i Getting started Before Reading This User Guide This ThinkFree Office 4 User Guide describes the main functions of ThinkFree Office 4 and how to
User Guide
ThinkFree Office 4 ThinkFree and ThinkFree Office are registered trademark of Hancom INC. All of the software applications, data files, manuals, and document contents of ThinkFree Office 4 are protected by copyright and software protection laws. Please carefully read Hancom INC’s End User License Agreement, which clearly states the terms for using the purchased product when you install ThinkFree Office 4. None of the software, data, and document contents included with ThinkFree Office 4 may be modified, reproduced, or resold for any purposes. The applications ThinkFree Office Write 4, ThinkFree Office Calc 4, and ThinkFree Office Show 4, as well as the file data, are the property of Hancom INC. All products and company names in this manual are trademarks of their respective owners. The information in this document is subject to change without notice in order to provide a better description of the product. No part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into a language or computer language, in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Hancom INC.
Table of Contents Getting started ...................................................................................................................................... i Before Reading This User Guide ................................................................................................................ i Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. ii Installation and Operation ........................................................................................................................ iii Settings ......................................................................................................................................................... iv Technical Support ........................................................................................................................................ v
ThinkFree Office Write 4 ................................................................................................................... 6 User Interface ............................................................................................................................................... 6 Toolbars ......................................................................................................................................................... 7 Learning the Basics .................................................................................................................................... 11 Creating a new document ................................................................................................................. 11 Saving documents .............................................................................................................................. 11 Opening documents .......................................................................................................................... 11 Opening recent documents ............................................................................................................... 12 Sending to mail recipient .................................................................................................................. 12 Closing documents ............................................................................................................................ 12 Setting up pages ................................................................................................................................. 13 Printing ................................................................................................................................................ 14 Editing ......................................................................................................................................................... 15 Undo/Redo .......................................................................................................................................... 15 Cut/Copy ............................................................................................................................................. 15 Fonts .................................................................................................................................................... 15 Paragraphs .......................................................................................................................................... 17 Bullets and Numbering ..................................................................................................................... 19 Finding and Replacing ...................................................................................................................... 20 Header/Footer .................................................................................................................................... 21 Footnotes/Endnotes ........................................................................................................................... 22 Cross‐reference ................................................................................................................................... 22 Captions .............................................................................................................................................. 23 Bookmarks .......................................................................................................................................... 24 Formatting .................................................................................................................................................. 24 Adding styles ...................................................................................................................................... 24 Applying styles .................................................................................................................................. 25 Modifying styles ................................................................................................................................ 26 Copying formats ................................................................................................................................ 27 Inserting objects ......................................................................................................................................... 27 Inserting pictures ............................................................................................................................... 27 Inserting Clipart ................................................................................................................................. 27 Flickr images ....................................................................................................................................... 28 Drawing .............................................................................................................................................. 29 Tables ................................................................................................................................................... 30
Correcting ................................................................................................................................................... 31 Spelling ................................................................................................................................................ 31 AutoCorrect ........................................................................................................................................ 32 AutoFormat ........................................................................................................................................ 33 Collaborating .............................................................................................................................................. 34 Activating Track Changes ................................................................................................................. 34 Setting Track Changes options ......................................................................................................... 34 Reviewing comments and changes ................................................................................................. 35 Customizing Documents .......................................................................................................................... 37 Columns .............................................................................................................................................. 37 Page breaks ......................................................................................................................................... 38 Table of contents................................................................................................................................. 39 Page numbering ................................................................................................................................. 40 Creating Hyperlinks to...................................................................................................................... 41
ThinkFree Office Calc 4 ................................................................................................................... 44 User Interface ............................................................................................................................................. 44 Toolbars ....................................................................................................................................................... 45 Learning the Basics .................................................................................................................................... 48 Understanding Cell References........................................................................................................ 49 Creating new spreadsheets ............................................................................................................... 50 Saving files .......................................................................................................................................... 51 Opening files ...................................................................................................................................... 51 Closing files ........................................................................................................................................ 51 Setting up pages ................................................................................................................................. 52 Printing ................................................................................................................................................ 53 Cell Protection .................................................................................................................................... 53 Formatting Cells ......................................................................................................................................... 55 Formatting cell borders ..................................................................................................................... 55 Formatting text ................................................................................................................................... 55 Formatting numbers .......................................................................................................................... 56 Aligning text ....................................................................................................................................... 57 Inserting comments ........................................................................................................................... 57 Formulas ..................................................................................................................................................... 59 Using Formulas .................................................................................................................................. 59 Editing Formulas ............................................................................................................................... 60 Formula Auditing .............................................................................................................................. 61 Data .............................................................................................................................................................. 62 Inputting data ..................................................................................................................................... 62 Sorting data ......................................................................................................................................... 63 Filtering data ...................................................................................................................................... 64 Conditional Formatting ............................................................................................................................ 64 Creating a new rule ........................................................................................................................... 64 Modifying conditional rules ............................................................................................................. 65 Copying conditional formatting ...................................................................................................... 66 Clearing conditional formatting ...................................................................................................... 67
Importing External data ............................................................................................................................ 67 Group and Outline .................................................................................................................................... 69 Functions ..................................................................................................................................................... 70 Construction of a function ................................................................................................................ 70 Function types and order of operation ........................................................................................... 70 Pivot Tables ................................................................................................................................................. 72 Pivot Table Structure ......................................................................................................................... 72 Creating PivotTables .......................................................................................................................... 74 Charts .......................................................................................................................................................... 77 Creating charts ................................................................................................................................... 77 Editing charts ..................................................................................................................................... 79
ThinkFree Office Show 4 ................................................................................................................ 81 User Interface ............................................................................................................................................. 81 Toolbars ....................................................................................................................................................... 82 Learning the Basics .................................................................................................................................... 85 Creating a new presentation ............................................................................................................ 85 Applying design templates .............................................................................................................. 86 Applying slide layouts ...................................................................................................................... 86 Types of slide layouts ........................................................................................................................ 87 Modifying table styles ....................................................................................................................... 88 Editing Presentations ................................................................................................................................ 90 Inserting new slides ........................................................................................................................... 90 Formatting fonts ................................................................................................................................. 90 Adding slide notes ............................................................................................................................. 90 Bullets and numbering ...................................................................................................................... 91 Insert objects ............................................................................................................................................... 92 Inserting text boxes ............................................................................................................................ 92 Inserting pictures ............................................................................................................................... 92 Inserting clipart .................................................................................................................................. 92 Flickr images ....................................................................................................................................... 93 Multimedia Files ................................................................................................................................ 94 Drawing .............................................................................................................................................. 94 Tables ................................................................................................................................................... 95 Slide Master ................................................................................................................................................ 96 Creating slide masters ....................................................................................................................... 96 Modifying slide masters ................................................................................................................... 97 View ............................................................................................................................................................. 97 Viewing slide shows .......................................................................................................................... 98 Setting up Show ................................................................................................................................. 98 Applying slide transitions ................................................................................................................ 99 Custom animations .......................................................................................................................... 101 Custom shows .................................................................................................................................. 104
Getting started
Before Reading This User Guide This ThinkFree Office 4 User Guide describes the main functions of ThinkFree Office 4 and how to use them. Please refer to Online Help for product details and functions not included on this manual.
Fonts and Keyboard Shortcuts Fonts z
All characters in this User Guide are represented in Palatino Linotype.
Fonts used to indicate menus, dialog windows, feature names, notes, and on‐screen displays are represented in bold.
Keyboard Shortcuts z
The keys used for functional operations are depicted using the brackets ([ ]). For example, [F1] implies to the user to press the F1 key.
The plus sign (+) depicts an instance where two keys need to be pressed simultaneously. For example, [Alt+F1] implies to the user to press the Alt key and the F1 key at the same time.
For some keyboard shortcuts, you must press and hold two keys at the same time and then press a third key. These are denoted by a plus sign (+) and a comma (,) within the brackets ([ ]). For example, [Ctrl+N,K] indicates to the user to press and hold the Ctrl key and the N key simultaneously, then press the K key.
System requirements System requirements for installing and running ThinkFree Office 4 are listed on the following table. The specifications below should be met in order to fully utilize all functions of ThinkFree Office 4. If the specifications are not met, there could be differences in the performance at which the application operates, depending on the specification of the individual system. Windows
Windows XP/Vista/Windows7 512MB Memory
Mac OS X 10.4 or later 512MB Memory
Tested on Ubuntu 8.04 512MB Memory
Introduction The ThinkFree Office 4 productivity suite was developed to maximize compatibility with a number of platforms. ThinkFree Office 4 provides word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software. All ThinkFree Office 4 applications are compatible with Microsoft® Office, meaning that Thinkfree Office 4 can read, edit, and save in Microsoft® Office file formats. Functions in ThinkFree Office 4 correspond to similar functions in Microsoft® Office. ThinkFree Office 4 was developed using Java™ (by Sun Microsystems, Inc.), which provides outstanding cross‐platform compatibility. Therefore, ThinkFree Office 4 supports numerous operating systems including the Mac OS® and Linux® in addition to Microsoft® Windows.
ThinkFree Office Write 4 ThinkFree Office Write 4 is a powerful and versatile word processor that can create, edit, and view documents. Documents that have been produced by Microsoft® Word can be opened and edited using ThinkFree Office Write 4. Since the document can be saved in .doc file format after editing, it can easily be shared with others. ThinkFree Office 4 allows attaching the document in a single action for rapid distribution to other users to save time by opening an e‐mail account. As all changes made to the document can be recorded, you can keep track of the changes and collaborate with others. Variety of documents can be created by applying tables, images, clipart, and other user‐defined formats and can be exported to HTML or PDF formats. Also, many errors can be corrected by a using grammar checker and auto‐ repair functions.
ThinkFree Office Calc 4 ThinkFree Office Calc 4 is a spreadsheet application that can easily create documents with lots of functions, open and edit documents created by Microsoft® Excel without the fear of incompatibility, and save files in the .xls file format, allowing you to share spreadsheet files with others easier. ThinkFree Office Calc 4 has all the needed functions that one would expect and require in a spreadsheet application, such as drag‐and‐drop cells, Auto‐fill, Copy, Format, Chart Wizard, Split Windows, and Zoom In. ThinkFree Office Calc 4 can also export spreadsheets as HTML or PDF formats, both of which can then be easily uploaded to a Web site. Conditional Formatting allows you to create rules and if the conditions you specified are satisfied, the formatting such as cell font, fill color is applied so you can verify and review the data. Pivot Table helps you summarize and analyze your huge data in a wide variety of ways. The Protect Sheet function prevents the document from being edited by others and provides a reliable and a safe environment for important or sensitive documents.
ThinkFree Office Show 4 ThinkFree Office Show 4 can create powerful and dynamic presentations using high‐resolution images, clipart, and numerous graphic functions. ThinkFree Office Show 4 can open and edit documents created in Microsoft® PowerPoint without the fear of incompatibility. Files can be saved in .ppt file format making the file easy to share with others. ThinkFree Office Show 4 provides you various slide designs, layouts, and animations as well as table styles, enabling you to make quality presentation materials. Documents created using ThinkFree Office Show 4 can be exported to HTML or PDF formats, which can then be uploaded to a Web site and accessed through a Web browser.
Installation and Operation Installing ThinkFree Office 4 To install ThinkFree Office 4 on Windows: 1.
Double‐click the installation file that you have downloaded on your computer.
Follow the instructions in the wizard.
Launching ThinkFree Office 4 When ThinkFree Office 4 is launched for the first time, the Product Activation dialog box opens. You will need to register your copy of ThinkFree Office 4 to continue using the software. To launch ThinkFree Office 4, do the following: 1.
Double‐click on one of the ThinkFree Office 4 icons on your desktop (e.g., ThinkFree Office Write 4). Or, click the Start menu > All Programs > ThinkFree Office and then choose the application you want to use. The Product Activation dialog box will open automatically.
Select the Product Activate Now radio button and click Next.
