Feb 1, 2017 - 3.2.2. van der Waals-Platteeuw Model (Parrish and Prausnitz Development) . ...... F.-Y. Jou, F. D. Otto and A. E. Mather, Solubility of Methane in ...
Collège doctoral
N° attribué par la bibliothèque |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|
THESE pour obtenir le grade de Docteur de l’Ecole des Mines de Paris Spécialité “Génie des Procédés” présentée et soutenue publiquement par Antonin CHAPOY Le 26 Novembre 2004 PHASE BEHAVIOUR IN WATER/HYDROCARBON MIXTURES INVOLVED IN GAS PRODUCTION SYSTEMS ETUDE DES EQUILIBRES DES SYSTEMES : EAU-HYDROCARBURES-GAZ ACIDES DANS LE CADRE DE LA PRODUCTION DE GAZ Directeur de thèse : Dominique RICHON
Jury : M. Jürgen GMEHLING ................................................................... President M. Jean-Michel HERRI................................................................. Rapporteur M. Gerhard LAUERMANN........................................................Examinateur M. Francois MONTEL ................................................................Examinateur M. Dominique RICHON .............................................................Examinateur M. Bahman TOHIDI ..................................................................... Rapporteur
A ma Misstinguette,
Remerciements Dans un premier temps, je voudrais exprimer ma sincère gratitude au Professeur Dominique Richon d’avoir été mon Directeur de Thèse durant ces trois années passées au sein du laboratoire TEP et qui m’a fait confiance pour réaliser ce travail. Ich bin Herrn Jürgen Gmehling außerordentlich dankbar, den Vorsitz des Prüfungsausschusses für diese Dissertation angenommen zu haben. Je remercie très sincèrement M. Jean-Michel Herri et M. Bahman Tohidi d’avoir accepté d’être rapporteurs de cette thèse et de participer au jury chargé de son examen. Je tiens également à remercier M. Gerhard Lauermann et M. Francois Montel d’avoir eu la gentillesse de s’intéresser à ce travail et pour leur participation au jury d’examen. Ce travail est, pour une grande partie un travail expérimental et il matérialise les efforts et la participation de toute l’équipe du laboratoire. Pour cela je tiens à remercier Alain Valtz, Albert Chareton et Pascal Théveneau pour leurs conseils sur le plan expérimental ainsi que David Marques et Hervé Legendre pour leurs aides techniques. Sans aucun doute, les résultats de ce travail tiennent la marque d’une série de discussions très fructueuses avec l’ensemble des doctorants et postdoctorants. Je garderai également un très bon souvenir des différents membres du laboratoire que j’ai pu côtoyer au cours de ces trois années: Christophe, Fabien, Cathy, Jeannine, Armelle, Vania, Samira, Salim, Wael, Duc. I also would like to thank Professor Bahman Tohidi from the Centre of Gas Hydrate, for welcoming me in his team. It has been very helpful time to discuss problems with him, during my stay at the Heriot Watt Petroleum Institute. A big thank you goes to his Ph. D. students, A. H. Mohammadi and Zahidah Md Zain for all the help they provided me during my stay, for 5
welcoming me in their office and for very fruitful discussions. I wish also to thank Rod Burgass, Ross Anderson, Alastair Reid, Colin Flockhart and Jim Pantling for their experimental expertise and the maintenance of the experimental set up. I wish also to acknowledge the European Infrastructure for Energy Reserve Optimization (EIERO) for their financial support providing me the opportunity to work with the hydrate team. Further I am grateful to Professor Adrian Todd for helping me to get through the EIERO application process.
Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION AND INDUSTRIAL CONTEXT .......................................... 17 2. STATE OF THE ART, BIBLIOGRAPHY REVIEW ........................................ 25 2.1. Properties and Characteristics of Water ................................................................... 25 2.2. Gas Hydrates ............................................................................................................ 31 2.3. Experimental Data.................................................................................................... 33 2.3.1. Water Content in the Gas Phase ....................................................................... 34 Water Content in the Gas Phase of Binary Systems ................................ 34 Water Content in Natural Gas Systems.................................................... 37 2.3.2. Hydrocarbon Solubility in Water ..................................................................... 38 2.3.3. Hydrate Forming Conditions............................................................................ 45
3. THERMODYNAMIC MODELS FOR FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIUM CALCULATION ............................................................................................ 53 3.1. Approaches for VLE Modelling............................................................................... 53 3.1.1. Virial Equations................................................................................................ 54 3.1.2. Cubic Equations of State .................................................................................. 55 van der Waals Equation of State .............................................................. 56 RK and RKS Equation of State ................................................................ 57 Peng-Robinson Equation of State ............................................................ 58 Three-Parameter Equation of State .......................................................... 59 Temperature Dependence of Parameters.................................................. 63 EoS Extension for Mixture Application................................................... 66 3.1.3. The γ – Φ approach .......................................................................................... 67 3.1.4. Activity Coefficient.......................................................................................... 70 NRTL Model ............................................................................................ 71 UNIQUAC Model .................................................................................... 72 UNIFAC and Modified UNIFAC ............................................................ 73 3.2. Hydrate Phase Equilibria.......................................................................................... 75 3.2.1. Empirical Determination ........................................................................................ 75 3.2.2. van der Waals-Platteeuw Model (Parrish and Prausnitz Development) ................ 77 3.2.3. Modifications of the vdW-P Model ....................................................................... 80 Classical Modifications ................................................................................... 80 Chen and Guo Approach ................................................................................. 81
EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ................................................................................................... 87 4.1 Literature Survey of Experimental Techniques and Apparatus ............................... 87 4.1.1 Synthetic Methods............................................................................................ 88 4.1.2 Analytical Methods .......................................................................................... 90
4.1.3 Stripping Methods, Measurement of Activity Coefficient and Henry’s Constant at Infinite Dilution............................................................................................................ 91 4.1.4 Review of the Experimental Set-Ups for Determination of the Water Contents . .......................................................................................................................... 93 Direct Methods............................................................................................. 93 Indirect Methods ......................................................................................... 95 4.1.5 Review of the Experimental Set-ups for Determination of Gas Solubilities . 100 4.2 Description of the Apparati for Measurement of the Water Content and Gas Solubilities.......................................................................................................................... 100 4.2.1 The Experimental Set-ups for Determination of the Water Content and Gas Solubilities...................................................................................................................... 101 Chromatograph........................................................................................... 104 Calibration of Measurement Devices and GC Detectors ........................... 105 Calibration of Pressure Measurement Sensors........................................ 105 Calibration of Temperature Measurement Devices ................................ 107 Determination of the Composition in the Vapour Phase............................ 109 Calibration of the FID with Hydrocarbons (Vapour Phase) .................. 109 Calibration of the TCD with Water (Vapour Phase).............................. 111 Estimation of the Water Content......................................................... 111 Calibration Method .............................................................................. 112 Optimization of the Calibration Conditions ............................................ 115 Optimization of the Chromatographic Conditions ............................... 115 Calibration Results ............................................................................... 118 Experimental Procedure for determination of the vapour phase composition .................................................................................................................................... 119 Determination of the Composition in the Aqueous Phase ......................... 119 Calibration of the TCD with Water........................................................ 119 Calibration of the TCD and FID with the gases..................................... 121 Experimental procedure for determination of the aqueous phase composition ................................................................................................................ 122 4.2.2 The Experimental Set-ups for Determination of Gas Solubilities.................. 123 Apparatus based on the PVT techniques.................................................... 123 Principle ............................................................................................... 123 Experimental Procedures...................................................................... 124 Apparatus based on the static method (HW University)............................ 125 Principle .................................................................................................. 125 Experimental Procedures......................................................................... 126
MODELLING AND RESULTS........................................................................................ 131 5.1 Pure Compound Vapour Pressure .......................................................................... 131 5.1.2 Temperature Dependence of the Attractive Parameter .................................. 132 5.1.3 Comparison of the α-function abilities........................................................... 133 5.2 Modelling by the φ - φ Approach ........................................................................... 139 5.3 Modelling by the γ - φ Approach............................................................................ 141
EXPERIMENTAL AND MODELLING RESULTS ......................................... 147 6.1 Water Content in Vapour Phase ............................................................................. 147 6.1.1 Methane-Water System .................................................................................. 147 8
6.1.2 Ethane-Water System..................................................................................... 156 6.1.3 Water Content in the Water with -Propane, -n-Butane, -Nitrogen, -CO2, -H2S Systems ........................................................................................................................ 158 6.1.5 Mix1- Water-Methanol System...................................................................... 167 6.1.6 Mix1- Water-Ethylene Glycol System........................................................... 170 6.1.7 Comments and Conclusions on Water Content Measurements ..................... 171 6.2 Gas Solubilities in Water and Water-Inhibitor Solutions....................................... 172 6.2.1 Gas Solubilities in Water................................................................................ 172 Ethane – Water System .............................................................................. 175 Propane – Water System ............................................................................ 177 Mix1 – Water System................................................................................. 179 Carbon Dioxide –Water System................................................................. 180 Data generated with the PVT apparatus.................................................. 180 Data generated with the Static analytic apparatus................................... 182 Hydrogen Sulphide–Water System ............................................................ 185 Nitrogen –Water System ............................................................................ 188 6.2.2 Gas Solubilities in Water and Ethylene Glycol Solution ............................... 190
CORRELATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 197 7.1 Water Content Models and Correlations ............................................................... 198 7.1.1 Correlation and Charts ......................................................................................... 198 Sweet and Dry Gas in Equilibrium with Liquid Water.......................... 198 Acid Gas in Equilibrium with Liquid Water.............................................. 203 Gas in Equilibrium with Ice or Hydrate ..................................................... 204 Comments................................................................................................... 205 7.1.2 Semi – Empirical Correlation......................................................................... 206 Approach for Sweet and Dry Gas .............................................................. 206 Gravity Correction Factor .......................................................................... 209 Acid and Sour Gas Correction Factor ........................................................ 209 Salt Correction Factor ................................................................................ 210 7.1.3 Comments and discussions............................................................................. 210 7.2 Gas Solubilities and Henry’s Law Correlations.................................................... 212
CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVES .................................................................... 215 8.1 8.2
En français.............................................................................................................. 215 In English ............................................................................................................... 216
REFERENCES.............................................................................................................................. 219
APPENDIX A: PROPERTIES OF SELECTED PURE COMPOUNDS .......................................... 241 APPENDIX B: PUBLISHED PAPERS AND PROJECTS DONE DURING THE PHD................. 242 APPENDIX C: THERMODYNAMIC RELATIONS FOR FUGACITY COEFFICIENT CALCULATIONS USING RK, RKS OR PR-EOS. ...................................................................................... 244
APPENDIX D: CALCULATION OF FUGACITY COEFFICIENT USING AN EOS AND THE NDD MIXING RULES. .................................................................................................................................... 247
APPENDIX E: BIPS FOR THE VPT EOS .......................................................................................... 248 APPENDIX F: DATA USED FOR THE WATER CONTENT CORRELATION ........................... 249 APPENDIX G: ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK FOR GAS HYDRATE PREDICTIONS.... 253
Average absolute deviation Absolute deviation Binary interaction parameter Ethylene glycol Enhanced oil recovery Flame ionization detector Objective function Gas Chromatography Mathias-Copeman alpha function Micro wave Non density dependent mixing rules Near infrared Non random two liquids Pressure – volume – temperature Peng Robinson equation of state Part per trillion Part per million Redlich and Kwong equation of state Soave modification of Redlich and Kwong equation of state Rapid online sampler injector Resistance Thermometer Devices Trebble – Bishnoi alpha function Thermal conductivity detector Tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy Universal quasi chemical Universal quasi chemical model Functional activity coefficient model Vapour – hydrate equilibrium Vapour – liquid equilibrium Vapour – liquid – liquid equilibrium Vapour – solid equilibrium Valderrama modification of Patel-Teja equation of state
Latin letter F G H L M N P Q R T
Parameter of the equation of state Gas Henry’s constant [Pa] Liquid Number of components Number of experimental points Pressure [Pa] Quadruple point Universal gas constant [J/(mol K)] Temperature [K]
V a b c f k k' l n v Z x y
Volume [m3] Parameter of the equation of state (energy parameter) [Pa.m6.mol-2] Parameter of the equation of state (co volume parameter) [m3.mol-1] Parameter of the equation of state [m3.mol-1] Fugacity Binary interaction parameter for the classical mixing rules Boltzmann’s constant [J/K] Dimensionless constant for binary interaction parameter for the asymmetric term number of moles [mol] Molar volume [m3/mol] Compressibility factor Liquid mole fraction Vapour mole fraction
Greek letters: αij τij ω ∆ Ψ Ω α α(Tr) φ ω ε
σ ∆C pw
NRTL model parameter NRTL model binary interaction parameter [J/mol] Acentric factor Deviation Power parameter in the VPT - EoS Numerical constant in the EoS Kihara hard-core radius [Å] Temperature dependent function Fugacity coefficient Acentric factor Kihara energy parameter [J] Kihara collision diameter [Å] Heat capacity difference between the empty hydrate lattice and liquid water [J.mol-1.K-1]
∆C opw
Reference heat capacity difference between the empty hydrate lattice and liquid water at 273.15 K [J.mol-1.K-1]
Enthalpy difference between the empty hydrate lattice and ice at ice point and zero pressure [J.mol-1]
Molar volume difference between the empty hydrate lattice and ice [m3/mol]
∆µ wo
Chemical potential difference between the empty hydrate lattice and ice at ice point and zero pressure [J.mol-1]
Superscript E GM
Excess property Gas Meter
L Ref V Sat ∞ A C 0 1
Liquid state reference property Vapour state Property at saturation Infinite dilution Asymmetric property Classical property Non-temperature dependent term in NDD mixing rules Temperature dependent term in NDD mixing rules
Subscripts C cal exp i,j ∞ T a b c c* cal exp i, j p r w 0 1 2
Critical property Calculated property Experimental property Molecular species Infinite pressure reference state Total Index for properties Index for properties Critical property Index for properties Calculated property Experimental property Molecular species Polar compound Reduced property Water Reference property First quadruple point Second quadruple point
Cette thèse présente des mesures de teneur en eau dans les phases vapeurs de différents hydrocarbures, méthane et éthane, et dans un mélange d’hydrocarbures gazeux (méthane 94%, éthane 4%, n-butane 2%) dans des conditions proches de la formation d’hydrates (de 258.15 à 313.15 K et jusqu’à 34.5 MPa). Des mesures de solubilités de gaz sont aussi tabulées. Ce chapitre expose la technique expérimentale mise en œuvre pour déterminer ces propriétés, ainsi que les difficultés rencontrées lors de l’étude, notamment dues à l’analyse des traces d’eau. Les résultats expérimentaux ont été modélisés en utilisant différentes approches pour la représentation des équilibres entre phases.
1. Introduction and Industrial Context The worldwide demand for primary energy continues to rise. The energy resources of the earth may be classified into two categories, fossil fuels and geophysical energy. Fossil fuels (crude oil, natural gas and coal) currently provide 90 % of primary energy [1]. Crude oil is a finite resource but the question of how long reserves will last is difficult to answer. Based on current trends, half of the proven reserves of crude oil will be consumed by 2020. In 1994 30 % of crude oil reserves had been consumed compared to only 15 % of proven natural gas reserves [2]. At the end of 1999 the proven world gas reserves were estimated to be 146.43 trillion cubic meters, which corresponds to 131.79 thousand million tonnes oil-equivalent (mtoe) (Proven oil reserves at the end of 1999 are estimated to be 140.4 thousand million tonnes) [3]. By the end of 2001, the proven world gas reserves were estimated to be 153.08 trillion cubic meters, which corresponds to 137.8 thousand million tonnes oil-equivalent (mtoe) (Compared to 143 thousand million tonnes of oil reserves) [4]. By comparison, the reserves/production (R/P) ratio of the proven world reserves of gas is higher than oil’s R/P ratio (Figure 1.1).
Figure 1.1: Gas and oil R/P ratios
Therefore, it is expected that in the decades to come natural gas will gain prominence among the world's energy resources. Moreover, it is expected that higher crude oil prices (Figures 1.2a and 1.2b) will stimulate exploration activities and permit exploitation of gas accumulations that are currently not commercially viable [4].
Figure 1.2a: Crude oil prices since 1861, US dollars per Barrel
US dollars per million BTu
LNF Japan cif
European Union cif
UK (Heren NBP Index)
USA Henry Hub‡
Canada(Alberta) ‡
Crude oil OECD countries cif
0.0 1984
Years Figure 1.2b: Energy prices of oil and natural gases
Natural gas is rapidly growing in global importance both as a primary energy source and as a feedstock for downstream industry. Traditionally, natural gas production has been treated secondary in comparison with oil or as a by-product of the oil business. Nevertheless, natural gas consumption has constantly continued to increase from 50 % of oil consumption in 1950 to 98 % in 1998. This growth is being driven by a number of economic, ecologic and technological factors together with an overall increasing energy demand: 1. It is an abundant resource with an increasing reserve base. 2. It is environmentally cleaner than oil and coal. 3. Technology improvements in gas production, processing and transport. Natural gas occurs in subsurface rock formations in association with oil (associated gas) or on its own (non-associated gas). It is estimated that 60 percent of natural gas reserves are non-associated. The main constituent of natural gas is methane with the remainder being made up of varying amounts of the higher hydrocarbon gases (ethane, propane, butane, etc.) and non-hydrocarbon gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulphide, helium, and argon. A typical composition of natural gas is given in TABLE 1.1: Hydrocarbons Non Hydrocarbons Component Mole % Component Mole % trace - 15 Methane 70 - 98 Nitrogen Ethane 1 - 10 Carbon dioxide* trace - 20 Propane trace - 5 Hydrogen sulphide* trace - 20 trace - 2 Helium Butane up to 5 (none Pentane trace - 1 usually) trace – 1/2 Hexane Heptane and + Trace TABLE 1.1 – COMPONENTS OF TYPICAL NATURAL GASES *Natural gases can be found which are predominately carbon dioxide or hydrogen sulphides.
Inside reservoir, oil and natural gas normally coexist with water. This water comes from the sub adjacent aquifer. The presence of water causes problems during production (e.g. water drive and water coning) that lead to decreasing reservoir pressures. The presence of water also causes crystallisation of salts and formation of hydrates. Natural gas hydrates, also referred to as clathrates, are crystalline structures of water that surround low molecular weight gases such as methane, ethane, propane or butane. Moreover, when gas is produced offshore, the separation of liquid fractions and the removal of water are not always carried out before the production flow is sent into pipelines.
Consequently, the unprocessed well gas streams coming from a production field can contain water and light hydrocarbon molecules (methane, ethane, propane etc.). Given the correct temperature and pressure conditions (particularly large temperature gradients), this can lead to hydrate formation during the transport through pipelines. The formation of gas hydrates in gas and oil sub-sea pipelines often results in their blockage and shutdown. However, gas hydrate formation may be controlled by adding a thermodynamic inhibitor such as methanol or ethylene glycol into the pipeline. The addition of such compounds changes (shifts) the condition required for gas hydrate formation to lower temperatures and (or) higher pressures. These problems can become more severe and more difficult to resolve in deeper wells. Accurate knowledge of the thermodynamic properties of the water/hydrocarbon and water-inhibitor/hydrocarbon equilibrium near hydrate forming conditions, at sub-sea pipeline conditions and during transport is therefore crucial for the petroleum industry. These properties are essential throughout the natural gas production and transport process (Figure 1.3) to avoid hydrate formation and blockage, to optimise the process and the use of inhibitors. PC C
D Dehydration or inhibitor injection
Fuel to HTR/Engine
Gathering System F
E Dehydrator or inhibitor injection
Compr Chiller
Processing Plant
Figure 1.3: Typical gas production, gathering and processing plant (from Sloan, 1990 [5]) (The gas comes from the well at point A and may be heated before B. The pressure is regulated before C and depending on the conditions inhibitor may be injected before D and before the gas enters the gathering system. Gases from several wells may be gathered for economic reasons. Then the gas enters the processing plant and again there may be an injection of inhibitor depending on the temperature and pressure conditions (F). The gas is then compressed (G), cooled in a chiller (H) and used).
Unfortunately high-pressure data of water-hydrocarbon(s) systems at these conditions are scarce and rather dispersed. At low temperatures the water content of natural gas is very low and therefore difficult to measure accurately with trace analysis. Accurate water content 20
measurements require special attention. As natural gas is normally in contact with water in reservoirs. During production and transportation, dissolved water in the gas phase may form condensate, ice and / or gas hydrate. Forming a condensed water phase may lead to corrosion and / or to two-phase flow problems. Ice and / or gas hydrate formation may cause blockages during production and transportation. To give a qualified estimate of the amount of water in the gas phase, thermodynamic models are required. Therefore, accurate gas solubility data, especially near the hydrate-stability conditions, are necessary to develop and validate thermodynamic models. Gas solubility in water is also an important issue from an environmental aspect due to new legislation on the restriction of hydrocarbon content in disposed water. Unfortunately, gas solubility data for most light hydrocarbons at low temperature conditions (in particular near the hydrate stability) are also scarce and dispersed. The main objective of this work is to provide the much needed solubility data at the above-mentioned conditions. The aim of this work is to study the phase equilibrium in water – light hydrocarbons acid gases – inhibitor systems by generating new experimental data at low temperatures and high pressures as well as extending a thermodynamic model. In this dissertation, a bibliographic review has been done on the phase behaviour of water-hydrocarbons systems and is reported in the second chapter. The water content and gas solubilities of similar systems have been gathered from the literature. In order to generate the outlined thermodynamic data, the commonly used methods for measuring water content / water dew point and gas solubility are reviewed in the third part. An apparatus based on a static–analytic method combined with a dilutor apparatus to calibrate the gas chromatograph (GC) detectors with water was used to measure the water content of binary systems (i.e.: water –methane and ethane- water) as well of a synthetic hydrocarbon gas mixture (i.e.: 94% methane, 4% ethane and 2% n-butane). This same apparatus was also used to generate data of methane, ethane, propane, n-butane, carbon dioxide and nitrogen solubility data in water and also the solubilities of a synthetic mixture in water. Additionally, a series of new data on the solubility of carbon dioxide in water has been generated over a wide temperature range. A technique based on measuring the bubble point pressure of known CO2-water binary mixture at isothermal conditions, using through a 21
variable volume PVT cell, was used in this work. Solubility measurements of methane in three different aqueous solutions containing ethylene glycol (20, 40 and 60 wt.%) were also performed at low and ambient temperatures. The different corresponding isotherms presented herein were obtained using an apparatus based on a static-analytic method coupled with a gas meter. Then, a thermodynamic model based on two different equations of state: the PengRobinson equation of state (PR- EoS) and the Valderrama modification of the Patel and Teja equation of state (VPT - EoS) associated with the classical mixing rules and the non density dependent (NDD) mixing rules, respectively was extended in order to predict phase behaviour of these systems. In order to improve the calculation capabilities of the Peng - Robinson equation of state, the temperature dependency of the attractive parameter was assessed. Generalized alpha functions are preferably used because of their predictive ability and the reduction of the number of parameters. Three different alpha functions have been compared: a new proposed form, a generalized Trebble-Bishnoi (TB) and a generalized Mathias-Copeman (MC) alpha function for particular cases involving natural gas compounds, i.e.: light hydrocarbons (methane, ethane, propane, butane, pentane), water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and hydrogen sulphide. The vapor pressures of 22 pure compounds were used to develop and generalize a new alpha function for the Peng-Robinson equation of state (PR-EoS). Thermodynamic modelling of water content of different vapour phases: methane, ethane and the synthetic gas mixture in equilibrium with liquid water as well as gas hydrates has been investigated as well as gas solubilities in water at low temperature conditions. Finally, the prospect of using this model to predict phase equilibrium of acid gases – water systems has also been investigated. Finally, the data generated along with existing data were used for development and validation of an empirical correlation for water-hydrocarbon phase behaviour in industrial applications. This correlation takes into account the gravity of the gas, the presence or not of acid gases and the salinity of the aqueous solution to predict the water content of the vapour in equilibrium with water in liquid or solid water.
Literature Survey
Dans ce chapitre, un résumé des propriétés remarquables de l’eau est exposé. De ces propriétés découlent le fait que l’eau permette la formation des hydrates de gaz. Après avoir expliqué les propriétés et caractéristiques des hydrates de gaz, une revue des données disponibles dans la littérature concernant les propriétés d’équilibres entre phases des systèmes hydrocarbures – eau est présentée à savoir: les solubilités de gaz dans l’eau, les teneurs en eau des phases "vapeur" et les pressions de dissociation d’hydrates.
2. State of the Art, Bibliography Review 2.1. Properties and Characteristics of Water It has been largely observed that water is not a regular solvent. Indeed the thermodynamic properties deviate from those of a regular solution and the water molecule has unusual properties. Many of these properties can be explained by the structure of the water molecule and the consequences coming from this structure. The structure of the water molecule leads to the possibility of hydrate formation. Water is an unusual liquid [6-10]. At low enough temperatures and pressures, it expands when cooled, becomes less viscous when compressed and more compressible when cooled, and its already large isobaric heat capacity increases brusquely upon cooling. Some of the main unusual properties of water can be cited as below: - High boiling point, melting point and critical point - Low density of liquid phase - Higher density of its liquid phase than of its solid phase - High heat of fusion and heat of vaporization - High specific heat - High dielectric constant…. The first example of unusual properties of the water molecule is its density. The water density has a maximum value at 277.13 K (3.98°C) in the liquid state. Water is unusual in that it expands, and thus decreases in density, as it is cooled below 277.13 K (its temperature of maximum density). Another unusual property of water is that it expands upon freezing. When water freezes at 273.15 K, at atmospheric pressure, its volume increases by about 9%. This means that ice floats on water, i.e. the density of liquid water (1000kg/m3) is greater than the density of ice (917kg/m3) at the freezing point [10].
Figure 2.1: Shape of the water molecule (from http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/water) Other examples of the unusual properties of water are its melting point, boiling point and critical point. Elements in the columns of the periodic table of elements have similar properties or at least properties that vary in a periodic, predictable manner. The 6A column in the table consists of oxygen, sulphur, selenium, and tellurium. It is expected that these elements and their compounds have similar properties, or at least to behave in a predictable pattern. The hydrogen compounds of the column 6A elements are water (hydrogen oxide), hydrogen sulphide, hydrogen selenide, and hydrogen telluride. All have the chemical formula H2X, where X represents the group 6A element. If we look at their normal boiling points, it could be possible to predict the boiling point of water. The melting point of water is over 100 K higher than expected by extrapolation of the melting points of other Group 6A hydrides, H2S, H2Se, and H2Te, are shown compared with Group 4A hydrides in Figure 2.2.
300 H2O
250 H2Po
Temperature/ K
150 SnH4 CH4
0 0
Molecular Mass / g.mol
Figure 2.2: Melting points of the 6A and 4A hydrides The boiling point of water is also unusually high (Figure 2.3). Although it is not exactly linear, the same linear approximation could be used to estimate the boiling point of water. This extrapolation yields an estimated boiling point of 195.15 K compared to 373.15 K. 400 H2O
350 H2Po
Temperature/ K
300 H2Te
250 H2O extrapolated
0 0
Molecular Mass / g.mol
200 -1
Figure 2.3: Boiling points of the 6A hydrides 27
Following the same assumptions, the critical point of water is over 250 K higher than expected by extrapolation of the critical points of other Group 6A hydrides (see Figure 2.4).
