THIS WEEK AT OLV - Fresno OLV School

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Apr 24, 2018 - items needed and ways you can help. VOLUNTEERS .... Contact phone no: OUR LADY OF ... 559-577-8803/terrim


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED PER FINANCIAL CONTRACT *K-8 – 6hrs towards carnival* *Preschool – 4hrs towards carnival*

Please sign up for your carnival shifts ASAP – shifts are first come first serve. If you would like something specific and don’t see it posted, stop by the office and see Ms. Hirata. GO REBELS!

Are you or someone you know able to make a donation for carnival? Check out the CARNIVAL DONATION LIST for items needed and ways you can help.



BEFORE & AFTER ALL MASSES Call/stop by the office to sign up Faith Corner † Administrative Professional Day Wednesday, April 25, 2018 Living Lord, Be with us as we work today. Fill this office with inspiration and energy. Help us to work as a team, and bring out the best in each other. May we be efficient and achieve all we need to, but also remember to rest. May this place be full of fun and friendship And may relaxation and harmony inhabit this space. Thank you for this new day and the opportunity to work together. Amen.


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04/25/18 -NOON dismissal 04/26/18 -K & 3rd – field trip to zoo 04/27/18 -6th, 7th, & 8th gr. Dance 04/29/18 -Pastor Appreciation Day -3rd gr. First Holy Communion @ 10am OLV Church 04/30/18 -2pm Dismissal 05/03/18 -OLV School Choir Channel 49 taping 05/04/18 -9am School Mass 05/05/18 -Carnival set-up 11am-5pm 05/06/18 -ANNUAL OLV SCHOOL CARNIVAL!!! 05/07/18 -NO SCHOOL -CARNIVAL CLEAN-UP

OLV Office Staff

Parent Letter 4/24/18

Hamburger Lunch April 27, 2018

Hamburger with or without Cheese, chips, fruit, cookie, juice $5.00- orders due Thursday Name: ___________________________________Grade _______ Cheeseburger ______

plain hamburger _________

******************************************************************** For families with more than one order Student Name ___________________________________________ Grade _____ Cheeseburger ______

plain hamburger ________


Student Name ___________________________________________ Grade _____ Cheeseburger ______

plain hamburger ________


Student Name ___________________________________________ Grade _____ Cheeseburger ______

plain hamburger ________


Student Name ___________________________________________ Grade _____ Cheeseburger ______

plain hamburger ________


Our lady of Victory School Parent Club / School Board / Development Board Nominations We are looking for new officers to be part of each of these very important parent groups. If you are interested in being part of the parent leadership or know someone who would fit this role, please fill out this form and return to the office by April 25, 2018. With the nominee’s permission, their names will be placed on a ballot for election. Please contact the office with any questions. The school community strives to make OLV a family oriented environment and give the best to our children.

Name:______________________________ Group:___________________

Name:______________________________ Group:___________________

Name:______________________________ Group:___________________

Name:______________________________ Group:___________________

Our Lady of Victory School carnival

May 6, 2018 1626 W. Princeton Ave. Fresno, CA 93705 11am – 8pm


Free Admission & Parking

The carnival committee’s goal is to put on our yearly school carnival at minimal cost to the school. As a group we try our best to go out and obtain as many donations as possible. With carnival 3 weeks away, we are in need of a few items and have created a wish list. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Cases of Soda/Water • • • • • •

30 Cases of Pepsi 20 Cases of Diet Pepsi Sierra Mist 10 Cases of Dr. Pepper 10 Cases of Orange 50 Cases of Water

This will earn you 1 general parent participation hour(s) for every 2 cases donated. 4hrs Max

Water Hoses At least 350 Feet

We need water hoses for all our water games.

CASH $5 - $10 – $15 - $20 - $50 - $100 - $500 No denomination is too Small..

We ask that you please lend us your water hose for the weekend of carnival. All water hoses will be returned after carnival. Make sure to mark them with your name.

SCRIP CARDS Smart & Final – Target – Walmart - Visa

Sweets for Cake Walk • Cakes • Cookies • Cupcakes • Brownies • All Sweets!!

