the use chlorine and chlorine alternatives in

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POSTHARVEST HANDLING AND PROCESSING OF ORGANICALLY ... and Nguyen-the, 1994; Beuchat, 1999; Li ve ark., 2001; Betts and Everis, 2005).
oksit, klora alternatif dezenfektanlar olarak z olabilmektedir. Anahtar K elimeler : Hasat sonu, organik meyve ve sebze, klor, ozon, hidrojen peroksit

THE USE CHL ORI NE AND CHL ORI NE AL TERNATI VES I N POSTHARVEST HANDL I NG AND PROCESSI NG OF ORGANI CAL L Y GROWN FRUI TS AND VEGETABL ES Abstr act A good postharvest management of organic fruits and vegetables similar to organically grown counterparts is depend upon adequate sanitation and disinfection practices starting from harvest. Elimination and prevention of mitigating food-borne illness are very important food safety regulations, thus, approved chemicals may be used for organic produce when required or for preventative measures. Even though few countries banned the use of chlorine, it is the most common sanitizer approved for organic produce in the world. However, there are increasing concerns about the use of chlorine due to potential hazards to humans. Therefore, researchers have been introducing some other options to replace the use of chlorine. Some examples are acetic acid, ethyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, some detergents, hydrogen peroxide, ozone, peroxyacetic acid, carbon dioxide, wax, ethylene, some organic acids and some essential oils, and high temperature treatments. Among those mentioned above, ozone and hydrogen peroxide have becoming alternative disinfectants to chlorine. Ozone is a very effective disinfectant and kills microorganisms very rapidly, yet, that it must be produced on-site and might be harmful to human in high concentration reflects it negative sides. Hydrogen peroxide like ozone performs well against microorganisms but may affect sensory qualities of some products, and may be not applicable to all products and might be harmful to humans in high concentrations as well. K ey Wor ds: Postharvest, organic fruit and vegetable, chlorine, ozone, hydrogen peroxide


Salmonnella spp., Shigella spp., Escheria coli ve Campylobacter


girebilme potansiyeline sahiptirler (Janisiewicz ve ark., 1999; Solomon ve ark., 2002; Jablason ve ark., 2005; Warriner ve ark., 2003a, 2003b; Olaimat ve Holley, 2012). ayvanlardan,


and Nguyen-the, 1994; Beuchat, 1999; Li ve ark., 2001; Betts and Everis, 2005). Hipklorit, klor ve oksijen elementlerin


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ark., 1999; Kim ve ark., 2003; Sharma, 2005).

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Esheria coli O157:H7

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Esheria coli O157 (Busta ve ark., 2001; Betts ve Everis, 2005; Zheng ve ark., 2013).

Yersinia enterocolitica Salmonella


Salmonella ve Shigella sonnei gibi bakterilere

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Piper ve ark., 2001; Burt, 2004; Ippollito ve ark., 2005; Zheng ve ark., 2013; Sivakamur ve Bauutista-Banos, 2014)


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biyokontrol il Aeromonas hydrophila, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella Typhimurium veya Staphylococcus aureus (Vescova ve ark., 1996; Breidt and Fleming, 1997; Wilderdyke ve ark., 2004; Betts ve Everis, 2005; Parafati ve ark., 2015).

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-Canovas, 2003; Ross ve ark., 2003; GomezLopez ve ark., 2014).

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