Mar 17, 2010 - A concordance of plant names is provided. Keywords New Zealand; threatened vascular plants; uncommon vascular plants; conservation sta-.
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Threatened and uncommon plants of New Zealand a
P. J. de Lange , P. B. Heenan , D. R. Given , D. A. Norton , C. e
C. Ogle , P. N. Johnson & E. K. Cameron
Science & Research Unit, Department of Conservation, Private Bag 68908, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand b
Landcare Research, P.O. Box 69, Lincoln, New Zealand
International Centre for Nature Conservation, Lincoln University, P.O. Box 64, Canterbury, New Zealand d
Conservation Research Group, School of Forestry, University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch, New Zealand e
Department of Conservation, Private Bag 3016, Wanganui, New Zealand f
Landcare Research, Private Bag 1930, Dunedin, New Zealand
Auckland Museum, Private Bag 92018, Auckland, New Zealand Version of record first published: 17 Mar 2010.
To cite this article: P. J. de Lange, P. B. Heenan, D. R. Given, D. A. Norton, C. C. Ogle, P. N. Johnson & E. K. Cameron (1999): Threatened and uncommon plants of New Zealand, New Zealand Journal of Botany, 37:4, 603-628 To link to this article:
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New Zealand Journal of Botany, 1999, Vol. 37: 603-628 0028-825X/99/3704-0603 $7.00 © The Royal Society of New Zealand 1999
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Threatened and uncommon plants of New Zealand
P. J. de LANGE Science & Research Unit Department of Conservation Private Bag 68908 Newton Auckland, New Zealand P. B. HEENAN Landcare Research P.O. Box 69 Lincoln, New Zealand D. R. GIVEN International Centre for Nature Conservation P.O. Box 64 Lincoln University Canterbury, New Zealand D. A. NORTON Conservation Research Group School of Forestry University of Canterbury Private Bag 4800 Christchurch, New Zealand C. C. OGLE Department of Conservation Private Bag 3016 Wanganui, New Zealand P. N. JOHNSON Landcare Research Private Bag 1930 Dunedin, New Zealand E. K. CAMERON Auckland Museum Private Bag 92018 Auckland, New Zealand
B99017 Received 5 May 1999; accepted 16 June 1999
Abstract A reappraisal of the conservation status of New Zealand's threatened and uncommon vascular plants is presented. The list comprises 511 taxa (22% of New Zealand's indigenous vascular flora) in the following categories: Presumed Extinct 5 taxa, Threatened 107 taxa (comprising 24 taxa Critically Endangered, 33 taxa Endangered, 50 taxa Vulnerable), Declining 60 taxa, Recovering 17 taxa (comprising 14 taxa Conservation Dependent and 3 taxa undergoing Natural Population Recovery), Naturally Uncommon 204 taxa (comprising 62 taxa rated as Sparse, 17 taxa Vagrant, 125 taxa Range Restricted). Lack of information on the threat status of a further 26 taxa caused these to be listed as Insufficiently Known. Ninety-two taxa are listed as Taxonomically Indeterminate, being those which probably belong in one or other of the preceding lists but which are currently unnamed or where there are other doubts about their taxonomic status. About half of the Taxonomically Indeterminate taxa are probably threatened. Thirty-three taxa formerly considered at risk are removed from the threatened and uncommon vascular plant lists. A concordance of plant names is provided. Keywords New Zealand; threatened vascular plants; uncommon vascular plants; conservation status; rarity
INTRODUCTION Lists of New Zealand's vascular plants at risk of extinction were first initiated by the New Zealand Plant Protection Society which listed 37 species in 1937 (Given 1981). However, the first comprehensive listings of threatened plants were undertaken by Given (1976) with periodic revisions up until 1990 (Given 1990). Since then, the task of assessing the conservation status of the New Zealand vascular flora has been undertaken by the New Zealand Threatened Plant Committee (de Lange & Taylor 1991; Cameron et al. 1993, 1995). In their most recent assessment of threatened and local plants in
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604 New Zealand, Cameron et al. (1995) pointed to the impermanent nature of the list and set a three-year period for its functional life. The current revision is a result of this undertaking by the New Zealand Threatened Plant Committee. One significant departure in this revision from the protocols adopted by past revisions (Cameron et al. 1993, 1995) is to formally publish these lists within the peer-reviewed literature. Previously the lists have been published in the New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter. The need for more formal publication has arisen because there appears to have been a lack of awareness amongst the international botanical/conservation community about these lists, which has resulted in confusion over the conservation status of New Zealand's vascular plants (e.g., Walter & Gillet 1997; Oldfield et al. 1998). Furthermore, formal publication of the list introduces a greater degree of peer-approval, which in turn should empower list users when involved in issues concerning threatened and local plants (e.g., when using the lists for conservation management and research, environmental impact assessments, and resource management, including district plan preparation and resource consent hearings).
METHODS The following lists are for vascular plant taxa (species, subspecies, varieties, and forma) believed to be indigenous to the New Zealand Botanical Region (Wardle 1991). Included are indigenous New Zealand plants that also occur naturally overseas (e.g., in Australia), where they may or may not be considered threatened (e.g.,Amphibromusfluitans*, Dicranopteris linearis). Initial information for this revision was gathered from the previous two listings of threatened and local plants (Cameron et al. 1993, 1995). This information was supplemented by public submissions and expert opinion regarding the conservation status of the New Zealand indigenous flora. Submissions were solicited from the New Zealand botanical community via public notification in their society's newsletter (de Lange 1998). By the submission deadline of 20 February 1999, a total of 35 personal and collective submissions were received by the New Zealand Botanical Society Threatened Plant Committee providing detailed
*Authorities for all published plant names are provided within the Appendices.
New Zealand Journal of Botany, 1999, Vol. 37 information on 563 taxa. These submissions were collated and were reviewed by the full committee in March 1999. de Lange (1999) provided a full list of submission contributors. The placement of candidate taxa in risk categories was based on a consensus decision of the committee. These decisions were based on specialist ecological and taxonomic opinion, herbarium specimens, species autecology, reproductive biology, demography, historical and current range information, threats, and projected decline patterns, as well as recent publications. In situations of doubt, clarification was sought from experts on specific issues, such as taxonomic status or reproductive biology. The risk categories used (Appendix 1) are those proposed by de Lange & Norton (1998) (Fig. 1), namely "Presumed Extinct", "Threatened" (Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable), "Declining", "Recovering" (Conservation Dependent, Natural Population Recovery), and "Naturally Uncommon" (Sparse, Vagrant, Range Restricted). Definitions for each are provided in Appendix 1. Although precise criteria for some of them are still in development, these categories are preferred over current IUCN (1994) categories, mainly because they reflect more accurately the nature of insular rarity as occurs in New Zealand (de Lange & Norton 1998). The IUCN (1994) categories were designed to provide international comparisons. For local legislative and policy frameworks it was expected that modified or alternative schemes would be adopted. Table 1 provides a comparison between the systems used by de Lange & Norton (1998), Cameron et al. (1995), and IUCN (1994). A more detailed discussion on the differences between and merits of these systems is provided by de Lange & Norton (1998). Four lists are presented (Appendices 1—4). Appendix 1 comprises the main New Zealand Threatened and Uncommon Vascular Plant list. Appendix 2 deals with all Taxonomically Indeterminate taxa, whereas Appendix 3 lists taxa no longer considered to be at risk or nationally uncommon, or, in the case of unnamed entities, those whose identity could not be determined by experts and which could not be linked to herbarium specimens. Appendix 4 provides a concordance of names used by Cameron et al. (1995) and altered in this publication. Taxa listed in Appendix 2 as Taxonomically Indeterminate are assigned a provisional conservation status, recognising that information on their taxonomic relationships and status, habitats, distribution, and abundance is often lacking.
de Lange et al.—Threatened and uncommon plants of New Zealand
Insufficiently Known
Fig. I Structure of the revised classification system for threatened and uncommon taxa (after de Lange & Norton 1998).
