thebibleinayear - First Presbyterian Church of Orlando

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Mar 4, 2018 - for a field trip to Florida Southern College where we'll tour the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright. Deta





WELCOME Thank you for coming to First Presbyterian Church of Orlando this morning! We worship together as a church family in four services on Sundays: Traditional worship in the Sanctuary at 8:15am and 11am, and Genesis worship in the Sanctuary at 9:45am and in Lee Fellowship Hall at 11:00am. Check in and let us know you’re here: visit our Legacy Room for a cup of coffee and say hello, or text “FPCO” to the number 313131.

SAVE THE DATE • March 5: Easter Dedications due. Submit yours online at • March 9: Young at Heart? Join The Collaborative for a field trip to Florida Southern College where we'll tour the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright. Details at • March 11: Invite a friend to church on Second Sunday for coffee and to meet new friends. • March 11: Daylight Saving Time begins. Sorry. • March 18: FOUR12 Car Wash. Come help our kids earn money to attend KAA Summer Camp. 10am-2pm Chick-fil-A, 700 S. Orlando Ave., 32789. • March 18: Congregational meeting at 11am worship for the purpose of calling the Congregational Nominating Committee.

• March 25: Palm Sunday. • March 29: Maundy Thursday. worship - 6:30pm, in the Sanctuary. • March 30: Good Friday worship - 6:30pm, in the Sanctuary. • April 1: Easter Sunday! 9am & 11am at Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts.

• April 20-22: LIFEFEST 2018 registration is now open. Join in with your Church family for this weekend retreat. Register at

SERVE AT EASTER Serving at Easter (April 1) is an incredible opportunity to welcome guests. We want to create a warm, welcome and joyful celebration at the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, and we'd love for you to be part of the team! Sign up at


MARCH 4, 2018

CONGREGATIONAL CARE As a caring body of believers, please remember in your prayers those who have recently been hospitalized, are recuperating at home: Mary Townsend. Our sympathy to the family and friends of Margaret Chapman who died February 22. To be added to our prayer list call the Pastoral Care office at 407.423.3441 x1455, or submit an online prayer request at

ABOUT COMMUNION We believe in an “open table.” We invite every believer who has publicly professed faith in Jesus to join us in this celebration. We believe by the power of the Holy Spirit, that the bread and the cup become for us the living presence of the broken body and shed blood of Jesus. We do not believe it becomes actual flesh and blood, but the spiritually living presence of God through the Holy Spirit. Presbyterian churches do not have altars like other churches may. We have a table, symbolic of the Great Feast of Thanksgiving we will one day enjoy with Jesus and the heavenly host, as illustrated in Matthew 26:29 & Luke 22:16–18. We view the cross of Christ as the final and sufficient altar, on which the ultimate sacrifice was made. Suggestions for Celebrating Communion. Before serving the bread and wine (non-alcoholic grape juice), the pastor will lead the congregation in a time of prayer. During this time, confess your sins to God; ways you have violated His commandments; areas of your life where you are not living by faith; things you do in an attempt to earn His favor. While the bread is being served, meditate on what the death of Jesus means for you; how the sins you confessed were laid upon Him and paid for with His body. Rejoice that you do not suffer God’s judgment because Christ suffered this judgment on your behalf. While the cup is being served, let it wash away your guilt, much the way we are washed spiritually by the blood of the Lamb (Jesus). Take this time to confess specific things that capture your heart more than God (approval of others, success, your family, etc.). Rest in His presence. If you would like to receive a gluten free sacrament this morning, there will be an Elder in the Narthex (lobby of the Sanctuary) to administer it for you.

Genesis Worship (Please silence all phones and electronic devices.)

WELCOME Bible Project Video

Deuteronomy Dr. David Swanson Deuteronomy 8:6-18

Prayer for Illumination *Scripture Reading

pew bible p. 132

At the conclusion of our Scripture reading, the leader will say, “This is the word of the Lord.” The congregation is invited to respond, “Thanks be to God.”