700 H2O
Temperature / K
600 500
H2Po H2O extrapolated
300 200 100 0 0
Molecular Mass / g.mol
Figure 2.4: Critical points of the 6A hydrides In TABLE 2.1, the enthalpies of vaporization are listed for several components at their boiling point. From this table including both polar and non-polar compounds, it can be noticed that water has a larger enthalpy of vaporization, even in comparison to other polar substances within the exception of ethylene glycol. Compound
Enthalpy of Vaporization (kJ/mol)
Water Methanol Ethanol Acetone Ethylene Glycol Hydrogen Sulphide Methane Ethane
Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Non- polar Non- polar
40.8 35.3 38.6 29.6 52.7 18.7 8.2 14.7
To finish with the unusual properties of water, one of a more particular interest in the lighting of this dissertation, which can be outlined is that the solubilities of non-polar gases in water decrease with temperature to a minimum and then rise. All of the unusual properties of water noted earlier can be explained by the shape of the water molecule and the interactions resulting from its shape. Water seems to be a very simple molecule, consisting of just two hydrogen atoms attached to an oxygen atom (Figure 2.1). In the water molecule, the bond between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms is a covalent bond. The two hydrogen atoms bound to one oxygen atom to form a 'V' shape with the hydrogen atoms at an angle around 104.5°. When the hydrogen atoms combine with oxygen, they each give away their single electron and form a covalent bond. And because electrons are more attracted to the positively charged oxygen atom, the two hydrogen atoms become slightly positively charged and the oxygen atom becomes negatively charged. This separation between negative and positive charges produces a polar molecule, and the hydrogen lobes now having a positive charge. The oxygen atom on the opposite side having two negative charges produces the 'V' shape of the molecule (because of the interaction between the covalent bond and the attracting/repulsion between the positive and negative charges). The electrostatic attraction between the positively charged hydrogen and the negatively charged lone pair electrons of oxygen lead to the possibility of hydrogen bonding and thus the water molecules will tend to align, with a hydrogen molecule lining up with an oxygen molecule. Because of the V shape, when the water molecules line up, they form a hexagonal pattern. In ice, all water molecules participate in four hydrogen bonds (two as donor and two as acceptor). In liquid water, some hydrogen bonds must be broken to allow the molecules to move around. The large energy required for breaking these bonds must be supplied during the melting process and only a relatively minor amount of energy is reclaimed from the change in volume. The free energy change (∆G = ∆H-T∆S) must be zero at the melting point. As temperature is increased, the amount of hydrogen bonding in liquid water decreases and its entropy increases. Melting will only occur when there is sufficient entropy change to provide the energy required for the bond breaking. As the entropy may be described as the degree of disorder in a system, the greater degree of disorder is associated with the greater entropy. In pure liquid water, the molecules are free to move about, but they are somewhat hindered (through ordering) by the intermolecular interactions, especially hydrogen bonding. The low entropy of liquid water (lower than in a regular liquid) causes this melting point to be high 29
(higher than the other 6A hydrides where the entropy change is greater and thus leading to lower melting point to allow the free energy to be zero). In comparison with the other 6A hydrides there is considerable hydrogen bonding in liquid water, which prevents water molecules from being easily released from the water's surface. This reduces the vapour pressure. Boiling only occur when the vapour pressure equals the external pressure, therefore this occurs at a consequentially higher temperature than predicted by the extrapolation. The high heat of vaporization of water is also explained by the hydrogen bonding. Even at 373.15 K there is still strong hydrogen bonding in liquid water and thus requires a greater deal of energy to break it. For similar reason, the higher critical point can be explained: the critical point can only be reached when the interactions between the water molecules fall below a certain threshold level. Due to the strength of the hydrogen bonding, much energy is needed to cause this reduction in molecular interaction and this requires therefore higher temperatures. Gases are poorly soluble in water with the exception of some gases: carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide. The solubilization of gases may be considered as the sum of two processes: the endothermic opening of a clathrate pocket in the water, and the exothermic placement of a molecule in that pocket, due to the van der Waals interactions. In water at low temperatures, the energy required by the opening process is very small as such pockets may be easily formed within the water clustering. The solubilization process is therefore exothermic. As an exothermic process is favoured by low temperature (Le Chatelier’s principle), the gas solubility (energy source in this case) decreases with temperature rise. At high temperatures the natural clustering is much reduced, therefore more energy is required for opening of the pocket in the water. In that case the solubilization process is an endothermic process and as predicted by the Le Chatelier’s principle, the gas solubility increases with temperature rise. Between these two cases the solubilization process is athermic, i.e. the opening and the molecule placements processes give as much energy to the system and thus the gas solubility goes through a minimum. It is also a result of the hydrogen bond that water can form gas hydrates. Because of hydrogen bonding, the water molecules will tend to align, with a hydrogen molecule lining up with an oxygen molecule. Because of the V shape, when the water molecules line up, they
form a regular pattern, the presence of certain guest compounds tends the water molecule to stabilize, precipating a solid mixture of water and of this (these) guest(s).
2.2. Gas Hydrates Gas hydrates are solid crystalline compounds formed from mixtures of water and guest molecules of suitable sizes. Based on hydrogen bonding, water molecules form unstable lattice structures with several interstitial cavities. The gas molecules can occupy the cavities and, when a minimum number of cavities are occupied, the crystalline structure becomes stable and solid gas hydrates are formed, even at temperatures well above the ice point. Gas hydrates are solid crystalline compounds formed from mixtures of water and guest molecules of suitable sizes. The water molecules are referred to as the host molecules, and the other compounds, which stabilize the crystal, are called the guest molecules. The hydrate crystals have complex, three-dimensional structures in which the water molecules form a cage and the guest molecules are entrapped in the cages. Structure I hydrate consists of two types of cavities, a small pentagonal dodecahedral cavity consisting of 12 pentagonal rings of water, referenced as 512, and a large tetrakaidecahedral cavity consisting of 12 pentagonal and two hexagonal rings of water (Figures 2.5 and 2.6). Typical gases are: Methane, Ethane, Ethylene, Acetylene, H2S, CO2, SO2, Cl2. Structure II hydrate consists also of two types of cavities, the small pentagonal dodecahedral cavity consisting of 12 pentagonal rings of water, referenced as 512, and a larger hexakaidecahedral cavity consisting of 12 pentagonal and four hexagonal rings of water, referenced as 51264. Typical gases are: Propane, iso-Butane, Propylene, iso-Butylene. Structure I hydrate is formed from 46 water molecules and structure II from 136 water molecules. Another structure has been discovered, called the H structure, formed from 34 water molecules and consisting in three types of cavities: 1. The small pentagonal dodecahedral cavity consisting of 12 pentagonal rings of water, referenced as 512.
2. A larger hexakaidecahedral cavity consisting of 12 pentagonal and 8 hexagonal rings of water, referenced as 51268. 3. An intermediate cavity consisting of 3 squares, 6 pentagonal and 3 hexagonal rings of water, referenced as 43 56 63. Typical gases are: Methylbutane, 2.3 or 3.3-Di methyl 1-2butene.
Figure 2.5: Cavity Geometry 512(a), 51262(b), 51264(c), 435663(d) and 51268(e) n-butane i-butane
Molecule M 1 in cavity 512
cyclopropane ethane
Molecule M 2 in cavity 512 62
Figure 2.6: Cavities 512 and 51262 with their guest molecules
Another interesting thing about gas hydrates is that guest molecules to fill the cavities without bonding they are held in place by van der Waals forces. The guest molecules are free to rotate inside the cages built up from the host molecules. To sum up the formation of a gas hydrate requires the following three conditions [10]: 1. The right combination of temperature and pressure. Hydrate formation is favoured by low temperatures and high pressures. 2. A hydrate former. Hydrate formers include methane, ethane, and carbon dioxide. 3. A sufficient amount of water. 32
2.3. Experimental Data The knowledge of phase equilibrium data on water - hydrocarbons systems are fundamental in the environmental sciences, in petroleum and chemical engineering industries for many reasons: •
to set dehydration specifications for processed hydrocarbons
to avoid the occurrence of hydrates during the transport or the processing, for the recovery of hydrocarbons dissolved in the water basins and because of the change in phase diagram occurring due to the presence of water (Figure 2.7).
Figure 2.7: Water effect on the methane-n-butane system from
McKetta and Katz, 1948 [11]
It is also necessary to have the more accurate data to provide a means for developing or improving the accuracy of predictive equilibria models. Pendergraft et al. [12] even reported that limited data for water-hydrocarbon systems have been reported and quality ranged from average to poor. The studies of water in vapour gas phases and the solubilities of hydrocarbons in water have been separated in two particular cases.
2.3.1. Water Content in the Gas Phase Content in the Gas Phase of Binary Systems The water content of a natural gas in saturation condition is mainly dependent on pressure and temperature conditions. The water content in a hydrocarbon gas phase decreases with the pressure and the temperature (Figure 2.8). Various authors have conducted studies of the water content of various water - hydrocarbon(s) and water - gas systems. It should be noticed that essentially binary systems have been investigated. The TABLE 2.2 shows all the water content data reported for all natural gas main components. As can be seen, most of these data have been reported for methane – water and carbon dioxide water systems and at high temperatures. These systems have been investigated for their majority at temperatures higher than 298 K. Only few authors have studied that kind of systems at lower temperatures, near hydrate forming conditions, because of the very low water content and the difficulties associated with the analysis of water traces. The presence of salts in the aqueous phase decreases the water vapour pressure and thus the water content in the gas phase. A correction could be applied to take into account the salinity of the liquid phase (Figure 2.8).
Figure 2.8: Water contents of natural gases (from GPA handbook [13])
Tmin /K
Tmax /K
Pmin /MPa
Pmax /MPa
Dhima et al. (2000) [14] Althaus (1999) [15] Ugrozov (1996) [16] Yokoama et al. (1988) [17] Yarym-Agaev et al. (1985) [18] Gillepsie and Wilson (1982) [19] Kosyakov et al. (1979) [20] Aoyagi et al. (1980) [21] Kosyakov et al. (1982) [22] Rigby and Prausnitz (1968) [23] Culberson and Mc Ketta (1951) [24] Olds et al. (1942) [25]
298.15 253.15 310.95 298.15 298.15 323.15 273.16 240 233.15 298.15 310.93 310.93
298.15 293.15 377.55 323.15 338.15 588.70 283.16 270 273.15 373.15 310.93 510.93
1 0.5 2.53 3 2.5 1.4 1 3.45 1 2.3 5.2 2.672
35 10 70.93 8 12.5 13.8 10.1 10.34 10.1 9.3 35.7 68.856
Althaus (1999) [15] Song and Kobayashi (1994) [26] Coan and King (1971) [27] Anthony and McKetta (1967) a [28] Anthony and McKetta (1967) b [29] Culberson and McKetta (1951) [24] Reamer et al. (1943) [30]
253.15 240 298.15 308.15 311.15 310.93 310.93
293.15 329.15 373.15 408.15 377.15 310.93 510.93
0.5 0.34 2.3 2.6 3.5 4.2 2.2
3 3.45 3.6 10.8 34.7 12 68.2
Song and Kobayashi (1994) [26] Klausutis (1968) [31] Kobayashi and Katz (1953) [32]
235.6 310.93 310.93
300.15 310.93 422.04
0.6 0.545 0.703
1.1 1.31 19.33
Anthony and McKetta (1967) [28] Wehe and McKetta (1961) [33] Reamer et al. (1952) [34] Brooks et al. (1951) [35] Reamer et al. (1944) [36]
344.15 311.15 310.93 310.93 311.15
344.15 378.15 510.93 377.59 423.15
0.86 0.36 0.14 7.27 0.36
0.87 1.8 68.95 68.36 4.4
Carbon dioxide
Dohrn et al. (1993) [37] D'Souza et al. (1988) [38] Briones et al. (1987) [39] Nakayama et al. (1987) [40] Song and Kobayashi (1986) [41] Mueller et al. (1983) [42] Gillepsie and Wilson (1982) [19] Coan and King (1971) [27] Takenouchi and Kennedy (1964) [43] Sidorov et al. (1953) [44] Wiebe and Gaddy (1941) [45]
323.15 323.15 373.15 298.15 251.8 323.15 289.15 298.15 383.15 298.2 323.15
323.15 348.15 413.15 348.15 302.7 348.15 394.15 373.15 423.15 298.2 323.15
10 10 0.3 0.1 0.69 2.5 0.7 1.7 10 3.6 6.8
30.1 15.2 3.2 70.9 13.79 30.4 20.3 5.2 150 6.4 17.7
Althaus (1999) [15] Ugrozov et al. (1996) [19] Namiot and Bondareva (1959) [46] Kosyakov et al. (1979) [19] Maslennikova et al. (1971) [47] Rigby and Prausnitz (1968) [23] Sidorov et al. (1953) [44]
248.15 310.15 310.95 233.15 298.15 298.15 373.15
293.15 310.15 366.45 273.15 623.15 373.15 373.15
0.5 1.4 0.34 1 5.1 2.1 5.1
10 13.8 13.79 10.1 50.7 10.2 40.5
Hydrogen sulphide
Burgess and Germann (1969) [48] Selleck et al. (1952) [49] Gillepsie and Wilson (1982) [19]
323.15 310.93 310.93
443.15 444.26 588.71
1.7 0.7 4.13
2.3 20.7 20.68
36 Content in Natural Gas Systems The majority of the available data on water content are for binary systems; nevertheless some authors have reported water content of synthetic gas mixture as well as natural gases. Historically McKetta and Katz [11] were the first to report water content data of a mixture of methane and n-butane. Althaus [15] has reported the water content of seven different synthetic mixtures up to 10 MPa. Excepted for the last mixture, the systems investigated are only concerning lean and sweet gases. Gas Gravity Component Helium Nitrogen Carbon Dioxide Methane Ethane Propane i-Butane n-Butane C5 C6+
0.565 (NG1)
0.598 (NG2)
0.628 (NG3)
0.633 (NG4)
0.667 (NG5)
0.6395 (NG6)
0.8107 (NG7)
0.015 0.84 0.109 98.197 0.564 0.189 0.029 0.038 0.014 0.007
0.028 1.938 0.851 93.216 2.915 0.715 0.093 0.135 0.058 0.049
0.912 88.205 8.36 1.763 0.293 0.441 0.027 -
0.152 4.863 0.167 86.345 6.193 1.55 0.214 0.314 0.13 0.064
0.004 0.8 1.732 84.339 8.724 3.286 0.311 0.584 0.163 0.049
0.043 10.351 1.291 83.847 3.46 0.657 0.093 0.126 0.067 0.069
0.038 1.499 25.124 70.144 2.52 0.394 0.067 0.074 0.054 0.118
The author has also investigated the water content of a mixture of methane and ethane at identical conditions, i.e. from 258.15 to 288.15 K and pressures up to 10 MPa. More investigators have generated data on systems containing carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide. Systems containing carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide contain more water at saturation than sweet natural gases, this is even more pronounced if the pressure is above 5 MPa.
McKetta and Katz [11] were the first to measure the water content of mixtures containing methane and n-butane. Lukacs and Robinson [50] measured the water content of mixtures containing methane and hydrogen sulphide at 344.26 K up to 9.6 MPa. These mixtures are composed in majority of methane (from 71 up to 84 mol %). In 1985 Huang et al [51] generated data on the water content of synthetic gas mixtures containing methane (10 to 30 mol %), carbon dioxide (10 to 60 mol %) and hydrogen sulphide (10 to 80 mol %). These systems were studied at 310.95, 380.35 and 449.85 K up to 18 MPa. Song and Kobayashi [52] reported numerous water content data of a mixture composed in majority of carbon dioxide
(94.69 mol %) and methane (5.31 mol %) in 1989. They worked between 288.7 and 323.15 K up to 13.8 MPa. More recently Ng et al. [53] reported water content data for different sour gases from 322 and 366.5 K up to 69 MPa.
2.3.2. Hydrocarbon Solubility in Water Natural gases are not very soluble in water even at high pressures. The solubility of natural gases is indeed function of pressure and temperature. Figure 2.9 shows the methane solubility in water at different pressures and temperatures. For pressures higher than 5 MPa a minimum is observed on the isobaric curves. These curves are limited at low temperatures by
Methane Solubility in water (vol/vol)
the hydrate-forming curve.
Temperature (°C)
Figure 2.9: Methane solubility in water from Culberson and McKetta, 1951 [54]
At a given temperature and pressure, it is observed that the solubilities of different hydrocarbons decrease strongly with the number of carbon atoms (Figure 2.10). It can be also noticed that the pressure effect is only important for light hydrocarbons, the solubilities of hydrocarbons with more than four carbon atoms are practically constant and then only slightly dependent of the pressure.
Pressure (105 Pa)
Hydrocarbon Solubility in mole Fraction ×103
Figure 2.10: Solubilities of various hydrocarbons at 377.59 K (from Brooks et al., 1951 [35])
Methane in water
Bunsen conducted the first study of the solubility of methane in water in 1855 [55]. The solubilities of several gases including methane were measured at atmospheric pressures. Then Winkler in 1901 [56] conducted the same experiments and found deviations from the data of Bunsen. Following the results of these two researchers, there have been many further studies on methane-water system at atmospheric pressure, all authors yield solubility values lying between the results of the two first studies (Claussen and Polglase in 1952 [57],
Morisson and Billet in 1952 [58], Wetlaufer et al. in 1964 [59], Wen and Hung in 1970 [60], Ben–Naim et al. in 1973 [61] Ben–Naim and Yaacobi in 1974 [62], Yamamoto and Alcauskas in 1976 [63], Muccitelli and Wen in 1980 [64] and Rettich et al. in 1981 [65]). The latest is supposed to have obtained results of the highest accuracy [66] and they are close to those obtained by Bunsen. The first study reporting intermediate and high-pressure solubility data for methane in water was the study of Frohlich et al. in 1931 [67]. Since then many studies have been performed: Michels et al. in 1936 [68], Culberson et al. in 1950 [69], Culberson
and Mc Ketta in 1951 [54], Davis and Mc Ketta in 1960 [70], Duffy et al. in 1961 [71], O’Sullivan and Smith in 1970 [72], Sultanov et al. in 1971 [73], Amirijafari and Campbell in 1972 [74], Sanchez and De Meer in 1978 [75], Price in 1979 [76], Stoessel and Byrne in 1982 [77] and Abdulgatov et al. in 1993 [78]. All these researchers have measured solubility of methane at intermediate and high pressures but only at high temperatures. The number of researcher reporting data of methane in water at low temperatures (T≤ 298.15 K) is far more limited and more recent: Cramer in 1984 [79], Yarym-Agaev et al. in 1985 [18], Yokoyama et
al. in 1988 [80], Toplak in 1989 [81], Wang et al. in 1995 [82], Lekvam and Bishnoi in 1997 [66], Song et al in 1997 [83], Yang et al. in 2001 [84] Servio and Englezos in 2002 [85],
Wang et al. in 2003 [86] and Kim et al. in 2003 [87]. Reference Frohlich et al. (1931) [67] Michels et al. (1936) [68] Culberson et al. (1950) [69] Culberson and Mc Ketta (1951) [54] Davis and McKetta (1960) [70] Duffy et al. (1961) [71] O’Sullivan and Smith (1970) [72] Sultanov et al. (1971) [73] Amirijafari and Campbell (1972) [74] Sanchez and De Meer (1978 ) [75] Price (1979) [76] Stoessel and Byrne (1982) [77] Yarym-Agaev et al. (1985) [18] Yokoyama et al. (1988) [80] Toplak (1989) [81] Abdulgatov et al. (1993) [78] Yang et al. (2001) [84] Kim et al. (2003) [87]
T /K T ≥ 298.15 K
P /MPa
298.15 298.15 – 423.15 298.15 298.15 – 444.26 310.93 – 394.26 298.15 – 303.15 324.65 – 398.15 423.15 – 633.15 310.93 – 344.26 423.15 – 573.15 427.15 – 627.15 298.15 313.15 – 338.15 298.15 – 323.15
3 – 12 4.063 – 46.913 3.620 – 66.741 2.227 – 68.91 0.352 – 3.840 0.317 – 5.171 10.132 – 61.606 4.903 – 107.873 4.136 – 34.464 10 – 250 3.543 – 197.205 2.412 – 5.170 2.5 – 12.5 3–8
523.15 – 653.15 298.1 – 298.2 298.15
2 – 64 2.33 – 12.68 2.3 – 16.6
T < 298.15 K Cramer (1984) [79] Wang et al. (1995) [82] Reichl (1996) [93] Lekvam and Bishnoi (1997) [66] Song et al. (1997) [83] Servio and Englezos (2002) [85] Wang et al. (2003) [86]
277.15 – 573.15 283.15 – 298.15 283.1 6 – 343.16 274.19 – 285.68 273.15 – 288.15 278.65 – 284.35 283.2 – 303.2
3 – 13.2 1.15 – 5.182 0.178 – 0.259 0.567 – 9.082 3.45 3.5 – 6.5 2 – 40.03 0
Other light hydrocarbons in water
Ethane in water: this system has not been so widely examined; only a few researchers have conducted solubility experiments on this system: Culberson et al. [87], Culberson and
McKetta in 1950 [90], Anthony and Mc Ketta in 1967 [88-89], Danneil et al. also in 1967 [91], Sparks and Sloan in 1983 [92], Reichl in 1996 [93], Wang et al. in 2003 [86] and Kim et
al. in 2003 [87]. The solubilities of propane, n-butane and n-pentane have been reported by some authors: The propane – water system by Kobayashi and Katz in 1953 [32], Umano and
Nakano in 1958 [94], Azarnoosh and McKetta in 1958 [95], Wehe and McKetta in 1961 [96], Klausutis in 1968 [31], Sanchez and Coll in 1978 [97], De Loos et al. in 1980 [98]. The nbutane – water system by Brooks et al. in 1951 [35], Reamer et al. in 1952 [34], Le Breton
and McKetta in 1964 [99]. The n-pentane- water system by Gillepsie and Wilson in 1982 [19], and in VLLE by Jou and Mather in 2000 [100]. Reference
T /K Ethane
Culberson and Mc Ketta (1950) [88] Culberson et al. (1950) [87] Anthony and Mc Ketta (1967) [89-90] Danneil et al. (1967) [91] Sparks and Sloan (1983) [92] Reichl (1996) [93] Kim et al. (2003) [87] Wang et al. (2003) [86]
310.93 – 444.26 310.93 – 444.26 344.3 – 377.65 473.15 – 673.15 259.1– 270.45 283.17 – 343.16 298.15 283.2 – 303.2
P /MPa 0.407 – 68.499 0.407 – 8.377 3.48 – 28.170 20 – 370 3.477 0.063 – 0.267 1.4 – 3.9 0.5 – 4
Propane Wehe and McKetta (1961) [96] Klausutis (1968) [31] Sanchez and Coll (1978) [97] Kobayashi and Katz (1953) [32] Azarnoosh and McKetta (1958) [95] Sparks and Sloan (1983) [92]
344.26 310.93 – 327.59 473.15 – 663.15 285.37 – 422.04 288.71 – 410.93 246.66 – 276.43
0.514 – 1.247 0.537 – 1.936 20 – 330 0.496 – 19.216 0.101 – 3.528 0.772
n- Butane Brooks et al. (1951) [35] Reamer et al. (1952) [34] Le Breton and McKetta (1964) [99]
310.93 – 377.59 310.93 – 510.93 310.93 – 410.93
7.274 – 69.396 0.007 – 68.948 0.136 – 3.383
n- Pentane Gillespie and Wilson (1982) [19]
310.93 – 588.71
0.827 – 20.684
Carbon dioxide, nitrogen and hydrogen sulphide in water
The carbon dioxide – water system has been largely investigated by many authors. Recently, two good reviews on the solubility of carbon dioxide in water have been published [101-102]. The authors have gathered a large number of available experimental data. At low temperatures (273.15< T< 277.15 K) and in vapour-liquid conditions the system has been investigated firstly by Zel’vinskii in 1937 [103] and more recently by Anderson in 2002 [104]. At more intermediate temperatures the number of researchers reporting data of carbon dioxide solubilities in water is far more consequent: Kritschewsky et al. in 1935 [105], Zel’vinskii in 1937 [103], Wiebe and Gaddy in 1939 and 1940 [106-107], Bartholomé and Friz in 1956 [108], Matous et al. in 1969 [109], Malinin and Savelyeva in 1972 [110], Malinin and
Kurovskaya in 1975 [111], Gillespie and Wilson in 1982 [19], Oleinik in 1986 [112], Yang et al. in 2000 [113] and finally Anderson in 2002 [104]. At higher temperatures, many authors have also investigated the system: Zel’vinskii in 1937 [103], Wiebe and Gaddy in 1939 and 1940 [106-107], Matous in 1969 [109], again Malinin and Savelyeva in 1972 [110], Malinin
and Kurovskaya in 1975 [111], Zawisza and Malesinska in 1981 [114], Shagiakhmetov and 41
Tarzimanov also in 1981 [115], Gillespie and Wilson in 1982 [19], Oleinik in 1986 [112], Mueller et al. in 1988 [116] and more recently Bamberger et al. in 2000 [117]. Reference
T/K 273.15 < T ≤ 277.13
Anderson (2002) [104] Zel’vinskii (1937) [103]
274.15 – 276.15 151.7 – 192.5
P/ MPa 0.07 – 1.42 1.082
277.13 < T ≤ Tc Anderson (2002) [104] Yang et al. (2000) [113] Oleinik (1986) [112] Gillespie and Wilson (1982) [19] Malinin and Kurovskaya (1975) [111] Malinin and Savelyeva (1972) [110] Matous et al. (1969) [109] Bartholomé and Friz (1956) [108] Wiebe and Gaddy (1939 & 40) [106-107] Zel’vinskii (1937) [103] Kritschewsky et al. (1935) [106]
278.15 – 288.15 298.31 – 298.57 283.15 – 298.15 298.15 – 302.55 298.15 298.15 303.15 283.15 – 303.15 291.15 – 304.19 298.15 293.15 – 303.15
0.83 – 2.179 2.7 – 5.33 1–5 5.07 – 5.52 4.955 4.955 0.99 – 3.891 0.101 – 2.027 2.53 – 5.06 1.11 – 5.689 0.486 – 2.986
Tc < T ≤ 373.15 Bamberger et al. (2000) [117] Mueller et al. (1988) [116] Gillespie and Wilson (1982) [19] Oleinik (1986) [112] Shagiakhmetov and Tarzimanov (1981) [115] Zawisza and Malesinska (1981) [114] Malinin and Kurovskaya (1975) [111] Malinin and Savelyeva (1972) [110] Matous (1969) [109] Wiebe and Gaddy (1939, 1940) [106-107] Zel’vinskii (1937) [103]
323.15 – 353.15 373.15 304.25 – 366.45 323.15 – 343.15 323.15 – 373.15 323.15 – 373.15 373.15 323.15 – 348.15 323.15 – 353.15 308.15– 373.15 323.15 – 373.15
4 – 13.1 0.3 – 1.8 0.69 – 20.27 1 – 16 10 – 60 0.488 – 4.56 4.955 4.955 0.993 – 3.88 2.53 – 70.9 1.94 – 9.12
A few researchers have investigated the nitrogen – water system: Goodman and Krase in 1931 [118] were the first to investigate the solubility of nitrogen in water at pressures higher than the atmospheric pressure, followed by Wiebe et al. in 1932 [119], Wiebe et al. again in 1933 [120], Saddington and Krase in 1934 [121], Pray et al. in 1952 [122], Smith et
al. in 1962 [123], O'Sullivan et al. in 1966 [124], Maslennikova et al. 1971 [47] and more recently Japas and Franck in 1985 [125] (TABLE 2.7). Studies of hydrogen sulphide solubilities in water have been reported by: Selleck et al. (1952) [49], Kozintseva in 1964 [126], Burgess and Germann (1969) [48], Gillespie and
Wilson in 1982 [19] and by Carroll and Mather in 1989 [127] (TABLE 2.7).
T /K Nitrogen
P /MPa
Wiebe et al. (1932) [119] Wiebe et al. (1933) [120] Saddington and Krase (1934) [121] Pray et al. (1952) [122] Smith et al. (1962)[123] O'Sullivan et al. (1966)[124] Maslennikova et al. (1971)[47] Japas and Franck (1985)[125] Goodman and Krase (1931)[118]
298.15 298.15 – 373.15 323.15 – 513.15 533.15 – 588.71 303.15 324.65 473.15 – 623.15 523 – 636 273.15 – 442.15
2.533 – 101.325 2.533 – 101.325 10.132 – 30.397 1.034 – 2.758 1.103 – 5.895 10.132 – 60.795 10.538 – 50.156 20.5 – 200 10.132 – 30.397
Hydrogen Sulphide Selleck et al. (1952)[49] Kozintseva (1965)[126] Burgess and Germann (1969)[48] Gillespie and Wilson (1982)[19] Carroll and Mather (1989)[127]
310.93 – 444.26 502.15 – 603.15 303.15 – 443.15 310.93 – 588.71 313.15 – 378.15
0.689 – 20.685 2.834 – 128.581 1.724– 2.344 4.137– 20.684 28 – 92.4
The solubility data of light hydrocarbons (C1-C5), carbon dioxide, nitrogen and hydrogen sulphide for pressure up to 70 MPa and temperature higher than 298.15 K can be considered to be complete. Nevertheless, only a few data have been reported in the open literature for gas solubility in water at low temperature and in vapour-liquid condition. This is especially true for hydrocarbons and gas other than methane and carbon dioxide, because of the difficulties associated with such measurements. In the case of gas mixtures, the number of studies reporting hydrocarbons and gas solubilities is far more limited and in any case limited at temperature higher than 311 K. Components
Tmin Tmax (Kelvin) (Kelvin)
C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C3 C1+C4 C1+C5 C2+C3 C1+C2+C3
Amirijafari (1969) [128] Wang et al. [86] Amirijafari (1969) [128] McKetta and Katz (1948) [11] Gillepsie and Wilson (1982) [19] Amirijafari (1969) [128] Amirijafari (1969) [128]
311 275.2 378 311 311 378 344
311 283.2 378 311 589 378 344
Pmin (MPa)
Pmax (MPa)
4.8 1 4.8 1.3 3.1 4.8 4.8
55 4 55 21 21 55 55
In their paper, Amirijafari and Campbell [74] concluded that the total solubility of binary or ternary hydrocarbon systems in water is more important than the solubility of each hydrocarbon taken alone at same pressure and temperatures. Oppositely Wang et al. in 2003 [39] found in the C1 (90% mol) + C2 (10% mol) that the solubility of methane in water are of the same order as in the methane-water at pressure higher than 2 MPa and that the solubility
of ethane is not influenced by the pressure. However, for the smaller pressure the same phenomenon is observed, a higher total solubility. -
Influence of the addition of an inhibitor
For system containing hydrate inhibitor, limited data have been produced. For the methane-methanol-water system, experimental data have been reported by: Battino [129] in 1980, Fauser in 1951 [130], Hong et al. in 1987 [131], Schneider in 1978 [132] and Wang et
al. in 2003 [39]. The ethane-methanol-water has also been investigated by Schneider [132], Hayduck in 1982 [133], Yaacobi and Ben-Naim in 1974 [62], Mc Daniel in 1911 [134], Ma and Kohn in 1964 [135], Ohagakiet al. in 1976 [136], Weber in 1981 [137] Ishihara et al. in 1998 [138] and Wang et al. in 2003 [39]. For system containing ethylene glycol, similar solubility data are scarce, once again the Wang et al. [39] paper can be cited: the solubilities of pure methane and pure ethane in an aqueous solution of ethylene glycol have been studied as well as the solubilities of methane and ethane for a synthetic gas mixture (90% C and 10% C2) in a aqueous solution of ethylene glycol. From all these studies, it can be concluded that at a given temperatures and pressures, the gas solubility increases smoothly with increasing inhibitor up to 80 wt.% and sharply when the inhibitor concentration exceeds 80 wt. % . It can be also noticed that at same temperature and pressure conditions, gas solubility is higher in aqueous methanol solution than in aqueous ethylene glycol solution.
