Nov 18, 2013 ... Linda Hinrichs. Jeffrey Izzo ... constitutional arguments and the personal stories
surrounding the issue of marriage equality. ..... An accident prone dare devil and
a corrosive masochist navigate friendship, love and the squishy.
Theatre B Annual Report
July 15
Theatre B Annual Report for fiscal year 2012-2013. An overview of activities, projects, personnel, and financial position. Acknowledgment of donors, volunteers, grant funders and business partners. Preview of 2013-2014 Season challenges and opportunities.
Theatre B Annual Report 2013
Contents Page 2
Board of Directors Ensemble Mission/Vision/Values Theatre B Staff
Page 3
Program Report 2012-2013 Main Stage
Page 4-5
Community Collaborations
Page 6
Page 7-8
Page 9
Organizational Development Matthew Burkholder Tribute
Page 10 Page 11-12
Memorials Giving Hearts Day
Page 13
Page 14
In-Kind Donors
Page 15-16
Photo © Michael Benedict
Grants Volunteers
Page 16
Challenges Ahead
Page 17-18
Financial Reports
Page 19
Rum helps destroy decorum in God of Carnage
2013-2014 Season
Theatre B Annual Report 2013 Board of Directors Zenas Baer Jeffrey Izzo Tucker Lucas^
Vel Rae Burkholder Rosa Jacobs Michael Sunram^
Blaine Edwards^ Tim Lamey Missy Teeters^
Linda Hinrichs Elaine Lindgren
Emily Clemenson Alexandra Farren Scott Horvik Pam Strait David Wintersteen
Mary Cochran Joel Farren Maren Jystad-Spar Michael Sunram
Brad Delzer Stacy Harfield Tucker Lucas Missy Teeters
Ensemble Amber Rae Bernhardt* Blaine Edwards Lori Horvik Erin Solemsaas* Carolyn Wintersteen
Mission: Theatre B engages regional audiences through cutting-edge theatrical productions that are culturally and artistically invigorating.
Vision: Theatre B will become an established professional theatre built around a resident ensemble and enmeshed in the fabric of the community.
Theatre B values creative work of high artistic integrity. Theatre B values a healthy ensemble and intentional family. Theatre B values the ongoing development of emerging artists and displaced professionals. Theatre B values thought-provoking art as inspiration for social action. Theatre B values stewardship of all resources. Theatre B values the theatre as an integral part of a healthy cultural community.
Staff Danny Thomas, Administrative Assistant, left Theatre B to take a full time position elsewhere, but he continues to volunteer on the Audience Development Committee. We welcomed Ensemble member Brad Delzer into a new role of Program Coordinator. Brad is responsible for overseeing the continued development of educational programming, the Incubator Series, and community collaborations. Brad Delzer Admin Assistant/Program Coordinator
Carolyn Wintersteen Executive Director
^ Indicates Ensemble representative to the Board * Indicates Ensemble in absentia
Theatre B Annual Report 2013
Bingo brings together unusual companions in Good People Photo © Michael Benedict
Program Report – Main Stage Good People by David Lindsay-Abaire presented some of our toughest technical challenges yet. It also engaged a new director, Gaye Burgess of UND, and several actors new to Theatre B: Terri Egan, Brian Fuder, and all-time B fan, Christine Hoper. The Twelve Dates of Christmas by Ginna Hoben. Directed by new Ensemble member Blaine Edwards, this was a delightful Christmas treat and a tour de force for Ensemble member Missy Teeters. Adding doo-wop girls Lucy Krause and Caitlin O’Connell made it a holiday party for every holiday of the year. Theatre B established its Incubator Series of new work with Sweet Nothing When Fargo native Stephanie Timm submitted her play to Queens Theatre in the Park in New York, she never imagined it would be produced in her home town. But Sweet Nothing was chosen from among 15 blind submissions, our first effort at producing an unpublished play. Members of The Arts Partnership’s CSA (Community Supported Art) program got a sneak peek into the process before the show opened. God of Carnage by Yasmina Reza Directed by Brad Delzer, the spring show was a wild challenge for actors, designers, and audiences. The small ensemble cast was made up of Theatre B veterans, including Equity actor Doug Hamilton.
