carbonates. Nitrate-to-nitrite reducing strains ALJ 12T and ALD 2 were .... 62n9. Vibrio. ALJ 9. 64n2. Vibrio. ALJ 11. 63n7. Vibrio. ALJ 12T. 62n1. Rod. South-east ...
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (2001), 51, 565–580
Printed in Great Britain
Thioalkalimicrobium aerophilum gen. nov., sp. nov. and Thioalkalimicrobium sibericum sp. nov., and Thioalkalivibrio versutus gen. nov., sp. nov., Thioalkalivibrio nitratis sp. nov. and Thioalkalivibrio denitrificans sp. nov., novel obligately alkaliphilic and obligately chemolithoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria from soda lakes Dimitry Yu. Sorokin,1 Anatoly M. Lysenko,1 Lubov’ L. Mityushina,1 Tat’yana P. Tourova,1 Brian E. Jones,2 Fred A. Rainey,3 Lesley A. Robertson4 and Gijs J. Kuenen4 Author for correspondence : Lesley A. Robertson. Tel : j31 15 2782421. Fax : j31 15 2782355. e-mail : L.A.Robertson!
Institute of Microbiology, Russian Academy of Science, Prospect 60-let Octyabrya 7/2, 117811 Moscow, Russia
Genencor International, PO Box 218, 2300 AE, Leiden, The Netherlands
Department of Biological Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA
Kluyver Institute of Biotechnology, Delft TU, Julianalaan 67, 2628 BC Delft, The Netherlands
Forty-three strains of obligately chemolithoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria were isolated from highly alkaline soda lakes in south-east Siberia (Russia) and in Kenya using a specific enrichment procedure at pH 10. The main difference between the novel isolates and known sulfur bacteria was their potential to grow and oxidize sulfur compounds at pH 10 and higher. The isolates fell into two groups that were substantially different from each other physiologically and genetically. Most of the Siberian isolates belonged to the group with a low DNA GMC content (480–512 mol %). They were characterized by a high growth rate, a low growth yield, a high cytochrome content, and high rates of oxidation of sulfide and thiosulfate. This group included 18 isolates with a DNA homology of more than 40 %, and it is described here as a new genus, Thioalkalimicrobium, with two species Thioalkalimicrobium aerophilum (type species) and Thioalkalimicrobium sibericum. The other isolates, mainly from Kenyan soda lakes, fell into a group with a high DNA GMC content (610–656 mol %). In general, this group was characterized by a low growth rate, a high molar growth yield and low, but relatively equal, rates of oxidation of thiosulfate, sulfide, elemental sulfur and polythionates. The group included 25 isolates with a DNA homology of more than 30 %. It was less compact than Thioalkalimicrobium, containing haloalkalophilic, carotenoidproducing, nitrate-reducing and facultatively anaerobic denitrifying strains. These bacteria are proposed to be assigned to a new genus, Thioalkalivibrio, with three species Thioalkalivibrio versutus (type species), Thioalkalivibrio denitrificans and Thioalkalivibrio nitratis. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that both groups belong to the γ-Proteobacteria. The Thioalkalimicrobium species were closely affiliated with the neutrophilic chemolithoautotrophic sulfur bacteria of the genus Thiomicrospira, forming a new alkaliphilic lineage in this cluster. In contrast, Thioalkalivibrio was not related to any known chemolithoautotrophic taxa, but was distantly associated with anaerobic purple sulfur bacteria of the genus Ectothiorhodospira.
Keywords : Thioalkalimicrobium, Thioalkalivibrio, sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, alkaliphilic bacteria, soda lakes
The GenBank/EMBL accession numbers for the 16S rDNA sequences of strains ALJDT, AL 2T, ALJ 12T, AL 3T and AL 7T are AF126545–AF126549, respectively. 01580 # 2001 IUMS
D. Y. Sorokin and others INTRODUCTION
Microbial communities in natural alkaline environments such as soda lakes have recently attracted attention as potential sources of industrially potent enzymes (Horikoshi, 1996) and as a new perspective on microbial diversity (Zavarzin, 1993 ; Duckworth et al., 1996 ; Jones et al., 1998). Generally, shallow and eutrophic soda lakes are characterized by a high level of primary production (Melack, 1981 ; Cloern et al., 1983) which, in turn, gives rise to active sulfidogenesis (Isachenko, 1951 ; Abdel Malek & Rizk, 1963 ; Vamos & Tasnadi, 1975 ; Imhoff et al., 1979). Early studies have shown that a dense community of anaerobic phototrophic bacteria is responsible for the oxidation of sulfide produced in soda lake sediments (Isachenko, 1951 ; Imhoff et al., 1979 ; Tindall, 1980). However, our recent search revealed the presence of a diverse population of aerobic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria in these alkaline environments. First, obligately heterotrophic alkaliphiles capable of oxidation of sulfur compounds to tetrathionate aerobically and under denitrifying conditions were isolated and characterized (Sorokin et al., 1996a ; Sorokin & Mityushina, 1998). Next, two strains of obligately chemolithoautotrophic sulfuroxidizing alkaliphilic bacteria from soda lake Hadyn in Tuva (Siberia) were described (Sorokin et al., 2000). These autotrophs represented two metabolic types that differ in many aspects of their physiology and genomic characteristics. Further investigation of various samples from soda lakes in different geographic areas (Sorokin et al., 1996b) resulted in the isolation of another 41 strains of obligately autotrophic alkaliphilic sulfur bacteria, all of which fitted into one of the two metabolic groups mentioned above. This paper describes the taxonomic properties of the two groups and proposes the creation of two new genera, Thioalkalimicrobium and Thioalkalivibrio, to accommodate these sulfur-oxidizing bacteria.
medium, buffered at pH 10 with sodium carbonate\ bicarbonate and with thiosulfate as electron donor, containing Na CO , 21 g l−" ; NaHCO , 9 g l−" ; NaCl, 5 g l−" ; # $ $ ; MgCl ;6H O, 0n5– K HPO , 0n5 g l−" ; KNO , 5 mM $ # #2 ml l−" ; # % 1n0 mM ; trace elements (Pfennig & Lippert, 1966), and a final pH of 10n05–10n10 after sterilization. Thiosulfate was sterilized separately and added at final concentrations of 40–80 mM. Solid media were prepared by mixing 4 % (w\v) agar and double-strength mineral base at 55–60 mC to prevent agar caramelization at high pH. During work with extremely saline samples from Kenyan soda lakes, the medium was supplied with an additional 0n5 M NaCl. The haloalkaliphilic strain ALJ 15 was enriched and isolated on a medium containing 2 M NaCl in addition to the soda base. Another haloalkalophilic strain, ALJ 22, was enriched and isolated on a medium containing 4 M total Na+ as sodium carbonates. Nitrate-to-nitrite reducing strains ALJ 12T and ALD 2 were enriched anaerobically on medium containing 20 mM nitrate in addition to the usual soda base. Despite the successful enrichment, the resulting pure cultures were unable to grow anaerobically by reducing nitrate to nitrite. This ability seems to help these bacteria, however, to grow under microaerobic conditions because of their very weak oxidase activity. The only true denitrifier, strain ALJDT, was enriched and then isolated in pure culture when an anaerobic enrichment was performed with N O (0n5 atm. overpressure) # as electron donor at pH as electron acceptor and thiosulfate 10. Pure cultures of the alkaliphilic sulfur bacteria were maintained on liquid mineral medium with thiosulfate at pH 10 with a 2 month storage interval between transfers. MgCl (5 mM) was added as a cell-wall stabilizing agent before# conservation at 4 mC. Prolonged storage on solid medium was not efficient. For long-term conservation, concentrated biomass samples were mixed with glycerol (10 %, v\v, final concentration) and kept at k70 mC. The Thiomicrospira species were grown on thiosulfate mineral base, pH 7n5, according to original formulations (Kuenen & Veldkamp, 1972 ; Jannasch et al., 1985), except that 50 mM HEPES was added as a buffer. Respiratory experiments. Cells for the respiratory test were
