Dayton Public Schools that were being rebuilt, with the ..... am a freshman at Ohio University, and I love it! ..... is
The Dayton Foundation Report to the Community Inside: Stories of inspiration and community, stories about your neighbors...and much more. Their legacy continues...
See page 5 for the story behind the cover.
2009-10 Message to the Community:
Letter from the Chair and the President of The Dayton Foundation
“Someone’s sitting in the shade today, because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” – Warren Buffett Why Unrestricted Matters
Foundation President Michael M. Parks and Board Chair Gary L. LeRoy, M.D.
ome time back, Warren Buffet made this marvelous statement. It struck us how aptly it describes what donors do when they establish their charitable endowment
funds for the betterment of others. good of the community as a whole, What Is The Dayton Some 3,000 charitable funds have and that is able to convene someFoundation? been established at The Dayton times disparate groups to work When people think of charitable foundations, typically they think of Foundation since 1921, many together to find solutions and private foundations representing a of them intended to work in our move them forward. single philanthropist, family or comcommunity forever. This latter realm of company. Community foundations like Every gift is precious. munity leadership The Dayton Foundation are public charities, created by and for the Donors choose from initiatives requires “…unrepeople in a local area. The Dayton a wide variety of significant capital stricted gifts… Foundation’s core purpose is to help ways to give, some allow the Foundation to seed these you help others. giving during their efforts and proThe Dayton Foundation repreto award grants wher- vide staff needed sents nearly 3,000 individuals and lifetime, others ever community need families from nearly every walk of intending gifts to to forward them. life and background, joined by a or opportunity is These initiatives the community to common purpose: the desire to greatest....” help society and the community go on long after they and our decades of through charity. These individuals pass. Some donors decide discretionary grants to have made a commitment to help to establish funds at The Dayton local nonprofits are made possible today or through their estates. Foundation for specific organizaby donors who have provided Community foundations are very long-sighted organizations. They tions or causes. Others choose to Community Impact Endowment are distinguished by their mission make unrestricted gifts to allow the Funds, either totally unrestricted to be here in perpetuity and manFoundation to award grants wheror restricted only by area of interest, age donors’ charitable wishes and ever community need or opportusuch as health or the environment. the “community capital” they have invested to meet Greater Dayton’s nity is greatest at any point in time. These funds have seeded efforts changing needs and opportunities. The Dayton Foundation leading to establishing The Job The beauty of community founmanages endowed donors’ wishes Center, the Minority Economic dations is in the diversity of their in perpetuity. This is a sacred Development Council, the Neighbase. People of modest means stand side by side with well-known trust and a central mission that borhood Schools Center project, Dayton philanthropists to form a we serve. Part of this trust also and the Schuster Center, among community philanthropic foundaincludes “having our ear to the many others. tion that is strong and deep beyond measure. The Dayton Foundation ground,” as donor Jane DunThe Dayton Foundation went has innovative giving vehicles, from woodie noted in her feature article for a number of years with very Charitable Checking Accounts on the next page, to be a resource modest increases in the perto private foundation alfor donors and the community centage of unrestricted ternatives that enable Mission people to on charitable giving. assets. Before the of The Dayton charitable find a place at the But that trust goes a step year covered by this Foundation: To table. Anyone can further. Our donors expect us to annual report, midbe a philanthropist strengthen our step forward when an unmet com- 2009 to mid-2010, if you have even munity need is glaringly apparent, the Foundation had community through a modest amount to give and want to when need or opportunity is great just $10 million – or philanthropy and help others. leadership. and when we are uniquely quali1/29th of total assets The reasons for using The Dayton Foundafied to draw together resources – in Community Impact tion, rather than writing checks to to make a difference. The Dayton Endowment Funds. During this charity or setting up a private founFoundation has come to be viewed past year, donors have contributed dation, are many. They include: as the neutral party that represents • simplifying the giving process Continued on page 6 • maximizing tax benefits no single agenda, except for the SM
Ten Years of The Dayton Foundation Grants and Charitable Distributions (all in $ millions) – Total: $366 million
Highlights of Community Impact Endowment Fund Grants 1995-2010
$34.2 03-04
Changing Lives Through Self-Sufficiency. 4
This Community Report was made possible by four Dayton Foundation donors and families who are this year’s “I Believe!” Partners. Their generosity supports Dayton Foundation publications and helps free resources for the Foundation’s other community work. The 2010-11 “I Believe!” Partners are: Carol & Jack H. Adam, Leona E. & Jane A. Dunwoodie, Janet A. & Donald L. Grieshop, and Marcia L. & Donald J. Schade, with additional help from The Standard Register Company. We are grateful to all of them and to all of our Foundation donors.
Opening the Door to Stray Animals. 4
Helped to lead in the community’s response to welfare and employment issues by launching a multiyear Dayton Self-Sufficiency Initiative. This led to helping citizens overcome barriers to economic independence and to supporting the creation of The Job Center in 1997.
2010-11 “I Believe!” Partners
Raising the Curtain. 4
Enabled the construction of the majestic Benjamin and Marian Schuster Performing Arts Center to go forward by awarding $1 million and providing backing for bonds to be issued.
Photo: Andy Snow
• minimizing costs • adding flexibility in giving and • providing resources from a staff knowledgeable about community issues and the charitable vehicles to create the best fit for each individual and family. The Foundation also provides opportunities to support needed leadership initiatives to solve specific community problems. The Dayton Foundation provides people with a vehicle for collective community good. We help you help others.
Helped SICSA (Society for the Improvement and Condition of Stray Animals) more than double the size of its facility, enabling them to care for a greater number of animals awaiting adoption.
Operating Fund Contributors
2010 Biennial Meeting Institutional Sponsors
Individual and Other Gifts to the Operating Fund
ach year many hundreds of individuals, corporations and financial institutions contribute to funds of The Dayton Foundation, including the Foundation’s operating fund. We deeply appreciate all of The Dayton Foundation donors and all that they do for Greater Dayton. In this report, we recognize the following donors who contributed to the Foundation’s operating fund in this past fiscal year (July 1, 2009, to June 30, 2010).
Gold Level
Visionary ($5,000 or Above)
Bieser, Greer & Landis, LLP JPMorgan Chase & Co. KeyBank National Association
Anonymous Donors, Tracy H. & Irvin G. Bieser, Jr., Jean M. Cahill, Beth H. & John W. Ey, Mary S. & Richard F. Glennon, Sr., Caryl D. Philips, Jerome F. Tatar
Page 2 | 2009-10 Report to the Community
Bronze Level
Brower Insurance Agency, LLC; Fifth Third Bank; Flagel, Huber, Flagel & Co.; Merrill Lynch; PNC Institutional Investments Contributor Level
Fund Evaluation Group, LLC; Transamerica Investment Management, LLC; U.S. Bank
Partner ($1,000–$4,999)
Anonymous Donors, Carol & Jack H. Adam, Rebecca Appenzeller & Craig Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Scott Behnken, Mr. & Mrs. John W. Berry, Jay A. Buckingham, Mr. & Mrs. L. William Crotty, Mollie & Thomas Danis, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Deering, Mr. & Mrs.
