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Dec 31, 2012 - company as a result of the transaction, or ad-hoc creditor committee. .... Thomson Reuters disclaims all

Full Year 2012 Distressed Debt & Bankruptcy Restructuring | Restructuring Advisors

Global Distressed Debt & Bankruptcy Restructuring Rankings Global Deals Intelligence Completed Distressed Debt and Bankruptcy Restructuring activity totalled US$422.6 billion over the course of 2012, a 102.5% increase compared to the US$208.6 billion accrued during 2011. In total, 430 deals totaling $470.8 billion were announced in 2012 – 344 fewer deals compared to the same period in 2011. Activity was led by Greece's US$263.1 billion debt exchange transaction, the largest Restructuring deal on record. US deal activity totalled US$61.6 billion throughout 2012, a 19.2% decrease compared to 2011 totals. There were 129 announced US Restructuring transactions during 2012, 107 fewer than the previous year. The Media & Entertainment industry accounted for 34% of the US debt restructuring market. Throughout 2012, EMEA distressed debt restructuring deal volume totalled US$342 billion, with the Government sector dominating the marketplace with 81% of the volume due to the Greece restructuring. Excluding deals involving sovereign debt, activity was down by 29.5% from 2012. Asia Pacific (including Japan) deal volumes during 2012 reached US$10.2 billion, down 25% from the total value reached in 2011. Telecom was the most active sector, capturing 48% of the market, followed by Industrials and Materials, with 30% and 7% market shares, respectively.

Worldwide Completed Restructuring (DR1)

Jan 1 - Dec 31

Restructuring Value per Advisor (US$m) Restructuring Market 2012 2011 Rank Rank Value US$m Sh (%) 1 3 330,237.4 78.1 2 5 323,073.9 76.5 3 4 54,242.9 12.8 4 1 46,867.5 11.1 5 2 33,789.6 8.0 6 7 9,136.6 2.2 7 8,013.5 1.9 8 18 6,412.5 1.5 9 6,193.3 1.5 10 11 5,747.1 1.4 11 22 5,262.8 1.3 12 21 5,130.6 1.2 13 14 5,024.3 1.2 14 19 4,892.2 1.2 15 4717.0 1.1 16 44 4,100.0 1.0 17 8 4,072.2 1.0 18 13 3,857.3 0.9 19 9 3,699.1 0.9 20 15 3,188.0 0.8 21 46 3,162.8 0.8 22 2,419.5 0.6 23* 2,377.8 0.6 23* 2,377.8 0.6 23* 26 2,377.8 0.6 422,596.6

Financial Advisor Lazard Blackstone Group LP Moelis & Co Houlihan Lokey Rothschild Alvarez & Marsal Gleacher & Co Inc Canaccord Genuity Brookland Partners LLP KPMG Evercore Partners Morgan Stanley Jefferies & Co Inc FTI Consulting Inc Mediobanca Zolfo Cooper LLC PricewaterhouseCoopers UBS Leonardo & Co AlixPartners LLC Greenhill & Co, LLC BNP Paribas SA RBC Capital Markets KordaMentha Pty Ltd McGrathNicol Services Pty Ltd Industry Total *tie

# of Deals per Advisor # of Market Change in Deals Sh (%) # of Deals 39 78.1 9 ▲ 24 76.5 11 ▲ 28 12.8 11 ▲ 40 11.1 6 ▲ 32 8.0 -2 ▼ 5 2.2 -1 ▼ 2 1.9 2 1.5 -3 ▼ 1 1.5 8 1.4 4 ▲ 3 1.3 1 ▲ 2 1.2 0 3 1.2 -3 ▼ 3 1.2 0 3 1.1 1 1.0 0 3 1.0 -2 ▼ 3 0.9 -1 ▼ 4 0.9 0 3 0.8 -1 ▼ 1 0.8 0 1 0.6 1 0.6 1 0.6 1 0.6 0 131 -138 ▼

WW Announced Restructuring (DR1a) 2012 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9* 9* 9* 12* 12* 12* 12* 16* 16* 16* 16* 20* 20* 20*

Financial Advisor Rothschild Lazard Moelis & Co Houlihan Lokey Blackstone Group LP IREA Corporate Finance KPMG FTI Consulting Inc Mediobanca Alvarez & Marsal Jefferies & Co Inc Perella Weinberg Partners LP Leonardo & Co Canaccord Genuity Evercore Partners ORIX M&A Solutions Corp GLC Advisors & Co AlixPartners LLC Goldman Sachs & Co Barclays Frontier Management Inc Morgan Stanley Industry Total