Taxonomically Indeterminate
Presumed Extinct
Threatened _ New Zealand Indigenous Flora
Critically Endangered Endangered Vulnerabl
Conservation Dependent Natural Population Recovery
Naturally U n c o m m o n _ —
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— Vagrant - Range Restricted
Not Threatened
Table 1 Comparison of categories used for classifying New Zealand plants according to extinction risk. de Lange & Norton 1998
Cameron etal. 1995
IUCN 1994
Critically Endangered Endangered Vulnerable Declining/Naturally Uncommon/Recovering Declining/Naturally Uncommon/ Recovering Naturally Uncommon/ Recovering
Critical Endangered Vulnerable Rare
Critically Endangered Endangered Vulnerable Vulnerable
Lower Risk
Authority abbreviations of all published plant names follow those recommended by Brummitt & Powell (1992). Those plants considered to be Taxonomically Indeterminate (92 taxa) are listed by showing their probable affinity (e.g., Polystichum aff. vestitum) and, where this is not known or there is a suspected aggregate, names are then listed alphabetically (e.g., Gentiana (a) or Celmisia aff. gracilenta (a), (b), et seq.). All plants accepted in the Taxonomically Indeterminate category are supported with a herbarium voucher. Treatment of families follows Brownsey & Smith-Dodsworth (1989) for pteridophytes except Chinnock (1998) for the Lycopodiaceae, Allan (1961) for gymnosperms, Webb et al. (1988) and Struwe et al. (1994) for dicotyledons, and Parham (1979) for most monocotyledons except where Dahlgren et al. (1985) and Chase et al. (1996) are followed for the Asteliaceae and Lomandraceae, respectively. The
treatment of genera and species is based on recent publications and the opinions of specialists. The conservation assessments, and the figures derived from these are updated to 15 October 1999. The next revision of the Threatened and uncommon plants of New Zealand is scheduled for March 2002.
DISCUSSION This paper provides conservation assessments for 511 taxa of indigenous vascular plants (Table 2). Of these, 107 (89 of which are endemic) are Threatened taxa considered to be immediate conservation priorities comprising 24 Critically Endangered, 33 Endangered, and 50 Vulnerable taxa. The 107 Threatened taxa are markedly fewer than the 319 taxa recognised by Cameron et al. (1995) as "Threatened" ("Critical", "Endangered", and "Vulnerable"),
New Zealand Journal of Botany, 1999, Vol. 37
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especially given that 14 of the taxa classified here as Threatened have not been listed previously. The main reason for this difference is that the risk classification system used by Cameron et al. (1993, 1995) failed to distinguish adequately between those taxa that are rare and at risk and those that are rare but not at risk (cf. de Lange & Norton 1998). In particular, the de Lange & Norton (1998) classification system specifically distinguishes those taxa that are uncommon because of direct anthropogenic Table 2 Summary of threatened and uncommon vascular plant species in New Zealand. Number of taxa
Presumed Extinct Threatened 24 Critically Endangered Endangered 33 Vulnerable 50 Declining Recovering Conservation Dependent 14 Natural Population Recovery 3 Naturally Uncommon 62 Sparse Vagrant 17 Range Restricted 125 Insufficiently Known Total extinct, threatened, and uncommon Taxonomically Indeterminate Grand total
5 107
60 17
26 419 92 511
threats from those that are uncommon because their habitat is limited, because they are naturally sparse, or because they are vagrants. Of the 319 taxa ranked by Cameron et al. (1995) as "Threatened", 176 are treated here as Naturally Uncommon. A further 64 taxa treated by Cameron et al. (1995) as "Threatened" are treated here as Declining (48 taxa) or Recovering (17 taxa), reflecting the ability of the de Lange & Norton (1998) system to more finely segregate between different types of rarity. Because of these differences, the Threatened component of the New Zealand vascular flora estimated here is considerably less than has otherwise been believed (cf. Given 1990; Wilson & Given 1989; Cameron et al. 1993,1995). Indeed, of the c. 2300 vascular species accepted as indigenous to the New Zealand archipelago (Wardle 1991), this paper treats 5% of them as Threatened, in comparison with the 14% rated by Cameron et al. (1995). Aside from the Threatened category, this classification treats 5 taxa as Presumed Extinct, 204 as Naturally Uncommon, 60 as Declining, 17 as Recovering, and 26 taxa as Insufficiently Known. A further 92 taxa (83 of which lack formal names) are considered Taxonomically Indeterminate. The Naturally Uncommon group includes 62 taxa that are regarded as Sparse, 17 as Vagrant, and 125 as Range Restricted. Most of these taxa have been previously (Cameron et al. 1995) classified as "Threatened". The Recovering group also included taxa that had previously been classified as "Threatened" and comprises 14 Conservation Dependent taxa and 3 Natural Population Recovery taxa. The 60 Declining taxa
Table 3 Comparison of the rankings for Extinct and Threatened taxa used here with those of the IUCN (1994) and the modified IUCN (Keith 1997). Key: EX, Presumed Extinct; EW, Extinct in Wild; CR, Critically Endangered; EN, Endangered; VU, Vulnerable; LR, Lower risk; DD, Data Deficient (not able to be scored). NZ list EX CR EN VU
Original 1994 IUCN categories EX 5
21 11 12
2 15
2 18
3 16
1 5
Modified IUCN categories
EX 5
1 4 2
2 21 17
3 17
1 3
3 12
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de Lange et al.—Threatened and uncommon plants of New Zealand also include taxa that have previously been classified as "Threatened", but are more appropriately placed in Declining as they are still common in some parts of their range. The preparation of this list revealed that 33 taxa previously listed as "Threatened" or "Local" by Cameron et al. (1995) are now considered not threatened. A further 94 taxa are new additions to these lists. These changes represent an increase of 52 taxa in total on the figures reported by Cameron et al. (1995). A brief comparison of the 112 Presumed Extinct and Threatened taxa listed here using the IUCN (1994) and modified IUCN (Keith 1997) Red Listing systems was undertaken (D. R. Given unpubl. data; Table 3). The IUCN (1994) system resulted in 5 taxa listed as "Extinct", 1 as "Extinct in Wild", 44 as "Critically Endangered", 17 as "Endangered", 20 as "Vulnerable", 19 as "Lower Risk", and 6 as "Data Deficient". In comparison, the modified IUCN system produced figures comparable to the de Lange & Norton (1998) system used here with 5 taxa listed as "Extinct", 1 as "Extinct in Wild", 27 as "Critically Endangered", 40 as "Endangered", and 20 as "Vulnerable", 4 as "Lower Risk", and 15 as "Data Deficient". Of the two systems, we find it significant that the IUCN (1994) system appears to overestimate threat in some instances, with 20 more taxa being assessed as "Critically Endangered", yet it rated 19
