y, 0) dy −∞

with the Green function (8.7)–(8.11). Finally, for t ≥ T the wave function is a linear combination ∞ X (1) ckn (T ) Ψk (x, t) (8.19) Ψn (x, t) = k=0

of the eigenfunctions (1) Ψk

r   mω  e−iω1 (k+1/2)(t−T )  mω 1 1/4 mω 1 1 2 √ (x, t) = exp − x Hk x πℏ 2ℏ ℏ 2k k!



corresponding to the new eigenvalues Ek = ℏω 1 (k + 1/2) with k = 0, 1, 2, ... . Thus function ckn (T ) gives the quantum mechanical amplitude that the oscillator initially in state (ω 0 , n) is found at time T in state (ω 1 , k) . For the transition period 0 ≤ t ≤ T use the integral √ Z ∞ n/2 π −λ2 (x−y)2 Hn e Hn (ay) dy = n+1 λ2 − a2 λ −∞

λax 2

λ −

1/2 a2



Re λ2 > 0,




which is equivalent to Eq. (30) on page 195 of Vol. 2 of Ref. [24] (the Gauss transform of Hermite polynomials), or Eq. (17) on page 290 of Vol. 2 of Ref. [25]. The initial wave function evolves in the following manner  n/2  1/4 r ω 0 + iγω ω n mω 0 Ψn (x, t) = i (8.22) πℏ iµ2n+1n! (ω 0 − iγω) ω 0 − iγω     ω2 β 2 γ mω α− x2 × exp i 2 2 2 2ℏ 4 (ω 0 + γ ω )   r  2 2 2 mω 0 mω 0 ω β x × exp − Hn ωβx , 8ℏ (ω 20 + γ 2 ω 2 ) 4ℏ (ω 20 + γ 2 ω 2 ) where the time-dependent coefficients µ, α, β, and γ are given by equations (8.8)–(8.11) in terms of Airy functions with the argument τ = ωt + δ during the time interval 0 ≤ t ≤ T. The asymptotics (0) (8.12) imply that Ψn (x, t) → Ψn (x, 0) as t → 0+ with the choice of principal branch of the radicals. A direct integration shows that Z ∞ |Ψn (x, t)|2 dx = 1, 0≤t≤T (8.23) −∞

by the familiar orthogonality relation of the Hermite polynomials. The normalization of the wave function holds also, of course, due to the unitarity of the time evolution operator. Then in view of the orthogonality of eigenfunctions (8.20) the transition amplitudes are Z ∞ ∗ (1) ckn (T ) = Ψk (x, T ) Ψn (x, T ) dx,



where one can use another classical integral evaluated by Bailey: Z ∞ 2 2 e−λ x Hm (ax) Hn (bx) dx −∞   m/2 2 n/2 m+n+1 2m+n = m+n+1 Γ a2 − λ2 b − λ2 2 λ    −m, −n ab 1  , ; 1 − q × 2 F1  1   (1 − m − n) 2 2 2 a2 − λ b2 − λ 2


Re λ2 > 0,

if m + n is even; the integral vanishes by symmetry if m + n is odd; see Refs. [10] and [44] and references therein for earlier works on these integrals, their special cases and extensions. The end result is ckn (T ) = 0, if k + n is odd, and s   n/2  1/4 ω ω ω 0 + iγω 2k+n k + n + 1 0 1 n ckn (T ) = i Γ 2 π2 iµk!n! (ω 0 − iγω) ω 0 − iγω k/2   ω 0 ωβ 2 ω2β 2 γ ω1 − +i α− × ω 4 (ω 20 + γ 2 ω 2 ) 4 (ω 20 + γ 2 ω 2 )  n/2  ω 0 ωβ 2 ω1 ω2β 2 γ × − +i α− 4 (ω 20 + γ 2 ω 2 ) ω 4 (ω 20 + γ 2 ω 2 )




−(k+n+1)/2  ω 0 ωβ 2 ω2β 2 γ ω1 + −i α− × ω 4 (ω 20 + γ 2 ω 2 ) 4 (ω 20 + γ 2 ω 2 ) ! −k, −n 1 1 × 2 F1 (1 + iζ) , ; (1 − k − n) 2 2 

where ζ=q

√ ωβ ω 0 ω 1 (αω 0 − γω 1 )2 ω 2 + ω 0 ω 1 + αγω 2 − β 2 ω 2 /4

2 ,

if k + n is even. The terminating hypergeometric function is transformed as follows ! −k, −n 1 1 ; (1 + iζ) 2 F1 (1 − k − n) 2 !  2 −r, −s  (1/2) (1/2)  r s  ; −ζ 2 , if k = 2r, n = 2s, 2 F1   (1/2)  1/2 r+s = !   −r, −s (3/2) (3/2)  r s   ; −ζ 2 , if k = 2r + 1, n = 2s + 1. iζ 2 F1  − (3/2) 3/2 r+s