METHODS Samples. The samples of surface sediments and underlying water were obtained from a number of Siberian soda lakes during summer expeditions in 1989, 1995, 1996 and 1997. These lakes are situated in dry steppe regions ; they are mostly small, shallow, highly productive and of low to moderate salinity. The samples from Kenyan soda lakes (East African Rift Valley) were collected during two expeditions in 1992 and 1996. These lakes are bigger and more saline than the steppe lakes. The general information on the samples is presented in Tables 1 and 2. Bacterial strains. Forty-three strains of obligately chemolithoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria isolated from various soda lakes were investigated. A list of the strains is presented in Tables 1 and 2. The type strain of Thiomicrospira pelophila was obtained from the culture collection of Delft University (LMD) and the type strain of Thiomicrospira crunogena was kindly provided by C. Wirsen (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute). Enrichment, isolation and culture conditions. The alkaliphilic
sulfur bacteria were enriched and isolated using mineral 566
grown in liquid medium with thiosulfate at pH 10 until all thiosulfate was consumed. Haloalkalophilic strains ALJ 15 and ALJ 22 were grown in a medium containing 2 M total Na+. After centrifugation, the pellets were washed and resuspended in concentrated form (about 20 mg protein ml−") in soda buffer at pH 10. The activity was tested at pH values between 6 and 11n0–11n5 using buffers containing 0n6 M total Na+ and 50 mM KCl : for pH 6n0–7, 0n1 M HEPES\NaOH plus NaCl was used ; for pH 8, freshly prepared NaHCO ; for pH 9n0–11n5, a combination of Na CO \NaHCO $was used. The carbonate dependence of $ $ examined using 0n1 M Tris\HCl plus the# respiration was NaCl for pH 9–10. For haloalkaliphilic strains, the buffers were supplemented with an additional 1 M NaCl. The respiration rates were measured in a 5 ml thermostatted chamber mounted on a magnetic stirrer fitted with a Clarktype oxygen electrode (Yellow Spring Instruments). The final biomass concentration in the respiration chamber was in the range 0n02–0n20 mg protein ml−". Stock solutions of sulfide, polysulfide (S#−) and sulfite were prepared anaero' bically in 0n1 M Tris\HCl, pH 10, with 5 mM EDTA to prevent auto-oxidation, and introduced into the chamber at final concentrations of 25–50 mM. Elemental sulfur was International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 51
Alkaliphilic, chemolithoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizers Table 1 Isolation of obligately autotrophic, alkaliphilic, sulfur-oxidizing bacteria of the ‘ Thioalkalimicrobium ’ group (low GjC group) Lake
Sample Water salinity (g l−1)
Water pH
1 3 2 3 1 2 2
Unnamed-3 Heito-Holvo-Torum
2 1 3
10n0 9n8
5 15
Soda lakes in south-east Siberia, Russia Tuva Republic,1995 Hadyn Kunkur steppe (Chita region),1996 Hilgatyn Unnamed-2 Low Mukei
Barguzin river valley,1997 Nuhe-Nur Kenya, 1996 Elmenteita Bogoria
GjC (mol %)
AL 6 AL 7T AL 8 AL 9 AL 14 AL 15 AL 10 AL 17 AL 11 AL 16 AL 12 AL 13† AL 18†
48n5 48n9 48n7 49n5 49n9 51n2 48n3 48n5 48n7 49n3 49n4 48n9 48n5
Curved rod Vibroid rod Vibroid rod Rod Rod Rod Vibroid rod Vibroid rod Vibroid rod Vibroid rod Vibroid rod Rod Rod
AL 20
Vibroid rod
ALJ 13† ALJ 14† AL 19
49n5 49n6 48n0
Spirillum Spirillum Vibroid rod
* Sample types : 1, water above the sediments or mats ; 2, sediments ; 3, microbial mat surface. † Strains required 0n5 M NaCl in addition to normal soda-based medium. ‡ Water conductivity values given (mS cm−" ; 60 mS cm−" conductivity corresponds to approximately 1 M total Na+).
introduced as a saturated solution in acetone at a final concentration of 70 mM and the results were compared with tests using acetone alone. Thiosulfate and polythionates were used at final concentrations of 50–200 mM from freshly prepared concentrated stock solutions in distilled water. Enzyme activities. Cell-free extracts were prepared by ultra-
sonic disruption of the same cell suspensions used in respiratory experiments. Unbroken cells and cell debris were removed by centrifugation at 50 000 g for 10 min. All operations were carried out at 0–4 mC. The activity of sulfite dehydrogenase was measured colorimetrically using ferricyanide as an artificial electron acceptor (Kelly & Wood, 1994). Cytochrome c oxidase activity was measured spectrophotometrically using reduced TMPD as a substrate in 0n1 M Tris\HCl, pH 8, plus 0n3 M NaCl, which was found to be optimal. Cytochrome spectra were recorded on a diodearray UV-visible spectrophotometer 8453 (Hewlett Packard) in total extracts or its fractions obtained after centrifuging the crude extracts at 144 000 g for 4 h. SDS-PAGE. Gel electrophoresis of total proteins was performed under denaturing conditions using gel concentrations of 8–12 %. Cells grown with thiosulfate at pH 10 were resuspended in distilled water and sonicated. The resulting extracts were adjusted to a protein concentration of International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 51
1 mg ml−" and boiled in sample buffer with 2-mercaptoethanol and dithiothreitol (15 µl sample plus 5 µl sample buffer) ; the final preparations were applied to a gel after cooling and centrifuging for 2 min. Total DNA analysis. The isolation of the DNA and subsequent determination of the DNA GjC content and DNA–DNA hybridization were performed according to standard procedures (Marmur, 1961 ; De Ley et al., 1970). Amplification and sequencing of 16S rRNA genes. For amplification and sequencing of 16S rRNA genes, the DNA was obtained by standard phenol\chloroform extraction. The 16S rRNA genes were selectively amplified using primers 5h-AGAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCAG-3h (forward) and 5hTACGGTTACCTTGTTACGACTT-3h (reverse). PCR products were purified from low-melting agarose using the Wizard PCR Prep kit (Promega) according to the manufacturer’s instruction. Almost complete sequencing (1400– 1450 nt) was performed using the Promega Silver Sequencing kit (Promega) according to the manufacturer’s instructions with minor modifications. 16S rDNA sequence analysis. The sequences were aligned
manually with sequences obtained from the database of small subunit rRNA collected from the the EMBL database. 567
D. Y. Sorokin and others Table 2 Isolation of obligately autotrophic, alkaliphilic, sulfur-oxidizing bacteria of the ‘ Thioalkalivibrio ’ group (high GjC group) Lake
Sample Period
Water pH
Water conductivity (mS cm−1)
GjC (mol %)
1992 1996
1 2
10n0–10n5 k
109 k
1992 1996 1992
1 1 1
10n5 10n0 10n5
28 26 15
ALJ 1 ALJ 18 ALJ 22†‡ ALJ 3 ALJ 6 ALJ 7 ALJ 10 ALJ 15†‡ ALJ 16 ALJ 20 ALJDT§ ALJ 2 ALJ 17 ALJ 4 ALJ 5 ALJ 19 ALJ 21† ALJ 8 ALJ 9 ALJ 11 ALJ 12T
62n9 62n1 65n6 64n9 63n9 64n2 65n0 64n9 65n3 63n7 63n7 63n2 63n8 64n9 64n7 64n5 61n3 62n9 64n2 63n7 62n1
Vibrio Rod Vibrio Vibrio Spirillum Spirillum Vibrio Vibrio Vibrio Vibrio Curved rod Vibrio Thin curved rod Vibrio Vibrio Vibrio Curved rod Vibrio Vibrio Vibrio Rod
South-east Siberia Hadyn Tsaidam Low Mukei
1989 1995 1996
1 1 1
10n0 9n8 9n5
30R 15R 14R
AL 2T AL 5 ALD 1 ALD 2
63n7 63n3 64n7 61n7
Curved rod Curved rod Vibrio Rod
Kenya Magadi
Elmenteita Crater lake (Sonachi)
* Samples : 1, surface sediments plus water ; 2, salt crust from the salt pan. † Strains ALJ 15, ALJ 21 and ALJ 22 form yellow carotenoids. ‡ Strains ALJ 15 and ALJ 22 are halophilic (1n5–2n0 M Na+ optimum). § Strain ALJDT is a facultatively anaerobic denitrifying bacterium. R Salinity (g l−").