A Little Trouble With Amnesia

SACRAMENT OF THE LORD'S SUPPER Invitation to the Table Prayer of Consecration Words of Institution Serving of the Bread Serving of the Cup Assisting in Worship: Rev. Jack Peebles and Wil Brown. * All who are able are invited to stand.

Our Genesis services utilize an environmental lighting effect called haze, a theatrical humidifier to thicken the air to enhance lighting. Both Lee Fellowship Hall and Sanctuary hazers are water-based and safe.

GENEROSITY Stewardship Report as of February 25, 2018. Thank you for your faithful generosity.


38.3% JANUARY 2018

Because we believe participation (and not a dollar amount) is key in our giving, we are now reporting our church’s giving participation percentage weekly. ö Our financial numbers will appear on a monthly basis for continued transparency in budgeting. Give easily and securely online from your smartphone at

Traditional Worship If you've ever forgotten a birthday, you know how important your memory is (!) Remembering is essential in dealing with reality and sanity. Think about it. Without remembering you wouldn’t know who anyone was. You would only live in the moment, with no reference point to anything else. You see we’ve added a crown of thorns to the cross this morning. The crown causes us to remember the pain, humiliation, and mockery Jesus suffered because of your sin and mine. This torture was not theoretical, not fictional or poetic. The prickly thorns are real. The cross is real. The nails are real. Judas’ bag of money is real. Remembering these aspects of Jesus’ redemption journey tell us that our sin and rebellion against God was and is real. Remembering tells us that we are sinners who have been forgiven by the sacrificial death of our Savior and further explains the reason we have come to worship this morning. We are here to pray and sing and express hearts full of gratitude to our great God for the gift of salvation which can only be expressed in worship. “Sing praise to God who reigns above, the God of all creation!” -Dr. Dan Sharp

(Please silence all phones and electronic devices.)

GATHERING Prelude Meditation on Amazing Grace

arr. swann

Welcome *Processional Hymn of Praise Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above

*Ascription of Praise Pastoral Report *Passing of the Peace Pastoral Prayer

no. 50 Mit Freuden Zart

THANKSGIVING Thanksgiving Through Tithes and Offerings *Doxology *Prayer of Commitment

no. 809

Anthem of Remembrance Keep in the Middle of the Road

arr. thurlow steffy Chancel Choir


Deuteronomy Dr. David Swanson Deuteronomy 8:6-18

Prayer for Illumination *Scripture Reading

pew bible p. 132

At the conclusion of our Scripture reading, the leader will say, “This is the word of the Lord.” The congregation is invited to respond, “Thanks be to God.”


A Little Trouble With Amnesia


Invitation to the Table Prayer of Consecration Words of Institution Serving of the Bread Serving of the Cup

RESPONSE *Hymn This Is a Time to Remember

*Invitation and Charge *Benediction

no. 792 Dudley

*Choral Response Alleluia! Amen

eugene butler

Postlude Festive Trumpet Tune


* All who are able are invited to stand. Assisting in Worship: Dr. Case Thorp, Dr. Daniel Sharp, and Steve Strite, Organist.


Have you ever forgotten the birthday or anniversary of a loved one? How did that make them feel? Has anyone ever forgotten your birthday or anniversary? How did that make you feel?

2. Why does God say that the Israelites should observe His commands? Why do you think God connects the commands with what He is doing in verses 7 through 9? 3. God warns against forgetting Him in verse 7. What is a ​​​​​​​consequence of forgetting Him offered? 4. What has God done previously for His people (v. 1416)? Why do you think God wants His people to look back and remember? 5. As you think about your own personal history, what has God done for you? What has God done for your group? What has God done for First Presbyterian Church of Orlando? 6. God emphasizes that the ability to produce wealth comes from Him (v. 18). As you reflect upon the wealth you have, such as it is, why is it important to remember that it comes from God? What responsibility do you think we have to those who are in our community? How might this be connected to God’s commands? 7. We have said in worship that real economic success is about how much value you create, and not about how much money you make. Thus, the connection between faith and work continues to be an important part of our Christian witness. When you think of your work (whether that’s paid or not) what value do you create as you labor? *This week's Year of the Book reading - Numbers 31.