The use of tree rings in tropical forest management

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species in the Bolivian Amazon and reconstructed their lifetime growth trajectories through ring measurements. Using ring ... permanent plots are used to project tree growth over long time spans and .... We took samples from trees that were felled for timber and ... allowed us to determine the minimum size of trees that would.
Forest Ecology and Management 226 (2006) 256–267

The use of tree rings in tropical forest management: Projecting timber yields of four Bolivian tree species Roel J.W. Brienen a,b,*, Pieter A. Zuidema a,b a

Department of Plant Ecology, Utrecht University, P.O. Box 80084, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands Programa Manejo de Bosques de la Amazonı´a Boliviana (PROMAB), Casilla 107, Riberalta, Bolivia


Received 14 September 2005; received in revised form 12 January 2006; accepted 30 January 2006

Abstract Sustainable management systems for tropical forests require information on tree growth. Generally, growth rates of commercial tropical tree species are derived from repeated measurements in permanent sample plots. Here, we present an alternative method: the use of tree ring analysis. It has some important advantages over plot studies. The aims of this study were (1) to demonstrate how tree ring analysis can be helpful to tropical forest management and (2) to evaluate future timber yields under Bolivian forestry legislation. To this end, we collected stem discs of 17–60 harvested trees of each of four commercial tree species in the Bolivian Amazon and reconstructed their lifetime growth trajectories through ring measurements. Using ring analysis, we calculated age estimates of harvested trees and size distributions of potential crop trees for the next harvest. Timber yields at the next harvest were estimated by projecting ingrowth of trees to harvestable sizes during a cutting cycle of 20 years (as set by Bolivian regulations) using the growth data obtained from tree ring analysis. This was done in two ways: by looking forward and project ingrowth in 20 years based on densities of trees below the minimum cutting size (‘‘prospective analysis’’), and by looking backwards using densities of trees above the harvest limit to calculate their size 20 years ago (‘‘retrospective analysis’’). Both methods yielded low recuperation of initially harvested volume for all four species (generally 20–30%). Thus, initial timber yields of our study species cannot be sustained with a logging cycle of 20 years. We discuss the advantages of tree ring analysis over growth rates obtained from permanent sample plot data. First, age estimates are calculated directly – not based on simulations – and are therefore more accurate. Second, growth rates obtained from ring data of canopy trees are representative for those trees that successfully reached the canopy, and do not include the probably slower-growing individuals that are less likely to reach the canopy. Third, the lifetime growth patterns obtained from ring data allow for accurate assessment of variation among trees in long-term growth and incorporating this intra-specific long-term growth variation resulted in higher and more accurate estimates of timber yield. Finally, we argue that ring analysis should be added to the toolbox of research methods for tropical forest management, but without substituting the monitoring of permanent sample plots, which provides relevant information on forest structure, damage and growth rates of non-ring forming tree species. # 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Cutting cycle; Future crop trees; Sustainable forest management; Tree age; Tree ring analysis; Tropical rain forest; Timber volume

1. Introduction Sustainable logging is commonly proposed as an effective strategy to conserve tropical rain forests by providing economic alternatives to forest conversion to other land uses (Howard and Valerio, 1996; Dickinson et al., 1996). The long-term success of forest management as land use depends primarily on the sustainability of timber production. The evaluation of future

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +52 443 3222706; fax: +52 443 3222719. E-mail address: [email protected] (R.J.W. Brienen). 0378-1127/$ – see front matter # 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2006.01.038

timber production requires information on growth rates of commercial tree species (Boot and Gullison, 1995). So far, permanent sample plots have been the single most important source of tree growth data of tropical trees. Data from permanent plots are used to project tree growth over long time spans and calculate timber yields with growth models (e.g., Vanclay, 1995; Alder, 1995; Arets, 2005). An important limitation of this method is the short time-span of growth measurements on which most studies are based (Condit, 1995) and the low density of species of interest in those plots, especially at larger tree sizes (Clark and Clark, 1996). Apart from the unavoidable extrapolation of growth data, most tree

