The Yellow Pages. MELWOOD CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE. A Community of
Faith on a Mission . . . LOVE GOD ♥ LOVE PEOPLE ♥ SERVE THE WORLD.
The Yellow Pages MELWOOD
These pages have been prepared to provide the people of Melwood a quick source of requested information about the ministries, policies and procedures of our local church. Should you have additional questions, please feel free to contact the church office. CHURCH OFFICE
(301) 599-6700
(301) 599-6704
(301) 599-6703
FAX #:
(301) 599-6730 STAFF E-MAILS
John W. Nielson, Lead Pastor
[email protected]
Janet Johnson, Assoc. Pastor, Child Development Center
[email protected] Amber Sweeney, Associate Pastor for Children
[email protected]
Henry Sweeney, Associate Pastor for Youth
[email protected]
Butch Sweeney, Lay Minister for Pastoral Care
[email protected]
Chuck Johnson, Finance Administrator
[email protected]
Amy Nielson, Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
A Abiding Words Did you know you can access Pastor John's sermons online each week? Just go to You can listen there or download them to a computer or MP3 play to listen to later. If you have an iPhone or iPod touch, you can download the free app called Sermon.Net and search for John W. Nielson. Join his channel and sermons will be added automatically. If you have any questions, see Pastor John directly. Anniversaries and Birthdays These are currently posted on bulletin board outside the Sanctuary. If you notice a birthday or anniversary is missing, or if you are new to Melwood and we don't have that information yet, please contact the church office or let us know on a communication card. Announcements If you have an announcement or event that you would like placed in the Sunday Worship Folder, please let us know in advance via e-mail or communication card. Include all important details so that we have all the information we need to promote the event/activity and to answer any questions that might come into the office. Upcoming events are included in the Worship Folder under "Other Dates and Information," and then moved forward as space allows. If you have any questions, please call the church office. Events may also be included in the pre-service slide announcements. Any announcements you would like made in a service need to be cleared in advance with Pastor John. We would ask that you not wait until just before a service to make this request. We try to limit announcements for Sunday morning worship, and so, generally this time would only consist of all-church announcements (not those exclusive to a particular group.) Appointments with the Pastoral Staff Made personally with the individual or call the church office. Audio Visuals TV, DVD player, projector, screen, sound equipment, etc., are available for church use. To reserve equipment for a particular event or activity, let us know on a communication card or send an e-mail to the church office. Advance notice is needed to avoid conflicts. For further information or questions contact the church office.
B Baby Dedications/Baptisms Scheduled with Pastor John or contact the church office.
Barnabas Team This ministry of encouragement includes Absentee follow-up, Guest follow-up, Hospital visitation, and Shut-In visitation. Contact Pastor John if you would like to be involved in this ministry. Banana Boxes The Church of the Nazarene sends banana boxes (the kind you can get a grocery stores) full of clothing, Crisis Care Kits, and School Pal-Paks (school supplies) all around the world to people in need. We collect clothing in good condition throughout the year. We also will ask for the supplies for the Crisis Care Kits or School Pal-Paks. You also can help us out by brining in Banana Boxes from your local grocery store. Several times a year, we will pack these boxes up to be delivered to the Compassionate Ministry Center in Fawn Grove, PA. Each fall, we also have a fundraiser that we call "Nuts For Missions." Proceeds from these sales go towards the cost of shipping these boxes around the world. Baptism Interested in learning more about baptism in the Church of the Nazarene? Please talk to Pastor John directly. Borrowing Want to borrow chairs? Tables? Some things are allowed to be taken out of the building; other things are not. Please call or send and e-mail to the church office or send a request via a communication card. Please note: It is your responsibility to return items to the room and placement in which you found them.