# of Deals

Worldwide Announced Bankruptcy Sales

Jan 1 - Dec 31

# of Deals per Advisor 2011 # of Change in Rank Deals # of Deals 2 39 -8 ▼ 1 36 -16 ▼ 5 31 8 ▲ 3 29 -14 ▼ 6 25 3 ▲ 4 17 -7 ▼ 12* 9 3 ▲ 21* 7 4 ▲ 45* 6 5 ▲ 10 6 -2 ▼ 31* 6 4 ▲ 5 16* 5 0 11 5 -2 ▼ 21* 5 2 ▲ 45* 4 3 ▲ 12* 4 -2 ▼ 19* 4 0 7 4 -9 ▼ 3 21* 3 0 31* 3 1 ▲ 430 -344 ▼

Value (US$m) Restructuring Value (US$m) 49,155.2 331,828.4 60,356.6 35,490.2 306,410.0 47.7 8,065.5 31,368.4 5,117.0 18,971.4 14,100.3 8,938.2 4,027.3 6,412.5 4732.0 0.1 3278.4 9548.2 7907.6 2484.1 175.5 7238.1 470,793.6

Jan 1 - Dec 31 2012

Worldwide Completed Value by Industry ($bil)







Government and Agencies


Media and Entertainment



Energy and Power


Real Estate

High Technology


Consumer Staples

Consumer Products and Services

Top Ten Completed Restructuring Deals (US$bil)




Tribune Co


AO "BTA Bank"



Washington Mutual,Seattle,WA



Cemex SAB de CV


German Residential Asset Note


eircom Ltd


Dynegy Inc


Kerzner International Resorts


NewPage Corp


100 80

20 0



Consumer Staples




Energy and Power

Real Estate


Media and Entertainment

High Technology

Industrials 1

Full Year 2012 Distressed Debt & Bankruptcy Restructuring | Restructuring Advisors

US/EMEA/Asia/Japan Distressed Debt & Bankruptcy Restructuring Rankings US Completed Restructuring (DR2)

Financial Advisor Blackstone Group LP Lazard Moelis & Co Houlihan Lokey FTI Consulting Inc Rothschild UBS GLC Advisors & Co Barclays Alvarez & Marsal AlixPartners LLC Perella Weinberg Partners LP Jefferies & Co Inc Evercore Partners Industry Total

Restructuring Value per Advisor (US$m) Restructuring Market 2012 2011 Rank Rank Value US$m Sh (%) 1 3 42,906.9 69.6 2 1 29,367.2 47.7 3 4 28,736.2 46.6 4 2 13,194.1 21.4 5 25 4,892.2 7.9 6 6 3,874.8 6.3 7 11 1,485.6 2.4 8 9 1,078.4 1.8 9 1,064.1 1.7 10 5 942.1 1.5 11 8 653.0 1.1 12 590.0 1.0 13 7 471.5 0.8 14 15* 300.0 0.5 61,628.4

EMEA Completed Restructuring (DR4)

Financial Advisor Lazard Blackstone Group LP Rothschild Houlihan Lokey Moelis & Co Alvarez & Marsal Gleacher & Co Inc Brookland Partners LLP Morgan Stanley Evercore Partners Mediobanca Canaccord Genuity Jefferies & Co Inc KPMG Industry Total

Restructuring Value per Advisor (US$m) Restructuring Market 2012 2011 Rank Rank Value US$m Sh (%) 1 4 293,308.2 85.8 2 8 277,022.1 81.0 3 1 30,279.7 8.9 4 2 29,185.4 8.5 5 6 18,091.8 5.3 6* 8,013.5 2.3 6* 8,013.5 2.3 8 6,193.3 1.8 9 9 5,130.6 1.5 10 10* 4,962.8 1.5 11 4,717.0 1.4 12* 21 4,552.8 1.3 12* 4,552.8 1.3 14 23 4,431.4 1.3 341,959.8

Asia Pacific & Japan Completed Restructuring

Financial Advisor Moelis & Co Houlihan Lokey Alvarez & Marsal Morgan Stanley Canaccord Genuity Jefferies & Co Inc Gleacher & Co Inc PricewaterhouseCoopers RBC Capital Markets KordaMentha Pty Ltd Lazard McGrathNicol Services Pty Ltd Mizuho Financial Group Global Partners Consulting Inc Avista Capital Partners Industry Total