Enter your name, e‐mail address, and the license key, then click Register. If you have not purchased a license yet, you may click Buy Now to buy ThinkFree Office 4 online, or click Later to bypass the registration.
Note If you click Later in the Product Activation dialog box, ThinkFree Office 4 will be available for use for only 30 days following the initial installation.
Registering a customer ID If you have purchased the Download edition of ThinkFree Office 4, you are also given a ThinkFree Office online ID and the password you entered at the time of purchase. Customers who have ThinkFree Office online IDs will be able to take advantage of online technical support through the Web site and using the complementary ThinkFree Online service. ThinkFree Online service not only gives you free access to the online version of ThinkFree Office 4 programs through the Internet, but also provides you 1GB of free online storage space where you can upload and retrieve files anywhere and anytime.
Settings File type settings ThinkFree Office 4 can be registered as the default application for Microsoft® Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files. To set ThinkFree Office 4 as the default application: 1.
For the Windows operating system, click the Start menu > All Programs > ThinkFree Office > ThinkFree Office Settings 4.
In the Settings dialog box, click the File Types tab.
Select the file types that you wish for ThinkFree Office 4 to open by default, then click OK.
Technical Support ThinkFree Office 4 users can receive technical support though our Web site. Please visit http://help.thinkfree.com, click Help Center, then click Products & Services INQUIRES to leave your question. A collection of frequently asked questions (FAQ) is also available by clicking FAQ.
ThinkFree Office Write 4
User Interface The user interface of ThinkFree Office Write 4 follows the standards of conventional word processors, so that users familiar with Microsoft® Word® and novice users alike can easily operate Write.
Title bar – Displays the name of the application and the title of the document, and contains the Minimize, Maximize, and Close buttons.
Menu bar – All Write commands can be accessed from the Menu bar.
Standard toolbar – Contains the frequently used features and commands.
Formatting toolbar – Allows you to format fonts and paragraph styles.
Reviewing toolbar – Allows you to conveniently review the revised documents.
Picture toolbar – Allows you to insert pictures including clipart files, images of Flickr.
Table toolbar – Creates and modifies tables.
Horizontal/Vertical scale – Displays the horizontal/vertical sizes of documents and the locations of tabs and indentations.
Drawing toolbar – Allows you draw or modify illustrations.
Status bar – Displays the page number of documents, column numbers, and the location of the cursor.
Working area – This is where you can create and edit documents. All tasks are performed 6
here. z
Horizontal/vertical scroll bars – Used to pan the screen horizontally or vertically when documents are larger than the window in which they are displayed.
Outlining toolbar (not displayed on the screen by default) – Allows you to perform the outline levels and table of contents in a document.
Toolbars Write toolbars contain frequently used commands and other tools. This means that most commands are accessible at the click of a mouse, eliminating the need to navigate through complicated menus. You can choose to show or hide each toolbar. The Standard, Format, Table, and Drawing toolbars are displayed at start‐up by default. To show or hide a toolbar: 1.
Click View > Toolbar to display a list of the toolbars.
When a checkmark (9) is displayed next to the toolbar’s name, it means that the toolbar is currently displayed. Clear the checkmark to hide it.
Standard toolbar The Standard toolbar contains frequently used features and commands for creating and editing documents. Icon
Name New Open Save Save as PDF Print Print preview Cut Copy Paste Format Painter Undo Redo Find Replace Draw Table Insert Picture Insert Hyperlink Bookmark Show/Hide All Editing Marks Field shading Zoom ThinkFree Office Write Help
Description Creates a new document in a new window. Opens a saved document. Saves the active document. Saves the document as a PDF file. Prints the document. Displays the document in its printed format. Cuts selected contents and copies them to the clipboard. Copies selected contents to the clipboard. Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the document. Copies the selected text format to another Reverses the command(s) just performed. Re‐performs command(s) that have been undone. Searches for contents based on user‐defined criteria such as keywords. Replaces a specified word with another. Draws/Inserts a table into the document. Inserts a picture into the document. Creates a hyperlink with selected words. Inserts a bookmark. Shows/hides all editing marks. Shows/hides shading of fields. Zooms in/out of the display. Displays ThinkFree Office Write Help.
Formatting toolbar The Formatting toolbar allows you to apply formatting to fonts and paragraph styles with a click of a mouse. Icon
Name Styles and Formatting Style Font Name Font Size Increase Font Size Decrease Font Size Bold Italic Underline Superscript Subscript Justify Align Left Center Align Right Distributed Numbered List Bulleted List Decrease Indent Increase Indent Single 1.5 Lines Double Font Color Phonetic Guide
Description Displays the Styles and Formatting task window. Changes the style of the selected paragraph. Changes the font of the selected area or text. Changes the font size of the selected area. Incrementally increases the font size. Incrementally decreases the font size. Bolds selected text. Italicizes selected text. Underlines selected text. Changes selected characters to superscripts. Changes selected characters to subscripts. Aligns paragraphs at both right and left margins. Aligns paragraphs to the left. Aligns paragraphs to the center. Aligns paragraphs to the right. Aligns the paragraph at both ends by equally distributing lines, regardless of the number of characters. Adds or removes numbering. Adds or removes bullets. Indents to the left. Indents to the right. Sets the selection to single line spacing. Sets the selection to 1.5 line spacing. Sets the selection to double line spacing. Changes the color of the selected text. Adds phonetic guides
Outlining toolbar The Outlining toolbar allows you to define the outline levels and table of contents in a document. It is not displayed at start‐up by default. Icon
Name Description Promote to Heading Promotes the selected paragraph to the Heading 1 outline level. 1 Promote Promotes the selection by one outline level. Outline Level
Sets the outline level of the selected paragraph.
Demote Demote to Body Text Update TOC Go to TOC
Demotes the selected outline level by one. Changes the selected outline level to body text. Updates the Table of Contents in a document. Returns you to the Table of Contents. 8
Reviewing toolbar The Reviewing toolbar allows you to display comments or tracked changes and to accept or reject them while you review the revised document. Icon
Display for review
Switches the versions of the document for the review.
Show menu Previous Next
Provides the display options such as Final, Original, Comments, Insertions and Deletions, Formatting, Reviewers, Balloons. Moves to the previous comment or change from the current comment or change. Moves to the next comment or change from the current comment or change. Accepts the selected change or all changes at once.
Accept Change Reject Change/Delete Rejects the selected change or deletes the selected comment. Comment Inserts a new comment at the point where the mouse cursor Insert Comment is placed. Track Changes Starts change tracking.
Next Change
Moves to the previous tracked change from the current change. Moves to the next tracked change from the current change.
Previous Comment
Moves to the previous comment from the current comment.
Next Comment
Moves to the next comment from the current comment.
Edit Comment
Edits comments.
Previous Change
Table toolbar The Table toolbar allows you to create and edit tables and align text within tables. Icon
Name Table Insert Row Insert Column Merge Cells Split Cells Align Top Align Center Align Bottom Distribute Rows Evenly Distribute Columns Evenly
Description Creates a table by setting the rows and columns. Inserts a row above the selected row. Inserts a column to the right of the selected column. Merges selected cells into one. Splits a selected single cell into multiple cells. Aligns the characters in selected cells to the top. Aligns the characters in selected cells to the middle. Aligns the characters in selected cells to the bottom. Equally distributes the heights of rows in a table. Equally distributes the widths of columns in a table.
Drawing toolbar The Drawing toolbar allows you to draw illustrations. Icon
Name Draw Menu
Description Provides access to drawing features. 9
Select Objects Auto Shapes Line Arrow Rectangle Oval Text box Insert Clip Art Insert Picture Fill Color Line Color Font Color Line Style Dash Style Arrow Style Shadow Style
Allows selecting an object in the document. Inserts various shapes into the document. Draws a line. Draws a line ending with an arrowhead. Draws a rectangle or a square. Draws an ellipse or a circle. Inserts a text box. Opens the Clip Art dialog box. Inserts a picture file. Sets the inner color of an object. Sets the line color of an object. Sets the font color of the characters within the object. Sets the thickness of lines. Sets the line shape as solid, dotted, dash or double lines. Sets the shape of arrows. Sets the shadow of objects.
Picture toolbar The Picture toolbar allows you to insert and modify picture files. Icon
Name Insert Picture
Description Insert a picture file.
Color More Contrast Less Contrast More Brightness
Changes the selected image to black and white. The contrast increases by 3% for each click. The contrast decreases by 3% for each click. The brightness increases by 3% for each click.
Less Brightness Crop Rotate Left 90º Line Style
The brightness decreases by 3% for each click. Enables you to crop the picture. Click again to cancel Crop. The selected picture rotates to the left by 90º for each click. Specifies thickness of border lines of drawings, pictures, etc.. The user can crop the image or control the image properties in the Format Picture dialog box. Extracts the color of the currently selected coordinate values and makes the corresponding color values transparent. Returns the picture to the original condition.
Format Picture Set Transparent Color Reset Picture
Header and Footer toolbar The Header and Footer toolbar allows you to insert or modify a header or footer. It is automatically displayed when you insert or modify the text in the top or bottom margin. Icon
Name Inset Page Number Insert Number Of Pages Format Page Number Insert Date Insert Time Page Setup
Description Inserts a { PAGE } field which displays the number of the current page Inserts a { NumPages } field which displays the total number of pages. Opens the Page Number Format dialog box which allows formatting the page numbers. Inserts the current date. Inserts the current time. Opens the Page Setup dialog box which allows changing page 10
Link to Previous Switch Between Header and Footer Show Previous Show Next Close Header and Footer
settings. Links two sections and uses the same formatting for different sections. Switches between the header and footer in the same page. Moves to the previous section. Moves to the next section. Closes the toolbar and returns to the Edit mode.
Learning the Basics Creating a new document When Write is executed from the icon, an editing window opens with a blank document named Document1.doc. If another document is created while the existing Write document is still in use, a new document file titled Document2.doc opens in a new window. To create a new Write document: 9
Click File > New or press [Ctrl+N] simultaneously. A new document opens.
Saving documents This command allows you to save the working document as a file. Saved files can be later opened and edited. To save a document: 1.
Click File > Save or press [Ctrl+S] simultaneously.
In the Save As dialog box, type the file name and then click Save.
Note Saving ThinkFree Office Write 4 documents in three different ways: 9 File > Save: Stores all changes made since the last save. 9 File > Save As: Saves the document with a new name. 9 File > Save as PDF: Saves the document in PDF format. If a file has previously been saved, the current file will be saved by the same name without a dialog box being displayed. If you want to store different versions of the file, click File > Save As.
Opening documents This command allows you to open saved Write documents in the editing window. Once opened, documents can be read, edited, and/or printed. To open a document: 1.
Click File > Open or press [Ctrl+O] simultaneously.
In the Open dialog box, locate and select a file you want to open.
Click Open. The selected document will be displayed in the new ThinkFree Office Write 4 editing window.
Opening recent documents This command allows you to open the recent documents without navigating their locations. You can set to display up to the nine‐document list. To open a recent document: 1.
Click File > Recent Files.
Click a document name from the list of the recent documents available, then the selected document is open.
Note You can specify how many lists will be displayed, but the maximum number of the lists is nine. Click Tools > Options and then click the General tab in the Options dialog box to set up the number of the lists.
Sending to mail recipient This feature allows you to directly send the document that you are currently editing to others using an e‐mail program installed on your computer. Without the process of saving and attaching the document, you can quickly send the document from the editing window. To send the current document: 1.
Click File > Send To Mail Recipient(as Attachment). The document in the DOC format is attached to the email program.
Send the email after entering the email address, the subject of the email, and the message.
Closing documents To close a file: 1.
Click File > Close or [Ctrl+W]. If you have not saved the file, a message ʹDocument1ʹ has been changed. Do you want to save the changes? appears.
Click OK to save the changes. Or click NO to close the active document while the Write editing window will remain open.
Note To close the entire ThinkFree Office Write 4 program, click File > Exit or click the X button on the top right corner of the Title bar.
