John B. Gruberb. ) Department 0/ .... were first observed by Henderson et al.I ..... Observed infrared absorption spectra of (a) Ce2S3, and (b) La2S3 obtained ...
Thermophysical properties of the lanthanide sesquisulfides. I. Schottky functions and magnetic and electronic properties of y-La2S3, y-Ce2S3, y-Nd 2S3, and y-Gd 2S 3 Edgar F. Westrum, Jr. and Ram6n Burriel
Department o/Chemistry, University 0/ Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
John B. Gruberb ) Department 0/ Physics, San Jose State University, San Jose, California 95192
E. Palmer and B. J. Beaudry
Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011
W. A. PlautzC) School 0/ Medicine, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri 63110
(Received 23 February 1989; accepted 14 July 1989) Heat capacity measurements offour lanthanide sesquisulfides La2 S3 , Ce 2 S3 , Nd zS3 , and Gd zS3 , prepared in the r phase, have been obtained between 6 and 350 K by adiabatic calorimetry. The total heat capacity has been resolved into lattice, electronic, magnetic, and Schottky components. The Schottky contributions agree well with the calculated values based on the observed s~litting of the ground-state manifold of the rare earth ions occupying sites of S4 symmetry In the Th 3 P 4 structure. The observed splitting is obtained from an analysis of the hot bands in the absorption spectrum and from direct observation of the Stark levels in the far I infrared. The Stark levels (all doublets) for Ce 2 S3 s /2) are 0,185, and 358 cm- ; for Nd zS3 (4/9 / 2 ), they are 0, 76, 150, 180, and 385 cm -I. For La ZS3 , which has no Schottky or magnetic contributions to the heat capacity, the thermal data can be extrapolated to K. The entropy for La2S3 at 298.15 K (as SOIR) is 19.51. Schottky and magnetic ordering at lower temperatures in Ce ZS3 , Nd 2S3 , and Gd 2S3 preclude such extrapolation techniques. Therefore the entropy at 298.15 K for these compounds {SO-S°(7 K)}IR, is 21.34, 22.38, and 20.05, respectively.
Lanthanide sesquisulfides (Ln 2 S3 )-as a consequence of their 4fn states-manifest unusual magnetic and electronic behavior. 1-21 The 4felectrons are localized in the inner shell of the lanthanide ions, but the polarization of the 5d conduction electrons is known to give ferro- and antiferromagnetic interactions in lanthanide alloys due to indirect exchange of the RKKY type. Moreover, the Th 3 P 4 structure, to which the r phase of the lanthanide sesquisulfides belongs, allows considerable variation of the composition. One-ninth of the positions of the Ln cation are randomly unoccupied in Ln 2 S3 • They can be filled with excess Ln up to the composition Ln 3S4 thereby providing additional free electrons that profoundly change the physical properties of the compound. This property makes them suitable materials in which the number of conduction electrons can be adjusted at will to the required physical properties. One finds a whole range of ferro- and antiferromagnetic ordering, insulators, semiconductors, and superconductors associated with these materials. They are found as components in solar energy absorbers, in efficient solar photovoltaic cells, or in infrared parametric oscillators. 2.7,20 Present address: Instituto de Ciencia de los Materiales de Aragon, Departamento de Termologia, Universidad de Zaragoza, SOOO9-Zaragoza, Spain. b) Fellow, American Society for Engineering Education. c) Work performed at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. 0)
J. Chem. Phys. 91 (8),15 October 1989
The materials we study in this series of papers belong to the limiting composition Ln 2S3 , in which, ideally, there are no nonlocalized electrons. They are insulators and we can extract the physical properties that depend on the lattice structure and single ion properties. The crystal field surrounding the lanthanide ions acts as a small perturbation on the localized electrons. The field splits the ground state into sublevels called Stark levels. Hence, thermophysical effects are expected when the higher-energy Stark levels of the lanthanide ions are depopulated on lowering the temperature. Specifically, the heat capacity shows Schottky contributions manifesting the magnitude of the splitting and degeneracy of the Stark levels of the ground state. These phenomena revealed by calorimetric, 5-1 S spectroscopic, 1-4,19 and magnetic techniques 13 ,IS,20,21 provide elucidation and resolution of the energetic spectra. The infrared and Raman spectra, the magnetic susceptibility, and analysis of the crystal-field splitting of these compounds enable one to make an interpretation of the observed heat-capacity values and thermophysical functions, and resolved Schottky contributions. Moreover, subsequent comparison made with crystal-field lattice-sum calculations provides further evidence of the essential validity of this interpretation of the entire gamut of the thermophysical, crystalline electric field (CEF), and related properties as has already been done for the bixbyite sesquioxides. 22 . Subambient heat-capacity determinations represent an important technique for study of these materials and their
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© 1989 American Institute of Physics
Westrum, Jr. et al.: The lanthanide sesquisulfides. I
Schottky and magnetic contributions. Either of them may be resolved even at moderate temperatures by an essentially volumetric scheme for the estimation of lattice heat capacities. 23.24 Heat-capacity data on lanthanide sesquisulfides of different preparations, compositions, and crystal structures obtained between 0.3 and 20 K are available in the literature. 7- 13 Systematic studies also exist for the lanthanide monosulfides and for-the Ln 3 S4 compounds, but are of relevance here in only a few respects. Heat capacities of Ln3Ch4 (Ch = Se, Te, etc.) and sesquisulfide systems (e.g., mixed rare earth with S, Se, or Te), and the binary systems Ln 3 Chc Ln 2Ch3 have interesting thermophysical properties. For example, Tc in La3 S4 (7 K) drops essentially to 0 K in La 2S3. In fact, treatment of the lanthanide sulfides (LnSx ) as a homologous series provides useful correlation of thermophysical values for device applications. 27 Many of the heat capacity values reported for Ln 2S3 do not extend to temperatures sufficiently high to enable one to determine the Schottky contribution due to the crystal-field splitting of the ground-state manifold of the tripositive rare earth ion. Furthermore, the samples investigated were not well characterized. Our purpose here is to detail stoichiometric sample preparation and crystal structure of the Ln 2S3 compounds we investigated. We report heat capacity measurements between 6 and 350 K which can be resolved into lattice, magnetic, and Schottky components. In this first paper, we compare the experimental Schottky contribution obtained for Ce 2S3 and Nd 2S3 with the calculated contribution based on the crystal-field splitting of the ground-state manifold as deduced from optical spectra. Overall agreement indicates that the volumetric method of analysis described earlier 23 .24 is a useful approach to these systems.
