other cognitive processes: "executive function", and "central coherence". Like theory of ..... for its theoretical interest, in terms of understanding normal development, but also for its value as a tool in ..... Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 14, 33-51. .... Unpublished ms, Goldsmiths College, University of London. Charman, TÂ ...
1 This paper appeared in D. Cohen & F. Volkmar (eds) Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders. 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons. 1997
Theory of mind in autism: its relationship to executive function and central coherence.
Simon Baron-Cohen and John Swettenham Departments of Experimental Psychology and Psychiatry University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EB, UK.
2 Acknowledgements The screening studies reported here were supported by three sequential project grants from the MRC (1988-1996). We are grateful to Tony Cox, Gillian Baird, Tony Charman, Wendy Phillips, and Fiona Scott, for discussion of these ideas over the years.
3 Since the first edition of this Handbook an area of research in the psychology of autism has emerged, generating a considerable amount of scientific attention. This concerns the ability of children with autism (a) to appreciate their own and other people's mental states - such as their beliefs, desires, intentions, knowledge, pretence, and perception; and (b) to understand the links between mental states and action. This area is, for shorthand reasons, referred to as "theory of mind". This phrase was coined by Premack and Woodruff (1978). They suggested that the ability to reflect on mental states was theory-like because mental states are unobservable entities which we infer to be underlying people's actions; and because reference to mental states allows us to explain and predict other people's behaviour with remarkable power. This gives it at least some of the properties of a theory.
When the first edition of the Handbook was published in 1987, work in theory of mind and autism had already begun. It did not surface there because of the time-lag familiar in academic publishing. Thus, in reviewing this area, we will cite work from the mid 1980's. We begin with the review, and then turn to consider the relationship of this aspect of cognition in autism to two other cognitive processes: "executive function", and "central coherence". Like theory of mind, both of these have also emerged as important domains over the last decade of psychological research in autism.
Does the autistic child have a "theory of mind"?
This was the question - and the title of the paper - that opened this area (Baron-Cohen, Leslie,
4 and Frith, 1985). The question was asked because of the interest that was developing concerning the normal child's understanding of mental states. Indeed, two years before this was asked of children with autism, the related question had been asked of normal 4 year olds. Wimmer and Perner (1983) had devised an elegant paradigm to make this issue tractable, in which the child was presented with a short story, with the simplest of plots. The story essentially involved one character not being present when an object was moved, and therefore not knowing that the object was in a new location. The subject being tested is asked where the character thinks the object is. Wimmer and Perner called this the False Belief test, since the focus was on the subject's ability to infer a story character's mistaken belief about a situation. These authors found that normal 4 year olds could correctly infer that the character would think the object was where the character had last left it, rather than where it actually was. This was impressive evidence for the normal child's ability to distinguish between their own knowledge (about reality) and someone else's false belief (about reality).
When this test was given to a sample of children with autism, with mild degrees of mental handicap, a large majority of them 'failed' this test by indicating that the character would think the object was where it actually was (Baron-Cohen, Leslie, and Frith, 1985). That is, they appeared to disregard the important information that, by virtue of being absent during the critical scene, the character's mental state would be different to the child's own mental state. In contrast, a control group of children with Down's Syndrome, with moderate degrees of mental handicap, passed this test as easily as the normal children. The implication was that the ability to infer mental states may be an aspect of social intelligence that is relatively independent of general
5 intelligence (Cosmides, 1989), and that children with autism might be specifically impaired in the theory of mind domain.
Of course, simply failing one test would not necessarily mean that children with autism lacked a theory of mind. One swallow does not make a summer. There might be many reasons for failure on such a test. (Interestingly, control questions in the original procedure ruled out memory, or language difficulties, or inattention as possible causes of failure). The conclusion that children with autism are indeed impaired in the development of a theory of mind only becomes possible because of the convergence of results from widely differing experimental paradigms. These are reviewed in detail in an edited volume (Baron-Cohen, Tager-Flusberg, and Cohen, 1993) and for that reason are only briefly summarized here, next.
Summary of results suggesting that children with autism are impaired in the development of a theory of mind1.