Theatre B Annual Report 2013 Program Report – Community Collaborations “8” The Play Theatre B staged a reading of 8, The Play at the Historic Fargo Theatre. “8” is a docudrama taken from transcripts in the California Supreme Court case challenging Proposition 8. As the US Supreme Court takes up the issue, and states consider a variety of ballot initiatives, the play draws attention to the constitutional arguments and the personal stories surrounding the issue of marriage equality. The event drew over 500 people.
ReEntry Staged Readings When members of the Caregiver Support staff at the VA Health Center saw ReEntry at a conference in D.C., they knew they wanted to share it with the veterans’ community in North Dakota. They asked Theatre B to collaborate on a series of staged readings in Grand Forks, Bismarck, and Fargo. Brad Delzer directed the project, and it drew new performers from unexpected places. Jay Olsen, a long-time theatre attendee ventured on stage for the first time. Monica Browne drove from Valley City to participate. And Keith Huff, an Army veteran with over 20 years of military experience, decided to try his hand at acting. Keith brought a unique and indispensable perspective to the production. As we all hoped, the production served as an eye-opening pathway and point of connection to help families and caregivers better understand the veteran experience.
Theatre B conducted surveys at each location. We tried to gather demographic information about who attended and what kind of impact the experience has on viewers.
American Legion & VA: 76% responded Grand Forks: 87% responded Bismarck: 100% responded
Theatre B Annual Report 2013 ReEntry Attendance
Family Member
Community Member
Social Worker
Grand Forks
American Legion
Fargo VA
Grand Total 494
ReEntry: Changed Thinking or Altered Perspective... 11% 26%
Not at all
VA Employees
Total 57
93 64
Sample of Survey Responses: What was the most important take-away? understanding reluctance to leave military compassion - more understanding made me think about assumptions & stereotypes Would you recommend Theatre B or this show? Absolutely- people need to "get it" Yes - a must for military families Yes brought me to tears; VA nurse of 21 years…excellent production Yes the truth, pain, entertainment, was powerful, moving, thought providing & life changing- please keep up the amazing work! Only one person said No – s/he did not appreciate the profanity
Sounds Sacred (to me) The Project FM, an initiative of the ELCA to engage young adults in theological conversation, held several activities at Theatre B. They offered an informal evening of music and poetry called “Sounds Sacred (to me)” where young adults can come together and explore religious themes without a formal liturgy. The Project FM also hosted post-show discussions called “Faith Issues on Stage” following each of our plays.
Theatre B Annual Report 2013 Music for Hope Theatre B serves as host venue to other individuals and groups who are serving the region. “Music for Hope,” a concert series organized by Michael Weiler, is now in its third season. He brings together a mix of regional musicians for a weekend of concerts, with all the proceeds going to other nonprofits such as The Rape and Abuse Crisis Center, the Jeremiah Program, the North Dakota chapter of the American Society of Suicide Prevention, and the 4 Luv of Dog animal rescue. 515 Project Theatre B hosted the 515 Players in their statewide tour to raise awareness of the more than 515 statutes on the books in Minnesota that limit freedoms and deny protections to LGBT citizens. The performance was co-sponsored by the Pride Collective and Community Center and was presented between the Minnesota constitutional ballot initiative in November and the May passage of legislation to extend the freedom to marry to LGBT citizens.
Program Report – BEAT Theatre B established the B Emerging Artist Training program in summer of 2012. Under the direction of Brad Delzer and David Wintersteen, we produced Mary Zimmerman’s Metamorphoses, a stunning adaptation of timeless Ovid myths set in and around a pool of water. The program was very successful by any measure, involving youth in rigorous daily training, inviting parents to participate and observe, and engaging sponsors and donors in a new level of giving. Unfortunately, the plans for 2013 did not come together early enough to support a strong recruiting effort. David and Brad were slated to collaborate on the program again, but an opportunity arose for them to train in June, which changed the dates for the BEAT program. Although we had more adult artists and college interns apply than ever before, few high school students auditioned.
Parents were treated to a silly curtain call at preview for Metamorphoses. Photo © Michael Benedict
We decided to put the production on hiatus, but offer a two-week training intensive in July. We will take this opportunity to explore the needs of young artists, displaced professionals, and audiences to make sure that Theatre B continues to offer unique and relevant summer programming.
