Direct drive and HyperFinish available / Extremely short aux-iliary process times and changeover times / Conversion of b
Thielenhaus: Fastest Bearing Finish in the World
Due to its extremely short auxiliary process time of 0.9 seconds, the KM 90 evo (here: a view of the working area) is currently able to achieve the quick-est roller bearings finish processing in the world.
Microfinish processing of 1 and 2 two-rowed bearing rings / Further develop-ment of KM 90 / Direct drive and HyperFinish available / Extremely short aux-iliary process times and changeover times / Conversion of ball bearing to roller bearing processing / Up to 30% shorter cycle times with higher quality due to optional double oscillation / Directly powered radial and linear oscilla-tion / Menu-driven programming and set-up processes / Sealing compensa-tion on the workpiece drivers / Time logging possible for setbacks.
hielenhaus Microfinish has introduced a new highperformance machine for the finest processing of the inner and outer rings of one and two rowed ball bearings and roller bearings and wave-like special types. The KM 90 evo, which has been designed both for quantity production as well as flexible pro-duction in small and medium scale production, is a further development of
KM 90, a longstanding proven antifriction bearing processing solution from the market-leading manufacturer. All of the new technologies from direct drive are available for the new oscillation unit through to double oscillation HyperFin-ish with overlapping high frequency oscillation and a small stroke. The com-plete tooling process of the previous model can also be used for the new ma-chine.
Due to the extremely short auxiliary process time of 0.9 seconds, the KM 90 evo is currently able to achieve the quickest roller bearings finish processing in the world. The floor to floor time can be a sensational 3.5 seconds under the conditions of a direct link with an upstream grinding machine, for example, a deep groove ball bearing of an outer and inner ring Type 625. Furthermore the changeover
time between two good parts can be reduced to less than 20 minutes. The new fast runner for mass production can even be flexibly con-verted from radial to axial bearing rings and from ball bearing to roller bearing processing. With the optionally available HyperFinish technology 2.0, up to 30% shorter cycle times can be achieved by overlapping the main oscillation with an addi-tional high frequency oscillation. Thanks to the increased productivity, you will be able to do without additional machining stations and/or machines, resulting
With the KM 90 evo, Thielenhaus Microfinish has brought a high performance machine onto the market, which can be used with distinctively quick cycle and set up times, both for economic mass production of ball bearing rings, as well as for flexible production on a small and medium scale.
in operational cost savings. Due to the reduced oscillation angle, quality and shape parameters are also improved so that optimal dimensional accuracy can be achieved, particularly with 4 point bearing rings, for example. The direct drive radial oscillation for ball bearing rings makes it possible to ad-just the oscillation and approach angle, as well as oscillation frequency and stroke using the program. With the changeable direct drive for linear oscillation for roller bearing rings, the adjustment of the linear stroke can also be record-ed in the program. This also applies for the X-Z track position. The menu and image-driven programming with automatic program generation and calculation of the process parameter speed and stone grinding pressure from known indicators of cutting speed in m/min and specific grinding pres-sure in N/ mm² makes for easier handling of the machine. Menu-driven set up is also optionally offered. An innovative compensation for wear on the workpiece driver makes it possible to use reground drivers and significantly reduc-es tooling costs. The option of time recording for setbacks even with the KM 90 evo, demon-strates that Thielenhaus has developed in the direction of Industry 4.0. The machine comes with an integrated control cabinet in the extraordinarily com-pact dimensions of 2,063 x 1,026 mm so that it can even fit in spatially limited production chains.
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