Dec 9, 2016 - Ternary interaction parameters (L0, L1 and L2) of the liquid phase were determined using ... first experimental studies of phase equilibria in the.
Journal of Applied and Advanced Research 2016, 1(4): 14–17 doi.: 10.21839/jaar.2016.v1i4.37 © 2016 Phoenix Research Publishers
Research Article – Material Science
Thermodynamic investigation of liquid properties of the Ni–Sn–Ti ternary system using CALPHAD method and geometric models Vanya Gandova٭ Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, University of Food Technologies, 26 Mariza avenue, 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Abstract Predictions for the liquid Ni–Sn–Ti alloys thermodynamic properties (molar excess Gibbs energy) are presented. The calculations were performed in the temperature range 1000–2000 K. Geometric models (using data from the binary end-systems) were used and the respective calculated molar excess Gibbs energy values were compared to CALPHAD method assessments. The concentration dependences of the liquid phase thermodynamic properties along different vertical sections Sn:Ti, Ni:Ti and Ni:Sn were estimated. Ternary interaction parameters (L0, L1 and L2) of the liquid phase were determined using General solution (geometric) model from thermodynamic data of the binary end–systems (Ni–Sn, Ni–Ti, Sn–Ti). Ternary parameters exhibit values: L0 = - 70360.5 - 0.263*T; L1 = -113023 - 11.574*T; L2 = 131755 - 17.101*T. Negative molar excess Gibbs energies were obtained by all models. Key words: General solution model, Ternary interaction parameters, Ternary systems, CALPHAD method
Introduction The Ni–Sn–Ti system is important for the interesting as potential lead-free, high temperature solder materials McCormack et al. (1994). The first experimental studies of phase equilibria in the Ni–Sn–Ti ternary system were performed by Stadnyk et al. (1991). They presented isothermal section at 773 K. Two type of compounds halfHeusler and Heusler were found in the system. Recently the system was investigated from Gürth et al. (2015) by isothermal section and phase equilibria and Berche et al. (2016) using three binary systems. The binary systems were thermodynamically investigated and used in the calculations. Three systems: Ni–Sn Gandova (2016), Liu et al. (2004), Ni–Ti Gandova (2016), Tokunaga et al. (2004) and Sn–Ti Yin et al. Received: 16-11-2016; Accepted 07-12-2016; Published Online 09-12-2016
٭Corresponding Author Vanya Gandova, Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, University of Food Technologies, 26 Mariza avenue, 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Tel: +359 32 603 621; Fax: + 359 32 644 102
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(2007) exibit large number of intermediate phases. The task of the present study is to verify different ways to achieve thermodynamic assessment of a ternary phase (in this case, the liquid solutions of the system Ni–Sn–Ti) by assessing the thermodynamic properties of the liquid phase using the general solution model (GSM), other geometrical models and comparing to values, obtained by the CALPHAD method. Theoretical fundamentals Thermodynamic properties of the Ni–Sn–Ti system was calculated using general solution model Chou (1995), Chou et al. (1997) based on three corresponding binary systems. Chou (1995) was developed a method called general solution model (GSM) for calculation of a ternary phase thermodynamic properties. The application of this model requires some thermo chemical information about the three binary endsystems. Such information was essentially known if the composition and temperature dependence of the Gibbs molar excess energy of a phase was available. In the equations below, the following 14
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excess ennergies were represented: ΔGE – Gibbbs molar exccess energy of o the ternaryy liquid phasse; E E E ΔG 12, ΔG 23, ΔG 31 or ΔGEij – the respectiive Gibbs moolar excess energy e valuess of the binaary liquid phaases, where th he down indexxes indicate the t considered binary systeem. c The composition dependence of the binaary Gibbs moolar excess energies e wass given by the t expressionn:
c is clossed with Muggiany model curve, but curves obtaineed by TC annd model of Kohler are cclosed too. w molar Gibbs G Figuree 1. Calculatted in this work excesss energies (∆G GE, J mol-1) of o the liquid phase, p along a section witth constant molar m Sn:Ti raatio at 2000 K. K
ΔGE = x1x2ΔGE12 + x2x3 ΔGE23 + x3x1 ΔGE31 + x1x2x3 f1233 (1) E = X X X L ΔG 123 1 2 3 123
wheree L123 is a teernary interacction parametter that might be temp perature and concentration dependentt. Kohleer (1960) preesented Gibbs molar exceess energy off the ternary liquid l phase as symmetriccal model. Mugiany M et al. a (1975) prresented Gibbbs molar exccess energy of o the ternary liquid phase as asymmetrrical model. In the generall case, a ternaary system wiith constituen nts 1, 2 and 3 was considerred where X1, X2 and X3 were the moole fractions of the respective compon nents 1-Ni, 2-Sn 2 and 3-T Ti. Basic theermodynamic information on the binaary subsystem ms was presen nted in Table 1.