The sequences were compared with those of members of the Proteobacteria. Regions that were not sequenced in one or more reference organisms were omitted from the analyses. Pairwise evolutionary distances (expressed as estimated changes per 100 nt) were computed by using the Jukes & Cantor method. The resulting phylogenetic tree was constructed by the neighbour-joining method. Bootstrap analysis (100 replications) was used to validate the reproducibility of the branching pattern of the trees. Electron microscopy. Whole cells were fixed with glutaraldehyde (2n5 %, w\v, final concentration) directly in their culture medium and then positively stained with 1 % (w\v) phosphotungstic acid. Samples for ultra-thin sectioning were first pre-fixed by adding 0n2 % (w\v) OsO (final concen% tration) to cell suspension in hydrocarbonate buffer (pH 8) for 1 h. Then, the cells were centrifuged, resuspended in 2 % (w\v) NaCl solution (pH 8), fixed with 1 % (w\v) final
concentration OsO for 12 h at 4 mC, dehydrated and % embedded into the resin. Thin sections were stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. To identify the intracellular accumulation of elemental sulfur, cells were sedimented, stained with a solution containing 2 % (w\v) AgNO and $ 2 % (w\v) glutaraldehyde for 10 h and then fixed with OsO . % Post-sectional staining was omitted in this case. Chemical analysis. Sulfur compounds were analysed by cyanolytic procedures after Kelly et al. (1969) and So$ rbo (1957). Nitrite and nitrate were analysed spectrophotometrically according to Gries-Romijn-van Eck (1966) and Bhandari & Simlat (1986), respectively. Biomass protein was measured with Folin reagent (Lowry et al., 1951) after removal of interfering sulfur compounds either by repeating washing with soda buffer (water-soluble compounds) or by an overnight acetone extraction of the pellets (elemental sulfur). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 51
Alkaliphilic, chemolithoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizers RESULTS Strains and morphology. The alkaliphilic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria with a low DNA GjC content (48–51 mol %) were isolated mostly from fresh samples of the lowsaline Siberian soda lakes (about 80 % positive enrichments). Only three strains of a total of 18 originated from the Kenyan soda lakes (Table 1). The group was tentatively named ‘ Thioalkalimicrobium ’.
bacteria was very unstable under low-osmotic conditions and during storage. Cells were lysed immediately after suspension in distilled water or after thawing from the frozen stage. The presence of Mg#+ in millimolar concentrations had a stabilizing effect on the cell wall and prolonged the successful storage at 4 mC for up to 2 months. Four strains (AL 6, AL 8, AL 16 and AL 18) survived storage for 12 months. On alkaline thiosulfate agar, colonies were reddish, without sulfur deposition, spreading or compact.
The group includes strains with rod-shaped, vibroid and spirilloid cells. Vibriods and spirilla were motile by means of one polar flagellum. Rod-shaped strains could have up to three polar and subpolar flagella from the one end (Fig. 1a, c). Isolates with rod- and spirillum-shaped cells retained their morphology under different growth conditions, whereas strains with vibroid cells had a tendency to grow as short rods in shaken cultures and as vibrios or bent rods under static microaerobic conditions. All strains had a similar ultrastructural organization, with an undulating cell wall of the Gram-negative type and multiple carboxysome-like structures localized in the central region of the cell (Fig. 1b, d). The cell wall in these
Growth characteristics. Thioalkalimicrobium strains were obligate chemolithoautotrophs. They were able to grow only in the presence of thiosulfate or sulfide. Although some strains tested assimilated a limited amount of organic compounds (acetate, yeast extract), the bacteria were not able to grow heterotrophically. They grew relatively fast (for autotrophic sulfur bacteria) on thiosulfate mineral medium at pH 10. In batch cultures, bacteria grew optimally at pH values higher than 9. In pH-controlled thiosulfate-limited continuous culture, growth occurred within a pH range of 7n5–10n6, with an optimum around 10. At pH values lower than 8, most of the cells showed signs of autolysis. The maximum specific growth rate in chemo-
1. ‘ Thioalkalimicrobium ’ group
Ca (d)
Fig. 1. Morphology of alkaliphilic sulfur bacteria from the Thioalkalimicrobium group grown with thiosulfate at pH 10. (a, c) Total preparations ; (b, d) ultrathin sections ; (a, b) strain AL 3T ; (c, d) strain AL J 14. Ca, Carboxysome-like structures. Bars, 0n5 µm. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 51
D. Y. Sorokin and others Table 3 Similarity of groups within the alkaliphilic genus Thioalkalimicrobium Strain
Total protein similarity*
Oxygen demand†
Tetrathionate oxidation§
AL 7T AL 11 AL 17 AL 10 AL 12 AL 8 AL 9 AL 16
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2
AL 19 AL 13 ALJ 13 ALJ 14
1 2 2 2
2 2 2 2
1 2 1–2 1–2
2 2 1 1
AL 3T AL 14 AL 18
3 3 3
2 2 2
1 2 2
2 2 2
AL 6
AL 15
* Groups of total protein similarity were estimated according to a position of three major haem ccontaining bands at approximately 50, 40 and 30 kDa. † Groups of oxygen demands : 1, growth rate in static cultures more than in shaken cultures ; 2, growth rate in static cultures equal or less than in shaken cultures. ‡ Colony groups : 1, compact colonies ; 2, flat, spreading colonies ; 1–2, intermediate type. § Tetrathionate-oxidation groups : 1, activity range 0n0–0n1 nmol O (mg protein)−" min−" ; 2, activity # range 0n3–1n1 nmol O (mg protein)−" min−". #
stat culture (four strains tested) was 0n33 h−" ; in batch culture, it varied from 0n08 to 0n22 h−". The molar growth yield on thiosulfate was relatively low ; in batch culture, it varied from 1n8 to 2n7 g protein (mol thiosulfate)−" and, in the chemostat, it reached a maximum value of 3n5 g protein (mol thiosulfate)−". No intermediate elemental sulfur formation was observed during batch cultivation. Instead, a small amount of sulfite was detectable in some cultures under unfavourable pH conditions. Elemental sulfur production was only observed during polysulfide oxidation by cell suspensions and in cultures grown with thiosulfate and sulfide under strong oxygen limitation. On the basis of their oxygen requirement, Thioalkalimicrobium strains could be divided into two categories : preferentially aerobic and preferentially microaerobic. Aerobic strains grew better under conditions of nonlimiting oxygen supply. This category included mostly rod-shaped bacteria isolated from the water or surface sediments of the Siberian soda lakes (Table 1). They formed large, flat, spreading colonies. The exceptions were the Kenyan strains ALJ 13, ALJ 14 and AL 19 which, being aerobic, formed spirilloid cells and compact colonies. The microaerobic strains mostly originated from the anaerobic sediments. They grew faster under conditions of limited oxygen supply. Some of them, however, were only slightly inhibited by 570
forced aeration as well. The latter strains were represented by vibroid cells and formed compact colonies (Table 3). All strains were sodium-dependent, with a minimal sodium ion requirement of about 0n2–0n3 M. The upper limit of sodium ion concentration was 1n2–1n5 M. The bacteria from the Thioalkalimicrobium group had, in general, high sulfideand thiosulfate-dependent respiration activity, which contrasted with their low cytochrome c oxidase activity [0n2–0n3 mmol TMPD (mg protein)−" min−"]. They had a very high concentration of cytochromes of the c type [up to 3 nmol haem c (mg membrane protein)−"]. On the other hand, cytochromes of the b type became spectroscopically detectable only after their chromatographic separation from the bulk of cytochrome c. A special study undertaken with strains AL 3T and AL 7T (unpublished results) revealed the presence of cytochrome c oxidase of the cbb type in their membranes $ – a recently discovered cytochrome c oxidase with high affinity to oxygen (Preisig et al., 1993 ; Garcı! aHorsman et al., 1994). This species was the only cytochrome c oxidase found in the neutrophilic sulfur bacterium Thiobacillus neapolitanus W5 (Visser et al., 1997). Sulfur-oxidizing potential.