Solubility in salt solution/ Solubility in water
Presence of salt in water
The solubility of gases is highly influenced by the salinity of the liquid phase. In aqueous salt solutions, the hydrocarbons are less soluble than in pure water solution.
Water salinity (g/l)
Figure 2.11: Salt effect on the quantity of gas dissolved in water (McKetta and Wehe, 1962 [139]) 44
2.3.3. Hydrate Forming Conditions Since Hammerschmidt in 1934 [140] pointed out that gas hydrate were the cause of blockage during transportation of natural gases in pipelines, the study on gas hydrate raised substantial attention in the oil and gas industry. Gas hydrates are crystalline solid inclusion compounds (Figure 2.12) consisting of host water lattice composed of cavities, which « enclathrate » gas molecules. This lattice contains cavities, which are stabilized by small apolar molecules such as methane, ethane, etc. At usual sub-sea pipeline conditions, gas hydrate might form. The two most common gas hydrates, which appear naturally, are structure I and structure II hydrates.
Figure 2.12: Ethane gas hydrate in the PVT sapphire cell
Most of the experimental works have been focused on hydrate formation pressures or temperatures in pure water system. Experimental hydrate forming conditions for pure gases have been widely reported in the literature (TABLE 2.9).
∆Tmin (Kelvin)
Number of exp. pts
90-149 [141] I 274-291 [142] I 149-203 [141] I Krypton 273,283 [143] I 275-278 [144] I 211-268 [141] I Xenon 273 [145] I 268-284 [146, 147] I Oxygen 273-284 [148] I 273-288 [149] I Nitrogen 269-288 [146, 147] I 273-281 [149] I 274-283 [148] I 175-232 [150] I Carbon dioxide 277-282 [151] I 274-283 [152] I 272-283 [153] I 274-283 [154] I 250-303 [49] I Hydrogen Sulphide 275-281 [144] I Methane 273-294 [149] I 273-286 [154] I 262-271 [155] I 285-296 [156] I 273-286 [157] I 275-284 [158] I 200-243 [151] I Ethane 263-273 [156] I 280-287 [159] I 277-287 [160-161] I 261-277 [156] II Propane 248-262 [162] II 274-278 [144] II 274-279 [153] II 273-278 [163] II 241-270 [162] II Isobutane 273-275 [164] II 273-275 [165] II TABLE 2.9 – EXPERIMENTAL DATA OF HYDRATE FORMING CONDITIONS Argon
6 8 6 2 4 6 1 45 4 19 38 8 3 13 5 6 7 9 23 6 8 11 5 6 9 6 10 4 4 13 11 7 5 5 9 9 5 5 WITH A
In most of the studies the accuracy on hydrate dissociation pressure is mentioned to be not greater than 1-4%, even for the old data the accuracy of the results is surprising good [5]. For multicomponent systems the available data are listed in TABLE 2.10:
∆Tmin (Kelvin) N. of exp. pts 7 275-289 [166] Ar + N2 I 21 276-299 [166] Ar + C1 I 2 273, 283 [143] Ar + C1 I 2 273,283 [143] I Kr+C1 17 276 [144] II Kr+C3 31 277-295 [148] I N2+C1 28 274-289 [167] II N2+C3 17 275-286 [151] I CO2+C1 42 274-288 [168] I CO2+C1 40 274-288 [154] I CO2+C2 55 274-282 [154] I, II CO2+C3 13 274-286 [152] II CO2+C3 53 274-281 [154] I, II CO2+iso-C4 21 274-278 [154] I, II CO2+n-C4 16 276-304 [169] I H2S+C1 16 284-304 [156] I C1+C2 15 279-287 [160] I C1+C2 32 275-278 [155] II C1+C3 12 291-304 [156] II C1+C3 11 275-300 [158] II C1+C3 19 274 [144] II C1+iso-C4 11 289-305 [156] II C1+iso-C4 47 274-294 [170] II C1+iso-C4 13 276-286 [171] II C1+n-C4 20 251-273 [172] II C1+n-C4 44 274-278 [161] I, II C2+C3 17 279-284 [173] I C1+CO2+H2S 49 278-298 [174] I C1+CO2+H2S 13 276-285 [161] I, II C1+C2+C3 13 276-301 [175] II C1+C3+H2S 12 227-297 [176] II C1+C2+C3+n-C4+C5 9 279-298 [176] II C1+C2+C3+iso-C4+n-C4+C5+N2 15 278-297 [176] II C1+C2+C3+CO2+N2 6 274-282 [155] II C1+C2+C3+iso-C4 7 285-297 [177] II C1+C2+C3+C4+CO2+H2S 7 294-303 [156] II C1+C2+C3+iso-C4 4 284-291 [178] II C1+C2+C3+iso-C4 7 283-286 [179] I C1+C2+CO2+N2+Ar 21 273-293 [179] II C1+C2+C3+iso-C4+n-C4+CO2+N2 15 268-292 [180] II C1+C2+C3+iso&nC4+C5+H2S+N2 13 258-291 [181] II C1+C2+C3+iso-C4+C5+CO2+N2 5 279-293 [182] II C1+C2+C3+iso-C4+C5+CO2+N2 4 274-282 [154] II C1+C2+C3+iso-C4+ n-C4 16 274-282 [154] I, II C1+C2+C3+iso-C4+ n-C4+CO2 TABLE 2.10 – EXPERIMENTAL DATA OF GAS HYDRATE FORMING CONDITIONS
To control the risk of gas hydrate formation, it is possible to add a thermodynamic inhibitor such as methanol or ethylene glycol into the pipeline. The addition of such compounds moves the conditions required for the gas hydrate formation to lower
temperatures and (or) higher pressures. The presence of salts has the same effect. Experimental studies on hydrate dissociation pressure for system containing inhibitor have been less investigated, only a few authors have presented experimental results for hydrate inhibition, among them we can cite Kobayashi et al. (1951) [183], and the work of Ng and
Robinson reported in a series of articles (TABLE 2.11). Component
Inhibitors or salt (wt %)
Methane Methane Methane Methane Methane Methane Methane Methane Methane Ethane Ethane Propane Propane Propane Propane iso-Butane iso-Butane Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide Hydrogen sulphide Hydrogen sulphide Hydrogen sulphide Hydrogen sulphide Hydrogen sulphide Hydrogen sulphide Hydrogen sulphide C1+C2 C1+C3 C1+C3 C1 + CO2 C1 + CO2 C1 + H2S C2 + CO2 C3+ n-C4 C1 + CO2 + H2S Synthetic Gas Mixo Synthetic Gas Mix+ Synthetic Gas Mix++
10 & 20 % Methanol 35 & 50 % Methanol 50 & 65 % Methanol 74 & 85 % Methanol 10, 30 &50 % EG 15 % Ethanol 10 % Sodium Chloride* 20 % Sodium Chloride* Sodium Chloride* 10 & 20 % Methanol 35 & 50 % Methanol 20 & 50 % Methanol 5 & 10 % Methanol 10 % Sodium Chloride* 2, 5 & 10 % Sodium Chloride* 1.1 & 10 % Sodium Chloride* Sodium Chloride* 10 & 20 % Methanol Hydrogen Chloride Sodium Hydroxide* Sodium Chloride* 16.5 % Methanol 10 & 20 % Methanol 35 & 50 % Methanol 10 & 26 % Sodium Chloride* Calcium Chloride* 16.5 % Ethanol Dextrose & Sucrose 10 & 20 % Methanol 10 & 20 % Methanol 35 & 50 % Methanol 10 & 20 % Methanol 35 & 50 % Methanol 20 % Methanol 20, 35 & 50 % Methanol 3 & 15 % Sodium Chloride* 10 & 20 % Methanol 10 & 20 % Methanol 10 & 20 % Methanol 35 & 50 % Methanol
Structure Reference I I I I I I I I I I I II II II II II II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, II I, II I I I I II II II II
[184] [185] [186] [186] [185] [183] [183] [183] [187] [184] [188] [187] [184] [183] [189] [190] [191] [184] [192] [192] [192] [193] [184] [188] [193] [193] [193] [193] [194] [194] [195] [194] [185] [188] [188] [196] [188] [194] [194] [184]
∆Tmin (Kelvin)
N. of exp. pts
263-286 233-270 214-259 195-230 263-287 273-284 270-284 266-276 264-275 263-284 237-268 229-251 269-275 268-273 270-275 268-274 266-272 264-284 274-283 273-283 274-280 273.-290 266-300 256-286 275-295 265-295 280-292 285-296 263-289 265-291 249-276 263-287 240-267 264-290 237-280 273-275 265-291 265-289 264-288 234-273
2×6 7+5 5+6 2×3 4+4+3 5 8 7 23 16+11 9+9 6+4 8+9 8 3×4 6+3 56 10+14 12 14 4 3 12+8 8+11 3+5 9 3 3+4 8+7 6+5 6+7 14+13 4+5 5 7+11+12 2×15 6+8 7+6 2×9 2×7
Aquous solution of sodium chloride
(7 % N2 + 84 % C1 + 4.7 % C2 + 2.3 % C3 + 0.9 % n-C4+ 0.9 % n-C5)
(6 % N2 + 71.6 % C1 + 4.7 % C2 +2 % C3 + 0.8 % n-C4+0.8 % n-C5+14 % CO2)
(5 % N2 + 71.9 % C1 + 4 % C2 +2 % C3 + 0.8 % n-C4+0.8 % n-C5+13 % CO2)
To approximate the hydrate depression temperature for different kinds of inhibitors in a 5 - 25 wt % range we can use experimental values of hydrate dissociation pressures of systems without inhibitor using the expression developed by Hammerschmidt in 1939 for methanol inhibition [197]: 2.335 W ∆T = 100M −M ×W
∆T is the hydrate temperature depression, °F. M is the molecular weight of the alcohol or glycol. W is the weight per cent of the inhibitor in the liquid. This correlation gives acceptable results for methane and ethane but less acceptable for other gases [184]. It can be only applied to methanol concentrations lower than 0.2 (in mol fraction of the liquid phase) [198] and without modification to about 0.4 ethylene glycol concentration [5]. However, to use this equation, the hydrate formation temperature in the gas without the inhibitor being present must be known. Some improvements have been made over the year to improve the accuracy of this equation [10], the original 2.335 constant can be replaced by other values depending on which kind of inhibitor is used. Some of these preferred values are listed in TABLE 2.12:
Methanol Ethanol Ethylene glycol Diethylene glycol Triethylene glycol
Original [197] 1.297 1.297 1.297 1.297 1.297
GPSA [13] 1.297 2.222 2.222 2.222
Arnold and Steward [199] 1.297 1.297 1.222 2.427 2.472
Pedersen et al. [200] 1.297 1.297 1.5 2.222 3
However Carroll [10] recommends using the original values of 1.297 for ethylene glycol, because better predictions are obtained using this value. An improved version has been proposed by Nielsen and Bucklin [198] applicable only for methanol solution, which is accurate for concentrations up to 0.8 mol fraction and temperatures down to 165 K: ∆T = −129.6 ln(1 − xMeOH )
∆T is the hydrate temperature depression, °F. xMeOH is the methanol mole fraction. The Gas Processors and Suppliers Association (GPSA) Engineering Data Book [13] recommends the Hammerschmidt equation up to 25 wt% methanol concentrations and the Nielsen-Bucklin equation only for methanol concentrations ranging from 25-50 wt%. To improve the prediction over a larger range, Carroll [10] proposed a modified version of the Nielsen-Bucklin equation to take into account the concentration of the inhibitor it includes the water activity coefficient: ∆T = −72 ln(γ w x w )
with: xw is the water mole fraction.
γw is the activity coefficient of water. The author use the two-suffix Magules equation to estimate the activity coefficient ln γ w =
a 2 xI RT
(2.4) xI is the inhibitor mole fraction.
Finally assuming that a/RT is temperature independent, the equation becomes: ∆T = −72 ( A x I2 + ln[1 − x I ])
The Margules coefficient, A, were fitted by the author using experimental data, the values obtained are listed in TABLE 2.13. Methanol Ethanol Ethylene glycol Diethylene glycol Triethylene glycol
Margules Coefficient 0.21 0.21 -1.25 -8 -15
Concentration limit (wt%) 85 35 50 35 50
As measurements made for ethanol are relatively scarce, the author set the value of the Margules coefficient equal to that for methanol. For similar reason the value of the Margules coefficient for diethylene glycol is set to the average of the values of ethylene glycol and triethylene glycol.
Modelling of Thermodynamic Equilibria
Dans ce chapitre, une revue bibliographique de la modélisation des équilibres thermodynamiques est proposée. Dans un premier temps, nous verrons la modélisation des corps purs avec les différentes approches. On s’intéressera plus particulièrement aux principales équations d’état cubiques ainsi qu’aux différentes fonctions « alpha » introduites pour l’amélioration de la représentation des tensions de vapeur. Les principaux modèles utilisés pour la représentation des données expérimentales sont ensuite exposés. Dans un premier temps, la modélisation des équilibres sera décrite. Il existe deux grandes approches pour le calcul des équilibres liquide – vapeur : une approche symétrique où une même équation est choisie pour décrire la phase vapeur et la phase liquide, et une approche dissymétrique où la phase vapeur est décrite par une équation d’état alors que la phase liquide est décrite par un modèle de solution. Finalement, différents modèles de calcul de pression de dissociation d’hydrates sont présentés.
3. Thermodynamic Models for Fluid Phase Equilibrium Calculation The knowledge of phase diagram and fluid properties is fundamental in petroleum and chemical engineering. It is necessary to have the more accurate tool to predict these properties. Different approaches and models can be taken into account, including activity models and equations of state. The latest have become essential in modelling of vapour-liquid equilibrium. Many developments have been performed to improve these models, and it is not easy to select the appropriate model for a particular case.
3.1. Approaches for VLE Modelling There are mainly two different approaches to model phase equilibrium [201]. The two approaches are based on the fact that at thermodynamic equilibrium, fugacity values are equal in both vapour and liquid phases, at isothermal conditions. f mL ( P, T ) = f mV ( P, T )
The first approach is based on activity model for the liquid phase and an equation of state for the vapour phase, the γ – Φ approach. The equilibrium equation (eq. 3.1) can be written: Φ Vi y i P = γ i xi f i 0 L
because f i L ( P , T ) = γ i xi f i
(3. 3)
and the vapour fugacity is calculated as follows:
f iV ( P, T ) = ΦVi yi P
The fugacity coefficient in the vapour phase is calculated using an equation of state. The fugacity of the pure compound, i, in the liquid phase can be written using the vapour pressure as:
v L P − Pi Sat f i 0 L = Pi Sat Φ i0 T , Pi Sat exp i RT
The exponential factor is known as the Poynting factor and viL is the molar volume, at saturation, of the compound i. In case of gas solubility, the previous approach can be use for the solvent and for the solute using the following assumptions. A Henry’s law approach is used for each component. As the solute(s) is (are) at infinite dilution, the asymmetric convention (γ(i) →1 when x(i)→0) is used to express the Henry’s law (eq. 3.6) while the symmetric convention (γ(1) →1 when x(1)→1) is used for the solvent (eq. 3.7) f i L ( P, T ) = H iL (T ) xi (T ) exp((
vi∞ (T ) Sat )( P − Pi )) RT
f i L ( P, T ) = γ iL Φ isat Pi sat xi (T ) × exp((
visat (T ) sat )( P − Pi )) RT
Oppositely the second approach, the Φ – Φ approach, uses an equation of state for each phase of the system. Thus the thermodynamic equilibrium can be written: xi Φ iL (T , P, xi ) = y i Φ Vi (T , P, y i )
For each approach, the use of an equation of state is necessary. Equations of state can be classified in several categories: empirical equations, cubic equations, and equations based on statistical mechanics.
3.1.1. Virial Equations These equations are used to accurately represent experimental properties of pure compounds. That is why these equations are dependent on numerous adjustable parameters, which require for their determination a large experimental database. However the large number of empirical parameters is a restriction to any kind of extrapolation, pressure or temperature independently of how accurate this kind of equation is. Moreover the extension from pure compounds to fluid mixtures is problematic, as in theory a mixing rule is needed for each parameter. The virial equation of state is one of the most known of the large number of equations, which have been proposed. This equation is a development of the compressibility factor in series expanded in powers of the molar density with density-independent coefficients, B, C, and D: 54
Z = 1 + B(T ) / v + C (T ) / v 2 + D(T ) / v 3 + ...
The density-independent coefficients are known as virial coefficients. (B called the second virial coefficient, C the third and so on). In practice this equation is truncated after the third or the fourth coefficient. Some authors have found a rigorous theoretical basis for the virial equations in statistical thermodynamics, exact relations have been provided between the virial coefficients and the interactions between molecules [202]. Thus, the second virial coefficient depends on the interaction between two molecules, the third between three molecules, etc… Following the same approach, different authors have proposed empirical equations. It can be cited for example one of the most known derivative equation of the virial equation, the BWR equation (eq. 3.11) developed by Benedict, Webb and Rubin [203] with 8 adjustable
parameters. Many modifications have been proposed for this equation
B RT − A0 − C0 bRT − a αa c γ − γ Z = 1+ 0 + + 3 2 1 + 2 exp 2 (3.11) + 2 5 RTv RTv RTv RT v v v 3.1.2. Cubic Equations of State Since van der Waals has proposed the first cubic equation of state, a large number of equations have been proposed to predict thermodynamic properties of pure compounds or mixtures. Cubic equations of state are extension of the classical semi theoretical van der Waals equation of state; they were the first to predict successfully vapour phase properties.
Many improvements and correction of this type of equation have been proposed. Among the large number of equations of state the Redlich and Kwong (RK), Redlich Kwong and Soave (RKS) and the Peng-Robinson (PR) are the most widely used in engineering applications.
van der Waals Equation of State
The first equation, which was capable of representing both gas and liquid phases, was proposed by van der Waals [204]. He tried to take into account the interaction between molecules. Considering the attractive and repulsive forces, he proposed to modify the kinetic pressure by a negative molecular pressure, –a/v2, where attractive interaction between molecules are taken into account. The expression of the molecular pressure is directly linked to the potential expression of interaction between molecules. Moreover, he observed that considering the ideal gas law the volume should tend to zero when the pressure increases. That is why repulsive interaction by means of the molar co-volume b was added. This gives the van der Waals equation: a P + 2 (v − b ) = RT v
where a is the interaction parameter (or the energetic parameter) and b the molar co volume. The two van der Waals parameters a and b can be determined by applying the critical point conditions: ∂2P ∂P = 2 = 0 ∂v T ∂v T
(3. 13)
The values of the parameters at the critical point can be expressed as a function of the critical temperature and pressure: a=
27 R 2TC2 64 PC
(3. 14)
1 RTC 8 PC
(3. 15)
ZC =
PC vC = 0.375 RTC
(3. 16)
The VdW-EoS was the first able to describe the liquid - vapour transition and the existence of a critical point. It can be also noticed that this equation provides a better representation of the vapour phase than the liquid phase and that the liquid compressibility factor at critical point, 0.35, is overestimated in comparison with experimental factor, in
general lower than 0.3. Thus a large number of modifications have been proposed to improve the quality of predictions. RK and RKS Equation of State These equations are only modifications of the VdW-EoS through modification of molar pressure expression (term involving the attractive parameter a). In 1949, Redlich and Kwong [205] modified the attractive parameter in which the v2 term was replaced by v(v+b) and dependent on the temperature in order to improve vapour pressure calculations. Soave in 1972 [206] kept the RK-EoS volume function and introduced a temperature dependent function to modify the attractive parameter (α-function). He developed his function by forcing the EoS to represent accurately the vapour pressure at a reduced temperature equals to 0.7 in introducing a new parameter, the acentric factor of Pitzer [207], ω. Therefore RKS-EoS predicts accurately vapour pressures around a reduced temperature of 0.7: a(T ) P + (v − b ) = RT (v + b)v
(3. 17)
a (T ) = a c α (Tr )
(3. 18)
α (Tr ) =
1 for RK-EoS T
(3. 19)
α (TR ) = [1 + m(1 − TR1 2 )] for RKS-EoS with m = 0.480 + 1.574ω − 0.175ω 2 (3. 20) and (3. 21) 2
In analogy with the VdW-EoS, a and b were calculated from critical point conditions: a = Ωa
(3. 22)
b = Ωb
(3. 23)
Ω a = 0,42748
(3. 24)
Ω b = 0,086640
(3. 25)
ZC =
1 3
(3. 26)
However, it can be observed that even if the critical compressibility factor is smaller than the VdW critical compressibility factor, it is still overestimated. RKS-EoS is relatively predictive for non-polar compound (or compounds with acentric factor non-exceeding 0.6) Peng-Robinson Equation of State In 1976, Peng and Robinson [208] proposed a modified Redlich and Kwong equation of state through a modification of the attractive parameter. This equation gives better liquid density and critical compressibility factor, 0.307, than the RKS-EoS. This equation is used for polar compounds and light hydrocarbons (and heavy hydrocarbons through a modification of the α-function). a (T ) (v − b ) = RT P + 2 2 (v + 2bv − b )
(3. 27)
For the parameter: a = Ωa
(3. 28)
b = Ωb
(3. 29)
Ω a = 0,457240
(3. 30)
Ω b = 0,07780
(3. 31)
Z C = 0,3074
(3. 32)
Paragraph 5.1 will focus on temperature dependency of the attractive parameter through alpha function.
58 Equation of State
A third parameter can be introduced into a cubic EoS. By introducing this additional factor, the critical compressibility factor becomes substance dependent and can be forced to predict the correct critical compressibility factor. Many cubic three-parameter equation of state have been proposed. Schmidt and Wenzel [209] proposed a general mathematical form to describe 4-parameter EoS: P=
aα (Tr ) RT − 2 v − b v + ubv + wb 2
(3. 33)
From the choice of the u and w comes the type of cubic EoS. If u and w are assigned to constant values a two parameters EoS is obtained and if one of the parameter either u or w are assigned to a constant values or some mathematical relationships between u and w are chosen, a three-parameters equation of state is obtained (TABLE 3.1). Values of u and w u = 0 and w = 0 u = 1 and w = 0 u = 2 and w = -1 w=0 w = u2 / 4 u+w =1 u - w =3 u - w =4 w = 2 ( u + 2 )2 / 9 - u - 1 w = ( u - 2 )2 / 8 - 1
Type of EoS van der Waals [204] Redlich / Kwong [205], Soave / Redlich / Kwong [206] Peng/Robinson [208] Fuller [210], Usdin and Mc Auliffe[211] Clausius [212] Heyen, Schmidt and Wenzel, Harmens and Knapp, Patel and Teja [213, 209, 214, 215] Yu et al [216]., Yu and Lu[217] Twu et al. [218] VT-SRK [219] VT-PR [220]
The parameters can also be determined by applying the critical point conditions: ∂2P ∂P 2 = 0 = ∂v T ∂v T
(3. 34)
In contrary to the classical SRK and PR cubic equation, the Patel and Teja [215] and the Harmens and Knapp [214] equations use the experimental compressibility factor. The calculation procedure is the following:
(v − vC )3 = v 3 − 3vC v 2 + 3vC2 v − vC3
(3. 35)
From equation (3.33) developed as a function of the volume and written at the critical condition, it comes: RT RT a RT ab v 3 − C − (u − 1)b v 2 − C ub − (w − u )b 2 − v − C wb 2 + wb 3 + = 0 PC PC PC PC PC
(3. 36)
Where a = Ωa
(3. 37)
b = Ωb
(3. 38)
c = Ωc
(3. 39)
From equations (3.35) and (3.36), the following system of equations (3.40) to (3.42) must be solved: uΩ b = 1 + Ω b − 3Z C
(3. 40)
Ω b3 + [(1 − 3Z C ) + (u + w)]Ω b2 + 3Z C2 Ω b − Z C3 = 0
(3. 41)
Ω a = 1 − 3Z C (1 − Z C ) + 3(1 − 2Z C )Ω b + [2 − (u + w)]Ω b2
(3. 42)
Therefore, the values of a, b and c parameters can be found. Many cubic equations have been developed and virtually all of them can be generalised in using an attractive and a repulsive compressibility factor to decompose the compressibility factor: Z = Z rep − Z att
(3. 43)
Where for van der Waals EoS, these two parameters are:
Z rep =
v v−b
(3. 44)
Z att =
a RTv
(3. 45)
TABLE 3.2 lists the different equations of state where the attractive parameter has been modified. In this table only the part concerning the attractive compressibility factor of the equation (3.43) is reported. a(T) means that the authors have chosen a temperature dependent a parameter.
Attractive Term (Zatt)
a (TC ) RT 1.5 (v + b ) a(T ) RT (v + b ) a(T )v RT [(v + b )v + (v − b )b] a(T ) RT (v + cb ) a(T )v 2 RT v + (b(T ) + c )v − b(T )c a(T )v 2 RT v + ubv + wb 2 a(T )v 2 RT v + cbv − (c − 1)b 2 a(T )v
Redlich and Kwong (RK) (1949) [205] Soave (SRK) 1972 [206] Peng and Robinson (PR)(1976) [208] Fuller (1976) [210] Heyen (1980) [213]
Schmidt and Wenzel (1980) [209]
Harmens and Knapp (1980) [214]
Kubic (1982) [221]
RT (v + c ) a(T )v RT [v(v + b ) + c(v − b )] a(T )v RT v − b 2 v + b 3 a(T )v 2 RT v + (b + c )v − bc + d 2 2
Patel and Teja (PT) (1982) [215] Adachi et al. (1983) [222]
Trebble and Bishnoi (TB) (1987) [223]
Many studies have been done to compare the abilities of equations of state. The study of Trebble and Bishnoi [223] compared the vapour pressures of the 60 most used compounds in chemical process (hydrocarbons and light compounds) calculated with different equations of state.
