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Solid Ground A F o und atio n for Bui ldi n g Ambassadors

July/August 2013 Quick Summary • Birth of the Born-That-Way Theory • Choice to be Gay? • Heterosexual Development in Males

t h i s m o n t h Greg’s video introduction to this Solid Ground’s topic

• Homosexual Development in Males • Biology and Gender Identity • Homosexual Development in Females • Is Change Possible? • The Best Hope

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Unfortunately, believers often oblige. Faced with an apparent dilemma of fidelity to faith or fidelity to friends, they choose their friends. They may not abandon Christ, but they reject the Bible, at least on this issue, making it easier to compromise again on other inconvenient truths. With controversial issues, you have to start with facts before you start giving opinions.

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At STR we always labor to get the facts right. But we always look to do more. Yes, we want to give good, reliable information. But we also want to give insight, too—an awareness of how to maneuver with tactical wisdom and with grace.

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Christians find themselves in a fight they did not choose—facing overwhelming odds and fierce opposition—with a culture demanding we abandon the Bible on homosexuality and instead “celebrate diversity.”

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Clear-thinking Christianity

July 1, 2013 Dear Friend, Until the last few decades, homosexuality was never celebrated as natural, moral, or healthy. Times have changed. Now Christians find themselves in a fight they did not choose—facing overwhelming odds and fierce opposition—with a culture demanding we abandon the Bible on homosexuality and instead “celebrate diversity.” Unfortunately, believers often oblige. Faced with an apparent dilemma of fidelity to faith or fidelity to friends, they choose their friends. They may not abandon Christ, but they reject the Bible, at least on this issue, making it easier to compromise again on other inconvenient truths. Few things have been as effective to encourage this compromise than the “born that way” dogma. How could any behavior that is genetically hardwired by nature be wrong? That logic gives believers pause, and it gives the culture courage. The presumption of the argument, though, is that homosexuality is in fact innate, constitutional, immutable, and “natural.” But is that true? Note, this is an empirical question, not a religious or philosophical one. What does the empirical, scientific evidence show? This month’s Solid Ground, co-authored with STR’s Alan Shlemon, answers that question. With controversial issues, you have to start with facts before you start giving opinions. And you will be surprised to find out what the factual data actually reveals on this issue. Of course, at STR we always labor to get the facts right. But we always look to do more. Yes, we want to give good, reliable information. But we also want to give insight, too—an awareness of how to maneuver with tactical wisdom and with grace. By the way, Alan Shlemon’s new booklet, The Ambassador’s Guide to Discussing Homosexuality (of which this Solid Ground is an excerpt), does exactly that. (To be released in August) For the facts,

Greg Koukl

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Homosexuality: Nature or Nurture?* By Alan Shlemon and Greg Koukl

Lady Gaga’s mega-hit song,“Born this Way,” expressed what many believe: Homosexuality is hardwired in the genes. And if genetic, immutable. And if innate, nonvoluntary. And if not chosen, morally benign.There is therefore (to paraphrase Paul), now no condemnation for homosexuals.

Research involving identical twins had disproved that theory.6 Since identical twins have identical genes, if one twin was homosexual, the other should be, too.That’s not what the research showed, though.

Using a registry of 25,000 twins, Northwestern’s Michael Bailey showed that homosexuality occurred in both twins only one in nine times.7 Bailey concluded that the data “did not provide statistically significant support for the importance of genetic To many, that reasoning flows unhindered given factors” for homosexuality. 8 The study also failed to Gaga’s starting point. But was she right? rule out environmental factors. Since most twins Birth of the Born-that-Way Theory share the same home, it’s possible their common The “constitutional homosexuality” conviction was environment was a factor in their common same-sex launched in part by a landmark study by Harvardattraction (SSA). trained neurobiologist Simon LeVay, published in Despite the growing scientific evidence against it, Science in 1991. LeVay noted that the hypothalamus though, the born-gay theory persists. of homosexuals was smaller than in heterosexuals,1 leading some to believe homosexuality had a biological basis. Two years later, Harvard geneticist Dean Hamer published his research in Science, arguing there was a “statistical confidence level of more than 99 percent that at least one subtype of male sexual orientation is genetically influenced.”2 LeVay and Hamer’s studies received worldwide coverage.The implications were obvious. Since homosexuality had a bio-genetic cause, it’s immutable and morally acceptable. Case closed. What never made the headlines was the storm of scientific criticism that followed, prompting LeVay to clarify his research. In Discover Magazine he wrote,“It’s important to stress what I didn’t find. I did not prove that homosexuality is genetic, or find a genetic cause for being gay. I didn’t show that gay men are ‘born that way,’ the most common mistake people make in interpreting my work.”3 Hamer’s conclusions also came under fire. Attempts to corroborate his claims failed,4 so he retreated.“The best recent study,” Hamer conceded, “suggests that female sexual identification is more a matter of environment than heredity.”5 He told Scientific American that homosexuality was “absolutely not” rooted solely in biology. 3