Setting up pages You can configure the page with respect to the characteristics of the current document. You can verify the changes you made in the Preview area of the Margins and Paper tabs before applying those changes to the document. To set up a page: 1.
Click File > Page Setup.
In the Page Setup dialog box, click the tab: Margins, Paper, Layout, Document Grid.
Specify the options you want to apply to the current document.
Click OK.
Printing This command allows you to print the document displayed in the active editing window. You can customize print specifications to best suit your documentation needs. To print the current page of a document: 1.
Click File > Print, or press [Ctrl+P] simultaneously.
In the Print dialog box, select the printer you wish to use from the list under Name and specify other options.
Click Print.
Note Clicking the Print icon ( ) on the Standard toolbar automatically prints the entire document without opening the Print dialog box.
Printing to file Instead of printing a document on paper, Print to file saves documents electronically as printer files (*.prn). Files saved in this format can be printed on different systems or printers with the same result, even if ThinkFree Office Write 4 is not installed.
Print range Allows you to specify the pages that you wish to print. All Current page Pages
Prints all pages from the current document. Prints only the page that is currently viewed. Prints specified page numbers or a range of page numbers.
Number of copies Allows you to specify the number of copies of the document and how the printed pages will be organized. Number of copies Collate
Sets the number of copies to be printed of the active document. Prints multiple copies of a document in binding order (e.g., prints pages 1‐2‐3, 1‐2‐3, and so on). If Collate is not selected, the document pages will be printed in the order 1‐1‐1, 2‐2‐2, 3‐3‐3, and so on.
Editing Undo/Redo The Undo feature restores a document to its state prior to the most recent action(s) while the Redo feature restores the document to its state prior to Undo. You can Undo and Redo any changes to a document up to the most recent save. These easy‐to‐perform functions help minimize mistakes and you can save time by undoing errors while editing your document To undo an action: 9
Click Edit > Undo or press [Ctrl+Z] simultaneously.
To redo an action: 9
Click Edit > Redo or press [Ctrl+Y] simultaneously.
Cut/Copy The Cut, Copy, and Paste features are useful for moving selected contents to other locations. Cut allows you to remove selected contents from a document, temporarily storing it on the clipboard, before pasting it to another location. Copy also allows you to temporarily store selected contents on the clipboard and paste it elsewhere, but the selection is not removed from its original location. To cut and paste a selection: 1.
Select the content you wish to relocate, then click Edit > Cut or press [Crtl+X] simultaneously.
Click on the location where you desire to paste the selection.
Click Edit > Paste or press [Crtl+V] simultaneously.
To copy and paste a selection: 1.
Select the content you wish to copy, then click Edit > Copy or press [Crtl+C] simultaneously.
Click on the location where you desire to paste the selection.
Click Edit > Paste or press [Crtl+V] simultaneously.
Fonts This feature allows you to choose different fonts and define their characteristics to modify text to enhance appearance of your documents. You can choose the font type, size, and other effects, such as bold, underline, and superscript. To change or modify fonts: 1.
Select the text to be modified, then click Format > Font.
In the Font dialog box, select a font from either the Latin font list or the Asian font list. Choose Regular, Italic, or Bold from the Font style list, and select a size. You can also 15
change the font color, underline style, and other style formats, such as strikethrough and superscript.
Review the modified text in the Preview area, then click OK.
Paragraphs You can greatly improve the organization and readability of your documents by applying paragraph formatting. You can specify alignment, indentation, and spacing. To specify indents and spacing: 1.
Select the paragraph to be modified, then click Format > Paragraph.
In the Paragraph dialog box, click the Indents and Spacing tab.
Under the General section, specify alignment and outline level.
Under the Indentation section, specify the left and right margins of the selected paragraph and the indentation of the first line of the paragraph.
Under the Spacing section, set the amount of spaces before and after the selected paragraph and specify line spacing.
Review the changes in the Preview area, then click OK.
To set pagination: 1.
Select the paragraph to be paginated, then click Format > Paragraph.
In the Paragraph dialog box, click the Line and Page Breaks tab.
Check the pagination options as you wish to use, then click OK.
Widow/Orphan control: Attaches the whole paragraph to prevent the topmost or the lowest paragraph line from being divided if the first or the last line of the paragraph is cut.
Keep lines together: Sends the whole paragraph to the next page to prevent breaking the paragraph between pages if the current paragraph is cut in the middle.
Keep with next: Attaches the current paragraph and its next paragraph together, such that if the next paragraph goes to the next page, the current paragraph will follow the next paragraph.
Page break before: Breaks the page at the beginning of the current paragraph and sends the current paragraph to the next page.
Bullets and Numbering You can insert or delete the bullets or numbering at the beginning of the selected paragraphs or the paragraph where the mouse cursor is positioned. Bullets and Numbering are useful for arranging and classifying multiple items. 1.
Place the cursor on the line or select the paragraphs you want to apply bullets or numbering to, and then click Format > Bullets and Numbering.
In the Bullets and Numbering dialog box, click the Bulleted tab or Numbered tab to set and apply the desired style to the paragraph.
Click OK. If you want to create or modify lists, click Custom and specify the settings you want to use.
Note You can apply the preselected types of bullets or the numbers by clicking toolbar.
on the Formatting
Finding and Replacing Finding words or phrases To find a word or phrase: 1.
Click Edit > Find or [Ctrl+F].
On the Find tab of the Find and Replace dialog box, enter the text to be found in the Find what field.
Click Find Next or press [Enter].
Note If you want to set the advanced options, click the Highlight all items found in checkbox and click to expand search options.
Replacing words or phrases To replace a word or phrase: 1.
Click Edit > Replace or [Ctrl+H].
On the Replace tab of the Find and Replace dialog box, enter the text to be found in the Find what field and type the text you want to replace with the original text in the Replace with field.
Click Replace. If you want to replace all occurrences of the text, click Replace All.
Going to specific locations To directly go to another location: 1.
Click Edit > Go To or [Ctrl+G].
On the Go To tab of the Find and Replace dialog box, choosing the category from the Go to what list.
In the blank field at the right, specify the location where you want to go.
Click Next or Previous accordingly.
Header/Footer This feature allows you to insert the same content such as title, subtitle, etc. to the top or bottom of each page. To insert a header or footer: 1.
Click View‐Header and Footer. The header and footer areas surrounded by dashed lines appear.
Enter the desired text within the dashed box. You can also insert pictures and/or tables.
Click View‐Header and Footer again. The dashed boxes disappear, and their contents are displayed in gray color.
Footnotes/Endnotes Footnotes are notes placed at the bottom of a page in a document whereas endnotes are placed at the end of a section or a document. Footnotes and endnotes are used for additional information, explanatory notes, or quoted passages. To insert a footnote or endnote: 1.
Position the mouse pointer where you want to add a footnote or an endnote, and then click Insert > Reference > Footnote.
In the Footnote and Endnote dialog box, specify the options as desired.
Under the Location section, specify the location from Footnotes or Endnotes.
Under the Format section, specify the starting number and number format as desired.
Under the Apply changes section, specify the range for applying the changes.
Click Insert. The selected footnote/endnote will be inserted to the desired location.
Cross-reference You can create a reference link or a direct link to the text, pictures, or tables. When editing a document, you may modify its references such as picture or table from time to time. Cross‐reference allows you to rebuild the reference numbers according to your changes in a simple one‐click command. To insert a cross‐reference: 1.
Select the text or the object, then click Insert > Reference > Cross‐reference.
In the Cross‐reference dialog box, select the type of item from the Reference type drop‐ down list. If you want to insert a hyperlink to the referenced object, click the Insert as hyperlink checkbox.
Select the desired cross‐reference from the Insert reference to drop‐down list.
Select the targeted reference object from the For which list. The name of For which depends on the reference type you selected.
Click Insert.
Captions This feature allows you to attach a number, title, and explanation to the objects such as pictures, tables, text boxes within the document. Once a caption is attached, it follows the object whenever the object is moved or modified. To insert a caption: 1.
Select the object you want to attach a caption, and then click Insert > Reference > Caption.
In the Caption dialog box, the caption title in the Caption field is automatically attributed, depending on the selected object. You can change the caption title.
Under the Options section, select the label (Figure, Equation, Table) from the Label drop‐ down list and specify the position of the object. Click the New Label button to enter your own label relevant to the object you selected.
Click OK to apply the caption to the selected object.
Bookmarks This feature is useful when you want to bookmark a reference section or remember the section you were working on last time. To insert a bookmark in the designated location: 1.
Select the text or the object you want to insert a bookmark, then click Insert > Bookmark.
In the Bookmark dialog box appears, enter the name of the bookmark in the Bookmark name field. The Add button will be enabled.
Select whether you want to sort the bookmark list by name or by location.
Click Add. The bookmark will be added to the list, and a gray bookmark icon (I) will appear next to the selected text or object.
Formatting You can set the font, size, and effect of the content within the current document as well as the left/right indentation and the alignment method. You can apply different properties to the particular text or paragraphs.
Adding styles To add a new style: 1.
Click Format > Styles and Formatting. The Styles and Formatting pane appears.
Click New Style. In the New Style dialog box, type a style name in the Name box and specify other options as you wish.
Click Format to display a list of options, then set up other formatting including font and paragraph.
Click OK.
Applying styles To apply a style: 25
Place a mouse cursor on the location where you want to apply formatting.
Choose the formatting from the Styles and Formatting pane.
Type the text, or insert an object or a table.
Note You can also apply the styles after completing the document. Select text or paragraphs, choose a style from the Pick formatting to apply list on the Styles and Formatting pane.
Modifying styles To modify a style: 1.
Click Format > Styles and Formatting.
Choose a style to be modified and click the down‐arrow button or Formatting pane, then click Modify from the drop‐down list.
on the Styles and
In the Modify Style dialog box, change the style name or other options, or click Format to change font, paragraph, border, etc.
Click OK. 26
Copying formats You can copy the formats rather than choosing them one by one. To copy the format: on the Standard
Click the text with formatting you want to apply to another, then click toolbar. The mouse pointer will become a painter icon .
Select the target text or paragraph. The formatting is applied to the target text.
Inserting objects This function allows you to insert pictures, image files, text boxes, and clipart into documents. Objects are inserted wherever the cursor is positioned.
Inserting pictures After inserting a picture, you can zoom in and out, format border lines, and apply effects. To insert a picture: on the Drawing toolbar.
Click Insert > Picture > From File, or click
In the Insert Picture dialog box, browse the image file, select it.
Click Open. The picture will be displayed in the document.
Inserting Clipart To insert a clipart file: 1.
on the Drawing toolbar.
Click Insert > Picture > Clip Art or click
In the Clip Art dialog box, double‐click a category. Thumbnail clipart images of the selected group are displayed.
Double‐click a clipart image you wish to insert, or click a clipart image and then click
Flickr images You can search for images in Flickr and insert them into the documents without the need of opening Internet browsers. To insert an image from Flickr to the document: 1.
Click Insert > Picture > From Flickr. The Insert Online Images dialog box appears.
Type a keyword in the Search For filed, then click GO. Thumbnail images are displayed in the Powered by flickr™ pane. Search results may differ depending on the license option you choose. 28
Double‐click the thumbnail image you want to insert, or click the image and then click Insert.
Drawing The drawing function allows you to directly draw onto the documents instead of having to insert image or clipart files without using other applications. You can enhance documents with lines, connectors, basic shapes, and block arrows, as well as with various shapes and drawing functions included in Write. To create drawings: 1.
Click on the Line, Arrow, Rectangle, or Oval icons on the Drawing toolbar, or select shapes such as Line, Connector, Block Arrow, Flowchart, or Callout from the AutoShapes menu. The pointer will change to indicate that it is currently in drawing mode (+).
Click on the location where you wish the drawing to begin, then drag the mouse to create the shape you have selected. The shape will be drawn when you release the left‐click button of the mouse.
Dragging the mouse while holding the left‐click button can change the size of objects. Press [Shift] or [Ctrl] while dragging for more options. 9
[Shift] – Controls the size of the objects to retain equal proportions while drawing. This feature is used to draw perfect squares or circles.