It is valid in the entire complex plane; the details are given in Appendix B. The transformation (8.28) completes evaluation of the Bailey integral (8.25). Our function ckn (T ) gives explicitly the quantum mechanical amplitude that the oscillator initially in state (ω 0 , n) is found at time T in state (ω 1 , k) . The unitarity of the time evolution operator implies the discrete orthogonality relation ∞ X

c∗kn (T ) ckp (T ) = δ np



for 2 F1 functions under consideration. The well-known orthogonal systems at this level are Jacobi, Kravchuk, Meixner and Meixner–Pollaczek polynomials; see, for example, [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [9], [24], [37], [52], [53], [65], [66], [67], [68], and references therein. This particular 2 F1 orthogonal system is reduced by the transformation (8.28) to the Meixner polynomials. A group theoretical interpretation of the transition amplitudes and their relation with Bargmann’s functions is discussed in section 10. In the limit T → 0+ , when the oscillator frequency changes instantaneously from ω 0 to ω 1 , the transition amplitudes are essentially simplified. As a result ckn (0) = 0, if k + n is odd, and s    (k+n)/2 1/4 k + n + 1 ω ω ω1 − ω0 2k+n+1 0 1 n ckn (0) = i Γ 2 π2 k!n! (ω 0 + ω 1 ) ω 1 + ω 0  ! √ −k, −n ω ω 1 0 1 1 × 2 F1 1 + 2i , (8.30) ; (1 − k − n) 2 |ω 0 − ω 1 | 2 if k + n is even. The discrete orthogonality relation (8.29) and transformation (8.28) hold. The limit ω 1 → ω 0 is interesting from the view point of perturbation theory.



If the oscillator is in the ground state (ω 0 , 0) before the start of interaction, the transition probability of finding the oscillator in the nth excited energy eigenstate (ω 1 , n) with the new frequency is given by |c2k+1,0 (T )|2 = 0 and √ |β| ω ω 0 ω 1 2 |c2k,0 (T )| = q (8.31) 2 2 2 2 2 2 (αω 0 + γω 1 ) ω + ω 0 ω 1 − αγω + β ω /4 2 !k 2 (1/2)k (αω 0 − γω 1 ) ω 2 + ω 0 ω 1 + αγω 2 − β 2 ω 2 /4 × , 2 k! (αω 0 + γω 1 )2 ω 2 + ω 0 ω 1 − αγω 2 + β 2 ω 2 /4 P 2 where k = 0, 1, 2, ... and ∞ k=0 |c2k,0 (T )| = 1 with the help of binomial theorem. If the oscillator is in the first excited state (ω 0 , 1) , the transition probability of finding the oscillator in the nth excited state (ω 1 , n) is given by |c2k,1 (T )|2 = 0 and !3/2 2 2 β ω ω ω 0 1 |c2k+1,1 (T )|2 = (8.32) 2 (αω 0 + γω 1 )2 ω 2 + ω 0 ω 1 − αγω 2 + β 2 ω 2 /4 2 !k 2 (3/2)k (αω 0 − γω 1 ) ω 2 + ω 0 ω 1 + αγω 2 − β 2 ω 2 /4 , × 2 k! (αω 0 + γω 1 )2 ω 2 + ω 0 ω 1 − αγω 2 + β 2 ω 2 /4 P 2 where k = 0, 1, 2, ... and ∞ k=0 |c2k+1,1 (T )| = 1. These probabilities can be recognized as two special cases of the negative binomial distribution, or Pascal distribution, which gives the normalized weight function for the Meixner polynomials of a discrete variable [3], [4],[24], [52], [53], and [68]. In a similar fashion, the probability that the oscillator initially in eigenstate (ω 0 , n) is found at time T after the transition in state (ω 1 , k) is given by |ckn (T )|2 = 0, if k + n is odd, and √ |β| ω ω 0 ω 1 2 (8.33) |ckn (T )| = q 2 (αω 0 + γω 1 )2 ω 2 + ω 0 ω 1 − αγω 2 + β 2 ω 2 /4   2k+n 2 k + n + 1 × Γ k!n!π 2 2 !(k+n)/2 (αω 0 − γω 1 )2 ω 2 + ω 0 ω 1 + αγω 2 − β 2 ω 2 /4 × 2 (αω 0 + γω 1 )2 ω 2 + ω 0 ω 1 − αγω 2 + β 2 ω 2 /4 ! 2 −k, −n 1 1 ; (1 + iζ) , × 2 F1 (1 − k − n) 2 2 if k + n is even. The transformation (8.28) is, of course, valid but the square of the hypergeometric function can be simplified to a single positive sum with the help of the quadratic transformation (13.1) followed by the Clausen formula (13.6): ! 2 −k, −n 1 1 ; (1 + iζ) (8.34) 2 F1 (1 − k − n) 2 2 ! −k, −n, − (k + n) /2 ; z = 3 F2 (1 − k − n) /2, −k − n



