Encourage your child's imagination to soar! Each week children become wizards, magicians, princesses, pirates, ogres and
Theatre School Bursaries Carousel Theatre is committed to making theatre as readily accessible to as many children and youth in our community as possible. Our bursaries are designed to assist families overcome financial barriers to providing theatre education to their children. Based on financial need, Carousel Theatre’s bursaries allow children to register in our theatre school classes at a reduced rate by directly offsetting the cost of a class. To apply for a bursary for your child, please email
[email protected]. Or help us plant the seed for a lifelong love of the arts; make a tax-deductable donation to our Theatre School Bursaries program in your family’s name. You can donate when you register your child for our theatre school classes and we will provide a tax receipt.
Theatre School Policies PAYMENTS Payment is due upon registration. Registration is not guaranteed until payment has been received. REFUNDS Refunds will be made for withdrawal up to the 2nd class only. A $25 administration fee is charged on all refunds plus a percentage for each class taken. BEFORE AND AFTER CLASS Carousel Theatre and our instructors are not responsible for students before and after class time. A $10 fee is charged for all late pick–ups. Please note early drop–offs are not permitted. AGE Students must be registered in the classes that correspond with their age. There are no exceptions. ABSENTEEISM Please call Carousel Theatre in advance if your child will be absent from a class. Absenteeism can be very disruptive, so please ensure your child does not miss more than two classes. LATENESS Please ensure your child arrives on time for class. We respectfully request that you do not send your child to class if he or she will be more than 10 minutes late.
Welcome to our theatre school! Do you have a young person in your life who loves to dressup and put on plays in the backyard? Do you know someone who’s a little shy—but they love to tell stories? Do you know a teen that has a passion for acting? Carousel Theatre specializes in theatre for young people like your kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, and friends! Our exciting and supportive acting courses are geared especially for young actors (ages 3 to 17) and are designed to foster imagination and creativity.
Our popular spring theatre school classes run for 12 weeks, and offer plenty of theatrical fun for young people of all ages. For more information on any of our courses, or to register your child, please call us at 604.669.3410.
Carole Higgins Artistic and Managing Director
GUESTS IN CLASS For the comfort of our students and instructors, parents are not permitted to observe classes, and are asked to wait in the lobby—or go and enjoy Granville Island! MINIMUM ENROLLMENT We reserve the right to cancel classes due to insufficient enrollment. In the event of a cancellation, full refunds will be provided. BULLYING Carousel Theatre School has ZERO tolerance for bullying of any kind. Such behavior can result in the automatic cancellation of a registration.
1411 Cartwright Street, Granville Island Vancouver, BC V6H 3R7 Ph: 604.669.3410 Fax: 604.669.3817 www.carouseltheatre.ca
604.669.3410 www.carouseltheatre.ca
Imagination Station
–4 AND 5– AGES 3 6 Class size: min. 6, max. 12
Encourage your child’s imagination to soar! Each week children become wizards, magicians, princesses, pirates, ogres and many other characters as costumes, props and imagination set the stage for an hour of fun and spontaneous play. Children learn cooperation and communication skills as they play theatre games and enact fairy tales and legends. An energetic and entertaining course designed to introduce children to the wonderful world of theatre! These young thespians will explore myths and legends and create a short play, which they will perform for family and friends. IS1 Saturdays | Ages 3 to 4 IS2 Sundays | Ages 3 to 4 Apr 2–Jun 18, 2011 Apr 3–Jun 19, 2011 9:15–10:15 am 9:15–10:15 am Fee: $160 plus hst Fee: $160 plus hst IS3
Saturdays | Ages 5 to 6 IS4 Sundays | Ages 5 to 6 Apr 2–Jun 18, 2011 Apr 3–Jun 19, 2011 10:30–11:30 am 10:30–11:30 am Fee: $160 plus hst Fee: $160 plus hst
Sundays | Ages 5 to 6 IS6 Mondays | Ages 3 to 4 Apr 3–Jun 19, 2011 Mar 28–Jun 13, 2011 11:45 am–12:45 pm 9:15–10:15 am Fee: $160 plus hst Fee: $160 plus hst
Theatre Journeys
Class size: min. 6, max. 12
An exciting and inspiring course featuring storytelling, games, improvisation, dress-up—and boundless energy. Young actors build confidence and develop communication skills as they learn to create characters and other fun acting techniques. These young thespians will explore myths and legends, and create a short play which they will perform at a showcase for family and friends during the last class of the semester. TJ1
Saturdays Apr 2–Jun 18, 2011 12:00–1:30pm Fee: $180 plus hst
Sundays Apr 3–Jun 19, 2011 1:00–2:30pm Fee: $180 plus hst
Wednesdays Mar 30–Jun 15, 2011 4:15–5:45pm Fee: $180 plus hst
Schedules subject to change.