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Choice to be Gay? Cynthia Nixon, star of Sex and the City, recently infuriated the gay community when she told the New York Times she chose to be gay.“For me, it is a choice,” she said. “I understand that for many people it’s not, but for me it’s a choice.”9

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Nixon’s case is an exception, however, and doesn’t explain most homosexuality. Clearly, the vast majority of homosexuals never chose their orientation. Indeed, some try to repress homosexual impulses, but are unsuccessful. Many Christians with SSA would happily choose otherwise if they could, but they can’t. SSA is not a choice. People choose behaviors, but they don’t choose desires. If homosexuality is neither genetic nor a choice, what explains it? There is no single cause; multiple factors contribute. Some pathways, however, predominate.The following explanation, though not the only one, resonates with a high percentage of same-sex attracted people in the United States. Made, Not Born Homosexuality is a developmental condition, not principally about sex, but about gender identity. In short, homosexuals are made, not born. Gender identity, like personality, is a non-physical trait. It’s a person’s subconscious belief about what sex he is.Though everyone is born biologically either male or female, psychologically their gender identity develops over time, primarily between early childhood and puberty. Here is the key factor: A person is always attracted to the biological sex that is the opposite of his or her psychological gender identity. A male genderidentified person (either male or female) will be attracted to a female body. Likewise, a female gender-identified person (either female of male) will be attracted to a male body. Opposites always attract.

Despite the growing scientific evidence against it, the borngay theory persists. A person’s psychological gender identity is strongly influenced—though not determined—by his biological sex. Most boys develop a male gender identity and most girls develop a female one. A heterosexual’s gender identity matches his biological sex. A homosexual’s gender identity is opposite his biological sex.10 Because male homosexuals psychologically identify as female (I’ll explain how later), they’re sexually attracted to other males.They don’t consciously think they’re girls (though some may). Rather, their gender confusion is subconscious. Heterosexual Development in Males In normal heterosexual development, a boy


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develops a male identity when he identifies with and bonds with his father (and other males around him) during his first years of life. Though a boy initially deeply connects with his mother as she holds and feeds him, the motherson bond extends to the father when he gives his son attention, affection, and affirmation. When Dad provides these three essentials, his son’s source of gender identification shifts from mother to father. As he grows, the boy will continue to draw his identity from males. He’ll pursue male friends. He’ll model male behavior and mannerisms. He’ll understand other boys. Maleness will become familiar to him. Girls, on the other hand, will seem mysterious and odd. They talk, play, and relate so differently than boys he’ll take less interest in them. Females—the other gender—will become increasingly unfamiliar to him. At puberty when a boy’s sexual interest emerges, his mysterious opposite—girls—begins to intrigue him.Their former “weirdness” is now attractive, even stimulating.“Exotic becomes erotic,” Cornell’s Daryl Bem quipped. 11 The foreign gender is the sexually appealing gender. Again, opposites attract. Homosexual Development in Males This process isn’t automatic, though. Under certain circumstances, gender identity development follows a different path. Sometimes with boys the identification with mother fails to transfer to father. In some families, the son won’t connect with a father who seems weak, passive, withdrawn, or hostile. Bonding is difficult if the boy thinks his father is unsafe. Further,