[Ctrl] – Maintains the proportions of objects while re‐sizing.
Tables Tables are useful for organizing and presenting information, especially when creating complex documents that deal with numerical data. Rows and columns can be added to or deleted from tables that have been inserted into a document. Attributes such as size, shape, and color of cells and borders can be modified. To insert a table: 1.
Click Table > Insert > Table.
In the Insert Table dialog box, specify the number of rows and columns, then click OK.
With the Table menu opened by right‐clicking on the table, commands such as Insert, Delete Cells, Split Cells are available.
Correcting Spelling This feature helps you check the spelling on the current document. You can check your spelling based on the language dictionary and the user dictionary. If you use words that are not in the main dictionary, you can add them to a user dictionary so that they will not be recognized as a spelling‐ error. To check spelling: 1.
Place the mouse cursor at the beginning where the spelling check starts
Click Tools > Spelling or press [F7]. The Spelling dialog box appears. In the Not in Dictionary pane, misspelled word is displayed in red, and in the Suggestions pane, a correct word or a list of words suggested by the checker is displayed.
In the Suggestions pane, select the suggested word, and then click Replace.
After you choose the suggestion, the Replace button is activated.
If the Suggestions pane is empty or does not contain the right word, type the correct spelling of the word in the Not in Dictionary pane, and then click Replace.
If you click Replace All, any occurrences of the word in the document are replaced with the word selected from the Suggestions pane.
If the word in the Not in Dictionary pane is not misspelled, click Skip to continue with the spelling check without changing it. When you click Skip All, the same word will be skipped and not shown in the Not in Dictionary pane.
AutoCorrect AutoCorrect automatically corrects common typing errors as you type with the keyboard. Because the words are automatically corrected as you work, fast process of the document is possible without having to edit each word, or running a spelling check. To add a misspelled word to be corrected: 1.
Click Tools > AutoCorrect Options.
On the AutoCorrect tap of the AutoCorrect dialog box, check Replace text as you type. If you want to set alert sounds when misspelled words are corrected, click Play sound upon use.
Click OK.
Note You can import or export an AutoCorrect Dictionary file.
AutoFormat AutoFormat automatically changes some elements into other forms that you define. You can set formatting to automatically be replaced while you are typing or you can change formatting using the AutoFormat function after completing the document.
ʺStraight quotesʺ with “smart quotes” Changes straight quotation marks to smart quotation marks. Straight quotation marks have the same shape for right and left quotes whereas smart quotation marks have the different curly quotes. Ordinals(1st) with superscript Makes English letters with the number in sequential order smaller than the normal font and positions them at above the baseline. Fractions(1/2) with fraction character(1/2) Substitutes fractions for traction characters. When you type 1/4, 1/2 or 3/4, they are replaced with ¼, ½ or ¾. Hyphens(‐‐) with dash(—) Replaces two hyphens (‐‐) between the text with a dash (—). *Bold* and_italic_ with real formatting Makes text between asterisks (*) appear bold and text between underscores (_) appear italic. If special characters including punctation marks are placed before *bold* or _italic_, this feature is not applied. If special characters except for a question mark (?), exclamation (!), comma (,) and slash (/) are placed after *bold* or _italic_, this feature is not applied. If asterisks or underscores are redundant like **bold** or __italic__, this feature is not applied. If you type *bold*(_italic_), the text between asterisks (*) becomes bold but (_italic_) is as it is. Internet and network paths with hyperlinks 33
Hyperlinks web pages, file paths, Internet and network paths including mailto, email addresses (e.g., http://www.thinkfree.com). Automatic numbered lists Sets up the automatic numbering. If you wish to deactivate the automatic numbered list, press [Enter] twice.
Collaborating The Track Changes feature allows you to revise documents with others and track of what changes including comments have been made to the documents and who has revised them.
Activating Track Changes You can track the changes, such as additional text, modified text, changed formatting and select names of the reviewers to check the changes or comments by those reviewers. While you review the changes, you can accept or reject them. To activate Track Changes, do one of the following:
Click Tools > Track Changes.
Double‐click TRK on the status bar.
on the Reviewing toolbar.
Note You can see the clear letters TRK on the status bar at the bottom of the editing screen when Track Changes is activated. If you deactivate this function, the letters TRK become blurry.
Setting Track Changes options You can change the way that markup and balloons are displayed. To change tracking options: 1.
Do one of the following:
Click Tools > Options, then click the Track Changes tab in the Options dialog box.
on the Reviewing toolbar to display a list of the options, then choose Click Options from the list
In the Track Changes tab, specify the tracking options as desired.
Under the Markup section, specify insertions, deletions, formatting, changed lines, and colors.
Under the Balloons section, choose whether to use balloons or not, and then specify the width of the balloons. If you want to display lines connecting balloons to the changes or comments, check the Show Lines connecting to text checkbox.
Click OK.
Reviewing comments and changes You can display all the comments and changes, or you can specify the way you view the original document and the changes that you or reviewers made to the document. To specify the way that the changes are displayed: 1.
Click View > Markup.
Click the down‐arrow next to Final Show Markup on the Reviewing toolbar to display a list of options, then choose the way you want to view.
Final Showing Markup: shows the deleted text in the balloons while the inserted text and formatting changes are shown inline.
Final: shows the final version of the document that all changes are accepted.
Original Showing Markup: shows the inserted text and formatting changes in the balloons while the deleted text remains inline.
Original: shows the original, unchanged document that any change is not 35
accepted. To customize the markup view: 9
on the Reviewing toolbar, then choose options from the list as you wish.
To accept or reject the changes: 1.
Click the change or the comment you want to accept or reject.
on the Reviewing toolbar to display a list of options, then choose the option Click accordingly.
Reject Change/Delete Comment: rejects the current change, or deletes the current comment.
Reject All Changes Shown: rejects the changes made by the selected reviewers.
Reject All Changes in Document: rejects all tracked changes.
Delete All Comments Shown: deletes the comments added by the selected reviewers.
Delete All Comments in Document: deletes all added comments.
While you review the changes in the document, you can simply reject or accept them in the balloons. You can check when the document was revised and who has added comments or made changes to the document. You can also delete comments by clicking the close icon ( ) in the balloons. To accept or reject the changes, place the mouse pointer over the check icon ( ) or the close icon ( ) on the balloon.
Click on the balloon to accept the change. 36
Click on the balloon to reject the change.
Customizing Documents Columns You can divide part of a document into several columns to create layouts. You can specify the width and spacing to enhance the appearance of the documents or to display in newspaper‐style columns. 1.
Place the mouse cursor where you want to divide text into columns, then click Format > Columns.
In the Column dialog box, choose one of presets. If you want to customize the number of columns, use the spin button from Number of columns.
Under the Width and spacing section, adjust the width and spacing of each column and review your adjustment in the Preview area.
Choose where the settings of the columns will be applied from the Apply to drop‐down list.
Click OK.
Page breaks This feature allows you to split the text or section and to manage them. When you insert a page break or a section break, a pale‐colored break line will be shown and the selected break type will appear.
Break types Page break: Divides the text into two pages with respect to the current mouse position. Page break will insert a page break icon to the current mouse position, and send the remaining content to the next page. Column break: Assuming that the document consists of multiple columns, this feature divides the text into two columns with respect to the current mouse position. Column break will insert a column break icon to the current mouse position, and send the remaining content to the next column. Text wrapping break: Divides a paragraph in two with respect to the current mouse position, and sends the remaining text to the next line while keeping the single paragraph format. Text wrapping break will insert a Soft Enter icon to the current mouse position and send the remaining text to the next line.
Section break types This field divides the text into sections, and sets the beginning section of the remaining content. Next page: Divides the text into two sections with respect to the current mouse position, and sends the remaining content to the next page. Continuous: Divides the text into two sections with respect to the current mouse position, and sends the remaining content to the next line. Even page: Divides the text into two sections with respect to the current mouse position, and sends the remaining content to the next even page. Odd page: Divides the text into two sections with respect to the current mouse position, and sends the remaining content to the next odd page. 38
To control the page breaks: 1.
Place the mouse cursor where you want to divide the text, and then click Insert > Break.
In the Break dialog box, select the desired type: Page break, Column break, Text wrapping break from the Break types section. If you want to divide the text into sections, select the beginning section of the remaining content from the Section break types field.
Click OK to apply the selection.
Table of contents The table of contents represents a list of all headings within the current document, and summarizes the overall document contents for easy viewing. This feature allows you to build the table of contents using an easy style, without the need to manually search every heading and page. With the table of contents, you can easily locate the desired content by referring to the headings and their related pages. To create a table of contents: 1.
Place the mouse cursor where you want to insert the table of contents, then click Insert > Reference > Table of Contents.
In the Preview area of the Table of Contents dialog box, review the appearance of the table.
Clear the Show page numbers checkbox to display the headings only.
Clear the Right align page numbers checkbox to delete all tabs and display the page numbers right next to the headings.
Select the type of the line to fill the tab from the Tab leader drop‐down list.
Under the General section, select the level of the headings to be displayed using the Show level spin button. (By default, ThinkFree Write builds a table of contents with up to 3 level headings. To build an outline‐style table, click the Outline levels checkbox.) 39
Click OK.
Page numbering You can insert page numbers that are necessary for the index and table of contents, and every time you modify the document, the page numbers are updated automatically. The number is incremented for each successive page. To insert page numbers: 1.
Click Insert > Page Numbers.
In the Page Number dialog box, select the position of the page numbers and their alignment style from the Position and Alignment drop‐don lists respectively.
Review your selection in the Review area, then click the Format button.
In the Page Number Format dialog box, select the desired format from the Number format drop‐down list and the section to which the page numbers is applied.
Click OK to close the Page Number Format dialog box.
In the Page Number dialog box, click OK.
Creating Hyperlinks to Hyperlinks are used to link between separate documents to direct readers from the current page to another or to open a new browser window to view a document. Hyperlinks can be inserted within the texts and will lead the readers to specific destinations
Existing File or Web Page 1.
Select the text to be hyperlinked, then click Insert > Hyperlink.
In the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, click
to browse to the location of the file you want to link to, or click Click Web or enter a URL address. The OK button is now activated.
on the Link to bar. to browse the
Click OK to create a hyperlink to the existing file or the Web.
Current Document 1.
Select the text to be hyperlinked, then click Insert > Hyperlink.
In the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, click
Select a place from the Select a place in this document pane: Top of the Document, Headings, and Bookmarks. The OK button is now activated.
on the Link to bar.
Click OK to create a hyperlink to the current document.
E-mail Address 1.
Select the text to be hyperlinked, then click Insert > Hyperlink.
In the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, click
Enter the email address in the E‐mail address field and the message title in the Subject field. The OK button is now activated.
from the Link to section.
Click OK to create a hyperlink to an email address.
Web Page saved in del.icio.us 42
del.icio.us is a social bookmarking web service for storing, sharing, and discovering web bookmarks. You can create hyperlinks to the Web pages saved in del.icio.us, without the need of opening Web browsers. 1.
Select the text to be hyperlinked, then click Insert > Hyperlink.
In the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, click
To directly log in to the del.icio.us, enter your information in the User Name and the Password fields.
on the Link to bar.
Choose a Web page from the list you want to link to.
Click OK to create a hyperlink to the Web page from the list of del.icio.us.
Note If you want to add a comment that will show up when the mouse pointer is over the hyperlinked text, click Screen Tip and enter any information you want to provide.
ThinkFree Office Calc 4
User Interface The ThinkFree Office Calc 4 user interface follows the standard design of conventional spreadsheet applications, so that users familiar with Microsoft® Excel® and novice users alike can easily operate Calc.
Title bar – Displays the title of the application, the title of the document, and contains the Minimize, Maximize, and Close buttons.
Menu bar – Provides access to all ThinkFree Office Calc 4 features and commands.
Standard toolbar – A collection of frequently used features and commands.
Formatting toolbar – A collection of tools used to change font types, paragraph styles, etc.
Name box – Displays the address of the selected cell. By inputting a name that is easy to recall instead of the address, the cell can be quickly located.