Figuree 2. Calculatted in this work w molar Gibbs G E -1 excesss energies (∆G G , J mol ) of o the liquid phase, p along a section witth constant molar m Ni:Ti raatio at 2000 K. K
Results and Discussio on Calcuulations of thee coefficientss f123 were doone along threee sections off the Ni–Sn––Ti system wiith different molar m ratios in i the intervall 1000–2000 K. In such a way a huge amount of innformation was w obtained and used thereafter tо t derive the t parameterrs Lijk. The results are show wn in Table 2. The ternary inteegral molar Gibbs exceess energies assessed by geometricall models weere graphicallly compared d to these obtained by Thermo-C Calc, using the optimizzed adjustabble parameterrs of the en nd-systems only (Table 1). Sections with w constan nt molar ratioos between tw wo of the com mponents werre plotted. Figurees 1-3 presen nted calculateed in this woork molar exccesses Gibbs energies at 2000 2 K and 1:3 1 molar ration in different mole fraactions betweeen Sn:Ti, Ni:Ti N and Ni:Sn. N Figuree 1 presentted calculation of Sn:Ti= =1:3 mole frractions in the t ststem. Inn Figure 1 currve obtained by b GSM moddel J. Appl. Adv. Res. ● Vol. V 1 ● Issuue 4
Figgure 2 presennted calculations at 2000 K and Ni:Ti= =1:3 mole fraactions. In the Figure seenn that calculaations obtaineed by GSM model exhibbit the high Gibbs G excess energy with minimum att 0.25 mole fractions Sn. The Gibbss energy waas the lower calculated byy Kohler moddel. The miniimum was att 0.5 mole fraactions Sn annd -25000 J mol m -1. Figuree 3 presentted investiggation system m at Ni:Sn= =1:3 mole fraactions. In thiis case the sm mallest Gibbs excess energyy seen in calcculations prepparing 15
Thermodynnamic investig gation of liquidd properties of the t Ni–Sn–Ti ternary t system
Table 1. Optimized O paarameters (Loij, L1ij , L2ij) for f the liquid binary phasees of the Ni–S Sn, Ni–Ti andd Sn– Ti system ms used in the present workk; T – temperaature, K. System, i – j Ni–Snn Ni–T Ti Sn–T Ti
Loij (T), J mool-1 -105002.87+197.9*T -21.6959*T*LN N(T) -153707.39+34.85*T -91598.9-.9416*T
Table 2. Ternary in nteraction parrameters, Lνijk i , f 123 coeefficients. T – temperature,, K. System,, ijk Ni-Sn--Ti
Loijk (T), J mol m -1 - 70360.5 - 0.2263*T
with moddel of Kohler around -180000 J mol-1 and a 0.35 molee fractions Ti. T The curvees obtained by GSM model m and Mugiany model haave coincidennce. Minimum m Gibbs ennergy observved with TC calculations around a -25 000 0 J mol-1 and a 0.55 molee fractions Tii. In all figurres and sectioons observed negative Gibb bs energys. d ternary molaar Gibbs exceess Figuree 4 presented energies using GSM model at three differeent temperatuures and compared. Results aft fter calculations showed that with increase of temperatuure the Gibbss excess enerrgy decrease to positive values. v At 1943 1 K the Gibbs exceess energy exxhibit minim mum around -18000 J mool-1 but at 23443 K exhibit minimum arround -150000 J mol-1. In I this casee could be conclude thhat appeared dependence between teemperature and a Gibbs exccess energies Figure 3. Calculated in this workk molar Gibbbs excess ennergies (∆GE, J mol-1) of thhe liquid phasse, along a seection with constant molar Ni:Sn ratio at 2000 K.
L1ij (T), ( J mol-1 -28342.17+52.5528*T -7.560094*T*LN(T) -81824.755+25.809*T +45682.64-12.1045*T
L2ij (T), J mol-1
+5582.31 -10.077897*T T 0
for the Ni–Sn–Ti liqquid phase obtained o from m the L1ijk (T), J mol-1 - 113023 -11.574*T
L2ijk (T), J mol-1 - 131755 -17.101*T T
Figuree 4. Calculateed molar Gibbs excess eneergies of the liquid phase in three diffferent temperaatures accordding to GSM models. m
Conclu usions Thhermodynamiic properties calculatedd of liquid phase in the Ni–Sn–Ti ternary system m were g solutiion model (G GSM). investiigated using general The teernary interacction coefficieents were obttained at varrious temperratures and different connstant ratios between b elem ments. The vaalues of the teernary liquid phase moolar Gibbs excess eneergies calculaated by GSM M were com mpared to values v obtaineed by others models. Neggative molar Gibbs G energiees were seenn at all casess. The resultss may serve and a apply whhen no found experimentaal data in the investigated i s system. Refereences Berchee, A., Tédenaac, J. C., Farttushna, J., Junnd, P. (20016). Calphaad assessmennt of the Ni-Sn-Ti system. Calphad, 54, 67-75
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