with z=

(αω 0 + γω 1 )2 ω 2 + ω 0 ω 1 − αγω 2 + β 2 ω 2 /4


(αω 0 − γω 1 )2 ω 2 + ω 0 ω 1 + αγω 2 − β 2 ω 2 /4

More details are given in the next section.

2 .


Thus we have determined a complete dynamics of the quantum parametric oscillator transition from the initial state with the frequency ω 0 to the terminal one with the frequency ω 1 by explicitly solving the time-dependent Schr¨odinger equation with variable potential (8.15) at all times.

ω ω1 ω (t)





Figure 1. The parametric oscillator frequency.

9. Quantum Parametric Oscillator: General Case The general case of the parametric oscillator with a variable frequency of the form:  ω , t ≤ 0,    0 ω (t) , 0 ≤ t ≤ T , ω 0 = ω (0) , ω (T ) = ω 1 ω (t) =    ω1, t≥T


(see Figure 1) can be investigated in a similar fashion. By the method of Ref. [20] the corresponding transition Green function is given by  m  1 G (x, y, t) = p exp i 0 ≤ t ≤ T, (9.2) α (t) x2 + β (t) xy + γ (t) y 2 , 2ℏ 2πiµ (t)

where µ = µ (t) is a solution of the equation of motion for the classical parametric oscillator [40], [45]: µ′′ + ω 2 (t) µ = 0, (9.3)



that satisfies the initial conditions µ (0) = 0 and µ′ (0) = ℏ/m. The coefficients of the quadratic form are µ′ (t) 2ℏ α (t) = , β (t) = − , (9.4) µ (t) mµ (t)   Z t 2 ℏ2 1 ω (τ ) . (9.5) γ (t) = 2 − 2 dτ ′ m µ (t) µ′ (t) 0 (µ (τ )) The asymptotics (8.13) hold as t → 0+ ; see Ref. [63] for more details.

A similar calculation gives the wave function (8.18) during the transition period 0 < t ≤ T as follows  1/4  n/2 ℏω 0 1 γ − iω 0 p Ψn (x, t) = (9.6) πm µ 2n n! (γ + iω 0 ) γ + iω 0     β 2γ m α− x2 × exp i 2ℏ 4 (γ 2 + ω 20 )   r  mω 0 β 2 x2 mω 0 × exp − Hn βx . 8ℏ (γ 2 + ω 20 ) 4ℏ (γ 2 + ω 20 ) (0)

It satisfies the normalization condition (8.23). The continuity property Ψn (x, t) → Ψn (x, 0) holds as t → 0+ for the principal branch of the radicals.

The transition amplitudes (8.24) are ckn (T ) = 0, if k + n is odd, and s   n/2  2k+n+1ℏ γ − iω 0 k + n + 1  ω 0 ω 1 1/4 ckn (T ) = Γ 2 π2 µ k!n! (γ + iω 0 ) m γ + iω 0  k/2  ω0β 2 β2γ × ω1 − +i α− 4 (γ 2 + ω 20 ) 4 (γ 2 + ω 20 ) n/2   β2γ ω0β 2 +i α− × −ω 1 + 4 (γ 2 + ω 20 ) 4 (γ 2 + ω 20 ) −(k+n+1)/2   β2γ ω0 β 2 −i α− × ω1 + 4 (γ 2 + ω 20 ) 4 (γ 2 + ω 20 ) ! −k, −n 1 1 ; × 2 F1 (1 + iζ) , (1 − k − n) 2 2 where √ β ω0 ω1 ζ=q 2 , (αω 0 − γω 1 )2 + ω 0 ω 1 + αγ − β 2 /4



if k +n is even. The transformation (8.28) is applied and the unitarity of the time evolution operator implies once again the discrete orthogonality relation (8.29) for the 2 F1 functions. Their relations with Meixner polynomials and Bargmann’s functions are discussed in section 10. For the oscillator initially in the ground state (ω 0 , 0) the transition probability of finding the oscillator in the nth excited energy eigenstate (ω 1 , n) with the new frequency is given by |c2k+1,0 (T )|2 = 0



and |c2k,0 (T )|


= q

√ |β| ω 0 ω 1



(αω 0 + γω 1 ) + ω 0 ω 1 − αγ + β /4

(1/2)k × k!