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if his mother has a strong personality and the son is overly attached to her, it will be especially hard for him to connect with his dad. An unhealthy marriage complicates matters. When parents don’t relate well to each other, the father is less involved with the family, thus appearing passive instead of strong, interesting, and benevolent—the role model his son needs. The assertive, over-involved mother steps into the gap—understandably—lavishing the needed attention, affection, and affirmation on her son. Because her marriage is unfulfilling, Mom may unwittingly use her son to satisfy her emotional needs, making it even more difficult for the boy to attach to his father. In cases where the son is sensitive and introspective, every experience is intensified.The father’s disinterest in or rejection of him—whether actual or perceived—is magnified and internalized. The result: The son feels anxious or ill-at-ease with his father and other males.

Though everyone is born psychologically male or female, psychologically their gender identity develops over time. Sexual abuse by an older male may also result in homosexuality. The physical and psychological trauma may cause the boy to view men as dangerous. Instead of connecting with his father and other boys, he’ll gender identify with the “safer” females.

Because of his failure to transition, the boy develops a self-protective “defensive detachment” towards masculinity, causing him to feel anxious around other males.Though he has a natural longing for male bonding, he might grow up with a subtle, hostile disposition towards males.

The goal is to help homosexuals become followers of Jesus committed to holiness. The boy will look to his mother, sister, or other girls as his gender role models. He’ll mimic their mannerisms and model their behaviors, eventually identifying more with them than males. Boys, on the other hand, will become increasingly unfamiliar to him. Because of his psychologically defensive posture, he’ll grow more distant from them.They’ll become the different, mysterious, other gender. At puberty when his sexual interest emerges, he’ll perceive males as his opposite.The male gender— the different and exotic—will seem erotic. The website,, created by former homosexuals, summarizes the process: As long as we felt that men were the opposite from us, while we identified with women as our sisters, we remained attracted to our opposite—the mysterious, unknown masculine….Being sexually attracted to them felt natural. Initially, at least, we didn’t feel homosexual so much as we felt genderless and, lacking sufficient maleness within ourselves, attracted to that which we felt would make us feel masculine and whole.

Growing up masculine-deprived, homosexual men pursue other men to satisfy their craving for the male connection and the affection they never received as children.Their desire is not principally about sex, though. Instead, they hope to achieve wholeness through sexual acts with men who appear to have the masculinity they lack. The encounters don’t satisfy, though, since the underlying gender identification needs are not met. Does this explain every case of homosexuality? No. Not all homosexual males have a female gender identity. The majority of men with SSA that I12 speak


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Your search for the best in christian resources starts here. Flight: The Genius of Birds DVD

Illustra Media, DVD Video (DVD035) $19.95 Flight: The Genius of Birds is the first film in Illustra Media’s new series The Design of Life, a collection of documentaries that will investigate the wonders of animal biology and behavior for evidence of supernatural intelligence and mind. Flight is highlighted by technical and artistic excellence comparable to the BBC’s Planet Earth and the Academy Award-winning March of the Penguins. Photographed in North America, Peru, England, Greenland and Antarctica, the film combines stunning images and computer animation with cuttingedge research and an original musical score to celebrate birds and their incomparable ability to live in the skies. The poet William Blake wrote that to see an eagle in the air is to observe a portion of genius. In Flight, the ingenuity of a bird’s behavior and biology showcase unmistakable evidence for design, purpose, and plan. It is evidence best explained by an intelligence that transcends the natural world.

A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Homosexuality Joseph Nicolosi, 254 pages (BK216) $17.00 Homosexuality: is it learned, biological or both? The answer to this question deeply concerns parents. They want to know how they can best raise their children. A common belief today is that nothing can be done to foster the development of healthy heterosexual orientation in children. But the clinical experience and professional research of Dr. Nicolosi and others indicates otherwise. In this groundbreaking book Joseph and Linda Ames Nicolosi uncover the most significant factors that contribute to a child’s healthy sense of self as male or female, providing clear insight for identifying potential developmental roadblocks and giving practical advice to parents for helping their children securely identify with their gender. Replete with personal stories from parents, children, and ex-homosexual strugglers, A Parent’s Guide offers compassion and hope for all those parents who seek to lay a foundation for a healthy heterosexual identity in their children.