The majority of children with autism (i) are at chance on tests of the mental-physical distinction (Baron-Cohen, 1989a). That is, they do not show a clear understanding of how physical objects differ from thoughts about objects. (ii) They have an appropriate understanding of the functions of the brain, but have a poor understanding of the functions of the mind (ibid). That is, they recognize that the brain's physical
In the following list of studies, all of the tests mentioned are at the level of a normal 4 year old child.
6 function is to make you move and do things, but they do not spontaneously mention the mind's mental function (in thinking, dreaming, wishing, deceiving, etc.,). (iii) They also fail to make the appearance-reality distinction (ibid), meaning that, in their description of misleading objects (like a red candle in the shape of an apple), they do not distinguish between what the object looks like, and what they know it really is. (iv) They fail a range of first-order false belief tasks, of the kind described in the previous section (Baron-Cohen et al, 1985, 1986; Perner, Leslie, Frith, and Leekam, 1989; Swettenham, in press; Reed and Petersen, 1990; Leekam and Perner, 1991). (v) They also fail tests assessing if they understand the principle that "seeing leads to knowing" (Baron-Cohen and Goodhart, 1994; Leslie and Frith, 1988). For example, when presented with two dolls, one of whom touches a box, and the other of whom looks inside the box, and when asked "Which one knows what's inside the box?", they are at chance in their response. In contrast, normal children of 3-4 years of age correctly judge that it is the one who looked, who knows what's in the box. (See Figure 1).
insert Figure 1 here (adapted from Pratt and Bryant, 1990)
We continue our survey of the evidence relevant to a theory of mind deficit in autism here: (vi) Children with autism are at chance in recognizing mental state words (like "think", "know", and "imagine") in a wordlist (Baron-Cohen, Ring, Moriarty, Shmitz, Costa, and Ell, 1994). (vii) Nor do they produce the same range of mental state words in their spontaneous speech
7 (Tager-Flusberg, 1992; Baron-Cohen et al, 1986). (viii) They are also impaired in the production of spontaneous pretend play (Baron-Cohen, 1987; Wing and Gould, 1979; Lewis and Boucher, 1988). Pretend play is relevant here simply because it is thought to involve understanding the mental state of pretending. (ix) Whilst they can understand simple causes of emotion (such as situations and desires), children with autism have difficulty understanding more complex causes of emotion (such as beliefs) [Baron-Cohen, 1991; Baron-Cohen, Spitz, and Cross, 1993]. For example, they can understand that if Jane falls over and cuts her knee, she will feel sad, and that if John gets what he wants, he will feel happy. But they are poor at understanding that if John thinks he's getting what he wants (even if in reality he is not), he will feel happy. (x) They also fail to recognize the eye-region of the face as indicating when a person is thinking and what a person might want (Baron-Cohen and Cross, 1992; Baron-Cohen, Campbell, Karmiloff-Smith, Grant, and Walker, in press;). For example, unlike normal 4 year olds, they do not correctly judge which person is thinking in Figure 2, or which candy the cartoon character Charlie wants in Figure 3. Children and adults without autism use gaze to infer both of these mental states.
insert Figures 2 and 3 here
In addition: (xi) they fail to make the accidental-intentional distinction (Phillips, 1993). That is, they are poor at distinguishing if someone "meant" to do something, or if something simply happened
8 accidently. (xii) They also seem unable to deceive (Baron-Cohen, 1992; Sodian and Frith, 1992), a result that would be expected if one was unaware that people's beliefs can differ and therefore can be manipulated. (xiii) They also fail tests of understanding metaphor, sarcasm, and irony - these all being intentionally non-literal statements (Happe, 1994). (xiii) Indeed, they fail to produce most aspects of pragmatics in their speech (reviewed in BaronCohen, 1988; see also Tager-Flusberg, 1981 and 1993), and fail to recognize violations of pragmatic rules, such as the Gricean Maxims of conversational cooperation (Surian, BaronCohen, and Van der Lely, 1995). For example, if a character replies to a question with an irrelevant answer, normal young children are very sensitive to this pragmatic failure, but most children with autism are not. Since many pragmatic rules involve tailoring one's speech to what the listener needs to know, or might be interested in, this can be seen as intrinsically linked to a theory of mind.
