Thioperamide, a histamine H3-receptor blocker ...

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1023-3830/98/030109-06 $ 1.50+0.20/) linflammation Research. Thioperamide, a histamine Hz-receptor blocker, facilitates vasopressor response to footshocks.

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Birkhriu\cr Vcrlirg. Lla\el. lq9¡l

lnflammation Research

Thioperamide, a histamine H3-receptor blocker, facilitates vasopressor response to footshocks Y. Acuñar, Y. N,Iathison:, H. A. Canrpos2 and A. lsraell-l rSchool

of Ph¡nnacy. Uni\ellsidilcl Centr¡l c1(- Vcnezuela. Cu¡ilcls- VcnezLrel¡ María Vat-9as School ol_ Vlcdicine. l-jniver\iLllLLl aerltrrl Lie Vene,,uel¿r. Crracr\- Vcncrucl¡ rAp.utarkr Post.rl 50176. Srbrna Granclc 1050A. Crrirca\. VcncrLrcla- F¡x +58 I t)79 0015 2Jose

Reccilcd l8 August 1997i returned f¡r revision l-l Ocrcber l99li ¡crepte(l bl E. Neugebaucr I Dcccnrlrer l99l

Abstract. Objttlit,c untl Desígn. Wc ¡ssessccl thc funclion¿Ll l',lc nl rltL hi.rrl ir¡ H tr(cplot i.l con.ciour lrrrcl .,'1.

ol the sympxtho¿d|en¿l lxis. Spr.ague Dawley lats. wilh or wilhoLrl ce¡ebr-ovenllicular cannul¡. wcr-c subjcctccl to milcl actiVatior'l

Materid: M e


Thc pe|ipheral fulctir¡ral rolc ol hislarninc (llA)


detelmined using a tail-cull plethysmoglaph. Tredf tenfs: Saline, phentol¡nilte (3 ntg/k-r. i.p.). (R) ¡lpha lluo|onethylhistidine (AFMH) (I00 mg/kg. i.p.. or I(X)¡r-e/ 5 pL, i.v.t.). (lt) alphamcthylhistam ine (AN4H1 (2 nrg/kg. i.p. or 1(X)¡rg/5pl, i.v.t.). ¡hioperamidc (TH[O) (i or'2mg/lig. i.p.. or' 1(X)pg/5p1. i.v.t.), mepyraminc (l0mg/kg. i.p.), cimetidire (2 mg/kg. i.p. ).

¡1larnnals ancl its intcrircti0n with the s\nlllathetic svstenl h¡s bccn r-ecentlv sustainecl. Our findings shou,thrt depletion ol hist¡rrine levels afier in-eversible inhibition ol histaurinc biosynthesis wilh a lirLororncthylhistidinc (AFMHl incluces an incrcasc in ovcr¡ll syn¡pathetic ¡ctivity ancl cluses hypcrlcnsion 4nd tach¡,cardiii lll. A pcliphcral neuronal pool of hist¿irnire seems to bc involved in this interaction l2l since lnast cell hist¡lnine is poorly lfk:ctccl b¡, histidinc dccarboxy lasc inhibition j3l. The enhancenrent ol \ympathctic ¡ctivity by inhibition of histaminc bios)nthesis rv¡s shown inasuruclt


lts the incrc¿isc in

shocks ¡rncl mean rrterial pressure (MAP) and hea¡t rate werc

Ulin.ty catecholilnrines were deter ined by lluorornetry. Slalistic¿l cliftt|cnccs betwccn cxpcrimcntal groulls wcle evlhrated b) Stl¡denl's I test or- one wayANOVA. Áerr//r. ljootshocks incrcasccl both MAP ur.l herrt r¿rtc. The

vas(4)l-cssor lesponse to foolshocks was lacilitated (p