Submission : 8263. Thesis proposal CSC 2013. Title: Data Communication
Algorithms in Mostly-off Wireless Sensor Networks. Thesis supervisor: Dr. Rahim
Submission : 8263
Thesis proposal CSC 2015 Title: Data Communication Algorithms in Mostly-off Wireless Sensor Networks Thesis supervisor: Dr. Rahim Kacimi, Dr. Riadh Dhaou, Prof. André-Luc Beylot. E-mail address:
[email protected] PhD School name: Mathematics, Informatics, Telecommunications (MITT) Research Laboratory: Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse Laboratory website: Scientific domain: %scientific_domain Subject short description: Scientific context: Wireless data networks have experienced an evolutionary history. When they first became available, a lot of applications started to emerge, particularly wireless sensor networks, where each node would sense and generate data, and also forward data from other nodes. These sensors were often battery-powered, which required them to be as energy-efficient as possible. During the past decade, lifetime maximizing in wireless sensor networks was the major concern in this research area. Thus, "mostly-off" sensor nodes alternate between active and sleep states in many solutions nowadays. This duty-cycling substantially improves the
overall lifetime of the network, the time before the batteries run down, but involves strong sleep latencies which are the major limitation leading the applications to suffer severe end-to-end delay degradation. Furthermore, duty-cycling makes communication more challenging. For instance, if node A wants to send data to its neighbor B, and B is asleep, A has to wait until B’s next wakeup. If A’s neighbor C wakes up before B, A may send its data to C even if C is less optimally positioned to forward the data. In addition to this flexibility, there are many strategies for duty cycling. All these choices have led to a variety of research and published algorithms for data communication over duty-cycled wireless sensor networks (DC-WSNs). Research Objectives: Although many algorithms have been designed for data communications in DC-WSNs, bearing objectives ranging from energy efficiency to delivery ratio, there are still several challenges remaining in practical application (mobile sensors with long inter-contact duration (space exploration for instance), sensors with intermittent contact with the base station (control and monitoring) and many unexplored algorithm design issues for DC-WSNs. We list the possible research objectives of this thesis in the following: • First, in order to meet the demands of recent practical applications, we need to further investigate multicriteria algorithms designing that optimize multiple quality of service goals simultaneously. For instance, it would be for interest to design multicast algorithms with provable worst case bounds on multiple performance targets (e.g., latency and lifetime). • In the second part, we plan to consider convergecast traffic patterns. Although convergecast is a critical operation in WSNs, and corresponding algorithms have been extensively studied in mostly-on WSNs, little work has been done to understand the theoretical performance bounds for convergecast algorithms (with or without aggregation) in DC-WSNs. Various optimization objectives, such as latency, capacity, energy efficiency, and load balancing, may be tackled. • In the third part, we will study load balancing which is, to a large extent, related to lifetime maximizing, and neither has been well studied under DC-WSNs. Obviously, when the routing is assumed being already fixed, the load balancing problem becomes a standalone problem. However, in this study we argue in favor of an intriguing but challenging load balancing scheme where the routing is jointly optimized with transmission schedules. In each part, we foresee to conduct a performance evaluation study in order to strengthen the proposed algorithms or protocols. To validate the proposals, it is necessary to evaluate them. Thus, we plan to mainly use analytical methods and simulations. In order to take into account the sensor limitations, experiments allow the functional validation of the proposed solutions on real platforms. The student researcher will join the Telecommunication and Network Engineering Unit at IRIT. His/her research results will be published in top peer reviewed conferences and journals. The candidate should hold a Master’s or equivalent degree in Computer Science or Electrical/Computer Engineering. A successful candidate profile include: good background in wireless networking; strong English communication skills (written and verbal) and Ability to work independently.
Experience with tools for testing and evaluation of communication protocols and good programming skills is a benefit. Two major publications in the domain of PhD: [1] Rahim Kacimi, Riadh Dhaou, André-Luc Beylot. Load Balancing Techniques for Lifetime Maximizing in Wireless Sensor Networks. Ad hoc Networks Journal, Elsevier, 2013. [2] Rahim Kacimi, Riadh Dhaou, André-Luc Beylot: Energy-Aware Self-Organization Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks. GLOBECOM 2008: 481-485.
Keywords: , , , , Expected collaboration in China:
First name and family name of the laboratory director: Michel Daydé Address of the laboratory director: IRIT, University Paul Sabatier, 118 Route de Narbonne, F-31062 TOULOUSE CEDEX 9 Signature and stamp of the laboratory director:
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