Theatre B Annual Report 2013 Organizational Development Update Theatre B is no longer in ArtsLab, but the organizational development work continues. This year, we hired Joe Bartmann, a consultant from South Dakota, to facilitate a series of retreats aimed at defining the next iteration of Theatre B’s structure. The Board and Ensemble worked with Joe using the “Art of Hosting” model, which allowed us to explore questions of structure and decision-making in small groups and bring results to consensus as a whole.
Fireside Storytelling How did you come to be part of this “family?” “Theatre people made me so mad, you love them so much, and yet they are so unorganized.” “Theatre has taught me everything I know.” “I began to understand how I could change people’s lives through theatre.”
Values, Passions, and Questions
Community contribution through storytelling Intentional family Allowing noble failure Consistently excellent art Challenging self and taking risk Inclusion and Collaboration Trusting each other Evolving
Theatre B Annual Report 2013 August Retreat Harvest – Deciding Who Decides: The Board Decides: Theatre B Organizational Policy Strategy for making Theatre B visible in the community Theatre B budget What staff positions Theatre B fills Who to hire and fire as E.D. The Strategic Direction of Theatre B What committees to have What the committees do Who sits on those committees Whether to initiate, continue or discontinue all programming Who sits on the Ensemble, based on Ensemble recommendations Contracts and financial obligations The Ensemble Decides: Program Content Artistic Direction & Aesthetics Artistic Teams for Productions How to spend production budgets Ensemble Governance Policies The Members Decide: Who sits on the Board Bylaws changes, based on Board Recommendations The Executive Director Decides: How to carry out decisions & tasks assigned by Board How the Front of House is managed Who to hire & fire for non-production positions How to spend administrative budget What grants and development targets to pursue Who receives complimentary tickets
January Retreat – Structural Questions & Design Solutions The Board Considered: What is our strategy screen? What committees does Theatre B need right now? How can we build a communication structure that works? What is our living strategy? What volunteer and staff positions do we need? The Ensemble Considered: Clarifying ensemble membership and expectations Making transparent and smooth communication practices Clarifying Responsibilities of ensemble representatives on the Board Supporting and defining staff and volunteer positions Artistic Direction Committee/Making our artistic practices explicit
Living Responsibility It’s the Board of Directors’ responsibility to make sure Theatre B works and survives. It’s the Ensemble’s responsibility to make sure Theatre B is making great art. It’s the Members’ responsibility to make sure the Board is full of leadership. Each body is responsible to make sure their work gets done. Good communication in and between each body is critical to Theatre B’s survival. Input and collaboration are always welcome. 8|Page
Theatre B Annual Report 2013 Special Tribute – Matthew Burkholder
Photo © Perry Rust
The 2012-2013 season was one of the most challenging Theatre B has ever faced. On December 27, one of our dear friends and collaborators, Matthew Burkholder succumbed to complications of cancer. An extremely multi-talented artist, Matthew joined the ensemble of Theatre B in 2007. Matthew was perhaps best known for the many roles he played in A Tuna Christmas. He directed Theatre B’s productions of Rabbit Hole, The Dead Guy, The 39 Steps, and he appeared in Next Fall and the staged reading of Standing on Ceremony. He directed the Second Stage productions of Shipwrecked! An Entertainment and The Illusion. In every project he worked on, Matthew brought a mixture of craft, humor, charm, passion, and wit. Matthew’s legacy is more than lists of productions and personal qualities. It will live in the way he cared for all he worked with, in the way his presence brought great joy, in the way his level of skill and craft elevated everything and everyone near him. Matthew exemplified what it means to be an ensemble member. He was a consummate professional. He generously applied his skills in service of the whole. He believed strongly in Theatre B’s value of the “intentional family.” And he always pushed for the highest levels of artistic expression in himself and his collaborators. Matthew strove to live fully in every moment. His passing is a reminder of the transience of life. His work is a reminder of the important role of art and the artist in the world. All of us at Theatre B are grateful for the time we had together. We will always be in awe of the luminescent human that was Matthew; all our lives were brightened greatly by him.