C Calendar When you schedule an activity or event (including meetings) please be sure the date and time are available, as well as what part of the building and any equipment you may need to use. Because this is a multi-use facility, we would ask that you check with the church office in order to avoid any scheduling conflicts between various groups. Requests for the use of specific rooms and equipment will be honored on a first come, first served basis. Please call or e-mail the church office or let us know on a communication card as early as possible. A list of calendar events for the current quarter is posted on the bulletin board outside the Sanctuary. There is also a calendar link on the church website under the "Home" section. Camps The Mid-Atlantic District Church of the Nazarene sponsors Christian camps each summer for children/preteens, youth and families. Camp information is distributed in the Spring, but if you have questions or need to know dates in advance for your family's
planning schedule, please contact the church office or check out the Mid-Atlantic District website at District Family Camp usually begins the last week of June and runs Monday-Sunday (into July). There are morning/evening chapel services and activities for all ages throughout the week. There are also several different on-site housing options available including hotel rooms, cabin rental, bringing you own camper, or camping gear and pitching a tent. Our district Children's/Preteen Camps are held a Summit Lake Camp in Emmittsburg, MD. Teen Camp is held at Rhoads Grove Camp in Chambersburg, PA. Teen Camp dates vary (usually one week in July.) Children's/Preteen Camps usually run simultaneously during the first full week of August. Caravan Caravan is a Christian scouting program sponsored by Children’s Ministries. This program runs during our Wednesday night discipleship time (7:00-8:15 PM) throughout the school year. If you would like to volunteer as an adult leaders or assistant (we call them “Guides”), please contact Pastor Amber Sweeney. Please note, as part of the church's safety policy, a federal background check is required for anyone involved in Children's/Youth Ministry. Child Development Center Melwood operates a fully-licensed Child Development Center for ages two through four as well as Before & After School Care and a full Summer Program for elementary children (K-6th). For more information, check out the ministry link on our website, pick up a brochure at the Welcome Center or contact Rev. Janet Johnson, our Associate Pastor for Melwood Child Development Center at (301) 599-6704. Children's Bible Quizzing Each year our Sunday morning Children's Discipleship Group (ages 6-12 or 1st-6th grade) has a Bible study geared just for them. Each Fall we begin a new study of a different book of the Bible. (We rotate on a 6-year cycle, designed to give children a snapshot of the Bible.) Children are also given the opportunity to participate in Bible Quizzing competitions with children from other churches who are working through the same material. These monthly quiz meets are optional; children can participate in the Bible study and not the competition portion, however it is designed to be a fun way for children to test their knowledge and see how much they are learning. If you have any questions, or would like more information, please see Amy Nielson, Children's Bible Quizzing Coordinator. Church of the Nazarene Website To find out more about the international Church of the Nazarene check out the website for Global Ministry Center at There is also a link on the Melwood website at
Clean-Up Because this is a multi-use facility, it is important that we clean up after every event or activity so that the space and supplies are ready and where they need to be for the next group that will use them. If you get it out, put it away. If you dirty it, clean it. If you break it, replace it. If it’s not yours, don’t take it home. And if it IS yours, PLEASE take it home! Thank you for your courtesy. Communication Cards You will find these located at each of the Welcome Centers. This is where we collect guest information, but also where you can leave any of the pastoral staff or the Church Office updated information (change of address, email, prayer requests, etc.) or if you want to ask a question or leave a comment at any time. Please be sure to include your name and the date. Thank you! Community Groups Because we believe in the importance of truly living as the body of Christ, Melwood offers various Community Groups that meet together for the purpose prayer, care, and fellowship. For a list of groups currently meeting, please check out the Community Groups brochure at one of the Welcome Centers. Also, if you are interested in starting, hosting or facilitating a group, please talk to Pastor John directly. Copies There is a photocopier in the church office, however, due to contract and maintenance policy coverage, it is primarily designated for staff or ministry leaders use only. If you have a project that you would like done on the office copier, please make arrangements in advance to ensure it can be done in time. Note: Personal copies cost .10 per copy.
D Directories Church directories will be published three times a year. Copies are available at the Sanctuary Welcome Center or in the church office. If your address, phone, e-mail, or family information changes, please inform the church office so that we can update our records. Thank you for your courtesy. Discipleship Groups Part of what it means to grow as a disciple is learning more about the Bible and what it means to live as a Christian. We do this best in a small group. At Melwood we call them Discipleship Groups. While these groups are offered at various times and places, most of our Discipleship Groups meet each Sunday at 9:30 AM, prior to our worship service. For further details check out the Discipleship Groups brochure at one of the Welcome
Centers or pick up the monthly leaflet in the main foyer to see what is being offered that month in each of our Adult Discipleship Groups.
