Apr 30, 2015 - Regulation, competition and public services. Infrastructure and TEN-T. Land use and transport planning. C
Thematic Research Summary
Transport Research and Innovation Portal
Land use and transport planning
Disclaimer This publication was produced by the Transport Research and Innovation Portal (TRIP) consortium for the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE). It was compiled by Florian Klute, Tina Bessel and Eckhard Szimba (KIT). The project team wishes to thank Helen West for reviewing the document. LEGAL NOTICE: The views expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use that might be made of the following information. Additional information on transport research programmes and related projects is available on the Transport Research and Innovation Portal website at www.transportresearch.info. © European Union, 2014 Cover: © photlook – Fotolia.com. Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.
Table of Contents Preface .......................................................................................... 3 1.
Introduction ............................................................................ 5
Sub-Theme: Land use and transport planning in an urban context .................................................................................... 7
Sub-Theme: Land use and transport planning in a wider context .................................................................................... 9
Future Challenges for Research Policy .................................. 11 The urban context .................................................................................. 11 The wider context ................................................................................... 11
Bibliography ................................................................................ 13 Glossary ....................................................................................... 15 ANNEX: Projects by Sub-Theme ................................................... 16
Thematic Research Summary:
Land use and transport planning
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Preface This Thematic Research Summary (TRS) has been produced as a part of the activities of the Transport Research and Innovation Portal (TRIP) project. The purpose of TRIP is to collect, structure, analyse and disseminate the results of EU-supported transport research and research financed nationally in the European Research Area (ERA), and selected global research programmes. The main dissemination tool used by TRIP is the public web portal www.transport-research.info. The Thematic Research Summaries provide a structured guide to the results of research projects carried out mainly at EU level, either as part of a framework programme or as a study commissioned by the European Commission (EC). These summaries are intended for policy makers at European, national and local levels, stakeholders and researchers. The Thematic Research Summary on Land use and transport planning is one of 24 themes, which provides: • an overview of research activities in a specific aspect of transport focusing on EUfunded projects; • analysis and compilation of research findings and recommendations. An overview of the Thematic Research Summaries is presented in Table 1.
Thematic Research Summary:
Land use and transport planning
Table 1: Transport themes used in TRIP
TRIP Themes
Passenger transport Freight transport
Air transport Rail transport Road transport Urban transport Water transport (sea and inland) Multimodal transport
Financing, pricing and taxation Regulation, competition and public services Infrastructure and TEN-T Land use and transport planning Climate policy and energy efficiency Security and safety International cooperation and EU Neighbourhood Policy Awareness, information and user rights
Intelligent transport systems Innovative technologies Transport management
Long-term perspectives Assessment and decision support methodologies Environmental impacts Economic and regional impacts Accessibility, social and equity impacts
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1. Introduction Today, 74 % of people in Europe live in urban areas and this percentage is expected to increase to 84 % by 2050 (UN, 2011; EC, 2009a). The underlying trend of urbanisation is drawing population and economic activity from remote rural areas to urban areas, which can result in unsustainable urban sprawl, spatially segregated land use and land fragmentation. In the EU, more than 1 000 km² are taken up every year for residential areas, industrial and commercial purposes, transport infrastructure and recreational areas (EC, 2011b). Spatial separation of home, work and leisure activities increases transport demand, which is a growing challenge for policy makers and transport planners. Relatively low population densities in rural and peripheral areas make it difficult to provide public transport of sufficient quality to attract substantial numbers of users (EC, 2007, 2009a). Urban sprawl has resulted in growing demand for individual transport, such as the private car. This is due to the fact that distances have increased between private citizens, public service providers and businesses as a result of the trend to concentrate economic activities and public institutions in major urban areas (EC, 2009a). Low land density leads to increased traffic, congestion and environmental pollution with adverse effects on the quality of life (EC, 2007). The European Commission gives priority to balancing land use, transport planning and urban mobility, taking into account the interdependence of transport, land use and the links between cities and surrounding areas and regions (EC, 2007, 2009b, 2011a). The objective is that all EU policies take into account their impact on land use in the EU and globally (EC, 2011b). To achieve this goal and to improve the sustainability of transport systems, cities in Europe are encouraged to develop Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (EC, 2009b, 2013). This concept focuses on embedding urban mobility into a wider urban and territorial strategy that includes transport, land-use, spatial planning, as well as environment, economic development and social policy (EC, 2013). EU-funded research has contributed to the development and implementation of land use and transport policies for cleaner cities and regions.
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Research and studies on land use and transport planning are presented in two subthemes: • Urban land use and transport planning • Land use and transport planning in a wider context.
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2. Sub-Theme: Land use and transport planning in an urban context EU transport policy is directed at supporting cities to move towards a new mobility culture through developing and adopting integrated approaches to urban transport and land use. Research has identified best practices in integrated land use and transport policies to improve the sustainability of urban transport systems. Efficient transport is essential for the competitiveness of European cities as commercial and economic hubs. However, urban sprawl has major impacts on land use and growing transport demand, which have adverse effects on the quality of life in many cities. EUfunded research has led to guidelines and strategies to integrate urban land use and transport planning. 2MOVE2 (New forms of sustainable urban transport and mobility, FP7, 2012– 2016) is introducing sustainable, energy-efficient transport systems in a group of cities in Europe. Specific emphasis is being given to measures in e-mobility, freight and ITSbased traffic management, and to linking the proposed measures with Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. The impacts are to be evaluated and compared, and measures identified for land use and transport planning in small- and medium-sized towns. NODES (New tOols for Design and OpEration of Urban Transport InterchangeS, FP7, 2012–2015) is producing guidelines and a toolbox to support city authorities to design and operate new ways to integrate urban transport in other types of land use. The effectiveness hereof is to be validated at reference sites where interchanges are being upgraded or constructed. The toolbox is to be disseminated as a reference for other cities in Europe. SPIDER PLUS (Sustainable Plan for Integrated Development through the European Rail Network Projecting Logistics & Mobility for Urban Spatial Design Evolution, FP7, 2012–2015) is assessing the future role of high speed rail and the rail corridors in Europe, and their integration in national, regional and local transport systems. Trends in urban and regional planning are to be identified and more sustainable mobility of people and freight movement promoted.
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SUSTAINCITY (Micro-simulation for the Prospective of Sustainable Cities in Europe, FP7, 2010–2013) updated urban simulation models and their interaction with transport models. Three case studies with an empirical analysis were carried out in three European agglomerations: Ile-de-France, Brussels and Zurich. Study to support an Impact Assessment of the Urban Mobility Package (European Commission, DG MOVE, 2013) reviewed data on indicators for sustainable mobility and urban mobility planning in Europe. The study showed that a competitive and resource-efficient transport system requires measures to address land use. Options to increase the benefits of an urban transport planning were compared. Review of the Action Plan on Urban Mobility (European Commission, DG MOVE, 2013) analysed how the Action Plan on Urban Mobility (EC, 2009b) has been implemented, and how stakeholders have received and responded to it. The study found that both the Action Plan and the Green Paper on Urban Mobility (EC, 2007) are considered to be major steps to a fully integrated vision. The study found that more transparency is needed to raise awareness of sustainable urban mobility and the role that the European Commission can play in this process. Study on Urban Freight Transport (European Commission, DG MOVE, 2012) reviewed practices and measures as well as planned actions for urban freight transport in the EU Member States. Land use planning measures are needed in the medium to long term to foster sustainable urban distribution and could be a cost-effective approach for city authorities. The study concluded that authorities need to focus on planning-led policies that combine land use planning and freight transport. EUROFORUM (European Research Forum for Urban Mobility, FP6, 2006–2007) identified research priorities to reduce the cost of urban mobility, to rationalise motorised traffic and to increase the attractiveness of public transport, walking and cycling. Tools to support the development of urban transport policy, such as integration in land use planning including technical harmonisation at EU level, were promoted.
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3. Sub-Theme: Land use and transport planning in a wider context Land use and transport planning are complex and interrelated issues that need to be addressed by stakeholders at local, national, regional and European level. EU transport policy and EU-funded research are developing and implementing solutions
infrastructure, and to enhance the quality and sustainability of transport systems in Europe. Sustainable land use and transport planning at local level needs to be promoted and guided by national, regional and European strategy. As land use and transport planning are interlinked, cooperation between planning bodies at different levels is required. EUfunded research contributes to developing integrated strategies for land use and transport planning at the regional, national and EU level. HELM (Harmonised European Land Monitoring, FP7, 2011–2013) aligned national and regional land monitoring procedures more closely with EU procedures and practices. The project enabled integration of these procedures into a coherent European Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) data system. SCARSE (Spatial competition between railway stations, FP7, 2008–2011) analysed the economic impact of railway stations on their surrounding areas. The project focused on commercial land-use and the spatial distribution of economic activities, and quantified the effect of greater concentration of commercial activity close to railway stations. PLUREL (Peri-urban Land Use Relationships: strategies and sustainability assessment tools for urban-rural Linkages, FP6, 2007–2010) developed planning and forecasting tools for sustainable rural and urban land use. By analysing urbanisation trends, the project developed ways to improve the quality of life in rural areas. The cost of implementing these strategies was evaluated, and stakeholders were supported in improving planning and forecasting interactions in urban, peri-urban and rural areas.
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SENSOR (Sustainability impact assessment: tools for environmental, social and economic effects of multifunctional land use in European Regions, FP6, 2004– 2009) developed and validated multi-modelling tools including databases and spatial reference frameworks to assess the sustainability impact of multi-functional land use. These quantitative tools enable assessment of environmental, social and economic effects of land-use policies in terms of sustainability impacts. MAX (Successful Travel Awareness Campaigns and Mobility Management Strategies,
management, travel awareness, and land use planning. The theory and practice of integrated land use planning, transport and mobility management were analysed, as well as essential conditions for integrating mobility management and spatial planning processes. ASSET (Assessing Sensitiveness to Transport, FP6, 2007–2009) developed methodologies to implement EU policies that balance environmental protection and an efficient transport system in transport sensitive areas, such as mountainous, urban or natural areas. A common framework of definitions, criteria and valuation parameters was developed for transport sensitive areas, and a methodology to assess policy instruments for the protection of such areas was reviewed. STEPS (Scenarios for the Transport System and Energy Supply and their Potential Effects, FP6, 2004–2006) developed and assessed scenarios for the transport system and energy supply of the future. These scenarios included autonomy and security of energy supply, and impacts on the environment and the economy, technical viability, and interactions between transport and land use planning. An evaluation framework for the simulated scenarios was set up and validated by transport and energy experts.
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4. Future Challenges for Research Policy EU-funded research on land use and transport planning provides a sound basis for decision making by Member States on integrating these two sectors. Research supports policy makers in developing and implementing comprehensive strategies for sustainable mobility and land use in Europe.
The urban context For urban areas, transport and land use policies need to be more integrated to respond to socio-economic changes that affect transport patterns. Understanding user behaviour in the choice of transport mode and mobility is essential for developing transport policies for sustainable mobility. Research is needed to identify factors that influence user behaviour and location choice, and to gain more understanding of major societal trends, such as the impact of urban sprawl on demand for land and transport services. Research is also needed on linking freight transport and urban land use. A holistic approach to land use planning is required that takes account of demand for urban freight logistics and the needs of the logistics sector. Land-use planning measures, such as designated logistics zones for distribution centres and lorry parking, could contribute to reducing "logistics sprawl" and thus to reducing urban congestion and environmental pollution. In terms of policy, land use measures need to be fully integrated into urban logistics plans.
The wider context Transport and land use are interrelated. Changes in transport technology and services have impacts on the accessibility of regions and thus influence land use demand and choices. However, changes in land use also affect transport patterns. Research is needed to assess and refine policies that cover land use and transport planning and that integrate land use planning and transport planning at all administrative levels.
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Recent EU-funded research has contributed to greater understanding of various policy instruments to integrate land use and transport policies. However, research is needed on how to integrate these policy instruments effectively. The barriers to implementation need to be identified, such as organisational, financial and political issues. For integrated policymaking, the diversity in the Member States needs to be taken into account in terms of geography, settlement pattern, and economic structure. Thus, research needs to focus on gaining greater understanding of the transferability of results from one context to another to find integrated and tailored solutions for transport and land use planning.
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Bibliography Commission of the European Communities (2007): Towards a new culture for urban mobility, Green Paper, COM(2007) 551 final, Brussels. European Commission (2009a): A sustainable future for transport: Towards an integrated, technology-led and user-friendly system, Communication from the Commission, COM(2009) 279 final, Brussels. European Commission (2009b): Action Plan on Urban Mobility, COM(2009) 490 final. European Commission (2011a): Roadmap to a single European transport area – Towards a competitive and resource-efficient transport system, White Paper, COM(2011) 144 final, Brussels. European Commission (2011b): Roadmap to a Resource efficient Europe, Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, COM(2011) 571 final, Brussels. European Commission (2013): Together towards competitive and resource-efficient urban mobility, Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, COM(2013) 913 final, Brussels. European Commission (2013): A concept for sustainable urban mobility plans, Annex to the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, Together towards competitive and resource-efficient urban mobility, COM(2013) 913 final, Brussels. European Environment Agency (2011): Landscape fragmentation in Europe, Joint EEAFOEN Report, EEA Report No 2/2011, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
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European Union (2013): Decision No 1386/2013/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 20 November 2013, on a General Union Environment Action Programme to 2020 ‘Living well, within the limits of our planet’, Official Journal of the European Union, Brussels. United Nations (2011): World Urbanization Prospects: the 2011 Revision, New York.
Thematic Research Summary:
Land use and transport planning
Glossary DG MOVE
Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport
European Commission
European Research Area
European Union
Sixth Framework Programme
Seventh Framework Programme
Transport Research and Innovation Portal
Thematic Research Summary
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ANNEX: Projects by Sub-Theme Sub-Theme : Land use and transport planning in urban context Acronym
Funding Programme
Project Website
New forms of sustainable urban transport and mobility
2012– 2016
New tOols for Design and OpEration of Urban Transport InterchangeS
2012– 2015
Sustainable Plan for Integrated Development through the European Rail Network Projecting Logistics & Mobility for Urban Spatial Design Evolution
2012– 2015
Micro-simulation for the Prospective of Sustainable Cities in Europe
2010– 2013
Study to support an Impact Assessment of the Urban Mobility Package
http://ec.europa.eu/transport/themes/urban/s tudies/doc/2013-10-urban-mobility-packageactivity-31.pdf
Review of the Action Plan on Urban Mobility
http://ec.europa.eu/transport/themes/urban/s tudies/doc/2013-07-review-of-the-actionplan-on-urban-mobility.pdf
Study on Urban Freight Transport
http://ec.europa.eu/transport/themes/urban/s tudies/doc/2012-04-urban-freighttransport.pdf
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Land use and transport planning
European Research Forum for Urban Mobility
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http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/79977_en .html
2006– 2007
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Sub-Theme: Land use and transport planning in a wider context Acronym
Funding Programme
Project Website
Harmonised European Land Monitoring
2011– 2013
Spatial competition between railway stations
2008– 2011
Peri-urban Land Use Relationships – Strategies and Sustainability Assessment Tools for Urban – Rural Linkages
2007– 2010
Sustainability Impact Assessment: Tools for Environmental, Social and Economic Effects of Multifunctional Land Use in European Regions
2004– 2009
Successful Travel Awareness Campaigns and Mobility Management Strategies
2006– 2009
Assessing Sensitiveness to Transport
2007– 2009
Scenarios for the Transport System and Energy Supply and their Potential Effects
2004– 2006