Providing Hope.
Assisted Daybreak in transforming a 100-year-old downtown building into a safe haven for homeless and troubled youth.
J. Norman Eckstein, Virginia L. Goebel-Fisher Fund, Lana Turner Granzow, Martha J. Harrison, Mr. & Mrs. Franz J. Hoge, Michael E. Hosford, Ellen & Jeff Ireland, Dr. & Mrs. Frank James, Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Jones, Dr. & Mrs. Mason S. Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. King, The Mary H. Kittredge Fund, Margo & Leo E. Knight, Jr., Janet E. & David L. Meeker Fund, Miami Valley Human Resources Association, Gerald M. Miller & Carole A. Miller Family Foundation, Miller-Valentine Group, Elsie S. Mommsen, E. Lee Monnin, Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Neumeister, Susan & Shaun P. Nicholson, Laura B. &
Initiatives and Efforts of The Dayton Foundation 2009-10
he Dayton Foundation is continuing its pioneering spirit to make a positive difference for the region through leadership initiatives and significant community efforts. By joining with other area funders and community leaders, the Foundation’s impact is widespread and a force for community good.
“The Greater Dayton Partners for the Environment means so much to the work of our organization,” she said, “as we struggle to protect our region’s diminishing farmlands and natural lands for today and for the future.”
Greater Dayton Partners for the Environment The Greater Dayton Partners for the Environment, a Dayton Foundation initiative, in partnership with the Miami Conservancy District and with additional support from Five Rivers MetroParks and the Foundation’s Greater Dayton Conservation Fund, is building momentum to help preserve Greater Dayton’s natural environment. Together with 43 local nonprofit environmental and conservation organizations, the Partners are laying the groundwork to secure funding for regional environmental collaborations and other resources that will build the organizations’ work and capacity.
program. Children and adults are benefiting from a variety of programs designed to enhance the schools’ role as community centers.
Neighborhood School Centers
Krista Magaw Through this leadership initiative, Greater Dayton’s environmental and conservation organizations are exploring ways to bring new resources to the region to strengthen their work to preserve and protect our natural resources. “The beauty of our natural environment is why many people chose to live in our region. We’re fortunate to have numerous conservation organizations devoted to protecting and preserving these resources,” said Krista Magaw, executive director of the Tecumseh Land Preservation Association.
Launched nearly six years ago by the Foundation, the Neighborhood School Centers (NSC) program is building stronger urban neighborhoods, while working to enhance our children’s education and strengthen families. Five centers currently are operating in Dayton Public Schools that were being rebuilt, with the University of Dayton’s Fitz Center for Leadership in Community driving the
Kiser School Panther Patrol When Shannon Moore noticed that so many young children were walking to and from school unattended, she decided to help her children’s school, Kiser PreK-8 Continued on page 5
A Devotion to Family and to Dayton
Leona E. & Jane A. Dunwoodie
2010-11 “I Believe!” Partners of The Dayton Foundation
To understand Leona and Jane Dunwoodie, you need to understand the impact of their family’s recent immigrant past, a story like that of millions of Americans who came here from humble beginnings to build a better life. Leona Elef was the daughter of first-generation Hungarian immigrants. Leona wed David Dunwoodie, whose father came over from Scotland. Their parents’ old-world appreciation for what America – and Dayton – offered their families was very apparent to Leona and David as they grew up, and this was imparted to their daughter, Jane. Leona and Jane are passionate in their desire to help others in Greater Dayton. When asked what motivates her to help her community, Leona simply said, “It’s my home!” For Jane, her reasons began in a childhood memory.
“The arts inspire people and give them a way to express what is important to them.”– Dayton resident Jane Dunwoodie Jane’s father, David, was a mechanical engineer like his father, who chose to settle in Dayton because of his love of aviation. David early on became a draftsman for Orville Wright and was stationed at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base during the war, so aeronautics was in Jane’s blood. “When I was five years old,” Jane said, “I told my father I wanted to be very wealthy and fly an airplane.” Her father understood well her desire to fly, but was curious about why she wished to be so wealthy. Young Jane replied, “I want to fly over the poor parts of town and toss the money out the window for the poor people.” In a way, that is what Jane and her mother are doing through their Dayton Foundation legacy endowment fund to help the Greater Dayton community. Jane, who has had a long career with museums and libraries, also is an accomplished artist, best known for her intricate wood-carved and painted art boxes you may see in galleries. Leona, who holds a business administration degree from Miami University – almost unheard of for a woman in the 1930s – played piano and always has loved attending live performances with Jane. It was a natural step, then, for them to support the region’s arts organizations in perpetuity by creating a field-of-interest fund with a portion of their planned endowment. “Food, health, safety all have to be addressed,” Jane said, “but eventually you need something higher. The arts inspire people and give them a way to express what is important to them. It’s reassuring to know that the Foundation has its ear to the ground and will have the flexibility to support the efforts with the greatest impact on the arts long after we’re gone.” n Giving Kids a Second Chance. 4
Aided over 5,000 Montgomery County school dropouts in finding a path back and helped cut the dropout rate in half by committing $1 million over six years to the Out-of-School-Youth initiative.
Peter W. Pannier, Amy S. & Michael M. Parks, Vicki Pegg & Robert McGriff, Carole E. Remick, Karen R. & Burnell R. Roberts, Colleen M. Ryan, Sharon K. & Doug C. Scholz, Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Schwartz, Frank Scott, Jane & Fred C. Setzer, Jr., Frederick C. Smith, Virginia B. Toulmin, Mr. & Mrs. Philip H. Wagner, Ronald D. Wagner, Betsy B. & Leon A. Whitney, Mr. & Mrs. Otto Lee Wiedeke, Mr. & Mrs. John York Friend ($500–$999)
Anonymous Donors, Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Ashcom, Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Caccamo, Jan & Robert Clark, Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Helping Nonprofits Partner for the Future.
Enriching History Through Dance. 4
Helped preserve vital services provided by Greater Dayton nonprofits by commencing an initiative to help them explore new, more efficient ways to operate through collaborations, partnerships and mergers.
Enhanced Dayton’s 2003 Inventing Flight centennial celebration by aiding Dayton Contemporary Dance Company in creating four new works of art to perform for thousands of people throughout the event.