This long list of experiments provides strong evidence for there being a theory of mind deficit in autism. For this reason, autism can be conceptualized as a form of mindblindness (Baron-Cohen, 1990, 1995). One possibility arising from these studies is that there may be a particular part of the brain which in the normal case is responsible for understanding mental states, and which is specifically impaired in autism. If this view is correct, the assumption is that this may be for genetic reasons, since autism appears to be strongly heritable (see Rutter, this volume). The idea that the development of theory of mind is under genetic/biological control in the normal case is
9 consistent with evidence from cross-cultural studies: Normally developing children from markedly different cultures seem to pass tests of theory of mind at roughly the same ages (Avis and Harris, 1991). Quite which part of the brain might be involved in this is not yet clear, though candidate regions include right orbito-frontal cortex, which is active when subjects are thinking about mental state terms during functional imaging using SPECT (Baron-Cohen, Ring, et al, 1994); and left medial frontal cortex, which is active when subjects are drawing inferences about thoughts whilst being PET scanned (Fletcher et al, 1995; Goel et al, 1995). Other candidate regions include the superior temporal sulcus and the amygdala (for reasons explained below). These regions may form parts of a neural circuit supporting theory of mind processing (BaronCohen and Ring, 1994). Finally, it is possible that the development of a theory of mind involves input from lower-level social perception systems, some of which may be impaired in autism (Klin and Volkmar, 1993; Baron-Cohen, 1994).
It is however important to mention data which do not fit the strong form of the theory of mind hypothesis easily. First, a small minority of children or adults with autism pass first-order false belief tests. (First-order tests involve inferring what one person thinks). However, these individuals often fail second-order false belief tests (Baron-Cohen, 1989b), that is, tests of understanding what one character thinks another character thinks. Such second-order reasoning is usually understood by normal children of 5-6 years of age, and yet these tests are failed by individuals with autism with a mental age above this level. We can therefore interpret these results in terms of there being a specific developmental delay in theory of mind at a number of different points. Some individuals with autism who are very high functioning (in terms of IQ and
10 language level), and who are usually adults, may pass even second-order tests (Bowler, 1992; Ozonoff, Pennington, and Rogers, 1991; Happe, 1993). Those who can pass second-order tests correspondingly also pass the appropriate tests of understanding figurative language (Happe, 1993). Whether this means they have a normal theory of mind is not clear. Thus, being able to pass a test designed for a 6 year old when you are an adult may mask persisting theory of mind deficits by ceiling effects. Appropriate adult tests of theory of mind are needed to answer this question.
In summary, the theory of mind deficit in the majority of cases with autism is very severe. It has the potential to explain the social, communicative, and imaginative abnormalities that are diagnostic of the condition, since being able to reflect on one's own mental states (and those of others) would appear to be essential in all of these domains. The theory of mind deficit has been found to correlate with real-life social skills, as measured by a modified version of the Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scale (Frith, Happe, and Siddons, 1994). In the next section, we turn to consider the developmental origins of this cognitive deficit.
Developmental origins of theory of mind
In an influential article, Alan Leslie (1987) proposed that in the normal case, the developmental origins of theory of mind lay in the capacity for pretence; and that in the case of children with autism, the developmental origins of the theory of mind deficit lay in their inability to pretend. In his model, pretence was the crucible for theory of mind, as both involved the same
11 computational complexity. Thus, in order to understand that someone else might think "This banana is real", or that they might pretend "This banana is real", the child (according to Leslie) would need to be able to represent the agent's mental attitude towards the proposition. One idea, then, is that theory of mind is first evident from about 18-24 months of age, in the normal toddler's emerging pretend play.