as "Lower Risk". These discrepancies were less obvious in the modified IUCN system, although that system resulted in a far greater number of taxa being rated as "Data Deficient". Further research into these systems and how they relate to the New Zealand threatened flora is in progress (D. R. Given, P. J. de Lange, & D. A. Norton unpubl. data). The main families contributing to the Threatened category (with the numbers of taxa in brackets) are the Scrophulariaceae (14), Asteraceae (13), Brassicaceae (10), Poaceae (9), Fabaceae (8), and Boraginaceae (6) (Table 4). The Asteraceae (59), Scrophulariaceae (23), and Poaceae (26) are also the most important families among the Uncommon taxa (Declining, Recovering, Naturally Uncommon, Insufficiently Known), although the Orchidaceae (20) and Cyperaceae (15) contain more taxa than the Boraginaceae (14) and Fabaceae (11) in this group. The Asteraceae (22) and Scrophulariaceae (13) also contain the most Taxonomically Indeterminate taxa, with the Brassicaceae (7), Thymelaeaceae (6), and Gentianaceae (5) also important. The rankings of families reflects in part their dominance in the New Zealand flora; the Asteraceae, Poaceae, Cyperaceae, and Scrophulariaceae are the four largest families of indigenous plants (Wardle 1991). Other prominent families in the Threatened and Uncommon plant lists are less well represented in the New Zealand flora
Table 4 Number of threatened and uncommon New Zealand plants with respect to plant family (only families with five or more taxa are included). Threatened: Presumed Extinct, Critically Endangered, Endangered, and Vulnerable; Uncommon: Declining, Recovering, Naturally Uncommon, and Insufficiently Known. Family Asteraceae Scrophulariaceae Poaceae Orchidaceae Boraginaceae Brassicaceae Cyperaceae Fabaceae Ranunculaceae Apiaceae Gentianaceae Pittosporaceae Rubiaceae Thymelaeaceae Crassulaceae Loranthaceae Chenopodiaceae Onagraceae Piperaceae
Threatened 13 14 9 4 6 10 5 8 3 2 1 3 3 0 2 1 1 0 0
Uncommon 59 23 26 20 14 5 15 11 12 7 3 6 3 2 5 6 3 5 4
Threatened & Uncommon
Taxonomically Indeterminate
72 37 35 24 20 15 20 11 15 9 4 9
22 13 0 4 4 7 0 0 3 1 5 0 3 6 0 0 2 0 1
94 49 35 28 24 22 20 19 18 10 9 9 9 8 7 7 6 5 5
6 2 7 7 4 5 4
New Zealand Journal of Botany, 1999, Vol. 37
608 (e.g., Brassicaceae and Fabaceae) reflecting the occurrence of their taxa in sites vulnerable to human perturbations (e.g., open sites and shrubland). The prominence of the Thymelaeaceae and Gentianaceae in the Taxonomically Indeterminate list reflects the presence of unresolved taxonomic issues within these families.
Several of the most prominent genera in the Threatened, Uncommon, and Taxonomically Indeterminate categories (Table 5) are from the families discussed above (e.g., Hebe, Myosotis, Celmisia, Carmichaelia, and Lepidium). However, Ranunculus also features prominently, although as a family the Ranunculaceae is not as important. Lepidium has
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Table 5 Number of threatened and uncommon New Zealand plants with respect to plant genus (only genera with five or more taxa are included). Threatened: Presumed Extinct, Critically Endangered, Endangered, and Vulnerable; Uncommon: Declining, Recovering, Naturally Uncommon, and Insufficiently Known.
Genus Hebe Myosotis Celmisia Ranunculus Carmichaelia Lepidium Carex Craspedia Leptinella Olearia Brachyglottis Pittosporum Pterostylis Coprosma Gentiana Pimelea Senecio Aciphylla Crassula Poa Mazus Brachyscome Thelymitra
Threatened & Uncommon
Taxonomically Indeterminate
8 6 0 2 6 8 3 0 3 5 0 3 3 3 0 0 1 2 2 1 4 1 0
13 13 14 10 8 2 9 0 5 5 10 6 6 3 3 2 7 5 5 5 1 2 4
21 19 14 12 14 10 12 0 8 10 10 9 9 6 3 2 8 7 7 6 5 3 4
9 4 3 3 0 3 0 11 3 1 0 0 0 2 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 2 1
30 23 17 15 14 13 12 11 11 11 10 9 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 6 5 5 5
Table 6 Number of threatened and uncommon New Zealand plants with respect to life form. Threatened: Presumed Extinct, Critically Endangered, Endangered, and Vulnerable; Uncommon: Declining, Recovering, Naturally Uncommon, and Insufficiently Known. Life form Dicot herb Shrub Grass Orchid Fern Sedge Dicot tree Climber Parasite Monocot herb Rush Monocot tree Saprophyte
Threatened & Uncommon
Taxonomically Indeterminate
45 28 9 4 8 5 5 3 1 2 2 0 0
135 62 26 20 14 15 11 7 8 4 3 1 1
180 90 35 24 22 20 11 10 9 6 5 1 1
56 23 0 4 6 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0
236 113 35 28 28 20 18 10 9 6 5 2 1
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de Lange et al.—Threatened and uncommon plants of New Zealand more Threatened taxa than any other genus, reflecting the vulnerability of these taxa to human impacts (Norton et al. 1997), while Craspedia is the largest contributor to the Taxonomically Indeterminate group reflecting the still incomplete taxonomic knowledge of this genus. Some speciose New Zealand genera, e.g., Dracophyllum, Epilobium, and Chionochloa, are not prominent in the lists presented here, reflecting in part their occurrence in sites that have been less affected by human settlement (e.g., alpine areas). Herbaceous and short woody vegetation are the most common life forms of Threatened taxa (Table 6), with dicotyledonous herbs being the most
common in all three groups of category. In contrast, there are relatively fewer dicotyledonous trees or rushes in the lists. Open sites, including rocky areas, riverbeds, and coastal sites, are the most common habitat type (43.4%) for the New Zealand Threatened and Uncommon flora (Table 7). In contrast, forest, which historically covered most of New Zealand below the climatic tree line, was habitat for only 84 of these taxa (16.4%), and even for this group most taxa typically occur at forest margins and at other disturbed sites rather than in closed-canopy forest. Threatened and Uncommon plants are unevenly distributed with respect to botanical provinces (Table
Table 7 Number of threatened and uncommon New Zealand plants with respect to major habitats (after Wardle 1991). Threatened: Presumed Extinct, Critically Endangered, Endangered, and Vulnerable; Uncommon: Declining, Recovering, Naturally Uncommon, and Insufficiently Known. Habitat Open sites Forest Wetland Alpine Outlying islands Shrubland Grassland
Threatened & Uncommon
Taxonomically Indeterminate
44 22 23 1 5 13 5
120 52 34 52 27 17 4
164 74 57 53 32 30 9
58 10 11
8 4
Total 222 84 68 61 36
0 10
Table 8 Number of threatened and uncommon New Zealand plants with respect to botanical provinces (after Wardle 1991). Threatened: Presumed Extinct, Critically Endangered, Endangered, and Vulnerable; Uncommon: Declining, Recovering, Naturally Uncommon, and Insufficiently Known. Botanical Province Northland Otago Canterbury Southern North I Auckland Western Nelson Marlborough Southland Volcanic Plateau Gisborne Sounds-Nelson Chatham Taranaki Rakiura Westland Fiordland Three Kings Kermadec Campbell
Threatened & Uncommon
Taxonomically Indeterminate
33 35 38 32 28 21 20 17 13 12 8 16 7 8 6 1 10 5 0