II. EXPERIMENTAL A. Sample provenance and characterization for heatcapacity studies The four sulfide samples were prepared at the Ames Laboratory by direct combination of the pure elements in a manner similar to that described by Gschneidner, et al. II The rare earth metals were also prepared in the Ames Laboratory28 and had the chemical analyses typical of the highly purified metals reported earlier. 28 Sublimed sulfur (99.999%) was obtained from ASARCO. 29 After synthesis of Ln2S3 was achieved in sealed quartz ampOUles, the samples were not melted as they had been in a previous study. 14
Instead, the quartz ampoules were opened and the sulfide ground and sieved to 200 mesh powder. The powder was cold pressed into pellets 4 mm thick by 15 mm diameter. The pressed pellets of La2S3, Ce2S3' and Nd 2S3 were heated to 1500·C under a dynamic H 2 S atmosphere for 48 h. The Gd 2S3 was heated to 1450·C for 24 h under dynamic H 2S treatment. Debye Scherrer x-ray patterns contained only lines of the y-phase bcc structure of Th3P 4' Lattice parameters determined in this study are given in Table I along with the literature values. 30 The final compositions were determined by G. V. Austin and R. Z. Bachman, Analytical Services Group, Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University, using the following procedures: the sesquisulfides were dissolved in 4.8 M hydrochloric acid and the evolved hydrogen sulfide gas was collected in a solution of sodium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide. The sulfate which formed was determined gravimetrically as barium sulfate. The lanthanide cations in solution were quantitatively analyzed by titrating with EDT A. A sensitive test used to determine the presence of trace oxysulfide impurities was performed by dissolving the sulfide in 6N HCI and observing the clarity of the solution. All samples used in this study gave clear solutions when dissolved; this showed the absence of oxysulfides. 30
B. Automated adiabatic calorimetry The data were taken in the Mark X calorimetric cryostat, an improved (by addition of a guard shield surrounding the adiabatic shield) 31 version of the Mark II cryostat previously described together with the relevant operating techniques. The acquisition of heat-capacity data from about 6 to 350 K was computer assisted. 32 After being programmed for a series of determinations, the computer recorded: (i) drift readings of the calorimeter temperature (including the first and second derivatives) over a suitable length of time before and after each energy input to determine the equilibrium temperature and drift; and (ii) during each energy input, current and potential of the heater and the duration of the heating period. Information was recorded on the initial, final, and mean temperatures, on the energy input, and on the resistance of the heater, together with the apparent heat capacity of the system (including the calorimeter, heater, thermometer, and sample). A gold-plated, oxygen-free, high-conductivity copper calorimeter (laboratory designation W -61 ) especially equipped with a pair of perforated copper spring-loaded sleeves soldered to the heater-thermometer well to hold the
TABLE I. Lattice parameters and analyzed compositions of the r-lanthanide sulfides used in this study. Lattice parameter (A) Sesquisulfide
Present study
Reference 30
Analyzed mole ratio S/Ln
Mig mol-I
La 2S3 Ce,S3 Nd 2 S3 Gd 2 S3
8.7220 ± 0.0007 8.636 ± 0.0002 8.5248 ± 0.0002 8.3779 ± 0.0003
8.731 8.630 8.527 8.387
1.497 ± 0.005 1.500 ± 0.001 1.500 ± 0.006 1.503 ± 0.003
37.8289 38.1789 36.3252 36.1260
374.003 376.432 384.66 410.692
Yellow-green Dark gray Yellow-blue Yellow
J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 91, No.8, 15 October 1989
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et al.: The lanthanide sesquisulfides. I