2 !k (αω 0 − γω 1 )2 + ω 0 ω 1 + αγ − β 2 /4 , 2 (αω 0 + γω 1 )2 + ω 0 ω 1 − αγ + β 2 /4

P 2 where k = 0, 1, 2, ... and ∞ k=0 |c2k,0 (T )| = 1. For the oscillator initially in the first excited state (ω 0 , 1) the transition probability of finding the oscillator in the nth excited state (ω 1 , n) is given by |c2k,1 (T )|2 = 0 and !3/2 β 2 ω0ω 1 2 |c2k+1,1 (T )| = (9.10) 2 (αω 0 + γω 1 )2 + ω 0 ω 1 − αγ + β 2 /4  2 !k 2 2 (αω − γω ) + ω ω + αγ − β /4 (3/2)k 0 1 0 1 , × 2 2 k! (αω 0 + γω 1 ) + ω 0 ω 1 − αγ + β 2 /4 P 2 where k = 0, 1, 2, ... and ∞ k=0 |c2k,0 (T )| = 1. Once again, these probabilities are two special cases of the negative binomial distribution, which gives the normalized weight function for the Meixner polynomials of a discrete variable [3], [4], [24], [52], [53], and [68].

In a similar fashion, the probability that the oscillator initially in eigenstate (ω 0 , n) is found at time T after the transition in state (ω 1 , k) is given by |ckn (T )|2 = 0, if k + n is odd, and √ |β| ω 0 ω 1 2 |ckn (T )| = q (9.11) 2 2 2 (αω 0 + γω 1 ) + ω 0 ω 1 − αγ + β /4   2k+n 2 k + n + 1 × Γ k!n!π 2 2 !(k+n)/2 (αω 0 − γω 1 )2 + ω 0 ω 1 + αγ − β 2 /4 × 2 (αω 0 + γω 1 )2 + ω 0 ω 1 − αγ + β 2 /4 ! 2 −k, −n 1 1 ; (1 + iζ) , × 2 F1 (1 − k − n) 2 2

if k + n is even. The transformation (8.28) is valid once again but the square of the hypergeometric function can be simplified to a single positive sum with the help of a quadratic transformation (13.1) followed by the Clausen formula (13.6): ! 2 −k, −n 1 1 ; (1 + iζ) (9.12) 2 F1 (1 − k − n) 2 2 !!2 −k/2, −n/2 ; 1 + ζ2 = 2 F1 (1 − k − n) /2




3 F2



− (k + n) /2

(1 − k − n) /2,

−k − n



(αω 0 + γω 1 )2 + ω 0 ω 1 − αγ + β 2 /4


z =1+ζ =





(9.13) 2 . (αω 0 − γω 1 )2 + ω 0 ω 1 + αγ − β 2 /4 Thus substituting (9.12)–(9.13) into (9.11) one gets the final representation of the probability |ckn (T )|2 in terms of a positive terminating 3 F2 generalized hypergeometric function. For an arbitrary initial data in L2 (R) : ∞ X (0) (0) Ψ (x, 0) = c(0) n Ψn (x, 0) ,

∞ X (0) 2 c = 1, n


the wave function after the transition is given by Z ∞ (1) Ψ (x, T ) = G (x, y, T ) Ψ(0) (y, 0) dy = =

−∞ ∞ X

c(0) n

n=0 ∞ X


(1) ck


G (x, y, T ) Ψ(0) n (y, 0) dy


c(0) n Ψn

(y, T ) =

∞ X



ck Ψk (x, T )







∞ X

ckn (T ) c(0) n



by (8.19). A group theoretical interpretation will be given in the next section. The orthogonality property of the transition amplitudes (8.29) implies the conservation law of the total probability ∞ ∞ X (1) 2 X (0) 2 cn = 1, (9.17) ck = k=0


which follows, of course, from the conservation of the norm of the wave function during the transition.