74 82 66 47 58 58 55 54 45 30 34 19 25 20 24 25 14 8 8
107 117 94 79 86 79 75 71 58 42 42 35 32 28 30 26 24 13 8
20 8 18 16
6 11 11 3 7 4 4 7 0 2 0 2 0 0 2
Total 127 125 112 79 92 90 86 74 65 46 46 42 32 30 30 28 24 13 10
New Zealand Journal of Botany, 1999, Vol. 37
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610 8), with the greatest number in Northland and Otago. In contrast, Taranaki, Westland, and Fiordland have relatively few of these taxa. This pattern is in part due to the distribution of endemic species in New Zealand (Wardle 1991), with greater numbers of Threatened and Uncommon plants in areas with higher endemism. However, some areas of New Zealand that are not noted for their high levels of endemism do contain large numbers of Threatened and Uncommon plants (e.g., Canterbury and the southern North Island), reflecting the strongly modified nature of these areas as a result of human settlement. The majority of Threatened, Uncommon, and Taxonomically Indeterminate taxa occur in no more than one botanical province (60%; Table 9). This is most pronounced for the Taxonomically Indeterminate taxa (85.9%), reflecting the predominance of local forms of more widespread species within this group. The decision to list the Taxonomically Indeterminate entries separately (Appendix 2) was motivated through criticism of past lists that included unnamed taxa within the main list structure (B. P. J. Molloy pers. comm.). Although we have listed these taxa separately, we have continued to provide conservation assessments and recognise 50% of the Taxonomically Indeterminate entries as Threatened. Appendix 2 should serve as a guideline for determining conservation and taxonomic research priorities within our indigenous vascular flora. Already, an extremely distinctive Celmisia within the C. gracilenta complex (D. R. Given unpubl. data), and known only from Te Mata Peak, Hawke's Bay, is rated as Presumed Extinct. For many of the unnamed taxa, most notably in the genera Brachyscome, Craspedia, Gentiana, Hebe, Lepidium, and Pimelea, further extinctions are likely. Therefore, resolution of the taxonomic status of these plants is needed urgently to assist with future conservation effort.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work is dedicated to the memory of the late John Stevenson Holloway (1944-1999), former Director of Science & Research, Department of Conservation, a good friend to many of us and a staunch supporter of threatened-plant research and biosystematics. We are also grateful for comments and advice received from Bill Sykes, Barbara Parris, Rhys Gardner, Elizabeth Edgar, Phil Garnock-Jones, Brian Molloy, use Breitweiser, Patrick Brownsey, Jaap Jasperse, Neville Walsh, Christine Bezaar, and H. E. Connor. We thank the New Zealand Department of Conservation, especially Rob McColl and Don Newman, for their support and financial assistance, and David Penman of Landcare Research for allowing the use of the herbarium and campus facilities.
REFERENCES Allan, H. H. 1961: Flora of New Zealand. Vol. I. Wellington, Government Printer. Brownsey, P. J.; Smith-Dodsworth, J. C. 1989: New Zealand ferns and allied plants. Auckland, David Bateman. Brummitt, R. K.; Powell, C. E. 1992: Authors of plant names. Kew, Royal Botanic Gardens. Cameron, E. K.; de Lange, P. J.; Given, D. R.; Johnson, P. N.; Ogle, C. C. 1993: New Zealand Botanical Society threatened and local plant lists (1993 revision). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 32: 14-28. Cameron, E. K.; de Lange, P. J.; Given, D. R.; Johnson, P. N.; Ogle, C. C. 1995: New Zealand Botanical Society threatened and local plant lists (1995 revision). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 39: 15-28. Chase, M. W.; Rudall, P. J.; Conran, J. G.; 1996: New circumscriptions and a new family of asparagoid lilies: genera formerly included in Anthericaceae. Kew Bulletin 51: 667-680.
Table 9 Number of threatened and uncommon New Zealand plants with respect to the number of botanical provinces in which they occur. Threatened: Presumed Extinct, Critically Endangered, Endangered, and Vulnerable; Uncommon: Declining, Recovering, Naturally Uncommon, and Insufficiently Known. Number of botanical provinces 1 2 3 4 5 >5
Threatened & Uncommon
Taxonomically Indeterminate
46 22 15 11 6 13
181 49 23 11 10 32
227 71 38 22 16 >5
79 5 3 2 3 0
306 76 41 22 19 45
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de Lange et al.—Threatened and uncommon plants of New Zealand Chinnock, R. J. 1998: Lycopodiaceae. Flora of Australia 48: 66-85. Dahlgren, R. M. T.; Clifford, H. T.; Yeo, P. F. 1985: The families of the Monocotyledons. Berlin, SpringerVerlag. de Lange, P. J. 1998: Call for Submissions. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 54: 2. de Lange, P. J. 1999: New Zealand Threatened Plant Committee Progress Report (1999 Revision). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 56: 3. de Lange, P. J.; Norton, D. A. 1998: Revisiting rarity: a botanical perspective on the meanings of rarity and the classification of New Zealand's uncommon plants. In: Ecosystems, entomology and plants. The Royal Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Series 48: 145-160. de Lange, P. J.; Taylor, G. A. S. 1991: Threatened plant symposium. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 25: 17-19. Given, D. R. 1976: A register of rare and endangered indigenous plants in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 14: 135-149. Given, D. R. 1981: Rare and endangered plants of New Zealand. Christchurch, A. H. & A. W. Reed. Given, D. R. 1990: Threatened and local plant lists - New Zealand Botanical Region. Christchurch, Botany Institute, DSIR Land Resources. IUCN 1994: IUCN red list categories. Gland, Switzerland, IUCN Species Survival Commission.
Keith, D. A. 1997: An evaluation and modification of World Conservation Union Red List criteria for classification of extinction risk in vascular plants. Conservation Biology 12: 1076-1090. Norton, D. A.; de Lange, P. J.; Garnock-Jones, P. J.; Given, D. R. 1997: The role of seabirds and seals in the survival of coastal plants: lessons from New Zealand Lepidium (Brassicaceae). Biodiversity and Conservation 6: 765-785. Oldfield, S.; Lusty, C.; MacKinven, A. 1998: The world list of threatened trees. Cambridge, World Conservation Press. Parham, J. W. 1979: Order Poales. Family 38. Poaceae. In: Smith, A. C. Flora Vitensis Nova. Vol. 1. Kauai, Hawai'i, Pacific Tropical Botanic Garden. Struwe, L.; Albert, V. A.; Bremer, B. 1994: Cladistics and family level classification of Gentianales. Cladistics 10: 175-206. Walter, K. S.; Gillet, H. J. 1997: IUCN red list of threatened plants. Gland, Switzerland IUCN. Wardle, P. 1991: The vegetation of New Zealand. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Webb, C. J.; Sykes, W. R.; Garnock-Jones, P. J. 1988: Flora of New Zealand. Vol. IV. Christchurch, Botany Division, DSIR. Wilson, C. M.; Given D. R. 1989: Threatened plants of New Zealand. DSIR Field Guide. Wellington, DSIR Publishing.
