The Worship of God - New Life Orthodox Presbyterian Church ...

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Today. 9:30 am Christian Education for Adults and Children. 10:45 am Morning Worship Service. 1 pm Fellowship Meal & Budget Info Meeting. Wed.
Th e Lo rd ’s Day — Se ptemb e r 2 4 , 2 0 1 7 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” Proverbs 18:21

New Life Calendar

The Wor s h i p of God

Responding to God * Hymn 170 Prayer of Intercession & Lord’s Prayer Presentation of Offerings * Doxology Benediction *

Psalm 141, James 3:1-12

My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less “The Power of the Tongue”

Fairest Lord Jesus

(back of bulletin)

p. 733

*Congregation stands

NURSERY: Feel free to bring your children to our nursery (just off the foyer) before the worship service, or after the children’s message. However, because worship is a duty and a joy for all of God’s people, even the youngest, you are welcome to keep your children with you during the service.

New Life News

Hearing God’s Word Prayer for Illumination Old & New Testament Readings Children’s Message * Hymn 521 Sermon Prayer for Blessing on the Word

9:30 pm Christian Education for Adults & Children 10:45 am Morning Worship Service (Yasar) 6 pm Evening Worship Service (Browne) Tue. 5:30 pm Youth Group Meeting at Building Wed. 1 pm Ladies’ Daytime Bible Study at Taylors’ C A N C E L E D 4 pm Moms in Prayer at Smiths’ 7 pm Neighborhood Outreach Bible Study at Brownes’ 7 pm Bible Study at Singletarys’ Thu. 7:00 pm Officer Training Class Begins at Building Fri. 1 pm Moms in Prayer at Building Weekdays 8:30 pm & Sun. 5 pm Sproul’s Renewing Your Mind (WJSA 96.3/100.5) Nursery—Kalin W., Stephan W., Jendy H., Riley M. (next: Beth A., Evan A., Mona C., Naomi Z.) Ushers—Steve I., Dom D., Len R. (next: Seth C., Martin W., Michael H.) Greeters—Lynne B. (next: Cassie B.) October 1 Lord’s Supper Prep—Cassie B. September Elder Visits—Cook, Nordstrom, Richards, Weigle

Elders & Deacons Pray Together Before Worship Approaching God * Salutation & Call to Worship Isaiah 25:6-9 Prayer of Invocation & Adoration * Hymn 101 (Trinity Hymnal) Come, Thou Almighty King * * Confession of Faith Westminster Shorter Catechism 76-78 (insert) Being Reconciled to God God’s Standard of Righteousness Matthew 15:16-20 Prayer of Confession God’s Promise of Forgiveness Romans 8:31-38 Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross * Hymn 264


 For Sunday Prayer—1) our daughter church, Omega OPC 2) our evangelism at New Life: monthly neighborhood visits, twice monthly evangelistic Bible studies, Elmcroft ministry, visitor Sundays, giveaway, personal outreach 3) our nation (1Tim.2:14) 4) Middle East Reformed Fellowship, supported by New Life, is “an evangelical Christian missionary organization which serves in the Middle East, North Africa and Asia on behalf of Reformed and Presbyterian Family of Churches and believers worldwide. Our work is bearing fruit for the Kingdom of Christ among the twenty-two nations of the Arab League and other Muslim areas in Africa and Asia. MERF strengthens national churches with ministries of evangelism, church extension, biblical training, and diaconal aid.”  “English for Kids” Quebec Mission Team Report Next Sunday After Worship  Ladies’ Daytime Bible Study at Taylors’ Is Canceled This Week  Ministry at Elmcroft Assisted Living Center, Sun., 10/1, 2 pm  New Life Parenting Seminar Sat., 10/14, 9-11:30 am—Come to our regularly recurring

sharing & teaching opportunity for parents! This time we will view video of Paul Tripp presenting material from his recent book, “Parenting: The 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family.” Please let Pastor Browne know if you will attend.  August Budget Update

2017 Weekly Budgeted Requirement (Gen. Fund) $4,917 Avg. Weekly Receipts This Month (GF) $4,079 YTD Avg. Weekly Receipts (GF) $4,921 YTD Missions/Diaconal Portion 32%