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conversations with Walt Cummings, Corey McIver and Captain Baker. • Presentations of recent: o Little League Board of
Thomas DiCenzo Athletic Complex Improvement Project: A Community Pride Event Update March 10, 2015 The project is progressing well as numerous constituents continue to offer their support.  The paint for all areas will be provided at no cost by Johnson’s Hardware.  The painting supplies have been donated thanks to Mardens: paint brushes, rollers, roller pans.  The painting cups, buckets and disposable gloves have been donated by Randy McCormick.  The Calais Armory/National Guard is in the final stages of approval for their crew to assist with the project. Several levels of approval have been garnered through conversations with Walt Cummings, Corey McIver and Captain Baker.  Presentations of recent: o Little League Board of Directors  agreed to offer the use of their snack building for food prep o Calais JMG Students/Tobey Cole o Calais Lions and Lioness  Scheduled for Wednesday, March 11.  Upcoming presentations: o Calais Chamber of Commerce o Calais Rotary Club  Meetings of recent: o Fire Chief Robert Posick  Offered assistance of some of his personnel as well as his personal time and home business equipment. o Police Chief Dave Randall  Extensive discussion of how to address security issues at the entire facility. I have offered to attend Public Safety Committee meetings to continue these discussions particularly in the areas of video surveillance and to identify formal regulations and consequences for unacceptable behavior by underage users of the park. o Public Works Director Skeet Seelye  Discussion of obtaining stone dust to apply to the driveways to keep the dust down.

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 Discussion of gating the driveway into the basketball court and baseball field. Cedar boards for one park bench have been processed by the Calais High School Tech Ed Program. The metal framework for the first park bench have been started by the WCCC Welding students. An evening meeting with the “Work Zone Project Leaders” and a few other constituents is in the planning stages for later this month. o To establish a phone chain and to discuss the mechnaics of the event. Individual meetings at the park with each of the Work Zone Leaders will take place once the weather permits. The specifics of the work to be accomplished at each work zone will be discussed with each leader. Conversations with Interim Recreation Director, Craig Morrison, continue regularly. Please feel free to let me know of other ideas and suggestions. I may, or may not, be available to attend the Thursday, March 12 City Council meeting, pending plans for a visitation related to my work at the WCCC.

Thank you for your continued support of this project. Respectfully Submitted,

Randy McCormick