Theatre B Annual Report 2013
Theatre B thanks all those who made contributions in honor of Matthew Anonymous Mary Akers Karen & Leon Andersen Claudia Anderson Mary Ann Armbrust Karen & Chris Baker Nancy Burkholder Anne Byrne Yvonne Condell Ronald Cossette W. Dahl Karen Dahlseng Pauline Engebretson Debbie Finstad
Harold Ford Linda Francis Kathryn & Tom Gay David Grosz Lyle Halvorson Merle Indvik Lori & Hardy Koenig Beverly LeBeau Kay Leverson Sara & Jon Lundwall Marilyn Martinsen Maureen McDonald Becky Neeb Ruth Partington
Laura & Nick Pieri Hollis Quamme Roman Rezac Daniel Ronson Beth Shelstad Gina Sandgren & Ross Solwold Cheryl Van Ee Mary Walker Margaret Fitzgerald & Hugh Veit Sharon & Boyd Wermedahl Marlyn & Betty Wehlander
Matthew Burkholder as Petey in A Tuna Christmas.
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Theatre B Annual Report 2013 Theatre B participated in Giving Hearts Day In honor Matthew Burkholder, Theatre B participated in the one-day online fundraising event, Giving Hearts Day. Sponsored by the Dakota Medical and Impact Foundations, this year’s event raised over $3.6 million for more than 140 charities. We did not know what to expect, and our initial goal of $5000 was surpassed by 2 p.m. Theatre B received 175 individual donations, 38 from new donors, and the final tally was $10,138.67. The proceeds have been placed in an Expansion Fund to support initiatives important to Matthew.
Thank you to all who gave from the heart! Anonymous Darci Asche Laurie Baker Joseph Bartmann Mark Beauchene Michael Bennett Laurie Boe Joshua Boschee Mary Jo Brennan Vel Rae & Keith Burkholder Mike & Pam Burns Loretta Cantieri Jo Cavins Katie Christensen Roger Christianson Mary Lee Clarens Emily & Andy Clemenson Mary Cochran Crystal Cossette Sonja Paulson & Brad Delzer Jessica Dillon Melanie Dunleavy David & Gini Duval Nancy Eckman
Blaine Edwards Genevieve Eidem Jamie Tracy & Tim Elmshauser Gerald Even Cathy Evenson Joel & Alie Farren Mary Fitzgerald Margaret Fitzgerald Tricia Fossum Dan Francis Colin Froeber Mary G. Frojen Lynn Fundingsland Mike & Mary Gallagher Kathryn & Tom Gay Margaret Gaynor Diane Wolter & Mark Gealy Rachel Geinert Shelley Gion Abby Gold Lori Green Delene Gunderson Janet Haak Aarness
Murill Halvorson David Hamilton Zue Zan Hanna Brian Hastings Joel Hektner Sara Helgeson Kate Henne Richard & Lynn Hentges Paul Hindemith Andrea Hochhlater Hannah Holman Kim Horab Lori & Scott Horvik Brady Hubbard Jeffrey Izzo Rosa Jacobs Joni Janz Peterson Lucy & Tom Johnson Christina Johnson Joey Johnson Holly Johnson Christina Johnson Gerritdina Justitz Lon Keller
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Theatre B Annual Report 2013 Sarah King Muriel Kingery Kent Kolstad Kurt & Maria Kooyer Jim Krogh Justin Leeper Jon & Elaine Lindgren Stacie Loegering Jason Lord William Lucas Helen M. Rudie Dan & Kim Mahli Tim & Kathy Mahoney Mary & Peter Masterman Angie McCarthy Bryan McCoy Alyssa Miller Robert & Shirley Montgomery Jan Mueller Margaret Myers Naomi Nakamoto Charles Newman Barbara B North Ardell & Audrey Olson
Jay Olson Mitch & Audrey Omar George O'Neill Sharon Ormbreck Mikkel & Barb Pates Bev Pearson Tim Peterson Laura & Nick Pieri Karen Prestegord Gia Rassier Polly Fassinger & Richard Rathge Marcia & Ken Retzer Thomas & Audrey Richmond Cynthia Roholt Tami Rust Jack Rydell Susan Rydell Kristin Sauter Brad & Carol Schlossman Kay Schwarzwalter Jil & Eric Scollard Nancy Shappell Colleen Sheehy Kerry Shelton
Evan Sieber Portia Smith Melissa Sobolik Erin Solemsaas Karl Sommerfeld David & Claudia Souba Preston Steen Sherri Stern Pam & Tom Strait Michael Sunram John Tandberg Missy Teeters Mary Teske Sandy Thiel Danny Thomas Jon & Cathi Tiedeman Miriam Vogel Lisa Wheeler Diane Wray Williams Stephen Wilson Lois & Richard Wintersteen Carolyn & David Wintersteen Cindy Wolslegel Ann & Pat Zavoral
Members of the Board, Ensemble, and some young volunteers threw a crafts-y Thank You Party
To anyone we may have missed, please accept our apologies and our deep gratitude for your support.