T. Ferguson, Marjorie & Harry Flasher, Mr. & Mrs. Nick G. Harris, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hausfeld, Al H. & Olive I. Homan Fund, Dr. & Mrs. Neil Kantor, Mr. & Mrs. Warner H. Kiefaber, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Laumann, Judy D. & William K. McCormick, The Miske Family Charitable Fund, Frances S. Repperger, Ruth F. Richardson, Agata & Jamie Schade, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Scullion, St. Henry Tile Company, Inc., Barbra A. Stonerock & Bear Monita, Mr. & Mrs. Fred E. Weber, Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Wichman
Supporter ($200–$499)
Anonymous Donors, Helen Abramovitz, Barbara K. Ackerman, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Baldasare, Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Beebe, Margery A. Beerbower, Mrs. Eugene S. Belden, Elinor & Sam Benedict, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore R. Black, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Blessing, Carol & Tom Breitenbach, Mr. & Mrs. William H. Broad, III, Dr. & Mrs. Richard C. Cammerer, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy O. Cornell, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Creager, Gerald Demers, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Eubel, Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Finke, Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Green, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Gurklies, Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Hall, Margaret
Rebuilding Neighborhoods. 4
Partnered to place Dayton public elementary schools at the center of rebuilding neighborhoods by helping to launch a leadership initiative to create at least five Neighborhood School Centers.
L. Hayes, Carol Siyahi Hicks, Mr. & Mrs. James R. Hochwalt, Mr. & Mrs. Louis G. Homan, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Horan, Mrs. Don R. Ireland, Mr. & Mrs. McKenna S. Jordan, Jr., Joyce N. & Mark W. Klug, Jeannette Lacouture, Amanda Wright Lane & Donald Lane, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Laufersweiler, Edythe M. Lewis, Hazel A. Lewis, Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Litscher, Mr. & Mrs. C. Michael Lowrey, Mildred Mooney, John E. Moore, Sr., Thomas R. Neeld, Paul F. Nugent, Jr., Walter Ohlmann, Mr. & Mrs. Gary B. Pascoe, Mrs. Robert Penny, Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Pohl, Jr., Rev. & Mrs. Gordon S. Price,
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Reeves, Jan Rudd-Goenner, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. Ryan, Jr., Paula Saunders, Mr. & Mrs. John L. Schaefer, Louise R. Scheuerman Endowment Fund, Mr. & Mrs. C. Miles Schmidt, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Schmidt, Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Shinabarger, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Stegemiller, Mary E. Strasser, Diane & Ron Timmons, Lawrence Turyn, Mary Tymeson, Dr. & Mrs. Stuart T. Weinberg, Jane K. Weltz, Mary Jane B. Whalen, Frank J. Winslow, Jean V. Woodhull, Nancy Zorniger Donors (under $200)
Anonymous Donors, Adegbile Continued on next page
We help you help others. | Page 3
Grantmaking Highlights
Students Have Brighter Future, Thanks to Scholarships
or nearly 90 years our donors, through The Dayton Foundation, have touched countless lives through grants awarded to help support charitable organizations and causes in the Greater Dayton Region. During fiscal year 2010, The Dayton Foundation and our donors awarded nearly 14,000 grants totaling $36.6 million. These grants were awarded to charities through Dayton Foundation endowed funds and Charitable Checking Accounts. In the last decade, the Foundation has distributed more than 142,000 grants totaling $366 million. The impact of these grants is widespread and speaks volumes about our community’s generosity and about how The Dayton Foundation has helped individuals to help others. SM
Nearly 1,300 Greater Dayton students are receiving financial assistance with their education, thanks to $1.4 million in scholarships awarded by 124 Dayton Foundation funds. Included in this amount is $872,350, awarded by the Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship Program, a fund of The Dayton Foundation since 2006. In the last 10 years, more than 7,300 students have received nearly $9 million in scholarships through The Dayton Foundation. Campership Grants Give Kids a Chance to Be Kids
Former factory workers Robert and Helen Harmony wanted to give children an opportunity they did not have as children – a chance to go to camp. Thanks to their Dayton Foundation fund established in 1993 for this purpose, more than $590,000 has been awarded to resident and health-related camps. This has provided 5,159 children in need with the joy of going to camp and enjoying their childhood. This past year, 17 Foundation funds awarded campership grants totaling nearly $78,000, $48,600 from the Harmonys’ fund. Strengthening Community Through Discretionary Grants
Highlights of Community Impact Endowment Fund Grants 1995-2010
“Through the generous support of the Charles E. Hoffman Fund of The Dayton Foundation, Culture Works is able to assist seven professional arts organizations to offer free arts programming and other outreach to the community,” said Dave Seyer, vice president of Development for Culture Works. “Thanks to this funding, we are strengthening the arts and culture of the Greater Dayton Region.”
In addition to grants awarded to charity by the request of Foundation donors, additional grants were made through the Foundation’s discretionary grantmaking process, for a combined total of nearly $37 million in grants and programs during the Foundation’s last fiscal year. By placing no restrictions on the grants awarded from their funds, a number of donors have enabled the Foundation to address some of our community’s most pressing problems and opportunities. This past year, The Dayton Foundation awarded 81 discretionary grants, totaling $601,628,
Helping Those Most in Need. 4
Enterprises, Inc., Mr. & Mrs. Glenn W. Barnhart, Joy & Fred Bartenstein, Molly Bell, Mr. & Mrs. Orlando V. Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Burshtan, Mr. & Mrs. Jean Luc Caillat, Mr. & Mrs. John R. Callander, Hon. & Mrs. James F. Cannon, Dr. & Mrs. C. Patrick Carroll, Lucille A. & James J. Carroll, Clark, Schaefer, Hackett & Co., Angela & Anthony Clements, Eva Conley-Williamson, Clara L. Conner & Carl J. Bruckner, Karen O. & Gary W. Crim, Genevieve E. Danis, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Darnell, William Dean, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald T. Deger, Rose Ann & Mark Eckart, Judith M. Elliot, Helen B.
school bus to transport students. Dayton Opera Association ($10,000) – support educational
and outreach programs related to the production of Porgy and Bess. “My family and I lost our home in a fire in 2007. Years of living with family and friends and in hotels led us to Dayton looking for a fresh start. But after several months at a homeless shelter, we were losing hope,” Denicka L. Williams said. “It was there I learned about a new program at the Red Cross Family Living Center. We moved into an apartment in March. Not only do we have somewhere to live, but we also have a new lease on life.” A Dayton Foundation discretionary grant, made possible by unrestricted funds (Community Impact Endowment Funds), helped capitalize this program in 2010.
Page 4 | 2009-10 Report to the Community
Family Violence Prevention Center of Greene County ($15,000) – assist in expanding
the agency’s shelter for victims of family violence. Fisher Nightingale Houses, Inc. ($25,000) – aid the construction
of a compassionate care facility for military personnel and their families. help expand its facility to train service dogs.
purchase laptop computers for home-care visits to individuals with Alzheimer’s.