All members of this group oxidized thiosulfate, sulfide and polysulfide with maximum rates at pH 9–10 and International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 51
Alkaliphilic, chemolithoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizers Table 4 Respiratory activity of washed cells of the two genera of alkaliphilic autotrophic sulfur bacteria grown with thiosulfate at pH 10 .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Vmax, Rate of oxygen consumption at optimum pH (minus endogenous rate) mmol O (mg # protein)−" min−" ; n, number of strains tested. Substrate
S O#− # $ HS− S#− (polysulfide) ' S ) SO#− $ S O#− $ ' S O#− % ' S O#− & '
2n0–4n3 2n6–5n2 1n1–3n0* 0n0–0n2 0n0 0n0 0n0–1n1 0n0
9–10 9–10 10 10 k k 9 9
17 17 15 17 15 6 17 6
Vmax 0n2–1n0 0n3–0n8* 0n2–0n85* 0n2–0n6 0n0–0n2 0n0–0n2 0n05–0n5 0n1–0n8
9–10 9–10 10 10–11 10 9 9 9
25 25 20 25 20 10 25 10
* Biphasic kinetics.
up to pH 11 (Table 4). The specific rates are comparable with the highest values observed in neutrophilic sulfur bacteria (Stefess, 1993 ; Visser, 1997). On the other hand, only a few of the Thioalkalimicrobium strains were able to oxidize tetrathionate and most could not oxidize elemental sulfur or did it with a very low specific activity. As the affinity constant for tetrathionate was at least one order of magnitude higher than that for thiosulfate and sulfide (about 80–100 mM) and because of the instability of tetrathionate under alkaline conditions at high concentrations, it is very unlikely that tetrathionate can serve as a natural substrate for the Thioalkalimicrobium group. In contrast, polysulfides can be regarded as specific substrates for alkaliphilic sulfur bacteria because they become chemically stable at alkaline pH. The stoichiometry of oxygen consumption and accumulation of colloidal sulfur during polysulfide oxidation indicated that only the terminal sulfur atoms of S#− were oxidized completely to sulfate by the Thio' alkalimicrobium strains. These results demonstrated that inorganic polysulfur compounds like polysulfide are unlikely to be involved as intermediates of sulfide oxidation in these bacteria. Together with the complete inability to oxidize sulfite, the absence of sulfite dehydrogenase activity and the very low tetrathionate synthase activity in cell-free extracts, results suggest that the Thioalkalimicrobium representatives oxidize sulfur compounds directly to sulfate by a mechanism similar to that found in several neutrophilic sulfur bacteria like Thiobacillus versutus (Kelly, 1989, 1999). Purified sulfide dehydrogenase from strain AL 3T oxidized sulfide via a one-electron mechanism implying the formation of a sulfide radical as immediate product (Sorokin et al., 1998). Further oxidation may proceed via some kind of enzymebound [S–S] intermediate with a step-by-step oxidation of sulfur atoms to sulfate. DNA–DNA homology. All strains with a low DNA GjC International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 51
DNA–DNA homology (%) 40
AL 7T AL 16 AL 17 AL 11
Gene species 1
AL 8 AL 12 AL 10 AL 9
Gene species 2
AL 19 AL 20 ALJ 14 ALJ 13 AL 13
Gene species 3
AL 18 AL 3T AL 14
Gene species 4 Gene species 5
AL 6 AL 15
Fig. 2. Dendrogram of DNA–DNA homology among strains of the Thioalkalimicrobium group.
content were members of one genetic group at the genus level with a DNA similarity higher than 40 % (Fig. 2). Inside the group, three major genetic clusters and two individual strains, which did not cluster with 571
D. Y. Sorokin and others
any other strains, could be distinguished. The microaerobic vibroid Siberian isolates formed one separate gene cluster with a DNA homology of more than 70 %. These strains had 43–45 % homology with the rodshaped aerobic Siberian strains and about 50 % with the spirilloid aerobic Kenyan isolates. Because the separation of the two gene clusters mentioned above correlated with morphological and physiological properties (Table 3), this was taken as a basis for the description of the two species inside the group. Two tight subclusters were found inside the second gene cluster, which corresponded to gene species 2 and 3 (Fig. 2). Single-strain gene species AL 6 and AL 15 could be distinct species on the basis of DNA–DNA homology data, but it was not possible to separate them clearly from the other strains on the basis of phenotypic characteristics. In particular, these two strains were phenotypically similar to the subcluster AL 3T\AL 14\AL 18 (gene species 3 in Fig. 2), which included aerobic rod-shaped Siberian strains. On the other hand, genetic subcluster AL 13\ALJ 13\ALJ 14\AL 19\AL 20 included members that differed in their morphology and respiratory and protein profiles (Table 3). Phylogenetic analysis. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis of the rod-shaped strain AL 3T and the vibroid strain AL 7T revealed that the Thioalkalimicrobium group belongs to the γ-Proteobacteria, with a relatively close affiliation to the neutrophilic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria of the genus Thiomicrospira (see Fig. 5). The genus Thiomicrospira includes two major lineages, which are substantially different in many characteristics. The Thioalkalimicrobium group clustered with the Thiomicrospira pelophila lineage. It had about 4 and 10 % total sequence difference with Thiomicrospira pelophila and Thiomicrospira crunogena type strains, respectively. Despite the relatively high sequence dissimilarity level, the two Thiomicrospira lineages and the alkaliphilic Thioalkalimicrobium representatives possessed similar signature regions in their 16S rRNA gene. It has been previously demonstrated (Brinkhoff & Muyzer, 1997) that Thiomicrospira 16S rDNA contains two specific motifs at positions (Escherichia coli) 128–145 and 830–849. These were also present in the genes of alkaliphilic strains AL 3T and AL 7T. 2. ‘ Thioalkalivibrio ’ group
This group includes 25 strains with a DNA GjC content of 61n0–65n6 mol %. The strains were isolated mostly from the Kenyan soda lakes (Table 2) which are, in general, more alkaline and saline than the Siberian steppe lakes. The group is represented typically by vibrio-shaped bacteria with one polar flagellum. In cultures of strains ALJ 6 and ALJ 7, spirilla-like cells dominated. The cells of the nitrate-reducing strains ALJ 12T, ALD 2 and ALJ 18 were predominantly rod-shaped, although some bent cells could be seen in old cultures. Strains ALJDT and ALJ 17 differed from the others by formation of curved filamentous rod-shaped cells. The ultraStrains and morphology.
structural organization of the Thioalkalivibrio cells was generally similar to that of the Thioalkalimicrobium representatives ; in most strains, the Gramnegative cell wall was undulating. Also, most of the strains, except the nitrate-reducing and denitrifying strain ALJDT, formed multiple carboxysome-like structures in the centre of the cells (Fig. 3e, f ). In contrast to the Thioalkalimicrobium strains, cells of the Thioalkalivibrio strains were more resistant to osmotic shock and survived much longer during storage in liquid cultures at 4 mC ; only 5 out of 25 strains did not retain viability after 12 months. A substantial difference in cell fine structure was observed only in the haloalkalophilic strains ALJ 15 and ALJ 22. The cell wall of ALJ 15 cells had multiple tubular extensions filled with electron-dense material (Fig. 3b, c). The cells of another haloalkalophilic strain, ALJ 22, were surrounded by a large capsule, sometimes shared by several cells which tended to aggregate (Fig. 3a, d). The Thioalkalivibrio strains formed relatively large colonies (up to 5 mm) on alkaline thiosulfate agar, developing through several stages. Young colonies were usually brightly white and filled with sulfur. With time, the sulfur gradually disappeared and the colonies turned yellowish, sometimes even orange. The colour change was a result of the transformation of insoluble elemental sulfur into a cell-bound soluble polysulfur compound like polysulfide, as judged from the spectra of cell extracts prepared from the colonies and from a qualitative cyanolytic test. Similarly to representatives of Thioalkalimicrobium, none of the Thioalkalivibrio strains was able to grow on purely organic media without reduced sulfur compounds, thus being obligately chemolithoautotrophic. Optimal growth on thiosulfate mineral medium in batch culture occurred at a pH around 9–10. The actual pH range for growth was detected in pH-controlled continuous culture (four strains) ; it was within the pH range 7n50–10n65, with an optimum at 10n0–10n2. Some of the Kenyan isolates failed to grow at a pH lower than 10. During growth in batch culture with thiosulfate, elemental sulfur was always produced in the early growth phase and then disappeared in the late exponential phase. In thiosulfate-limited chemostat cultures, elemental sulfur was formed only when the dilution rate approached the maximum growth rate and at a pH lower than 8. The bacteria of this group grew more slowly than the Thioalkalimicrobium strains ; their maximum specific growth rate in chemostat cultures was 0n18 h−" and that in batch cultures was 0n1 h−" (strains AL 2T and ALJ 2). On the other hand, the molar growth yield on thiosulfate was about two times higher than in Thioalkalimicrobium strains [5–6 g protein (mol thiosulfate)−"]. Most strains decreased their growth rate, and especially the molar growth yield, after 2–4 years maintenance in liquid batch cultures. Growth characteristics.