Straight Down a Crooked Path: A Christian Response to Homosexuality Gregory Koukl and Thomas Schmidt, Two Audio CDs with PDF Study Notes (CD301) $12.95 Also available as an MP3


With this timely collection, you’ll get a clear, thoughtful look at homosexuality from the Christian worldview. Included titles: Setting the Record Straight: The Bible and Homosexuality - Greg Koukl focuses on one thing only: What is the most reasonable way to understand the biblical texts pertaining to homosexuality? Using only a handful of the clearest verses, Greg judiciously weighs the evidence, leading to an unmistakable conclusion. Homosexuality & Christian Morality - Dr. Thomas Schmidt offers a deeply compassionate, yet incisive analysis of homosexuality. Given at Texas A&M University as part of the Veritas Forum, this lecture is perfect for someone who might be sensitive to a heavy-handed biblical treatment of the homosexuality issue.


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to, though, do have gender identity issues. Almost every time I teach on homosexuality, a homosexual man tells me his upbringing included many of the elements just described. Sometimes gender identity is not the issue, though. When men in prison have sex with each other it’s usually more about dominance than gender identity. Also, in the Middle East, strict gender segregation encourages young men to sexually experiment with other men. Though the list of causes given above is not exhaustive, these patterns are commonly reported by gay men. No particular dynamic dictates a boy will lean towards homosexuality. Scientific research, though, indicates that psychological factors play a key role in SSA. Biology and Gender Identity Though not the primary influence, nature can play a secondary role in gender identity. It doesn’t predetermine orientation, but it can predispose it when biological factors influence a boy’s ability to identify and connect with other males. For example, boys born with athletic abilities are more likely to play team sports, allowing them to connect and identify with other boys.Those who are less athletic, but more creative and inclined towards the arts are less likely to experience the male bonding those on sports teams experience.

is mistreated may not want to be like her. She’ll reject her mother’s gender and identify with males. At puberty, she’ll be attracted to women who are (to her) the opposite gender.

The root problem for anyone is spiritual. New birth brings new life. Likewise, a girl who is sexually abused by a man may conclude it’s not safe to be female.To avoid further pain, she’ll begin identifying with stronger, less vulnerable males. As her sexual desires develop, she’ll see females as her opposite and be attracted to them. Sadly, celebrity lesbians like Ellen DeGeneres, Rosie O’Donnell, and Melissa Etheridge have publically admitted they were sexually abused as children. A second pathway to lesbianism is broadly referred to as LUG, or Lesbian Until Graduation. Sometimes high school and college-aged girls experiment with lesbianism, yet plan to go “straight” after graduation. Some succeed. Others never give up same-sex activity.

A Piece of My Mind

A third pathway occurs in Listen to Greg talk older females after a bitter about this edition experience like divorce. of Solid Ground. These women seek a or subscribe for later sensitive and understanding female friend who provides safety and comfort in the midst of extreme emotional pain caused by a man. The powerful and intimate emotional bond sometimes leads to sexual bonding.

Again, these pathways are not exhaustive, nor determinative. Everyone’s journey is unique and how one interprets a life event varies from person to person.

Also, children born with sensitive dispositions are more likely to internalize real or perceived rejection by their fathers or other males. Boys with rough-andtumble temperaments are less sensitive to emotional wounds and tend not to internalize them as deeply. Homosexual Development in Females At least three possible pathways lead to lesbianism. First, at some point in childhood a girl subconsciously decides that being female is either unsafe or undesirable, so she begins to identify with the male gender.This can happen for several reasons.

Is Change Possible? For many, the question of changing one’s sexual orientation has been settled.The “experts” have spoken. Change is not possible. No “ex-gays” exist. As it turns out, though, the evidence indicates just the opposite. Contact STR today to schedule Greg, Jim, Brett or Alan for your conference, church service or special event.