Appendix 1 New Zealand threatened and uncommon vascular plant list ^ denotes indigenous taxa found naturally outside New Zealand and not considered threatened within the overseas part of its range. New Zealand populations have been confirmed as conspecific with overseas counterpart (58 taxa). * denotes indigenous taxa known or thought to be threatened outside the New Zealand Botanical Region, or taxa presently treated as indigenous with additional overseas distribution, but which may, on revision, prove endemic to the New Zealand Botanical Region (13 taxa). 8 denotes an addition or reinstatement to this list (cf. Cameron et al. 1995) (70 taxa). y denotes indigenous taxa extinct within New Zealand but still extant within their overseas distribution (4 taxa). PRESUMED EXTINCT (5) Taxa that are no longer known to exist in the wild both within New Zealand and (if applicable) their overseas range, or in cultivation after repeated searches of known or likely localities. Lepidium obtusatum Kirk Brassicaceae Logania depressa Hook.f. Loganiaceae Myosotis laingii Cheeseman Boraginaceae Stellaria elatinoides Hook.f. Caryophyllaceae Trilepidea adamsii (Cheeseman) Tiegh. Loranthaceae
THREATENED (107) Taxa whose classification places them within Critically Endangered, Endangered, or Vulnerable categories. These are taxa whose survival is now a matter of conservation priority. Their classification within the three subheadings of threat provides a measure of the degree of risk associated with each taxon.
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Appendix 1
New Zealand Journal of Botany, 1999, Vol. 37 (contd)
Critically Endangered (24) Taxa whose extinction is considered inevitable within a stated time period (10 years) unless there is direct conservation intervention, or which persist as individuals or populations reduced to sufficiently critically low levels that extinction through stochastic events is a distinct possibility. Some critical taxa are now only known from cultivation. Acaena rorida B.H.Macmill. Rosaceae $Amphibromus fluitans Kirk Poaceae Asplenium pauperequitum Brownsey et P.Jackson Aspleniaceae Australopyrum calcis Connor et Molloy subsp. calcis Poaceae 5 Brachyscome pinnata Hook.f. Asteraceae Carex inopinata Cook Cyperaceae Carmichaelia hollowayi G.Simpson Fabaceae C.juncea Hook.f. Fabaceae C. muritai (A.W.Purdie) Heenan Fabaceae Clianthus puniceus (G.Don) Sol. ex Lind]. var. puniceus Fabaceae Corybas carsei (Cheeseman) Hatch Orchidaceae s lschnocarpus exilis Heenan Brassicaceae Lepidium banksii Kirk Brassicaceae L. sisymbrioides subsp. matau (Petrie) Thell. Brassicaceae Leptinellafiliformis (Hook.f.) D.G.Lloyd et C.J.Webb Asteraceae L. nana (D.G.Lloyd) D.G.Lloyd et C.J.Webb Asteraceae 8 Mazus novaezeelandiae subsp. impolitus f. hirtus Heenan Scrophulariaceae S Olearia gardneri Heads Asteraceae Pennantia baylisiana (W.R.B.Oliv.) G.T.S.Baylis Icacinaceae S Poa spania Edgar et Molloy Poaceae SPterostylis cernua D.L.Jones, Molloy et M.A.Clem. Orchidaceae P. puberula Hook.f. Orchidaceae $ Sebaea ovata (Labill.) R.Br. Gentianaceae Tecomanthe speciosa W.R.B.Oliv. Bignoniaceae Endangered (33) Taxa in danger of extinction and whose survival is unlikely if the causal factors continue operating. Included are taxa whose numbers have been reduced to a critical level or whose habitats have been so drastically reduced that they are deemed to be in immediate danger of extinction. Boehmeria australis var. dealbata (Cheeseman) Sykes Urticaceae Ceratocephala pungens Garn.-Jones Ranunculaceae $Chenopodium detestans Kirk Chenopodiaceae & Chionochloaflavicans f. temata Connor Poaceae Cortaderia turbaria Connor Poaceae Crassula hunua A.P.Druce Crassulaceae t C. peduncularis (Smith) F.Meigen Crassulaceae Hebe armstrongii (J.B.Armstr.) Cockayne et Allan Scrophulariaceae H. breviracemosa (W.R.B.Oliv.) Cockayne et Allan Scrophulariaceae H. cupressoides (Hook.f.) Cockayne et Allan Scrophulariaceae H. speciosa (A.Cunn.) Cockayne et Allan Scrophulariaceae Helichrysum dimorphum Cockayne Asteraceae tJuncus holoschoenus R.Br. var. holoschoenus Juncacea Lepidium flexicaule Kirk Brassicaceae L. kirkii Petrie Brassicaceae L. oleraceum G.Forst. sens. str. Brassicaceae L. sisymbrioides subsp. kawarau (Petrie) Thell. Brassicaceae Luzula celata Edgar Juncaceae Mazus novaezeelandiae W.R.Barker subsp. novaezeelandiae Scrophulariaceae Metrosideros bartlettii J.W.Dawson Myrtaceae Muehlenbeckia astonii Petrie Polygonaceae Myosotis australis var. lytteltonensis Laing et A.Wall Boraginaceae
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Olearia hectorii Hook.f. 0. pachyphylla Cheeseman O. polita H.D.Wilson et Gam.-Jones t Phylloglossum drummondii Kunze Pittosporum patulum Hook.f. Pterostylis micromega Hook.f. Puccinellia raroflorens Edgar Rorippa divaricata (Hook.f.) Garn.-Jones et Jonsell Scutellaria novae-zelandiae Hook.f. Simplicia laxa Kirk +Triglochin palustris L.