TABLE 3.3 presents comparisons on pure compound vapour pressures, liquid and Yexp − Ycal vapour volume in average absolute deviation. ( ∆Y = ). Yexp It can be concluded that virtually all the equations give a fairly good representation of the pure compound vapour pressures, thanks to the development of alpha functions. The SRK EoS has some difficulties to correctly represent liquid densities. Authors
Soave (SRK) (1972) [206] Peng and Robinson (PR) (1976) [208] Fuller (1976) [210] Heyen (1980) [213] Schmidt and Wenzel (1980) [209] Harmens and Knapp (1980) [214] Kubic (1982) [221] Patel and Teja (PT) (1982) [215] Adachi et al. (1983) [222] Trebble and Bishnoi (TB) (1987) [223]
( )
∆ P sat % 1.5 1.3 1.3 5.0 1.0 1.5 3.5 1.3 1.1 2.0
∆ (vliq ) %
∆ (vvap ) %
17.2 8.2 2.0 1.9 7.9 6.6 7.4 7.5 7.4 3.0
3.1 2.7 2.8 7.2 2.6 3.0 15.9 2.6 2.5 3.1
A similar kind of study for gas-oil reservoir systems was also performed by Danesh et al. [225]. It can be concluded again that the SRK-EoS cannot correctly represent liquid
densities (17.2% deviation in [224] and 25 % maximum deviation in [225]) while the Peng Robinson EoS with 2 parameters also give reliable results. Danesh et al. [225] compared 10 equations of state with classical mixing rules for
predicting the phase behaviour and volumetric properties of hydrocarbon fluids. They concluded that the Valderrama modification of the Patel and Teja cubic equation of state was superior to the other tested equations of state, particularly when the EoSs were compared without any use of binary interaction parameters. The Valderrama-Patel-Teja (VPT) [226] equation of state (EoS) is defined by: P=
aα (Tr ) RT − v − b v(v + b ) + c(v − b )
(3. 46)
with: Ω a R 2Tc2 a= Pc
(3. 47)
Ω b RTc Pc
(3. 48)
Ω c RTc Pc
(3. 49)
α (Tr ) = [1 + F (1 − TrΨ )]
(3. 50)
where P is the pressure, T is the temperature, v is the molar volume, R is the universal gas constant, and Ψ = 1 2 . The subscripts c and r denote critical and reduced properties, respectively. The coefficients Ωa, Ωb, Ωc, and F are given by: Ω a = 0.66121 − 0.76105Z c
(3. 51)
Ω b = 0.02207 + 0.20868Z c
(3. 52)
Ω c = 0.57765 − 1.87080 Z c
(3. 53)
F = 0.46286 + 3.58230(ωZ c ) + 8.19417(ωZ c )
(3. 54)
where Zc is the critical compressibility factor, and ω is the acentric factor. Dependence of Parameters To have an accurate representation of vapour pressures of pure compounds a temperature dependence of the attractive term through the alpha function is imposed. Many alpha functions have been proposed to improve the precision of cubic equation of state via a more accurate prediction of pure compound vapour pressures. Some selected alpha functions are shown in TABLE 3.4. Generally the mathematical expressions of alpha functions are either polynomials of various order in reduced temperature or exponential functions or switching functions. It is well established that alpha functions do not always represent accurately supercritical behaviour and they could have limited correct temperature utilization range. To improve their potential different approaches have been developed: use of alpha functions with specific compound parameter or switching alpha functions, even if mathematical constraints are associated with the latest, particularly in the continuity of the function and its derivatives. The alpha functions must verify some requirements:
- They must be finite and positive at all temperatures. - They must be equal to 1 at the critical point. - They must tend to zero when T tends to infinity. - They must belong to the C2 function group, i.e. function and its derivatives (first and second) must be continuous, (for T>0) to assure continuity in thermodynamic properties. Functions
α (TR ) = [1 + m(1 − TR1 2 )]
References Soave [206]
For SRK Eos
m = 0.480 + 1.574ω − 0.175ω 2 Soave [227]
m = 0.47830 + 1.6337ω − 0.3170ω + 0.760ω 2
For PR EoS
m = 0.374640 + 1.542260ω − 0.26992ω
Peng and Robinson [208]
m = c 0 + c1 1 + TR0.5 (0.7 − TR ) with c0 = 0.378893 + 1.4897153ω − 0.17131848ω 2 + 0.0196554ω 3 and c1 is an adjustable parameter.
α (TR ) = 1 + c1 1 − TR 2 + c 2 1 − TR 2 + c 3 1 − TR 2 1
Mathias and Copeman [229]
if T>TC α (TR ) = 1 + c1 1 − TR 2 1
Stryjek and Vera [228]
α (TR ) = exp[m × (1 − Tr )]
m = 0.418 + 1.58ω − 0.580ω 2 when ω < 0.4
Daridon et al. [230]
m = 0.212 + 2.2ω − 0.831ω 2 when ω ≥ 0.4
α (TR ) = α (0 ) (TR ) + ω (α (1) (TR ) − α (0 ) (TR )) with
α (i ) (TR ) = TRN ( M −1) [exp( L(1 − TRNM ))]
For SRK EoS Parameters L M N
(0 )
TR ≤ 1
TR > 1
(T ) α (T ) α (T )
0.141599 0.919422 2.496441
0.500315 0.799457 3.291790
(0 )
0.441411 6.500018 -0.200000
(T )
0.032580 1.289098 -8.000000
For PR EoS Parameters L M N
(0 )
TR ≤ 1
0.125283 0.911807 1.948153
TR > 1
(T ) α (T ) α (T ) (1)
0.511614 0.784054 2.812522
(0 )
0.401219 4.963075 -0.20000
α (1) (T )
0.024955 1.248088 -8.00000
Twu et al. [231-232]
Different mathematical expressions satisfy these requirements. Historically Redlich and Kwong [205] were the first to propose a temperature dependence of the attractive
parameter through an alpha function:
α (T ) =
1 T
(3. 55)
Classically, the alpha function expressions are: •
Exponential expression,
The Trebble-Bishnoi (TB) [224] alpha function is one of this kind of examples selected in this study
α (T ) = exp m × 1 − •
T Tc
(3. 56)
Quadratic expression,
Different quadratic forms have been proposed: -
The Soave alpha function with one adjustable parameter [206].
T α (T ) = 1 + m1 − Tc
(3. 57)
The Mathias-Copeman (MC) alpha function with three adjustable parameters [229]. 2
2 3 T T T if T 298 K (semi logarithm scale): z: data at 298.15 K from Rigby and Prausnitz (1968) [23],
: data at 298.15 K from Rigby and Prausnitz (1968) [23], : data at 298.15 K from Yarym-Agaev et al. (1985) [18], ▲: data at 310.93 K from Culberson and Mc Ketta (1951) [24], c: data at 338.15 K from Yarym-Agaev et al. (1985) [18], ×: data at 313.15 K from Yarym-Agaev et al. (1985) [18], * : data at 323.15 K from Gillepsie and Wilson (1982) [19], U: data at 323.15 K data from Yokoyama et al. (1988) [17].
These different examples show that at low temperatures and under high pressures the solubility of water in hydrocarbon gas phase can be lower than 50 ppm. Furthermore it is expected that addition of alcohol to the water –hydrocarbons system will increase the solubility of hydrocarbons in water and decrease the solubility of water in the gas. Thus the water calibration should be done in a range of 10-10 to 10-8 mole of water. Calibration Method The water concentration is expected to be very low, so calibrating the detectors under these conditions is very difficult. It is indeed impossible to correctly inject such a small quantity in the chromatograph using syringes. In fact the water quantity, which must be detected and quantified, is of the same order as the water quantity adsorbed on the syringe
needle walls (due to the ambient humidity). For calibration purposes, the cell of a dilutor apparatus [277] is used with a specific calibration circuit (Figure 4.21). The cell of the dilutor is immersed in a thermo-regulated liquid (ethanol) bath. Helium is bubbled through the dilutor cell filled with water to be water saturated, and then swept directly into the chromatograph through a 5µl internal loop injection valve (V1). Figure 4.22 shows the flow diagram of the valve used.
vent FR
Figure 4.21: Flow diagram of the calibration circuit BF: Bubble Flowmeter; C : Carrier Gas; d.a.s: data acquisition system; E: Thermal Exchanger; FE : Flow rate Electronic; FR : Flow rate Regulator; LB : Liquid Bath; PP : Platinum
resistance thermometer Probe; S:
Saturator; SV: Internal Loop Sampling Valve; Th : Thermocouple; TR : Temperature Regulator; VP : Vacuum Pump
Figure 4.22: Flow diagram of the internal injection loop.
In using the dilutor, a well-defined amount of water can be injected into the Chromatograph. The calculation of the amount of water is carried out using equilibrium and mass balance relations. At thermodynamic equilibrium the fugacity of water is the same in both vapour and liquid phases and the water mole fraction remains constant when the saturated gas is heated in the internal valve: f wL = f wV
(4. 7)
with f wL = f wL ref × γ wL × x w
for a pressurized liquid: P
Lref w
= f
Sat w
P Sat
)dP )
(4. 9)
assuming the Poynting correction: f
Lref w
= f
Sat w
)( P − P Sat ))
(4. 10)
Eq. 4.8 becomes: f wV = γ wL x w f wSat exp((
)( P − P Sat ))
f wV = γ wL x w PwSat φ wSat exp((
(4. 11)
)( P − P Sat ))
(4. 12)
PwSat φ wSat = f wSat
(4. 13)
on the other hand: f wV = φ wV Pdilutor y w
(4. 14)
y w = γ wL x w
PwSat φ wSat υL exp(( )( P − P Sat )) V Pdilutor φ w RT
(4. 15)
with: yw =
nw nT
(4. 16)
An exact relationship is obtained:
nw = γ
L w
P Sat φ wSat xw w Pdilutor φ wV
)( P − P Sat ))
(4. 17)
In the above relations, f, γ, x, v, R, T, P, φ , y, n, Z, and Vol are fugacity, activity coefficient, mole fraction in the liquid phase, molar volume, universal gas constant, temperature, pressure, fugacity coefficient, mole fraction in the vapour phase, number of moles, compressibility factor and volume of the loop, respectively. The superscripts and subscripts L, V, ref, Sat, loop, w, T and dilutor correspond to the liquid phase, vapour phase, reference state, saturation state, loop, water, total and dilutor, respectively. The above equation can be simplified (Pdilutor≅Ploop≅Patm, the Poynting factor is close to unity):
V n =P RT v w
S w
(4. 18) Optimization of the Calibration Conditions To avoid adsorption of water and to obtain a maximum of sensitivity, we have tried to optimize the calibration conditions. Optimization of the Chromatographic Conditions It is known that bigger the difference of temperature between the wire and the TCD oven is, bigger sensitivity of the detector is. So the following picture (Figure 4.23) is obtained by injecting a constant amount of water (4x10-9 mol). However there are some factors, which limit the increase of the wire temperature and the decrease of the TCD oven temperature: The oven TCD temperature must be higher than the oven column temperature in order
to avoid the compounds to condense again. A good separation of the compounds is necessary.
Wire deterioration must be avoided. Water adsorption has to be minimized.
500000 450000
Water Peak Area TCD
400000 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 100
Wire Temperature / °C
Figure 4.23: Wire temperature Optimization (TCD oven at 423.15 K)
The wire temperature is limited by the resistance of the wire material. In this case the wire is made of tungsten. The maximum wire intensity is a function of the TCD oven temperature. (Figure 4.24) and of carrier gas nature.
Maximum Wire Current / mA
400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0
TCD Oven Temperature / °C
Figure 4.24: Maximum Wire Current
Finally the optimized chromatographic conditions are the following:
Oven column temperature: 373.15 K
Carrier gas flow rate (helium): 20 ml.m-1
Column type: Hayesep C 2m x 1/8”
TCD oven temperature: 383.15 K
Wire temperature : 580.15 K (⇔320mA)
FID temperature : 573.15 K
Hydrogen flow rate: 30 ml.m-1
Air flow rate: 300 ml.m-1
In order to check that the adsorption of water inside the internal injection loop is limited, a series of tests were performed. The number of water molecules adsorbed inside the loop is a function of both the loop valve temperature and the contact time with the helium saturated in water. To minimize the adsorption phenomenon, the internal injection valve should be maintained at high temperature, at 540 K. The loop sweeping time varies from 5 to 30 seconds and the water peak area does not vary with the loop sweeping time (Figure 4.25).
Water peak Area
Sweeping Time / s
Figure 4.25: Loop Sweeping Time Effect
35 Calibration Results It is of essential interest to know precisely the volume and the dead-volume of the sampling valve (volume + dead volume= Vloop). First of all, the volume of the loop is roughly calculated (around 5 µL) and then a calibration with methane as a reference gas using a 0 – 25 µL gas syringe is done around the value of the rough estimation. After this careful methane calibration, methane is passed through the sampling valve and injected into the GC. Knowing the number of mol of methane swept into the GC through the previous calibration, the volume and the dead volume of the loop can be estimated to at 5.06 µl (+/-0.25%) at 523.15 K. Thus knowing the volume of the loop, the water calibration is obtained (see Figure 4.26). A second order polynomial expression is used to calculate the number of water molecules flowing through the TCD.
Injected Water Quantity /mol
0.E+00 0
Water Peak Area
Figure 4.26: TCD/Water calibration (peak area are in µV2)
The experimental accuracy of the TCD calibration for water is estimated in the worst case at +/-6% (see Figure 4.27).
Experimental Uncertainty / %
0 0.0E+00
Injected Water Quantity /mol
Figure 4.27: TCD/water calibration deviation Experimental Procedure for determination of the vapour phase composition The equilibrium cell and its loading lines are evacuated down to 0.1 Pa and the necessary quantity of the preliminary degassed water (approximately 10 cm3) is introduced using an auxiliary cell. Then, the desired amount of gas is introduced into the cell directly from the commercial cylinder or via a gas compressor. For each equilibrium condition, at least 10 samples are withdrawn using the pneumatic samplers ROLSI
and analyzed in order to check for measurement repeatability. As the
volume of the withdrawn samples is very small compared to the volume of the vapour phase present in the equilibrium cell, it is possible to withdraw many samples without disturbing the phase equilibrium. Determination of the Composition in the Aqueous Phase Calibration of the TCD with Water The procedure to calibrate the TCD with water is quite similar to the procedure of calibration of the FID for the hydrocarbons. Different volumes of water are simply injected in
the chromatograph via the injector with a 5 µl liquid syringe. (a second order polynomial expression is also used to calculate the number of injected water molecules)
Injected Water Quantity / mol
0.0E+00 0.0E+00
Water Peak Area
Figure 4.28: TCD/Water calibration. (peak area are in µV2) 2
Experimental Uncertainty / %
1.5 1 0.5 0 0
-0.5 -1 -1.5 -2
Injected Water Quantity / mol
Figure 4.29: TCD/water calibration uncertainty.
The TCD was used to detect the water; it was repeatedly calibrated by injecting known amount of water through “liquid type” syringes. The uncertainties on the calculated mole numbers of water are estimated to be within ± 1.5 % in the 2.5×10-5 to 3×10-4 range of water mole number.
120 Calibration of the TCD and FID with the gases The FID or TCD are calibrated by introducing known moles of ethane or nitrogen, respectively through a “gas type” syringe (ethane when the gas solubilized in water is nitrogen, nitrogen for all the other gases). The mole numbers of gas (ethane or nitrogen) is thus known within ± 1%. After this careful ethane or nitrogen calibration, different ethane or nitrogen + gas (to be studied) mixtures of known low gas (to be studied) composition were prepared inside the equilibrium cell. Then, samples of different (a priori) unknown sizes are withdrawn directly from the cell through the ROLSI sampler for GC analyses.
Injected Propane Quantity / mol
0.0E+00 0
Propane Peak Area
Figure 4.30: FID/Propane Calibration Curve. (peak area are in µV2)
Knowing the composition of the mixture and the number of sampled moles of ethane or nitrogen (through the response of the FID or TCD) it is possible to estimate the amount of gas (to be studied) and hence calibrate the FID/TCD for this compound. As an example, the calibration curve corresponding to the FID with propane is plotted in Figure 4.30. The resulting relative uncertainty is about ± 3% in mole number of propane (Figure 4.31).
Experimental Uncertainty / %
Injected Propane Quantity / mol
Figure 4.31: Propane calibration deviation. Experimental procedure for determination of the aqueous phase composition The equilibrium cell and its loading lines are evacuated down to 0.1 Pa and the necessary quantity of the preliminary degassed water (approximately 5 cm3) is introduced using an auxiliary cell. Then, the desired amount of gas is introduced into the cell directly from the commercial cylinder. For each equilibrium condition, at least 10 samples of liquid phase are withdrawn using the pneumatic samplers ROLSI
and analyzed in order to check for measurement
repeatability. As the volume of the withdrawn samples is very small compared to the volume of the liquid phase present in the equilibrium cell (around 5 cm3), it is possible to withdraw many samples without disturbing the phase equilibrium.
4.2.2 The Experimental Set-ups for Determination of Gas Solubilities
Apparatus based on the PVT techniques
The apparatus used in this work is based on measuring the bubble point pressure of various known gas - water binaries at isothermal conditions, using graphical technique. The experimental set-up consists of a variable volume PVT cell as described by Fontalba et al. [273]. This technique has only been used to measure the solubility of carbon dioxide in water.
Figure 4.32: Flow diagram of the PVT apparatus (1) : Equilibrium cell ; (2) : Assembly for piston level measurements; (3) :Electronic for piston level measurements; (4) : Pressurizing liquid reservoir; (5) : Manometer ; (6) : Hydraulic press; (7) : Air thermostat ; (8) : Solenoids to create a rotating magnetic field ; (9) : Vacuum circuit; (10) : Loading valve ; (11) : Temperature measurement device; (12) : Pressure transducer ; (13) : Pressure measurement device; (14) : Gas cylinder (in our case CO2) ; (15) : Digital manometer; (16) : low pressure hydraulic press.
The cell body is made of a titanium alloy; it is cylindrical in shape (see Figure 4.33) and contains a piston, which can be displaced by introducing a pressurizing liquid (octane) by means of a high-pressure pump. The temperature is controlled by an air thermostat within 0.1 K. The top of the cell is fitted with a feeding valve and a membrane pressure transducer (SEDEME 250 bar) to measure the pressure inside the cell. An O’ring allows the sealing between the mixture to be studied and the pressurizing liquid and a magnetic rod provides good mixing of the fluids. At the bottom of the piston a rigid rod of metal is screwed and allows measurement of the piston level by means of a displacement transducer.
Figure 4.33: Equilibrium Cell (1) : Cell body ; (2) : piston ; (3) : probe for piston level measurements ; (4) : pressurizing assembly ; (5) : membrane pressure transducer ; (6) : Stop screw ; (7) : Magnetic rod; (8) : Seat of the feeding valve; (9) : Bolts ; (10) : O ring; (11) : Thermocouple wells. Experimental Procedures The composition of the system is determined by measuring the exact amounts of water and CO2 loaded into the cell using an analytical balance with a reported accuracy of 2 mg (up to 2 kg). Then the system pressure is increased step by step (by reducing the cell volume) and mixed thoroughly to ensure equilibrium. The stabilized system pressure is plotted versus cell volume, where a change in slope indicates the system bubble point for the given temperature.
The uncertainties in the measured pressure and temperature conditions are within ± 0.002 MPa and ± 0.1 K, respectively.
Apparatus based on the static method (HW University) Principle The apparatus used in this work (Figure 4.34) is based on a static-analytic method with liquid phase sampling. The phase equilibrium is achieved in a cylindrical cell made of stainless steel, the cell volume is about 540 cm3 and it can be operated up to 69 MPa between 253 and 323 K.
Removable quartz tube
Inlet/outlet valves Pivot
PRT Pressure transducer
Bottom valve
Figure 4.34: Flow Diagram of the Equipment.
The equilibrium cell is held in a metallic jacket heated or cooled by a constant– temperature liquid bath (an optically clear quartz glass tube can be housed inside the cell for visual observation). The temperature of the cell is controlled by circulating coolant from a cryostat within the jacket surrounding the cell. The cryostat is capable of maintaining the cell temperature to within 0.05 K. To achieve good temperature stability, the jacket is insulated with polystyrene board and the pipes, which connect it to the cryostat, are covered with plastic 125
foam. Four platinum resistance probes monitor the temperature: two in the equilibrium cell, and two in the heating jacket (not seen in the flow diagram), connected directly to a computer for direct acquisition. The four platinum resistance probes are calibrated at intervals using a calibrated probe connected to a precision thermometer. The calibrated probe has a reported accuracy of ± 0.025 K.
Whilst running a test, all four probes and the cryostat bath
temperature are logged so any discrepancy can be detected. The pressure is measured by means of a CRL 951 strain gauge pressure transducer mounted directly on the cell and connected to the same data acquisition unit. This system allows real time readings and storage of temperatures and pressures throughout the different isothermal runs. Pressure measurement uncertainties are estimated to be within ± 0.007 MPa in the operating range. To achieve a faster thermodynamic equilibrium and to provide a good mixing of the fluids, the cell is mounted on a pivot frame, which allows a rocking motion around a horizontal axis. Rocking of the cell, and the subsequent movement of the liquid phase within it, ensures adequate mixing of the system. When the equilibrium in the cell is reached (constant pressure and temperature), the rocking of the cell is stopped and the bottom valve is fitted to a separator vessel, which is fitted itself to a gas meter (VINCI Technologies), see Figure 4.35. The gas-meter is equipped with pressure, temperature and volume detectors. Experimental Procedures The equilibrium cell and its loading lines are primarily evacuated by drawing a vacuum, and the necessary quantity of the aqueous solution is then introduced into the cell. Then, the desired amount of methane is introduced into the equilibrium cell directly from the commercial cylinder to reach the desired pressure. The sampling of the liquid phase is performed through the bottom-sampling valve while the top valve connected to a gas reserve remains permanently open to maintain a constant pressure inside the equilibrium cell during the withdrawal of the sample. The aqueous liquid phase is trapped in a separator vessel and after the sampling, immersed in a liquid-glycol bath (253.15 K). The gas obtained by the sampling is accumulated in a gas-meter.
Gas Meter Equilibrium Cell
Removable quartz tube
Inlet/outlet valves Pivot
PRT Floating piston
Pressure transducer Gas/liquid separator
PRT Pressure transducer
Bottom valve
Coolant bath
Figure 4.35: Flow Diagram of the Equipment in Sampling Position.
The amount of the aqueous solution obtained from the sampling is known by weighing the water trap before and after the sampling. The total amount of gas collected during the sampling is calculated from the volume variation of the gas-meter at ambient pressure PGM and room temperature, TGM, corrected for the volume of the aqueous solution recovered Vaq :
∆V = V1GM − V2GM − Vaq
Vaq = ∑ xi mT vi (Ptrap , Ttrap )
(4. 19)
The solubility of methane is then calculated by:
P GM s ⋅ MT RT GM xC1 = P GM s 1+ ⋅ MT RT GM
(4. 20)
where s is:
∆V mT
(4. 21)
It should be noted that eq. 4.20 assumes that all the methane dissolved in water is released in the gas phase and that no water and ethylene glycol is present in the gas. The former assumption is justified as ice, at the condition of the liquid glycol bath, has a very low vapour pressure and ethylene glycol has even a lower vapour pressure. The amount of methane trapped in the aqueous solution under one atmosphere and at around 253 K is assumed to be negligible with respect to the amount of methane accumulated in the gas phase of the gas meter.
Water – Hydrocarbons Modelling
Dans un premier temps, un travail a été réalisé pour améliorer la prédiction des tensions de vapeur des principaux composés du gaz naturel : méthane, éthane, propane, n-butane, dioxyde de carbone, eau….Une nouvelle fonction alpha qui permet d’améliorer la dépendance en température du paramètre attractif de l’équation d’état de Peng-Robinson est proposée. Dans ce chapitre les deux différentes approches pour modéliser les résultats expérimentaux seront présentées. Une approche φ-φ en premier lieu est exposée, elle utilise l’équation d’état de Patel-Téja modifiée par Valderrama. La seconde approche est basée sur une méthode dissymétrique, une approche
φ-γ. L’équation d’état de Peng-Robinson sera utilisée pour traiter la phase vapeur et la loi d’Henry pour la phase liquide.
Modelling and Results
Pure Compound Vapour Pressure
The representation of thermodynamic properties and phase equilibria of mixtures depends strongly on pure compound calculations. The accuracy of the calculation is clearly not only dependent on the choice of an equation of state or the mixing rules but also on a sufficiently accurate representation of pure compound vapour pressures. The capacity to correlate the phase equilibria is then directly related to the adequate choice of an alpha function. Many alpha functions have been proposed to improve the precision of cubic equations of state via a more accurate prediction of pure compound vapour pressures. Generally the mathematical expressions of alpha functions are high order polynomials in either acentric factor or reduced temperature, exponential functions, or truncated functions (see § The main difficulties associated with most of alpha functions are their incapacity to represent accurately supercritical behaviour or their limited temperature utilization range. To avoid these difficulties, different approaches have been developed: use of alpha functions with specific compound parameter or switching alpha functions, even if mathematical constraints are associated with the latest, particularly in the continuity of the function and its derivatives. Generalized alpha functions are preferably used because of their predictive ability and the reduction of the number of parameters. In this work, the capacities of three different alpha functions have been compared: a new proposed form, a generalized Trebble-Bishnoi (TB) [230] and a generalized Mathias-Copeman (MC) alpha function for particular cases involving natural gas compounds, i.e.: light hydrocarbons (methane, ethane, propane, butane, pentane), water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulphide. The vapour pressures of 22 pure compounds were used to develop and generalize a new alpha function for the Peng-Robinson equation of state (PR-EoS).
Temperature Dependence of the Attractive Parameter
To have an accurate representation of vapour pressures of pure compounds a temperature dependence of the attractive term through the alpha function is proposed. The alpha functions must verify some requirements: - They must be finite and positive at all temperatures - They must be equal to 1 at the critical point - They must tend to zero when T tends to infinity - They must belong to the C2 function group, i.e. function and its derivatives (first and second) must be continuous, (for T>0) to assure continuity in thermodynamic properties The Trebble-Bishnoi (TB) [224] alpha function is one of the examples selected in this study
α (T ) = exp m × 1 −
T Tc
(5. 1)
The form of the Mathias-Copeman (MC) alpha function with three adjustable parameters [229] is given by eq 5.2 if T≤ Tc. 2 3 T T T + c 2 1 − + c3 1 − α (T ) = 1 + c1 1 − T T T C C C
(5. 2)
And by eq. 5.3 if T>TC, T α (T ) = 1 + c1 1 − TC
(5. 3)
c1, c2 and c3 are three adjustable parameters In addition, a new alpha function (eq 5.4 valid for if T≤ Tc) is proposed, which is a combination of both of mathematical forms from 5.1 and 5.2. This alpha function verifies every just described requirements. c1, c2 and c3 are three adjustable parameters.
T α (T ) = exp c1 × 1 − Tc
2 3 T T + c3 1 − × 1 + c2 1 − T T C C
(5. 4)
If T>TC, an exponential form is chosen similar to the Trebble Bishnoi expression (eq. 5 .6) and the single parameter m of this expression should verify eq. 5.5: ∂α m = − ∂TR
= c1 TR =1
α (T ) = exp c1 × 1 −
T Tc
(5. 5)
(5. 6)
Comparison of the α-function abilities
The alpha function ability to represent properties is usually tested by comparing pure compound vapour pressures. 22 compounds were selected to perform the comparison and the generalization of the alpha functions. All the critical coordinates and vapour pressure correlations are taken from “The properties of gases and liquids” [289] (TABLE 5.1). Component Hydrogen Methane Oxygen Nitrogen Ethylene Hydrogen sulphide Ethane Propane Isobutane n-Butane Cyclohexane Benzene Carbon dioxide Isopentane Pentane Ammonia Toluene Hexane Acetone Water Heptane Octane
Pc (Pa) [289] 1296960 4600155 50804356 3394388 5041628 8936865 4883865 4245518 3639594 3799688 4073002 4895001 7377000 3381003 3369056 11287600 4107999 3014419 4701004 22055007 2740000 2490001
Tc(K) [289] 33.19 190.56 154.58 126.20 282.35 373.53 305.32 369.95 408.80 425.15 553.58 562.05 304.21 460.43 469.70 405.65 591.75 507.40 508.20 647.13 540.20 568.70
C1 (SRK)
C2 (SRK)
C3 (SRK)
C1 (PR)
C2 (PR)
[289] -0.2160 0.0110 0.0222 0.0377 0.0865 0.0942 0.0995 0.1523 0.1808 0.2002 0.2096 0.2103 0.2236 0.2275 0.2515 0.2526 0.2640 0.3013 0.3065 0.3449 0.3495 0.3996
0.161 0.549 0.545 0.584 0.652 0.641 0.711 0.775 0.807 0.823 0.860 0.840 0.867 0.876 0.901 0.916 0.923 1.005 0.993 1.095 1.036 1.150
-0.225 -0.409 -0.235 -0.396 -0.315 -0.183 -0.573 -0.476 -0.432 -0.267 -0.566 -0.389 -0.674 -0.386 -0.305 -0.369 -0.301 -0.591 -0.322 -0.678 -0.258 -0.587
-0.232 0.603 0.292 0.736 0.563 0.513 0.894 0.815 0.910 0.402 1.375 0.917 2.471 0.660 0.542 0.417 0.494 1.203 0.265 0.700 0.488 1.096
0.095 0.416 0.413 0.448 0.512 0.507 0.531 0.600 0.652 0.677 0.684 0.701 0.705 0.724 0.763 0.748 0.762 0.870 0.821 0.919 0.878 0.958
-0.275 -0.173 -0.017 -0.157 -0.087 0.008 -0.062 -0.006 -0.149 -0.081 -0.089 -0.252 -0.315 -0.166 -0.224 -0.025 -0.042 -0.588 0.006 -0.332 -0.031 -0.134
-0.029 0.348 0.092 0.469 0.349 0.342 0.214 0.174 0.599 0.299 0.549 0.976 1.890 0.515 0.669 0.001 0.271 1.504 -0.090 0.317 0.302 0.487
TABLE 5.1 – ADJUSTED MATHIAS-COPEMAN ALPHA FUNCTION PARAMETERS (eq. 5.2) FOR THE SRK-EoS AND PR-EoS FROM DIPPR CORRELATIONS Mathias – Copeman alpha function c1, c2 and c3, the three adjustable parameters of the MC alpha function were evaluated from a reduced temperature of 0.4 up to 1 (0.4≤ Tr ≤ 1) using a modified Simplex algorithm [290] for the 22 selected compounds. The objective function is:
100 N Pexp − Pcal F= ∑ N 1 Pexp
(5. 7)
where N is the number of data points, Pexp is the measured pressure, and Pcal is the calculated pressure. The adjusted parameter values for each compound are reported in TABLE 5.1 for both the SRK-EoS and the PR-EoS. For each equation of state, it appears that the three MC adjusted parameters of the 22 pure compounds can be quadratically or linearly correlated as a function of the acentric factor (eqs. 5.8-5.13): For SRK-EoS, c1 = −0.1094ω 2 + 1.6054ω + 0.5178
(5. 8)
c2 = −0.4291ω + 0.3279
(5. 9)
c3 = 1.3506ω + 0.4866
(5. 10)
For PR-EoS, c1 = 0.1316ω 2 + 1.4031ω + 0.3906
(5. 11)
c2 = −1.3127ω 2 + 0.3015ω - 0.1213
(5. 12)
c3 = 0.7661ω + 0.3041
(5. 13)
The generalized alpha function predicts pure compound vapour pressures with an overall AAD of 1.4 % (0.4% bias) compared to 3.4 % AAD (2.7% bias) with the classical Soave alpha function [206] (TABLE 5.2). The generalization of the MC for the SRK-EoS improves pure compound vapour pressure calculations. Deviations with the MC alpha function are generally smaller than those obtained with the classical Soave alpha function.
