Oman. Middle East and North Africa. Cultural Resources and Business Travel. Natural Resources. Tourist Service. Infrastr
2.1: Country/Economy Profiles
Oman The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index Rank (out of 141)
Score (1–7)
Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index ......... 65.............3.79 Enabling Environment ....................................... 38.............5.23 Business Environment ......................................... 18.............5.29
Cultural Resources and Business Travel
Safety and Security ............................................... 9.............6.38 Health and Hygiene ............................................. 65.............5.37 Human Resources and Labour Market ................ 90.............4.27 ICT Readiness ..................................................... 45.............4.83 T&T Policy and Enabling Conditions ................ 83.............3.99 Prioritization of Travel & Tourism .......................... 73.............4.51 International Openness ...................................... 119.............2.07
Business Environment Safety and Security
7 6
Natural Resources
Health and Hygiene
5 4 3
Tourist Service Infrastructure
Human Resources and Labor Market
2 1
Ground and Port Infrastructure
ICT Readiness
Price Competitiveness ......................................... 20.............5.33 Air Transport Infrastructure
Air Transport Infrastructure .................................. 58.............2.98
Price Competitiveness
Ground and Port Infrastructure ............................ 40.............4.25
International Openness
Tourist Service Infrastructure................................ 62.............4.53 Natural and Cultural Resources ....................... 93.............2.02
Middle East and North Africa
Natural Resources ............................................... 90.............2.59 Cultural Resources and Business Travel .............. 88.............1.45
Surface area (1,000 square kilometres), 2013 ............. 309.5
Growth (%) in int’l outbound travel spending* ........................2.51
Gross domestic product per capita (PPP$), 2013 ..... 43,304
Average spending per int’l tourist (US$), 2013.....................788.1
Real GDP growth (%), 2013 ............................................ 4.8
T&T industry economic impact, 2014 estimates
Absolute value
Percent of total
Growth forecast
T&T industry GDP (US$ millions).........................................2,556.0 ............................ 3.0 ...............................5.4 T&T industry employment (1,000 jobs) ................................. 36.8 ............................... 3.3 ...............................3.9
Evolution of the T&T Industry Over Time
International tourist arrivals (thousands)
900 1,000 600 500
0 1995
Note: For further details and explanation, please refer to the section “How to Read the Country/Economy Profiles” on page 67. * CAGR 2008-2013. 262 | The Travel & Toursim Competitiveness Report 2015