sulfide pellets was employed for all measurements. After loading, the calorimeter was evacuated and about 2.0 kPa (at 300 K) helium gas added to facilitate thermal equilibration. The calorimeter seal-off tip was closed with Cerroseal (50 mass % tin and indium) solder. Relevant adjuvant quantities (sample mass, molar masses, lattice constants, etc.) used in computer reduction of the data are also given in Table I. The mole used throughout this paper is based on the formula written as Ln 2S3 and thus involves 2 mol oflanthanide metal. Temperatures were measured on an ASL-7 induction bridge with a Leeds and Northrup platinum-resistance thermometer sensor calibrated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. All other accurate experimental quantities are referred to standards and calibrations provided by NIST. C. Optical spectroscopy: Samples and technique
The spectra of y-phase single crystal Ce 2 S3 and Nd 2 S3 were first observed by Henderson et al. I •2 They prepared the material by passing purified H 2 S over finely divided oxide powder in graphite boats at temperatures between 850 and 1300 ·C. The powders were used to grow single crystals by the Bridgman method. 1 The x-ray crystallographic patterns of pieces of the crystals indicated that Ce 2 S3 and Nd 2 S3 were grown in the y phase. TABLE II. Molar heat capacities oflanthanide sesquisulfides T(K)
Chemical analysis of the crystals indicated the materials were stoichiometric (LnSI.SOO ± 0.002 ).1-4 Infrared spectra on powdered mull samples of La2 S3, Ce2S3, and Nd 2 S3 were recorded between 2.5 and 40 J.l using a Perkin-Elmer 301 spectrophotometer. The infrared spectra between 10 and 200 J.l of single crystals were recorded using a Beckman FS-720 Fourier interference spectrophotometer. Samples were cooled to 15 and 90 K using a conduction dewar filled sequentially with liquid helium and liquid nitrogen. The measurements were performed by Henderson, Muramoto, and Gruber. 1-3 III. RESULTS A. Calorimetric determinations
The values for the heat capacity of La 2S3 presented in Table II in energy-dimensionless units are in chronological sequence, so that the temperature increments can usually be deduced from the sequential temperatures. Corresponding values for the other three compounds are given in Table II. The data were smoothed at the lowest temperatures by use of a CplRTvs T 2 plot. From such a plot, we obtained for La2S3 a Debye temperature 80 = 284 K, and an electronic coefficient y = 0 ± 0.0002 RK. The temperature range of our measurements did not permit the estimation of a more accurate value for y.
= 8.3144 J K -I mol-I).
Lanthanum sesquisulfide (La2 S3 ) Series I 180.08 185.09 190.23 195.38 200.54 205.70 210.86 216.02 223.76 228.88 234.03 239.20 244.38 249.55 254.73 259.91 265.08 270.26 275.44 282.03 287.20 292.38 297.57 302.76 307.94 313.12 318.30 323.49 328.68 333.87 339.06 344.25
12.521" 12.735 12.847 12.969 13.091 13.169 13.252 13.385 13.493 13.560 13.638 13.715 13.770 13.836 13.896 13.915 13.986 14.070 14.091 14.154 14.202 14.254 14.279 14.301 14.361 14.415 14.489 14.533 14.564 14.598 14.611 14.660
Series II 71.98 74.77 78.14 81.66 85.69 89.94 94.41 99.12 104.03 122.14 129.82 134.93 140.01 145.11 150.21 155.32 160.26 165.22 170.37 175.51 180.65 185.81 190.95 196.11 Series III 105.22 110.25 121.12 126.10 131.18 136.26 141.35
6.406 6.710 7.032 7.425 7.802 8.207 8.543 8.907 9.293 10.439 10.854 11.081 11.293 11.510 11.722 11.919 12.083 12.274 12.350 12.528 12.663 12.750 12.893 12.991
9.357 9.709 10.378 10.645 10.894 11.153 11.362
Series IV 40.93 42.57 44.62 46.75 48.98 51.32 53.79 56.38 59.10 61.96 64.97 68.13 71.47 74.96 78.65 82.52
2.759 2.926 3.198 3.456 3.732 4.016 4.320 4.626 4.963 5.302 5.673 5.999 6.359 6.732 7.115 7.521
Series V 65.71 69.02 72.38 75.94 83.59
5.751 6.094 6.457 6.759 7.611
Series VI 7.72 8.30 9.11 10.35 12.76 13.71 14.81 18.19
0.022 0.029 0.038 0.057 0.116 0.150 0.198 0.386
19.72 21.43 23.33 25.31 27.14 28.93 31.00 33.32 35.90 38.76 41.94
0.493 0.630 0.780 0.976 1.171 1.355 1.579 1.845 2.149 2.489 2.862
Cerium sesquisulfide (Ce 2 S,)
Series I 148.74 153.68 158.81 163.92 169.03 174.17 179.31 184.46 189.61 194.78 199.95 205.11 210.27 215.42 220.59 225.76 230.94 236.12