E E-mail The church office e-mail address is
[email protected]. If you would like to be included in the church’s e-mail list just send us your information either by e-mail or include it on a communication card. We send out email updates regularly for reminders about meetings and activities, special events and urgent prayer requests. Elevate ELEVATE is our weekly Sunday discipleship group for teens. They meet each Sunday 5:00-6:30 PM with Pastor Henry and some of our youth ministry leaders for a time of discipleship, prayer and fellowship together. One Sunday evening each month they take Elevate on the Road for an off-site outing/activity and for "Hang Time" where they meet at Pastor Henry's home. Other ELEVATE In-House weeks take place at the church. A schedule is distributed in advance and it is posted in the weekly worship folder. Enter and Exit Signs are posted on the front doors at the main entrance of the building. Please observe these notices and enter on the RIGHT and exit on the LEFT of either set of double doors. When you leave from the main entrance level, by the church office, you will need to PUSH THE GREEN EXIT BUTTON to the immediate left of the front door in order to exit. The building is locked during the week due to ensure safety for all children and staff in the Child Development Center. If you come by during the week, there is a doorbell on the right main entrance that rings up in the office. Someone will be happy to meet you at the door and let you in. EvenSong Held at various times throughout the year, EVENSONG is a contemplative service of prayer and praise that uses ancient and new practices. Music, Scripture, prayer, and testimony, along with the sacrament of Holy Communion, make this intimate time of worship a fitting way to end the Sabbath. Express(o) Yourself Each Wednesday evening we have a discipleship groupthat meets in the Upper Room at 7:00 PM for coffee (or tea), prayer, Bible study, and spiritual conversation. Anyone is welcome. Come join us!
F Facebook Check out Melwood's Facebook page. LIKE us, and you will receive announcement reminders, prayer requests and information about upcoming special events. It's also a great way to stay connected between Sundays! Faith In Action Two times each year (Spring/Fall) we cancel our regular Sunday morning service and go out into the community into various teams to SERVE THE WORLD together in Jesus' name. We call it Faith In Action! We've done all kinds of projects such as feeding the homeless, visiting a local nursing home, gardening projects for locals schools and nonprofit organizations, cleaning up the neighborhood, giving out quarters at a local Laundromat, giving gifts to people in our community and homemade baked goods to our community workers (police, fire, hospitals, etc.). And we have on-site teams as well that pack clothing and Crisis Care Kits or School-Pal Paks for Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, making blankets for Project Linus or helping with hospitality for our teams when they return. There is something for everyone and lots of ways that you can get involved! We also have Faith In Action events throughout the year that focus on one team outreach opportunity (often doing some of the same things mentioned above.) For a complete list of our Faith in Action schedule refer to a copy of Melwood's Annual Report or contact the church office. It's all part of our mission to Love God, Love People and Serve the World! Family Worship Sunday The first Sunday of each month is typically, Family Worship Sunday. That means children (ages 3 and older) remain in the worship service with their parent(s) instead of being dismissed for Worship Quest – their own discipleship time with our Children's Pastor, Rev. Amber Sweeney. Buddy Bags are available for children up through 2nd grade. Children in 3rd-6th grade can pick up a children's worship folder by the Buddy Bag stand near the Sanctuary entrance. Note to parents: Children may keep the contents inside the bag, but please return the bag to the Buddy Bag stand after the service. Thank you! Fax Machine The fax number for the Church Office is (301) 599-6730. Food Pantry / Care Force We have a Food Pantry available to anyone in need, whether a member of the Melwood family or in the community. If you or someone you know could benefit from this ministry please contact the church office. Donations of non-perishable items may be dropped off anytime at one the grocery carts in the Sanctuary. Monetary donations and grocery gift
cards are also appreciated to provide other perishable food items for individuals/families in need. Please be sure to mark such donations for the Food Pantry or Care Force.
G Gathering Place This is the upper foyer area by the front, main entrance where we have coffee, juice and pastry on Sunday morning at 9:30 AM, just prior to our Sunday School and Discipleship Groups. There is also a sign-up sheet at the foyer Welcome Center if you can help out by bringing in refreshments for a particular Sunday. Thank you for your contribution. Come join us! Giving Envelopes If you would like tithe/giving envelopes, please contact the church office or simply request them on a communication card and drop it in the offering plate on Sunday. We distribute these four times a year in order to keep your stewardship before you and so we do not waste them. In this way we are able to reuse sets when people move or return unused envelopes. Also, if you find that you are not using them at any point like you intended, feel free to return any unused envelopes (unmarked please) to the church office. God First These are our Core Values: Go to God in prayer Offer Jesus Disciple believers Find your ministry (Service) Invest in the Kingdom (Stewardship) Reach out and offer redemption (Outreach) Sing to the Lord (Worship) Team Ministry (Community) GPS GPS stands for Grow–Pray–Study. As part of the Sunday message, Pastor John will include in his sermon notes a follow-up devotional resource that you can use throughout the week to expand your study of Sunday's message. You can also access the weekly GPS online on the Abiding Words page, or through our website, You might miss a Sunday, but you don't have to miss the message. Greeters Greeters are needed to welcome members and guests on Sunday mornings at the main entrance and at the Welcome Center following the worship service. They are also needed
to help meet and greet on occasion for other special events that we host here at Melwood. If you would like to volunteer, please see Pastor John or let him know via e-mail or on a communication card. Growth Groups These groups are designed to help us grow in our relationship with God and with one another. Melwood has three types of Growth Groups: DISCIPLESHIP GROUPS, where we learn more about the Bible and our relationship with God (Love God), COMMUNITY GROUPS where we fellowship and pray together (Love People), and MINISTRY GROUPS, where we serve together (Serve the World). It is our hope that every person at Melwood will eventually be a part of each of these groups. Check out the Yellow Pages entry for each of these for more information.