R.J.W. Brienen, P.A. Zuidema / Forest Ecology and Management 226 (2006) 256–267

modeling studies assume deterministic growth trajectories, do not consider variability among individual trees, and fail to account for autocorrelated growth rates (e.g., Fox et al., 2001). These assumptions and simplifications might lead to unrealistic growth projections, underestimating long-term tree growth (Brienen, 2005). For instance, calculated timber yields are known to be higher if individual variability is incorporated (Stage and Wykoff, 1993; Miina, 1993). In spite of these drawbacks, timber yield has not yet been calculated using realistic growth variation. As an alternative to short-term growth data from plots and complex growth models, we introduce tree rings as a tool to evaluate forest management practices. Contrary to the oftenrepeated claim that tropical rain forest trees do not form annual rings (Lieberman et al., 1985a; Whitmore, 1998), many species do produce clear and annual rings (e.g., Worbes, 1999; Stahle et al., 1999; Dunisch et al., 2002; Fichtler et al., 2003, 2004; Brienen and Zuidema, 2005b). Tree rings measured on harvested trees provide reliable data on lifetime growth rates of those trees that succeeded in attaining harvestable sizes, thus excluding slow-growing trees that probably died before reaching commercial size (cf. Landis and Peart, 2005). Hence, growth rates obtained by tree ring analysis have the potential to be of direct relevance for forest management as they represent the commercially interesting portion of the population. Moreover, these data can be obtained without long-term and labor-intensive measurements in permanent sample plots. The acquired information from tree rings on ages and long-term growth rates can be directly applied to estimate timber yields with relatively simple models. Hence, tree ring analysis could be a valuable and reliable tool to evaluate the sustainability of logging regimes and to project timber yields (cf. Stahle et al., 1999; Worbes et al., 2003). Forest management regulations for polycyclic logging in many tropical countries prescribe a minimum diameter at which trees of commercial species can be harvested, and a cutting cycle that allows for the recuperation of harvested timber volume. In Bolivia, where the present study was carried out, the Forest Law (MDSMA, 1997) prescribes minimum cutting diameters of 50– 70 cm (depending on the species), a cutting cycle of at least 20 years, and a maximum harvest intensity of 80% of the trees of harvestable size (leaving the remaining 20% as seed trees, Van Rheenen, 2005). Unfortunately, it is not known for the most common timber species whether the initial harvested volumes will recuperate after 20 years. In this study, we show for four


timber species how ring data can be used to assess tree growth into harvestable size classes. We estimate timber yields by two different approaches and compare the outcome and evaluate their use for forest management. Three of the four study species are among the most important timber species in Bolivia and neighboring countries. Specific questions addressed in this study are: (1) what are the ages of harvested trees and what is the minimum required tree size for species to grow to harvestable size in one cutting cycle (of 20 years)? (2) Which proportions of trees from the lower size classes can be expected to be available for logging in future harvests? (3) What harvestable volumes can be expected for the second harvest and how do these compare to those of the first yield? (4) How do projections of future yield vary using mean or variable growth trajectories? 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Study areas and study species The study areas are in the northern part of the Bolivian Amazon in the Departments of Pando and Beni. The vegetation in both areas is tropical lowland moist forest with a canopy of 25–35 m high. The average basal area (DBH > 20 cm) is 15 m2 ha1 with 103 trees per hectare (Superintendencia Forestal, 1999). Annual precipitation equals 1760 mm for Cobija (Pando) and 1690 mm for Riberalta (Beni), and the area experiences a distinct dry season from May until September with less than 100 mm of rain per month. We selected four timber species that all produce clear and annual rings in our study area (Brienen and Zuidema, 2005b; see Table 1 for names). All species are exploited for the timber, but vary in market value and available volume. Amburana cearensis (Spanish oak) and Cedrela odorata (Spanish cedar) are highest valued, but their abundance has decreased markedly in many areas due to overexploitation. Timber of Cedrelinga catenaeformis (Mara macho) is of lower value, but its monetary share on the local market increased strongly in the 1990s, nearly equaling that of Cedrela and Amburana (Bojanic, 2001). The joint timber export value of these three species in northern Bolivia was more than 21 million USD in 1998, representing about 80% of the regional income from the timber industry (Bojanic, 2001). Peltogyne cf. heterophylla (Morado) is a lesser-known timber species with limited commercial importance in Bolivia.

Table 1 Characteristics of the study species Species

Amburana cearensis Cedrela odorata Cedrelinga catenaeformis Peltogyne cf. heterophylla


Leguminosae Meliaceae Leguminosae Leguminosae

Adult stature

Canopy Canopy Emergent Canopy

Timber value

High High Intermediate Intermediate

Tree density (ha1) Forest censusesa

This study

0.12 0.17 0.40 –

0.08 0.35 0.80 0.16

Tree densities are obtained from censuses in the Bolivian Amazon and from this study, and are presented for trees with DBH larger than minimum cutting diameter (MCD). a Source: Superintendencia Forestal, 1999.