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Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Lycopodiaceae Pittosporaceae Orchidaceae Poaceae Brassicaceae Scrophulariaceae Poaceae Juncaginaceae
Vulnerable (50) Taxa believed likely to move into the Endangered category in the near future if the causal factors continue operating. Included are taxa of which most or all populations are decreasing because of over-exploitation, extensive destruction of habitat, or other environmental disturbance; and taxa with populations that continue to be seriously depleted and whose ultimate security is not yet assured. Aciphylla dieffenbachii Kirk Apiaceae A. traversii (F.Muell.) Hook.f. Apiaceae tAnogramma leptophylla (L.) Link Pteridaceae Astelia chathamica (Skottsb.) L.B.Moore Asteliaceae Australopyrum calcis subsp. optatum Connor et Molloy Poaceae S Carex dolomitica Heenan et de Lange Cyperaceae C. tenuiculmis (Petrie) Heenan et de Lange Cyperaceae Carmichaelia curta Petrie Fabaceae 8 C. vexillata Heenan Fabaceae C. williamsii Kirk Fabaceae SClianthus puniceus var. maximus (Colenso) Kirk Fabaceae SConvolvulus verecundus Allan subsp. verecundus Convolvulaceae Coprosma obconica Kirk sens. str. Rubiaceae Rubiaceae C. pedicellata Molloy, de Lange et B.D.Clarkson C A .P.Druce Rubiaceae Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) P.Beauv. Poaceae Asteraceae Embergeria grandifolia (Kirk) Boulos Scrophulariaceae Gratiola nana Benth. Scrophulariaceae Hebe barkeri (Cockayne) Cockayne Scrophulariaceae H. bishopiana (Petrie) Hatch Scrophulariaceae H. perbella de Lange 8 Scrophulariaceae H. salicornioides (Hook.f.) Cockayne et Allan 1 Malvaceae Hibiscus diversifolius Jacq. Colchicaceae Iphigenia novae-zelandiae (Hook.f.) Baker Cyperaceae Isolepis basilaris Hook.f. Brassicaceae Lepidium tenuicaule Kirk Asteraceae Leptinella featherstonii F.Muell. Lycopodiaceae *Lycopodiella serpentina (Kunze) B.0llg. Scrophulariaceae Mazus arenarius Heenan, P.N.Johnson et C.J.Webb 8 Scrophulariaceae M. novaezeelandiae subsp. impolitus Heenan f. impolitus Boraginaceae Myosotis colensoi (Kirk) Macbride Boraginaceae M. matthewsii L.B.Moore Boraginaceae M. petiolata var. pottsiana L.B.Moore Boraginaceae M. pygmaea var. glauca G.Simpson et J.S.Thomson Myrsinaceae Myrsine argentea Heenan et de Lange Asteraceae Olearia traversii (F.Muell.) Hook.f * Ophioglossaceae Ophioglossum petiolatum Hook. Asteraceae *Picris burbidgei S.Holzapfel
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Appendix 1
Pittosporum dallii Cheeseman P. ellipticum subsp. serpentinum de Lange 1 ' Pomaderris polifolia Reissek. et F.Muell. Ranunculus recens Kirk var. recens Ranunculus ternatifolius Kirk 8 Selliera rotundifolia Heenan Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury tSicyos australis End!. $Thelypteris confluens (Thunb.) C.Morton t Todea barbara (L.) Moore Uncinia strictissima (Kiik.) Petrie Utricularia protrusa Hook.f.
Pittosporaceae Pittosporaceae Rhamnaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Goodeniaceae Asteraceae Curcubitaceae Thelypteridaceae Osmundaceae Cyperaceae Lentibulariaceae
DECLINING (60) Taxa that are numerically abundant but which are either under threat from serious adverse factors throughout their range, or occur as widely scattered, typically small populations, many of which are undergoing declines through loss of reproductive ability, recruitment failure, predation, or through other processes of often subtle habitat change. Declining taxa are listed to highlight their plight, for without some level of management they are destined to become the future threatened plants of New Zealand. Alepis flavida (Hook.f.) Tiegh. Loranthaceae $Atriplex billardierei (Moq.) Hook.f. sens. str. Chenopodiaceae t Austrofestuca littoralis (Labill.) E.B.Alexev. Poaceae Baumea complanata (Bergg.) Blake Cyperaceae Brachyglottis huntii (F.Muell.) B.Nord. Asteraceae 5 B. kirkii (Kirk) C.J.Webb var. kirkii Asteraceae B. perdicioides (Hook.f.) B.Nord. Asteraceae t Calystegia marginata R.Br. Convolvulaceae Carmichaelia compacta Petrie Fabaceae 5 C. crassicaule Hook.f. Fabaceae C. kirkii Hook.f. Fabaceae C. stevensonii (Cheeseman) Heenan Fabaceae C. torulosa (Kirk) Heenan Fabaceae Celmisia insignis W.Martin Asteraceae Colensoa physaloides (A.Cunn.) Hook.f. Lobeliaceae aConvolvulus fracto-saxosa Petrie Convolvulaceae Coprosma wallii Petrie Rubiaceae Corokia macrocarpa Kirk Cornaceae t Cyclosorus interruptus (Willd.) H.Ito Thelypteridaceae Eleocharis neozelandica Kirk Cyperaceae ts Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn. Onagraceae Euphorbia glauca G.Forst. Euphorbiaceae Hebe tairawhiti B.D.Clarkson et Garn.-Jones Scrophulariaceae Hydatella inconspicua (Cheeseman) Cheeseman Cen trol epidaceae lleostylus micranthus (Hook.f.) Tiegh. Loranthaceae Cyperaceae uitans (L.) R.Br. Lepidium naufragorum Garn.-Jones et D.A.Norton Brassicaceae L. sisymbrioides Hook.f. subsp. sisymbrioides Brassicaceae Leptinella rotundata (Cheeseman) D.G.Lloyd et C.J.Webb Asteracea Libertia peregrinans Cockayne et Allan Iridaceae t Marattia salicina Smith Marattiaceae Melicytus flexuosus Molloy et A.P.Druce Violaceae Montigena novae-zelandiae (Hook.f.) Heenan Fabaceae Myosotidium hortensia (Decne.) Bail l. Boraginaceae sMyosotis capitata Hook.f. Boraginaceae M. petiolata var. pansa L.B.Moore Boraginaceae
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Appendix 1
Myosurus minimus subsp. novae-zelandiae (W.R.B.Oliv.) Garn.-Jones Myriophyllum robustum Hook.f. Olearia chathamica Kirk 8 0.fimbriata Heads O. fragrantissima Petrie Pachystegia rufa Molloy Peraxilla colensoi (Hook.f.) Tiegh. P. tetrapetala Tiegh. Pimelea arenaria A.Cunn. sens. str. P. tomentosa (J.R.Forst. et G.Forst.) Druce Pittosporum turneri Petrie Plagianthus chathamicus Cockayne Pterostylispaludosa D.L.Jones, Molloy et M.A.Clem. !P. tasmanica D.L.Jones tsSchoenus carsei Cheeseman Senecio kermadecensis Belcher 8Sonchus kirkii Hamlin SSophora longicarinata G.Simpson et J.S.Thomson SSporadanthus ferrugineus de Lange, Heenan et B.D.Clarkson S. traversii (F.Muell.) F.Muell. Teucridium parvifolium Hook.f. Thelymitra tholiformis Molloy et Hatch Tupeia antarctica (G.Forst.) Cham. et Schlecht. Urtica linearifolia (Hook.f.) Cockayne
Ranunculaceae Haloragaceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Loranthaceae Loranthacea Thymelaeaceae Thymelaeaceae Pittosporaceae Malvaceae Orchidaceae Orchidaceae Cyperaceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Fabaceae Restionaceae Restionaceae Verbenaceae Orchidaceae Loranthaceae Urticaceae