Row heading – 65,536 rows are displayed. Selected rows are darkened.
Column heading – 256 columns from A to IV are displayed. Selected columns are darkened.
Formula bar – Displays cell contents. If the cell content is the result of a formula, the formula is displayed. You may directly input and modify the cell contents here. The Formula bar can be shown or hidden from the View menu.
Move sheet tab – Used to move to sheets that are hidden from view.
Drawing toolbar – Allows you draw or modify illustrations.
Picture toolbar ‐ Allows you to insert pictures including clipart files, images of Flickr.
Status bar – Displays the page number, the column numbers, and the location of the cursor. The status bar can be shown or hidden by selecting or deselecting the Status bar option from 44
the View menu. z
Sheet tab – Displays the name of the worksheet. The sheet tab can be renamed by right‐ clicking on it with the mouse.
Worksheet – The area for inputting and manipulating data. Three worksheets are displayed by default.
Horizontal/Vertical scroll bars – These bars are used to move to different parts of the spreadsheet when it becomes larger than the window on which it is displayed.
Toolbars Toolbars contain frequently used tools represented by icons. You can choose to hide or display toolbars. The Standard, Format, and Drawing toolbars are displayed at start‐up by default. To show or hide a toolbar: 1.
Click View > Toolbar to display a list of the toolbars.
When a checkmark (9) is displayed next to the toolbar’s name, it means that the toolbar is currently displayed. Clear the checkmark to hide it.
Standard toolbar The Standard toolbar contains frequently used features and commands for creating and editing spreadsheets. Icons
Names New Open Save Save as PDF Print Print Preview Cut Copy Paste Format Painter Undo Redo Find
Replace Clear Contents Clear Formats Clear All Insert worksheet Insert Hyperlink AutoSum Sort A to Z Sort Z to A Chart Wizard Zoom ThinkFree Office Calc Help
Descriptions Creates a new spreadsheet on a new window. Opens saved spreadsheets. Saves the active spreadsheet. Saves the active spreadsheet as a PDF file. Prints the active spreadsheet. Displays the spreadsheet on‐screen as it will be printed. Cuts selected contents and copies them to the clipboard. Copies the selected contents to the clipboard. Pastes the contents from the clipboard to the spreadsheet. Copies the formatting of characters and objects. Reverses the command(s) just performed. Re‐performs command(s) that have been undone. Searches the active spreadsheet based on user‐defined criteria such as keywords. Replaces a specified word with another after finding it. Clears the contents of selected cells. Clears the formatting of selected cells. Clears all formatting and contents of selected cells. Inserts a new worksheet. Creates a hyperlink with the selected words. A formula that produces the sum of selected cells. Sorts the selected range of cell data in ascending order. Sorts the selected range of cell data in descending order. Creates charts. Controls the size of the display by zooming in and out. Displays ThinkFree Office Calc Help.
Formatting toolbar The Formatting toolbar allows you to apply formatting to numbers, fonts, and cells with a click of a mouse. Icons
Names Font Font Size Increase Font Size Decrease Font Size Bold Italic Underline Align Left Align Center Align Right Merge and Center Currency Style Percent Style Comma Style Increase Decimal Decrease Decimal Decrease Indent Increase Indent Borders Fill Color Font Color
Descriptions Changes the font type of the selected area. Changes the font size of the selected area. Incrementally increases the font size. Incrementally decreases the font size. Bolds selected text. Applies italics to selected text. Underlines the selected text. Aligns the paragraph to the left. Centers paragraphs. Aligns paragraphs to the right. Centers the selection after merging cells. Applies currency styles. Applies percentage styles. Applies comma styles. Increases decimal places. Decreases decimal places. Decreases the indentation of the contents of the cell. Increases the indentation of the contents of the cell. Applies borders. Sets the color of cell’s shade (background color) and the surface of the object. Sets the font color of the characters.
Drawing toolbar The Drawing allows you to draw illustration and manage pictures. Icons
Names Draw Menu Select Objects Auto Shapes Line Arrow Rectangle Oval Text Box Insert Clip Art Insert Picture Fill Color Line Color Font Color Line Style
Descriptions Provides the many draw functions. Selects an object in the document. Inserts various shapes into the document. Draws a line. Draws an arrow. Draws a rectangle or a square. Draws a circle or an ellipse. Inserts a text box. Opens the Clips Art dialog box. Inserts a picture file. Sets the surface color of the drawn object. Sets the line color of the drawn object. Sets the font color of the characters used within an object. Sets the border line thickness of drawings and images. 46
Dash Style Arrow Style Shadow Style
Sets the line shape as solid, dotted, dashed, or double lined. Sets the shape of the head and tail of the arrow. Sets the shadow of the object.
Picture toolbar The Picture toolbar allows you to insert and modify picture files. Icon
Name Insert Picture
Description Insert a picture file.
Color More Contrast Less Contrast More Brightness
Changes the selected image to black and white. The contrast increases by 3% for each click. The contrast decreases by 3% for each click. The brightness increases by 3% for each click.
Less Brightness Crop Rotate Left 90º Line Style
The brightness decreases by 3% for each click. Enables you to crop the picture. Click again to cancel Crop. The selected picture rotates to the left by 90º for each click. Specifies thickness of border lines of drawings, pictures, etc.. The user can crop the image or control the image properties in the Format Picture dialog box. Extracts the color of the currently selected coordinate values and makes the corresponding color values transparent. Returns the picture to the original condition.
Format Picture Set Transparent Color Reset Picture
PivotTable toolbar The PivotTable toolbar allows you to filter and sort data. Icon
Name Pivot Table Options
Description Allows modifying the layout, formatting, data, filter, etc. on the PivotTable Options dialog box.
Show Report Filter Pages Separates data of the Report Filter field into different worksheets. Field Settings
Allows modifying functions and cell formatting on the Value Field Settings dialog box.
Shows the hidden data in rows or columns.
Hides the displayed data in rows or columns.
Sort A to Z Sort Z to A Sort
Sorts the selected range of cell data in increasing order. Sorts the selected range of cell data in decreasing order. Allows sorting data using the Sort By Value dialog box. Updates the data in a pivot table if the source data has been changed. You cannot use the Undo command once you refresh the data.
Refresh Move PivotTable
Moves a pivot table to another location.
Show/Hide Field List
Displays or hides field lists.
Learning the Basics By default, ThinkFree Office Calc 4 opens with one workbook containing three worksheets. Worksheets can be added or deleted, and their names can be changed. The rows and columns that make up the worksheet can be inserted, deleted, or hidden. In order to maximize the benefits of ThinkFree Office Calc 4, the terms and concepts frequently used in this application, such as cell, cell address, worksheet, and workbook, should be well understood. z
Worksheet –Calc worksheets are comprised of rows, columns, and cells indicated with horizontal and vertical lines. The Worksheet is similar in concept to the working area of ThinkFree Office Write, in that it is the area where data is entered. A Worksheet contains 16,384 vertical columns and horizontal 1,048,576 rows.
Workbook – A workbook (e.g., Book1) is comprised of a set of worksheets (e.g., Sheet1, Sheet2, and Sheet3).
Cell – Cells are the basic units of a worksheet. A cell is the area created by the intersecting horizontal and vertical borders of rows and columns.
Cell address – One worksheet contains 16,777,216 cells, and each cell has a unique address. The cell address starts with the alphabetical label of a column and ends with the number of the row (e.g., C24).
You can insert a number of worksheets and also delete worksheets with data. Once you delete a worksheet, you cannot restore it. To insert or delete worksheets using the menu: 9
Right‐click a worksheet tab, then click Insert Worksheet or Delete Worksheet from the quick menu.
Names may be assigned to worksheets to better describe the characteristics of the data they contain, allowing you to effectively manage data. To rename worksheets 1.
Right‐click the worksheet tab to be renamed, then click Rename, or double‐click the worksheet tab.
Type the new name as desired.
Worksheets can be moved or copied using the menu or the mouse. To move a worksheet using the menu: 1.
Right‐click the worksheet tab to be moved, then click Move or Copy.
In the Move or Copy Sheet dialog box, select a sheet.
Click OK. The worksheet is moved to the front of the selection.
To copy a worksheet using the menu: 1.
Right‐click the tab of the sheet you wish to copy, then click Move or Copy.
In the Move or Copy Sheet dialog box, select a sheet.
Select Create a copy, then click OK. The worksheet will be copied to the assigned position with a postfix after the original sheet name).
Understanding Cell References The term reference in this context pertains to a cell or range of cells. Cell references allow you to use the value of that cell in any formulas. Cells from other sheets or other workbooks can also be referenced. Types of cell references include: absolute reference, relative reference, reference of cells of other worksheets, and 3‐D references.
Cell reference Cell ranges are denoted by the use of a colon (:). For example, a given cell range, B4:E7, includes all cells between B4 and E7. To obtain the sum of this reference, type in [=SUM(B4:E7)].
Relative reference When a cell with a cell range is copied, the copied cell has different reference depending on its location. If the formula is copied to a row or a column, the reference automatically changes. Formulas use relative references as their base. When the cell formula is copied and pasted, the cell reference changes accordingly.
Absolute reference The absolute reference is used at all times when referring to the same cell or cell range. To absolutely refer to a cell, add the dollar sign symbol ($) to both the row and column label. For example, to refer absolutely to cell F1, enter its cell reference as $F$1. 49
Referencing cells from other worksheets Other worksheets can be referenced. Add an exclamation mark (!) to the worksheet name when referencing other worksheets. For example, when referencing Sheet3, type =Sheet3!.
3-D Reference 3‐D reference is used when analyzing data in the same cell or range of cells on multiple worksheets within the workbook.
Creating new spreadsheets When Calc is executed for the first time from the icon, a blank spreadsheet (Book1) opens in the Calc editing window. To create a new document while the Calc editing window is opened, select either the workbook or a spreadsheet format. To create a new spreadsheet: 1.
Click File > New.
In the Templates dialog box, select either the Workbook on the General tab or a spreadsheet format on the Spreadsheet Solutions tab, then click OK.
Saving files This command allows you to save files. Saved files can be later opened and edited. Calc can save files in the Microsoft® Excel (*.xls), XML (*.xml), HTML (*.html, *.htm), and PDF (*.pdf) formats. To save a file: 1.
Click File > Save or press [Ctrl+S] simultaneously.
In the Save As dialog box, type the file name and then click Save.
Note If a file has previously been saved, the current file will be saved by the same name without a dialog box being displayed. Click File > Save As if you want to store different versions of the file.
Opening files This command opens saved worksheet files in the editing window. Opened files can be read, edited, and printed. To open a file: 1.
Click File > Open or press [Ctrl+O] simultaneously.
In the Open dialog box, locate and select a file you want to open.
Click Open. The file will be displayed on the editing window.
Closing files This command closes the active spreadsheet. To close a spreadsheet: 9
Click File > Close. The worksheet will close but the Calc editing window will remain opened.
Note When you click File > Close, only the active worksheet closes. To close the Calc editing window, click File > Exit or the X from the top right corner of the Title bar.
Setting up pages You can configure the page with respect to the characteristics of the current document. You can also specify headers and footers. To set up a page: 1.
Click File > Page Setup.
In the Page Setup dialog box, click the tab: Page, Margins, Header/Footer, Sheet.
Specify the options you want to apply to the current worksheet.
Click OK.
To insert a header or footer: 1.
On the Header/Footer tab of the Page Setup dialog box, click Custom Header or Customer Footer.
The Header dialog box appears if you clicked Custom Header. Specify the type of a header and contents, and then click OK.
Printing You can print an entire file or just part of a spreadsheet, depending on your selection. To print a spreadsheet: 1.
Click File > Print or press [Ctrl+P] simultaneously.
Make selections in the Print dialog box, then click OK.
Cell Protection You can protect worksheets from being modified when you distribute your files but you can set up all of the cells against being altered or specify cells editable. To protect a worksheet: 1.
Select a block of cells to be protected, then click Tools > Protection > Protect Sheet.