GES 10–12 FOR A Class size: min. 6, max. 12
Acting Adventures
Register Today!
All students must have registered and have their tuition paid before attending the first class.
Young actors love this unique course that has students returning again and again! Develop a range of acting skills through the exploration of theatre games, improvisation, monologues and scenes. Learn to create different characters through vocal and physical techniques. Acting Adventures is a fabulous course for young actors of all levels of experience— each term new acting skills are taught! These thespians will explore myths and legends and perform an original creation, which they will perform at a showcase for family and friends during the last class of the semester.
Early registration is recommended. To register, please call 604.669.3410, drop off or mail this form to our office, or fax this form to 604.669.3817. Payment can be made by cash, Mastercard, Visa or cheque (payable to Carousel Theatre.) Classes are held at our studios on Granville Island.
AA1 Saturdays AA2 Sundays Apr 2–Jun 18, 2011 Apr 3–Jun 19, 2011 1:45–3:15pm 3:00–4:30pm Fee: $190 plus hst Fee: $190 plus hst AA3 Thursdays Mar 31–Jun 16, 2011 4:15–5:45pm Fee: $190 plus hst
Teen Company–Introductory
GES 13–17 FOR A Class size: min. 6, max. 12
Bit by the acting bug? Interested in learning more about a career in the theatre? This is your chance to create new characters, explore text and learn improvisation skills. Learn vocal and physical techniques designed to help you develop a range of emotions and characters. These thespians will perform an original creation, which they will perform during the last class of the semester. TC
Saturdays Apr 2–Jun 18, 2011 3:30–5:30pm Fee: $190 plus hst
Name of Student
Male or Female ___________________________________________________________ Date of Birth
Gender (please circle)
___________________________________________________________ City, Province
Postal Code
___________________________________________________________ Telephone (Home)
___________________________________________________________ Email
___________________________________________________________ Parent or Guardian Name
___________________________________________________________ Persons allowed to pick up child
___________________________________________________________ Class, Class Code (example: Imagination Station, IS2)
Tuition 12% HST
$_________ $_________
Donation to Theatre School Bursary Fund
Total Payment
___________________________________________________________ Credit Card Number
Teen Company–Advanced
GES 14–17 FOR A Class size: min. 6, max. 12
Specialty sessions for advanced theatre students, these minicourses are designed to challenge and inspire teen actors who are interested in a possible career in theatre. These mini-courses require a prerequisite of Teen Company or Teen Shakespeare Program, or an audition. The Scene Study Course will focus on works by Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Eugene O’Neill, and others. TCA1 Scene Study TCA2 Tuesdays (5 classes) Mar 29-May 3, 2011 4:15–6:15pm Fee: $150 plus hst
IMPROV! Tuesdays (5 classes) May 10-Jun 14, 2011 4:15–6:15pm Fee: $150 plus hst
Visa or Mastercard (please circle)
___________________________________________________________ Name on Card
___________________________________________________________ Expiry Date
___________________________________________________________ How did you hear about us?
___________________________________________________________ Does your child have any allergies or physical, emotional, or learning needs, or other concerns the instructor should be aware of? Please note that this does not restrict entry into a course. Our staff will keep the information confidential and will be better prepared to make the course more enjoyable for your child.
1411 Cartwright Street, Granville Island Vancouver, BC V6H 3R7 Ph: 604.669.3410 Fax: 604.669.3817 www.carouseltheatre.ca