Thus we have solved the problem of parametric oscillator in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics provided that the solution of the corresponding classical problem (9.3) is known. A more convenient form of the transition amplitudes (9.7) will be given in the next section in terms of Bargmann’s functions. Moreover, the quantum forced parametric oscillator can be investigated by the methods of Refs. [20], [43] and [48]. We leave the details to the reader. 10. Group Theoretical Meaning of Transition Amplitudes The group theoretical properties of the harmonic oscillator wave functions are investigated in detail. In addition to the well-known relation with the Heisenberg–Weyl algebra of the creation and annihilation operators, the n-dimensional oscillator wave functions form a basis of the irreducible unitary representation of the Lie algebra of the noncompact group SU (1, 1) corresponding to the



j discrete positive series D+ ; see [31], [48], [52] and [60]. In this paper we are dealing with the onedimensional case only.

Define the creation and annihilation operators: r   m ℏ ∂ † ωx − , a (ω) = 2ℏω m ∂x

a (ω) =

respectively, with the commutator:


m 2ℏω

  ℏ ∂ ωx + , m ∂x

a (ω) a† (ω) − a† (ω) a (ω) = 1

and the Hamiltonian:

 ℏω a (ω) a† (ω) + a† (ω) a (ω) . 2 Their actions on “stationary” oscillator wave functions, r   mω 1/4 1  mω  mω 2 √ x Hn x , Ψn (x) = exp − πℏ 2ℏ ℏ 2n n! H (ω) =

are given by

aΨn =

n Ψn−1 ,

a† Ψn =

n + 1 Ψn+1 .


(10.2) (10.3)

(10.4) (10.5)

Introducing operators 2 1 † 1 a (ω) , J− (ω) = (a (ω))2 , 2 2  1 1 a (ω) a† (ω) + a† (ω) a (ω) = H (ω) , J0 (ω) = 4 2ℏω one can easily verify the following commutation relations: J+ (ω) =

[J0 , J± ] = ±J± ,

[J+ , J− ] = −2J0 .

(10.6) (10.7)


For the Hermitian operators 1 1 Jx = (J+ + J− ) , Jy = (J+ − J− ) , Jz = J0 , (10.9) 2 2i we get [Jx , Jy ] = −iJz , [Jy , Jz ] = iJx , [Jz , Jx ] = iJy . (10.10) These commutation rules are valid for the infinitesimal operators of the non-compact group SU (1, 1) ; see, for example, [11], [31], [48], [52], [60], and [71] for more details. One can use a different notation for the oscillator wave functions (10.4) as follows: ( Ψ2n (x) , if j = −3/4 and λ = n + 1/4, ψ jλ = Ψ2n+1 (x) , if j = −1/4 and λ = n + 3/4,


where n = 0, 1, 2, ... and the inequality λ ≥ j + 1 holds. The operators J± and J0 have an explicit form   H H 1 ∂ 1 mω 2 , J0 = x − ∓ ∓x (10.12) J± = 2 ℏ ℏω 2 ∂x 2ℏω and their actions on the oscillator wave functions are given by p J0 ψ jλ = λψ jλ , (10.13) J± ψ jλ = (λ ∓ j) (λ ± j ± 1) ψ j,λ±1 ,



whence J 2 ψ jλ = j (j + 1) ψ jλ


with J 2 = J02 + J0 − J− J+ = J02 − J0 − J+ J− . These relations coincide with the formulas that define the action of the infinitesimal operators J± and J0 of the Lie group SU (1, 1) on a basis |j, λi j of the irreducible representation D+ belonging to the discrete positive series in an abstract Hilbert space [11]. Thus the even and odd wave functions Ψn (x) of the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator j form, respectively, bases for the two irreducible representations D+ of the algebra SU (1, 1) with the moments j = −3/4 for the even values of n and j = −1/4 for odd n. It corresponds to the double valued representations of the group SU (1, 1) , or quadruple valued representations of the SO (2, 1) ; see [52] and [60] for more details. It is important for the purpose of this paper that these group theoretical properties are valid “instantaneously”, when ω = ω (t) is an arbitrary function of time. As a result of an elementary, but rather tedious, calculation our transition amplitudes (9.7) can be rewritten in the form j ckn (T ) = Tλλ (10.15) ′ (θ, τ , ϕ) with the new SU (1, 1) quantum numbers 3 j=− , 4