Restructuring Value per Advisor (US$m) Restructuring Market 2012 2011 Rank Rank Value US$m Sh (%) 1 1 7,124.2 69.6 2 5* 5,065.7 49.5 3 4,733.8 46.2 4* 4,552.8 44.5 4* 4,552.8 44.5 4* 4,552.8 44.5 4* 4,552.8 44.5 8 18 2,386.3 23.3 9* 2,377.8 23.2 9* 2,377.8 23.2 9* 2 2,377.8 23.2 9* 10 2,377.8 23.2 13 594.9 5.8 14 323.4 3.2 15 319.3 3.1 10,238.3

Jan 1 - Dec 31 # of Deals per Advisor # of Market Change in Deals Sh (%) # of Deals 18 21.4 11 ▲ 18 21.4 -1 ▼ 15 17.9 2 ▲ 22 26.2 -2 ▼ 3 3.6 2 ▲ 7 8.3 -4 ▼ 2 2.4 0 3 3.6 0 2 2.4 2 2.4 -4 ▼ 1 1.2 -2 ▼ 1 1.2 2 2.4 -3 ▼ 1 1.2 0 84 -48 ▼

Jan 1 - Dec 31 # of Deals per Advisor # of Market Change in Deals Sh (%) # of Deals 21 15.6 15 ▲ 6 4.4 1 ▲ 24 17.8 5 ▲ 15 11.1 8 ▲ 10 7.4 9 ▲ 2 1.5 2 1.5 1 0.7 2 1.5 0 2 1.5 1 ▲ 3 2.2 1 0.7 -3 ▼ 1 0.7 5 3.7 4 ▲ 135 -47 ▼

Jan 1 - Dec 31 # of Deals per Advisor # of Market Change in Deals Sh (%) # of Deals 3 4.1 -1 ▼ 3 4.1 2 ▲ 2 2.7 1 1.4 1 1.4 1 1.4 1 1.4 2 2.7 1 ▲ 1 1.4 1 1.4 1 1.4 -2 ▼ 1 1.4 0 2 2.7 1 1.4 1 1.4 73 -21 ▼

US Announced Restructuring (DR2a) 2012 Rank 1 2* 2* 4 5 6* 6* 8* 8* 10* 10* 12* 12*

Financial Advisor Blackstone Group LP Moelis & Co Houlihan Lokey Lazard Rothschild FTI Consulting Inc Jefferies & Co Inc Perella Weinberg Partners LP GLC Advisors & Co Evercore Partners Barclays Alvarez & Marsal AlixPartners LLC Industry Total

# of Deals per Advisor 2011 # of Change in Rank Deals # of Deals 4 20 6 ▲ 3 17 0 2 17 -7 ▼ 1 16 -15 ▼ 5 12 -1 ▼ 17* 5 4 ▲ 5 4 8* 4 0 17* 3 2 ▲ 3 6 2 -5 ▼ 11* 2 -1 ▼ 129 -107 ▼

EMEA Announced Restructuring (DR4a) 2012 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6* 6* 6* 9 10 11* 11* 11*

Financial Advisor Rothschild Lazard IREA Corporate Finance Moelis & Co Houlihan Lokey Mediobanca KPMG Blackstone Group LP Leonardo & Co Canaccord Genuity Alvarez & Marsal Morgan Stanley Goldman Sachs & Co Industry Total

Jan 1 - Dec 31

Jan 1 - Dec 31

# of Deals per Advisor 2011 # of Change in Rank Deals # of Deals 6* 25 -5 ▼ 22* 21 8 ▲ 3 17 -7 ▼ 4 12 11 ▲ 1 10 -5 ▼ 22* 6 5 ▲ 22* 6 2 ▲ 6 0 13* 5 0 13* 4 0 3 3 1 ▲ 22* 3 -5 ▼ 182 -173 ▼

AP/Japan Announced Restructuring

Value (US$m) Restructuring Value (US$m) 40,660.4 290,214.4 47.7 22,955.0 23,601.1 5,117.0 5,449.8 274,595.1 4,027.3 4,552.8 10,563.5 7,238.1 7,117.6 361,237.7