R.J.W. Brienen, P.A. Zuidema / Forest Ecology and Management 226 (2006) 256–267

The study species are all canopy or emergent species, belonging to the group of non-pioneers (sensu Swaine and Whitmore, 1988), but differing in shade-tolerance (Brienen and Zuidema, 2005a). In all four species tree rings were proven to be annual by correlations between ring widths and rainfall or radiocarbon dating (Brienen and Zuidema, 2005b). In the Department of Pando, we collected samples of Amburana and Cedrela from the private property ‘‘Purisima’’ (118240 S, 688430 W), 50 km south of the town of Cobija. Samples of Cedrelinga and Peltogyne were collected from several adjacent logging concessions or private areas (i.e., Verdun, 108550 S, 658400 W), approximately 40 km east of the town of Riberalta. Data on the abundance and size distributions of trees were collected from both areas. For trees above the minimum cutting diameter, these data were obtained from the censuses in ‘‘Purisima’’ for Amburana and Cedrela (850 ha) and in ‘‘Verdun’’ (500 ha) for Cedrelinga and Peltogyne. Densities of smaller trees (5 cm to minimum cutting diameter) were obtained from smaller plots within the Purisima-area (total sample area 85 ha) for Amburana and Cedrela and from three permanent 9-ha sample plots in Verdun for Cedrelinga and Peltogyne. 2.2. Sample collection, ring counting, and construction of growth curves We took samples from trees that were felled for timber and from large trees that died naturally. Minimum size of included trees equaled 60 cm DBH for Cedrela and 50 cm for the other species. From each tree a cross-sectional wood disc was obtained using a chainsaw. Most samples (>90%) were taken from a height between 0.4 and 1.5 m, maximum sampling height was 3.4 m. When buttresses were present, samples were taken above buttresses, if possible. Especially in trees of Cedrela and Cedrelinga, buttresses >3 m high were common and a relative high proportion of discs contained buttresses. After sanding the stem discs, we counted and measured tree rings in two to four radii and calculated annual diameter growth rates by averaging ring widths from those radii. Radii were chosen such that the average of the radii best corresponded to the calculated average diameter of the disc. For trees with buttresses we counted and measured the rings both in buttresses and in parts in-between buttresses. Ontogenetic differences in diameter growth rates were analyzed for each species by calculating median, minimum, and maximum growth rates for the diameter classes 0–10, 10–30, 30–60, and >60 cm. Species were tested for overall differences in growth rates in each size class using Kruskal–Wallis tests and Dunn-tests for a posteriori pair-wise comparisons. For each tree we established age– diameter relationships or diameter growth trajectories over its entire life. When rings were lacking in the tree center (hollow trees or indistinct rings), we estimated the distance to the pith and used the average number of rings of the other samples of that species to estimate the age of the first visible ring (see Brienen, 2005). Note that tree ages are slightly underestimated as most samples were obtained at about 1 m above the ground.

As the number of growth trajectories obtained from ring data was low for certain analysis we increased this by bootstrap simulations (Brienen, 2005). In these simulations, growth trajectories of 250-year were generated for 1000 individuals by choosing growth rates at each time step from the observed growth rates of the ring analysis. The time step in these simulations equaled 5 years. Previous application of this method yielded sets of simulated growth trajectories with a mean equal to that observed for ring trajectories and with simulated variance similar to that of observed variance (see Brienen, 2005). 2.3. Identifying of future crop trees Individual growth trajectories from the measured ring data allowed us to determine the minimum size of trees that would reach the minimum cutting diameter (MCD) in 20 years and the sizes of trees above MCD that will be available for future harvests, i.e., the ‘future crop trees’. Based on the observed abundances of trees below MCD and the individual growth trajectories, we calculated the proportion of trees that are potentially available for logging after 20 years. This was done by projecting the growth of trees in smaller size classes over a 20-year period, using 1000 simulated growth trajectories. We calculated the mean chances of ingrowth for trees in each size class as the percentage of trees projected to grow above the MCD in the 20 years. We did this for 1000 simulation trees of a random diameter in each size class (size classes; 5–10, 10–20, 20–30 cm, etc. until the MCD). We accounted for mortality using an annual rate of 2%. This value was based on mean values of annual mortality rates recorded in plots in the Bolivian Amazon (Poorter et al., 2001; Dauber et al., 2005; 1.7–3%) and is similar to rates recorded in other tropical forests (Lieberman et al., 1985b; Manokaran and Kochummen, 1987; Swaine et al., 1987a,b; Condit et al., 1995b). Although we recognize that mortality rates vary among species and size classes, we applied an equal rate for all species and sizes as information on size-dependent or species-specific mortality was lacking. Using this mortality rate, we estimated the number of surviving trees per size class over 20-year as 0.9820, and then multiplied this with the actual tree density. Multiplication of this amount by the chance of growing above the MCD yielded the expected number of harvestable trees for each size class 20 years after the initial harvest. 2.4. Volume calculations In order to calculate timber volumes, we first determined for each species the relation between diameter at breast height (DBH, cm) and commercial height (h, height to the lowest branch, in m) using a logarithmic function: h ¼ a þ b lnðDBHÞ


where a and b are species-specific parameters. Data on commercial height and diameter for Amburana and Cedrela were obtained both from standing trees and felled trunks. For Cedrelinga and Peltogyne all data were based on height measurements

R.J.W. Brienen, P.A. Zuidema / Forest Ecology and Management 226 (2006) 256–267 Table 2 Regression coefficients (a and b), coefficient of determination and sample sizes for the logarithmic function h = a + b ln(DBH) used to relate tree height (h, in m) with DBH (in cm) Species





Amburana Cedrela Cedrelinga Peltogyne

2.102 2.244 1.014 3.150

4.309 2.610 3.323 2.185

0.298 0.315 0.413 0.218

82 422 530 154

from standing trees. Parameters and sample sizes are given in Table 2. Commercial wood volume of trees was estimated using:  v¼h