– assist in purchasing additional equipment for career development activities for high school students with disabilities.
American Red Cross Dayton Area Chapter ($10,000) – assist in
K12 Gallery for Youth ($10,000)
– help purchase a new van to transport youth. Community Blood Center ($20,000) – provide aid for the
construction of a state-of-the-art Center for Tissue Innovation and Research. Corner Cupboard Charities of Greater Dayton ($25,000) – help
expand its thrift store to serve individuals in need. The Dayton Art Institute ($10,000) – help initiate the
Reaching Out to Our Neighborhood diversity project.
Edward Humphrys, Mrs. William J. Hussey, Beth & Kurt Hutter, Mrs. Paul L. Hyde, Mr. & Mrs. John Jahoda, Mr. & Mrs. John L. Jauch, Dr. & Mrs. George John, Anne Johnson, Beulah R. Jones, Dr. & Mrs. Michael Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. Byron L. Kentner, Kuhns Brothers Company Foundation, Dr. & Mrs. Gary L. LeRoy, Mr. & Mrs. Alexander D. MacDonell, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Lawson E. Marsh, Mr. & Mrs. Norval D. Martin, Mr. & Mrs. William P. Mayberry, Nancy F. McCormick, Mary & Kevin McDonald, Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. McNamee, Karen & Dale Medford, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew F. Melko, Mr. & Mrs. David K. Miller,
The Muse Machine ($10,000)
– help fund student and teacher training projects for secondary school programs.
of three offices into one facility.
KDI Workshop, Inc. ($15,000)
Catholic Social Services ($8,000)
ment of a central facility and adult literacy programs.
Elizabeth’s New Life Center ($10,000) – aid the consolidation
Alzheimer’s Association, Miami Valley Chapter ($17,000) – help
transitioning emergency housing units into permanent supportive housing for people in need.
Miami Valley Literacy Council ($10,000) – support the develop-
nization’s website to showcase and market local artists.
4 Paws for Ability ($10,000) –
Partnered to found The Greater Dayton Partners for the Environment to assist dozens of environmental organizations in working together to better preserve and protect our region’s environment.
Farrenkopf, Louis W. Feldmann, III, Mr. & Mrs. R. Peter Finke, Georgia T. Floridis, Hon. & Mrs. Patrick Foley, Mary Anne Frey, Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Friedman, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Gerstle, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Gillaugh, Barbara Pflum Gobrail, Mr. & Mrs. David D. Goldberg, Judy & Denny Graf, Dr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Greenfield, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Gross, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Harker, III, Brandon E. Harrison, Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Henry, Mr. & Mrs. J. Stephen Herbert, Dr. & Mrs. Dale R. Hines, Mr. & Mrs. Hans Holztrager, Peggy & Emerson L. Horner, III, Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Huels, Mr. & Mrs. William A. Huffman, Judith &
Dayton Visual Arts Center ($6,000) – help expand the orga-
to support a wide range of community efforts. Organizations awarded discretionary grants of more than $5,000 follow.
Preserving Natural Resources. 4
Aided St. Vincent Hotel in refurbishing a former warehouse and relocating its services to provide better shelter, case management and other services to the community’s increasing homeless population.
continued from page 3
Dayton Christian Center ($8,000) – assist in purchasing a
– support the development of an art program as an alternative to juvenile incarceration. L and M Products, Inc./Preble County Board of Developmental Disabilities ($5,000) – assist
in funding the construction of a playground accessible to people with disabilities. Memorial United Church of Christ/Kids in New Directions ($15,000) – help provide educa-
tional programs for underserved youth. Miami Valley Housing Opportunities ($5,500) – help provide
permanent housing for individuals with mental illnesses.
Showcasing Dayton’s Rich History.
Awarded a discretionary grant to assist in the construction of The Heritage Center of Dayton Manufacturing & Entrepreneurship at Carillon Park.
“Growing up, my family moved a lot and often relied on food basket deliveries provided by local churches for meals,” Lauren Burns said. “Only one of my parents has a high school education, so I knew from a young age that if I wanted to make something of myself, I had to go to college. Despite many obstacles, I persevered and was awarded three Dayton Foundation scholarships. Now I am a freshman at Ohio University, and I love it! I know this is where I’m meant to be and see a bright future ahead of me.” Parity, Inc. ($10,000) – aid in
expanding mentoring services for at-risk youth. Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio Region ($10,000) – help
convert to electronic health records to meet federal regulations. Toward Independence ($8,000) –
assist in purchasing a van to transport clients with developmental disabilities. Trotwood Area Handivan Ministry, Inc. ($8,000) – aid in
purchasing a van to transport elderly clients and individuals with disabilities. Victoria Theatre Association ($8,500) – help develop a play-
writing workshop for students based on the musical WICKED. YWCA Dayton ($5,000) – help install a digital telephone system for the Domestic Violence Hotline.
Bringing Crayons to Classrooms. 4
Partnered with the Mathile Family Foundation to initiate a community initiative to provide free supplies to teachers for children in need, helping more than 10,000 students from 29 local schools to date.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Miner, Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Moeller, Mark Monbeck, Mr. & Mrs. Stan Musick, Mr. & Mrs. James Neef, Mr. & Mrs. David L. Neer, Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Neroni, Nancy Nerny, Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Nevin, Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Olinsky, Robert E. Owen, Margy C. Patterson, Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Perkins, Mr. & Mrs. Norman V. Plair, Helen C. & Robert L. Potter, Harold S. Prigozen, Nancy L. Reed, Mr. & Mrs. Jack R. Royer, Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Ruhl, Mr. & Mrs. Frank X. Sagstetter, Albert F. Schneider, Dr. & Mrs. Kent K. Scholl, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Schumann, Dorothy O. & William
C. Scott, Hazel Carter Scott, Marilyn & Del Shannon, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Shively, Mary Marshall Sidorsky, G. Richard Smith, Mr. & Mrs. James D. Stahler, Diane H. & Albert E. Staub, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Stoermer, Marilyn R. Strickler, Mr. & Mrs. David C. Studebaker, Pamela & David Sunderland, Mr. & Mrs. Hallock F. Swift, Fatemeh & Enayatollah Tabesh, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Van Patten, Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Vecchi, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Wade, Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Weaver, Dr. & Mrs. Bradley A. Weber, Mr. & Mrs. Jerome E. Westendorf, Nancy Williams, Joyce C. Young, Mr. & Mrs. Everett Yowell
Subcommittee on Minority Inclusion on Corporate Boards
continued from page 3
School, take action. Thanks to a grant from the Ohio Department of Transportation, the Salvation Army of the Greater Dayton Area and Kiser School, partners in the Neighborhood School Centers program, established the Panther Patrol – a neighborhood effort to get parents and businesses actively involved in protecting students. “Parents are walking kids in the morning and after school. Businesses are posting Panther Paws on their doors to show that they are safe places for kids. Older students are looking after the little ones, and the school is working with our neighborhood to protect our children and keep the community safe. It’s all good,” said Shannon Moore. “More schools need neighborhood centers like ours.”