Jan 1 - Dec 31

# of Deals per Advisor 2012 2011 # of Change in Rank Rank Deals # of Deals 1* 16* 4 3 ▲ 1* 16* 4 3 ▲ 1* 2* 4 -1 ▼ 1* 16* 4 3 ▲ 5 4* 3 0 6* 16* 2 1 ▲ 6* 2 6* 16* 2 1 ▲ 106 -25 ▼

Financial Advisor KPMG ORIX M&A Solutions Corp Moelis & Co Houlihan Lokey Frontier Management Inc Nomura Sumitomo Mitsui Finl Grp Inc Alvarez & Marsal Industry Total

Value (US$m) Restructuring Value (US$m) 35,411.5 34,593.9 11,738.2 36,429.8 5,050.9 26,918.4 9,547.5 8,279.5 3,278.4 1,232.0 2,484.1 2,902.0 7,013.2 79,723.1

Value (US$m) Restructuring Value (US$m) 3,634.1 .1 6,616.9 6,936.2 175.5 2,730.9 .0 10,058.7 28,165.3

US Completed Value by Industry 1% 1% 1% 1% 5% 4%






Media and Entertainment Energy and Power Industrials Telecommunications High Technology Healthcare

Financials Materials Retail Consumer Products and Services Consumer Staples

EMEA Completed Value by Industry




Government and Agencies




Media and Entertainment


Asia Pac & Japan Completed Value by Industry








High Technology



Consumer Products and Services

Real Estate 2

Full Year 2012 Distressed Debt & Bankruptcy Restructuring | Restructuring Advisors

Distressed Debt & Bankruptcy Restructuring Rankings WW Completed Restructuring (excl. Sovereign Debt)

Financial Advisor Lazard Blackstone Group LP Moelis & Co Houlihan Lokey Rothschild Alvarez & Marsal Gleacher & Co Inc Canaccord Genuity Brookland Partners LLP KPMG Evercore Partners Morgan Stanley Jefferies & Co Inc FTI Consulting Inc Mediobanca Zolfo Cooper LLC PricewaterhouseCoopers UBS Leonardo & Co AlixPartners LLC Greenhill & Co, LLC BNP Paribas SA RBC Capital Markets KordaMentha Pty Ltd McGrathNicol Services Pty Ltd Industry Total *tie

Restructuring Value per Advisor (US$m) Restructuring Market 2012 2011 Rank Rank Value US$m Sh (%) 1 3 67,114.2 42.1 2 5 59,950.7 37.6 3 4 54,242.9 34.1 4 1 46,867.5 29.4 5 2 33,789.6 21.2 6 7 9,136.6 5.7 7 8,013.5 5.0 8 18 6,412.5 4.0 9 6,193.3 3.9 10 11 5,747.1 3.6 11 22 5,262.8 3.3 12 21 5,130.6 3.2 13 14 5,024.3 3.2 14 19 4,892.2 3.1 15 4,717.0 3.0 16 44 4,100.0 2.6 17 8 4,072.2 2.6 18 13 3,857.3 2.4 19 9 3,699.1 2.3 20 15 3,188.0 2.0 21 46 3,162.8 2.0 22 2,419.5 1.5 23* 2,377.8 1.5 23* 2,377.8 1.5 23* 26 2,377.8 1.5 159,323.4

If you would like to participate in the submission process, receive quarterly press releases, or have questions about league table criteria please contact:

Jan 1 - Dec 31 # of Deals per Advisor # of Market Change in Deals Sh (%) # of Deals 38 12.8 8 ▲ 23 7.7 10 ▲ 28 9.4 11 ▲ 40 13.5 6 ▲ 32 10.8 -2 ▼ 5 1.7 -1 ▼ 2 0.7 2 0.7 -3 ▼ 1 0.3 8 2.7 4 ▲ 3 1.0 1 ▲ 2 0.7 0 3 1.0 -3 ▼ 3 1.0 0 3 1.0 1 0.3 0 3 1.0 -2 ▼ 3 1.0 -1 ▼ 4 1.4 0 3 1.0 -1 ▼ 1 0.3 0 1 0.3 1 0.3 1 0.3 1 0.3 0 297 -147 ▼