0:5DBH 100

2 (2)


where v = commercial volume of sawn wood (m3), [(0.5DBH/ 100)2p] gives the basal area (m2) and 0.65 is the commonly applied factor to correct for stem taper in Bolivia (Dauber et al., 2005). We assumed that there was no timber loss due to hollow trees, due to damage during felling or otherwise, and that all harvestable volume was extracted and merchantable. For the calculations of timber yield, we followed the regulations of the Bolivian Forestry Law (MDSMA, 1997). This law prescribes a minimum cutting diameter (MCD) for each species (Table 3), a harvest intensity of 80% of the trees above the MCD, leaving 20% of the trees behind for seed production, and a logging cycle of at least 20 years. In our calculations, we assumed that the seed trees were randomly chosen from all trees above the MCD (although small trees are often preferentially retained, Van Rheenen, 2005). Timber yield for the initial harvest was calculated as 80% of the volume of the observed stems in both study areas (850 and 500 ha) and then converted to volumes per ha. 2.5. Prospective and retrospective analysis of future yield Yield projections for the second harvest were based on estimates of the number of trees that attain harvestable sizes over one cutting cycle (hereafter referred to as commercial ingrowth). We determined commercial ingrowth in two ways: by prospective and retrospective analysis. Prospective analysis looks forward to project growth of trees that are currently smaller than the minimum cutting diameter (MCD), over 20 Table 3 Tree ages of the four study species at reaching their minimum cutting diameter (MCD) and at harvest size Species

Amburana Cedrela Cedrelinga Peltogyne


35 60 33 17

MCD (cm)

50 60 50 50

Ages are obtained from ring counts.

Age at MCD (y)

Age at harvested size (y)

Mean (min–max)

Mean (min–max)

95 95 61 135

153 140 90 166

(61–135) (42–172) (46–88) (89–221)

(94–243) (51–308) (54–123) (97–254)


years. Retrospective analysis looks backwards to identify those trees that were below the MCD 20 years ago. Using the current density of harvestable trees commercial ingrowth is determined. Calculations applied in both analyses are explained below and illustrated in Fig. 1. In the prospective analysis, we randomly assigned simulated growth trajectories (allowing variation) to 1000 randomly chosen trees in each of the size classes below MCD and regarded those trees passing over the minimum cutting diameter as commercial ingrowth. The average volume of the commercial ingrowth trees after 20 years was calculated per size class and multiplied by tree density to obtain commercial ingrowth per each size class and per ha. Volumes were summed over size classes and multiplied by the surviving fraction (i.e., 0.9820) to obtain total commercial ingrowth. We assumed that trees from the lower size classes have grown with growth rates equal to those of successful trees that reached harvestable sizes (i.e., growth rates of the sampled trees above the MCD). This calculation may overestimate commercial ingrowth in the case that trees that died before reaching harvestable size, have grown at lower rates than those that did reach the MCD (cf. Landis and Peart, 2005; Brienen and Zuidema, 2005a). The magnitude of this error remains to be quantified, but the difference in growth rate between those trees reaching MCD and those that did not is probably small for canopy individuals, which is the case for most of the ingrowing trees. Furthermore, parameter uncertainty (e.g., in mortality rate) and variation in size distribution probably cause stronger fluctuations in volume estimations (see Section 3). In the retrospective analysis, we calculated commercial ingrowth using simulated growth trajectories (allowing for variation among trees) and by using the mean growth trajectory (without variation). In the calculations with variation among trees, we randomly assigned a simulated growth trajectory to each of the trees above the MCD, while in the calculations without variation we used the mean of the simulated trajectories for all trees. Those trees that were below the MCD 20-year ago were regarded as ingrowth, and their volume provides an estimate of the volume growth over one cutting cycle. Commercial ingrowth using the variable trajectories method was calculated as the average of 10 ingrowth calculations. As we used the observed densities of trees above the MCD there was no need to account for mortality in this analysis. The method assumes that in unlogged and logged forests the number of trees above the MCD and tree growth rates are stable over time and that the sampled trees provide a good estimate of the growth rates of all trees that grow large enough to exceed the MCD. In both analyses we calculated total harvestable yield after 20 years as 80% of the commercial ingrowth plus the yield from retained seed trees from the initial harvest that survived the 20year period (i.e., 20% of the initial volumes multiplied by the surviving fraction, 0.9820). In addition to the above calculations, we estimated the time required to recuperate volumes to full (100%) and partial (50%) pre-harvest levels. To this end, we applied prospective analysis to project tree growth in the size classes


R.J.W. Brienen, P.A. Zuidema / Forest Ecology and Management 226 (2006) 256–267

Fig. 1. Illustration of the calculation of ingrowth of trees to commercial sizes using prospective (a) and retrospective (b) analysis. Left panels show observed frequencies of trees per ha for the size classes that were used to calculate ingrowth; right panels show ingrowth of trees into commercial size resulting from the calculations. Black areas in bars of the left panels indicate the fraction of commercial ingrowth. The prospective analysis was based on the size classes below the minimum cutting diameter (MCD) by projection of the trees 20 years forward in time, while the retrospective analysis was based on trees above the MCD by calculating the number of trees that were below the MCD 20 years ago.

3. Results

harvestable commercial trees is close to four trees on average per ha (Superintendencia Forestal, 1999). All species had J-shaped size distributions with many more juveniles than adults, although the difference between juvenile and adult densities was rather small in Amburana (Fig. 2). Populations of Cedrela and Cedrelinga contained much larger trees than Amburana and Peltogyne, which hardly grew to >1 m DBH. The size-class structures of populations of Cedrela, Cedrelinga and Peltogyne show clear depressions in the 50–60 cm class and increasing densities again towards larger size classes. This depression coincides with the size at which the trees reach their maximum growth rates (cf. Fig. 3), and may thus be caused by faster growth through these size classes followed by accumulation at larger size classes with lower growth rates.