All members of the group, except strain ALJ 17 and the denitrifying ALJDT, grew faster under unlimited aeration, although in static cultures less sulfur was International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 51
Alkaliphilic, chemolithoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizers (a)
(b) Cp
(d) Cp
Ca (e)
Fig. 3. Morphology of the alkaliphilic sulfur bacteria from the Thioalkalivibrio group grown with thiosulfate at pH 10. (a, b) Total preparations ; (c–f) thin sections ; (a, d) strain AL J 22 (grown with 3 M total Na+) ; (b, c) strain AL J 15 (grown with 2 M total Na+) ; (e) strain AL 2T ; (f) strain AL J 5. Ca, Carboxysome-like structures ; Cp, capsule material ; T, tubular structures. Bars, 0n5 µm.
produced during the initial growth phase. The bacteria also grew faster with 0n2–0n5 mM Mg#+ in the medium. Higher concentrations of Mg#+ inhibited growth, resulting in the incomplete oxidation of thiosulfate to elemental sulfur. All strains were obligately Na+dependent. The minimal sodium ion concentration for growth was about 0n3 M and growth was possible generally up to 1n2–1n5 M total Na+. The haloalkaliphilic strains ALJ 15 and ALJ 22 had an absolute requirement for at least 1 M Na+. They were able to grow in the presence of up to 4 M total Na+, with an optimum at 2 M. In media (or in buffers for resting cells) containing less than 1 M Na+, immediate and heavy sulfur formation from thiosulfate and sulfide was observed. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 51
Cells of the Thioalkalivibrio members, in general, contained much lower concentrations of cytochromes than the Thioalkalimicrobium strains. However, the relative abundance of b type cytochromes was higher, so that the latter could be easily identified spectroscopically in total extracts. In addition to normally presented b type cytochromes with an α-maximum at 556–560 nm, in nitrate-reducing strains a cytochrome with an α-maximum at 595–598 nm was observed. Because a maximum in the γ-region, typical for cytochrome a, in reduced extracts was absent and because the CO spectrum was of the cytochrome b type, the 595 nm maximum could be attributed to a special form of a high-spin haem b (Lowrence et al., 1986). The cytochrome oxidase Cytochrome composition.
D. Y. Sorokin and others
activity of nitrate-reducing strains was much lower than in other isolates, which may be the reason for the positive influence of nitrate on their growth. Cells of the denitrifying strain ALJDT grown with nitrite or N O as electron acceptors had a high concentration of a #cytochrome component with spectroscopic characteristics of nitrite reductase type cd . Also, ALJDT was " alkaliphiles that the only strain among the isolated contained cytochrome aa in the membranes (absorp$ nm in the α- and γ-regions, tion maxima at 452 and 601 respectively). The CO-difference spectra of the cell-free extract of seven strains unable to reduce nitrate had a pattern typical of cytochrome o. The isolation of pure protein will be necessary to make a final conclusion on the dominant cytochrome oxidase type. The activity of the cytochrome c oxidase in cell-free extracts of these Thioalkalivibrio strains was 5–50 times higher than in the members of Thioalkalimicrobium and it was at least five times less sensitive to CN−. The latter confirmed the spectroscopic evidence on the different nature of cytochrome c oxidases in the two groups of these sulfur-oxidizing alkaliphiles. Sulfur-oxidizing potential. Despite their much higher oxidase activity, the Thioalkalivibrio strains had much lower actual rates of substrate-dependent respiration than the Thioalkalimicrobium members (Table 4). There was also a substantial difference in the substrate specificity. Most of the Thioalkalivibrio strains were able to oxidize elemental sulfur with the same order of activity as for sulfide and thiosulfate. Polythionates were also actively oxidized. Experiments with a cell suspension of strain AL 2T demonstrated that this bacterium was capable of anaerobic hydrolysis of tetrathionate to thiosulfate, sulfur and sulfate, which is similar to results observed in acidophilic thiobacilli (Pronk et al., 1990), except that the pH optimum for the reaction was 9. Some of the strains were able to consume oxygen in the presence of sulfite. Polysulfide (S#−) was oxidized completely to sulfate at pH 10 ' without sulfur formation, in contrast to the Thioalkalimicrobium strains. The bacteria were active within a pH range 7–11 (some up to 11n5), with an optimum of 9–10. The activity below pH 8 was usually very low, especially with sulfide as substrate. The Kenyan isolates were more active than the Siberian ones at extremely alkaline pH values ( 10n5). At pH values lower than 9, the usual biphasic kinetics of oxygen consumption with sulfide, sulfur and polysulfide were observed.
All strains of Thioalkalivibrio, in contrast to the Thioalkalimicrobium representatives, exhibited an AMP-independent sulfite dehydrogenase activity. It varied from 0n2 to 5 mmol (mg protein)−" min−" in different strains. The activity was obligately dependent on the presence of NaHCO (optimum at 0n4 M and pH 8n5) and was insensitive $to the usual inhibitors of sulfite dehydrogenases (p-chloromercuribenzoate, NEM, atebrin, CN−) in concentrations up to 10−$ M. Despite the very high sulfite dehydrogenase activity in cell-free extracts of some of the strains, the actual 574
DNA–DNA homology (%) 20
100 ALJ 19 ALJ 15 ALJ 2 ALJ 4 ALJ 5 ALJ 9 AL 2T ALJ 8 ALJ 3
Gene species 1
ALJ 7 ALJ 17 ALJ 16 ALJ 20 AL 5 ALJ 22 ALD 1 ALJ 1
Gene species 2
ALJ 6 ALJ 11
Gene species 3
Gene species 4
ALJ 18 ALJ 21 ALD 2 ALJ 12T
Fig. 4. Dendrogram of DNA–DNA homology among strains of the Thioalkalivibrio group.
sulfite-oxidizing activity by whole cells was always low, probably because of sulfite toxicity even at the micromolar concentrations used in the respiration experiments. Overall, the results demonstrated that the bacteria of the Thioalkalivibrio group appear to employ a pathway of sulfide oxidation via polysulfur (sulfur or possibly polysulfide) compounds and sulfite, similar to many acidophilic and some neutrophilic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (Kelly, 1989, 1999 ; Pronk et al., 1990). DNA–DNA hybridization and clustering. Genetically, as well as phenotypically, the Thioalkalivibrio group is less compact than the Thioalkalimicrobium group. DNA–DNA hybridization demonstrated that it includes both highly related strains with more than 90 % DNA homology and only weakly related representatives with a DNA similarity of about 30 % with the other strains (Fig. 4). On the basis of DNA homology, four gene clusters could be distinguished. However, only one of them strongly correlated with phenotypic differences. This cluster included four nitrate-reducing strains (cluster 4), which were most distant not only genetically but also different from the other isolates with respect to their cytochrome comInternational Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 51
Alkaliphilic, chemolithoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizers
Thiomicrospira sp. L12 Thiomicrospira crunogena 71 Thiomicrospira sp. JB-B2 Thiomicrospira sp. MA2-6 95 97 Thiomicrospira sp. SL-1 100 Thiomicrospira sp. JB-A1 Thiomicrospira sp. JB-A2 100 99 Strain AL 7T Strain AL 3T 100 100 Thiomicrospira thyasirae Thiomicrospira pelophila Thiomicrospira sp. JB-A1F 66 Thiothrix ramosa 100 Leucothrix mucor Halomonas marina Thioploca ingrica Beggiatoa alba Thiobacillus hydrothermalis Chromatium vinosum 100 Strain ALJ 12T 100 Strain AL 2T 97 Strain ALJDT 100 Ectothiorhodospira haloalkaliphila Ectothiorhodospira mobilis 67 100 Nitrococcus mobilis Arhodomonas aquaeolei 100 Halorhodospira halophila 100 Halorhodospira abdelmalekii 100 Halorhodospira halochloris Thiobacillus ferrooxidans Rhodospirillum rubrum 99 98
Fig. 5. Phylogenetic tree showing the relationships of the alkaliphilic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (marked in bold) in the γProteobacteria. The sequence of Rhodospirillum rubrum was used as an outgroup. The numbers on the branches refer to bootstrap values ; only values above 50 % are shown.