1 λ=r+ , 4

1 λ′ = s + , 4


if k = 2r, n = 2s, and 3 3 1 λ=r+ , λ′ = s + , (10.17) j=− , 4 4 4 j if k = 2r + 1, n = 2s + 1. The matrix elements Tλλ ′ (θ, τ , ϕ) are the so-called Bargmann functions, or the generalized spherical harmonics of SU (1, 1) [11], [52] and [71]: j −iλθ j tλλ′ (τ ) e−iλ ϕ . Tλλ ′ (θ, τ , ϕ) = e ′


Here λ−j−1


(−1) (τ ) = Γ (2j + 2) ×


2 F1

τ −2j−2  τ λ+λ′ Γ (λ + j + 1) Γ (λ′ + j + 1)  sinh tanh 2 2 (λ − j − 1)! (λ′ − j − 1)! ! −λ + j + 1, −λ′ + j + 1 1 ; − 2 sinh (τ /2) 2j + 2


and the corresponding angles are given by  2αω 20 ω 1 + 2γω 1 αγ − β 2 /4   , (10.20) tan θ = (αω 0 + γω 1 ) (αω 0 − γω 1 ) − ω 0 ω 1 + αγ − β 2 /4 ω 0 ω 1 − αγ + β 2 /4  −2γω 0 ω 21 − 2αω 0 αγ − β 2 /4   (10.21) tan ϕ = (αω 0 + γω 1 ) (αω 0 − γω 1 ) + ω 0 ω 1 + αγ − β 2 /4 ω 0 ω 1 − αγ + β 2 /4

for two Euclidean rotations, and 2


2 (αω 0 − γω 1 )2 + ω 0 ω 1 + αγ − β 2 /4 = 2 2 (αω 0 + γω 1 )2 + ω 0 ω 1 − αγ + β 2 /4





for the hyperbolic one. The branch of the radical is taken such that βω 0 ω 1 1 =q 2 . sinh (τ /2) 2 2 (αω 0 − γω 1 ) + ω 0 ω 1 + αγ − β /4


The following symmetry holds: if α ↔ γ and ω 0 ↔ ω 1 , then θ ↔ ϕ. It interchanges the initial and terminal oscillator states. Our formulas (10.15)–(10.23) give a clear group theoretical interpretation of the transition amplitudes for the parametric oscillator in quantum mechanics: D E (1) ckn (T ) = Ψk U (T ) Ψ(0) (10.24) n E D (0) (1) = ψ jλ T (θ, τ , ϕ) ψ jλ′ D E (1) −iθJ0 (ω 1 ) −i(τ +ln(ω 1 /ω 0 ))Jy −iϕJ0 (ω 0 ) (0) = ψ jλ e e e ψ jλ′ D E ′ (1) (0) = e−iλθ ψ jλ e−i(τ +ln(ω1 /ω 0 ))Jy ψ jλ′ e−iλ ϕ j = Tλλ ′ (θ, τ , ϕ) ,

if k + n is even, in terms of the generalized spherical harmonics of the SU (1, 1) algebra for the j discrete positive series D+ with j = −3/4 and j = −1/4 for the even and odd oscillator functions respectively. Formula (9.16) gives a transformation of the “coordinates” of a wave function from the old basis to the new one. The time evolution operator has a familiar form U (t) = T (θ, τ , ϕ) = e−iθJ0 (ω) e−i(τ +ln(ω/ω 0 ))Jy e−iϕJ0 (ω0 )


in terms of the corresponding infinitesimal operators, where 1 1 ∂ − iJy = + x . (10.26) 4 2 ∂x The action of the hyperbolic rotation operator, or Lorentz boost, on a wave function is given by  e−iτ Jy ψ (x) = eτ /4 ψ eτ /2 x . (10.27) Therefore,


(τ ) =


(1) ψ jλ

= eτ /4


E −iτ Jy (1) ψ jλ′ e ∞



 (1) Ψk (x) Ψ(1) eτ /2 x dx, n

if k+n is even, which gives an integral representation for the Bargmann function under consideration; cf. [52]. Thus the SU (1, 1) symmetry suggests the following algebraic form  2 2   ℏ ∂ mω 2 2 iθ − x U (t) = exp 2ℏω 2m ∂x2 2    τ + ln (ω/ω 0 ) 1 ∂ × exp +x 2 2 ∂x




iϕ ℏ2 ∂ 2 mω 20 2 − x 2ℏω 0 2m ∂x2 2 of the time evolution operator, where the group parameters θ, τ , ϕ are governed by the oscillator transition dynamics through formulas (10.20)–(10.23) back to the classical equation of motion for the parametric oscillator (9.3). × exp