3.1. Abundance and size distribution

3.2. Growth rates

Species differed 10-fold in the density of harvestable trees per ha (Table 1). Harvestable trees of Amburana occurred in very low densities in our study area with 0.08 trees on average per ha. The other species had higher tree densities with the highest density for Cedrelinga of 0.80 trees per ha. Note that the densities of Cedrela and Cedrelinga observed in our study areas are twice as high as the average densities in the north of Bolivia (Superintendencia Forestal, 1999). The total number of

Three of the four study species showed a strong ontogenetic pattern in growth rates, with relatively low growth rates in the smallest size class and a strong increase (>two-fold) towards larger diameters (Fig. 3). Only for Amburana, the ontogenetic growth pattern was different: the growth rate hardly changed with size. The highest median growth rates were found between 30 and 60 cm diameter. Of the four species, Cedrelinga had the highest median growth rates, followed by Cedrela.

below MCD using simulated growth trajectories (with variation), and then calculated the volume of trees above the MCD at each year. This was done for more or less similar numbers of trees per species, divided over the size classes below the minimum harvest diameter corresponding to the observed size distribution. The maximum time-span of the projections was the average time of an individual to reach the MCD starting at the lower limit of the smallest size class (i.e., 5 cm in diameter). Longer projections would not be possible due to a lack of recruitment in our simulations. We accounted for mortality by multiplying the volume by the surviving fraction assuming a 1 and 2% annual mortality rate.

R.J.W. Brienen, P.A. Zuidema / Forest Ecology and Management 226 (2006) 256–267


Fig. 2. Density of trees in diameter classes for four tree species (note different Y-axis scales). Densities of trees below their minimum cutting diameter (MCD) were obtained from permanent sample plots and above this diameter data were from forestry censuses of the same area.

3.3. Ages of harvestable trees and sizes of potential crop trees Mean age at which trees reached their minimum cutting diameter (MCD) varied up to two-fold among species (Table 3). The lowest mean age was observed in Cedrelinga (61 years) and the highest age in Peltogyne (135 years). Within species, variation in ages among individual trees was high, varying even more than four-fold among trees of Cedrela. Mean age of harvested trees varied between 90 and 166 years. Individual growth trajectories for each of the four species are shown in Fig. 4 along with their MCD. For each species,

we calculated the size range of trees that will potentially reach the MCD in 20 years, shown as the vertical arrow along the Yaxis. This range contains those trees that have a chance to be future crop trees; while all trees larger than the maximum of the range will reach harvestable sizes in 20 years and those below the minimum will not be able to reach the MCD in 20 years. The maximum value of the calculated size ranges for potential crop trees varied between species. In Cedrelinga, all trees >32 cm in diameter reached their MCD in 20 years, while in the other species only trees >40 cm in diameter attained merchantable size. Amburana and Peltogyne needed to be >40 cm in diameter at the time of initial harvest to reach harvestable sizes 20 years later and Cedrela >50 cm in diameter (note that its MCD is 60 cm and different from the 50 cm of the other species). The four species also varied in the diameter range of potential crop trees. Cedrela and Cedrelinga had wide ranges, and Amburana and Peltogyne showed rather narrow diameter ranges of potential crop trees (30–40 cm in diameter). More essential are differences in the minimum tree sizes required to harvestable sizes in 20 years; for Cedrela and Cedrelinga these sizes were relatively small, around 15 cm, while Amburana and Peltogyne needed much bigger sizes of around 30 cm in diameter to be able to reach the MCD. 3.4. Available recruitment from the smaller size classes

Fig. 3. Diameter growth rates (minimum, median, and maximum) of four tree species calculated from ring data of large trees. Median growth rates differed among species in each of the size categories (Kruskal–Wallis tests, P < 0.001). Different superscript letters under the bars indicate significant (P < 0.05) differences among species in that size class using the Dunn-tests, a posteriori comparison between groups. Sample sizes for the species are: Amburana 22–35, Cedrela 51–60, Cedrelinga 6–33, Peltogyne 16–17.

For all four species, a large proportion of the trees (>63%) in the size class preceding the MCD (40–50 cm, Cedrela; 50– 60 cm) were projected to grow to harvestable sizes after 20 years (Fig. 5). Nearly all of the trees that did not grow to harvestable sizes were projected to die (cumulative mortality


R.J.W. Brienen, P.A. Zuidema / Forest Ecology and Management 226 (2006) 256–267

Fig. 4. Age–diameter relations for four species obtained from ring data (gray lines) and a representation of how minimum and maximum size of future crop trees can be derived. These limits were derived by selection of the fastest (‘f’) and slowest growers (‘s’; bold trajectories) before reaching the minimum cutting diameter (MCD; long horizontal lines) and determining their sizes 20 years back in time (follow arrows). These sizes delimit the diameter ranges of trees that can potentially exceed the MCD in one cutting cycle (i.e., potential crop trees; vertical arrow adjacent to Y-axis). Trees above the upper limit are expected to grow to harvestable size in 20 years, while trees above the lower limit are only potentially able to do so.

over 20 years equaled 33%). In Amburana and Peltogyne, the proportion of crop trees decreased strongly in the smaller size classes (16 and 17% of the 30–40 cm trees, respectively), while in Cedrelinga the proportions remained very high with even

50% of the trees of 20–30 cm in diameter projected to recruit to harvestable sizes in one cutting cycle. In Cedrela, recruitment from the 30–40 cm class was relatively low (20%), but this is due to its higher MCD.