position and morphology. The other gene clusters were less phenotypically determined, although there was some correlation with the protein profiles and the level of sulfite dehydrogenase activity. Cluster 1 (Fig. 4) included a major proportion of the isolates with a DNA homology more than 40 % ; in general, its members had a high level of sulfite dehydrogenase in contrast to the small cluster 3. Although there were at least two tight subclusters inside cluster 1, substantial phenotypic descriptors to isolate these subclusters into separate species were not found. Controversially, three strains which possessed important phenotypic differences were not separated genetically from the others. Two haloalkalophilic strains, ALJ 15 and ALJ 22, and one nitrate-reducing strain, ALJ 21, were able to produce membrane-bound yellow carotenoids but genetically they could not be separated from the colourless strains. The yellow pigment could be extracted from the wet biomass with acetone. In strain ALJ 15, it was represented by a group of highly hydrophilic homologous carotenoid species which are currently under investigation (S. Takaichi, personal communication). Actually, this is a first known example of pigment formation among aerobic ‘ colourless ’ sulfur bacteria. In the haloalkalophilic strains, the amount of carotenoid produced positively correlated with salt concentration in the International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 51
growth medium. Assuming a phylogenetic relation with the purple sulfur bacteria (see below), the coloured strains were also analysed for the possible presence of the bacteriochlorophylls, but the results were always negative. Strains ALJ 15 and ALJ 22 not only possessed carotenoids, but were also the most halotolerant and thermotolerant among the alkaliphilic isolates. All other strains were moderately halotolerant. The haloalkalophilic strains had been isolated from the highly saline samples by a special enrichment on a medium with 2–4 M total Na+. They grew actively in the presence of more than 0n5 M and up to 4 M total Na+ with an optimum at 1–2 M. While growing on 2 M Na+-containing medium, strain ALJ 15 tolerated temperatures up to 45 mC and ALJ 22 up to 47 mC. Both strains grew optimally at 40 mC. Together with the carotenoid formation and unusual cell ultrastructure, these strains showed enough phenotypic differences from the other Thioalkalivibrio isolates to form a separate species, but this was not confirmed by the DNA analysis. Strains ALJ 15 and ALJ 22 were not specifically related to each other and both belonged to genetic cluster 1 together with the colourless nonhalophilic strains (Fig. 4). Another interesting example is strain ALJDT. It was the only facultatively anaerobic denitrifying strain among the isolated alkaliphilic sulfur bacteria. This bacterium was isolated with thiosulfate as electron donor and N O as electron acceptor at pH 10. It grew # very slowly under microaerobic conditions and anaerobically with nitrite. Anaerobic growth with nitrate was not observed at all, presumably because of the lack of dissimilatory nitrate reductase. Best growth occurred anaerobically with thiosulfate as a substrate and N O # as an electron acceptor. The ability to denitrify is very rare among obligately autotrophic sulfur bacteria and only two species have thus far been described (Kuenen et al., 1992). Therefore, the value of such a phenotypic property should correspond to at least a separate species level. Indeed, strain ALJDT had a relatively low DNA similarity with the non-denitrifying Thioalkalivibrio strains except strain ALJ 10. With the latter, it showed 55–58 % similarity, which is above gene species level within the Thioalkalivibrio group (Fig. 4). ALJDT also had a protein profile very similar to that of the non-denitrifying strain ALJ 10. All attempts to grow ALJ 10 anaerobically with different nitrogen oxides as electron acceptors were not successful. The reason for such an obvious discrepancy between the genetic similarity and physiological difference is not clear. It might be speculated that this could be the result of the complete deletion of the DNA region responsible for denitrification in strain ALJ 10. Phylogenetic analysis. A preliminary sequence analysis of the first 500 nt from the 16S rDNA gene of ten Kenyan strains (ALJ 1–10) demonstrated that they form a monophyletic group in the γ-Proteobacteria
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with only a distant clustering to some of the methanotrophic bacteria (data not shown). Analysis of the complete 16S rDNA gene sequence of the representative strains AL 2T, ALJ 12T and ALJDT confirmed that the Thioalkalivibrio group belongs to the γProteobacteria and that its position is quite different from that of the Thioalkalimicrobium group (Fig. 5). The sequence difference between the type strains of these three species was also higher (5–6 %). The Thioalkalivibrio group had no immediate relatives among the other chemolithotrophic members of the γProteobacteria. On the other hand, their monophyletic branch clustered well with the anaerobic purple sulfur bacteria of the genus Ectothiorhodospira (up to 91 % sequence similarity). Comparative analysis of the secondary structure of 16S rRNA of strains AL 2T, ALJ 12T and ALJDT revealed some helical regions (60–90 and 1000–1040 ; E. coli numbering) that differed from the helical regions of Ectothiorhodospira species. These regions could be used to construct specific molecular probes for the detection of the Thioalkalivibrio group in the natural environment. DISCUSSION
The results of these morphological, physiological and genetic studies of a range of new sulfur-oxidizing chemolithotrophic bacteria from a number of natural alkaline habitats demonstrated that all of them belong to two distinct groups, different both from each other and from known neutrophilic species with similar metabolism. The most striking difference is the potential of the new bacteria to grow and oxidize sulfur compounds under highly alkaline conditions. The main properties of the two different groups are summarized in Table 5. The Thioalkalivibrio group is clearly different from all known sulfur autotrophs and therefore can be described as a new genus. Some Ectothiorhodospira species were found to dominate in the anaerobic phototrophic populations in alkaline soda lakes (Isachenko, 1951 ; Imhoff et al., 1979 ; Tindall, 1980 ; V. Gorlenko, personal communication). Moreover, a potential for microaerobic growth was discovered at least for some species (Kondrat’eva et al., 1976), although they were not entirely lithoautotrophic. In addition, there are some phenotypic similarities between some of the Ectothiorhodospira species (in particular with Ectothiorhodospira haloalkalophila) and Thioalkalivibrio, including cell morphology, salt tolerance, pH optimum and elemental sulfur formation outside of the cells. It might be speculated that the described alkaliphilic aerobic sulfur-oxidizing chemolithotrophic bacteria represent the direct aerobic descendants of the phototrophic sulfide-oxidizing anaerobes. In this respect, it will be interesting to undertake comparative studies of these two kinds of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria to understand more clearly the mechanisms of metabolic evolution after the appearance of oxygen. 576
The taxonomic status of the Thioalkalimicrobium group is less clear. The phylogenetic closeness of the alkaliphilic strains to the Thiomicrospira pelophila cluster indicated that the latter may be related to the alkaliphilic group. Therefore, a physiological and genetic comparison between Thiomicrospira pelophila and Thioalkalimicrobium was performed. The former was unable to grow on soda base medium at pH 10, which was routinely used for the cultivation of sodalake isolates. However, in contrast to Thiomicrospira crunogena, Thiomicrospira pelophila appeared to belong to the alkalitolerant organisms, being able to initiate its growth at a pH as high as 9n5 in a medium containing up to 0n3 M sodium bicarbonate. In this case, the pH went down from 9n5 to 8n1 at the end of the growth period. The major difference in the respiratory profile between Thiomicrospira pelophila and the Thioalkalimicrobium strains was found around pH 10n0 in media with high sodium carbonate concentrations. Thiomicrospira pelophila actively respired thiosulfate up to pH 9n5 in NaCl and sodium bicarbonatecontaining buffers (data not shown) with an optimum at pH 7. In sodium carbonate-based buffers at pH 10 this bacterium was inactivated, while these conditions were optimal for the activity of soda-lake isolates. The genetic variability inside the alkaliphilic Thioalkalimicrobium group was itself sufficient for a genus range (Fig. 2) but obviously higher than is usual for the species level. Direct genetic comparison between two representative strains of Thioalkalimicrobium (AL 3T and AL 7T) and Thiomicrospira pelophila and Thiomicrospira crunogena demonstrated a very low DNA homology level (about 15 % with Thiomicrospira pelophila and 6 % with Thiomicrospira crunogena). Therefore, assuming substantial phylogenetic divergence, physiological differences and low genetic similarity, the alkaliphilic sulfur bacteria of Thioalkalimicrobium group should be described as a new genus. It should, however, be pointed out that Thioalkalimicrobium formed a coherent phylogenetic cluster with the Thiomicrospira pelophila lineage and therefore these alkaliphilic and neutrophilic sulfur bacteria may be members of the same family. Another conclusion from the genetic comparison is that Thiomicrospira crunogena should be reclassified because of its extremely low levels of genetic (6 % DNA homology) and phylogenetic (about 10 % sequence dissimilarity) similarity with Thiomicrospira pelophila. Description of Thioalkalimicrobium gen. nov.