12.896 13.088 13.251 13.384 13.514 13.658 13.786 13.876 13.990 14.080 14.164 14.232 14.293 14.370 14.441 14.517 14.549 14.625
J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 91, No.8, 15 October 1989
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TABLE II (continued). T(K)
241.19 246.37 251.66 256.84 262.02 267.19 272.36 277.52 282.71 287.89 293.05 298.16 303.33 308.50 313.70 318.91 324.10 329.28 334.47 339.65 344.84 348.76
14.640 14.732 14.770 14.785 14.834 14.864 14.885 14.933 14.948 14.983 14.994 14.989 15.047 15.045 15.080 15.114 15.138 15.186 15.225 15.251 15.289 15.315
36.84 38.89 41.20 43.78 46.38 51.37 53.39 56.28 59.15 62.05 65.42 69.28 73.14 77.04
Series II 76.68 80.05 84.00 88.15 92.53 97.15 102.00 106.99 112.02 117.06 122.11 127.18 137.66 142.71 147.82 152.94
7.659 8.075 8.535 8.992 9.393 9.777 10.188 10.575 10.941 11.304 11.607 11.912 12.450 12.678 12.889 13.074
Series III 6.84 7.55 8.41 9.18 9.92 10.64 11.45 12.35 13.23 14.10 14.98 15.82 16.68 17.57 18.46 19.45 20.53 21.60 22.77 24.03 25.29 26.66 28.11 29.57 31.13 32.78 33.54 35.03
0.163 0.133 0.116 0.111 0.110 0.116 0.127 0.146 0.170 0.202 0.241 0.282 0.328 0.384 0.445 0.517 0.600 0.693 0.802 0.924 1.052 1.197 1.357 1.524 1.708 1.907 2.001 2.192
2.423 2.687 2.992 3.334 3.691 4.364 4.628 5.025 5.436 5.834 6.289 6.773 7.246 7.709
10.28 10.77 11.27 11.80 12.35 12.92 13.52 14.09 14.69 15.36 16.06 16.79 17.55 18.35 19.18 20.06 20.97 21.93 22.93 23.99 25.09 26.25 27.47 28.67 29.94 31.34 32.81 34.36 35.98 37.68 39.47 41.35 43.32 45.40 47.59 49.88 52.29 54.83 57.50 60.30 63.25 66.35
0.144 0.149 0.164 0.176 0.196 0.218 0.248 0.278 0.319 0.367 0.422 0.486 0.558 0.641 0.733 0.837 0.955 1.084 1.225 1.380 1.549 1.726 1.925 2.119 2.321 2.555 2.792 3.053 3.313 3.585 3.864 4.146 4.465 4.752 5.069 5.373 5.697 6.015 6.351 6.695 7.044 7.383
Series III 24.00 39.79 71.97 75.44 83.15 87.18 91.64 96.65 101.66 106.69 111.72 116.77 117.51 121.60 125.73 130.82 135.92 141.02 146.15 151.27 156.41 161.54 166.68 171.82
1.375 3.918 7.938 8.279 9.022 9.381 9.768 10.056 10.368 10.646 10.926 11.234 11.261 11.451 11.651 11.900 12.113 12.305 12.478 12.630 12.791 12.931 13.050 13.171
Series I 56.64 59.53 62.42 65.45 68.64 72.01 75.54 79.26 83.16 87.27 91.59 95.90 100.49 105.50 110.51 115.54 120.59 125.66 130.72 135.79 140.88 145.98 151.09 156.21 161.34 166.47 171.60 176.74 181.88 187.04 192.19 197.35 202.51 207.67 212.83 217.99 223.16 228.33 233.50 238.68 243.85 249.02 254.20 259.38 264.55 269.73 274.90 280.07 285.23
4.666 4.972 5.285 5.617 5.928 6.253 6.598 6.980 7.346 7.737 8.099 8.404 8.741 9.099 9.419 9.765 10.032 10.341 10.566 10.830 11.094 11.316 11.530 11.714 11.866 12.042 12.210 12.344 12.483 12.622 12.732 12.859 12.943 13.052 13.169 13.254 13.358 13.422 13.513 13.588 13.679 13.724 13.787 13.843 13.906 13.972 14.011 14.076 14.107
Series II 276.68 281.79 286.88 291.95 297.Q1 302.05 307.08 312.10 317.13 322.13 327.11 332.08 337.03 342.03 346.91
14.020 14.053 14.110 14.156 14.207 14.249 14.291 14.326 14.382 14.437 14.501 14.510 14.543 14.612 14.663
Series III 290.QI
Neodymium sesquisulfide (Nd 2S 3 ) Series I 117.69 121.32 125.12 130.14 135.23 140.33 145.44 150.56 155.68 160.81 165.95 171.08 176.19 181.31 186.46 191.62 196.78 201.94 207.10 212.27 217.44 222.62 227.80 232.96 238.13 243.31 248.48 253.66 258.85 264.03 269.21 274.39 279.58 284.76 289.93 295.11 300.28 305.45 310.62 315.79 320.95 326.12 331.29 336.48 341.66 346.85
11.270 11.449 11.633 11.840 12.069 12.255 12.447 12.622 12.764 12.929 13.034 13.160 13.273 13.366 13.468 13.556 13.638 13.706 13.784 13.838 13.927 13.987 14.046 14.119 14.142 14.236 14.270 14.321 14.355 14.405 14.437 14.486 14.513 14.545 14.593 14.602 14.648 14.685 14.707 14.781 14.797 14.841 14.904 14.931 14.985 15.022
Series II 8.24 8.76 9.29 9.79
0.138 0.133 0.135 0.138
Gadolinium sesquisulfide (Gd 2S3 )
J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 91, No.8, 15 October 1989
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TABLE II (continued).