In the Protect Sheet dialog box, enter the password and then specify a range of the cells you will allow others to edit.
Click OK. In the Confirm Password dialog box, enter the password again and then click OK.
To unprotect a worksheet: 1.
Click Tools > Protection > Unprotect Sheet.
In the Unprotect Sheet dialog box, enter the password and click OK.
Note Even you do not enter the password, you can protect the worksheet. When you unprotect worksheet to edit it, you do not need to enter the password if you protected the worksheet without the password.
Formatting Cells The most important goal in worksheet operations is the easy identification of data. The column and row lines that you see on the worksheet of Calc are not printed. Lines must be created to enhance readability for printed materials. Depending on the cell contents, the external cell feature(s) and the shape of the data can be changed. For example, formatting of cell borders and backgrounds can be modified.
Formatting cell borders To format cell borders: 1.
Select a block of cells, then click Format > Cells.
In the Format Cells dialog box, click the Border tab.
Select one of the presets and a line style.
Click on the border icons, then select a border color.
Click OK.
Formatting text Formatting text is one of the easiest ways to enhance the appearance of your spreadsheet. Font formats are set from the Font tab of the Format Cells window or by using the Formatting toolbar. To format text: 1.
Select a block cells.
Click Format > Cells, then click the Font tab.
Select font, size, and any other effects. Results are displayed in the Preview area.
If you are satisfied with your changes, click OK.
Formatting numbers You can modify numeric data into specific types of formats such as numbers, time, currency, and date. To format numbers: 1.
Select a range of cells, then click Format > Cells.
In the Format Cells dialog box, click the Number tab.
Select the category of data and the format that best fits the data type. Results can be 56
previewed in the Sample pane. 4.
If you are satisfied with your changes, click OK.
Aligning text You can control the horizontal and vertical alignment of cell contents and merge two or more cells into a single cell. To align text: 1.
Select a cell or range of cells, then click Format > Cells.
In the Format Cells dialog box, click the Alignment tab.
Select the horizontal and vertical alignment of the text. The text orientation within any cell can also be set to any angle by dragging the line or entering the exact number of degrees.
Click OK.
To merge cells: 1.
Select a block of cells to be merged, then click Format > Cells.
In the Format Cells dialog box, click the Alignment tab.
Under the Text control section, select Merge cells.
Click OK. The selected cells are now merged into a single cell. To split the merged cells back into its original state, deselect Merge cells.
Inserting comments You can add your comments to a worksheet or provide some information using comment boxes. To add a comment into a cell: 1.
Select the desired cell, then click Insert > Comments. A comment box is inserted into the selected cell.
Type your comment or any information you want to add to the comment box. The 57
comment box disappears but a reverse red‐triangle ( ) appears on the cell to indicate there is a comment. You can display the comment box by right‐clicking on the cell and clicking Show/Hide Comment from the drop‐down list. To insert a picture into a comment box: 1.
Select a comment box, then right‐click to display a list of the options and click Format Comment.
On the Colors and Lines tab of the Format Comment dialog box, click Fill Effects from the Fill section.
In the Fill Effects dialog box, click the Picture tab.
Click Select Picture to navigate the file you want to insert, then click OK. 58
Formulas Using Formulas Formulas are numerical expressions that use the four fundamental operators of arithmetic (+, ‐, *, /) in addition to the complex data analysis. Formulas created in Calc must start with the equal sign (=).
Formulas using cell addresses You can use cell addresses to derive formulas instead of directly inputting the data into formulas. For example, the formula [= A1 + C1] will display the sum of cells A1 and C1. If the data in these cells change, the resulting value will automatically be recalculated.
Sum After inputting data into the spreadsheets, the sum of the data can be easily calculated. To calculate the sum of data: 1.
Type in the numbers in cells.
Select a cell with no data, type the equal sign (=) to indicate the data to be entered is a formula.
Select one of the cells you typed the numbers, then press the plus sign (+).
Select another cell you typed the numbers, then press the plus sign (+).
Repeat the process as many cells as you want to calculate.
Press [Enter]. The sum will be displayed on the cell that you typed the equal sign and added the values of the other cells.
Using the fill handle In a case where an identical formula is used with changes only to those locations, it is convenient to use the fill handle [+].
To use the fill handle, follow the example below: 1.
Type in the numbers in cells A2 to D2, and in cells A3 to D3.
Select cell E2, then type the sum formula to sum the values from A2 to D2.
Drag the mouse to the cell E3. The sum will be displayed in the cell E3.
Editing Formulas Formulas entered into cells can be copied and pasted to other cells or moved. Depending on the reference style of the cell, the resulting value may differ when copying cells with formulas. However, complex cell references do not need to be used if names are assigned to them.
Naming cells Formulas can be created with cell names. For example, to create a formula for calculating the sum of cells A1 and B1, set name A1 as “keyboard” and B1 as “monitor”. The formula then becomes [=keyboard+monitor] instead of [=A1+B1]. To name cells: 1.
Select a cell, then click the name box of the worksheet.
Type a name of the selected cell you want to give, then press [Enter].
Create formulas using the names that you have given to the cells.
Copying formulas Copying formulas allows you to paste the formula rather than re‐entering it. To copy a cell formula: 1.
Select the cell with the formula.
Click Edit > Copy or press [Ctrl+C] simultaneously.
Select the cell(s) where you wish to paste the copied formula, then Click Edit > Paste or press 60
[Ctrl+P] simultaneously.
Deleting formulas You can delete cells or contents with formulas only. To delete a formula: 9
Select the cell with the formula, then Click Edit > Delete or press [Del]. If you want to remain the cells but want to remove the contents with formulas, click Edit > Clear > Formats.
Note You can simply right‐click on the cell that you want to delete, then from the drop‐down list click Delete to delete the cell or Clear Contents to delete only its contents.
Formula Auditing Formula Auditing mode allows you to browse all formula in the selected worksheet. You can evaluate a complex formula step by step to ensure all intermediate calculations are proper. To evaluate formula: 1.
Click Tools > Formula Auditing > Formula Auditing Mode.
Select the cells you wish to evaluate the applied formula.
Click Tools > Formula Auditing > Evaluate Formula.
In the Evaluate Formula dialog box, click Evaluate.
Data Inputting data The data that you enter into the worksheets can be numbers or text. Default alignment depends on the type of the data. Generally, cells containing characters are left‐aligned, while cells containing numbers are right‐aligned. Press [Enter] after inputting data to confirm its entry to the cell.
Entering continuous data using Autofill The Autofill feature is used to quickly input data that is continuous in nature by using the menu or a simple key operation. The mouse can be used to automatically fill a range of cells using the selected continuous character string or numeric data. To Autofill numeric data: 1.
Enter any number in a cell, then drag the mouse to the desired location by selecting the fill handle, indicated by a [+] symbol.
Release the left mouse button. All selected cells are then filled with the number.
To input the data that that increases by the difference of two numerals: 1.
Enter the two numbers into the desired cells.
Drag the mouse. The selected cells will continue to be filled incrementally by the data obtained from the difference of the two original numbers. A. Enter the number, 1, in a cell, then the number, 3, in the adjacent cell.
By dragging the mouse, the selected cells will continue to be filled incrementally by the data obtained from the difference between numerals, 1 and 3.
Autofill of characters using string data After inputting data other than numbers, such as “month” or “quarters”, press and hold [Ctrl] while dragging the mouse to fill the cells with the copied data.
Autofill using the menu Certain areas of rows or columns can be filled with identical data using the menu. To automatically fill cells using the menu: 62
Type text in a cell.
Select a block of cells including the cell that you typed the text.
Click Edit > Fill, select any options as desired: Down, Up, Right, Left. Cells within the block are filled with the text you typed.
Sorting data You can arrange data in either ascending or descending order. To sort data: 1.
Select a block of cells to be sorted, then click Data > Sort.
In the Sort dialog box, specify the sorting order.
Click OK. If you want to cusotmize the sorting order or change the data orientation, click Options and then specify the options in the Sort Options dialog box. 63
Filtering data This feature allows you to easily filter data such as text, numbers. To filter data: 1.
Select a block of cells, then click Data > Filter > AutoFilter.
Use the drop‐down arrow button on a column heading to choose the display a list of the options.
If you want to create your own filter, click Custom on the drop‐down list.
In the Custom AutoFilter dialog box, specify the criteria and then click OK.
Conditional Formatting Conditional formatting allows you to create rules to highlight specific cells. If the rules that you have specified are true, the formatting is applied to cells. You can also control the cell font, fill color, and border settings.
Creating a new rule 1.
Click Format > Conditional Formatting > New Rule.
Under the Condition section of the New Formatting Rule dialog box, specify the formatting criteria.
Cell Value is You can compare the values by choosing one of the preset comparison operations. Values can be text or integers, but if you enter a formula, start it with an equal sign (=)
Formula is You can evaluate data or conditions. You must start the formula with an equal sign (=), the result must be TRUE or FALSE.
Click the Format button. In the Forrmat Cells dialog box, define a set of conditions and then click OK to close the dialog box.
In the New Formatting Rule dialog box, click OK.
Modifying conditional rules 1.
Click Format > Conditional Formatting > Manage Rules.
In the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog box, select one of the applied rules in the list and then click Edit Rule.
In the Edit Formatting Rule dialog box, modify the rule as desired and then click OK.
Copying conditional formatting 1.
Select the cells with the conditional formats.
on the Standard toolbar, then select the cells you want to format. Or, right‐click on Click a block of cells you want to format and then click Formats and OK in the Paste Special dialog box.
Clearing conditional formatting You can clear the conditional formatting from the selected cells or the current worksheet. To clear the conditional formatting:
Click Format > Conditional Formatting > Clear Rules > Clear Rules from Selected Cells after selecting a block of cells if you want to clear the rules from the selected cells.
Click Format > Conditional Formatting > Clear Rules > Clear Rules from Entire Sheet to clear all the rules from the worksheet.
Importing External data You can import external data rather than prepare all the data in the worksheet. ThinkFree Office Calc supports only TXT files to be imported. To use an external data source: 1.
Click Data > Import External Data > Import Data.
In the Open dialog box, select a file with a TXT extension.
The Text Import Wizard – Step 1 of 3 opens. Choose the original data type and the starting row, then click Next.
In Step 2 of 3, set the delimiters and then click Next.
In Step 3 of 3, select the data format and then click Finish. The Text Import Wizard is closed, and the Import Data dialog box appears.
In the Import Data dialog box, specify where you want to put the data and then click OK.
Group and Outline You can outline the data to organize them into groups that will be expanded or collapsed. To make a group of data: 1.
Select a block of cells to be organized as a group, then click Data > Group and Outline > Group.
In the Group dialog box, click either the Rows or the Columns radio button and then OK.
To show or hide groups: 9
On the worksheet, click a plus sign (+) to expand groups of columns or rows or a minus sign (‐) to collapse groups.
Functions Functions are mathematical expressions provided to execute difficult calculations quickly and easily. The ability of Calc can be enhanced depending on the depth of knowledge of functions you have, but it is not necessary for you to understand all functions to use Calc effectively. If the function and usage of the function are known, data can be quickly processed. There are various types of functions used in Calc, and they range from simple summations to formulas for engineering and finance. A function can be entered either directly or through the Insert Function dialog box which appears when you click Insert > Function.
Construction of a function A function starts out with an equal sign (=), identical to formulas, and consists of function name, parenthesis, and factors. =Function_Name (factor1, factor2, … , factorN) Factors are the building block of functional expressions. Cell ranges are set using factor operators such as the colon (:). There are different types of factors available depending on where a function is entered. You can ensure that the relevant type of factor is selected by using the Function Wizard. The factor types used for functions are as follows: z
Numbers – All numbers can be used as factors.
Formula – Functions or formulas can be used within another function.
Text lines – Data contained with single quotation marks (e.g., ‘text’) are treated as text. For example, ‘1234’, and ‘A1:A10’ would be processed as text lines.
Reference – Areas such as cell address and cell range. The cell address can be used directly as a factor, and a colon (:) is used to indicate the range of the area.