It is worth noting that Bargmann’s functions are studied in detail. The functions tjλλ′ (τ ) are related to the Meixner polynomials — the unitarity property of the Bargmann functions, ∞ X tjλλ′′ (τ ) tjλ′ λ′′ (τ ) = δ λλ′ , (10.30) λ′′ =j+1

gives the discrete orthogonality relation of these polynomials. A connection with a finite set of Jacobi polynomials orthogonal on an infinite interval is also relevant. All basic facts about the j functions Tλλ ′ (θ, τ , ϕ) can be derived from the well-known properties of the Meixner and Jacobi polynomials; see Refs. [52], [61], and [71] for more details. 11. Summary The time-dependent Schr¨odinger equations with variable coefficients i

∂ψ 1 ∂ 2 ψ + ± tx2 ψ = 0 ∂t 4 ∂x2

have the Green functions of the form   a′ (±t) − 2xy + b (±t) y 2 1 exp ±i , G (x, y, t) = p a (±t) ±πia (±t)


t > 0,


where a (t) = ai (t) and b (t) = bi (t) are solutions of the Airy equation µ′′ − tµ = 0 that satisfy the initial conditions a (0) = b′ (0) = 0 and a′ (0) = b (0) = 1; see Appendix A below for construction of these solutions.

In the momentum representation the corresponding Schr¨odinger equations with variable coefficients ∂ψ ∂2ψ 1 i ∓ t 2 − x2 ψ = 0 (11.3) ∂t ∂x 4 have the Green functions of the form   b (±t) − 2xy + a′ (±t) y 2 1 exp ∓i , t > 0, (11.4) G (x, y, t) = p 4b′ (±t) ∓4πib′ (±t) where a′ (t) = ai′ (t) and b′ (t) = bi′ (t) are solutions of the equation µ′′ − (1/t) µ′ − tµ = 0 that satisfy the initial conditions a′ (0) = 1 and b′ (0) = 0; see Appendix A for further properties of these functions.

Solution of the corresponding Cauchy initial value problem is given by the time evolution operator as follows Z ∞ ψ (x, t) =

G (x, y, t) ϕ (y) dy,

ψ (x, 0) = ϕ (x)



for a suitable function ϕ on R; see Ref. [63] for more details. Additional integrable cases are given with the help of the gauge transformation.



Particular solutions of the corresponding nonlinear Schr¨odinger equations are obtained by the methods of Refs. [20] and [22]. A special case of the quantum parametric oscillator with the Hamiltonian of the form (8.3) is studied in detail. The Green function is explicitly evaluated in terms of Airy functions by equations (8.7)–(8.11) and the corresponding transition amplitudes are given in terms of a hypergeometric function by formula (8.26). A discrete orthogonality relation for certain 2 F1 functions is derived from the fundamentals of quantum physics. It is identified then as orthogonality property of special Meixner polynomials with the help of a quadratic transformation. An extension to the general case of parametric oscillator in quantum mechanics is also given. Relation of the transition amplitudes with unitary irreducible representations of the Lorentz group SU (1, 1) is established. Further extension to the quantum forced parametric oscillator is left to the reader. We dedicate this paper to Professor Richard Askey on his 75th birthday for his outstanding contributions to the area of classical analysis, special functions and their numerous applications, and mathematical education. 12. Appendix A: Solutions of Airy Equation Bessel functions are defined as ∞  z ν X

(−z 2 /4) k!Γ (ν + k + 1)

∞  z ν X

(z 2 /4) . k!Γ (ν + k + 1)

Jν (z) =


and the modified Bessel functions are Iν (z) =








For an extensive theory of these functions, see Refs. [1], [3], [53], [56], [67], [72] and references therein. The Airy functions satisfy the second order differential equation u′′ − tu = 0.

Their standard definitions are

 t I−1/3 (z) − I1/3 (z) , 3 r  t Bi (t) = I−1/3 (z) + I1/3 (z) 3 Ai (t) =



 t J−1/3 (z) + J1/3 (z) , 3 r  t Bi (−t) = J−1/3 (z) − J1/3 (z) 3 Ai (−t) =

(12.4) (12.5)

(12.6) (12.7)

with z = (2/3) t3/2 . The Wronskian is equal to

W (Ai (t) , Bi (t)) =

1 π



and the derivatives are given by


 t I2/3 (z) − I−2/3 (z) , 3 r  t Bi′ (t) = I2/3 (z) + I−2/3 (z) 3

with z = (2/3) t3/2 .