However, there is some evidence that theory of mind might have even earlier developmental origins. Soon after the first demonstrations of a theory of mind impairment in autism - and again, too late for inclusion into the first edition of the Handbook - Marian Sigman and her colleagues at UCLA reported severe deficits in joint attention skills in children with autism (Sigman, Mundy, Ungerer, and Sherman, 1986a, b). Joint attention skills are those behaviours produced by the child which involve monitoring or directing the target of attention of another person, so as to coordinate the child's own attention with that of somebody else (Bruner, 1983). Such behaviours include the pointing gesture, gaze-monitoring, and showing gestures, most of which are absent in most children with autism. This was an important discovery because joint attention behaviours are normally fully developed by about 14 months of age (Scaife and Bruner, 1978; Butterworth, 1991), so their absence in autism signifies a very early-occuring deficit. This was also important because the traditional theory of mind skills referred to above are mostly those one would expect to see in a 3-4 year old normal child. Deficits in these areas cannot therefore be the developmentally earliest signs of autism, since we know that autism is present from at least the second year of life, if not earlier.
12 Implicit in the idea of joint attention deficits in autism was the notion that these might relate to a failure to appreciate other people's point of view (Sigman et al, 1986). Bretherton, McNew, and Beeghly-Smith (1981) had also suggested joint attention should be understood as an implicit theory of mind. Baron-Cohen (1989c,d, 1991b) explicitly argued that the joint attention and theory of mind deficits in autism were no coincidence, and proposed that joint attention was a precursor to the development of a theory of mind. In that study (Baron-Cohen, 1989c), young children with autism (under 5 years old) were shown to produce one form of the pointing gesture (imperative pointing, or pointing to request) whilst failing to produce another form of pointing (declarative pointing, or pointing to share interest). This dissociation was interpreted in terms of the declarative form of pointing alone being an indicator of the child monitoring another person's mental state - in this case, the mental state of "interest", or "attention". More recent laboratory studies have confirmed the lack of spontaneous gaze-monitoring (Leekam, Baron-Cohen, Brown, Perrett, and Milders, 1995; Phillips, Baron-Cohen, and Rutter, 1992). The demonstration of a joint attention deficit in autism, and the role that the superior temporal sulcus in the monkey brain plays in the monitoring of gaze-direction (Perrett et al, 1985) has led to the idea that the superior temporal sulcus may be involved in the development of a theory of mind (Baron-Cohen, 1994, 1995; Baron-Cohen and Ring, 1994).
An application to the early diagnosis of autism
The work on the developmental origins of theory of mind is not only important for its theoretical interest, in terms of understanding normal development, but also for its value as a tool in
13 lowering the age of diagnosis of autism, into infancy. Thus, absence of joint attention, in combination with an absence of pretend play, at 18 months of age, is a very strong predictor of autism, both in a high risk study of siblings who are undiagnosed (Baron-Cohen, Allen, and Gillberg, 1992), and in a random population study (Baron-Cohen, Cox, Baird, Swettenham, Drew, and Charman, 1995). In the latter study, 16,000 children were screened by their health visitors for these behaviours, using the CHAT (Checklist for Autism in Toddlers). Just 12 children out of the total population lacked joint attention and pretend play, of whom 10 were discovered to have clear autism. (The other two cases were not normal, but did not meet research criteria for autism).
The relationship between theory of mind, executive function, and central coherence
Whilst there is now considerable evidence for the theory of mind deficit in autism, it is also clear that this is not the only cognitive deficit in autism. Two others have emerged as important in the last 5 years. First, children with autism fail tests of "executive function". Secondly, they also fail tests of "central coherence". We briefly review each of these next (and see also Ozonoff, this volume). This is important, because whilst the theory of mind deficits may account for aspects of the social, communicative, and imaginative abnormalities, there are other symptoms (such as repetitive behaviour, and unusual perception) that are not easily explained by this cognitive deficit.
Executive function and autism
Executive function is the postulated mechanism which enables the normal person to shift attention flexibly, inhibit prepotent responses, generate goal-directed behaviour, and solve problems in a planful, strategic way (see Shallice, 1988; Baddeley, 1991). The basic idea, developed by Norman and Shallice (1980), is that without a "central executive", or a "Supervisory Attentional System" (SAS) as it is also called, actions are controlled by the environment, such that the organism simply responds to cues which elicit behaviour. Without an SAS, action schemas or motor programs 'contend' between themselves for execution. This takes place in a system known as the Contention Scheduling System (CSS). Shallice's notion is that the CSS is broadly a basal-ganglia function, whilst the SAS is basically a frontal lobe function. The SAS allows inhibition of routine (CSS) actions. The claim that the SAS is a frontal function derives from the evidence that patients with frontal lobe damage fail tests of SAS (or executive) function.