Logical value – True and False are used as logical operators.
Comma – Divides the factors used in functions.
Parentheses – Groups factor ranges for reference purposes.
Function types and order of operation Function types include arithmetic, comparison, text, reference, etc. The sequence of the calculation is 70
determined by the standard mathematical orders of operation. Data within parenthesis are calculated first, and then multiplication and division are calculated before addition and subtraction. Arithmetic functions Arithmetic functions are used to perform basic operations: + * / % ^
sum subtract, minus multiply divide percentage power
5+2 5-2, -5 2*5 5/2 50% 5^2(5*5)
Comparison functions After comparing two values, the results are shown as True or False. = > < >= B1 A1=B1 A1 PivotTable Report. The Create PivotTable dialog box appears and the range of selected cells is highlighted in the Table/Range field.
Choose either New Worksheet or Existing Worksheet to create a pivot table report.
Click OK. The PivotTable Field List pane appears on the right side of the editing window.
Click the checkbox of the item you want to make a pivot table report, or drag them into the fields. The selected data are organized in the pivot table.
Note If you want to change the data in the fields, you can simply click the down‐arrow on the field that you want to move to another place. Click the down‐arrow on the field from Drag fields between areas below of the PivotTable Field List pane, then choose the option from the drop‐down menu.
Using an external data source 1.
Click Data > PivotTable Report. The Create PivotTable dialog box appears.
Check the Use an external data source radio button. The Get Data button is now enabled.
Click Get Data, then navigate a file you want to use as the source data.
The Text Import Wizard – Step 1 of 3 opens. Follow the steps of the wizard. For more details, refer to Importing External data. After you complete the wizard, the Import Data dialog box will appear.
In the Import Data dialog box, specify where you want to put the data and then click OK.
In the Create PivotTable dialog box, specify where you want to create a pivot table and then click OK.
Charts The Chart feature allows you to graphically illustrate data. You can create charts with the contents of an entire worksheet or just the parts you need.
Creating charts To create a chart: 1.
Enter data into a worksheet.
Select the cells you wish to use to create a chart, then click Insert > Chart. The Chart Wizard will open.
In the Chart Wizard Step 1 of 4 – Chart Type dialog box, select a chart type and its sub‐type.
Click Next.
In the Chart Wizard Step 2 of 4 – Chart Source Data dialog box, click the Data Range tab. The selected cell addresses from step1 are displayed.
From the Series in area, choose Rows or Columns, then click Next.
From the Chart Wizard Step 3 of 4 – Chart Source Data dialog box, type the labels in the Chart title, Category (X) axis, and Value (Y) axis fields, then click Next.
From the Chart Wizard Step 4 of 4 – Chart Location dialog box, check the As new sheet or As object in radio button, then click Finish. The chart will be inserted.
Editing charts You can modify charts such as border patterns, color, and fill effects. To modify data formatting: 1.
Right‐click on the chart, then click Format Data Series from the drop‐down menu.
Click the tab that allows you to modify options: Patters, Data Labels, Series Order, Options.
Specify the options as you want to apply to the chart, then click OK.
To change the chart shape: 1.
Right‐click on the chart, then click Chart Type. You can select the chart type and sub‐type and also customize the chart types.
Specify the options as you want to apply to the chart, then click OK.
To modify the source data: 1.
Right‐click on the chart, then click Data Source.
On the Data Range tab, you can change the range of the chart data.
On the Series tab, you can add or remove itmes under the Series section and change the category asis labels.
Specify the options as you want to apply to the chart, then click OK.
ThinkFree Office Show 4
User Interface The ThinkFree Office Show 4 user interface follows the standard design of conventional presentation application, so that users familiar with Microsoft® PowerPoint® and novice users alike can easily operate Show.
Title bar – Displays the name of the application, the title of the document, the Minimize, Maximize, and Close buttons.
Menu bar – All ThinkFree Office Show 4 commands can be accessed from it.
Standard toolbar – Contains the most frequently used features and commands.
Picture toolbar – Allows you to insert pictures including clipart files, images of Flickr.
Formatting toolbar – Applies formatting to fonts and paragraph styles.
Table toolbar – Creates and modifies tables.
Outline/Slide pane – Displays the presentation outline and thumbnails of slides.
View icons – Allows you to choose from Normal view, Slide Sorter view, Slide Master view, or Slide Show.
Drawing toolbar – Allows you draw or modify illustrations.
Status bar – Displays the number of the current slide and the total number of slides. 81
Working area – This is where you create and edit documents. All tasks are performed here.
Notes pane – Window to enter additional comments when creating the slides.
Horizontal/vertical scroll bars – Used to pan the screen horizontally or vertically when documents become larger than the window from which they are displayed.
Toolbars Toolbars contain icons that allow you to access frequently used tools with a click of a mouse. The Standard, Formatting, and Drawing toolbars are displayed at start‐up by default. You can choose to hide or display toolbars. To show or hide a toolbar: 1.
Click View > Toolbar to display a list of the toolbars.
When a checkmark (9) is displayed next to the toolbar’s name, it means that the toolbar is currently displayed. Clear the checkmark to hide it.
Standard toolbar The Standard toolbar contains frequently used features and commands for creating and editing presentations. Icons
Names New Open Save Save as PDF Save as Images Print Cut Copy Paste Undo Redo Insert Table Insert Hyperlink Hide/Show Gridlines Zoom ThinkFree Office Show Help
Descriptions Creates a new presentation on a new window. Opens saved presentations. Saves the active presentation. Saves the presentation as a PDF file. Saves the slides as images. Prints the presentation. Cuts and copies selected contents to the clipboard. Copies selected contents to the clipboard. Pastes the contents of the clipboard unto the presentation. Reverses the command(s) just performed. Re‐performs command(s) that have been undone. Inserts a table. Creates a hyperlink in the text. Displays or hides guidelines. Zooms in and out of the display. Displays ThinkFree Office Show Help.
Formatting toolbar The Formatting toolbar allows you to apply formatting to fonts and paragraph styles with a click of a mouse. Icons
Names Font Font Size Bold Italic Underline Align Left
Descriptions Changes the font type of the selection. Changes the font size of the selection. Bolds the selection. Applies italics to the selection. Underlines the selection. Aligns the paragraph to the left. 82
Centre Align Right Justify Change Text Direction Combine Characters Bullet Increase Font Size Decrease Font Size Decrease Indent Increase Indent New Slide
Aligns the paragraph to the center. Aligns the paragraph to the right. Aligns the paragraph at both right and left margins. Changes text directions horizontally or vertically. Writes only numbers horizontally in the vertical text box. Adds or removes bullets. Incrementally increases the font size. Incrementally decreases the font size. Indents the paragraph to the left. Indents the paragraph to the right. Inserts a new slide.
Table toolbar The Table toolbar allows you to create and edit tables and align text within tables. Icon
Name Draw Table Eraser
Description Draws tables by dragging a mouse. Erases tables using a mouse.
Border Style
Selects border styles to apply to table lines or border lines.
Border Width
Selects border width to apply to table lines or border lines.
Border Color
Selects colors to apply to table lines or border lines.
Outside Borders Fill Color Table Merge Cells Split Cells Align Top Align Center Align Bottom Distribute Rows Evenly Distribute Columns Evenly Change Text Direction
Changes borders of the selected table or cells. Fills color in the selected table. The menu associated with inserting tables appears. Merges two or more cells. Splits the selected cell into two or more. Aligns the paragraph to the top. Aligns the paragraph to the center. Aligns the paragraph to the bottom. Adjusts the rows to equal height. Adjusts the columns to equal width. Changes text directions horizontally or vertically.
Drawing toolbar The Drawing toolbar allows you to draw illustrations. Icons
Names Draw Menu Select Objects Auto Shapes Line Arrow
Descriptions Provides many drawing functions. Allows you to select an object in the presentation. Inserts various shapes into the presentation. Draws a line. Inserts an arrow. 83
Rectangle Oval Text box Insert Clip Art Insert Picture Fill Color Line Color Font Color Line Style Dash Style Arrow Style Shadow Style
Draws a rectangle or a square. Draws an ellipse or a circle. Inserts a text box for entering characters. Opens the Clip Art dialog box. Inserts a picture file. Sets the inner color of an object. Sets the line color of an object. Sets the font color of the characters in the object. Sets the thickness of lines. Sets the line shape as solid, dotted, dash, or double lines. Sets the shape of arrows. Sets the shadow of objects.
Picture toolbar The Picture toolbar allows you to insert and modify picture files. Icon
Insert Picture
Insert a picture file.
Color More Contrast Less Contrast More Brightness
Changes the selected image to black and white. The contrast increases by 3% for each click. The contrast decreases by 3% for each click. The brightness increases by 3% for each click.
Less Brightness Crop Rotate Left 90º Line Style
The brightness decreases by 3% for each click. Enables you to crop the picture. Click again to cancel Crop. The selected picture rotates to the left by 90º for each click. Specifies thickness of border lines of drawings, pictures, etc. The user can crop the image or control the image properties in the Format Picture dialog box. Extracts the color of the currently selected coordinate values and makes the corresponding color values transparent. Returns the picture to the original condition.
Format Picture Set Transparent Color Reset Picture
Slide Master toolbar The Slide Master toolbar allows you to create a presentation with different types of slides Icon
Name New Slide Master
Description Adds a new slide master with the sub slide masters.
New Layout
Adds a new layout to the selected slide master.
Delete Master/Layout
Deletes a slide master or a slide layout of the selected slide. When any of them is being used, this icon is not enabled.
Preserve Master Rename Mater/Layout
Preserves any masters even they are not being used.
Master Layout
Changes the master name or the layout name. Allows you to delete placeholders using the Master Layout dialog box. While you are selecting a slide layout, you cannot control the master layout. 84
Allows you to customize layouts by adding placeholders. While New Placeholder you are selecting a slide master, you cannot modify the placeholder. Allows you to add a placeholder to the title. While you are Title Placeholder selecting a slide master, you cannot modify the placeholder. Allows you to add a placeholder to the footer. While you are Footer Placeholders selecting a slide master, you cannot modify the placeholder. Close Master View Closes Slide Master View and returns to Normal View.
Learning the Basics Creating a new presentation When Show is executed, a presentation file opens in the editing window. If a new document is created while the presentation is already in use, a new Show file opens in a new window. To create a new Show presentation: 9
Click File > New or press [Ctrl+N] simultaneously. A blank presentation appears.
Note If a file has previously been saved, the current file will be saved by the same name without a dialog box being displayed. Click File > Save As if you want to store different versions of the file. 85
Applying design templates You can use slide design templates to create professional‐looking presentations. The default presentation has a simple layout that consists of a white background with text boxes. You can enhance the appearance of presentations using the designs provided by ThinkFree Office Show. To apply a design template: 1.
Click Format > Slide Design. The Slide Design pane appears on the right side of the editing window.
From the Apply a design template list, select a design template you want to use.
Click the down‐arrow button on the template to display a list of options, then choose the option as desired. The selected design template with formatting will be applied to the slide.
Note If you want to use a different template, click Browse other template on the Slide Design pane to customize the slide deign.
Applying slide layouts Show comes with various slide layouts, such as Title, Title and Content, Comparison, and many more 86
depending on the purpose of the presentation. To apply a slide layout: 1.
Click Format > Slide Layout. The Slide Layout pane appears on the right side of the editing window.
From the Apply slide layout list, select a layout template.
Click the down‐arrow button on the layout to display a list of options, then choose the option as you wish to use. The selected layout will be applied to the slide.
Types of slide layouts Show offers purpose‐oriented types of the slide layouts Types
Names Title slide
Functions Usually appears the first or second slide in a presentation. The title, theme, name of the presenter, and dates are displayed.
Title and Content
Layout that normally appears when a new slide is added. You can enter the title and the relevant contents with bullets or numbers and also insert clipart files, media clips, tables.
Selection Header
The tile and a brief description of the presentation are suitable.