H Hospitalization and Illness Know of someone who is in the hospital? Going to be hospitalized yourself? Please notify the church office if we can be of assistance to you or someone you know. Don’t assume the church office or pastor knows; please call. Holiness Today This is "a magazine for everyday faith, connecting reading with practical holiness." An excellent resource for you own spiritual growth and discipleship, it features articles and information on th what is happening in the Church of the Nazarene at home and around the world. And it counts toward our yearly missions reading goal, along wit our mission books/CDs. Cost is $12.00 per year for 6 issues. Pick up a blue subscription form at the Resource Table and send it in directly, or you can subscribe online at w w w .
I iServe iServe is an opportunity for you to put your Faith In Action throughout the year by doing personal, random acts of kindness, or service, for someone else. Faith In Action cards are available at the Welcome Center for you to take and keep with you. The card says, "This is our simple way of saying God loves you. No strings attached." Feel free to use them whenever the Lord presents you with an opportunity to help meet a need is someone's life. Thanks for putting your Faith In Action as we SERVE THE WORLD together in Jesus' name.
J John Nielson John W. Nielson (He prefers to go by "Pastor John.") is our pastor and he wants you to know that he is praying for you!
K Keys Think you need a church key? Keys can be checked out if needed for a particular function or activity. All keys must be turned in if you no longer serve in the capacity for which you requested the key. Talk to Pastor John or call the church office. Kitchen Use of the kitchen is available for various events and activities. Because this is a multiuse facility, the kitchen is used on a regular basis by various groups throughout the week. Please help us keep the kitchen clean and be courteous to the next group who will need it. If you get it out, put it away. If you dirty it, clean it. If you break it, replace it. If it’s not yours, don’t take it home. And if it IS yours, PLEASE take it home! If you have questions or need supplies for an upcoming event, please call / e-mail the church office.
L LINKS LINKS stands for Loving, Interested Nazarenes, Knowing and Sharing. One of the ways that the Church of the Nazarene helps to supports its 700+ full-time missionaries is by connecting missionary families with Nazarene churches around the country who will commit to pray for, encourage, and send cards and care packages to help them know that they are being remembered and prayed for by the global church back home. When you see our LINKS missionaries listed in the Monthly Prayer Guide or Yvonne Burns, our LINKS Coordinator, comes around with a card for you to sign for one of our missionary family's birthdays or a holiday, please take a moment to pray for them, thank them and let them know that we are standing with them in prayer as they are taking the gospel to places where we cannot go. Lost and Found Lost and found items may be picked up at the church office. If clothing items are left for more than a month they will be donated to the Nazarene Compassionate Ministries clothing drive or given to Good Will.
Love God ♥ Love People ♥ Serve the World Melwood’s Mission Statement! How are you doing it?