Minority Economic Development Council
Dayton Foundation Donors Helping Others Through Community Impact Endowment Funds (Unrestricted or Field-ofInterest)
The Commission on Minority Inclusion and the Minority Economic Development Council (MEDC) are helping to strengthen the health of our community’s economy by increasing a regional focus on minority business development. Initial efforts have focused on building awareness among the region’s buying organizations and have demonstrated success in forging partnerships, developing mentoring relationships between majority and minority businesses and continuing the conversation of diversity and inclusion as a priority among the region’s leaders.
Clarissa Davis-Lindsey Local corporations, including Teradata Operations, Inc., are leveraging the Minority Economic Development Council (MEDC) to build their supplier diversity programs, resulting in new business for the region’s minority business enterprises (MBE). “MEDC provided the resources we needed to get our program off the ground. This work will have a positive impact on our corporate bottom line and on our community by keeping more of our contracted dollars local and accelerate the growth of local MBEs,” said Clarissa Davis-Lindsey, business analyst II/IP escrow manager, Teradata Operations, Inc. “We’re very excited to be working with Scorpion Data Security, whom we connected with through MEDC.” Said Eric Joiner, owner, Scorpion Data Security, “We’ve been in business a year and recently secured one of our largest contracts to date with Teradata. We have many other contracts in the works, thanks to MEDC. Without MEDC’s support, this wouldn’t have been possible.”
edge of highly qualified AfricanAmerican professionals with the credentials the companies seek. “Many companies are coming to realize that adding minorities to their boards is just good business,” said Charles A. Jones, chair of the Subcommittee and former chair of The Dayton Foundation Governing Board. “It adds diversity of perspectives and experience and can lead to enhanced and even new markets for products and services. Over time, this will aid in building a consciousness of inclusiveness that will have a profound and positive impact on our local economy.”
To further the message of inclusion, The Dayton Foundation, in partnership with the Dayton Business Committee and Parity, Inc., has launched a new effort to help companies seeking to increase diversification of their boards by appointing highly qualified African-American board members. The Subcommittee on Minority Inclusion on Corporate Boards is chaired by Charles A. Jones, former chair of The Dayton Foundation Governing Board. This effort has enormous potential to raise the visibility of an underutilized resource of trained minority professionals who can help strengthen our region’s companies and economy.
Nonprofit Alliance Support Program
The most recent addition to Dayton’s RiverScape is an impressive, new pavilion for concerts and festivals, along with concessions and gardens. Unrestricted Dayton Foundation funds from years past provided funding for the initial RiverScape plans for what has become a beautiful addition to the Five Rivers MetroParks system. Among the people whose Dayton Foundation funds have helped make this possible are (left to right) Frederick C. Smith, David L. Rike, and Wallace and Florence Stauffer.
The Nonprofit Alliance Support Program, a collaborative effort launched by the Foundation in 2009, is helping to address the long-term viability of our community’s nonprofits. Several local organizations involved in this pilot program are exploring new and more efficient ways to structure their organizations through partnerships, alliances or mergers, with the goal of helping to preserve the quality of life these nonprofits help make possible in our community.
Charles A. Jones
Subcommittee is ...the Neighbor-... The helping area comhood School Centers panies make a program is building match between companies’ stronger urban neighbor- the need for the enhance our right board children’s education and member candistrengthen families. date and its knowl-
Ray D. Loughman was employed in a small service office at NCR Corporation for many years. He was a decorated World War II veteran who lived through 73 London air raids and fought on the beaches of Normandy and in the Battle of the Bulge. He lived modestly and saved enough to help his beloved Dayton through the Ray Loughman Fund, providing unrestricted community grants in perpetuity.
When Virginia B. Toulmin, widow of Harry A. Toulmin, Jr., Esq., son of the attorney who secured and defended the Wright Brothers’ flying machine patents, passed away this year, she left a more than $26-million unrestricted gift to endow a Foundation fund for the benefit of Greater Dayton. It will perpetuate her passion for helping others and have a profound impact on our community for generations to come.
Gifts of Time, Talent and Treasure
Carol & Jack H. Adam
About the Cover
2010-11 “I Believe!” Partners of The Dayton Foundation
Jack Adam always has felt fortunate – even when he was a little boy. “I was born in the United States, in good health, with good intelligence and to parents who loved me. If you have those things, you are not poor,” Jack said. Jack and his wife, Carol, are grateful for these and other blessings: their Catholic school and college educations and their four children and nine grandchildren. “It’s part of our faith to share our gifts with other people,” said Jack Adam, vice president and portfolio manager for Johnson Investment Counsel.