Generalized MC Alpha Function1 Bias % AAD %
Generalized Soave Alpha Function [206] Bias % AAD %
Hydrogen Methane Oxygen Nitrogen Ethylene Hydrogen sulphide Ethane Propane Isobutane n-Butane Cyclohexane Benzene Carbon dioxide Isopentane Pentane Ammonia Toluene Hexane Acetone Water Heptane Octane
5.3 -0.2 -1.5 -0.1 -1.7 -0.8 -0.6 -0.6 -0.1 -0.3 -0.4 -1.2 0.6 -0.1 -0.02 1.9 -0.2 -0.2 2.3 4.3 1.0 1.3
5.3 0.3 1.5 0.3 1.7 1.5 0.7 0.8 1.7 0.5 0.8 1.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 1.9 0.4 1.0 2.4 5.2 1.1 1.6
1.1 -0.1 1.1 0.8 0.6 1.8 1.5 2.1 1.4 0.5 2.4 1.4 0.7 3.0 3.4 3.2 1.5 2.6 7.3 9.2 6.9 6.7
4.1 1.5 2.1 1.4 1.3 1.8 2.5 2.5 1.5 1.8 2.4 1.9 0.8 3.6 3.9 3.6 2.3 3.7 7.35 9.8 7.0 7.0
With the PR-EoS, the generalized alpha function predicts pure compound vapour pressures with an overall AAD of 1.2 % (0.5% bias) compared to 2.1 % AAD (–1.2% bias) with the classical Soave alpha function [206] (TABLE 5.3). However, this generalization leads to poor results especially with water because for this compound the adjusted and calculated c1 parameters using the generalization differ strongly (Figure 5.1). 1 0.9 0.8 0.7
0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.3
Acentric factor
Figure 5.1: Mathias-Copeman c1 parameter as a function of the acentric factor for the PR-EoS; U: c1 parameter for water.
This work, Eqs. (5.8-5.10).
Generalized PR Alpha Function [208] Bias % AAD %
Generalized MC Alpha Function2 Bias % AAD %
Generalized New Alpha Function3 Bias % AAD %
Hydrogen Methane Oxygen Nitrogen Ethylene Hydrogen sulphide Ethane Propane Isobutane n-Butane Cyclohexane Benzene Carbon dioxide Isopentane Pentane Ammonia Toluene Hexane Acetone Water Heptane Octane
0.8 -0.7 -1.8 -0.9 -2.3 -1.1 -1.4 -2.1 -3.8 -1.7 -1.5 -0.7 0.7 -1.8 -2.4 0.7 -1.9 -3.7 1.2 3.3 -3.2 -2.4
3.7 0.7 1.8 0.9 2.3 1.5 1.4 2.3 4.0 1.8 1.7 1.2 0.7 1.9 2.5 0.7 2.1 3.9 1.2 4.3 3.3 2.4
3.0 0.2 0.1 -0.3 -0.6 -0.8 0.3 -0.2 -1.5 0.5 -1.1 -0.4 0.6 0.5 0.3 1.3 0.3 -0.8 3.2 5.3 0.1 0.4
3.0 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.6 1.2 0.7 0.5 1.5 1.0 1.1 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.6 1.4 0.5 1.4 3.2 6.0 0.5 0.6
1.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.3 -0.5 -0.7 0.4 -0.1 -1.4 0.5 -1.0 -0.3 0.5 0.4 -0.1 1.2 -0.2 -1.8 2.4 4.1 -1.9 -2.2
1.2 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.5 1.0 0.7 0.5 1.4 1.0 1.1 0.6 0.5 0.8 0.3 1.3 0.3 2.1 2.4 5.0 2.1 2.4
To obtain more accurate pure compound vapour pressures, the three parameters were correlated to the acentric factor ω only for light hydrocarbons (up to pentane), water, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide and nitrogen. The relationships obtained for the PR-EoS are the following: c1 = 1.0113ω 2 + 1.1538ω + 0.4021
(5. 14)
c2 = - 7.7867ω 2 + 2.2590ω - 0.2011
(5. 15)
c3 = 2.8127ω 2 - 1.0040ω + 0.3964
(5. 16)
This work, Eqs. (5.11 - 5.13).
This work, Eqs. (5.17 - 5.19).
This more specific generalized alpha function predicts water vapour pressure with an AAD of 0.4 % (0.3 % bias ) compared to 6 % AAD (5.3 % bias ) with the first generalization (eqs. 5.14 - 5.16). The new proposed alpha function
It is proposed to improve the ability of the PR-EoS to predict pure compound vapour pressures. c1, c2 and c3, the three adjustable parameters for this new form (eq. 5.4) were evaluated following the procedure described in § Component
F (×104) (eq 5.7)
Hydrogen Methane Oxygen Nitrogen Ethylene Hydrogen sulphide Ethane Propane Isobutane n-Butane Cyclohexane Benzene Carbon dioxide Isopentane Pentane Ammonia Toluene Hexane Acetone Water Heptane Octane
0.09406 0.41667 0.41325 0.44950 0.51014 0.50694 0.52539 0.59311 0.64121 0.67084 0.68259 0.69709 0.68583 0.71103 0.74373 0.74852 0.75554 0.83968 0.82577 0.91402 0.87206 0.94934
-0.22429 -0.05156 0.10376 -0.03278 0.06247 0.14188 0.11674 0.17042 0.07005 0.09474 0.04522 -0.07749 0.17408 0.06958 0.05868 0.07849 0.11290 -0.19125 0.04252 -0.23571 0.08945 -0.00379
-0.02458 0.38954 0.10971 0.49308 0.32052 0.31438 0.13968 0.10182 0.42647 0.23091 0.53089 0.86396 0.18239 0.29784 0.35254 0.10073 0.22419 0.93864 0.15901 0.54115 0.28459 0.43788
0.2 2.1 3.0 1.6 1.8 0.9 7.6 14.6 11.6 13.1 2.0 8.0 2.0 8.2 10.6 0.5 10.2 42.2 3.3 3.2 9.7 15.8
The three parameters (TABLE 5.4) are also correlated as a function of the acentric factor for the all compounds: c1 = 0.1441ω 2 + 1.3838ω + 0.387
(5. 17)
c2 = −2.5214ω 2 + 0.6939ω + 0.0325
(5. 18)
c3 = 0.6225ω + 0.2236
(5. 19)
This generalization leads to better results that the classical generalized PR alpha function [208] (TABLE 5.3). The new alpha function predicts pure compound vapour pressure with an overall AAD of 1.2 % (0.01 % Bias) compared to 2.1 % (-1.2 % Bias) with
the classical alpha function [206]. The deviations obtained by this new alpha function are in general smaller than those obtained with the classical alpha function. However, the predictions of water vapour pressures are degraded by this generalization as in the study of the previous paragraph. To obtain more accurate vapour pressures, the three parameters were also correlated to the acentric factor ω for the same specific compounds, light hydrocarbons, water carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide and nitrogen. The relationships obtained for the PR-EoS are the following: c1 = 1.3569ω 2 + 0.9957ω + 0.4077
(5. 20)
c2 = -11.2986ω 2 + 3.5590ω - 0.1146
(5. 21)
c3 = 11.7802ω 2 - 3.8901ω + 0.5033
(5. 22)
This more specific generalized alpha function predicts water vapour pressure with an AAD of 0.4 % (0.02 % bias) compared to 6 % AAD (5.3 % bias) with the first generalization (eqs 5.17-5.19).
The comparison of results with the 22 compounds leads to the conclusion that the three different generalized alpha functions represent accurately the vapour pressure except for the polar compounds, water and ammonia. That is why the MC and the new alpha functions were generalized using only the parameters obtained for light hydrocarbons, water, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide and nitrogen.
TB Generalized Alpha Generalized MC Alpha Function [230] Function Bias % AAD % Bias % AAD %
Generalized New Alpha Function Bias % AAD %
Nitrogen Methane Hydrogen sulphide Ethane Propane Carbon dioxide Water Butane Pentane
1.2 1.3 0.8 -1.1 -2.6 2.2 0.7 -2.8 -4.8
1.7 1.5 2.7 3.7 5.0 2.2 1.2 5.1 6.6
-0.1 0.1 -0.2 1.2 0.6 0.7 0.3 0.4 -1.7
0.2 0.3 0.7 1.6 0.9 0.7 0.4 0.8 1.7
-0.1 0.1 -0.3 1.2 0.6 0.4 0.0 0.5 -1.5
0.2 0.2 0.6 1.6 1.1 0.4 0.4 1.1 1.5
The pure compound vapour pressures of these selected compounds (TABLE 5.5) were calculated using the both generalized alpha function as well as generalized Trebble-Bishnoi alpha function (eq.5.1). The m parameter of the Trebble Bishnoi alpha function was correlated to the acentric factor ω specifically for alkanes (up to C20), water and carbon dioxide by Daridon et al. [230]. The relationships obtained for the PR-EoS are the following: m = 0.418 + 1.58ω − 0.580ω 2 when ω < 0.4
(5. 23)
m = 0.212 + 2.2ω − 0.831ω 2 when ω ≥ 0.4
(5. 24)
The new generalized alpha function predicts pure compound vapour pressure with an overall AAD of 0.8 % (0.1% bias) compared to 3.3% (-0.6 % bias) with the generalized Trebble-Bishnoi alpha function. The results obtained with the generalized MC alpha function are similar, 0.8 % AAD (0.1% bias). In order to futher evaluate the capabilities of the studied alpha functions, different properties such as the vapour and liquid fugacities, the vapour and liquid residual enthalphies, the compressibility factor… were also calculated and compared. From these comparisons, it can be noted that all the above-mentioned alpha functions are successful in the calculation of the residual enthalpies and of the compressibility factor (example: for water the AAD in the calculation of the vapour residual enthalphie is 0.7 % and 3.1 % with the new generalized alpha function and the generalized MC alpha function, respectively).
Modelling by the φ - φ Approach
A general phase equilibrium model based on uniformity of the fugacity of each component throughout all the phases [291-292] was used to model the gas solubility. The VPT-EoS [226] with the NDD mixing rules [233] was employed in calculating fugacities in fluid phases. This combination has proved to be a strong tool in modelling systems with polar and non-polar components [233]. The VPT - EoS is given by: P=
RT a − v − b v(v + b ) + c(v − b )
(5. 25)
a = aα (Tr )
(5. 26)
Ω a R 2Tc2 Pc
(5. 27)
Ω b RTc Pc
(5. 28)
Ω c* RTc
(5. 29)
α (Tr ) = [1 + F (1 − TrΨ )]
(5. 30)
where P is the pressure, T is the temperature, v is the molar volume, R is the universal gas constant, and Ψ = 0.5 .
The subscripts c and r refer to critical and reduced properties,
respectively. The coefficients Ωa, Ωb, Ωc*, and F are given by: Ω a = 0.66121 − 0.76105Z c
(5. 31)
Ω b = 0.02207 + 0.20868Z c
(5. 32)
Ω c* = 0.57765 − 1.87080Z c
(5. 33)
F = 0.46283 + 3.58230(ωZ c ) + 8.19417(ωZ c )
(5. 34)
where Zc is the critical compressibility factor, and ω is the acentric factor. Tohidi-Kalorazi [293] relaxed the α function for water, αw, using experimental water vapour pressure data in the range of 258.15 to 374.15 K, in order to improve the predicted water fugacity:
α w (Tr ) = 2.4968 − 3.0661 Tr + 2.7048 Tr 2 − 1.2219 Tr 3
(5. 35)
The above relation is used in the present work. In this work, the NDD mixing rules developed by Avlonitis et al. [233] are applied to describe mixing in the a-parameter:
a = aC + a A
(5. 36)
where aC is given by the classical quadratic mixing rules as follows: a C = ∑∑ xi x j aij i
(5. 37)
and b, c and aij parameters are expressed by: b = ∑ xi bi
(5. 38)
c = ∑ xi c i
(5. 39)
aij = (1 − k ij ) ai a j
(5. 40)
where kij is the standard binary interaction parameter (BIP). The term aA corrects for asymmetric interactions, which cannot be efficiently accounted for by classical mixing rules: a A = ∑ x 2p ∑ xi a pi l pi
(5. 41)
a pi = a p ai
(5. 42)
l pi = l pi0 − l 1pi (T − T0 )
(5. 43)
where p is the index for polar components. Using the VPT-EoS and the NDD mixing rules, the fugacity of each component in all fluid phases is calculated from: 1 ln φi = RT
∂P dV- ln Z − RT / V ∂ni T ,V ,n j≠i
for i= 1, 2, ..., M
f i = xi φ i P
(5. 44)
(5. 45)
where φi , V, M, ni, Z and fi are the fugacity coefficient of component i in the fluid phases, volume, number of components, number of moles of component i, compressibility factor of the system and fugacity of component i in the fluid phases, respectively.
Modelling by the γ - φ Approach This approach is based on activity model for the condensed phase and an equation of
state for the fluid phase. The Peng-Robinson [208] equation of state (PR-EoS) is selected because of its simplicity and its widespread utilization in chemical engineering. Its formulation is:
RT a (T ) − v − b v (v + b) + b(v − b)
(5. 46)
in which : b = 0.07780
RTc Pc
(5. 47)
and a (T ) = a c α (Tr )
(5. 48)
where ac = 0.45724
( RTc )² Pc
(5. 49)
To have an accurate representation of vapour pressures of each component and because of the quality of results provided by this generalized alpha function, the new alpha function was selected (§ along with the classical quadratic mixing rules: a = ∑∑ xi x j aij
(5. 50)
where aij = ai a j (1 − k ij )
(5. 51)
b = ∑ xi bi
(5. 52)
At thermodynamic equilibrium, fugacity values of each component are equal in vapour and liquid phases. f i L ( P, T ) = f iV ( P, T )
(5. 53)
The vapour fugacity is calculated as follows: f iV ( P, T ) = ϕ iV × P × y i
(5. 54)
For the aqueous phase, a Henry’s law approach is used for gaseous components and water, as the gaseous components are at infinite dilution the asymmetric convention (γg→1 when xg →0) is used to express the Henry’s law for the gas (Eq. 5.55) and a symmetric convention (γw→1 when xw→1) for water (Eq. 5.56). f gL ( P, T ) = H wL (T ) × x g (T ) × exp((
v g∞ (T ) RT
)( P − Pw ))
for the gas
(5. 55)
f wL ( P, T ) = γ wL × ϕ wsat × Pwsat × xw (T ) × exp((
v wsat (T ) sat )( P − Pw )) RT
for water
P × ϕ g × y g (T )
(5. 56)
x g (T ) =
H wL (T ) × exp((
v g∞ (T ) RT
(5. 57)
)( P − Pw
The fugacity coefficient in the vapour phase is calculated using the Peng-Robinson EoS. Values of the partial molar volume of the gas at infinite dilution in water can be found in the literature for some compounds, but also with a correlation based on the work of Lyckman et al. [245] and reported by Heidmann and Prausnitz [246] in the following form:
Pc,i ⋅ vi∞ T ⋅ Pc,i = 0.095 + 2.35 ⋅ R ⋅T c ⋅ Tc,i c, i
(5. 58)
with Pci et Tci, solute critical pressure and temperature and c the cohesive energy density of water:
∆U w with ∆U w = ∆H w − R ⋅ T vwsat
(5. 59)
with ∆Uw, energy of water vaporization (at zero pressure) For better high temperature dependence the following correction is used: ∞ i
∞ i
v (T ) = v (T ) Lyckman
dv + w dT
× (T − 298.15)
(5. 60)
The Henry’s law constants for the gases can be adjusted directly from experimental results or can be taken from the literature [238]. In both cases the Henry’s constants are expressed using the mathematical equation below: log 10 ( H gas − w (T )) = A + B × 10 3 / T − C × log 10 (T ) + D × T
(H in atm)
The NRTL model [247] is used to calculate the water activity (Eqs 3.93 – 3.97)
(5. 61)
Dans ce chapitre, nous allons présenter les résultats expérimentaux et leurs modélisations pour les systèmes suivants : - Mesures de teneur en eau des systèmes : méthane, éthane et un mélange synthétique de méthane, éthane et n-butane. - Mesures de teneur en eau en présence d’inhibiteur pour le même mélange en présence de méthanol et d’éthylène glycol. - Mesures de solubilités de gaz dans l’eau pour le méthane, l’éthane, le propane, le mélange synthétique, le dioxyde de carbone, le sulfure d’hydrogène et l’azote. Pour finir les résultats expérimentaux sur la solubilité du méthane dans des solutions d’éthylène glycol seront présentés.
Experimental and Modelling Results Natural gases normally are in equilibrium with water inside reservoirs. Numerous
operational problems in gas industry can be attributed to the water produced and condensed in the production systems. Therefore, experimental data are crucial for successfully developing and validating models capable of predicting the phase behaviour of water/hydrocarbons systems over a wide temperature range. As water content measurements in vapour gas phases and gas solubilities measurements are completely different experiments, they are treated separately.
Water Content in Vapour Phase
6.1.1 Methane-Water System This project involves new water solubility measurements in vapour of the methanewater binary system near the hydrate forming conditions. Isothermal vapour-liquid and vapour-hydrate equilibrium data of the vapour phase for the methane-water binary system were measured at 283.1, 288.1, 293.1, 298.1, 303.1, 308.1, 313.1 and 318.1 K and pressures up to 35 MPa. The experimental and calculated (using model described in §5.3) VLE data are reported in TABLE 6.1 and plotted in Figures 6.2a and 6.2b. The BIPs, kij, are adjusted directly to VLE data through a modified Simplex algorithm using the objective function, displayed in eq. 6.1: 100 N yi , exp − yi , cal Fy = ∑ y N 1 i , exp
where N is the number of data points, yexp is the measured pressure and ycal the calculated pressure. Our isothermal P, y data sets are well represented by the selected approach ( AAD =
1 N
xexp erimental − xcalculated xexp erimental
= 3.3 %
). Adjusted binary interaction
parameters: kij have been adjusted on all isothermal data in VLE condition. Adjustments performed on each isotherms independently revealed binary interaction parameters are temperature independent: k i j = 0.4935 , τ12 = 2375 J.mol-1, τ21 = 2780 J.mol-1
Pressure / MPa
Hydrate I -Vapour
Ice-Vapour 1 255
Temperature / K
Figure 6.1: Pressure –Temperature diagram for methane and water *: data from Mc Leod and Campbell (1961) [156], ∆ : data from Deaton and Frost Jr. (1946) [155], ●: data from Kobayashi and Katz (1949) [32], Solid line is calculated using the approach proposed by Chen and Guo (1998) [267].
Above the hydrate forming conditions, the solubility of methane in the aqueous phase was calculated with the Henry’s law approach using the correlation proposed for methane by Yaws et al. [238]. log10 ( H mw (T )) = 146 .89 − 5.768 × 10 3 / T − 5.191 × 101 × log10 (T ) + 1.85 × 10 −2 × T
And the water activity is calculated through the NRTL model. The NRTL model parameters (τ12, τ21), except αji = 0.3 have also been adjusted on all isothermal data in VLE condition. Adjustments performed on each isotherms independently revealed binary interaction parameters are temperature independent:
τ12 = 2375 J.mol-1, τ21 = 2780 J.mol-1 (and αj,i = 0.3). The calculated data are reported in TABLE 6.1 and plotted in Figures 6.2a and 6.2b. As a validation of the use of the correlation (eq. 6.1), the Henry’s constant for methane has been measured using the dilutor exponential technique [277] at different temperatures. The values of the Henry’s constant are reported in TABLE 6.2.
Temperature (K) 283.08 283.08 283.08 283.08
Pressure (MPa) 1.006 6.030 10.010* 14.240*
Water Content, yexp ( ×103) 1.240 0.292 0.213 0.150
Calculated Water Content, ycal ( ×103) 1.261 0.265
(yexp-ycal)/∆yexp % -1.7 9.1
Calculated Water Mole Fraction in Aqueous Phase, xcal 9.9967E-01 9.9834E-01
288.11 288.11 288.11 288.11 288.11 288.11
1.044 6.023 10.030 17.490* 25.060* 34.460*
1.780 0.382 0.273 0.167 0.126 0.092
1.686 0.363 0.260
5.3 4.9 4.9
9.9969E-01 9.9851E-01 9.9783E-01
293.11 293.11 293.11 293.11 293.11 293.11
0.992 5.770 9.520 17.680 24.950* 35.090*
2.360 0.483 0.338 0.267 0.225 0.168
2.413 0.507 0.359 0.264 0.233
-2.2 -5.0 -6.3 1.0 -3.4
9.9974E-01 9.9869E-01 9.9809E-01 9.9716E-01
298.11 298.11 298.11 298.11 298.11 298.11
1.010 6.390 10.070 17.520 25.150 34.420
3.300 0.631 0.471 0.355 0.313 0.265
3.231 0.627 0.460 0.346 0.301 0.270
2.1 0.5 2.3 2.4 3.9 -2.0
9.9976E-01 9.9870E-01 9.9816E-01 9.9737E-01 9.9679E-01 9.9624E-01
303.11 303.11 303.11 303.11 303.11 303.11
1.100 6.060 9.840 17.500 25.060 34.560
4.440 0.889 0.625 0.456 0.371 0.331
4.027 0.864 0.613 0.449 0.388 0.345
9.3 2.9 1.9 1.4 -4.5 -4.3
9.9976E-01 9.9884E-01 9.9832E-01 9.9753E-01 9.9697E-01 9.9642E-01
308.11 308.11 308.11 308.11 308.11 308.11
1.100 5.990 9.840 17.490 25.090 34.580
5.820 1.114 0.807 0.577 0.495 0.447
5.345 1.142 0.798 0.578 0.494 0.437
8.2 -2.5 1.1 -0.2 0.2 2.2
9.9978E-01 9.9893E-01 9.9842E-01 9.9766E-01 9.9711E-01 9.9658E-01
313.12 313.12 313.12 313.12 313.12 313.12
1.100 6.056 9.980 17.470 25.170 34.610
7.460 1.516 1.045 0.715 0.626 0.575
6.745 1.470 1.021 0.738 0.625 0.550
9.6 3.1 2.3 -3.2 0.1 4.3
9.9979E-01 9.9898E-01 9.9848E-01 9.9777E-01 9.9722E-01 9.9670E-01
318.12 318.12 318.12 318.12 318.12 318.12
1.003 6.0170 10.010 17.500 25.120 34.610
9.894 1.985 1.326 0.890 0.763 0.691
9.943 1.901 1.303 0.933 0.787 0.687
-0.5 4.2 1.8 -4.9 -3.1 0.5
9.9982E-01 9.9904E-01 9.9855E-01 9.9785E-01 9.9732E-01 9.9679E-01
Calculated Henry’s law constant /MPa 273.15 396.1 278.15 429.1 T/K
Measured Henry’s law constant /MPa 405.4 442.5
Pressure / MPa
0 0 .0 0 0 1
0 .0 0 1
0 .0 1
Water Content / Mole Fraction
Figure 6.2a: Methane–Water system pressure as a function of water mole fraction at different temperatures. □ : 283.08 K, × : 288.11 K, ▲ :293.11 K, o: 298.11 K, ● : 303.11 K, ◊ : 308.11 K, * : 313.12 K, ∆ : 318.12 K.Solid lines : calculated with PR-EoS and the classical mixing rules. Dash line: Hydrate forming line calculated using the van der Waals – Platteeuw approach
Water Content / Mol Fraction
0.00001 3.1
inv. Temperature / 1000.K
Figure 6.2b: Water content in the gas phase of the water – methane system , 1 MPa; c, 6 MPa; S, 10 MPa; ±, 17.5 MPa; ¿,25 MPa; z, 34.5 MPa
The solubility measurements of water in vapour of the methane-water binary system have been compared with available data in literature (Figure 6.3a and b). The results at temperature higher than 298 K are consistent with those of all the authors except YarymAgaev et al. at T=298.15 K [18]. As illustrated by the picture, the data of Yarym-Agaev and co-workers differ strongly at 298.15 K from those given by Rigby and Prausnitz [23]. The data reported by Culberson and Mc Ketta [24] are quite dispersed. In using the adjusted BIPs, it can be noticed that even at higher temperature (323.15 and 338.15 K) than in the adjusted temperature range, a good agreement is observed with the literature data.
Pressure / MPa
1 0.0001
Water Content / Mole Fraction
Figure 6.3a: Py-diagram comparing selected experimental data at T > 298 K z, data at 298.15 K from Rigby and Prausnitz (1968) [23];
, data at 323.15 K from Rigby and Prausnitz (1968) [23]; , data at 298.15 K from Yarym-Agaev et al. (1985) [18]; ▲, data at 310.93 K from Culberson and Mc Ketta (1951) [24]; c, data at 338.15 K from Yarym-Agaev et al. (1985) [18]; ±, data at 313.15 K from Yarym-Agaev et al. (1985) [18]; À, data at 323.15 K from Gillepsie and Wilson (1982) [19]; U, data at 323.15 K data from Yokoyama et al. (1988) [17]; Solid lines represent yw calculated values at 298.11-338.15 K.
At low temperatures (T < 298 K, i.e. 293.11, 288.11 and 283.08 K), and low pressures the water contents are in good agreement with the data of Althaus and Kosyakov et al. [15, 20] (at 1.04 MPa and 288.12 K, yw = 1.78×10-3 and at 1 MPa and 283.08 K, yw = 1.24 ×10-3 in this work, and the water mole fraction at 288.15 and 283.15 for 1 MPa correlated with the PR-EoS and the classical mixing rules for the work of Althaus is yw = 1.75×10-3 and yw = 1.26×10-3 respectively). In general in VLE condition, the new generated data along with both last cited data are in a satisfactory agreement. However, slight deviations are observed in VH conditions (At 10 MPa, and 283.1 K, yw = 2.1×10-4 and at 10 MPa and 283.15 K, yw = 1.8 ×10-4 for the work of Althaus). That might be explained by different factors. For calibration and withdrawal of samples, adsorption of water is highly reduced by using Silcosteel™ tubing between the dilutor and the TCD, and between the sampler and the TCD.
Pressure / MPa
0.1 0.0001
Water Content / Mole Fraction
Figure 6.3b: Py-diagram comparing selected experimental data at T < 298 K +, 283.1 K; z, 288.1 K; , data at 293.15 K from Althaus (1999) [15]; z, data at 288.15 K from Althaus (1999) [15]; U, data at 283.15 K from Althaus (1999) [15]; , data at 278.15 K from Althaus (1999) [15]; ¡, data at 273.15 K from Althaus (1999) [15]; c, data at 268.15 K from Althaus (1999) [15]; ±, data at 263.15 K from Althaus (1999) [15]; S, data at 258.15 K from Althaus (1999) [15]; À, data at 283.15 K from Kosyakov et al. (1982) [20];
, data at 273.15 K from Kosyakov et al. (1982) [20].