Fig. 5. Estimates of recruitment of trees into harvestable classes from below the minimum cutting diameter (MCD), as derived from simulations. The black areas of the bars represent the number of trees per ha expected to grow above the MCD in 20 years; the hatched areas are the number of trees dying in 20 years and the grey areas are the surviving trees that will not reach the MCD. Percentages above the bars give the proportions of trees per class that is expected to be available for harvest in 20 years.

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Table 4 Timber yields at initial harvest and second harvest after 20 years for four tree species Species


Harvestable volume (m3/ha) Ingrowth (20 years, 80%)





Initial harvest Second harvest Prospective analysis-with variation Retrospective analysis-with variation Retrospective analysis-no variation Initial harvest Second harvest Prospective analysis-with variation Retrospective analysis-with variation Retrospective analysis-no variation Initial harvest Second harvest Prospective analysis-with variation Retrospective analysis-with variation Retrospective analysis-no variation Initial harvest Second harvest Prospective analysis-with variation Retrospective analysis-with variation Retrospective analysis-no variation

Initial harvest (%) Seed trees

Total 0.306

0.020 0.047 0.037

0.036 0.036 0.036

0.056 0.083 0.074

18 27 24

2.190 0.28 0.39 0.25

0.24 0.24 0.24

0.620 0.623 0.488

24 29 22

5.192 0.61 0.59 0.5

0.54 0.54 0.54

1.150 1.127 1.037

22 22 20

0.389 0.16 0.086 0.072

0.037 0.037 0.037

0.197 0.123 0.109

61 32 28

Volumes of the second harvest are separated into that from ingrowth of trees to harvestable sizes (80% of total ingrowth), and that from seed trees retained in the initial harvest. Volumes for second harvest are derived in three ways: applying the prospective analysis based on recruitment from the smaller size classes and using variable growth trajectories (‘‘with variation’’), applying the retrospective analysis based on the population distribution above the minimum cutting diameter using variable growth trajectories (‘‘with variation’’) and applying the same analysis with a mean trajectory (‘‘no variation’’). The last column shows the volume obtained in the second harvest as a percentage of the initial harvested volume.

3.5. Yield estimations Initial harvestable volumes varied more than 10-fold among the species (Table 4), due to differences in tree density (cf. Table 1), and in the size distribution of harvestable trees. All projections of available volume during the second harvest (after 20 years) were low, with a maximum harvest for Cedrelinga of 1.15 m3/ha (Table 4). The proportion of harvested volume that recuperated from the initial harvests was also low. Only 20–30% of the volume obtained during the initial harvest is expected to be available during the second harvest. For Peltogyne a higher volume recuperation was obtained using the prospective analysis: 60% of the initial harvest. A portion of the volume during the second harvest was obtained from seed trees that were left at initial harvest, but the largest volume share was obtained from commercial ingrowth. The results of the prospective and retrospective analysis of volume ingrowth were very similar in Cedrela and Cedrelinga, but differed in the other two species. The prospective analysis projected a lower commercial ingrowth for Amburana and a much higher commercial ingrowth of Peltogyne compared to the retrospective analysis. The commercial ingrowth was lower when using one deterministic growth trajectory (‘‘no variation’’) as compared to the simulated growth trajectories with variation (retrospective projection; Table 4). These differences were considerable (i.e., between 15 and 36%, cf. numbers in Table 4) and are caused by differences in projected ingrowth to larger size

classes (Fig. 6). When allowing variation in growth, some fastgrowing trees will reach large sizes, while in the deterministic simulations such fast growth is impossible. In Cedrela, for example the projected harvestable tree sizes using the variable trajectories were between 60 and 100 cm in diameter, while in the deterministic projections the diameters of harvestable trees did not exceed 80 cm. The largest difference between commercial ingrowth projections using variable and deterministic growth was found in Cedrela, which also showed the highest variation among trees in growth trajectories (cf. Fig. 4). 3.6. Recuperation time of initial volumes Time spans to recuperate the initially harvested volumes are projected to be very long for most species (Table 5). Assuming a 2% mortality rate, a recuperation of 100% of the initial volumes would take more than 40 years in all species. Exact recuperation times cannot be estimated in all cases due to the lack of recruitment in our simulations, but the results clearly show that complete recuperation requires long periods of time. Even when assuming a mortality rate of 1%, the fastest time to recuperate the volume is 32 years in Peltogyne, but it is >46year for the other three species. It may seem counter-intuitive that the slowest growing species, Peltogyne has the shortest recuperation time. This is caused by the high density of trees in size classes just below the MCD for this species (cf. Fig. 2). The slowest recuperations are observed in Amburana, for which a recuperation of even 50% of the volume is projected to take 70


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Fig. 6. Estimated ingrowth to harvestable size classes (m3/ha per 20 years) based on the retrospective analysis (see Section 2). Volumes in left panels are based on growth trajectories with realistic variation; and those in right panels are based on ingrowth without variation (mean growth trajectory). Note that the minimum cutting diameter (MCD) of Cedrela is 60 cm DBH.