295.06 300.09 305.10 310.09 315.08 320.05 325.00 329.94 334.88 339.80 344.72
14.186 14.250 14.272 14.328 14.382 14.437 14.461 14.504 14.543 14.594 14.627
291.72 296.70 301.67 306.61 314.00 321.37 326.26 331.15 336.03 340.90 345.77
14.156 14.188 14.229 14.288 14.358 14.429 14.468 14.517 14.554 14.575 14.507
Series IV 323.05 330.25 337.44 342.21 346.98
14.424 14.489 14.556 14.592 14.639
Series V 271.64 276.69 281.72 286.73
13.930 13.991 14.043 14.078
Series VI 6.02 6.98 8.45 9.87 11.12 12.26 13.32 14.34 15.32 16.29 17.24
2.037 1.455 0.976 0.742 0.625 0.568 0.543 0.545 0.564 0.590 0.629
Series VII 6.05 6.36 6.73 7.14 7.62 8.16 8.78 9.45 10.25 11.08 11.97 12.89 13.80 14.68 15.59 16.55 17.50 18.44 19.39 20.33 21.27 22.21 23.15
1.957 1.791 1.655 1.347 1.200 1.063 0.928 0.824 0.708 0.626 0.579 0.552 0.540 0.548 0.570 0.600 0.643 0.695 0.753 0.815 0.891 0.964 1.045
24.10 25.23 26.49 27.72 29.02 30.38 31.80 33.29 34.86 36.51 38.23 40.05 41.95 43.95 46.04 48.25 50.56 52.99 55.54 58.23 61.04 64.00 67.12
1.134 1.245 1.369 1.495 1.621 1.761 1.928 2.083 2.269 2.444 2.630 2.833 3.045 3.260 3.499 3.740 3.994 4.263 4.533 4.813 5.141 5.476 5.775
This point not used in fitting curve.
The thermodynamic functions for La 2S3 are summarized in Table III with an occasional extra digit beyond those absolutely significant to facilitate interpolation. Corresponding values for the other three compounds are given in Table IV. It should be noted here that the data for the en-
tropy, enthalpy, and Gibbs energy increments refer to 7 K rather than 0 K. The experimental curves for the four compounds are depicted in Fig. 1. The presence of Schottky contributions to the heat capacities of Nd 2 S3 and Ce2 S3 are quite evident upon comparison with La2 S3 and Gd 2 S3 curves
TABLE III. Molar thermodynamic functions oflanthanum sesquisulfide (R = 8.3144 J K -I mol-I). T(K)
{HO - HO(O)}/RK
- {Go - HO(O)}/RT
0 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 298.15 300 320 350
0.0 0.050 0.206 0.515 0.948 1.470 2.638 3.862 5.065 6.199 7.236 8.165 8.983 10.314 11.309 12.056 12.629 13.076 13.430 13.713 13.943 14.139 14.301 14.317 14.484 14.697
0.0 0.017 0.061 0.159 0.319 0.537 1.117 1.837 2.648 3.515 4.412 5.319 6.222 7.983 9.652 11.213 12.668 14.022 15.29 16.47 17.57 18.61 19.51 19.60 20.53 21.83
0.0 0.122 0.698 2.440 6.054 12.071 32.531 65.00 109.68 166.07 233.33 310.42 396.25 589.9 806.6 1040.6 1287.7 1544.9 1810.1 2081.6 2358.3 2639.1 2897.2 2923.7 3211.7 3649.6
0.0 0.004 0.D15 0.037 0.077 0.134 0.304 0.537 0.820 1.143 1.495 1.869 2.260 3.068 3.891 4.709 5.514 6.298 7.058 7.793 8.504 9.189 9.790 9.850 10.489 11.406
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TABLE IV. Molar thermodynamic functions of lanthanide sesquisulfides (R = 8.3144 J K -I mol-I).
{SO _ S0(7)}IR
{HO - H0(7)}IRK
- {Go _ H 0 (7)}IRT
0.0 0.044 0.106 0.215 0.387 0.621 1.243 2.019 2.902 3.858 4.854 5.866 6.875 8.839 10.694 12.421 14.017 15.49 16.85 18.12 19.30 20.40 21.34 21.43 22.41 23.77
0.000 0.363 1.156 3.088 6.990 13.451 35.369 70.40 119.01 181.17 255.94 341.95 437.79 653.7 894.7 1153.5 1424.6 1704.3 1990.2 2281.2 2576.0 2873.7 3145.4 3173.2 3474.5 3931.1
0.0 0.007 0.029 0.061 0.108 0.173 0.359 0.611 0.918 1.269 1.655 2.066 2.497 3.392 4.304 5.212 6.103 6.969 7.806 8.613 9.391 10.138 10.792 10.857 11.549 12.539
0.0 0.050 0.134 0.293 0.551 0.900 1.796 2.835 3.933 5.044 6.144 7.218 8.260 10.233 12.057 13.737 15.28 16.71 18.02 19.25 20.39 21.46 22.38 22.47 23.42 24.76
0.000 0.406 1.472 4.298 10.143 19.784 51.28 98.12 158.53 230.76 313.23 404.52 503.5 720.3 957.2 1208.9 1471.5 1741.9 2018.4 2299.8 2585.4 2874.4 3139.0 3166.0 3460.3 3908.1
0.0 0.010 0.036 0.078 0.145 0.241 0.513 0.872 1.290 1.747 2.228 2.723 3.225 4.231 5.220 6.181 7.108 7.998 8.850 9.666 10.448 11.197 11.850 11.915 12.604 13.589
0.0 0.368 0.608 0.795 1.015 1.282 1.929 2.679 3.493 4.347 5.221 6.102 6.978
0.000 3.034 5.969 9.235 14.215 21.564 44.333 78.14 122.96 178.47 244.08 318.94 402.18
0.0 0.065 0.211 0.333 0.447 0.563 0.821 1.116 1.444 1.797 2.170 2.558 2.957
Cerium sesquisulfide (Ce 2S,) 7 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 298.15 300 320 350
0.155 0.110 0.242 0.559 1.021 1.575 2.833 4.174 5.549 6.867 8.063 9.116 10.030 11.488 12.546 13.288 13.795 14.153 14.431 14.656 14.822 14.932 15.01 15.02 15.12 15.33
Neodymium sesquisulfide (Nd 2S,) 7 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 298.15 300 320 350