RECOVERING (17) Taxa whose populations are either: (1) naturally restricted to susceptible habitats (e.g., offshore islands), where their survival is utterly dependent on continual rigid conservation measures (e.g., rodent control), or (2) taxa whose populations were once under serious threat and, as a result of past conservation intervention (e.g., goat eradication), have shown the capacity to recover naturally without further management measures. Conservation Dependent (14) Taxa whose survival is now dependent on the continuation of existing conservation measures. Brachyglottis arborescens W.R.B.Oliv. Asteraceae Celmisia macmahonii Kirk var. macmahonii Asteraceae Cordyline kaspar W.R.B.Oliv. Lomandraceae Dactylanthus taylorii Hook.f. Balanophoraceae s Desmoschoenus spiralis (A.Rich.) Hook.f. Cyperaceae Gunnera hamiltonii Kirk Gunneraceae Melicytus drucei Molloy et B.D.Clarkson Violaceae Meryta sinclairii (Hook.f.) Seem Araliaceae Parsonsia praeruptis Heads et de Lange Apocynaceae Pittosporum obcordatum Raoul Pittosporaceae t Pomaderris apetala subsp. maritima N.G.Walsh et F.Coates Rhamnaceae Ranunculus godleyanus Hook.f. Ranunculaceae Stilbocarpa lyallii J.B.Annstr. Araliaceae Streblus banksii (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb Moraceae Natural Population Recovery (3) Taxa whose populations were once reduced to precariously low levels and still occur as small populations. As a result of past conservation intervention, the candidate taxa have demonstrated the ability to recover their fonner range through natural means, to such an extent that further conservation assistance is no longer required. Alectryon excelsus subsp. grandis (Cheeseman) de Lange et E.K.Cameron Sapindaceae Cyathea kermadecensis W.R.B.Oliv. Cyatheaceae Myrsine oliveri Allan Myrsinaceae
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NATURALLY UNCOMMON (204) Taxa that are not considered under immediate or obvious threat but which, for varying reasons, have the potential to become threatened. Three subheadings are recognised to accommodate the different situations whereby taxa can be naturally uncommon. Sparse (62) Taxa that, for largely undetermined reasons, occur within typically small and widely scattered populations. This distribution appears wholly natural and is not considered the result of past or recent anthropogenic disturbance. However, as the candidate taxa usually occur in small numbers at any given site, they are naturally susceptible to extirpation within parts of their range. Anemanthele lessoniana (Steudel) Veldkamp Poaceae S Asplenium cimmeriorum Brownsey et de Lange Aspleniaceae Brachyglottis sciadophila (Raoul) B.Nord. Asteraceae B. traversii (F.Muell.) B.Nord. Asteraceae Caladenia atradenia D.L.Jones, Molloy et M.A.Clem. Orchidaceae 1 Calochilus paludosus R.Br. Orchidaceae 'C. robertsonii Benth. Orchidaceae tS Carex capillacea Boott Cyperaceae 8 C. cirrhosa Bergg. Cyperaceae C. edgariae Hamlin Cyperaceae C. uncifolia Cheeseman Cyperaceae Celmisia hookeri Cockayne Asteracea t Centipeda minima (L.) A.Braun et Asch. Asteraceae Coprosma intertexta G.Simpson Rubiaceae SCorybas rivularis (A.Cunn.) Rchb.f. sens. str. Orchidacea Crassula multicaulis (Petrie) A.P.Druce et Given Crassulaceae C. ruamahanga A.P.Druce Crassulaceae tSDrosera pygmaea DC. Droseraceae Drymoanthus flavus St.George et Molloy Orchidaceae S Euchiton ensifer (D.G.Drury) Holub Asteraceae "E. nitidulus (Hook.f.) Anderb. Asteraceae Fuchsia procumbens R.Cunn. ex A.Cunn. Onagraceae Gnaphalium luteo-album var. compactum Kirk Asteraceae Grammitis rawlingsii Parris Grammitidacea Hebe annulata (Petrie) Cockayne et Allan Scrophulariaceae H. dilatata G.Simpson et J.S.Thomson Scrophulariaceae Heliohebe raoulii subsp. maccaskillii (Allan) Garn.-Jones Scrophulariaceae sHypolepis amaurorachis (Kunze) Hook. Dennstaedtiaceae Ischnocarpus novae-zelandiae (Hook.f.) O.E.Schulz Brassicaceae Korthalsella salicornioides (A.Cunn.) Tiegh. Viscacea tS Lepilaena bilocularis Kirk Zannichelliacea SMicrolaena carsei Cheeseman Poaceae Muehlenbeckia ephedroides Hook.f. Polygonaceae Olearia capillaris Buchanan Asteraceae Oreomyrrhis colensoi var. delicatula Allan Apiaceae Ourisia modesta Diels Scrophulariaceae ts pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fee Pteridaceae 1 Peperomia tetraphylla (G.Forst.) Hook. et Am. Piperaceae t Picris angustifolia subsp. merxmuelleri Lack et S.Holzapfel Asteraceae Pittosporum pimeleoides R.Cunn. subsp. pimeleoides Pittosporaceae P. virgatum Kirk Pittosporaceae Plantago obconica Sykes Plantaginaceae f Plectranthus parviflorus Willd. Lamiaceae + Pleurosorus rutifolius Fee Aspleniaceae Pomaderris hamiltonii L Rhamnacea t Poranthera microphylla Brong. Euphorbiaceae
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Appendix 1
Pseudopanax ferox Kirk Ranunculus haastii subsp. piltferus F.J.F.Fisher s R. macropus Hook.f. Senecio dunedinensis Belcher S. marotiri C.J.Web S. repangae de Lange et B.G.Murray subsp. repangae Tetrachondra hamiltonii D.Oliver 5Tetragonia tetragonioides (Pallas) Kuntze tThelymitra matthewsii Cheeseman 5 Thelymitra sanscilia Hatch t Thismia rodwayi F.Muell. 5Townsonia deflexa Cheeseman Trisetum serpentinum Edgar et A.P.Druce Uncinia purpurata Petrie 5 Urtica aspera Petrie Wahlenbergia albomarginata subsp. flexilis (Petrie) J.A.Petterson
Araliaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Asteraceae b Asteraceae Tetrachondraceae Aizoaceae Orchidaceae Orchidaceae Burmanniaceae Orchidaceae Poaceae Cyperaceae Urticaceae Campanulaceae