A girl might view her mother or other females as weak. Some husbands can be controlling or even abusive towards their wives. A girl whose mother


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First, note one ancient report claiming this kind of change actually took place. In 1 Cor. 6:9-11, Paul says some Christians in Corinth had been homosexual (“Such were some of you…”), yet experienced significant change.That many reject the Bible as the Word of God is irrelevant to my point. I’m appealing to this ancient letter on historical grounds, not spiritual, to show that some people in ancient Greece left homosexuality behind.

classified as “truly gay”—those with the highest levels of homosexual attraction, fantasy, and behavior—reported the greatest amount of change. Clinicians and other scientists have reported successes for over a century. Back in 1882, Jean-Martin Charcot, the “father of modern neurology,” described how “the homosexual became heterosexual” as a result of his treatments. In the 1920s, Freud reported sexual orientation change through psychoanalysis. Researchers continued to report similar findings throughout the 20th century: Wilhelm Stekel in the 1930s, Frank Caprio and Albert Ellis in the 1950s, Russell Monroe and Edward Glover in the 1960s, Irving Bieber in the 1970s, Karolynn Siegel in the 1980s, and Houston MacIntosh in the 1990s, to name just a few.

Recent studies indicate the same thing. An article published in Psychological Reports in 2000 investigated 882 dissatisfied homosexuals. After pursuing some form of therapy, 34% of the participants reported shifting their orientation to an exclusively or almost exclusively heterosexual orientation.They experienced statistically significant Given such convincing evidence, it’s not surprising a reductions in “homosexual thoughts and fantasies” recent psychiatry textbook, Essential Psychopathology and improvements in their “psychological, & Its Treatment, concluded that homosexual orientation interpersonal, and spiritual well-being.”13 can change and that therapy isn’t necessarily harmful:

God is there to forgive and restore, regardless of individual struggles. One long-term study in 2007 by Jones and Yarhouse was recently published in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy.14 It’s been hailed as one of the most rigorous studies ever designed to investigate the possibility of change. Researchers followed 98 people with unwanted samesex attractions for over six years. 15% of the participants reported “substantial reductions in homosexual attraction and subsequent conversion to heterosexual attractions and functioning.”The most surprising result, though, was that subjects

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Recent empirical evidence demonstrates that homosexual orientation can indeed be therapeutically changed in motivated clients, and that reorientation therapies do not produce emotional harm when attempted.15

According to clinical data, thousands have personally experienced this change. Each year, more people publicly declare they are no longer homosexual. Nicholas Cummings, past President of the American Psychological Association (APA), was Chief of Mental Health at Kaiser Permanente in San Francisco for 20 years. He personally worked with over 2,000 patients with same-sex attraction. His staff (six of whom were gay) saw an additional 16,000 homosexuals. Cummings estimates that hundreds of people under his care



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changed their sexual orientation. He also notes that approximately 7% of those 16,000 patients experienced some measurable change, many going on to marry and live heterosexual lives.16

But is it possible for some homosexuals to experience substantial and enduring change? Absolutely.That’s good news, given how many people experience unwanted SSA.They have hope.

Cummings’s data can’t be dismissed. He’s been a lifelong champion of gay and lesbian rights, and was the first APA leader to appoint the Task Force on Lesbian and Gay Issues.

The Best Hope Though change in sexual orientation is possible, our mission as ambassadors for Christ is not to help homosexuals become heterosexual. We don’t labor to change their desires, but to make them disciples— followers of Jesus committed to holiness regardless of particular sins, temptations, or inclinations.

Given this evidence, how can some still claim that sexual orientation change isn’t possible? Multiple, independent lines of evidence would all have to be faulty or fraudulent. Over the last 100 years, hundreds of professionals who’ve treated homosexuals would have to be either mistaken or lied about their findings. Are therapists working with homosexuals today all fabricating success stories? Are religious and secular organizations providing counseling to homosexuals all misrepresenting their results? Are thousands of heterosexuals who once lived as homosexuals faking? Is every person I’ve met over the years who’s claimed to have changed been lying?