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Theatre B Annual Report 2013 Thank You to our supporters! Below are listed the individuals, companies and organizations who have supported Theatre B in its 10th season. Their vision, contributions and commitment help Theatre B to effect social change through great storytelling. This list reflects contributions made from August 1, 2012 to June 23, 2013. We apologize for any errors or omissions. Groupies ($1-$99) Tami Anderson Nicole & Jason Badar Dale Beling Joanna Brekhus Pam Burns Nancy Eckman Chelsey Effinger Brian Fuder Kathryn & Tom Gay Peter Geib Kelly Creighton & David Gooch Kate Haugen Lisa & Steve Sethre-Hofstad Christine Hoper Renae Ingersoll Jeffrey Izzo Jenny Jensen Linda & John Jensen Luke Johnson Ronald Johnson Cheryl Kurki Renae & Steven Ingersoll Mark McDonald Kathleen McLennan Maris O’Connell Rachel Okpisz Harlan Ormbreck Merry Ottesen Barbara Pates Bev Pearson Maxine Rasmusson Marge Ratti Carol Reitz Mike Ressl Helen Rudie Terry Rustad Kim Schwartz
Kim Shuckhart Tami Anderson & Kevin Solwold Loretta Cantieri & Bill Thomas Kristine & Malcolm Thompson Steve Travers Sarah & Jake Smith Warren Good Neighbors ($100-$249) Anonymous Naomi Nakamoto & Terry Adams Patricia & Burton Belknap Jean Berg Elizabeth Birmingham Linda Boyd Vel Rae & Keith Burkholder Carol Pearson & Mac Butler Jo Wana Cavins Hugh Cowan Gen Eidem* Lori Faulkner Siri & Tom Feibiger Kay Schwarzwalter & Paul Gleye* Dinah & Jay Goldenberg Sandy & Dale Gronhovd Alicia Hauff Brian Hayer Linda Hinrichs Mary Teske & Lee Johnson Janeen Kobrinsky Ruth & Sidney Morton Barbara North David Obermiller Rennitta & Gene Okerlund Karen Olson Prudence Olson Katherine & George O’Neill
Claudette & Tim Peterson Polly Fassinger & Richard Rathge Deb Dawson & Norm Robinson Davis Anthony Scott Rita & Brian Slator David & Claudia Souba Jane & John Tandberg Sharon & Boyd Wermedahl Lisa Wheeler Flynn Wienckoswski Heavy Hitters ($250-$499) Anonymous Susie Ekberg-Risher Becky & Brian Johnson Lori & Hardy Koenig* Elaine & Jon Lindgren Ruth Swain & Donald Quittschreiber Lynn & Hank Tkachuk* Margaret Fitzgerald & Hugh Veit Super Fans (over $500) Zenas Baer Mary Cochran & Davis Cope Jamie Tracy & Tim Elmshauser Sandra & Doug Hamilton Erin & Monte Koffler Arlette & Richard Preston Carol & Brad Schlossman Laurie Baker & Gail Wischmann Sarah Clark & Stephen Wilson Golden Goose (over $1000) Cammie & Tim Lamey
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Theatre B Annual Report 2013 Special Thanks to our In-Kind Donors: Gerry Even – Laptop & Software Mary Cochran – Small Refrigerator Scott Horvik – Display Materials Jon Lundwall – Videotaping Services Tucker Lucas – Graphic Design Services Jessi Schumacher – Graphic Design Services Pam Strait – Food & Beverages for “Whine & Cheese” events Babb’s Coffee House – Coffee and Cocoa Bernie’s Wines & Spirits – Hospitality for Season Preview Event Concepts Creative Hair Center – Hair Styles and Coloring Creative Kitchen – Housewares
Erbert & Gerbert’s – 20 Platters of Sandwiches for Volunteers Deana Defoe, Five Fold, LLC – Fund Development Consulting The Forum – Advertising Space High Plains Reader – Advertising Space The HoDo – First Friday Post-Show Parties Josie’s Corner Café – Desserts The 8th Street Studio Coop – Rehearsal Space Prairie Petals – Fresh Tulips The Radisson – Gala In-Kind Straus Men’s Clothing – 2 Suits Sweeney’s Cleaners – Dry Cleaning Services
“Clafouti” provided nightly by Josie’s Corner Café Photo © Michael Benedict
Special Thanks to our Corporate Sponsors: Bell State Bank Dave & Pia Scheer, Thai Restaurants Donabauer Family Dentistry The Forum
High Plains Reader Hotel Donaldson Seventh Avenue Auto Salvage West Acres
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Theatre B Annual Report 2013