Moreover, a series of tests was performed in order to check that the adsorption of water inside the internal injection loop was negligible. The number of water molecules adsorbed inside the loop is a function of both the valve loop temperature and the contact time with the water saturated helium. It was observed that absorption was really negligible for temperatures higher than 523 K. To completely avoid the adsorption phenomenon, the internal injection valve and tubing were maintained at 573 K. It was checked that varying the loop sweeping time from 5 to 60 seconds had no sensitive effect on the water peak area. Different sampling sizes have been selected during the experiments and the results repeatability is within 5%. The difference of composition might be also explained by the fact that phase transition (to a hydrate phase) had not enough time to take place (as hydrate formation is not instantaneous). But during the experiments, after introduction of the gas into the cell directly from the commercial cylinder or via a gas compressor, an efficient stirring is started and pressure is stabilized within about one minute, if no hydrate is formed. In case of hydrate formation the pressure in cell continue to decrease within a long period of time that can extend to 4 hours. In this case, solubility measurements were performed only when pressure was constant for about one hour (Furthermore pressure is verified to be constant all
along the sample analyses, 3 hours of measurements at least for one solubility). The technique used in [15] and generally to measure the water composition in a gas phase is a dynamic method i.e.: the gas is bubbled at ambient temperature into a saturator filled with water. The temperature of this saturated gas is reduced to the desired equilibrium temperature by a series of condensers. The main difficulty associated with that technique is about the possibility of reaching an equilibrated hydrate phase (in PT conditions of hydrate formation) due to small residence times. The calculated Henry’s law constant using the correlation is estimated to be within 3% in comparison with the measured Henry’s law constant. The calculated water distributions in the aqueous phase of the system have been compared with data from Yang et al. [84] at 298.15 K, Culberson and Mc Ketta at 298.15 and 310.93 K [54] and Lekvam and Bishnoi [66] (Figure 6.4). A good agreement is found between all of these data within experimental uncertainties. The results of Wang et al. [86] at 283.2 K are higher than others from literature but lower at 293.2 and 303.2 K. However, the methane solubilities in water will be studied more in details further on. An equivalent of the Mc Ketta Chart has been produced using the adjusted parameters (Figure 6.5) 35
Pressure / MPa
0 0.996
Water Composition / Mole Fraction
Figure 6.4: Calculated water mole fraction in the aqueous phase at different temperatures Solid lines, calculated with the Henry’s law approach for 283.08-318.12 K; , Culberson and Mc Ketta, Jr (1951) at T=310.93 K [54]; U, Culberson and Mc Ketta, Jr (1951) at T= 298.15 K [54], ▲, Lekvam and Bishnoi (1997) at T=283.37 K [66]; z , Lekvam and Bishnoi (1997) T=285.67 K [66], À, Lekvam and Bishnoi (1997) at T=274.35 K [66]; +, data of Yang et al. at 298.15 K [84],
: Wang et al. (2003) at T=293.2 K [86]; c, Wang et al. (2003) at T=283.2 K [86], : Wang et al. (2003) at T=303.2 K [86].
0.1 0.1 MPa
0.2 MPa 0.5 MPa
1 MPa 1.5 MPa 2 MPa 3 MPa 5 MPa 7.5 MPa
10 MPa
Water Content / Mole Fraction
15 MPa 20 MPa 30 MPa 50MPa 75 MPa 100 MPa
0.00001 233.15
Temperature / K Figure 6.5: Water Content of Methane (Blue line: hydrate dissociation line)
Ethane-Water System
This system involves measurements of the vapour phase composition for the ethane water binary system presenting phase equilibria near hydrate-forming conditions. The H2O C2H6 binary system isothermal vapour phase data, concerning both vapour-liquid and vapourhydrate equilibria, were measured at (278.08, 283.11, 288.11, 293.11, 298.11 and 303.11) K and pressures up to the ethane vapour pressure. 8
Pressure / MPa
Lw - Le
Hydrate I - Le - Lw
Critical Point
Ice-Hydrate I - Le
Hydrate I - Lw Vapor
Lw - Vapor
Ice-Hydrate I - Vapor
0 255
Ice-Vapor 260
Temperature/ K
Figure 6.6: Pressure –Temperature diagram for ethane + water system *, data from Deaton and Frost Jr. [155] ; ∆, data from Ng and Robinson [184] ; ●, data from Reamer et al. [159] ; □, data from Holder et al. [160];……., Ice Vapour Pressure ;-------, Ethane Vapour Pressure ;Lw, Liquid Water ; Le, Liquid Ethane
As for methane, the VLE experimental and calculated (using model described in §5.3) data are reported in TABLE 6.3 and plotted in Figures 6.7. The BIPs, kij, are adjusted directly to VLE data through a modified Simplex algorithm using the objective function, displayed in eq 6.1. Adjusted binary interaction parameters: kij are found constant in the temperature range equals to 0.46. And the water activity is calculated through the NRTL model for which adjusted parameters are: τ1,2=2795 J/mol and τ2,1=2977 J/mol and αj,i = 0.3.
Temperature (K)
Pressure (MPa)
Water Content, yexp ( ×103)
Water Content, Calculated, ycal ( ×103)
(yexp-ycal)/∆yexp %
278.08 278.08 278.08 278.08 278.08 278.08 278.08 278.08
0.455 0.756 0.990 1.23 1.51 1.58 2.11 2.71
2.050 1.270 0.898 0.673 0.476 0.453 0.304 0.215
2.11 1.26
-2.7 1.0
283.11 283.11 283.11 283.11 283.11 283.11 283.11 283.11 283.11 283.11 283.11 283.11 283.11
0.323 0.388 0.415 0.621 0.774 0.962 1.05 1.45 1.82 2.11 2.35 2.78 2.99
4.210 3.510 3.280 2.120 1.710 1.340 1.170 0.816 0.575 0.501 0.436 0.352 0.304
3.92 3.32 3.13 2.23 1.78
7.5 5.9 4.7 -5.1 -4.2
288.11 288.11 288.11 288.11 288.11 288.11 288.11
0.898 1.39 1.91 2.49 2.85 3.19 3.36
2.320 1.410 0.934 0.644 0.541 0.461 0.427
2.21 1.41 0.956 0.663 0.550 0.461 0.422
5.3 0.4 -2.3 -2.8 -1.6 0.0 1.2
293.11 293.11 293.11 293.11 293.11 293.11 293.11 293.11 293.11 293.11
0.401 0.527 0.774 1.22 1.50 2.56 3.24 3.32 3.48 3.75
6.790 5.200 3.480 2.060 1.670 0.895 0.660 0.626 0.595 0.525
7.01 5.14 3.35 2.05 1.78 0.883 0.660 0.638 0.595
-3.1 1.1 3.7 0.6 -6.5 1.4 -0.0 -1.9 0.0
298.11 298.11 298.11 298.11 298.11 298.11 298.11 298.11
1.08 1.43 2.19 2.73 3.53 3.99 4.01 4.12
3.860 2.850 1.780 1.370 0.982 0.794 0.768 0.749
3.56 2.65 1.68 1.30 0.940 0.794 0.788 0.755
8.3 7.8 5.5 5.6 4.5 0.0 -2.5 -0.8
303.11 303.11 303.11 303.11 303.11 303.11 303.11 303.11
0.649 0.966 1.76 2.48 3.37 4.38 4.48 4.63
8.540 5.740 3.070 1.980 1.410 0.990 0.943 0.911
7.69 5.17 2.89 1.98 1.38 0.990 0.957 0.901
11.1 11.1 6.0 0.0 2.4 0.0 -1.4 1.0
5 4.5 4
Pressure / MPa
3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.0001
Water Content / Mole Fraction
Figure 6.7: Water content in the vapour phase of the ethane - water system , 278.08 K; ▲, 283.11 K; c, 288.11 K; ¼, 293.11 K;
, 298.11 K; ●, 303.11 K.
Our isothermal P, y data sets are well represented with the Peng-Robinson equation of state using the new alpha function and the classical mixing rules (deviations generally less than ± 5 % and AAD = 3.4 %).
Water Content in the Water with -Propane, -n-Butane, -Nitrogen, CO2, -H2S Systems
As no data have been generated in our laboratory for the propane – water and nbutane- water systems, literature data in VLE conditions are used to tune the parameters. Source of literature data for each system are reported in TABLE 2.2. As for methane and ethane, the BIPs, kij, are adjusted directly to VLE data through a modified Simplex algorithm using the objective function, displayed in eq 6.1. Adjusted kij binary interaction parameters are found constant in the concerned temperature range; their values are 0.3978 and 0.4591 for propane and n-butane, respectively. The water activity is calculated through the NRTL model and it is recommended to use τ1,2=2912 J/mol and τ2,1= 3059 J/mol for propane and τ1,2=3286 J/mol and τ2,1= 3321 J/mol for n-butane with αj,i = 0.3. All adjusted parameters are finally listed in the table below. Unfortunately, no general pattern is observed for the kij parameter in function of the molecular weight of the gas or the acentric factor or the number of carbon atoms. However, the value of this parameter is close for all the systems. 158
Compounds Methane Ethane Propane n-Butane Carbon Dioxide Hydrogen Sulphide Nitrogen
Molecular τ12 /J.mol-1 τ21/J.mol-1 Weight 16.02 30.07 44.10 58.14 44.01 34.08 28.01
The same adjustment work is carried out for carbon dioxide, nitrogen and hydrogen sulphide using available data from the literature and experimental data generated during this work. For carbon dioxide, a few measurements have been done, the experimental water content data are reported in Table 6.5 and plotted in Figure 6.8: T/K
P / MPa
yCO2¯ 102
yH2O ¯ 102
318.22 318.22 318.22 318.22 318.22 318.22 318.22 318.22
0.464 1.044 1.863 3.001 3.980 4.956 5.992 6.930
97.49 98.75 99.34 99.56 99.62 99.65 99.67 99.70
2.50 1.25 0.65 0.44 0.38 0.35 0.33 0.29
308.21 308.21 308.21 308.21 308.21 308.21 308.21 308.21 308.21 308.21 308.21
0.582 0.819 1.889 2.970 3.029 4.005 4.985 5.949 7.056 7.930 7.963
99.04 99.21 99.66 99.77 99.77 99.80 99.83 99.84 99.83 99.77 99.75
0.96 0.79 0.34 0.23 0.23 0.20 0.17 0.16 0.17 0.23 0.25
298.28 298.28 298.28 298.28 298.28
0.504 1.007 1.496 2.483 3.491
99.35 99.62 99.72 99.86 99.87
0.65 0.38 0.28 0.14 0.13
288.26 288.26 288.26
0.496 1.103 1.941
99.69 99.86 99.91
0.31 0.14 0.09
278.22 278.22 278.22
0.501 0.755 1.016
99.85 99.89 99.93
0.15 0.11 0.07
Pressure / MPa
0.1 0.0001
Water Content / Mole Fraction
Figure 6.8: Water content in the vapour phase of the carbon dioxide - water system
, 318.2 K; c, 308.2 K; ▲, 298.2 K; ±, 288.2 K; U, 278.2 K; Literature data: +, 323.15 K from [44]; S, 323.15 K from [45];z, 323.15 K from [39];c, 323.15 K from [37]; , 348.15 K from [44]; À, 348.15 K from [45]; ▬, 348.15 K from [27]; Solid lines, calculated with the PR-EoS and Classical mixing rules with parameters from Table 6.4 at 278.22, 288.26, 298.28, 308.21, 318.22, 323.15 and 348.15 K. Grey solid line, water content calculated at CO2 vapour pressure with model 1. Grey dashed line, water content calculated at CO2 hydrate dissociation pressure
The kij are adjusted directly to VLE data (literature and from this work) through a modified Simplex algorithm using the objective function, displayed in eq 6.1. Adjusted binary interaction parameters are listed in Table 6.4. The isothermal P, y data sets are well represented with the Peng-Robinson equation of state using the new alpha function and the classical mixing rules with parameters adjusted on the data. Water content measurements in vapour phase of nitrogen - water systems have been generated in the 282.86 to 363.08 K temperature range for pressures up to about 5 MPa. The new experimental water content data are reported in Table 6.6 and are plotted in Figure 6.9. Our isothermal P, y data sets are well represented with the first approach. The agreements between the experimental (exp) and predicted (prd) data are good, with typical AD (absolute deviation AD =
y 2 exp − y 2 prd
) values between 0.1 and 8.1 %.
y 2 exp
These data are also compared with the predictions of the second thermodynamic model. The agreements between the experimental and predicted data are good, with typical AD
deviation AAD =
1 N
y 2 exp − y 2 prd y 2 exp
) among all the experimental and predicted data is 2.4
% for the first model and 2.1 % for the second model, respectively. For further evaluation, a comparison is also made between the new data and some selected data from the literature. The results at all conditions are consistent with those of all the authors, as illustrated by Figure 6.10. The agreements between the new experimental data, predictions of both thermodynamic models and the selected literature data demonstrate the reliability of experimental data, technique and predictive methods used in this work.
Water Content, yexp ( ×104)
282.86 282.99 282.99 283.03
0.607 1.799 3.036 4.408
293.10 293.19 293.10 293.10
γ - φ Approach
φ - φ Approach
AD %
yprd ×104
AD %
20.40 7.14 4.46 3.17
20.20 7.23 4.51 3.29
1.0 1.3 1.1 3.8
20.30 7.24 4.50 3.27
0.5 1.4 0.9 3.2
0.558 1.828 2.991 4.810
42.50 13.60 8.44 5.58
42.00 13.60 8.61 5.72
1.2 0.0 2.0 2.5
42.60 13.70 8.66 5.73
0.2 0.7 2.6 2.7
304.02 304.36 304.51 304.61
0.578 1.257 2.539 4.638
79.30 37.00 18.80 11.20
77.10 37.00 19.30 11.40
2.8 0.0 2.7 1.8
78.70 37.70 19.60 11.50
0.8 1.9 4.3 2.7
313.30 313.15 313.26 313.16
0.498 1.246 2.836 4.781
153.00 60.90 27.80 17.50
148.00 60.20 28.00 17.50
3.3 1.1 0.7 0.0
152.00 61.60 28.50 17.80
0.7 1.1 2.5 1.7
322.88 323.10 322.93 322.93
0.499 1.420 3.397 4.841
240.00 87.20 39.60 29.20
241.00 88.20 38.70 28.30
0.4 1.1 2.3 3.1
248.00 90.40 39.50 28.80
3.3 3.7 0.3 1.4
332.52 332.45 332.52 332.52
0.461 1.448 2.454 4.358
427.00 134.00 85.50 48.80
414.00 135.00 82.10 48.60
3.0 0.7 4.0 0.4
426.00 139.00 84.30 49.80
0.2 3.7 1.4 2.0
342.31 342.31 342.39 342.42 342.31
0.425 0.462 1.466 2.899 4.962
719.00 658.00 219.00 103.00 66.60
696.00 641.00 208.00 109.00 66.70
3.2 2.6 5.0 5.8 0.2
718.00 661.00 214.00 112.00 68.40
0.1 0.5 2.3 8.7 2.7
351.87 352.12 351.92 351.95
0.540 1.480 2.957 4.797
849.00 335.00 162.00 111.00
822.00 310.00 159.00 102.00
3.2 7.5 1.9 8.1
848.00 320.00 164.00 105.00
0.1 4.5 1.2 5.4
363.00 363.08
0.555 4.874
1260.00 161.00
1240.00 155.00
1.6 3.7
1280.00 160.00
1.6 0.6
Pressure / MPa
0.1 0.0001
Water content / Mole Fraction
Figure 6.9: Water content in the vapour phase of the nitrogen - water system , 283.0 K; z, 293.1 K; U, 304.4 K; , 313.2 K; c, 323.0 K; c, 332.5 K; À, 342.3 K; , 352.0 K;
, 363.0 K. Solid lines, water content predicted at experimental temperatures with model 1.
Pressure / MPa
0.1 0.0001
Water Content / Mole Fraction
Figure 6.10: Water content in the vapour phase of the nitrogen - water system. z, 278.15 K from Althaus [15]; , 283.15 K from Althaus [15]; c, 293.15 K from Althaus [15]; 298.15 K from Maslennikova et al. [47]; U, 323.15 K from Maslennikova et al. [47];
, 373.15 K from Maslennikova et al. [47]; ¿, 373.15 K from Sidorov et al. [44]. Solid lines, water content calculated at 278.15, 283.15, 293.15, 298.15, 303.15, 313.15, 323.15, 333.15, 343.15, 353.15, 363.15 and 373.15 K with model 1.
Water content measurements in vapour phase of hydrogen sulphide - water systems have been generated in the 298.2 to 338.3 K temperature range for pressures up to about 4 MPa. The new experimental water content data are reported in Table 6.7 and are plotted in Figure 6.10. Our isothermal P, y data sets are well represented with the first approach. The agreements between the experimental (exp) and predicted (prd) data are relatively good, with typical AD values between 0.0 and 12 %.
T /K
P /MPa
Water Content, yexp ( ×102)
298.16 298.16 308.2 308.2 308.2 308.2 308.2 308.2 318.21 318.21 318.21 318.21 318.21 318.21 318.21
0.503 0.690 0.503 0.762 0.967 1.401 1.803 2.249 0.518 0.999 1.053 1.519 1.944 2.531 2.778
6.53 4.70 10.46 7.19 5.77 4.38 3.64 3.20 21.28 11.30 11.16 7.44 5.92 4.70 4.61
γ - φ approach
φ - φ approach
AD %
yprd ×102
AD %
6.528 4.855 11.521 7.807 6.288 4.553 3.708 3.143 18.970 10.310 9.833 7.150 5.851 4.812 4.521
0.0 3.3 9.7 8.6 9.0 3.9 1.9 1.8 10.9 8.8 12.2 3.9 1.2 2.4 1.9
6.643 4.943 11.781 7.987 6.432 4.655 3.789 3.208 19.470 10.580 10.091 7.338 6.002 4.931 4.630
1.7 5.2 12.6 11.1 11.5 6.3 4.1 0.3 8.5 6.4 9.6 1.4 1.4 4.9 0.4
Pressure / MPa
0 0.001
Water Content / Mole fraction
Figure 6.11: Water content in the vapour phase of the hydrogen sulphide - water system.
▲, 318.2 K; c, 308.2 K; , 298.2 K; Solid line, water content calculated with γ - φmodel. Grey dashed line, water content calculated at H2S hydrate dissociation pressure
Mix1- Water System
Water content data in the vapour phase of hydrocarbon gas mixture/water systems presenting phase equilibria near hydrate forming conditions have been generated from 268.15 to 313.11 K and up to 34.5 MPa.
Pressure / MPa
0.1 260
Temperature / K
Figure 6.12: Hydrate dissociation pressures for the gas mixture in pure water, in an aqueous solution of methanol (24 and 49 wt %) and in an aqueous solution of ethylene glycol (34 wt %): black line: hydrate dissociation pressure in pure water; blue lines, hydrate dissociation pressure in the aqueous solution of methanol; red line: hydrate dissociation pressures in the aqueous solution of ethylene glycol.
Table 6.8 shows the experimental data measured for water content of the gas mixture (94% methane + 4% ethane + 2% n-butane), these data are also plotted along with the predictied results in Figure 6.13. This table also shows the water content values calculated by the φ-φ approach and the γ -φ approach (BIPs in Annex E). The results of both predictive methods (because the parameters are independent from these results, BIPs not adjusted on data of this work) are in nearly good agreement with the experimental data. It should be noted that measuring the water content in vapour phase especially at low temperatures is very difficult and the 10% uncertainty is normally acceptable. As can be seen, large deviations (>15 % for two points) are also observed.
Temperature Pressure (K) (MPa)
(yexp-ycal)/∆yexp %
Water Content, yexp ( ×104) Exp
φ-φ approach
γ-φ approach
φ-φ approach
268.15 268.17* 268.18* 268.17* 268.17* 268.17*
1.020 6.030 10.058 17.574 25.049 34.599
4.514 0.904 0.588 0.518 0.422 0.332
273.09 273.17* 273.15* 273.16* 273.16* 273.16*
1.063 6.012 10.056 17.542 25.059 34.610
6.857 1.090 0.752 0.662 0.600 0.501
278.15 278.15* 278.15* 278.15* 278.16* 278.27*
1.007 6.012 10.048 17.519 25.069 34.557
8.884 1.405 1.014 0.920 0.876 0.843
283.14 283.14* 283.13* 283.14* 283.14* 283.14*
1.018 5.993 10.007 17.510 25.067 34.547
13.715 2.419 1.648 1.451 1.355 1.328
288.15 288.15 288.15* 288.16* 288.16* 288.15*
1.012 6.017 10.005 17.501 25.021 34.500
17.925 3.460 2.392 1.916 1.694 1.588
17.587 3.665
17.34 3.46
2 -6
3 0
297.93 297.93 297.95 297.95 297.95 297.94
1.010 6.005 10.053 17.543 25.032 34.514
32.050 6.363 4.233 3.015 2.751 2.580
32.219 6.594 4.617 3.461 3.013 2.693
31.87 6.31 4.40 3.54 2.84 2.56
-1 -4 -9 -15 -9 -4
1 1 -4 -17 -3 -1
303.14 303.12 303.13 303.13 303.13 303.13
1.028 6.036 9.990 17.556 25.168 34.677
38.212 8.450 6.128 4.420 3.788 3.414
42.916 8.813 6.170 4.547 3.920 3.487
42.49 8.48 5.92 4.66 3.85 3.44
-12 -4 -1 -3 -4 -2
-11 0 3 -5 -2 -1
308.12 308.13 308.13 308.12 308.12 308.12
1.029 6.007 10.044 17.501 25.018 34.529
48.105 10.892 7.722 5.306 4.402 4.077
56.699 11.630 8.026 5.877 5.031 4.448
56.21 11.24 7.75 6.01 4.80 4.28
-18 -7 -4 -11 -14 -9
-17 -3 0 -13 -9 -5
313.14 313.14 313.14 313.14 313.11
6.061 10.032 17.502 25.078 34.553
13.682 9.374 6.848 5.789 5.090
15.036 10.394 7.526 6.393 5.618
14.60 10.09 7.69
-10 -11 -10 -10 -10
-7 -8 -12 -5 -8
6.09 5.49
TABLE 6.8 – MEASURED AND CALCULATED WATER CONTENT (MOLE FRACTIONS) IN THE VAPOUR PHASE OF THE MIX1 / WATER SYSTEM. * measurement corresponding to hydrate-vapour equilibrium.
Water Content /Mole Fraction
0.00001 1
Pressure / MPa
Figure 6.13: Water content in the vapour phase of the Water – MIX system. ●, 313.1 K; ▲, 308.1 K;
, 303.1 K; ±, 297.9 K; , 288.1 K; ¾, 283.1 K; c, 278.2 K; , 273.2 K; , 268.2 K.
The water contents in the vapour of water with -methane, -ethane and –MIX1 systems are similar, of the same order (Figure 6.14). This is quite normal as the gas mixture is mainly composed of methane (at 94 %) and thus behaves similarly to methane. For ethane as well the results are consistent as the water content has been measured at relatively low pressures (from 0.5 MPa up to the vapour pressure of ethane) and thus has a behaviour close to ideality.
Water Content / Mole Fraction
0.0001 0.1
Pressure / MPa
Figure 6.14: Comparison: Water Content in the Vapour Phase of the Water –Methane (c, Water content in Methane), -Ethane (, Water content in Ethane) and -MIX1 (U, Water content in MIX1) Systems at 283.1 K
A comparison between these new data and previously reported in the GPA research report 45 [294] at similar pressures shows that the data are in a close agreement (Figure 6.15).
Water Content / Mole Fraction
inv Temperature 1000/K
Figure 6.15: Comparison: Water Content in the Vapour Phase in VH condition c, 6 MPa; S, 10 MPa; z data from GPA RR-45 at 6.9 MPa [294]; z data from GPA RR-45 at 10.3 MPa [294].
Mix1- Water-Methanol System
Water and methanol content measurements in the vapour phase have been generated from 268.15 up to 313.11 K and up to 34.5 MPa at two different composition of methanol in the aqueous phase 24 and 49 wt.% (TABLE 6.9 and Figure 6.16a). The system consisting of 24 wt % of methanol in the liquid phase (feed) presents phase equilibria near hydrate forming conditions and in hydrate conditions, in the second case studied (49 wt.% of methanol) at 273.15 and 268.15 K, only VLE conditions are encountered.
Water Content (×103) Experimental Prediction
AD %
Methanol Content (×100) Experimental Prediction
T /K
P /MPa
268.10 268.10 268.10 268.10 268.10
6.83* 10.08* 16.13* 24.62* 34.28*
0.0669 0.0516 0.0472 0.0415 0.0356
0.0674 0.0593 0.0502 0.0451 0.0416
0.7 15 6.3 8.6 17
0.0192 0.0250 0.0300 0.0387 0.0494
0.0192 0.0226 0.0322 0.042 0.0485
0.1 9.5 7.4 8.6 1.8
273.10 273.10 273.10 273.10 273.10 273.10 273.10 273.10
6.13* 10.00* 10.46* 17.48* 17.56* 25.13* 25.16* 34.95*
0.0993 0.0866 0.0850 0.0703 0.0706 0.0656 0.0649 0.0604
0.1124 0.0840 0.0822 0.0680 0.0679 0.0617 0.0617 0.0567
13 3 3.4 3.2 3.8 5.9 5 6.2
0.0211 0.0290 0.0290 0.0411 0.0411 0.0463 0.0463 0.0525
0.0255 0.0353 0.0367 0.0412 0.0414 0.0509 0.0509 0.0584
21 22 26 0.2 0.5 9.9 10 11
278.10 278.10 278.10 278.10 278.10
5.93 10.01 17.59* 25.00* 34.50*
0.1416 0.1170 0.0966 0.0801 0.0746
0.1623 0.1170 0.0930 0.0840 0.0769
15 0 3.8 4.8 3.1
0.0342 0.0360 0.0512 0.0588 0.0623
0.0328 0.0356 0.0540 0.0741 0.0942
4.1 1.2 5.5 26 38
283.10 283.10 283.10 283.10 283.10
5.86 9.75 14.16 21.79 34.47
0.2184 0.1450 0.1261 0.1183 0.1073
0.2279 0.1636 0.1367 0.1176 0.1029
4.3 13 8.4 0.5 4.1
0.0447 0.0475 0.0530 0.0670 0.0784
0.0428 0.0442 0.0525 0.0669 0.0820
4.2 7.0 1.0 0.2 4.5
288.13 288.13 288.13 288.13 288.13
6.34 10.17 17.62 25.08 34.29
0.2964 0.2137 0.1444 0.1317 0.1280
0.2964 0.2181 0.1693 0.1504 0.1367
0.0 2.0 17 14 6.7
0.0630 0.0666 0.0720 0.0739 0.0847
0.0544 0.0558 0.0712 0.0846 0.0953
14 16 1 15 12
293.13 293.13 293.13 293.13 293.13
6.53 10.43 17.57 25.13 34.44
0.3632 0.2930 0.2255 0.1945 0.179
0.3938 0.2894 0.2252 0.1981 0.1790
8.5 1.2 0.2 1.8 0.0
0.0713 0.0765 0.0850 0.0893 0.0993
0.0689 0.0694 0.0848 0.0996 0.1116
3.4 9.2 0.3 11 12
298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15
6.29 10.06 16.27 25.09 34.46
0.5049 0.3763 0.3144 0.2393 0.2196
0.5444 0.3946 0.3067 0.2591 0.2328
7.8 4.9 2.5 8.3 6.0
0.0890 0.0984 0.1066 0.1079 0.1157
0.0876 0.0849 0.0975 0.1166 0.1299
1.6 14 8.5 8.1 12
273.10+ 273.10+ 273.10+ 273.10+ 273.10+ 273.10+
5.70 10.07 10.13 18.45 25.38 34.53
0.0660 0.0572 0.0585 0.0507 0.0465 0.0414
0.0886 0.0628 0.0626 0.0505 0.0465 0.0431
34 9.7 7.0 0.4 0.0 4.0
0.0659 0.0722 0.0669 0.1086 0.1305 0.1331
0.0636 0.072 0.0723 0.1084 0.1302 0.1486
3.5 0.2 8.1 0.2 0.2 12
268.10+ 268.10+ 268.10+ 268.10+ 268.10+
6.09 9.88 17.35 25.4 34.48
0.0526 0.0465 0.0404 0.0365 0.0324
0.0590 0.0447 0.0369 0.0337 0.0314
12 3.8 8.7 7.6 3.3
0.0483 0.0500 0.0980 0.1058 0.1217
0.0482 0.0567 0.0867 0.1094 0.1249
0.2 14 12 3.4 2.7
AD %
TABLE 6.9 – WATER AND METHANOL CONTENTS IN THE VAPOUR PHASE OF MIX1 – WATER + – METHANOL SYSTEM ( 49wt. % of methanol in the aqueous phase instead of 24 wt. %) * measurement corresponding to hydrate-vapour equilibrium.