The root problem for anyone is neither biological (nature), nor environmental (nurture). It’s spiritual. Those former homosexuals in ancient Corinth weren’t simply changed; they were transformed through a real encounter with the living Christ. New birth brought new life. The same fresh start is available to everyone. God is there to forgive, and God is there to restore, regardless of individual struggles. And that is the best hope for anyone, homosexual or heterosexual. *This article has been adapted from Alan Shlemon’s new book, The Ambassador’s Guide to Discussing Homosexuality, available at

Putting This Solid Ground into Action

As professor of psychiatry Tiffany Barnhouse said, “The frequent claim by ‘gay’ activists that it is impossible for homosexuals to change their orientation…accuses scores of conscientious, responsible psychiatrists and psychologists of falsifying their data.”17 Skeptics point to problems. Not all those pursuing change eliminate all same-sex attraction. Other “exgays” become ex “ex-gays,” returning to SSA. These critics, though, don’t apply the same standards to other conditions. People being treated for depression, for example, still feel depressed at times. Others fail entirely. Yet that doesn’t mean depression can’t be treated.The same is true with many other psychological conditions. Does this mean change is easy? No. Is everyone successful? Not at all. Does success always entail total transformation? Rarely. Should we try to change people who don’t want to change? Of course not.

Remember that the view that homosexuality is hard-wired into the genes is controversial at best, and has not been proven.

Keep in mind that homosexuals are made not born, and SSA is a developmental condition, primarily about gender identity.

Though change in sexual orientation is possible, our mission is not to help homosexuals become heterosexual. We labor to make them disciples of Jesus, committed to holiness.

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Endnotes *This article is an excerpt from The Ambassador’s Guide to Discussing Homosexuality, which will be released in August. 1 “A Difference in Hypothalamic Structure Between Heterosexual and Homosexual Men,” Simon LeVay in Science (Vol. 253, No. 5023, Aug. 30, 1991), 1034-1037. 2 Hamer et al.,“A Linkage Between DNA Markers on the X Chromosome and Male Sexual Orientation,” Science 261 (1993), 321-327. 3 “Sex and the Brain—Neurobiologist Simon LeVay Found a Link between Brain Structure and Homosexuality,” David Nimmons, Discover Magazine, March 1994, 64. 4 Rice et al.,“Male Homosexuality: Absence of Linkage to Microsatellite Markers at Xq28,” Science 284 (1999), 665-667. 5 Hamer and Copeland, Living with Our Genes: Why They Matter More than You Think (New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell, 1998), 188. 6 Anastasia Toufexis in “New Evidence of a ‘Gay Gene,’” Time, November 13, 1995, Vol. 146. Issue 20, 95. 7 Michael Bailey et al.,“Genetic and Environmental Influences on Sexual Orientation and its Correlates in an Australian Twin Sample,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 78 (2000).The 11% figure is the “pairwise” concordance. 8 Ibid.

9 Retrieved February 15, 2012, from http://www.nytimes. com/2012/01/22/magazine/cynthia-nixon-wit.html?_ r=2&pagewanted=3. 10 Or, possibly, he has a weak male gender identity predisposing him to SSA. 11 Daryl Bem,“Exotic Becomes Erotic: A Developmental Theory of Sexual Orientation,” in Psychological Review (1996, Vol. 103, No. 2), 320-335. 12 All first-person references are to co-author Alan Shlemon. 13 Nicolosi, Byrd, and Potts,“Retrospective Self-Reports of Changes in Homosexual Orientation: a Consumer Survey of Conversion Therapy Clients,” Psychological Reports (June, 2000), 1071-1088. 14 Jones, & Yarhouse,“A Longitudinal Study of Attempted Religiously Mediated Sexual Orientation Change,” Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 37 (2011), 404-427. 15 Kilgus, Maxmen, and Ward, Essential Psychopathology & Its Treatment (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2009), 488. 16 Retrieved January 8, 2013, from html. 17 Tiffany Barnhouse,“What Is a Christian View of Homosexuality?” Circuit Rider (February, 1984), 12, quoted in Neil Whitehead, My Genes Made Me Do It!: A Scientific Look at Sexual Orientation (Lafayette, LA: Huntington House Publishers, 1999), 255.

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4 Summit Ministries, Manitou Springs, CO

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