Table 5 Projected time to recuperate 50 and 100% of the volumes obtained in the initial harvest, applying at two mortality rates (1 and 2%) Species

Amburana Cedrela Cedrelinga Peltogyne

Time (y) to recuperate

Max time span of projection (y)

100% of initially harvested volume

50% of initially harvested volume

1% mortality

2% mortality

1% mortality

2% mortality

84 72 46 32

84 78 46 44

70 43 35 19

84 71 46 21

84 78 46 96

The last column gives the maximum time for species over which the projections can be done. This period equals the mean passage time from 5 cm diameter to the minimum cutting diameter.

years, using the 1% mortality rate. In our study plots, this species has very low densities of trees 50 larger than 80 cm DBH) are sampled. Growth trajectories for a particular commercial tree species can be considered as a general representation of growth dynamics for that species, provided that the forest type is the same. In this way, yield calculations can be easily obtained for different forest concessions, using site-specific size distributions, which are often available from forest censuses. Clearly, further simpli-


fication of the analyses – but without loosing reliability and strength – is required for broad adoption in the toolbox of forestry research. Finally, we believe that the use of tree ring analysis deserves to be included in the portfolio of approaches to evaluate tropical forest management as a complementary tool to permanent sample plot measurements. Permanent sample plots remain needed to record mortality rates, to monitor regeneration, to measure logging damage and growth rates after logging, and to observe long-term shifts in species composition. To forest managers one of the advantages of tree ring analysis is the short-time period in which long-term growth data can be gathered by direct counting and measuring of tree rings on discs of harvested trees. Presently, the power of the approach tends to expand as reliable annual rings are found for more tropical tree species. 4.2. Implications for forest management From a forest management perspective, the observed ages of the harvested trees in our study area are disturbingly high. The oldest harvested trees were 300 years old and estimated times to recuperate the harvestable volumes of the undisturbed forest far exceed the 20-year cutting cycle now being used. For Peltogyne, it took around 44 years to replace initial volumes, but these periods were much longer in the other species with projections of more than 84 years to recuperate volumes of Amburana. These periods are similar to those obtained from growth and yield models in Venezuela (Kammescheidt et al., 2003; 50–100 years), but shorter than those for timber species in Guyana (Arets, 2005, >150 years). It is obvious that the time to recuperate harvested volumes is not only a function of species-specific growth rates, but also depends on the number of trees present in the lower size classes (i.e., available stock). The time-span to recuperate harvested volumes also varied greatly with the assumed mortality rate, indicating the importance of reliable (i.e., long-term) data on mortality. Projected yields for the second harvest after 20 years were much lower than the initial harvests (recuperation of less than 30%), except for the projections for Peltogyne using the prospective analysis. Even for Cedrelinga, which has the highest volume ingrowth and highest tree density, the projected commercial ingrowth from smaller trees was less than 1 m3/ha over 20 years. These recuperations of volume after 20 years are in the same range as those predicted by Dauber et al. (2005) for the Bolivian Amazon. Given these low recuperation rates, it is clear that harvested volumes cannot be sustained in a cutting cycle of 20 years, at least not when the same species are harvested. One option would be to skip the harvest after 20 years and leave the populations to recuperate for 40 years. We presented data for only four species, but currently more than 15 species are exploited in the region, with total harvestable volumes of 15 m3/ha (Superintendencia Forestal, 1999). Often, the most valuable species are exploited only during first harvest and species of secondary commercial importance are exploited in subsequent harvests. In such cases, volumes for the