Tests of executive function include the following: (i) The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (Milner, 1964) in which the subject has to shift card-sorting strategies flexibly. (ii) The Tower of Hanoi (and its modified version, the Tower of London [Shallice, 1982]), in which the subject has to solve problems by planning before acting. (iii) The Verbal Fluency Test (or F-A-S test: see Perret, 1974) in which the subject has to generate novel examples of words beginning with a given letter, in a fixed time period. (iv) The Detour Reaching Test (Diamond, 1991), in which the subject has to inhibit reaching
15 straight for a visible goal, and instead take a detour route to the goal.
Patients with frontal lobe damage fail on these tasks (reviewed in Shallice, 1988), and so do patients with autism (Rumsey and Hamberger, 1988; Prior and Hammond, 1990; Ozonoff, Pennington, and Rogers, 1992; Hughes and Russell, 1993; Hughes, Russell, and Robbins, 1994). This has led to the conclusion that children with autism might have frontal lobe damage. One suggestion arising from this is that they might fail theory of mind tests listed earlier because they cannot "disengage from the salience of reality" (Hughes and Russell, 1993).
There seems little doubt that in autism there is an executive dysfunction, and that this is likely to be a sign of frontal pathology. However, it is important to note that executive dysfunction occurs in a large number of clinical disorders, and in this respect it is not specific to autism. Thus, the following 9 patient groups all show impairments on different tests of executive function: schizophrenia (Frith, 1994; Elliot, McKenna, Robbins, and Sahakian, 1995; see Elliot and Sahakian, 1995, for a review); treated patients with PKU (Diamond, 1994; Pennington, van Doorninck, McCabe, and McCabe, 1985; Welsh, Pennington, Ozonoff, Rouse, and McCabe, 1990); obsessive-compulsive disorder (Christensen, Kim, Dysken, and Hoover, 1992; Head, Bolton, and Hymas, 1989; Zelinski, Taylor, and Juzwin, 1991); Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome (Bornstein, 1990, 1991; Baron-Cohen, Moriarty, Mortimore, and Robertson, 1995; Baron-Cohen and Robertson, in press); anxiety disorder (Eysenck, ref); Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) [Chelune, Ferguson, Koon, and Dickey, 1986; Gorenstein, Mammato, and Sandy, 1989; Grodzinsky and Diamond, 1992; Loge, Staton, and Beatty, 1990]; Parkinson's
16 disease (Downes, Roberts, Sahakian, Evenden, Morris, and Robbins, (1989); frontal lobe syndrome (Owen, Roberts, Polkey, Sahakian, and Robbins (1991); and children and adults with mental handicap (Borys, Spitz, and Dorans, 1982). This implies that there is no specific mapping between psychiatric classification and the concept of what Baddeley and Wilson (1988) call a "dysexecutive syndrome" (Baron-Cohen and Moriarty, in press). Since all of these conditions involve an executive impairment, and yet do not lead to autism, it follows that, by itself, an impairment in executive function cannot explain autism. In addition, since there are now some studies showing a dissociation between executive function and theory of mind in some disorders (eg: GTS: Baron-Cohen, Moriarty, et al, 1995), this means that they may be relatively independent processes2.