 t J2/3 (z) − J−2/3 (z) , 3  t ′ Bi (−t) = √ J2/3 (z) + J−2/3 (z) 3

Ai (t) =

Ai′ (−t) =

In this paper we use the following pair of linearly independent solutions     2 3/2 1 1/2 1 t I1/3 t a (t) = ai (t) = 2/3 Γ 3 3 3   ∞ ∞ k X X (t3 /9) t3k+1 2 k = t 3 = k! (4/3)k 3 k (3k + 1)! k=0

(12.9) (12.10)

(12.11) (12.12)





= t+


t t + 3 2 + ... 2 23 237

and     2 1/2 2 3/2 t I−1/3 b (t) = bi (t) = 1/3 Γ t 3 3 3   ∞ ∞ k X X (t3 /9) 1 t3k k = 3 = k! (2/3)k 3 k (3k)! k=0 k=0 1


t3 t6 + 2 2 + ... 6 235 ′ ′ with a (0) = b (0) = 0, a (0) = b (0) = 1. Their relations with the standard Airy functions Ai (t) and Bi (t) are      1 −31/3 Γ (1/3) 3−1/6 Γ (1/3) Ai (t) a (t) (12.15) = Bi (t) b (t) 32/3 Γ (2/3) 31/6 Γ (2/3) 2 with the inverse      1 −31/6 Γ (2/3) 3−1/6 Γ (1/3) a (t) Ai (t) (12.16) = b (t) Bi (t) 32/3 Γ (2/3) 31/3 Γ (1/3) π = 1+

and the Wronskian is

The derivatives are given by

W (a (t) , b (t)) = −1.

    1 2 3/2 a (t) = ai (t) = 2/3 Γ tI−2/3 t 3 3 3   ∞ ∞ k X X 2 (t3 /9) t3k k 3 = = k! (1/3)k 3 k (3k)! k=0 k=0 ′






= 1+

t3 t6 + 3 2 + ... 3 23

and     2 3/2 2 tI2/3 t b (t) = bi (t) = 1/3 Γ 3 3 3   ∞ ∞ k X 4 t3k+2 t2 X (t3 /9) k 3 = = 2 k=0 k! (5/3)k 3 k (3k + 2)! k=0 ′

= with the Wronskian



t2 t5 + 2 + ... 2 2 3·5

W (a′ (t) , b′ (t)) = t.


More facts about the Airy functions can be found in Refs. [1], [53], and [54]. 13. Appendix B: Some Transformations of Hypergeometric Functions We derive the transformation formulas (8.28) as follows. In the even case k = 2r and n = 2s, use the quadratic transformation [3], [56]: ! ! a, b 2a, 2b 1 ; 4z (1 − z) = 2 F1 1 ; z (13.1) 2 F1 a+b+ a+b+ 2 2 followed by a transformation:     (c − a)r a, −r a, −r ; 1−z , (13.2) ; z = 2 F1 2 F1 1+a−c−r c (c)r where (a)r = a (a + 1) ... (a + r − 1) = Γ (a + r) /Γ (a) , for the terminating hypergeometric function. The reflection formula for gamma function: π Γ (z) Γ (1 − z) = (13.3) sin πz allows to complete the proof. In the odd case k = 2r + 1 and n = 2s + 1, one can use the quadratic transformation (13.1) for pure imaginary values of ζ with 0 < (Im ζ)2 < 2, when the series converges. Apply the familiar transformation [3], [53], [56]:     c − a, c − b a, b c−a−b ; z (13.4) ; z = (1 − z) 2 F1 2 F1 c c to get back to a terminating hypergeometric function. The end result, namely, ! −2r − 1, −2s − 1 1 ; (1 + iζ) 2 F1 2 −r − s − 1/2 ! −r − 1/2, −s − 1/2 ; 1 + ζ2 = 2 F1 −r − s − 1/2



= −iζ 2 F1

−r, −s

−r − s − 1/2

; 1 + ζ2




is valid by analytic continuation in the entire complex plane. Our choice of the branch of the radical corresponds to the correct special value at r = s = 0. Use the transformation (13.2) and reflection formula (13.3) in order to complete the proof. The Clausen formula [3]: "





2b, 1 a+b+ , 2

1 ; z = 3 F2 2 and the duplication formula for gamma function:   22z−1 1 Γ (2z) = √ Γ (z) Γ z + π 2 have been used in sections 8 and 9. 2 F1


a+b 2a + 2b

; z




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School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287– 1804, U.S.A. E-mail address: [email protected] School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287– 1804, U.S.A. E-mail address: [email protected] URL: