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Theoretical Computer Science Published as: Theor Comp Sci. 2011 September 16; 412(40): 5602–5630.
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Synchronous consensus under hybrid process and link failures☆ Martin Biely⁎, Ulrich Schmid, and Bettina Weiss Technische Universität Wien, Institut für Technische Informatik, Embedded Computing Systems Group E182/2, Treitlstraße 1–3, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
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We introduce a comprehensive hybrid failure model for synchronous distributed systems, which extends a conventional hybrid process failure model by adding communication failures: Every process in the system is allowed to commit up to send link failures and experience up to receive link failures per round here, without being considered faulty; up to some and among those may even cause erroneous messages rather than just omissions. In a companion paper (Schmid et al. (2009) [14]), devoted to a complete suite of related impossibility results and lower bounds, we proved that this model surpasses all existing link failure modeling approaches in terms of the assumption coverage in a simple probabilistic setting. In this paper, we show that several well-known synchronous consensus algorithms can be adapted to work under our failure model, provided that the number of processes required for tolerating process failures is increased by small integer multiples of , , , . This is somewhat surprising, given that consensus in the presence of unrestricted link failures and mobile (moving) process omission failures is impossible. We provide detailed formulas for the required number of processes and rounds, which reveal that the lower bounds established in our companion paper are tight. We also explore the power and limitations of authentication in our setting, and consider uniform consensus algorithms, which guarantee their properties also for benign faulty processes.
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Fault-tolerant distributed systems; Byzantine agreement; Hybrid failure models; Link failures; Uniform consensus; Authentication
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☆This research has been supported by the Austrian START programme Y41-MAT, the FWF project P18264 (SPAWN), and the FITIT project 812205 (TRAFT). © 2011 Elsevier B.V. ⁎
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Sponsored Document Published as: Theor Comp Sci. 2011 September 16; 412(40): 5602–5630.