It may be that, as presently construed, the concept of executive function is too broad a level of analysis. The model suggests this has several component processes (generativity, attentionshifting, disengaging, etc.,), and it may be that specificity of deficit will be more apparent at this more fine grain level of analysis. One example of a component process hypothesis is that in autism there is a deficit in "disengaging from the salience of reality". However, this cannot be correct in its strong form. This is because there are a number of studies in which subjects have to do just this, and yet children with autism pass these tests. These include the following: (i) visual perspective taking (Baron-Cohen, 1989c, 1991c; Hobson, 1984; Tan and Harris, 1991). In these tasks, the child has to infer what someone else can see from their spatial position, even if 2
A further confound within the field of autism research is that many tests of theory of mind involve some attention shifting, and many tests of executive function involve taking into account one's own mental states, such as one's plans and
17 this is different to what the child currently sees. (ii) False photograph tests (Leslie and Thaiss, 1992; Leekam and Perner, 1991; Swettenham, Gomez, Baron-Cohen, and Walsh, 1995). In these tasks, the child has to infer where something will be in an out-dated photograph of reality, when they know that reality has been changed such that the object is actually in a new position. (iii) False map tests (Leslie and Thaiss, 1992; Leekam and Perner, 1991). These tasks test the same ability as the false photograph task, but using a map instead of a photograph. (iv) False drawing tests (Charman and Baron-Cohen, 1992). These tasks test the same ability as the false photograph task, but using a drawing instead of a photograph. (v) False model tests (Charman and Baron-Cohen, 1995). These tasks test the same ability as the false photograph task, but using a model instead of a photograph. (vi) Intellectual realism tests in drawing (Charman and Baron-Cohen, 1993). In these tasks, the subject is asked to draw an object that is partially occluded - for example, drawing a coffee mug in which the handle is out of view. Children with autism show "intellectual realism" at the same mental age as do children without autism (ie: below a mental age of about 6 yrs old), in that they include the occluded object even though this is out of view. For example, they draw the handle of the coffee mug, even when this is not visible. (It is not until after an MA of about 6 years has been achieved that subjects (with or without autism) show "visual realism", drawing only what they see, not what they know about). This task is relevant in that if children with autism were `prisoners' of reality, they would show precocious visual realism, which they do not.
For these reasons, it is likely that theory of mind is not reducible to executive function. Rather, executive function deficits in autism may cooccur with theory of mind deficits because of their shared frontal origin in the brain. Despite these provisos, the executive hypothesis of autism is important, since an attraction of the account is its potential to explain the perseverative, repetitive behaviours in this condition, which are not accounted for by the theory of mind hypothesis. Perseveration and repetitive behaviours are symptomatic of frontal lobe syndrome in which executive dysfunction is also seen (Shallice, 1988). On this view, the two cognitive deficits may be separately responsible for different types of abnormal behaviour.
Central coherence and autism
The third and last area of cognitive deficit in autism that is reviewed here is in what Frith (1989) calls "central coherence". Whilst this is a slippery notion to define, the essence of it is the normal drive to integrate information into context, gist, Gestalt, and meaning. Frith argues that the superior ability on the Embedded Figures Test seen in autism (Shah and Frith, 1983) and on an unsegmented version of the Block Design subtest in the WISC and WAIS (Shah and Frith, 1993) arises because of a relative immunity to context effects in autism. Happe (1995) also reports a failure to use context in reading, by people with autism, such that homophones are mispronounced (eg: "there was a tear in her eye" might be misread so as to sound like "there was a tear in her dress"). A recent study has shown that children with autism are equally good at judging the identity of familiar faces in photographs, whether they are given the whole face or
19 just part of the face. Non-autistic controls show a `global advantage' on such a test, performing significantly better when given the whole face, not just the parts of the face (Campbell, BaronCohen, and Walker, 1995). The central coherence account of autism is attractive in having the potential to explain the non-holistic, piece-meal perceptual style characteristic of autism; and the unusual cognitive profile seen in this condition (including the islets of ability).
As with the other two theories, it appears that a strong version of the central coherence account cannot be correct, since children with autism perform in line with their mental age on a range of tasks that would seem to involve integration across context. These include: (i) Transitive inference tests (Scott and Baron-Cohen, 1995); (ii) Analogical reasoning tests (Scott and BaronCohen, 1995); (iii) Counterfactual syllogistic reasoning tests (Scott, Baron-Cohen, and Leslie, 1995); (iv) The Navon Test of Global-Local Processing (Ozonoff, Strayer, McMahon, and Filloux, 1994); (v) Preliminary tests of latent inhibition (Reed, 1995).