“Working with The Dayton Foundation makes giving to a multitude of organizations easy.” – Kettering resident Jack Adam Sharing their time is one way they show gratitude. Once a month for 10 years, the Adams served dinner to the homeless at St. Vincent de Paul Hotel Gateway Shelter. And once a week for five years, Carol washed laundry for the people there. “We wanted to do this hands-on work, because we could see all the good things St. Vincent’s was doing,” Carol said. Jack Adam is grateful for his education at Xavier and Purdue Universities and his career managing clients’ investments. He also uses his talents to manage funds for St. Vincent de Paul and the Diabetes Association of the Dayton Area. “If my professional abilities can help charities get the greatest return on their money, that’s a perfect match,” he said. Carol Adam said education’s promise for a brighter future is why she and Jack give scholarships to Daytonarea Catholic schools and to freshmen at Cincinnati’s Elder High School, Jack’s alma mater. Jack mentors some of the Elder students; several have graduated from Ivy League schools, and two are orthopedic surgeons. “Students who develop their minds can lead fulfilling lives, contribute to society and develop moral principles,” noted Carol, who taught in Catholic schools. The Adams also give to St. Vincent de Paul, Elizabeth’s New Life Center, churches and human services organizations, and help bright, but poor, college-bound students in Bogota, Colombia, through the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers mission. “Working with The Dayton Foundation makes giving to a multitude of organizations easy,” Jack said. The Adams began 30 years ago with a Charitable Checking Account, moved to a donor-advised fund and now have a Family Foundation Plus fund. “We have new possibilities for funding, investing and giving,” Jack said. “By making a gift to the Foundation when stocks are high, we are able to give back even more.” n SM
We help you help others. | Page 5
addition, donors committed over chair of The Dayton Foundation $1.7 million in new planned and the man who brought the and deferred (legacy) Foundation into the “[Frederick gifts, for a total of modern era, expoC. Smith] was a $180 million in comnentially increasing mitted legacies. This giant of a man. We the number of new more than $30 million in addiis impressive and were privileged to Foundation donors tional unrestricted funds, to bring disproportionate giv- have known and funds. Over the Foundation to $40 million ing from a community decades he was at the him….” in unrestricted funds – or 1/8th our size. center of many Foundation of total assets. This is incredible The Dayton Foundation conleadership initiatives, advocating growth in this type of giving. tinues to make strides in its leader- for those who could not speak for Ten Community Impact ship initiatives. We continue to themselves. He was a giant of a Endowment Funds were added this work to help the region’s nonprofman. We were privileged to have past year, including the two largest its weather the economic storm known him and to have witnessed unrestricted funds in the Foundaand strengthen their organizations the tremendous, good works he tion’s history, the unprecedented through increased efficiencies and accomplished through The $26.4-million legacy gift from partnerships. We continue to grow Dayton Foundation. Virginia Toulmin and $3.9-million our efforts to enrich the education We are deeply grateful to our legacy gift from Edward and Esther of our children, to help strengthen donors and volunteers, who have Kohnle. These and other unreour region’s economy by fostering planted many trees that will shade stricted or lightly restricted gifts economic inclusion for all, and and shelter our community for represent these generous to enhance organizations’ decades to come. donors’ investment in efforts to preserve and “We are.. the institution of their grateful to all protect our beautiful community foundaenvironment. tion and will provide of our donors Giving highlights every day….” in FY10, enduring gifts to of course, were Gary L. LeRoy, M.D., Chair their community in the Virginia Toulmin and perpetuity. Edward and Esther Kohnle gifts. We cannot begin to state our huge Report on 2009-10 (FY10) debt of gratitude to them for these The Dayton Foundation’s granttremendous gifts. We are grateful making has remained high, nearly Michael M. Parks, President to all of our donors every day and $37 million this past fiscal year to our new “I Believe!” Partners (July 1, 2009, to June 30, 2010 – * At the time of publication of this and Standard Register for their FY10) and just roughly $2 million report, audited dollar figures were special assistance to us. The Partless than FY09. Despite the chalnot available. You may view the ners’ commitment is described in audited numbers on The Dayton lenging economy, new contribuFoundation’s website at www.dayton a separate section on page 2, and tions were up, at over $63 million they are highlighted in our annual ($38 million in FY09), more than after November 22, 2010. More report features. $26 million of which was from extensive annual report informaWe would be remiss if we the Virginia Toulmin gift. Total tion, including descriptions of Foundidn’t state our great gratitude to dation endowed funds, also will be assets climbed to over $333 milavailable at this web address. Frederick C. Smith, who passed lion ($286 million in FY09).* In away this year. He was a past Dayton Foundation Donors Helping Others Through Community Impact Endowment Funds (Unrestricted or Field-ofInterest)
continued from page 2
Gary L. LeRoy, M.D., leads by example. “As a family physician, who is native to this area and serves as chair of the Foundation Governing Board, I see every day the needs of our community and the many ways the Foundation makes a difference. I chose to create a Community Impact Endowment Fund, because I know the Foundation will need a greater reserve of unrestricted funds to continue to improve our region’s quality of life.”
A Passion for Dayton and Mending Human Need
John E. Moore, Sr.
Foundation Grantmaking Highlights Over the past fiscal year:
Nearly 14,000 grants to charity totaling nearly $37 million $11.8 million from donor funds to support education $4.6 million from donor funds to houses of worship An average of $146,000 granted from donor funds each week to improve health and human services and nearly $91,000 granted each week to support the arts, culture and humanities In the last 10 years:
Over 142,000 grants totaling $366 million Nearly $9 million in scholarships helping 7,332 students More than 4,200 children, who couldn’t otherwise afford to go, were sent to camp by former factory workers, Helen and Robert Harmony
Grant Guidelines The Dayton Foundation welcomes discretionary grant requests from organizations that benefit citizens in the Greater Dayton Region and that are recognized as tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. In order for the Foundation’s discretionary grants to truly benefit the community, emphasis is placed on new efforts or expansions of existing projects or initiatives, as well as capital and other special projects that enable organizations to expand services. Projects must represent unique and unduplicated efforts that will affect a substantial number of people. Qualified organizations interested in applying for a grant are asked to submit a Letter of Intent, which is available online at ltrintent.html. If, after the Foundation’s Grants Committee has determined that the project falls within the Foundation’s funding guidelines, applicants will be sent a full grant application. Additional grant application information is available on the Foundation’s website at www.daytonfoundation. org, or by contacting Barbra Stonerock, director of community relations, at (937) 225-9951.
In 1988 Carolyn Talbot Hoagland established two Community Impact Endowment Funds to perpetuate her parents’ devotion to children, arts and humanities. She said of parents Willard E. “Hap” Talbot and Lenore B. Talbot Thomas, “They taught us that with privilege goes responsibility. It’s about repaying to society the benefits you have received.”
John E. Moore, Sr., has lived in Dayton since he was a year old and loves this community. He says with a laugh, “I’ve got some skin in the game.” “Dayton has its own special culture and has been shaped by its history and past leadership. It’s a resourceful and creative community,” he said. A Dayton Foundation donor, past Governing Board chair and Foundation volunteer for nearly 40 years, John is one of our community’s most dedicated and intrepid volunteers. A retired chief, Civilian Personnel, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, he has been at the center of many complex and significant community efforts, a number of them leadership initiatives of The Dayton Foundation. Threads that run through the efforts to which he devotes his time are human need and wrongs that needs righting. “That is what I’m most passionate about,” he said. Among these efforts have been leadership in The Job Center, the Foundation’s African-American Community Fund, the Commission on Minority Inclusion, the Minority Economic Development Council, the Out-ofSchool Youth effort, Sinclair Community College and United Way, the launching of the Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship Program and of the Mentoring Collaborative, and helping pass the Human Services Levy and resurrect Mary Scott Nursing Home. “There’s always more work to do,” John said. What motivated John to be the giving person that he is? “It’s faith and fate,” he said. “My faith makes me
“Giving provides me an opportunity to practice my faith.” – Dayton resident John Moore open to sharing. Giving provides me an opportunity to practice my faith.” His fate was interwoven with living through the Depression and World War II. While in the military he traveled and saw poverty and need “in the most stretched dimensions,” he said. He witnessed and experienced the effects of a segregated society during and after the war, which fired him up to find a solution to the social and economic inequities he saw. “I had a choice to be angry or be part of the solution. I chose the latter,” he said. “I’ve seen so many fellow citizens in need and not able to be self-sufficient. It has continued to motivate me to want to do more.” This formed the basis for a lifetime of action on behalf of others. Not a wealthy man, John says he gives what he can monetarily, “but it’s not always about the dollars. Time and talent are just as important.” John’s life bears witness to precisely this. n
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Governing Board of The Dayton Foundation (As of June 30, 2010)
entral to the stewardship of The Dayton Foundation and its charitable activities is a volunteer Governing Board of up to 15 volunteers. These experienced civic leaders are appointed to five-year terms by the senior judge of the U.S. District Court for Southwest Ohio, the probate judge of Montgomery County, the mayor of the City of Dayton, the chief executive officers of the Foundation’s trustee financial institutions (two appointments) and fellow members of the Governing Board (up to 10 appointments). The Governing Board also serves as the Board of Trustees for a number of related organizations within the Foundation. Members of the Governing Board and other professionals volunteer on one of several Foundation standing Board committees that guide programmatic and philanthropic activities in the community. For a complete listing of these committees and their members, visit www.dayton In addition, hundreds of community
Staff A staff directory for The Dayton Foundation is available online at whohelps.html.