Grants Theatre B is supported in part by a grant from the North Dakota Council on the Arts, which receives funding form the state legislature and the National Endowment for the Arts, and by a grant from the Lake Region Arts Council through a Minnesota State Legislative appropriation, and by the Cities of Fargo, Moorhead, and West Fargo through The Arts Partnership.
Special Thanks to our Volunteers! Volunteers provide artistry, expertise and over 10,000 hours of service to Theatre B each season. Their involvement is crucial to our success and a gift to the community at large. Laurie Baker Jennifer Betsinger Lucy Black Christine Branyik Meg Britt Monika Browne Gaye Burgess Frank Clemens Emily Clemenson Mary Cochran Daniel Damico Daniel Dammel Brad Delzer Mark Dillon Blaine Edwards Terri Egan Alexandra Farren Joel Farren Trisha Floyd Brian Fuder Jeffrey Gion Jaime Godding Jack Golden Gabe Gomez Doug Hamilton Stacy Harfield Elliot Heerman Linda Hinrichs Christine Hoper Scott Horvik Lori Horvik Keith Huff
The Woodsboy speaks without saying a word in Sweet Nothing Photo © Michael Benedict
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Theatre B Annual Report 2013 Christina Johnson Maren Jystad-Spar Jared Kellerman Miller John Noone Caitlin O'Connell Jay Olson Cindy Roholt Perry Rust Taylor Schatz
Kent Kolstad Charlie Linstrom Tucker Lucas Jessica Schumacher Keith Schweigert Pam Strait Michael Sunram Drew Swenson Missy Teeters Danny Thomas
Jason Melin Tierney Michon Kimberly Lucas Vonasek Brandon Wente David Wintersteen Carrie Wintersteen Phaidra Yunker
Our sincerest apologies and deepest thanks to any volunteers we may have missed!
Looking Ahead: Challenges and Opportunities In May of 2013, Theatre B learned that the building at 716 Main Avenue was going on the market. The Board put together a strategy team to consider options. The strategy team recommended not buying the building. The length of time for recovering the investment would likely be longer than the building would remain a viable space for the performances, class offerings, and anticipated growth of the company. The building owner has since accepted an offer from another buyer, who agreed to grant Theatre B a two-year lease but at a higher monthly rate. As of July 15, the company of Theatre B intends to accept this offer, and is currently exploring means of raising the additional revenue needed to maintain artistic programming and continue pursuing its strategic goals. Theatre B’s big challenge and opportunity is determining what kind of space will be needed for the next phase of the company’s artistic vision. The strategy team is considering how to best use the current space, as well as exploring whether there is a more suitable space to meet the long term needs of the theatre. The Board and staff are working on plans to continue expanding the audience base, deepen relationships with donors, and broaden the pool of resources available to support Theatre B now and into the future.
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Theatre B Annual Report 2013 Theatre B Financial Report Context Since completing the ArtsLab program three years ago, Theatre B has experienced financial stability and modest growth. The annual budget in FY 2010 was $94,000. With the hiring of a second staff person and the addition of online ticketing, the budget grew to $101,000 in FY11 and $113,000 in FY12. The upward trends in audience attendance and community involvement, and the development of new programming led the Board and Ensemble to project for ambitious budget growth through 2015. New information about the cost of operating in the space at 716 Main Avenue has caused us to reevaluate the budget for the 2013-14 and 2014-15 seasons. The Board is considering where revenue can be raised to meet the higher cost of rent and utilities, without sacrificing artistic quality and strategic initiatives.