M Mailboxes Church mailboxes are located in the hallway just outside the Sanctuary. These are used for in-house communication. Please check it every week and keep it cleaned out. If you do not have a mailbox yet and would like one, please call or e-mail the church office, or let us know on a communication card. Media Ministry If you have experience in the area of sound and media technology and would like to be a part of our Sound and Media Team, or are just interested in learning more about it, please talk to Pastor John directly. Melwood Café The Café is what we call the round-tabled corner of the Sanctuary. This is where the Lamplighter's Discipleship Group meets on Sunday mornings. It is also where small groups can meet for a meal or a meeting. If you would like to reserve this space for a meeting or activity, please check with the church office to be sure it is available. Melwood Mowers If you would like to help with lawn care of any kind, please call the church office or talk to Chuck Johnson directly. Adopt a parcel of land and help keep the church lawn looking presentable. If you’ve got experience driving a tractor (or pushing a mower), you qualify! We can sure use the help. The hours are flexible. The pay is non-existent, but God will bless you for it. Thanks for helping take care of God’s house! Membership Interested in becoming an official member? See “Welcome Class.” Memorials Memorials are accepted in any amount for any project. Contact Pastor John for a list of ideas. Men In Ministry Our Men's Ministry has a quarterly gathering. Usually they meet for breakfast on a Saturday morning followed by a time of prayer and often a devotional or informational
topic. See Larry Burns if you have ideas or suggestions, or would like additional information. Mid-Atlantic District Church of the Nazarene The Church of the Nazarene is divided into various districts across the United States and around the world. The Mid-Atlantic District is made up of Nazarene churches across Washington, DC, Maryland, Delaware, parts of Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Our District Superintendent is Dr. Ken Mills. Check out the Mid-Atlantic District website at Ministry Groups Melwood offers a variety of ministry groups that meet together to enhance our ministry opportunities both within the church as well as in our community. These are the groups that work in the area of Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, Adult Ministry, Women's/ Men's Ministry, Missions and Faith In Action. It is our prayer that additional ministry groups will begin as people sense God's call upon them to get involved, using their unique gifts and passions, who are willing to step out in faith and be a part of what God wants to do in our church, our community, and our world. Talk to Pastor John or any of the staff if you would like to know more about or be involved in a particular ministry group. Mission Books/CDs Each year the Church of the Nazarene publishes six missionary reading books (also available on CD) that highlight a particular country or ministry connected to Nazarene Missions around the world. Part of understanding how to better pray for the work of Missions is to be educated and informed about what is happening and these short reads are a great way to do that. Available at the Resource Table in the Sanctuary, feel free to sign-out a book or CD. We would ask that you return it within two weeks. Thanks for being a part of the work of Nazarene Missions around the world through your prayers, discipleship, giving, and education. Mission Statement Love God ♥ Love People ♥ Serve the World
N Nazarene Missions International (NMI) The Church of the Nazarene believes in mobilizing the church in mission through praying, discipling, giving, and educating. At Melwood we encourage people to pray for all efforts of world evangelization, to keep you informed of ways the global Church of the Nazarene is working to spread the Good News of the gospel and to meet needs around the world, and to give you opportunities to participate in helping to meet those needs
through love offerings and service projects. If you would like to be a part of Melwood's NMI leadership team, please talk to Larry Burns, our local NMI President. Nursery Nursery is available for children (ages birth up to age 3) for Sunday morning worship and some special events. If you would like to volunteer to be a part of the Sunday nursery rotation please talk to Pastor Amber Sweeney directly. Please note, as part of the church's safety policy, a federal background check is required for anyone involved in Children's/ Youth Ministry.
O Office Hours Generally, office hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM (closed legal holidays). If no one is available, please leave a detailed message on the answering machine and someone will return your call. If you need to get in touch with Pastor John at other times, you can also call the church parsonage at (301) 599-6703.
P Prayer Guide Our prayer list is updated and distributed the first Sunday of each month at each of the Welcome Centers. We call it the Monthly Prayer Guide. Please pick one up and use it throughout the month to pray for one another. Also, please keep the Pastor John informed of any prayer requests, praise reports, updates or corrections by letting us know on a communication card or by calling/e-mailing the church office. Please note, requests may be removed after one month if we do not receive any update. Thank you for being a people of prayer! Prayer Huddle You may notice on Sunday morning a small group gathered up front just prior to our worship service. Anyone is welcome to participate and join Pastor John at 10:40 AM for this time prayer.
Q Quick Answers Information not contained in these pages? Please call the church office. We’ll include your comments and suggestions in our next printing.
R Recycling You will notice some recycling bins around the building. We are asking everyone to help us be better stewards of our environment by taking the time to rinse and recycle any bottles, cans or plastic containers that you use here at the church. Just look for the bins with the recycle symbol on the outside. (There is one in the upper foyer, the kitchen, the preschool wing and the school-age wing.) Thanks for helping us GO GREEN. (By the way, the recycling bins are actually blue!) Resource Table The Resource Table is located in the Sanctuary, near the Welcome Center. Items on this table are free for the taking. The only exception is the Mission Reading Books/CDs. Those are for borrowing. (We would ask that you bring those back within 2 weeks so others can enjoy them as well.) This table also includes Bible Reading resources, information and brochures about various ministries in the Church of the Nazarene and local community information. If you can't find something you are looking for, or have something you'd like to make available, please see Amy Nielson or call the church office. Restrooms Restrooms are located on the main level in upper foyer, just inside the front, main entrance. There is another Ladies room as you enter the Children’s wing, downstairs on the right, and a Men’s Room in the hall outside the Sanctuary, directly across from the kitchen. A unisex, handicap restroom is located in the hallway next to the mailboxes just outside the Sanctuary. And there are Boys and Girls restrooms down in the school-age wing.