volunteers serve on dozens of fund grantmaking committees. Together, they provide the citizen involvement that characterizes a true community foundation. Gary L. LeRoy, associate dean for Student Affairs and Admissions, Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine, chair Thomas G. Breitenbach, CEO, Premier Health Partners Craig J. Brown, retired senior vice president, treasurer and CFO, The Standard Register Company Ellen S. Ireland, community leader Charles A. Jones, retired chief operating officer/assistant city manager, City of Dayton Helen E. Jones-Kelley, special assistant to the president for external relations, Central State University Anita J. Moore, retired vice president, The Berry Company/ AT&T Vicki D. Pegg, retired Montgomery County Commissioner Colleen M. Ryan, vice president, Defense Programs, Dayton Development Coalition, and retired 88th Air Base Wing and Installation Commander, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Douglas C. Scholz, president, Unibilt Industries Charles G. Schroeder, president and owner, Dayton Wire Wheel Richard W. Schwartz, president and CEO, WinWholesale, Inc. Fred C. Setzer, Jr., chairman, Setzer Corporation Jerome F. Tatar, retired chairman, MeadWestvaco Corporation Fred E. Weber, president and chairman, Weber Jewelers, Inc.
Past Governing Board Members
Gary L. LeRoy, chair
Thomas G. Breitenbach Craig J. Brown
Ellen S. Ireland
Charles A. Jones
Helen E. Jones-Kelley
Anita J. Moore
Vicki D. Pegg
Colleen M. Ryan
Douglas C. Scholz
Charles G. Schroeder
Richard W. Schwartz
Fred C. Setzer, Jr.
Jerome F. Tatar
Fred E. Weber
Mary E. Gundersen worked in accounting and was one of the first employees of the Huffy Corporation, retiring after 49 years. Instead of using her retirement gift – a trip to Scandinavia – she cashed in the ticket and saved the money. Upon her death in 1994, this and other estate assets seeded her Community Impact Endowment Fund and is perpetuating her love for her community.
Charles F. Kettering 1921-25 D. Frank Garland 1921-28 William D. Chamberlin 1921-36 Francis J. McCormick 1921-38 Milton Stern 1921-43 John G. Lowe 1925-27 Donald A. Kohr 1927-58 Ezra M. Kuhns 1928-60 Harry B. Canby 1936-56 H. Beckman Ohmer 1939-41 Charles J. Brennan 1942-62 Jack R. Silverman 1945-46 Samuel L. Finn 1946-58 Edward L. Kohnle 1957-73 Milton H. Wagner 1958-71 David L. Rike 1961-78 William Kuntz 1962-73 Robert A. Stein 1972-73 John E. Moore, Sr. 1972-91 Louis S. Goldman 1973-82 Robert S. Oelman 1974-80 Charles W. Danis 1974-84 Frederick C. Smith 1979-89 Anne S. Greene 1980-90 Jesse Philips 1983-92 Richard F. Glennon, Sr. 1984-98 Lloyd E. Lewis, Jr. 1988-94 Burnell R. Roberts 1989-2000 Thomas J. Danis 1990-99 Charles Abramovitz 1990-01 John W. Berry, Sr. 1991-97 Charles S. Brown 1992-01 Douglas L. Hawthorne 1993-02 Robert S. Neff 1993-02 Caryl D. Philips 1993-02 Betsy B. Whitney 1993-02 Clayton L. Mathile 1994-96 Rajesh K. Soin 1994-01 Estus Smith 1994-02 Paula J. MacIlwaine 1994-04 David R. Holmes 1998-01 John N. Taylor, Jr. 1999-03 Judy D. McCormick 1999-08 Franz J. Hoge 2000-09 Laura B. Pannier 2002-06 Leo E. Knight, Jr. 2003-07 Jamie King 2003-09
To learn more about The Dayton Foundation, visit us at, or on our Facebook or Twitter pages. You also may call (937) 222-0410 or (877) 222-0410 (toll free). Our receptionist, Regina Dixon, will be happy to direct your call. Or visit our online staff directory at whohelps.html. Meeting All Standards for U.S. Community Foundations.
Investing in One’s Home 2010-11 “I Believe!” Partners of The Dayton Foundation
Don J. & Marcy L. Schade
When Don Schade moved to Greater Dayton in 1965 to teach economics at the University of Dayton, his father expected him to return home one day to run the family’s lumber business in Helena, Ohio. More than 40 years later, Don is still here, along with his wife, Marcy, a fourth-generation Daytonian. Together, they are proud to call the region home. “I can’t see living any place else,” said Don, who today is a senior vice president for Merrill Lynch. “Dayton is just big enough to have lots of amenities, but small enough that it takes just minutes to get anywhere. Plus, it’s a great place to raise a family, with friendly people and a low cost of living.” Longtime Dayton Foundation donors and charter members of the local chapters of 100+ Women Who Care and 100+ Men Who Care, the Schades say that their philosophy for giving evolves as time and needs change. “We have a soft spot for lots of different causes, but when something attracts our attention and demonstrates a particular need, we’re likely to help,” Marcy said.