EMEA Completed Restructuring (excl. Sovereign Debt) Restructuring Value per Advisor (US$m) Restructuring Market 2012 2011 Rank Rank Value US$m Sh (%) 1 1 30,279.7 38.4 2 4 30,185.0 38.3 3 2 29,185.4 37.0 4 6 18,091.8 23.0 5 8 13,898.9 17.6 6* 8,013.5 10.2 6* 8,013.5 10.2 8 6,193.3 7.9 9 9 5,130.6 6.5 10 10* 4,962.8 6.3 11 4,717.0 6.0 12* 21 4,552.8 5.8 12* 4,552.8 5.8 14 23 4,431.4 5.6 15 7 3,699.1 4.7 16 3,162.8 4.0 17 15 2,535.0 3.2 18 2,419.5 3.1 19* 2,371.7 3.0 19* 2,371.7 3.0 21 1,990.5 2.5 22 1,858.7 2.4 23 5 1,685.9 2.1 24 13 916.9 1.2 25 875.5 1.1 78,836.7

Financial Advisor Rothschild Lazard Houlihan Lokey Moelis & Co Blackstone Group LP Alvarez & Marsal Gleacher & Co Inc Brookland Partners LLP Morgan Stanley Evercore Partners Mediobanca Canaccord Genuity Jefferies & Co Inc KPMG Leonardo & Co Greenhill & Co, LLC AlixPartners LLC BNP Paribas SA Altium Capital Limited UBS JP Morgan Bank of America Merrill Lynch PricewaterhouseCoopers Deloitte Ernst & Young LLP Industry Total *tie

Jan 1 - Dec 31 # of Deals per Advisor # of Market Change in Deals Sh (%) # of Deals 24 17.9 5 ▲ 20 14.9 14 ▲ 15 11.2 8 ▲ 10 7.5 9 ▲ 5 3.7 0 2 1.5 2 1.5 1 0.8 2 1.5 0 2 1.5 1 ▲ 3 2.2 1 0.8 -3 ▼ 1 0.8 5 3.7 4 ▲ 4 3.0 0 1 0.8 2 1.5 1 ▲ 1 0.8 1 0.8 1 0.8 1 0.8 1 0.8 1 0.8 -3 ▼ 1 0.8 -1 ▼ 1 0.8 134 -60 ▼

Criteria Summary - Announced and completed rankings include all transactions announced or completed between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2012 and of which Thomson Reuters was made aware. All

2012 data is as of Noon EST on January 7th, 2013.

- League tables include debt exchange offers, debt tender offers, bankruptcy/distressed sales, loan modifications, and transactions where debt is retired using proceeds from an equity offering. Americas Robert Levine (+1 646 223 5682) E-mail: EMEA Redina Doda (+44 20 7542 3558) E-mail: Asia-Pacific Kelvin Bian (+852 3761 1852) E-mail:

In order to be considered rank eligible, the debtor company must be either bankrupt or distressed.

- Deals with undisclosed dollar values are rank eligible but with no corresponding Restructuring Value. Non-US-dollar-denominated transactions are converted to the US dollar equivalent at the

time of announcement of terms.

- Financial advisors receive full credit for each deal on which they provide advisory services to the debtor company, creditor or creditor group receiving a majority equity interest in the debtor

company as a result of the transaction, or ad-hoc creditor committee.

- League tables, commentary, and charts citing announced activity are based on Rank Date and include intended, pending, partially complete, completed, pending regulatory, and unconditional

transactions. Rank Date is defined as the earliest public announcement of when a value can be applied to a transaction.

- Regional restructuring league tables include deals where the debtor/target or debtor/target ultimate parent are domiciled (nation of headquarters) in the specified region or nation.

While Thomson Reuters has used reasonable endeavors to ensure that the information provided in this document is accurate and up to date as at the time of issue, neither Thomson Reuters nor its third party content providers shall be liable for any errors, inaccuracies or delays in the information, nor for any actions taken in reliance thereon, nor does it endorse any views or opinions of any third party content provider. Thomson Reuters disclaims all warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of any of the content provided, or as to the fitness of the content for any purpose to the extent permitted by law. The content herein is not appropriate for the purposes of making a decision to carry out a transaction or trade and does not provide any form of advice (investment, tax, legal) amounting to investment advice, nor make any recommendations or solicitations regarding particular financial instruments, investments or products, including the buying or selling of securities. Thomson Reuters has not undertaken any liability or obligation relating to the purchase or sale of securities for or by any person in connection with this document. © 2013 Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved. Thomson Reuters and the Thomson Reuters logo are registered trademarks and trademarks of Thomson Reuters and its affiliated companies. Any third party name or mark herein belongs to the relevant third party.


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