S Sermons (See also "Abiding Words") If you do not have access to download the Sunday morning message on-line and you would like to request a particular Sunday sermon, please see Pastor John and he can have a CD of the morning message made for you. (A suggested donation of $3.00 helps to cover the cost of our media supplies.) Showers The church does not sponsor Baby or Wedding Showers. Events may be coordinated and hosted by groups or individuals within the church. Use of the church building is an option if the date is available and it is scheduled in advance.
Spiritual Gifts Spiritual Gifts Inventory and assessment is a process using Biblical principles to assist believers in discovering and confirming their own unique place of ministry in the body of Christ. Taking into account passion, giftedness, temperament, talents, maturity, and availability, this seminar seeks to show how God intends for the church to function, in unity and love, with every member being fruitful and fulfilled in their own God-given place of service. This seminar is offered as needed or requested. For more information, contact the church office or speak to Pastor John directly.
T Trash Trash cans are located throughout the building. Thank you for picking up after yourself and helping us to take good care of God's House.
U Upper Room This is the large multipurpose space just inside the front, main entrance. God has blessed us with many opportunities to host events for the community (including several Home Owners Associations, community blood drives, county polling location, etc.). Our children's Worship Quest also meets there on Sunday mornings as well as various ministry groups, meetings, church dinners and other events. If you would like to reserve this space for a meeting, activity, or event or please contact the church office or let us know on a communication card. Ushers To volunteer or offer suggestions, please contact Pastor John.
V Volunteers Volunteers are always needed to help with various projects in and around the church. If you would like to serve or assist with a particular project, or are interested in knowing what opportunities are available, please contact the church office.
W Weather Cancellation In the event of snowfall, or other inclement weather events, we will update the church answering machine, the online calendar and Facebook regarding cancellation of any services or activities. Please check one of those options if you have any questions regarding a cancellation. You can also sign-up to receive a direct e-mail or text message alert. Please turn in a communication card and let us know the e-mail address or cell phone number where you wish to be alerted. Thank you! Web Page Check it out! Web Streaming Sunday morning services and some other special events are streamed lived on the web. Should you ever be sick, out of town, or unable to make it on a given Sunday, you can view a live web stream of the service by going to Pastor John's Abiding Words website at, or you can access it through the church website Weddings Weddings are scheduled through the church office. For more information, or to receive a packet with the wedding policy and a request form please contact the church office. Welcome Class Our Welcome Class is offered as needed and is designed to introduce new people to Melwood and to the Church of the Nazarene and also includes a membership section for those interested in joining the church. For more information see Pastor John or contact the church office. Women’s Ministry Our Women's Ministry Fellowship gathers on the second Saturday of each month, at 10:30 AM (September—May). All ladies are invited to come out for some food and a fun time together. There is usually a theme for each month, including light refreshments, a brief devotional, and some good quality fellowship with other ladies. Often there is a guest speaker or a Faith in Action project as well. If you have any questions, suggestions or ideas please contact Kathy Brockelman, our WMF Coordinator. Worship Folder
The Sunday worship folder includes an outline of the morning worship service, the weekly schedule, as well as information about upcoming events and activities on the church calendar. You can also access the worship folder online, through our website, at Just because you miss a Sunday, does not mean you have to miss out on what's going on in the life of the church. Please note, if you have an announcement or activity that you would like included in the weekly worship folder, please jot down the details on a communication card or send an e-mail to the Church Office no later than Wednesday afternoon and we will do our best to include it. Worship Quest This is Melwood’s version of children’s church. Our children are dismissed from the service following the worship time for their own Bible and discipleship time with Pastor Amber. If you are interested in being part of the Worship Quest helper rotation, please talk to Pastor Amber directly. Please note, as part of the church's safety policy, a federal background check is required for anyone involved in Children's/Youth Ministry. Worship Team If you sing or play an instrument and are interested in being a part of the weekly worship team, please talk to Pastor John directly.
X Xylophone Sorry, the church doesn’t have one.
Y Yellow Pages You’re lookin’ at ‘em!
Z Z means we are at the end!