Theatre Arts Book

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Sep 11, 1982 ... ROBERT M. MACGRBGOR. GEORGE ZOURNAS. ROSAMOND GILBER. Founder. Dwfttor. Ca mf1llt*1tt. Theatre Arts Book. 153 WAVEMA' ...






Theatre Arts Book 153



11 September 1982

Mr. Jack Clareman 122 East 61st Street New Yolrk, Mew York

He a The Zen Studies Society, Inc.

Dear Mr. C U r e o a n i

I was outraged, but not really surprised, to learn fram Mrs. Peggy Crawford of Mr. Eido T a i Shimanons brazen atto remove her from the Board of Trustees of the Zen Studies Society just before its annual meeting on S e p t a 14th, a meeting at which Mr. ShiJiano's leadership of the Society w i l l be called into question. Mrs. Crawford has been a d e v o a of t?m W$ew for many ye She has poured tens of thousands of dollars Into its work and, w i t h good heart, worked long and hard for the two zendos. When she told me of Mr. Shimano 'a maneuver, I advised her to call you to see if it was w i t h i n his power to remove her. I an glad that you were able to tell her he has no such right.

For the last several y e a r s , as President of the Board of Trustees of the Zen Studies Society, I have watched Mr. Shinanols actions with growing dismay. His irresponsible attempt to dismember the Zen Studies S o c i e t y in the spring of 1981 fortunately was stopped largely w i t h the support of your expert advice. As you know, Mr. Sbimano is now being accused by Mrs. Hobin Westen of attempting to seduce her in the Hew York Zendo. Sylvan B u s h told me t h a t at their first meeting with you* he and Mr. Shimano had not told you that this was but the most recent of a Xong series of such "seductionsm which have plagued the Society for many, many years. On learning t h i n , I insisted that Mr. Busch tell you of the true state of things; 1 tmst that that was done.


On July 3Xst of this year, I sent a letter to Mr. Shiaono and the other roerobers of the Board of -tees resigning Presidency of the SmieW and ny -ship in it. A t that time I thought it was best to leave quietly, SO ny letter put forward the demands of my s m a l l business as the reason for v y resignation. I did not want to make a big thing of the resignation, so I did not send you a copy. But, because Z wanted to be sure that you knew of the resignation, I asked Sylvan Busch to t e l l you about it. I was disappointed, and I must adzoit more than a little angered, to leazn that he had not done so* I am, therefore, writing to you now to ask that this letter be placed w i t h your other documents concerning



the Society. When I became President of the Society, in order to u t i l i z e h i s long experience and devotion W t?ie Sociew" 1 asked Mr. Slabam to d e l e s a t e to Bus& c e r a of the duties of the President. One of them wascbeing &r l i a i s o n w i t h you. Because you and Hr. Busch had been friends and worked together so veil for such a long tine, I was happy -to do this. M y only regret is that I was not able to get to know you. 1 hope that one day we will meet finder happier conditions.

Publishers of the Bhaisajaguru Series