Thioalkalimicrobium ( Gr. n. thios sulfur ; N.L. n. alcali Arabic al the ; qaliy soda ash ; Gr. adj. micros small ; Gr. masc. n. bios life ; M.L. n. Thioalkalimicrobium sulfur alkaline microbe). Cells vary from straight rods with sharp edges to spirilla, 0n4–0n5i0n8–1n5 µm, motile by means of 1–3 polar flagella at one end. Gram-negative. Cell wall is undulating and unstable in low osmotic environment. Mg#+ stabilizes the cell wall. Cells contain multiple International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 51
Alkaliphilic, chemolithoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizers Table 5 Characteristics of the two genera of alkaliphilic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria Property Source of isolate DNA GjC (mol %) Cell morphology Flagellation Periplasmic sulfur globules Carboxysomes Colony morphology Growth pH range pH optimum (chemostat) Upper temperature limit (mC) Upper salt limit [NaCl or sodium carbonates ; total Na+ (M)] Growth yield on thiosulfate Growth rate Survival after 12 months storage Mg#+ influence Sulfur-oxidizing potential Sulfide and thiosulfate Sulfur Tetrathionate Trithionate and pentathionate Sulfite Sulfite dehydrogenase RuBPcase Denitrification NO− 4 N # # NO− 4 NO− $ # Extreme halotolerance Yellow pigment Major ubiquinone* N sources for growth (pH 10) NH (low concn) $ NO−, NO− # $ Urea and organic N Thiocyanate Dominating cytochrome Cytochrome c oxidase Ki50 of oxidase to CN− (mM) Sensitivity to CCCP and DCCD
Thioalkalivibrio (25 strains)
Thioalkalimicrobium (18 strains)
Kenyan (21) and Siberian (4) soda lakes 61n0–65n6 From rods to spirilla Single polar j\k j\k Compact, often with sulfur (white) and polysulfide (yellow)
Siberian (15) and Kenyan (3) soda lakes 48n0–51n2 From rods to spirilla 1–3 polar from one side k j Compact or spreading, without sulfur, pink
7n50–10n65 10n0–10n2 47 4n0–4n3
7n5–10n6 9n8–10n0 41 1n2–1n5
Up to 6 g protein mol−" Up to 0n18 h−" 20 strains Growth stimulation
Up to 3n5 g protein mol−" Up to 0n33 h−" 4 strains Stabilization of the cell wall, growth stimulation
Moderate Moderate j j\k j\k j j
High Very low j\k k k k j
1 strain 4 strains 2 strains 3 strains Q-8
k k k k Q-8
j j k 11 strains from 15 tested c and b ? 3–5 Low
j j k 7 strains from 12 tested c cbb $ 1 High
* Detected by B. Tindall (DSMZ, Braunschweig) in strains AL 3T and AL 2T.
carboxysomes. Colonies are reddish, without sulfur, convex or spreading. Obligately aerobic and chemolithoautotrophic. Grows best in soda-buffered media at pH 10 with thiosulfate or sulfide as electron donor. Under pH-controlled conditions, growth is possible within the pH range 7n5–10n6. Oxidizes sulfide and thiosulfate to sulfate at high rates within the pH range 7–11 (optimum at pH 9–10). Some strains oxidize tetrathionate. Only a few strains oxidize elemental sulfur with low activity. Polysulfide is oxidized to a International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 51
mixture of sulfate and elemental sulfur. Unable to oxidize sulfite. Maximum specific growth rate and molar yield on thiosulfate at pH 10 is about 0n3 h−" and 3n5 g protein mol−", respectively. The level of cytochrome c oxidase (cytochrome cbb ) activity is relatively low. The level of cytochrome b$ is extremely low compared to the cytochrome c content. Carbon is assimilated via Calvin cycle. All strains are halotolerant, being able to grow in media containing up to 1n2–1n5 M total Na+. NH (at low concentrations), $ 577
D. Y. Sorokin and others
NO− and NO− are utilized as nitrogen sources. Many # are able $ to assimilate nitrogen from thiocyanstrains ate. Major ubiquinone is Q-8. DNA GjC content is between 48 and 51n2 mol % (Tm method). Isolated from soda lakes. Member of the γ-Proteobacteria and closely related to the Thiomicrospira pelophila group. Genus includes strains with a DNA homology level more than 40 % that are assigned to two species– Thioalkalimicrobium sibericum and Thioalkalimicrobium aerophilum. The type species is Thioalkalimicrobium aerophilum. Description of Thioalkalimicrobium aerophilum sp. nov.
Thioalkalimicrobium aerophilum ( Gr. masc. n. aeW r gas ; Gr. adj. philus loving ; M.L. n. aerophilus air-loving). The species includes seven rod- and vibrio-shaped strains from the water and surface sediments of Siberian soda lakes (AL 3T, AL 6, AL 13, AL 14, AL 15, AL 18, AL 20) and three spirilloid strains from Kenyan soda lake sediments (ALJ 13, ALJ 14, AL 19) with DNA–DNA homology levels more than 40 %. All strains grow faster under fully aerobic conditions. Most form flat, spreading colonies and oxidize tetrathionate. The Kenyan spirilloid strains form a tight gene cluster with the Siberian rod-shaped isolate AL 13. They have a similar protein profile and demand a higher sodium ion concentration for optimal growth than other strains of the genus. Among the rod-shaped strains, AL 3T forms a tight gene cluster with AL 14 and AL 18. The other strains are less related. The DNA GjC content is between 48 and 51n2 mol % (Tm method). Other properties are as for the genus. Type strain is AL 3T (l CBS 100465T l DSM 13739T). The type strain AL 3T is a rod with up to three polar flagella, forms compact colonies and oxidizes tetrathionate. Its maximum specific growth rate and molar growth yield with thiosulfate at pH 10 are 0n33 h−" and 3n5 g protein mol−", respectively. DNA GjC content is 49n5 mol %. Isolated from the surface sediments of Siberian soda lake (Tuva Republic). Description of Thioalkalimicrobium sibericum sp. nov.