0.134 0.138 0.340 0.833 1.532 2.334 3.946 5.392 6.660 7.760 8.709 9.530 10.240 11.391 12.253 12.887 13.346 13.686 13.954 14.181 14.370 14.521 14.634 14.646 14.791 15.03
Gadolinium sesquisulfide (Gd 2 S,) 7 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
1.445 0.732 0.555 0.794 1.219 1.730 2.829 3.933 5.025 6.068 7.038 7.920 8.712
J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 91, No.8, 15 October 1989
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TABLE IV. (continued). T(K)
{SO _ SO(7)}IR
120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 298.15 300 320 350
10.031 11.048 11.830 12.437 12.916 13.295 13.597 13.841 14.045 14.214 14.230 14.410 14.672
8.688 10.315 11.843 13.273 14.609 15.86 17.03 18.13 19.16 20.05 20.14 21.06 22.36
{HO - HO(7)}IRK
- {Go _ H O(7)}IRT
590.2 801.4 1030.5 1273.4 1527.2 1789.4 2058.4 2332.9 2611.8 2868.3 2894.6 3181.0 3617.3
which are essentially pure lattice heat capacity over this range. The accuracy of the data is characterized by < 0.06% standard deviation above 15 K. Below this temperature, standard deviations of the heat capacity gradually increase until they attain an uncertainty of about 1% at the lowest temperatures. B. Schottky heat-capacity contributions
Resolution of Schottky contributions from heat-capacity data on lanthanide compounds requires an accurate determination of the much larger "lattice" contribution. The volume-weighted lattice heat-capacity approximation technique has been used successfully in several other groups of lanthanide compounds (sesquioxides, halides, trihydroxides, etc.) 33-38 Of the lanthanide sesquisulfides reported here, only La 2 S3 has no excess contribution in the heat capacity. After subtraction of the low-temperature magnetic contribution in Gd 2 S3, its lattice heat capacities can be used to interpolate the values for the other isostructurallanthanide sesquisulfides with the volumetric technique. 16.----.----~--~----~--~----~--~
3.770 4.590 5.402 6.198 6.973 7.725 8.452 9.154 9.833 10.428 10.487 11.120 12.028
The calculation of C; (1') for Gd 2 S3 below 50 K has been done by applying a corresponding-states principle to the heat capacity of La2S3. This principle is followed quite accurately by isostructural compounds in which only one atom has been changed. Hence, their lattice heat capacities can be related by Cv (Gd 2 S3, 1') = Cv (La2S3, T / f). The scaling factor f = 0.96 has been determined in the temperature range where there are no anomalous contributions. The other two sesquisulfides have broad Schottky anomalies in the whole temperature range, so that the scaling factor cannot be calculated in any temperature range. Alternatively, the magnetic excess contribution is obtained by use of the single-parameter phonon-distribution approach of Komada and Westrum. 39 The lattice heat capacities of r-type lanthanide sesquisulfides may be expressed as follows: Cp (Ce 2S3,lattice) = xCp (Gd 2S3,lattice)
+ (1 -
x)Cp (La2S3 ),
in which x = {V(Ce2S3) - V(La 2 S3)}/{V(Gd2 S3) - V(La2 S3)} where x is the fractional increment in the molar volume V. The qualification "lattice" attached to Gd 2S3 is a reminder that the cooperative magnetic contribution, insignificant above 50 K, has been subtracted. The calorimetrically derived Schottky contributions to the heat capacities of Ce 2 S3 and Nd 2 S3 are displayed in the form of uninterrupted curves in Figs. 2 and 3.
C. Optical spectroscopic determinations 4
FIG. 1. Molar heat capacities of L~S3 (_._.); Ce2S3 (-), and (---); Nd2 S3 (-, -, -); and Gd 2S3 (-0-); experimental points shown for Gd2S3 to indicate typical density of data points obtained between 6 and 350 K.
The infrared spectra between 2.5 and 40 f.l contain a number of strong bands which even at 15 K are considered to be broad (20-25 cm - I ). There is a band with structure near 270 cm - I in La2S3 and Ce2S3' A sharp, narrow band (halfmaximum of 8 cm - I) of moderate strength is found at approximately 358 cm- I in Ce2 S3 • This peak, which is not found in the La 2 S3 spectrum, could be an electronic transition within the ground-state manifold 2F5/2 of the Ce3+ (4j1 ) ion. Since the point-group symmetry of Ce3+ in the Ln 2S3
J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 91, No.8, 15 October 1989
Westrum, Jr. et al.: The lanthanide sesquisulfides. I
8 1.2
'2 4
DC ......