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second harvests are higher than those calculated by us, but the economic viability of such systems is not guaranteed, and depends on many more factors than we considered, including timber prices and the tax-system. Many studies have shown that future yields can be substantially improved by liberation of potential crop trees from lianas and from competition with surrounding trees (i.e., girdling of inferior species; e.g., de Graaf et al., 1999; Nebel et al., 2001; Kammescheidt et al., 2003). Our data may provide guidelines for forest managers about the size ranges where such treatments are most likely to have a large effect on yield in the next cutting cycle (i.e., potential crop trees, cf. Fig. 4). For Amburana and Peltogyne, trees between 30 and 40 cm diameter were likely to reach commercial sizes in 20 years, while the size ranges of potential crop trees of Cedrela and Cedrelinga were much wider. These differences between species in the size ranges of potential crop trees for the next harvest may also indicate differences in species’ ability to respond to silvicultural treatments. Species with a wide range of future crop tree sizes (e.g., Cedrelinga and Cedrela) seem more promising for improvements of growth rates given that they showed higher variability in growth (and provided that this variation is induced by differences in light availability). Trees of these species of about 15 cm in diameter were able to reach harvestable sizes in 20 years, demonstrating their enormous growth potential. Silvicultural treatments might substantially improve growth rates of suppressed individuals of these species. We made several simplifying assumptions in our simulations of timber yields and recuperation time. One was that logging does not induce extra mortality of future crop trees. Damage of trees due to logging and subsequent mortality may be considerable, but the actual proportion varies with logging intensity and the application of reduced impact logging (RIL) practices (Johns et al., 1996; Van der Hout, 1999; Jackson et al., 2002; Sist et al., 2003). We expect logging-induced mortality to be low in the most important size classes containing future crop trees (i.e., >40 cm diameter), as these trees are large and are more resistant to damage. Nevertheless, we acknowledge that the proportion of future crop trees that we present may slightly overestimate the actual values. Another assumption was that growth rates remain the same after logging, whereas studies showed that they at least temporarily increase (Silva et al., 1995; de Graaf et al., 1999; Kammescheidt et al., 2003). This would result in higher yields than projected in our simulations, but the magnitude of this change may be small as harvest intensity is rather low (1–4 trees/ha; Leigue et al., 2004) and relatively few logging gaps are formed. Most future crop trees will therefore not be located close to logging gaps. Another source of variation in simulated yields is the difference in size distribution between forest management areas. This variation can be easily quantified as densities of trees >MCD are often available for commercial species. Still, after considering the variation caused by the above-mentioned factors we expect that the magnitude of our estimates for available timber in the second harvest is realistic. We conclude that it will be difficult to sustain timber yields for these species in cutting cycles of 20 years and without

application of silvicultural treatments. To maintain high yields, cutting cycles should be longer than 20 years, and/or silvicultural treatments should be applied. Still then, complete recuperation of the initial harvested volumes is doubtful and will be much slower than previously anticipated. Acknowledgements We are very grateful to Adhemar Cassanova Arias, Merlijn Janssens, Henri Noordman, Jeanette Pacajes, Anneke Rijpkema, Jan Rodenburg, Vincent Vos and Oliver Yancke for their indispensable assistance with the ring measurements and to the staff of PROMAB and the ‘‘field team of Purisima’’ for their help in the fieldwork. We thank the Instituto de Geologı´a y Medio Ambiente (IGEMA) from the Universidad Mayor de San Andres (UMSA) in La Paz and Jaime Argollo for the use of their measurement equipment. Francis Putz and Marinus Werger are acknowledged for constructive comments on earlier versions of this paper. This research is part of the Programa de Manejo de Bosques de la Amazonı´a Boliviana (PROMAB) financed by grant BO 009703 from the Netherlands Development Assistence (DGIS). References Alder, D., 1995. Growth Modelling for Mixed Tropical Forests. Tropical Forestry Papers, vol. 30. University of Oxford, Oxford, 1–231. Arets, E.J.M.M., 2005. Long-term responses of populations and communities of trees to selective logging in tropical rain forests in Guyana. Ph.D. thesis, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Tropenbos-Guyana series 13, Tropenbos-Guyana Programme, Tropenbos International, The Netherlands, p. 191. Bojanic H.A.J., 2001. Balance is beautiful: assessing sustainable forest management in the rainforests of the Bolivian Amazon. Ph.D. thesis, Utrecht University, PROMAB Scientifi.c series 4, p. 256. Boot, R.G.A., Gullison, R.E., 1995. Approaches to developing sustainable extraction systems for tropical forest products. Ecol. Appl. 5, 896–903. Brienen, R.J.W., 2005. Tree rings in the tropics; a study on growth and ages of Bolivian rain forest trees. Ph.D. thesis, Utrecht University, PROMAB scientific series 10, p.144. Brienen, R.J.W., Zuidema, P.A., 2005a. Lifetime growth patterns and ages of trees in a tropical forest in Bolivia based on tree ring analysis. J. Ecol. 94, 481–493. Brienen, R.J.W., Zuidema, P.A., 2005b. Relating tree growth to rainfall in Bolivian rain forest: a test for six species using tree ring analysis. Oecologia 146, 1–12. Clark, D.A., Clark, D.B., 1992. Life-history diversity of canopy and emergent trees in a neotropical rain-forest. Ecol. Monogr. 62, 315–344. Clark, D.B., Clark, D.A., 1996. Abundance, growth and mortality of very large trees in neotropical lowland rain forest. Forest Ecol. Manage. 80, 235–244. Condit, R., 1995. Research in large, long-term tropical forest plots. Tree 10, 18–22. Condit, R., Hubbel, S.P., Foster, R.B., 1995a. Demography and harvest potential of Latin American timber species: data from a large, permanent plot in Panama. J. Trop. For. Sci. 7, 599–622. Condit, R., Hubbel, S.P., Foster, R.B., 1995b. Mortality-rates of 205 neotropical tree and shrub species and the impact of a severe drought. Ecol. Monogr. 65, 419–439. Dauber, E., Fredericksen, T.S., Pena, M., 2005. Sustainability of timber harvesting in Bolivian tropical forests. Forest Ecol. Manage. 214, 294–304. de Graaf, N.R., Poels, R.L.H., Rompaey, R.S.A.R., 1999. Effect of silvicultural treatment on growth and mortality of rainforest in Surinam over long periods. Forest Ecol. Manage. 124, 123–135.

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