These new experimental data were compared with predictions of the HW in-house thermodynamic model. The predictions are in good agreement with the experimental data for the majority of the experiments. However, larger deviations (10-20%) between the water content measurements and the predictions are observed for 8 points, especially at highpressure conditions. A large deviation (34%) is also observed for the point at 273.10 K and 5.7 MPa in the highest concentration of methanol is more important. The predictions for the methanol content of the vapour phase are also in relatively correct agreement (AAD =8%) with the experimental data. Identically, some points show larger deviations. Deviations can be
explained by the difficulties of such experiments and by the difficulties of calibrating the detector at such low water content conditions. 40 35
Pressure / MPa
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1.0E-05
Water Content / Mole Fraction
Figure 6.16a: Water content in the gas vapour phase of the MIX1- Water – X wt % Methanol system. X = 24: , 298.1 K;
, 293.1 K; ▲, 288.1 K; ±, 283.1 K; ●, 278.1 K; ¾, 273.1 K; +, 268.1 K; X = 49 : c, 273.1* K; U, 268.1 K; Red solid line, φ -φ approach (HWHYD) at 24 wt. %; Green dashed line, φ -φ approach (HWHYD) at 49 wt.%; Blue dashed line, water content calculated at hydrate dissociation pressure. 40 35
Pressure / MPa
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0.0001
Methanol Content / Mole Fraction
Figure 6.16b: Methanol content in the gas vapour phase of the MIX1- Water – X wt % Methanol system. X = 24: , 298.1 K;
, 293.1 K; ▲, 288.1 K; ±, 283.1 K; ●, 278.1 K; ¾, 273.1 K; +, 268.1 K; X = 49 : c, 273.1* K; U, 268.1 K; Red solid line, φ -φ approach (HWHYD) at 24 wt. %; Blue dashed line, φ -φ approach (HWHYD) at 49 wt.%. Green dashed line, Methanol content in the vapour phase of the MIX1 – Methanol at 273.1 K (no water).
Mix1- Water-Ethylene Glycol System
Water content measurements in the vapour phase have been done from 268.15 to 298.13 K up to 34.5 MPa at 34 wt. % of ethylene glycol in the aqueous phase. We observe that an aqueous solution of 34 wt. % of ethylene glycol has an inhibition power similar to the 24 wt. % methanol solution (Figure 6.12). Therefore, this system presents also phase equilibria near hydrate forming conditions and in hydrate conditions. The EG composition in the vapour phase had not been measured and was neglected to calculate the water composition as EG vapour pressure of is very low and EG was undetectable through GC.
Water Content (×103) Prediction Experimental
T /K
P /MPa
298.13 298.13 298.13 298.13 298.13
6.05 10.06 17.58 25.09 34.50
0.6456 0.3948 0.2828 0.2353 0.2115
0.5617 0.3949 0.2958 0.2575 0.2306
13 0.0 -4.6 -9.4 -9.0
288.13 288.13 288.13 288.13 288.13
5.98 10.09 17.64 25.10 34.50
0.4351 0.2456 0.1721 0.1544 0.1291
0.3113 0.2202 0.1696 0.1502 0.1360
28 10 1.5 2.7 -5.3
278.10 278.10 278.10 278.10 278.10
6.02 9.10 17.47* 25.32* 34.5*
0.2235 0.1700 0.1012 0.0799 0.0718
0.1620 0.1243 0.0915 0.0798 0.0715
27 27 9.6 0.0 0.4
273.10 273.10 273.10 273.10
6.00* 9.63* 17.80* 34.50*
0.1284 0.0871 0.0700 0.0509
0.1140 0.0820 0.0681 0.0570
11 5.8 2.8 -12
268.10 268.10 268.10 268.10 268.10
6.05* 10.52* 17.46* 23.35* 34.50*
0.0802 0.0453 0.0344 0.0268 0.0220
0.0802 0.0587 0.0495 0.0460 0.0418
0.0 -29 -44 -85 -89
293.15 293.15
15.93 24.92
0.2741 0.2041
0.2349 0.1983
14 2.8
AD %
TABLE 6.10 – WATER CONTENTS IN THE VAPOUR PHASE OF MIX1 – WATER –EG SYSTEM * measurement corresponding to hydrate-vapour equilibrium.
For mixtures with EG, only experimental water contents of the MIX1 (methane, ethane and n-butane) were determined at different temperatures and pressures using the same apparatus (no ethylene glycol was detected in the vapour phase). The experimental data were compared to predictions of the HW in-house thermodynamic model. The predictions are in good agreement with the experimental data for the majority of the experiments. However larger deviations (10-20%) between the water content measurements and the prediction are also observed, especially for the lowest pressure, i.e. 6 MPa. Larger deviations are also observed in the hydrate-forming zone. 40 35
Pressure /MPa
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1.00E-05
Water Content / Mole Fraction
Figure 6.17: Water content in the gas phase of the MIX1- Water – Ethylene Glycol System.
, 298.1 K;
, 288.1 K; ▲, 278.1 K; , 273.1 K; ¾, 268.1 K; Red solid line, φ -φ approach (HWHYD); Blue dashed line, water content calculated at hydrate dissociation pressure.
Comments and Conclusions on Water Content Measurements
Experimental results indicate that the measured water contents in the vapour of systems composed of water with: - methane, -ethane and –hydrocarbons synthetic mixture outside their respective hydrate formation region are nearly identical. However, inside the hydrate stability zone, the water contents of the mixture are lower than those of methane. The difference between the water contents of the two gases (pure methane and MIX1) increases with decreasing temperature (i.e., when the distance to the hydrate phase boundary of the
mixture becomes larger, the mixture due to the presence of n-butane forms hydrate at lower pressure than pure methane. The water content of natural gases in equilibrium with gas hydrates is lower (typically less than 0.001 mol fraction) than the water content of natural gases in equilibrium with metastable liquid water and therefore difficult to measure, as hydrate formation is a time consuming process and water content of gases in the hydrate region is a strong function of composition of the feed gas. It should be pointed out that at same PT and in VLE conditions, the water content logically decreases with an increase of the inhibitor content and thus the water content of a gas vapour in equilibrium with pure water (in the liquid state) is higher than the water content in presence of an inhibitor. However at same PT conditions when the system is in VH conditions without inhibitor and in VLE conditions with inhibitor, the water content is higher in the second case.
Gas Solubilities in Water and Water-Inhibitor Solutions 6.2.1 Gas Solubilities in Water Methane – Water System The experimental and calculated gas solubility data are reported in TABLE 6.11 and
plotted in Figure 6.18. The methane mole number is known within +/- 2 %. For both approaches, the BIPs between methane - water are adjusted directly to the measured methane solubility data (TABLE 6.11) through a Simplex algorithm using the objective function, FOB, displayed in eq 6.2: FOB =
1 N xi , exp − xi , cal ∑ x N 1 i , exp
where N is the number of data points, xexp is the measured solubility and xcal the calculated solubility.
Methane Mole Fraction in the Liquid Phase
0 0
Pressure / MPa
Figure 6.18: Methane mole fraction in water rich phase of the methane – water binary system as a function of pressure at various temperatures.
, 275.11 K; , 283.1 K; ∆, 298.1 K; c, 313.1 K. Solid lines, calculated with the VPT-EoS and NDD mixing rules with parameters from TABLE E.1 (Annex E). [B5]
Our isothermal P, x data sets for the methane – water are well represented with the VPT-EoS and NDD mixing rules (AAD = 1.8 %). The methane solubility data of the different authors having reported such data between 274.15 and 313.2 K are plotted in Figure 6.19. At the lower temperatures (below 276 K and also around 283.15 K) and at the higher temperature (313.15 K), the model shows good agreement between the different authors, excepting for the data of Wang et al. [86] at 283.15 K. Solubility measurements for the 298.15 K isotherms have been more widely reported. However, some reported results show deviations between each other and with respect to the model, especially at pressures higher than 6 MPa: Michels et al. [68] and Kim et al. [87]. The data of Yang et al. [86] are quite dispersed at this temperature (298.15 K). The second approach using the correlation for the Henry’s law proposed by Yaws et al. [238] (eq 6.1) and the BIPs listed in TABLE 6.4 predicts (independent parameters) accurately the new set of solubility data (AAD = 3.6 %).
Pex p / MPa
xcal ×103(φ - φ)
Deviation % xcal ×10 3(γ - φ) Deviation%
275.11 275.11 275.11 275.11
0.973 1.565 2.323 2.820
0.399 0.631 0.901 1.061
0.361 0.567 0.815 0.969
9.5 10 9.5 8.7
0.402 0.630 0.907 1.079
-0.6 0.1 1.8 -1.6
283.13 283.12 283.13 283.13
1.039 1.810 2.756 5.977
0.329 0.558 0.772 1.496
0.327 0.553 0.812 1.561
0.6 0.9 -5.2 -4.3
0.345 0.584 0.857 1.650
-5.0 -4.7 -11 -6.5
298.16 298.16 298.15 298.13
0.977 2.542 5.922 15.907
0.238 0.613 1.238 2.459
0.238 0.589 1.233 2.498
0.0 3.9 0.4 -1.6
0.237 0.586 1.224 2.481
0.5 4.4 1.1 -0.9
313.11 313.11 313.11 313.11
1.025 2.534 7.798 17.998
0.204 0.443 1.305 2.325
0.205 0.486 1.295 2.346
-0.5 -9.7 0.8 -0.9
0.198 0.471 1.254 2.273
-2.6 -6.8 -6.1 -3.7
9 8
Pressure /MPa
Pressure /MPa
3.5 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
0 1.0E-04 3.0E-04 5.0E-04 7.0E-04 9.0E-04 1.1E-03 1.3E-03 1.5E-03
0 0.0E+00
Methane Mole Fraction 20 18
c) Pressure /MPa
Pressure /MPa
Methane Mole Fraction
14 12 10 8 6 4
20 15 10 5
0 0.0E+00
Methane Mole Fraction
Methane Mole Fraction
Figure 6.19: Comparison of Experimental Methane Solubilities in Water a)
, 275.11 K; c, 274.15 K from [66]; ♦, 274.29 K from [82]. b) , 283.13 K; ●, 283.15 K from [84]; ∆, 283.2 K from [82]; ¼, 283.2 K from [86]; ▲, 285.65 K from [82].c) ∆, 298.15 K; ×, 298.15 K from [54]; ∆, 298.15 from [78]; +, 298.1 from [83]; ●, 298.15 K from [68]; ♦ ; 298.2 K from [18]; , 298.15 from [80]; c, 298.15 K from [81]; ♦, 298.15 K from [80]; , 298.15 K [87]; d) c, 313.11 K; ×, 310.93 from [73]; , 310.93 from [78]; ∆, 313.2 K from [79]; Dashed lines, calculated with the VPT-EoS and NDD mixing rules with parameters from Table E.1 (Annex E).
174 Ethane – Water System The experimental and calculated gas solubility data are reported in TABLE 6.12 and are plotted in Figure 6.20. The relative uncertainty is about ± 0.9 % in mole number of ethane. As for methane, the BIPs between ethane - water are adjusted directly on the measured methane solubility data through a Simplex algorithm using the objective function, FOB, displayed in eq 6.2. 1.2
Ethane Solubility (x 10 )
0 0
Pressure / MPa
Figure 6.20: Ethane solubility in water rich as a function of pressure at various temperatures , 274.3 K; ∆, 278.1 K; *, 283.1 K; ●, 288.1 K; ×, 293.3 K;
, 298.3 K; ▲, 303.2 K; c, 313.2 K; ♦, 323.2 K; ■, 343.1 K. Solid curves, calculated with the VPT-EoS and NDD mixing rules with parameters from Table E.2. Bold solid blue curve: Ethane vapour pressure; Dashed curve: Hydrate phase boundary. [B11]
The isothermal P, x data sets for the ethane–water are well represented with the VPTEoS and NDD mixing rules (AAD = 1.8 %). Some ethane solubility data reported in the literature between 293.2 and 303.2 K are plotted in Figure 6.21 and compared with these new experimental data and the calculations of the first approach. As it can be seen, the data reported by Kim et al. [87] are dispersed. The data reported by Wang et al. [86] show large deviations, especially at low temperatures and pressures. The γ -φ approach using eq.5.61 for the Henry’s law (with A= 110.157; B=-5513.59; C=-35.263; D=0) and the BIPs listed in TABLE 6.4 predicts (independent parameters) accurately the new set of solubility data (AAD = 3.5 %).
Ethane Solubility (x 103)
0 0
Pressure / MPa
Figure 6.21: Comparison of ethane solubilities in water
, 293.2 K, from Wang et al. [86]; , 293.31 K, This work; c, 298.15 K, from Kim et al. [87]; ●, 298.3 K, This work; ∆, 303.2 K, from Wang et al. [86]; ▲, 303.22 K, This work. Solid curves, calculated with the VPT-EoS and NDD mixing rules with parameters from Table E.1. Bold blue solid curve: Ethane vapour pressure; Dashed curve: Hydrate phase boundary.
T/K 274.26 274.26 278.06 278.04 278.07 283.12 283.1 283.1 288.08 288.08 288.06 293.33 293.31 293.3 293.3 293.31 298.3 298.37 298.35 298.42 298.32 298.31 303.19 303.21 303.21 303.22 303.23 303.22 303.22 313.17 313.19 313.19 313.19 313.19 313.19 313.18 323.17 323.19 323.19 323.2 323.18 323.2 343.08 343.06 343.06 343.06
Pex p / MPa xexp×103 AD exp % 0.393 0.4922 0.4004 0.6128 0.8126 0.473 0.8122 1.2232 0.4844 1.0426 2.0801 0.382 1.01 1.852 2.963 3.632 0.4486 0.8992 1.377 2.021 2.7539 4.1297 0.373 0.719 1.093 1.598 2.299 2.932 3.977 0.439 0.965 1.497 1.987 2.492 3.088 4.669 0.397 0.947 1.989 3.03 3.963 4.838 0.44 1.503 2.895 4.952
0.2237 0.2841 0.205 0.3106 0.4143 0.225 0.3676 0.53 0.203 0.4227 0.7411 0.1464 0.369 0.6073 0.8647 0.9696 0.1676 0.2972 0.4498 0.6068 0.7699 0.9592 0.1341 0.2396 0.346 0.4719 0.6295 0.7415 0.8827 0.1337 0.2623 0.3841 0.4799 0.583 0.6887 0.8703 0.0983 0.2231 0.4336 0.5877 0.7279 0.8154 0.0854 0.272 0.4997 0.7376
0.3 0.5 1.3 2.9 2.5 3.6 1.2 2.5 4.7 4.3 0.7 1.9 3.4 4.0 1.2 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.5 1.5 0.3 2.8 2.1 1.1 2.7 1.5 1.4 2.3 0.6 2.1 0.9 1.5 1.4 1.6 2.8 2.6 1.5 0.9 1.6 2.1 0.9 1.9 0.5 1.9 0.4 0.4
xcal ×103(φ - φ) 0.233 0.288 0.216 0.322 0.416 0.225 0.371 0.533 0.207 0.419 0.739 0.148 0.368 0.615 0.863 0.970 0.158 0.303 0.442 0.605 0.762 0.964 0.121 0.227 0.334 0.464 0.622 0.741 0.892 0.122 0.258 0.382 0.485 0.581 0.679 0.872 0.096 0.224 0.434 0.605 0.728 0.818 0.085 0.285 0.501 0.738
Deviation % xcal ×10 3(γ - φ) Deviation % 4.1 1.4 5.2 3.7 0.5 0.1 1.0 0.5 1.8 1.0 0.3 1.3 0.2 1.3 0.2 0.0 5.8 2.0 1.7 0.2 1.1 0.5 9.5 5.1 3.5 1.6 1.2 0.0 1.1 8.8 1.7 0.5 1.1 0.4 1.4 0.2 1.9 0.4 0.0 2.9 0.0 0.3 0.1 4.7 0.3 0.1
0.230 0.286 0.210 0.317 0.414 0.218 0.364 0.531 0.199 0.411 0.753 0.143 0.361 0.618 0.896 1.029 0.154 0.299 0.440 0.612 0.782 1.026 0.121 0.227 0.335 0.469 0.636 0.766 0.938 0.119 0.252 0.374 0.477 0.572 0.671 0.863 0.093 0.214 0.412 0.572 0.683 0.759 0.087 0.273 0.467 0.646
3.0 0.8 2.7 2.1 0.1 3.3 1.0 0.1 1.8 2.8 1.6 2.2 2.1 1.8 3.6 6.2 7.9 0.5 2.2 0.8 1.6 6.9 10.1 5.4 3.3 0.5 1.1 3.4 6.3 10.7 4.0 2.6 0.7 1.9 2.6 0.8 4.9 4.2 4.9 2.7 6.2 7.0 1.8 0.5 6.6 12.4 Propane – Water System In this work, new solubility measurements of propane in water have been generated in a wide temperature range i.e., 277.62 up to 368.16 K and up to 3.915 MPa. The relative uncertainty in the moles of nitrogen is about ± 3 %. The experimental and calculated gas solubility data are reported in TABLE 6.13 and plotted in Figure 6.22. The BIPs between propane - water were adjusted directly on the measured propane solubility data through a Simplex algorithm using the objective function, FOB, displayed in Eq. 6.2.
Propane Solubility ( x 10 )
0.0 0
Pressure / MPa
Figure 6.22: Propane mole fraction in water rich phase as a function of pressure at various temperatures. ×, 277.6 K; ■, 278,1 K; c, 280.1 K; , 283.1 K; ▲, 288.1 K; +, 293.1 K;
, 298.13 K; ∆, 308.1 K; ●, 323.1 K; *, 338.1 K; ■, 353.2 K; ●, 368.2 K. Solid lines, calculated with the VPTEoS and NDD mixing rules with parameters from Table E.1. Bold solid red lines: Propane solubilities at the propane vapour pressure [B10]
Our isothermal P, x data sets for the propane–water are well represented with the VPTEoS and NDD mixing rules (AAD = 5 %). Propane solubility data reported in the literature are plotted in Figure 6.23. As it can be seem, the data reported in the literature are quite dispersed and show some strange behaviour, particularly the data at 288.71 K of Azarnoosh and McKetta. The γ -φ approach using Eq. 6.3 for the Henry’s and the BIPs listed in TABLE 6.4 represents accurately the new set of solubility data (AAD = 3.5 %). ln(Hiw) = 552.64799+ 0.078453 T - 21334.4 / T - -85.89736 ln T (in kPa)
T/K 277.62 278.09 278.09 278.09 278.09 280.14 280.14 280.14 280.14 283.06 283.06 283.06 283.06 288.13 288.13 288.13 288.13 293.13 293.13 293.13 293.13 293.13 298.12 298.12 298.12 298.12 298.12 298.12 308.13 308.13 308.13 308.13 308.13 323.13 323.13 323.13 323.13 323.13 323.13 338.15 338.15 338.15 338.15 338.15 338.15 338.15 353.18 353.18 353.18 353.18 353.18 353.18 353.18 368.16 368.16 368.16 368.16 368.16 368.16 368.16 368.16
Pexp/MPa xexp×10 4 0.378 0.357 0.357 0.398 0.445 0.395 0.447 0.504 0.557 0.401 0.460 0.522 0.612 0.488 0.697 0.596 0.390 0.399 0.800 0.699 0.599 0.500 0.401 0.493 0.580 0.675 0.812 0.920 0.399 0.610 0.848 1.003 1.191 0.425 0.650 0.898 1.156 1.396 1.665 0.403 0.697 0.997 1.302 1.632 2.008 2.292 0.404 0.696 0.972 1.431 2.061 2.483 3.082 0.410 1.028 1.433 1.940 2.495 2.997 3.503 3.915
2.235 2.061 2.107 2.208 2.439 2.027 2.245 2.461 2.694 1.796 2.028 2.266 2.555 1.733 2.347 2.080 1.423 1.229 2.249 2.023 1.756 1.510 1.037 1.244 1.438 1.650 1.938 2.144 0.770 1.158 1.525 1.755 2.007 0.598 0.897 1.199 1.485 1.728 1.957 0.449 0.766 1.094 1.370 1.621 1.899 2.082 0.368 0.646 0.917 1.317 1.745 2.006 2.270 0.321 0.891 1.203 1.586 1.989 2.236 2.482 2.601
AD exp % xcal ×104(φ - φ) AD % 2.6 0.9 2.1 2.9 1.0 1.8 2.9 1.3 2.7 2.7 2.0 0.5 0.5 3.7 2.4 1.3 1.1 0.7 3.8 1.0 2.0 2.8 1.0 1.3 1.3 0.5 0.2 1.6 1.3 2.7 2.1 0.9 0.4 1.6 3.2 2.7 1.4 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.3 2.3 1.1 0.7 1.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.0 1.5 0.6 1.0 1.4 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.7 2.5 0.7 0.7
1.946 1.816 1.816 2.005 2.218 1.851 2.070 2.304 2.515 1.696 1.921 2.150 2.470 1.718 2.346 2.051 1.401 1.229 2.272 2.028 1.774 1.510 1.071 1.296 1.500 1.714 2.007 2.224 0.825 1.221 1.629 1.873 2.146 0.635 0.947 1.263 1.563 1.815 2.066 0.461 0.787 1.091 1.370 1.640 1.907 2.080 0.366 0.642 0.884 1.246 1.665 1.897 2.158 0.296 0.803 1.095 1.419 1.723 1.952 2.141 2.262
13 12 14 9.2 9.1 8.7 7.8 6.4 6.6 5.6 5.3 5.1 3.3 0.9 0.0 1.4 1.5 0.0 1.0 0.2 1.0 0.0 3.3 4.2 4.3 3.9 3.6 3.7 7.2 5.4 6.8 6.7 6.9 6.2 5.6 5.3 5.3 5.0 5.6 2.7 2.7 0.3 0.0 1.2 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.5 3.5 5.4 4.6 5.4 4.9 7.7 9.8 9.0 10 13 13 14 13
xcal ×10 4(γ - φ)
AD %
2.396 2.195 2.195 2.430 2.702 2.089 2.352 2.631 2.890 1.769 2.014 2.270 2.635 1.667 2.321 2.009 1.346 1.161 2.220 1.964 1.704 1.440 1.050 1.278 1.489 1.712 2.026 2.264 0.784 1.168 1.577 1.830 2.121 0.580 0.863 1.157 1.441 1.686 1.939 0.471 0.786 1.083 1.359 1.630 1.902 2.081 0.435 0.724 0.978 1.356 1.788 2.021 2.275 0.400 0.931 1.231 1.554 1.839 2.035 2.175 2.245
7.2 6.5 4.1 10 11 3.1 4.8 6.9 7.3 1.5 0.7 0.2 3.1 3.8 1.1 3.4 5.4 5.5 1.3 2.9 3.0 4.6 1.3 2.7 3.5 3.8 4.5 5.6 1.8 0.9 3.4 4.3 5.7 3.0 3.8 3.5 3.0 2.5 0.9 5.0 2.6 1.0 0.8 0.5 0.1 0.0 18 12 6.7 3.0 2.5 0.8 0.2 25 4.6 2.3 2.0 7.5 9.0 12.4 14
Propane solubility ( x 10 )
0.0 0
Pressure / MPa
Figure 6.23: Comparison of experimental propane solubilities in water. ●, 288.71 K from Azarnoosh and McKetta [32]; ▲, 310.93 K from Kobayashi and Katz [95]; +, 310.93 from Azarnoosh and McKetta [32]; U, 344.26 K from Wehe and McKetta [96]; ¾, 344.26 K from Azarnoosh and McKetta [32]; ■, 349.82 K from Kobayashi and Katz [95]. Solid lines, calculated with the VPT-EoS and NDD mixing rules at 278.09 K, 280.14 K; 283.06 K, 288.13 K, 293.13 K, 298.12 K, 308.13 K, 323.13 K, 338.15 K, 353.18 K and 368.16 K (from left to right). Bold Solid line: Propane solubility at the propane vapour pressure. Mix1 – Water System Solubility measurements of a gas mixture (94% methane + 4% ethane + 2% n-butane) in water have been generated at low and ambient temperatures. The isothermal P, x data sets for the gas mixture –water are also well represented with the VPT-EoS and NDD mixing rules (AAD of 1.9 % for methane solubilities, AAD of 4 % for ethane solubilities, AAD of 5 % for nbutane solubilities). An increase in AAD with an increase in carbon number is expected, due to low solubility of ethane and n-butane and hence the analytical work is more difficult (higher uncertainty in the calibration of the detector). The total solubility of gas in the liquid phase is slightly higher than the solubility of pure methane or pure ethane at same temperature and pressure.
Pexp/MPa x(1) exp×103 x(1) prd ×103 ∆x % x(2) exp×104 x(2) prd ×104 ∆x % x(3) exp×105 x(3 ) prd×105 ∆x %
278.14 278.15 278.15 278.15
1.032 2.004 2.526 3.039
0.339 0.646 0.771 0.899
0.337 0.629 0.776 0.915
0.6 2.6 -0.6 -1.7
0.199 0.387 0.433 0.494
0.207 0.364 0.434 0.495
-4.0 6.0 -0.3 -0.1
0.703 1.121 1.302 1.297
0.707 1.115 1.256 1.352
-0.5 0.5 3.5 -4.3
283.16 283.16 283.14 283.15 283.15 283.14 283.13 283.15
1.038 1.988 0.987 2.077 3.415 3.413 6.439 3.079
0.300 0.566 0.295 0.593 0.896 0.891 1.489 0.826
0.306 0.566 0.292 0.590 0.922 0.921 1.555 0.841
-2.1 -0.0 0.8 0.5 -2.8 -3.5 -4.5 -1.8
0.165 0.285 0.172 0.302 0.436 0.428 0.674 0.385
0.168 0.294 0.160 0.305 0.441 0.441 0.625 0.411
-1.6 -3.1 6.8 -0.8 -1.3 -3.0 7.3 -6.6
0.482 0.754 0.512 0.941 1.048 1.121 1.166 1.063
0.507 0.809 0.487 0.831 1.053 1.052 1.098 1.013
-5.1 -7.3 4.9 12 -0.4 6.1 5.8 4.7
288.16 288.17
1.038 3.068
0.282 0.755
0.279 0.768
1.1 -1.8
0.172 0.399
0.168 0.430
2.2 -7.8
0.577 0.734
0.507 0.773
12 -5.4
298.14 298.14 298.14 298.14 298.14
14.407 0.994 7.257 11.749 2.964
2.191 0.218 1.359 2.014 0.637
2.215 0.228 1.364 1.939 0.637
-1.1 -4.3 -0.4 3.7 -0.1
0.672 0.147 0.562 0.674 0.330
0.657 0.134 0.574 0.648 0.338
2.1 8.9 -2 3.8 -2.4
0.387 0.991
0.366 0.893
5.3 9.9
313.12 313.12
12.624 7.460
1.817 1.157
1.748 1.176
3.8 -1.6
0.586 0.406
0.594 0.498
-1.4 -22
TABLE 6.14 - METHANE, ETHANE AND N-BUTANE MOLE FRACTIONS IN THE LIQUID PHASE OF THE GAS MIXTURE - WATER SYSTEM [B5] Carbon Dioxide –Water System Data generated with the PVT apparatus A series of new data on the solubility of carbon dioxide in water has been generated over a wide temperature range (i.e., 274.14 up to 351.31 K). The BIPs between carbon dioxide - water are adjusted directly to all carbon dioxide solubility data reported in TABLE 6.15 and these new solubility measurements using the previously described procedure. 12 x=0.023
L-L Region
P / MPa
Supercritical Region x=0.0175
H - L- L Region
x=0.0142 x=0.02488
6 x=0.01
G-L Region
4 H-G- L Region
2 x=0.0026
0 273.15
T /K
Figure 6.24: Carbon dioxide solubility data in water from 273.15 to 353.15 k generated in this work: (c) xCO2=0.00262; (∆) xCO2=0.0059; () xCO2=0.0142; (●), xCO2=0.02017; (×) xCO2=0.02488.