Revenue & Expense Report August 2012-July 15, 2013 Aug 1, '12 - Jul 15, 13 Income Building Rental Income Collaborations Donations Received (Gift Received) Fundraising Events
520.00 2,900.00 43,308.15 700.00
Gr Sales (Gross Sales)
Grants (Received)
Interest Earned Release of Restricted Funds Special Event Income Total Income
Gross Profit
16.30 5,825.00 40.00 119,032.42
Expense Administrative Expenses Organizational Development Production Expenses Special Events Total Expense
Net Income
53,976.20 3,120.00 57,523.65 75.00 114,694.85
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Theatre B Annual Report 2013 Balance Sheet August 2012-July 15, 2013 July 15, 2013 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Bell Checking (Bell State Bank, opened 6/11/13) Bell Savings (Bell State Bank Savings - opened 6/11/13) Checking
1,210.38 27,495.48 1,669.00
Petty Cash
Total Checking/Savings
Accounts Receivable Accounts Receivable Total Accounts Receivable Total Current Assets
-235.00 -235.00 30,237.59
Fixed Assets Fixed Assets Stage Furniture Total Fixed Assets
7,628.13 700.00 8,328.13
LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Other Current Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Total Other Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities Total Liabilities
4,562.08 4,562.08 4,562.08 4,562.08
Equity Opening Bal Equity
Retained Earnings
Net Income Total Equity
4,337.57 34,003.64
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Theatre B Annual Report 2013 Next Season Theatre B’s 2013-2014 will include three main stage productions and one new work from the Incubator: RED by John Logan 2010 Tony Award winner for best play September 19 – October 12, Thursday-Friday-Saturday with a Sunday Matinee on October 6 Director: Lori Koenig Characters: Mark Rothko – Hardy Koenig Ken, his assistant – Blaine Edwards A moving and compelling account of one of the greatest artists of the twentieth century, Mark Rothko, whose struggle to accept his growing income and praise became his ultimate undoing. Set in Rothko’s studio in 1958, RED delves into the nature and value of art and imagines the mental anguish and provocative conversations that led him to give up his most publicized commission. SCROOGE MACBETH by David MacGregor Incubator Series: World Premiere November 28 (Thanksgiving) – December 28, Thursday-Friday-Saturday Sunday Matinee December 15 Auditions: September 29 and 30, 2013 – Director: David Wintersteen Part of our Incubator Series, Theatre B will be launching a new work by “B favorite” playwright David MacGregor, writer of Vino Veritas. Scrooge Macbeth, or “A Shakespearean Christmas,” takes the meaning of “the show must go on” to a whole new level. When only four actors are left standing after an outbreak of food poisoning, they must entertain an expectant audience in order to save their financially imperiled theatre. Theatre B ensemble members will work directly with Mr. MacGregor to develop the script through workshops and public readings before its World Premiere. GRUESOME PLAYGROUND INJURIES by Rajiv Joseph February 6 – February 22, Thursday-Friday-Saturday with a Sunday Matinee on February 16 Auditions: November 17 and 18, 2013 – Director: Joe Stodola An accident prone dare devil and a corrosive masochist navigate friendship, love and the squishy parts that lie in between. Eight year-olds Doug and Kayleen meet in a school nurse's office, beginning a lifelong intimacy which is revealed through the physical and emotional injuries they sustain over 30 years. Gruesome Playground Injuries tells a different kind of love story through sharp humor and even sharper insights into the human condition. CLYBOURNE PARK by Bruce Norris 2012 Tony Award winner for best play April 17 – May 17, Thursday-Friday-Saturday with a Sunday Matinee on May 4 Auditions: February 9 and 10, 2014 – Director: Brad Delzer This wickedly funny and fiercely provocative play about race, real estate, and the volatile values of each is inspired by Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun. Act One takes place in 1959 as nervous community leaders anxiously try to stop the sale of a home to a black family. Act Two is set in the same house fifty years later, as the now predominantly African-American neighborhood battles to hold its ground in the face of gentrification.
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