Two Content
Comparison Title only Blank Content with Caption
Fits for comparing two features side by side or presenting a long list in a single slide. This slide is useful for laying out short contents or comparing two lists. Most fits for the comparison of two different things. You can simply click a table, picture, clipart or media clip icon in the textbox to insert any one as you want to use. Consists of only the title box. You can add your own text boxes to customize. This slide contains no text boxes. You can insert text boxes according to your needs. Layout that allows you to add captions for tables, images, media clips, and other contents as you need. 87
Picture with Caption
Layout that allows you to insert pictures and its captions.
Title and Vertical Text
Layout that allows you to type text in vertical except for the title.
Vertical Title and Text
Layout that allows you to type all the text in vertical.
Modifying table styles Show provides various table styles that allow you to format tables and make them colorful. To modify a table style: 1.
Select a slide with the table you want to modify its styles, then click View > Task Pane. A pane on the right of the editing window appears.
Click the down‐arrow button on the pane title to display a list of the options, then click Table Style. The Table Style pane with the table style templates is displayed.
Click the table to be modified, then specify the style option under the Table style option section and select a table style from the Table styles templates.
Header Row: Highlights the first row differently from other rows in the table.
Total Row: Highlights the last row differently from other rows in the table.
Banded Rows: Applies different shades to distinguish between alternate rows.
First Column: Highlights the first column differently from other columns in the table.
Last Column: Highlights the last column differently from other columns in the table.
Banded Columns: Applies different shades to distinguish between alternate columns.
Click the down‐arrow button on the table style, then click one of the options to apply it. If you want to remove the style but leave the contents, click Clear Table Style.
Editing Presentations Inserting new slides When creating a presentation, you can insert new slides then add new content or data. To insert a new slide: 1.
Click the Slides tab from the Outlie/Slides pane, then select the slide after which you want a new slide to be appeared.
Click Insert > New Slide or press [Ctrl+M] simultaneously. The new slide will be inserted.
Formatting fonts This feature allows you to choose different fonts and define their characteristics to modify text and enhance the appearance of your presentation. You can choose font type and size and select effects such as bold, underline, and superscript. To format fonts: 1.
Select the text you want to format.
Make changes by using the tools from the Formatting toolbar. The changes are then applied to the slide.
Adding slide notes Slide notes are used to provide additional information to the given presentation, as in speech scripts. Slide notes are not displayed during the slide show but can be printed with the slides. To add slide notes to slides: 1.
Select a slide. The Notes pane can be viewed at the bottom of the editing window.
Type the speech notes or additional information in the Notes pane. (When the Notes pane 90
is selected, the words Click to add notes disappear.) 3.
Click File > Save or press [Ctrl+S] simultaneously to save your presentation.
Bullets and numbering Bullets and numbering are used to organize and classify different items in a presentation. Bullets and numbering enhance presentations by arranging information so it becomes easier to read. To create a numbered or bulleted list: 1.
Select the text you want to add bullets or numbers, then click Format > Bullets and Numbering.
In the Bullets and Numbering dialog box, click either the Bulleted tab or the Numbered tab.
Select the type of bullet or numbering, set the size, color, and any other options, then click OK.
Insert objects Inserting text boxes Text boxes are sued to enter titles or summaries to the body of the presentation slide. You can define the location and size of the text boxes, fill effects, border patterns, and colors. To insert a text box: 1.
or on the Drawing toolbar. The cursor turns into a Click Insert > Text Box, or click plus sign (+). You can reposition the text box on the slide by dragging it with your mouse.
Type any word or phrase in the text box, then select the text box as a block.
Select a font type or set the font size from the Formatting toolbar. The text box will automatically expand to two lines if the width of the text box is not wide enough.
Note Horizontal Text Box direction of text, click Vertical Text Box of text, click
allows you to make text flow horizontally. If you want to change the on the Formatting toolbar.
allows you to make text flow vertically. If you want to change the direction on the Formatting toolbar. If you want to change the direction of numbers
while you leave text as they are, click
on the formatting toolbar.
Inserting pictures You can insert pictures into presentations. 1.
Click Insert > Picture > From File. The Insert Picture dialog box appears.
Select a picture file, then click Open. The selected picture file is inserted into the middle of the slide. Move the picture to the desired location by clicking and dragging it.
Inserting clipart Clipart is a group of image objects included with ThinkFree Office 4 that can be easily inserted into presentations. ThinkFree Office Show offers many categories of clipart such as animals, architecture, maps, plants, symbols, etc. To insert a clipart image: 92
Select a slide, then click Insert > Picture > Clip Art.
In the Clip Art dialog box, double‐click a category.
Double‐click a clipart image to be inserted, or click a clipart image and then click
Flickr images You can search for images in Flickr and insert them into the slides without the need of opening Internet browsers. To insert an image from Flickr to the slide: 1.
Click Insert > Picture > From Flickr. The Insert Online Images dialog box appears.
Type a keyword in the Search For box, then click GO. Thumbnail images are displayed in the Powered by flickr™ pane. Search results may differ depending on the license option you choose.
Double‐click the thumbnail image you want to insert, or click the image and then click Insert.
Multimedia Files You can give a dynamic presentation and jazz up your presentations by inserting movie clips (avi, mpeg, mov, mp4, m4v) and sound effects (mp3, wav, mid, midi).
Movies To add a video file: 1.
Click Insert > Movie and Sound > Movie, or click
In the Insert Movie dialog box, locate and select a video file.
Click Open. The file will be inserted on the editing window.
on the working area.
Sounds To add an audio file: 1.
Click Insert > Movie and Sound > Sound.
In the Insert Sound dialog box, locate and select an audio file.
Click Open. The file will be inserted on the editing window.
Drawing You can draw on documents instead of inserting an image or a clipart file. ThinkFree Office Show supports drawing, which means you can directly draw onto the document without having to use any other applications. The mouse can be used to draw simple or complex illustrations, some demanding multiple effects and modifications. You can enhance documents with lines, connectors, 94
basic shapes, and block arrows, as well as with various shapes and drawing functions included in the Drawing toolbar. To create drawings: 1.
On the Drawing toolbar, choose any shape you want to use to draw. The mouse pointer changes to a plus sign (+), indicating the drawing mode.
Click on the location where you wish the drawing to begin, then drag your mouse to create the shape you selected. The shape is drawn when you release the left mouse button.
Select the object then click Format > Format AutoShape. Set the fill color, line color, and other effects as desired, then click OK.
Tables Tables are used to organize and present information, especially when creating complex documents or dealing with numerical data. Rows and columns can be added or deleted to tables. Attributes such as size, shape, and colors of cells and borders can be modified. To insert a table: 1.
Click Table > Insert Table.
In the Insert Table dialog box, specify the number of rows and columns you desire, then click OK. A table with the assigned number of rows and columns will be displayed in the presentation.
Enter the data into the table.
Slide Master Creating slide masters The Slide Master is the template for all of the slides in a presentation. When formatting slide layout, font type and alignment are applied to the Slide Master. Changes are applied to all slides in the presentation, saving you the effort of changing format on every slide. You can also add or delete customized master slides in the Slide Master view mode. To create a slide master: 1.
Click View > Master > Slide Master. The Master Slide template appears on the left side of the editing window.
Click any of the text boxes and make any changes such as typing text or modifying font formatting.
on the Slide Master toolbar, or click View > Normal.
Note If you change the master slide, the contents you change are applied to all slides. While you are editing the master slide, the words Slide Master appears on the right side of the status bar.
Modifying slide masters Anytime you can modify slide masters and customize them. To modify a slide master: 1.
Click View > Master > Slide Master.
Click on the Slide Master toolbar to display a list of options, then choose the option you want to apply. You can insert several objects as many as you want.
On the left side of the editing window, right‐click on the master template you want to modify, then choose the option from the drop‐down menu. You can change the slide master layout, add a new slide master, and so on.
Click on the Slide Master toolbar to return to Normal View after modifying layouts and slide masters.
View You can display slides in several ways. Normal View is the default display when ThinkFree Office Show launches. Slide Sorter View allows you to see all of the slides in a presentation by displaying them in a single window. To enable Slide Sorter View:
Click View > Slide Sorter or click the Slide Sorter View icon ( Outline/Slides pane.
) at the bottom left of the
Note Click View > Normal or click the Normal View icon ( pane to return to the editing window.
) at the bottom left of the Outline/Slides
Viewing slide shows The Slide Show view enlarges presentation slides for a full‐screen presentation. When a slide show is executed, you can see all object movements, rollovers, and animation effects. To exit a slide show, press [Esc], or right‐click then select End Show. To view a slide show: 1.
Click Slide Show > View Show or press [F5]. Slides are enlarged to fit the entire screen.
During a slide show, click on the mouse to move to the next slide. Clicking on the last slide returns the screen to the editing window.
Note Keyboard commands used in slide shows are as follows: 9
[Space Bar], [→] or [Page Down] : Moves to next slide
[←], [Page Up] : Moves to the previous slide
Slide shows can also be executed by clicking on the View slide Show icon ( ) at the bottom left of the Outline/Slides pane.
Setting up Show You can specify many options to run slide shows. To set up a slide show: 1.
Click Slide Show > Set Up Show.
In the Set Up Show dialog box, specify options as you wish to set up.
Loop continuously until ‘Esc’: Slide shows do not automatically end at the last slide. The show only ends when [Esc] is pressed.
Show without animation: Allows you to run slide shows without the use of selected custom animation effects.
Show slides: Allows you to choose to show all or a selection of the slides from a presentation.
Click OK to apply the settings.
Applying slide transitions Slide transitions are the way that one slide changes to the next during slide shows. Show offers many different types of slide transitions, allowing you to customize presentations. Slide transitions can also be applied to single or multiple slides. To apply slide transitions: 1.
Click Slide Show > Slide Transition. The Slide Transition pane appears.
Choose the effects and specify the options.
From the Apply to selected slides list, choose the effect you want to apply.
From the Modify transition list, choose the speed you want to apply.
From the Advance slide options list, specify when the effect is executed.
Select the AutoPreview checkbox to preview transitions from the editing window.
Click Apply to All Slides to apply the selected effects to all slides.
Click Play or Slide Show to preview your selections.
Custom animations Show allows you to apply animated movements to objects in slides so they can appear or disappear in varying ways. This is particularly useful for emphasizing content while showing similar slide sequences. To apply custom animations: 1.
Click Slide Show > Custom Animation. The Custom Animation pane will appear.
Click a component of the slide to access the Modify effect options. Add Effect is now enabled.
Click Add Effect to display a list of options, then choose the effect you want to use. Modify is now enabled.
Specify the options for the selected effect from the Modify items such as Start, Size, Font Color, Speed.
Click Play or Slide Show to review your selections. 101
Effect Options You can change the effects of the animation applied to the slides. To change the effect of the animation: 1.
In the Custom Animation pane, click the selected effect to display a list of options, then click Effect Options.
In the dialog box, choose the options as you want to change.
Click OK.
Note The name of the dialog box and the items of the effect depend on which effect you have applied. Animation effect can be set for each object.
Timing You can change the timing of the animation applied to the slides. To change the timing of the animation: 1.
In the Custom Animation pane, click the selected effect to display a list of options, then click Timing.
In the dialog box, choose the options as you want to change.
Click OK.
Note The name of the dialog box and the items of the timing depend on which effect you have applied.
Custom shows You can variously organize slide files for presentation depending on its audience. This is convenient as all you do is changing configurations for a file and use it without having to produce a number of different files. To reorganize the existing slide order and create a custom slide show: 1.
Click Slide Show > Custom Show. The Custom Shows dialog box appears.
Click New. The Define Custom Show dialog box appears.
Type the show name in the Slide show name field, select the slides from the Slides in presentation list, then click Add >> to move them into the Slide in custom show list.
Click OK. The Define Custom Show dialog box disappears but the Custom Shows dialog box is still open.
Click Close to complete the show organization, or click Show to review the customized show. 104
Note You can add other shows by clicking New, or you can edit, remove, or copy the shows in the Custom shows list to customize as you want.