.-= ~
" >- 0 e;; 6 Z .....
7 0
FIG. 2. Schottky contribution to the molar heat capacity ofCe2S,; solid line represents calorimetric contribution Cp (Ce 2S,) - [0.29 Cp (Gd 2S3) lattice + 0.61 Cp (La 2S3) lattice]; dashed line represents contribution calculated from Ce3+ (4fl)2F'/2' 0(2),185(2), and 358(2) in cm- I.
lattice is S4' the ground-state manifold J = 5/2 is split into three Kramers doublets. Earlier measurements and interpretation of magnetic susceptibility confirm that the ground-state Stark level is a doublet in Ce2S3. 13 Absorption above 380 cm - I is similar for La2S3 and Ce2S3. No analysis was made in the region around 2300 cm - I , where transitions to Stark levels of 2F7/2 are expected. The infrared spectra of La2S3 and Ce2S3 (Fig. 4) were also investig~ted between 10 and 200 ft with a Beckman FS-720 Fourier interference spectrophotometer using a conduction dewar filled with liquid helium. Bands approximately 20 cm - 1wide at half-maximum absorption were obtained at 60, 120, 170,230, and 270 cm- I for La2S3 and 63, 123, 175, 235, and 275 cm - I for Ce2S3' The spectrum of Ce2S3 at
2 0 0
FIG. 4. Observed infrared absorption spectra of (a) Ce2S3, and (b) La2S3 obtained between 40 and 350 cm -I at 15 K; intensity is in arbitrary units.
185 cm - 1 shows a distinct shoulder not observed in the La2S3 spectra which may be due to a second electronic transition within the 2F5/2 manifold. Otherwise, both spectra appear similar-except that the Ce2S3 spectrum is shifted slightly to the high-energy side of the La spectrum. Recent reports by various Russian groups,40,41 including the results of 300 K Raman scattering spectra of La2S3, appear to be in agreement with an analysis of the vibrational spectra observed by Henderson, Muramoto, and Gruber. 1,42 The absorption spectra of clear yellow-blue insulating crystals of Nd 2S3 recorded between 0.3 and 1.0 ft at 300,80, and 10 K were reported earlier by Henderson et al. 4 Recently, the crystal-field splitting of the electronic [SL]J energy levels of Nd3+ in Nd 2S3 was published along with a latticesum calculation for the crystal-field parameters. 19 This paper makes use of the reported experimental Stark levels for the ground-state manifold J = 9/2 (419/2) as well as the predicted splitting based on an effective point-charge model for the r-Nd2S3 lattice. In summary, Table V includes crystalTABLE V. Infrared and Raman spectra of Ln2S3'
DC ......
100 200 ENERGY (cm- 1)
La2 S3
Ce 2 S3
Nd 2S3
0.8 IR (cm- I ).
Raman (cm-I)b
0 J/K
FIG. 3. Schottky contribution to the molar heat capacity ofNd 2S3; solid line represents calorimetric contribution Cp (Nd 2S,) - [0.62 Cp (Gd 2S3) lattice + 0.38 Cp (La2 S,) lattice]; dashed line represents contribution calculated from Nd'+(4f')419/2 , 0(2), 76(2),150(2),180(2), and 385(2), in cm- I .
85 122
170, 180b 230,230b 270,270b 3oo,300b
185 232 273 300
• Reference 42. bReferences 41 and 40. c References 4 and 19.
J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 91, No.8, 15 October 1989
IR (cm- I ).
IR (cm-I)C
64 76 124 150 180,200b 235,24Ob 278 b
123 175(185) 235 275 310 358
192 237 287
Westrum, Jr. et al.: The lanthanide sesquisulfides. I
field doublet levels for Nd3+ at 0, 76,150,180, and 385 cm- I and for Ce3+ at 0,185, and 358 cm- I , along with the infrared and Raman spectra reported by Zhuze and his coworkers. 40,41 Analysis of the vibronic spectra observed in the visible region agrees with the reported infrared and Raman spectra.
.'0 \
.. \
o 0 0 00
Figure 5 compares the heat capacity data ( Cp / R) up to 20 K obtained in the present study with values reported by Ho et al. 10 for r phase La2 S3, Ce2S3' Nd 2S3, and Gd 2S3. Only in the instance of La2S3 do our results tally closely. The range below 10 K is that over which we have the least accuracy; yet the consistency and smoothness of our values attest to the reproducibility of these values. Our agreement with Ho et al. \0 for La2S3 suggests concordance in calibration, etc. The Ce2S3 trends are reasonably close, but in Nd 2S3 considerable divergence exists, and for Gd 2S3 our data suggest the presence of a transition with a peak below 7 K. The differences in all instances are probably attributable to the high quality-with respect to both stoichiometry (cf. Table I, at worst 1.500 ± 0.006) and homogeneity- of the samples prepared for the present study in contrast with the dubiety of the earlier preparations. \0 Another contrast concerns the data at higher temperatures in the subambient region as depicted on a deviation plot (Fig. 6). Deviation curves forliterature values ofNd 2 S3
.,.-- 2.0
15 1.0 __ 0.5
../ 1.21----
Nd 2 S 3
o I---=...-_A_' \
• __ ,-
0.21---• l ___e_-!--e--=--=.-'-"'--_"'--_.l.-._"'-----'
FIG. 5. Molar heat capacities as a function of temperature; present study ( ---0-0--0-- ); Ref. 10 ( • • • ); ordinates are left (La 2S3 ). right (Ce 2 S3 ). left (Nd 2 S,). and right (Gd 2S,).