Thioalkalimicrobium sibericum (si.behri.cum. M.L. masc. adj. sibericus from Siberia). This species includes eight vibrio-shaped strains isolated from Siberian soda lake sediments (AL 7T, AL 8, AL 9, AL 10, AL 11, AL 12, AL 16, AL 17) with a DNA–DNA homology more than 75 %. Most strains grow faster under microaerobic conditions, form compact colonies and have a very low tetrathionateoxidizing activity. The DNA GjC content is between 48n3 and 49n5 mol % (Tm method). The other properties are as for the genus. Type strain is AL 7T (l NCCB 100000T l DSM 13740T). The type strain AL 7T is a vibroid rod with one polar flagellum. It grows faster 578
under microaerobic conditions. In static batch culture with thiosulfate at pH 10, its maximum specific growth rate and molar growth yield are 0n22 h−" and 2n7 g protein mol−", respectively. It forms compact colonies and does not oxidize tetrathionate. DNA GjC content is 48n9 mol %. Isolated from the sediments of Siberian soda lake (Buriatia). Description of Thioalkalivibrio gen. nov.
Thioalkalivibrio ( Gr. n. thios sulfur ; N.L. n. alcali Arabic al the ; qaliy soda ash ; L. v. vibrio vibrate ; M.L. n. Thioalkalivibrio sulfur alkaline vibrio). Cells are mostly vibroid, up to spirilla, 0n4–0n6i0n8– 3n0 µm, motile with a single polar flagellum. Gramnegative ; cell wall is usually highly rippled. Most strains contain multiple carboxysomes in the centre of the cells. Some strains are able to deposit globes of elemental sulfur in the periplasmic space. Young colonies are bright white from heavy sulfur deposition which is gradually converted to soluble polysulfidelike compounds. Matured colonies are usually yellow to orange–brown. Obligately autotrophic sulfuroxidizing bacteria. Grows at pH 7n50–10n65 with an optimum at pH 10n0–10n2. The maximum specific growth rate with thiosulfate is 0n18 h−" ; the maximum molar yield on thiosulfate is 6 g protein mol−". During growth in batch cultures with thiosulfate at pH 10, elemental sulfur is always produced at the beginning of the exponential phase. Oxidizes sulfide, thiosulfate, elemental sulfur, sulfite and polythionates with relatively low activities within the pH range 7n0 to 11n0–11n5 (optimum pH 9–10). Polysulfide is oxidized completely to sulfate without intermediate sulfur formation. All strains express AMP-independent sulfite dehydrogenase. Contains cytochromes of c and b types. The cytochrome c oxidase activity is relatively high, with moderate sensitivity to cyanide and with spectroscopic properties of cytochrome o. Denitrifying strain ALJDT contains cytochrome oxidase type aa . Carbon assimilation is via the Calvin cycle. Major$ ubiquinone is Q-8. All strains are halotolerant and able to grow in presence of up to 1n2–1n5 M total Na+. Two strains are halophilic and thermotolerant, growing in up to 4 M total Na+ (optimum at 1–2 M) and up to 45–47 mC (optimum at 40 mC). Three strains produce membranebound yellow carotenoids. Four strains reduce nitrate to nitrite under microaerobic conditions. One strain is a facultatively anaerobic denitrifier growing best with nitrous oxide as electron acceptor and thiosulfate as electron donor. NH (at low concentrations), NO− and $ NO− are used as nitrogen sources. Most strains# also $ assimilate nitrogen from thiocyanate. The DNA GjC content is between 61 and 65n6 mol % (Tm method). Isolated from soda lakes. Member of the γ-Proteobacteria with only a distant relationship to the anaerobic purple sulfur bacteria Ectothiorhodospira. Represented by strains with a DNA homology level more than 30 % that are assigned to three species– International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 51
Alkaliphilic, chemolithoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizers
Thioalkalivibrio versutus, Thioalkalivibrio denitrificans and Thioalkalivibrio nitratis. The type species is Thioalkalivibrio versutus. Description of Thioalkalivibrio versutus sp. nov.
Thioalkalivibrio versutus (ver.suhtus. L. adj. versutus versatile). Includes 19 strains of vibrio- to spirilla-shaped bacteria with DNA homology of more than 45 % and with two distinct gene clusters. Two strains (ALJ 15 and ALJ 22) are halophilic, thermotolerant and produce a membrane-bound yellow pigment with absorption maxima in acetone of 400, 425, 445 nm (ALJ 15) and 396, 415, 440 nm (ALJ 22). All strains except ALJ 17 have higher growth rates under fully aerobic conditions. Two strains oxidize trithionate in addition to tetra- and pentathionates. The DNA GjC content is between 63 and 65n6 mol % (Tm method). Other properties are as for the genus. Isolated from Kenyan (ALJ 1, ALJ 2, ALJ 3, ALJ 4, ALJ 5, ALJ 6, ALJ 7, ALJ 8, ALJ 9, ALJ 11, ALJ 15, ALJ 16, ALJ 17, ALJ 19, ALJ 20, ALJ 22) and Siberian (AL 2T, AL 5, ALD 1) soda lakes. Type strain is AL 2T (l CBS 100464T l DSM 13738T). Strain AL 2T is a polymorphic rod with one polar flagellum. Young colonies are white with heavy sulfur deposition, old colonies becoming yellowish. Accumulates the sulfur globules in the periplasmic space and outside the cells during the initial growth phase with thiosulfate in batch cultures. The maximum specific growth rate and molar growth yield in thiosulfate-limited chemostat culture are 0n17 h−" and 5 g protein mol−", respectively. Oxidizes trithionate. DNA GjC content is 63n7 mol % (Tm method). Isolated from the surface sediments of a Siberian soda lake (Tuva Republic). Description of Thioalkalivibrio denitrificans sp. nov.
Thioalkalivibrio denitrificans ( M.L. v. denitrifico denitrify ; M.L. part. adj. denitrificans denitrifying). This species includes two strains from the Kenyan soda lakes with a DNA homology of about 55 %. The non-denitrifying strain ALJ 10 is a small vibrio and phenotypically similar to Thioalkalivibrio versutus. Strain ALJDT is a long, thin, curved rod. It is a facultatively anaerobic denitrifier. Grows best under anaerobic conditions with nitrous oxide as electron acceptor and thiosulfate as electron donor. Cannot grow with nitrate as electron acceptor. Anaerobic growth with nitrite and thiosulfate is much slower than with nitrous oxide because of the high sensitivity of strain ALJDT to nitrite. Growth is inhibited by high oxygen concentrations. DNA GjC content is between 62n3 and 65n0 mol % (Tm method). Other properties are as for the genus. Type strain is ALJDT (l NCCB 100001T l DSM 13742T). The type strain ALJDT is a pleomorphic, thin rod. In anaerobic cultures, long curved rods dominate. Cells possess one polar International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 51
flagellum. Colonies grown anaerobically under N O # atmosphere are brownish. Facultatively anaerobic and microaerobic. Best growth occurs with N O as electron # acceptor and thiosulfate as electron donor. In anaerobic batch culture with thiosulfate plus N O, its # yield maximum specific growth rate and molar growth are 0n03 h−" and 4 g protein mol−", respectively. Cells grown under denitrifying conditions contain cytochrome cd . Contains cytochrome oxidase type aa . " content is 62n9 mol %. Isolated from $ DNA GjC sediments of soda lake Bogoria in Kenya. Description of Thioalkalivibrio nitratis sp. nov.
Thioalkalivibrio nitratis (ni.trahtis. M.L. adj. nitratis nitrate). Species includes four rod-shaped strains from Kenyan (ALJ 12T, ALJ 18, ALJ 21) and Siberian (ALD 2) soda lakes with a DNA homology of more than 80 %. They differ from other species of the genus by their ability to reduce nitrate to nitrite during growth with thiosulfate under oxygen-limiting conditions. Cannot grow anaerobically as denitrifiers. Strain ALJ 21 produces membrane-bound yellow pigment (absorption maxima in acetone 406, 427, 451 nm). Contains high level of a cytochrome species with reduced α-maximum at 595 nm. The DNA GjC content is between 61n3 and 62n1 mol % (Tm method). Other properties are as for the genus. Type strain is ALJ 12T (l NCCB 100002T l DSM 13741T). The type strain ALJ 12T is a rod, sometimes curved, with one polar flagellum. DNA GjC content is 62n1 mol %. Other properties are as for the species. Isolated from sediments of soda lake Nakuru in Kenya. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work (Project 047.006.018) was financially supported by The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).
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