Pexp/MPa xexp×103
xcal ×103(φ - φ)
∆x %
xcal ×10 3(γ - φ)
∆x %
274.14 278.22 284.27 288.41 293.34 299.32 303.99 311.62 321.64 330.60 341.24 351.31
0.190 0.228 0.287 0.329 0.385 0.452 0.499 0.630 0.779 0.913 1.086 1.243
2.617 2.617 2.617 2.617 2.617 2.617 2.617 2.617 2.617 2.617 2.617 2.617
2.531 2.562 2.620 2.620 2.631 2.598 2.529 2.740 2.730 2.697 2.675 2.630
3.3 2.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.5 0.7 3.4 -4.7 -4.3 -3.1 -2.2 -0.5
2.443 2.506 2.553 2.552 2.566 2.545 2.491 2.617 2.627 2.623 2.656 2.674
6.6 4.2 2.4 2.5 2.0 2.7 4.8 0.0 -0.4 -0.2 -1.5 -2.2
288.64 299.06
0.826 1.008
5.900 5.900
6.330 5.654
-6.2 4.2
6.148 5.525
-4.2 6.3
274.83 276.74 278.74 283.38 289.20 293.01 298.40 313.36 321.97
1.201 1.327 1.426 1.732 2.062 2.349 2.780 4.119 5.216
14.200 14.200 14.200 14.200 14.200 14.200 14.200 14.200 14.200
13.769 14.092 13.986 14.330 14.043 14.115 14.111 14.200 14.600
3.0 0.8 1.5 -0.9 1.1 0.6 0.6 0.0 -2.8
13.809 14.077 13.978 14.172 13.744 13.752 13.694 13.395 13.692
2.8 0.9 1.6 0.2 3.2 3.2 3.6 5.7 3.6
310.86 322.14
7.309 9.333
20.168 20.168
21.301 20.268
-5.6 -0.5
19.897 18.794
1.3 6.8
284.73 289.62 292.35
3.938 4.844 5.172
24.880 24.880 24.880
25.750 25.868 25.193
-3.5 -4.0 -1.3
25.559 25.280 24.452
-2.7 -1.6 1.7
The new generated solubility data sets are well represented with the VPT-EoS and NDD mixing rules (AAD around 2 %), with the second approach (AAD around 3 %) and with semiempirical model of Diamond and Akinfiev [101] (AAD around 2 %). The AADs for all the references used in this work are summarized in TABLE 6.16. The overall AADs for the 298 selected solubility data are 2.1 and 1.8 %, respectively for this model (including 214 independent data) and the semi empirical-model exposed by Diamond and Akinfiev [101]
T /K
P /Mpa
AAD* %
12 1
1.5 0.1
0.7 2.8
42 18 2 7 7 18 3 4 5 15 4
1.1 3.0 3.1 2.4 2.9 1.4 3.2 2.4 0.9 0.9 2.3
0.9 3.2 1.9 2.6 2.5 1.8 3.1 2.2 1.5 1.5 2.0
13 9 16 57 8 3 45 9 9 7 29
4.6 5.4 1.7 2.8 1.3 6.5 3.4 4.9 3.9 10.5 2.4
4.7 2.2 2.5 1.9 1.4 2.8 1.8 1.9 3.4 1.0 1.2
N of exp. pts
273.15 K < T ≤ 277.13 K [104] [103]
274.15 – 276.15 273.15
0.07 – 1.42 1.082
277.13 K < T ≤ Tc [104] [113] [112] [19] [111] [110] [109] [108] [106-107] [103] [106]
278.15 – 288.15 293.15 – 303.15 298.15 – 302.55 283.15 – 298.15 298.31 – 298.57 298.15 298.15 298.15 291.15 – 304.19 283.15 – 303.15 303.15
0.83 – 2.179 0.486 – 2.986 5.07 – 5.52 1–5 2.7 – 5.33 1.11 – 5.689 4.955 4.955 2.53 – 5.06 0.101 – 2.027 0.99 – 3.891
Tc < T ≤ 373.15 K [117] [116] [19] [112] [115] [114] [111] [110] [109] [106-107] [103]
304.25 – 366.45 323.15 – 373.15 323.15 – 343.15 323.15 – 373.15 323.15 – 348.15 373.15 308.15– 373.15 323.15 – 353.15 323.15 – 373.15 373.15 323.15 – 353.15
0.69 – 20.27 10 – 60 1 – 16 1.94 – 9.12 4.955 4.955 2.53 – 70.9 0.993 – 3.88 0.488 – 4.56 0.3 – 1.8 4 – 13.1
TABLE 6.16 - LIST OF RELIABLE EXPERIMENTAL DATA FOR CARBON DIOXIDE SOLUBILITY IN WATER BELOW 373.15 K [B6] + using VPT- EoS and NDD mixing rules * using semi-empirical model from [101] Data generated with the Static analytic apparatus New solubility measurements of carbon dioxide in water have been generated in the 278.2 to 318.2 K temperature range for pressures up to 8 MPa. The experimental and calculated gas solubility data using the second approach are reported in TABLE 6.17 and plotted in Figure 6.25. Our isothermal P, x data sets for the carbon dioxide – water are well represented with the γ - φ model (with BIPs from TABLE 6.4 and using eq. 5.61 for the Henry’s law with A=69.445, B=-3796.5, C=-21.6253 and D= -1.576.10-5) (AAD=2.6 %). There is also a good agreement between the different authors (Figure 6.26).
CO2 Solubility
0 0
Pressure / MPa
Figure 6.25: Carbon Dioxide Mole Fraction, x1, in Water Rich Phase as a Function of Pressure at Various Temperatures. New solubility data: U, 318.2 K;
, 308.2 K; ¿, 298.2 K; z, 288.2 K; ▲, 278.2 K; Literature data: , 308.15 K from Wiebe and Gaddy [106-107];▲, 298.15 K from Zel’vinskii [103];
, 288.15 K from Anderson [104]; c, 278.15 K from Anderson [104]; Solid lines, calculated with the PR-EoS and Henry’s law approach with parameters from TABLE 6.4. 0.035
CO2 Solubility
0 0
Pressure /MPa
Figure 6.26: Carbon dioxide mole fraction in water rich phase as a function of pressure at various temperatures. Literature data: U, 273.15 K from Zel’vinskii [103]; , 278.15 K from Anderson [104]; , 283.15 K Anderson [104]; , 288.15 K from Oleinik [112];
, 293.15 K from Kritschewsky et al. [106]; c, 298.15 K from Oleinik [112]; z, 298.15 K from Zel’vinskii [103]; ¯, 304.19 K from Wiebe and Gaddy [106-107]; z, 308.15 K from Wiebe and Gaddy [106-107]; S,313.15 K from Wiebe and Gaddy [106107]; U, 323.15 K from Oleinik [112]; À, 323.15 K from Zel’vinskii [103]; , 323.15 K from Bamberger et al. [117]; S, 333.15 K from Bamberger et al. [117]; Solid lines, calculated with the PR-EoS and Henry’s law approach with parameters from Table 6.4. -------, solubilities calculated at 304.21 K; — - —, solubilites calculated at hydrate dissociation pressures; — — —, carbon dioxide vapour pressures.
xprd ×10 2(γ - φ)
AD %
318.23 318.23 318.23 318.23 318.23 318.23 318.23 318.23 318.23 318.23 318.23 318.23 318.23 318.23 318.23
0.465 1.045 1.863 1.984 2.970 3.001 3.969 3.977 4.952 4.982 5.978 5.992 6.923 6.984 7.933
0.182 0.394 0.680 0.730 1.036 1.018 1.293 1.259 1.508 1.532 1.720 1.726 1.895 1.905 2.031
0.179 0.394 0.673 0.712 1.007 1.015 1.267 1.269 1.489 1.495 1.684 1.687 1.834 1.842 1.962
1.4 0.1 1.1 2.5 2.8 0.3 2.0 0.8 1.3 2.4 2.1 2.3 3.2 3.3 3.4
308.2 308.2 308.2 308.2 308.2 308.2 308.2 308.2 308.2 308.2 308.2 308.2
0.579 1.889 2.950 3.029 4.005 4.985 5.949 6.077 6.972 6.986 7.029 7.963
0.276 0.856 1.212 1.259 1.563 1.837 2.033 2.066 2.229 2.152 2.221 2.304
0.273 0.826 1.205 1.231 1.525 1.774 1.975 1.998 2.140 2.142 2.148 2.247
1.0 3.4 0.6 2.2 2.4 3.4 2.9 3.3 4.0 0.5 3.3 2.5
298.28 298.28 298.28 298.28 298.28 298.28 298.28
0.504 1.007 1.496 2.483 3.491 4.492 5.524
0.314 0.614 0.887 1.356 1.772 2.089 2.323
0.303 0.586 0.842 1.304 1.703 2.030 2.296
3.6 4.5 5.0 3.8 3.9 2.8 1.2
288.26 288.26 288.26 288.26 288.26 288.26 288.26
0.496 1.103 1.941 2.777 3.719 4.601 5.059
0.401 0.867 1.434 1.882 2.343 2.673 2.797
0.394 0.839 1.384 1.852 2.292 2.622 2.761
1.6 3.3 3.5 1.6 2.2 1.9 1.3
278.22 278.22 278.22 278.22 278.22 278.22
0.501 0.755 1.016 1.322 1.674 2.031
0.585 0.852 1.111 1.403 1.747 2.015
0.551 0.813 1.071 1.358 1.669 1.963
5.7 4.6 3.6 3.2 4.5 2.6
184 Hydrogen Sulphide–Water System New experimental VLE data of H2S - water binary system are reported over the 298.2338.3 K temperature range for pressures up to 4 MPa. The experimental and calculated gas solubility data are reported in TABLE 6.18 and plotted in Figure 6.27.
Pressure / MPa
0.1 0
H 2 S solubility / Mole Fraction Figure 6.27: This work, H2S solubility in water. Dashed line, hydrogen sulphide-water LL locus; Grey solid line, hydrate dissociation line; z, 298.18 K; , 308.2 K; ¡, 318 K; c, 328.28 K; S, 338.34 K.
Experimental data about solubility of hydrogen sulphide in water were reported previously in TABLE 2.7; additional data have been gathered from an additional and more complete bibliographic study (TABLE 6.19). The BIPs between hydrogen sulphide - water are taken from TABLE 6.4 and the following parameters for the Henry’s law (Eq. 5.61) A=84.2884, B=-3792.31, C=-29.556 and D= 1.072.10-2. The new generated solubility data sets are well represented with the γ - φ approach (AAD around 1.5 %). The AADs for all the references used in this work are summarized in TABLE 6.19. The overall AADs for the selected solubility data are 3.5 % for this model (T270 5 15 39 5 49 9
2.5 3.9 6.2 3.8 3.5 3.2 5.5 1.5
H 2 S solubility / Mole Fraction
333.15 323.15 313.15 303.15
383.15 363.15 343.1
Pressure /MPa Figure 6.28: Selected literature data, H2S solubility in water. Dashed line, hydrogen sulphide - water liquid-liquid locus; Grey solid line, hydrate dissociation line; z, data from Wright and Mass; °, data from Clarke and Glew; ¡, data from Burgess and Germann; c, data from Lee and Mather; S, data from Selleck et al. (Temperature in Kelvin)
187 Nitrogen –Water System
New experimental solubility data of N2 in water are reported in a wide temperature range 274.18 - 363.02 K up to 7.16 MPa. The relative uncertainty (calibration) in the moles of nitrogen is about ± 2.5 %. The experimental and calculated gas solubility data are reported in TABLE 6.16 and plotted in Figure 6.23. The adjustment procedure is the same as previously
1.4 1.2 1
Nitrogen Solubility (10 ) / Mole Fraction
0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0
Pressure / MPa
Figure 6.23: Nitrogen mole fraction in water rich phase as a function of pressure at various temperatures. New solubility data: ×, 274.2 K; U, 278.2 K; ●, 283.1 K; +, 288.1 K; ▲, 293.1 K; c, 298.1 K; ■, 308.2 K; ♦, 323.1 K; , 343.0 K; ¿, 363.0 K; Literature data: ▲, 298.1 K from Wiebe et al. [119] ; ●, 303.1 K from Smith et al. [123] ; ●, 323.1 K from Wiebe et al. [119] ; ■, 348.1 K from Wiebe et al. [119] ; c, 273.1 K from Goodmann and Krase [118];
, 298.1 K from Goodmann and Krase [118]; U, 324.6 K from O'Sullivan et al. [124] ; , 338.1 K from Saddington and Krase [121]; Solid lines, calculated with the VPT-EoS and NDD mixing rules with parameters from Table E.1. [B12]
Our isothermal P, x data sets for the nitrogen–water are well represented with the VPT-EoS and NDD mixing rules (AAD = 1.2 %) and with the PR-EoS associated with Henry’s law approach (Eq 6.1 with A=78.852; B=-3745; C=-24.8315; D= 0.000291) (AAD =1.0%). Selected nitrogen solubility data reported in the literature are plotted in Figure 6.23. There is good agreement between the different authors, with the exception of the data reported by Goodman and Krase [118], whose solubility data are underestimated. As it can be seen in Figure 6.23, the solubility of nitrogen follows a linear behaviour as a function of the pressure and that is why the model using the Henry’s law gives accurate predictions.
Pexp/MPa xexp×103
AD exp % xcal ×103(φ - φ)
∆x % xcal ×10 3(γ - φ) ∆x %
274.19 274.19 274.18 274.18 274.19 274.21 274.26
0.979 1.900 3.006 3.837 4.868 5.993 6.775
0.1760 0.3248 0.5112 0.6365 0.7950 0.9626 1.0733
2.4 1.2 1.1 1.3 1.4 0.6 2.2
0.1704 0.325 0.5039 0.6337 0.7892 0.9523 1.0613
3.2 0.0 1.4 0.4 0.7 1.1 1.1
0.1707 0.3259 0.5058 0.6366 0.7937 0.9588 1.0693
-0.4 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 -1.1 0.3 -3.0
278.15 278.21 278.19 278.19 278.16 278.05 278.17
0.971 1.763 2.990 3.990 4.934 5.900 6.916
0.1552 0.2860 0.4683 0.6127 0.7394 0.8711 1.0149
1.4 2.9 1.9 1.1 1.4 2.2 1.2
0.1559 0.2789 0.4631 0.6073 0.7395 0.872 1.0033
-0.4 2.5 1.1 0.9 0.0 -0.1 1.1
0.1544 0.2764 0.4595 0.6030 0.7350 0.8678 0.9989
-0.4 -0.6 -1.6 -1.9 -3.3 -0.5 -1.6
283.12 283.13 283.13 283.18 283.16
1.012 2.413 4.877 5.825 7.160
0.1439 0.3441 0.6684 0.7971 0.9538
1.3 1.5 0.6 0.5 1.7
0.1481 0.3447 0.6694 0.7868 0.9479
-2.9 -0.2 -0.1 1.3 0.6
0.1450 0.3378 0.6574 0.7732 0.9324
0.7 -2.2 -3.0 -1.7 -1.8
288.11 288.09 288.11 288.11 288.11
0.966 2.395 4.042 5.444 7.003
0.1318 0.3158 0.5168 0.6829 0.8609
3.4 2.9 0.3 0.3 0.2
0.1299 0.3149 0.5178 0.6829 0.8585
1.4 0.3 -0.2 0.0 0.3
0.1261 0.3060 0.5037 0.6649 0.8369
-2.8 -2.6 -2.5 -3.1 -4.3
293.1 293.08 293.09 293.09 293.09
0.984 2.511 3.964 5.655 6.945
0.1195 0.3025 0.4700 0.6570 0.7884
0.9 1.2 2.4 0.7 0.5
0.1223 0.3054 0.4719 0.657 0.7925
-2.4 -0.9 -0.4 0.0 -0.5
0.1180 0.2949 0.4561 0.6358 0.7676
-1.2 -2.6 -3.2 -3.0 -2.5
298.07 298.10 298.10 298.08 298.04
1.004 2.233 3.717 4.745 6.967
0.1139 0.2590 0.4111 0.5206 0.7457
1.4 2.3 0.7 0.6 0.4
0.1164 0.2544 0.4149 0.5222 0.7446
-2.2 1.8 -0.9 -0.3 0.1
0.1118 0.2447 0.3995 0.5032 0.7185
-3.6 -3.3 -2.8 -5.5 -1.8
308.23 308.18 308.18 308.19
1.040 2.196 4.180 7.032
0.1033 0.2152 0.4000 0.6550
1.6 2.7 0.5 1.2
0.1066 0.2222 0.4126 0.6701
-3.2 -3.3 -3.2 -2.3
0.1024 0.2137 0.3972 0.6464
-0.9 -1.3 -0.7 -0.7
323.13 323.13 323.13 323.13 323.14
0.915 2.031 3.542 4.957 7.043
0.0843 0.1846 0.3028 0.4170 0.5926
0.1 1.5 2.8 1.8 1.8
0.0817 0.1802 0.3095 0.4266 0.5926
3.1 2.4 -2.2 -2.3 0.0
0.0796 0.1756 0.3020 0.4167 0.5798
-2.2 -0.1 -0.3 -4.9 -5.7
342.99 342.92 342.98 342.98
0.992 2.424 4.956 6.941
0.0771 0.1929 0.3896 0.5354
0.7 0.7 1.0 1.0
0.0783 0.1922 0.3854 0.5303
-1.5 0.4 1.1 0.9
0.0793 0.1949 0.3918 0.5402
2.8 0.9 0.6 1.0
362.90 362.90 363.00 362.92 363.00
1.001 1.900 3.396 4.776 6.842
0.0739 0.1458 0.2521 0.3578 0.5147
2.0 1.1 1.4 1.7 1.0
0.0733 0.1428 0.2558 0.3575 0.5053
0.8 2.0 -1.5 0.1 1.8
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
6.2.2 Gas Solubilities in Water and Ethylene Glycol Solution Accurate knowledge of the thermodynamic properties of the water/hydrocarbon and water-inhibitor /hydrocarbon equilibria is crucial at sub-sea pipeline conditions. The knowledge of these properties allows indeed to optimize the inhibitor quantities, and thus to prevent hydrate formation and pipeline blockage. To give a qualified estimate of the amount of gas dissolved in the liquid phase or of the amount of inhibitor needed to prevent hydrate formation, thermodynamic models are required. Accurate gas solubility data, especially near the hydrate-stability conditions, are necessary to develop and validate thermodynamic models. The solubility of methane in pure water at low temperatures has already been the subject of a study and many other authors have investigated this system at various conditions. Solubilities of methane in pure ethylene glycol have also been reported in the literature: Jou et al. [295] in 1994, Zheng et al. [296] in 1999 and more recently by Wang et al. [86] in 2003. Solubility data in aqueous solution containing ethylene glycol have been scarcely investigated and have been only reported by Wang et al. [86] in 2003. New solubility measurements of methane in three different aqueous solution containing ethylene glycol (20, 40 and 60 wt. %) have been generated here at low and ambient temperatures. The experimental methane solubilities data in ethylene glycol of the three different authors (Jou et al. [295], Zheng et al. [296] and Wang et al. [86]) are plotted in Figure 6.24. The data of Zheng et al. show relatively good agreement with the data of Jou et al. However, Wang et al. [86] do not show agreement with this set of data. Unfortunately Wang et al. [86] are the only authors having reported data solubilities of methane in EG solutions and thus available for comparisons. However, at high pressures the solubility data reported by Wang et al. in pure EG are curiously independent of the temperature and consequently highly doubtful. Therefore their data were not used for comparison.
Methane Solubility
0 0
Pressure /MPa
Figure 6.24: Methane mole fraction in ethylene glycol as a function of pressure at various temperatures. (, 398.15 K; ¿, 373.15 K; ●, 323.15 K from Zheng et al. [295]) ; (, 298.15 K; , 323.15 K; U, 348.15 K; +, 373.15 K from Jou et al. [294]) ; (▲, 283.2 K; ±, 293.2 K; c, 303.2 K from Wang et al. [86])
The experimental gas solubility data are reported in Table 6.17 for the methane – water – 20, 40 & 60 wt. % ethylene glycol systems, and plotted respectively in Figures 6.25a,b and c.
Methane Solubility (x 10 )
20 wt. % EG 0.20
0.00 0
Pressure /MPa
Figure 6.25a: Methane mole fraction in 20wt% ethylene glycol , 273.3 K; c, 278.2 K; S, 283.1 K;±297.9 K; z, 322.7 K.
Methane Solubility (x 102)
40 wt. % EG 0.200
0.000 0
Pressure /MPa
60 wt. % EG
Methane Solubility (x 10 )
Figure 6.25b: Methane mole fraction in 40wt% ethylene glycol S, 273.3 K; c, 297.3 K, , 322.8 K.
0.000 0
Pressure /MPa
Figure 6.25c: Methane mole fraction in 60wt% ethylene glycol , 273.3 K; c, 298.1 K.
Pexp/MPa xexp×102
20 wt. % EG 273.30 273.28 273.28 273.28 273.28 273.28 273.28 273.28 273.28 273.28 273.28 273.28
1.195 1.394 1.398 1.738 1.743 2.404 2.416 3.436 3.443 4.453 4.733 4.771
0.035 0.048 0.045 0.061 0.057 0.080 0.082 0.123 0.119 0.148 0.159 0.157
278.14 278.14 273.15 278.16 278.17 278.15 278.14 278.17 278.15 278.13 278.18
1.404 1.407 1.405 2.773 2.784 4.353 4.385 5.933 5.937 8.174 8.198
0.046 0.036 0.041 0.082 0.087 0.129 0.135 0.171 0.177 0.223 0.219
283.05 283.05 283.07 283.07 283.08 283.09 283.09 283.07
1.426 1.427 4.105 4.152 6.399 6.404 8.974 9.167
0.032 0.035 0.117 0.115 0.168 0.160 0.216 0.219
297.92 297.92 297.92 297.92 297.92 297.93 297.93 297.92
1.493 1.540 3.578 3.587 3.583 6.022 6.114 9.508 9.440 9.575
0.026 0.024 0.069 0.078 0.074 0.127 0.125 0.186 0.179 0.193
1.640 5.226 5.260 8.359 8.392 9.318
0.021 0.093 0.092 0.135 0.134 0.149
297.96 297.93 297.96 297.94 297.94 297.94
8.113 8.381 4.839 4.837 1.431 1.436
0.183 0.179 0.119 0.116 0.027 0.025
273.29 273.31 273.24 273.29 273.31 273.26
1.436 1.440 5.194 5.172 8.984 8.806
0.037 0.036 0.146 0.144 0.230 0.236
1.660 1.661 5.414 5.454 7.997 8.031
0.039 0.039 0.118 0.115 0.186 0.179
297.91 297.91 322.74 322.76 322.75 322.78 322.72 322.72
40 wt. % EG 322.73 322.76 322.76 322.74 322.74 322.74 322.76 322.77
4.249 4.193 1.958 1.951 1.951 1.951 8.885 9.070
0.090 0.090 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.035 0.176 0.160
60 wt. % EG 273.20 273.22 273.24 273.35 273.31 273.27 273.33 273.33 273.33
1.971 1.973 1.975 5.550 5.550 5.551 8.824 8.914 9.003
0.059 0.057 0.054 0.162 0.157 0.151 0.248 0.240 0.233
298.06 298.07 298.07 298.06 298.04 298.05
Dans ce dernier chapitre diverses corrélations et méthodes pour déterminer la teneur en eau d’un gaz en équilibre avec de l’eau
présentées. Après avoir exposé ces méthodes, une nouvelle corrélation sera exposée pour prédire les teneurs en eau du méthane. En utilisant des facteurs correctifs, cette corrélation sera étendue aux différents composants du gaz naturels et finalement un autre facteur correctif sera introduit pour tenir compte de la présence de gaz acides. Après avoir traité les teneurs en eau, de nouvelles corrélations pour calculer la valeur de la constante de Henry seront proposées et finalement une méthode pour calculer la solubilité de gaz dans l’eau.
* This part is a modification of reference [B9]
Correlations The water content assessment by using the predictive methods is very crucial to design
and select the proper conditions of natural gas facilities. It is of interest to be able to estimate water content of natural gases at given temperatures and pressures. The saturated water content of a vapour phase depends on pressure, temperature and gas feed composition. The effect of composition increases with pressure and is particularly important if the gas contains carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide (GPSA 1998). For lean and sweet natural gases having a gas gravity close to methane, the effect of composition can be ignored and the water content can be assumed as a function of temperature and pressure. General methods of calculation include the use of: 1) Empirical or semi – empirical correlations and charts of water content and corrections for the presence of acid gases (such as hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide), heavy hydrocarbons and salts. 2) Thermodynamic models. The main advantage of empirical or semi – empirical correlations and charts is the availability of input data and the simplicity of the calculation, which can be performed. The correlations / charts have still kept their popularity among engineers in the natural gas industry. Although most available thermodynamic models could be installed on typical laptop computers, there seem to be a need for simple, yet robust, predictive methods for quick estimation of water content of natural gases. The available correlations and charts are normally based on limited data and with limited application.
In production, transport and processing of natural gases, the available
correlations / charts can predict water content of gases with enough accuracy at high temperatures. While in predicting water content at low temperature conditions, the available methods have lower accuracy and still in the light of the latest literature data, the developed correlations / charts need further verification in the range of low temperatures. In fact, during the development of the correlations / charts at that time, the experimental data describing phase equilibrium in water – hydrocarbons systems for temperatures lower than 298.15 K were not available. Due to this fact, water content for temperatures lower than 298.15 K calculated by the correlations / charts might not be accurate. 197
To develop new correlations / charts and to increase the accuracy of calculations, experimental data are required, which would allow to improve correlations / charts and to determine the equilibrium water content of gases. The aim of this work is to develop a semi – empirical correlation for estimating the equilibrium water content of sweet natural gases in equilibrium with liquid water and ice. Using correction factors, this approach has been extended to predict the water content in function of the gas gravity of the gas and of sour gas content.
7.1 Water Content Models and Correlations Many thermodynamic models and correlations are available, which can calculate phase equilibrium in water – hydrocarbon systems. Thermodynamic models use different approaches in order to model liquid, ice and gas hydrates phases. For example, some thermodynamic models use activity coefficient or equation of state (EoS) approaches for modeling the aqueous phase, however other models use the Henry constant approach. Empirical correlations and charts are more simple tools than thermodynamic based approaches and because of their ease of use, they are of interest to all engineers in petroleum industry. The original correlations / charts are only applicable to dry and sweet gases. However, the development of oil and gas fields necessitates a robust and simple method for predicting the water content in these systems. Up to now, different correlations and charts with different capabilities have been reported in order to estimate the water content / water dew point of gases. Generally, these correlations / charts have been developed for the Lw-V region and interpolating the results to the H-V and I-V regions may be questionable. In this section, a quick review is made on the most famous correlations and charts in the natural gas industry:
7.1.1 Correlation and Charts •
Sweet and Dry Gas in Equilibrium with Liquid Water
The Ideal model (Raoult’s law) is expressed by the following expression:
(1 − x g ) Pwsat
where y, x, and P are the mole fraction in the vapour phase, mole fraction in the liquid phase and pressure, respectively, and subscripts w and g relate to water and gas and the superscript sat relate to the saturation state. In this equation, the gas solubility in water xg can be ignored for sweet natural gases, as hydrocarbons are very few soluble and less soluble with the increase of their molecular weight. With this assumption, the water content can be expressed by the following expression: yw =
Pwsat P
The above relation assumes the water content of a gas is given by the ratio of the water vapour pressure over total pressure of the system. A more accurate form of the Ideal model can be expressed by taking into account the Poynting correction: sat
P sat v I ( P − Pw ) yw= w exp( w ) P RT
where v, R and T are molar volume, universal gas constant and temperature of the system, respectively and the superscript L stands for the liquid state . The Ideal model and its Poynting correction are simple tools for predicting the water content of natural gases. However, these methods can be used at low-pressures (Typically up to 1.4 MPa [10]). • Bukacek [310] developed a method similar to the ideal model, which only requires information on the water vapour pressure and temperature and pressure of the system. This correlation (eq. 7.4) is one of the most used in the natural gas industry for calculating the water content of dry and sweet natural gases [10]:
Pwsat yw = 47484 + B P
log(B) =
− 3083.87 + 6.69449 491.6 + t
where water content (yw) and t are in lbm/ MMscf and temperature in °F In equation (7.5), the logarithm term is common logs (i.e., base 10). As can be seen, this correlation uses an ideal contribution and a deviation factor. The Bukacek correlation (Eqs. 7.4 and 7.5) is reported to
be accurate within ± 5% for temperatures between 288.15 and 511.15 K and for pressures from 0.1 to 69 MPa [10]. This accuracy is similar to experimental accuracy itself. • Sharma [312] Sharma and Campbell [313] and Campbell [314] provided a relatively complicated method in order to calculate the equilibrium water content of sweet and sour gases in the LW-V region. In this method, the water content is calculated through eq. 7.6: f sat yw = k ( w ) z (7.6) f gas
where k, z and f are respectively: a correction factor, the compressibility factor and the fugacity,. The compressibility factor z should be calculated using a suitable method. The correction factor k can be calculated from a provided figure or by the following equation: Pwsat f wsat / Pwsat P 0.0049 k = (( )( )( sat ) P fw / P Pw
where fw
and f w are fugacity of water at the saturation conditions (T and Pwsat) and the
fugacity of water at pressure and temperature of the system (T and P). They provided a chart for calculating the fugacity of water. As mentioned before, this method is relatively complicated, however Campbell [314] mentioned that the consistency of the results from this method is high. • Behr [315] proposed the following equation for pressure ranging from 1.379 to 20.679 MPa:
yw = exp(A0+A1(1/T)2+A2(1/T)3+A3(lnP)+A4(lnP)2+A5(lnP)3+A6(lnP/T)2+A7(lnP/T)3)
where A0 to A7 are constants based on fitting the natural gas dew points versus the water content data of Bukacek [310]. • Later Kazim [316] proposed an analytical expression for calculating the water content of sweet natural gases:
yw = A ×Bt 4 p − 350 i −1 ) A = ∑ ai ( 600 i =1 4 p − 350 i −1 B = ∑ bi ( ) 600 i =1
(7.9) (7.10) (7.11)
where p is the pressure in psia and ais and bis are constants reported in TABLE 7.1. These two correlations are similar as in which, they originate from regression methods to express the water content of natural gases as a function of temperature and pressure and require many constants, which may reduce their applications for calculating the water content of natural gases in comparison with the Bukacek [310] correlation.
Temperature Ranges Constants a1 a2 a3 a4 b1 b2 b3 b4