.. «= «=
00 0"
o 0
ee2 S3 o
_. 0. .o~.:'l.1:~
0 0
,'" ~
2 0
0 0
-2 10
60 80 100 T1/3/
K 1/3
FIG. 6. Percent deviation from the smoothed curve of molar heat capacity vs temperature; ordinates are. left (La2 S3 ). right (Ce2 S3 ), left (Nd 2 S3 ). present study (open circles); Ref. 9 (black squares); Ref. 17 (open squares).
below about 130 K and La2S3 below about 80 K have been plotted against a percent scale an order of magnitUde greater than that indicated-and used-for the other points. Note that Fig. 6 represents a variation in composition over r phases . The Nd 2S3 values of a sample of a and {3 phases 17 deviate significantly from our values on the rphase. The Ce 2S3 sample of King and Weller9 is not identified by its phase. The deviations suggest that the Schottky contributions present in their phase differ significantly from those in the r phase. The measurements of{3- La2S3 of Nogteva et al. 17 show a significant deviation below 130 K from our values on r-La2S3 roughly similar to their deviation on the Nd 2S3 data. Moreover, their values are several percent lower than ours near 200 and 300 K. The newer data by the same authors l8 on a r-La2S3 sample are in such remarkable accord with our data, that to avoid confusion on a figure already dense with points, we have elected only to note that our smoothed curves are in coincidence from 20 to 300 K by amounts well within ± 0.2%. Their sample had a composition of La 1.000 ± 0.001 S1.481 ± O.OOS 00.019 ± 0.005 and consisted of light yellow, optically clear crystals several mm on each edge . Above 40 K, the mean deviation of the experimental points was < 0.06%. Their 298.15 K value of SO = 19.47 R corresponds to our value of 19.51 R. The trend of the data indicates that their significant deviation from stoichiometry is compensated for by the oxygen present. For the calculation of the spectroscopic Schottky con-
J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 91, No.8, 15 October 1989
Westrum, Jr.
et al.: The lanthanide sesquisulfides. I
tributions to the heat capacity, we adopted the levels (and degeneracies) from Table V as follows: for Nd 2 S3 , 0(2), 76(2), 150(2), 180(2), and 385(2) cm- I , for Ce 2 S3 , 0(2), 185(2), and 358(2) cm- I • Hence, comparison with Fig. 1 shows that Schottky levels make significant contributions to the heat capacity (for Ce 2 S3 and Nd 2 S3-about 6% and 3% at 300 K) and consequently to the thermophysical functions. On the other hand, it is evident that such small deviations as appear between spectroscopic and heat-capacity curves (cf. Figs. 2 and 3) are well within the experimental errors of heat-capacity and spectroscopic determinations. From the analysis of the heat capacities of the four lanthanide sesquisulfides, we have been able to calculate the lattice contribution and hence resolve the excess contribution in excellent accord with the interpretation of the spectra ofLa2S3 , Ce2S3 , and Nd 2S3 • The Schottky heat-capacity contributions that result from the population of the Stark levels compare well with the excess experimental heat capacity over the lattice contribution and preclude the existence of any other possible contribution to the heat capacities between 20 and 350 K. Hence, any magnetic transitions in these samples must take place below 7 K. Magnetic transition temperatures reported in the literature between 25 and 39 K for Gd 2 S3 and between 10 and 36 K for Nd 2 S3 are a consequence of deviations from the ideal sesquisulfide stoichiometry of the compounds. Future research on heat capacities below 4 K and magnetic susceptibility measurements within the whole temperature range would be desirable to clarify the long-range magnetic order and complement the analyses done so far. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
We thank Professor Magda EI-Fass, Xiao-Xia Ma, and Nancy K. Mattler for assisting in the evaluation of the heat capacities and thermodynamic functions and acknowledge the help of the now deceased Professor Paolo Franzosini of the Institute of Chemical Physics, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy, in making measurements on Ce2S3 • We especially appreciate consultations with and the enabling cooperation of Professor Karl A. Gschneidner, Jr., and the cooperation of Ames Laboratory personnel already mentioned. We also wish to thank Dr. J. R. Henderson for discussions and permission to report the optical spectra. J. B. G. also wishes to thank the American Society for Engineering Education for their support during the summer months. The portion of this research done at the University of Michigan was supported in part by the Structural Chemistry and Chemical Thermodynamics Program of the National Science Foundation under Grant CHE-8007977. PEP and BJB were supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy, contract W-7405ENG-82, Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University. Support made available through the Office of Basic Energy Sciences, USDOE. 'J. R. Henderson, M. Muramoto, E. Loh, and D. M. Johnson, Purification and Growth of Rare Earth Compound Semiconductors, DAC-59368 P (McDonnell-Douglas Astronautics, Santa Monica, 1966).
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