Finally, Happe (1995) reports that some very high functioning patients with autism who pass second-order theory of mind tasks nevertheless fail tasks of central coherence, such as the homophone task, mentioned earlier. This dissociation implies theory of mind and central coherence may also be relatively independent processes (Frith and Happe, 1994). In sum, a strong version of the central coherence theory would suggest that individuals with autism should be unable to recognize whole objects, and only perceive their parts, which we know does not occur. Rather, a weak form of central coherence theory seems likely to be correct, disabling individuals with autism from making full use of context. Whether this can account for islets of
20 ability in autism (and even in Idiot Savant Syndrome) remains to be investigated in detail.
Summary and future directions
In this chapter, we have reviewed evidence for a theory of mind deficit in autism. We have also looked at two other cognitive deficits, in executive function and central coherence. We have concluded that the theory of mind, executive function, and central coherence deficits are relatively independent of one another. Given this, one possibility is that there is a specific theory of mind mechanism (ToMM: Leslie, 1991, 1987; Leslie and Roth, 1993) which is specifically damaged in autism. Leslie suggests the function of such a mechanism is to represent information in a data-structure of the following form: [Agent-Attitude-"Proposition"] - eg: [Fred-thinks"the safe is behind the Picasso"]. Such a proposal is sufficient to allow representation of the full range of mental states, in the Attitude slot. Explaining exactly how the brain is able to implement such a process will be important for future research, not only in relation to understanding the normal brain, but also in relation to autism. Circumventing theory of mind deficits through the use of carefully designed teaching methods will also be an important goal for applied research in this area. This is already underway, with some promising results (Swettenham et al, 1995; Swettenham, in press; Hadwin, Baron-Cohen, Howlin, and Hill, in press). Ultimately, any biological theory of autism will have to account not only for specific genetic abnormalities, but how such abnormalities cause brain damage of the type to cause the specific cognitive deficits reviewed above.
21 We close with four questions for future research: (1) If in autism there are cognitive deficits in all three domains reviewed here (theory of mind, executive function, and central coherence), which of these are necessary and sufficient for the development (and diagnosis) of autism? We can clarify this question using the Venn diagram method in Figure 4. In which regions of the Venn diagram do individuals with autism fall? Only regions a, d, f, and g? Are these different subtypes of autism?
(2) Related to the first question, how do cognitive deficits in each of these three areas map on to areas of abnormal behaviour? Do the three cognitive domains correlate with the three behavioural domains to which they have been theoretically tied? (To recap, the theory of mind deficit has been theoretically tied to the abnormal social, communicative, and imaginative development; the central coherence deficits has been theoretically tied to the abnormalities in perception; and the executive dysfunction has been theoretically tied to the presence of repetitive behaviour, and cognitive inflexibility). Do correlational studies bear out these mappings between cognition and behaviour?
insert Figure 4 here
(3) Which other psychiatric conditions might correspond to the `pure' or combined forms of executive function, central coherence, or theory of mind deficits? For example, it would appear that schizophrenia may involve types of central coherence deficit, as revealed by a lack of latent inhibition and relative immunity to context effects (Frith, 1992), and types of executive
22 dysfunction (see the earlier section). Does this mean that schizophrenia occurs in region e, in Figure 4? Can one derive any specificity between diagnosis and type of cognitive deficit, for each of the lettered regions in Figure 4? Finally (4), is it really the case that these 3 domains of cognition are independent of each other, as the Venn diagrams imply? Double dissociations should be possible between all of these, if they were truly independent processes. If not, how might they relate to one another? We hope that such questions will be answerable in the next edition of the Handbook.
23 References
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40 Figure Legends
Figure 1: The "seeing-leads-to-knowing" test. After Baron-Cohen and Goodhart (1994), and adapted from Pratt and Bryant (1990).
Figure 2: The "Which one is thinking?" test. From Baron-Cohen and Cross (1992).
Figure 3: The "Which candy does Charlie want?" test. From Baron-Cohen, Campbell, et al, 1995.
Figure 4: A Venn Diagram of the possible relationship between theory of mind, executive function, and central coherence deficits. Different diagnostic groups and subgroups may correspond to the different regions in the diagram. For example, autism may only occur in regions a, d, f, and g, and these may reflect subtly different subgroups. See text for details.