This will earn you 1 general parent participation hour(s) for 2dz cookies, cupcakes, brownies etc. and for two homemade cakes. You may earn more hours for specialty cakes contact Amy . 4hrs Max

*Please deliver all sweets donations on Saturday May 6, 2018*

OUR LADY OF VICTORY CATHOLIC SCHOOL PARENT CLUB 1626 West Princeton Avenue  Fresno, CA 93705-3837 Phone: 559/229-0205  Fax: 559/229-3230 

March 5, 2018

Dear Friends, Our Lady of Victory is a nonprofit Catholic school located in central Fresno. OLV parents, alumni, and friends are dedicated to raising money for student scholarships, academic departments, teachers, books and more. This funding is important to maintain and elevate the level of the academic experience for our children’s education. The Parents Club has three fundraisers throughout the year. They are carnival, cash raffle and auction. This year the Carnival will be held on May 6, 2018 at the school. In an effort to continue our fundraising success, we would like to ask for your generous support through contributions, sponsorships and donations. We gladly accept donations of all sizes. Donations should be new and unused; ideas include food product, gift certificates, cash, services, prizes for our carnival games, or give us a call if you have something we can use. Your generous donation will make it possible for Our Lady of Victory School to continue educating students in faith, knowledge, morals and discipline. Please complete the donor information below or feel free call the office if you need clarification or an item picked up. Thank you for your support,

Deborah J.V. Nettell Principal OLV School

Marlene Dawson Carnival Chair

Donor Information

Diocese of Fresno Education Corp- dba Our Lady of Victory School TIN 94-1347028

Contact Person: Business Name: Address: City: Phone: Email

Donation Item Description:

/Zip cell:

Product Donation Value $

Cash Donation $

Name listed on sponsorship banner Gold sponsorship $500+ Silver sponsorship $250 Bronze sponsorship $125

Item procured by: Contact phone no:

DONATE NOW! Attention OLV families and friends! We are now accepting donations of items to be sold at our Rebels 2nd Hand Treasures Store at this year’s carnival. Help us make this the BEST rummage sale in town. Bring in gently used items NOW! We will be accepting items thru April 20, 2018. Any Questions Contact: Betty Kempen (559) 906-5426 [email protected]

Our Lady of Victory School Carnival May 6, 2018 1626 W. Princeton Ave., Fresno, CA 93705

11am – 8pm

Reserve A Booth

Do you or someone you know have a business? Vendor space is available at the carnival!!! Cost is $60 for a 12x12 space Contact Theresa Marquez for more information 559-577-8803/[email protected]

OLV CARNIVAL PLANNING MEETING!!! Every Thursday Starting, April 19, 2018 6:00pm @ OLV School COME BE PART OF THE FUN & EARN PARENT HOURS!!!


OLV School Carnival Pre-Sale Tickets Scrip tickets can be used at all food and game booths (excluding Beer Garden, 2nd Hand Treasures & inflatables/water slides)

Pre-Sale Price

Day of Carnival Price

$10.00 for 1 card = 28 tickets

$15.00 for 1 card = 28 tickets OR $25.00 for 2 cards = 56 tickets Pre-Sale or Day of Carnival Price for ALL DAY PASS WRIST BANDS $16.00 = 1 Wrist Band $27.00 = 2 Wrist Bands $34.00 = 3 Wrist Bands Wrist band includes: both inflatable water slides and water wars – (all children ages 4 and up) & “Candy Land” bounce house – (small children ONLY age and height restrictions apply)


SORRY NO EXCEPTIONS! Pre-Sale tickets will be available for pick-up at the sign-in booth on Sunday, May 6, 2018 when carnival opens -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

OLV SCHOOL CARNIVAL PRE-SALE TICKETS Family Name: __________________________ Oldest Child’s Name: ______________________ Grade: _____ Contact #: _____________________________ Email: _____________________________________________ # of Carnival Ticket Cards __________

@ $10 each = $_______

# of All Day Wrist Bands ___________

@ $16 each = $_______

# of All Day Wrist Bands ___________

@ $27 each = $_______

# of All Day Wrist Bands ___________

@ $34 each = $_______

Total Amount Due $______ Payment method (circle one): check or cash


FLOWERS ARE NEEDED! We will be crowning Mary and we are asking students to bring flowers to present to her on Friday, May 4th. please no glass vases For the month of May students may also bring their rosaries to pray at morning prayer.

Our Lady of Victory….. PRAY FOR US!!!

Mother-Son Baseball and BBQ

Who: Moms, grandmothers, aunts, God-mothers or any special lady and OLV Boys (including alumni)!

What: An afternoon of whiffle ball (moms versus sons) plus other games, BBQ and prizes. Wear your favorite sport team’s gear and take a photo with your little slugger!

Where: OLV School Field When: Friday, May 11, after school from 5-8 P.M. Cost: $15 per person

RSVP by Monday, May 7 or to volunteer contact: Jeff Cardinale at (559) 274-6104 [email protected] Or Zach Sutton (559) 903-0455 [email protected]