“The need is greater than ever in our community due to the economic situation. Giving to others helps us transform lives.” – Beavercreek resident Don Schade When Don Schade’s mother passed away in 2005, he and his family wanted a special way to honor her life and the life of his father, who had passed away a year earlier. They turned to The Dayton Foundation, who helped them establish a Family Foundation Plus Fund, a private foundation alternative, in their family’s name. “The Dayton Foundation is a force for good in our community,” Don said. “It also is a very progressive community foundation. I have clients throughout the country, and I’ll ask if their communities’ foundations offer services similar to those of The Dayton Foundation. They don’t. The Dayton Foundation was the best solution for our family’s giving.” Through this fund and their Charitable Checking Account, the Schades have made significant contributions to numerous area charities, including Kettering Medical Center, where their four children were born, Hospice of Dayton, Boy Scouts of America Miami Valley Council, St. Vincent Hotel, United Way of the Greater Dayton Area and Culture Works, among others. “For a community our size, we are blessed with a significant arts presence,” Marcy said of their giving to Culture Works. “This is so important to the life of our community, and we want to see them maintained for future generations.” “The need is greater than ever in our community due to the economic situation,” Don added. “Giving to others helps us transform lives. We really enjoy this and look forward to continuing this for a long time.” n SM
We help you help others. | Page 7
Ten Reasons Why People Choose To Give Through The Dayton Foundation
We are a local organization with deep roots in the community. Since 1921 The Dayton Foundation has been helping the Greater Dayton Region help others by being an effective steward of community charitable resources. Representatives of diverse local leadership appoint the Foundation’s volunteer Governing Board, which oversees all facets of the Foundation’s operations.
We build permanent endowment funds that benefit the community forever and help create personal legacies. Each year we assist thousands of donors and award tens of millions of grant dollars to charitable organizations for worthy causes. We take pride in the role we play in carrying out the dreams of our donors and in keeping our community strong.
We multiply the impact of gift dollars by pooling them with other gifts and grants. Combining unrestricted and field-of-interest contributions from Community Impact Endowment Funds provides a source of funding to help the Foundation respond to current and future community needs through the Foundation’s discretionary grantmaking process and leadership initiatives. Coupled with grants from nearly 3,000 donors’ funds, they produce a collective force for community good.
We provide highly personalized service, tailored to each individual’s charitable and financial interests. Whether you want to give now or in the future, locally or nationwide, we can customize a charitable-giving plan to make your philanthropic and financial goals a reality. We will meet with you and your professional advisors to discuss your charitable-giving needs and how we can best fulfill them.
Our charitable funds help you invest in the causes you care about most. We offer an array of endowed fund options that allows your fund to be positioned for growth over time and to provide lasting support for the charitable causes most meaningful to you. You can select the degree of involvement and recognition (or anonymity) you desire in awarding grants to charity. The Foundation’s free Charitable Checking Account Service also provides a great way to handle your regular charitable gifts, such as to your place of worship or other favorite charity, and enables you to open and fund your account and do your giving online. SM
We accept a wide variety of assets and can facilitate even the most complex forms of giving. You can gift cash, appreciated stock, real estate or other assets and receive maximum charitable and tax benefits. You also can plan future gifts through bequests, lead
Preparing the Leaders of Tomorrow
Don L. & Janet A. Grieshop
trusts, life insurance policies and other arrangements. Tools, such as a charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust, can provide an income stream for you and/or a loved one, while generating an immediate tax deduction and creating a charitable legacy with the remainder interest.
Our professional staff has broad expertise regarding charitable-giving vehicles, as well as community issues and needs. We employ a staff of experts, including three CFRE-certified fundraising executives and a CPA to help you and your professional advisors focus your giving and make it more effective. We also have grantmaking professionals and two former CEOs of local not-for-profit organizations to offer their knowledge of community issues, opportunities and resources.
We partner with professional advisors to create highly effective approaches to charitable giving. Every day, local professionals provide invaluable tax-, financialand estate-planning advice to clients who are charitably inclined. A significant percentage of donors is introduced to the Foundation through their trusted advisors. We work with donors and their advisors to develop the best and most tax-wise, customized and effective charitable-giving plans.
We offer maximum tax advantages under state and federal law. Gifts of cash to The Dayton Foundation are deductible up to 50 percent of your adjusted gross income (AGI); gifts of appreciated, long-term capital gains property are deductible at fair-market value, up to 30 percent of AGI. We also can offer solutions to help reduce estate-tax liability.
We are a community leader, convening agencies and coordinating resources to create positive change. The Dayton Foundation brings together community leaders and nonprofit organizations to identify emerging problems and opportunities in our region, as well as to find new ways to work together to meet challenges. Our leadership initiatives address large-scale community issues, may involve major, long-term grant commitments and foster partnerships between interested parties, funders and local service providers. By combining the knowledge and resources of multiple organizations, these partnerships have the opportunity to create a greater impact on our community than any one organization could accomplish alone. For more information about how The Dayton Foundation can help you fulfill your charitable goals, visit the Foundation’s website – – or call (937) 222-0410 or toll free at (877) 222-0410 and ask to speak to a member of our Development department.
2010-11 “I Believe!” Partners of The Dayton Foundation
For Janet and Don Grieshop, giving to help children obtain a good education just made sense. Growing up just a few blocks away from each other in the Walnut Hills area of Dayton, both Janet and Don had the importance of education instilled in them from a very young age. Don’s mother was employed as a factory worker for Delco, and Janet’s father frequently held two or three jobs just to keep the family going. “My mother didn’t want her six sons to follow in her footsteps,” Don said. “Some of her siblings didn’t graduate from high
“We weren’t raised with silver spoons in our mouths, but we were taught to help one another in times of need.” – Dayton resident Janet Grieshop school, let alone go to college, so she felt strongly about us achieving more in our futures.” Janet’s parents felt much the same way. “My family struggled financially, much like many families struggle today,” Janet said. “We weren’t raised with silver spoons in our mouths, but we were taught to help one another in times of need.” Like his father, Don attended and graduated from the then-Chaminade High School and later worked to pay for his tuition to the University of Dayton, something he is very proud of today. “There are ways to pay for one’s college education. But getting through high school is a necessity,” Don said. “That’s why we feel strongly about giving to help students in need obtain their high school education through Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School. It is a great institution with a great spirit of community that provides a strong foundation for a young person’s life.” To honor his parents and perpetuate their educational values, Janet and Don Grieshop established the Mary Kathryn and Ernest L. “Hap” Grieshop Fund through The Dayton Foundation. They also utilize the Foundation for their regular charitable giving through a Charitable Checking Account and have made plans for a legacy gift to one day be used by the Foundation to assist charities that follow the Grieshops’ religious beliefs. Janet and Don believe deeply in perpetuating their gifts to assist others less fortunate. “There is a saying, ‘To those whom much is given, much is expected,’” Don said. “We’ve received so much from our community. It’s our responsibility to give something back. The Dayton Foundation helps us to do this.” “Knowing that we’re helping young people and that they appreciate what others are giving to assist with their education, that makes me feel good,” Janet said. n
Editorial Content: Carol Siyahi Hicks, Christine Smith, Gina Sandoval Design: Bridge Communications Donor Feature Photography: Erik Owen Printing: Progressive Printers Inc.
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Area Community Foundations Affiliated with The Dayton Foundation
The Regional Community Foundation
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