Vagrant (17) Taxa whose presence within the New Zealand botanical region is naturally transitory. These are invariably taxa that have failed to establish themselves significantly beyond their point of introduction through reproductive failure or for quite specific ecological reasons. Many vagrants are able to reproduce only by vegetative means and, in such instances, when in suitable habitats, they can form extensive clonal populations. 1 Adiantum formosum R.Br. Pteridaceae i A triplex cinerea Poir. Chenopodiaceae tCaleana minor R.Br. Orchidaceae tY Chiloglottisformicifera Fitz. Orchidaceae t C. valida D.L.Jones Orchidaceae trCrassula colorata var. acuminata (Reader) Tolken Crassulaceae t Doodia aspera A.Rich. Blechnaceae tsGratiola pedunculata R.Br. Scrophulariaceae tLepturus repens (G.Forst.) R.Br. Poaceae trLimosella curdieana F.Muell. Scrophulariaceae t5 Mazuspumilio R.Br. Scrophulariaceae tYlkluellerina celastroides (Schult.f et J.H.Schult.bis) Tiegh. Loranthaceae tPeperomia blanda (Jacq.) Numb., Bonpl. et Kunth Piperaceae tPicris angustifolia DC. subsp. angustifolia Asteraceae t Pterostylis nutans R.Br. Orchidaceae tsStichenis tener (R.Br.) Ching Gleicheniaceae tWilsonia backhousei Hook.f. Convolvulaceae Range Restricted (125) Taxa whose distribution is naturally confined to specific substrates (e.g., ultramafic rock), habitats (e.g., high alpine fell field), or geographic areas (e.g., subantarctic islands). Typically Range Restricted taxa are under no obvious or immediate anthropogenic threat. Achnatherumpetriei (Buchanan) S.W.L.Jacobs et J.Everett Poaceae Aciphylla leighii Allan Apiaceae A. montana var. gracilis (W.R.B.Oliv.) J.W.Dawson Apiaceae A. squarrosa var.flaccida Kirk Apiaceae A. stannensis J.W.Dawson Apiaceae A. trifoliolata Petrie Apiaceae Anisotome acutifolia (Kirk) Cockayne Apiaceae Brachyglottis bifistulosa (Hook.f.) B.Nord. Asteraceae B. compacta (Kirk) B.Nord. Asteraceae B. pentacopa (D.G.Drury) B.Nord. Asteraceae B. turneri (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb Asteraceae Brachyscome humilis G.Simpson et J.S.Thomson Asteraceae
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Appendix 1
B. linearis (Petrie) Druce Bulbinella talbotii L.B.Moore Carex albula Allan 8 C. ophiolithica de Lange et Heenan C. traversii Kirk Carmichaelia appressa G.Simpson C. astonii G.Simpson C. carmichaeliae (Hook.f) Heenan Cassinia amoena Cheeseman Celmisia adamsii var. rugulosa Cheeseman C. cordatifolia Buchanan var. cordatifolia C. inaccessa Given C. mackaui Raoul C. macmahonii var. hadfieldii Allan C. morganii Cheeseman C. philocremna Given C. rutlandii Kirk C. spedenii G.Simpson C. thomsonii Cheeseman Centrolepis minima Kirk tS C. strigosa (R.Br.) Roem. et Schult. Cheesemania stellata (Allan) Heenan et Garn.-Jones Chionochloa spiralis Zotov Chionohebe glabra (Cheeseman) Heads C. myosotoides (Ashwin) B.G.Briggs et Ehrend. Clematis marmoraria Sneddon Coprosma talbrockiei L.B.Moore et R.Mason Coriaria pottsiana W.R.B.Oliv. Crassula manaia A.P.Druce et Sykes t Cryptostylis subulata (Labill.) Rchb.f. Davallia tasmanii subsp. cristata von Konrat, J.E.Braggins et de Lange Dichelachne lautumia Edgar et Connor t Dicranopteris linearis (BunnS.) Underw. Elingamita johnsonii G.T.S.Baylis 1 Epilobium gunnianum Hausskn. E. margaretiae Brockie E. purpuratum Hook.f. Ewartiothamnus sinclairii (Hook.f.) Anderb. 8Festuca ultramafica Connor Geniostoma ligustrifolium var. crassum Cheeseman Gentiana antipoda Kirk G. gibbsii Petrie G. lilliputiana C.J.Webb Geranium traversii Hook.f. Geum divergens Cheeseman G. pusilhum Petrie Haloragis erecta subsp. cartilaginea (Cheeseman) Orchard Hebe adamsii (Cheeseman) Cockayne et Allan H. amplexicaulis f. hirta Garn.-Jones et Molloy H. brevifolia (Cheeseman) de Lange H. dieffenbachii (Benth.) Cockayne et Allan H. elliptica var. crassifolia Cockayne et Allan H. gibbsii (Kirk) Cockayne et Allan H. imbricata (Cockayne et Allan) Wagstaff et Wardle subsp. imbricata H. murrellii G.Simpson et J.S.Thomson H. pareora Garn.-Jones et Molloy
Asteraceae Asphodelaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Centrolepidaceae Centrolepidaceae Brassicaceae Poaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Ranunculaceae Rubiaceae Coriariaceae Crassulaceae Orchidaceae Davalliaceae Poaceae Gleicheniaceae Myrsinaceae Onagraceae Onagraceae Onagraceae Asteraceae Poaceae Geniostomaceae Gentianaceae Gentianaceae Gentianaceae Geraniaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Haloragaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae
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H. ramosissima G.Sirnpson et J.S.Thoinson Helichrysum selago var. tumidum Cheeseman H. plumeum Allan Heliohebe acuta Garn.-Jones /ti lacustris Garn.-Jones et P.N.Johnson Kirkianella novae-zelandiae f. glauca Allan Leptinella albida (D.G.Lloyd) D.G.Lloyd et C.J.Webb L. calcarea (D.G.Lloyd) D.G.Lloyd et C.J.Webb L. dispersa subsp. rupestris (D.G.Lloyd) D.G.Lloyd et C.J.Webb L. pyrethrifolia var. linearifolia (Cheeseman) D.G.Lloyd et C.J.Webb Leucogenes tarahaoa Molloy Luzula crenulata Buchanan s Macropiper excelsum subsp. peltatum f. delangei R.O.Gardner M. melchior Sykes Myosotis albosericea Hook.f. M. angustata Cheeseman M. arnoldii L.B.Moore M. brockiei L.B.Moore et M.J.A.Simpson M. concinna Cheeseman M. laeta Cheeseman M. oreophila Petrie Myrsine coxii Cockayne Neopaxia drucei Heenan Olearia allomii Kirk Ourisia goulandiana Arroyo O. spathulata Arroyo Pittosporum fairchildii Cheeseman P. pimeleoides subsp. maius (Cheeseman) R.C.Cooper Plantago spathulata subsp. pitta (Colenso) Sykes Poa aucklandica subsp. rakiura Edgar P. pygmaea Buchanan P. senex Edgar P. sudicola Edgar P. xenica Edgar et Connor Pomaderris paniculosa subsp. novae-zelandiae (L.B.Moore) N.G.Walsh Puccinellia walkeri subsp. antipoda (Petrie) Edgar Rachelia glaria J.M.Ward et Breitw. Ranunculus brevis Gam.-Jones R. grahamii Petrie R. maculatus Cockayne et Allan R. recens var. lacustris G.Simpson R. scrithalis Garn.-Jones R. stylosus H.D.Wilson et Garn.-Jones R. viridis H.D.Wilson et Garn.-Jones Raoulia cinerea Petrie Rvtidosperma petrosum Connor et Edgar Senecio hauwai Sykes S. lautus var. esperensis Sykes S. repangae subsp. pokohinuensis de Lange et B.G.Murray Simplicia buchananii (Zotov) Zotov Stellaria decipiens var. angustata Kirk Stilbocarpa robusta (Kirk) Cockayne t Thelymitra malvina M.A.Clem., D.L.Jones et Molloy sWahlenbergia akaroa J.A.Petterson 8 W. matthewsii Cockayne 8 W. pygmaea subsp. tararua J.A.Petterson
Scrophulariaceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Scrophulariaceae Brassicaceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Juncaceae Piperaceae Piperaceae Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Myrsinaceae Portulacaceae Asteraceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Pittosporaceae Pittosporaceae Plantaginaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Rhamnaceae Poaceae Asteraceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Asteraceae Poaceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Poaceae Caryophyllaceae Araliaceae Orchidaceae Campanulaceae Campanulaceae Campanulaceae
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SXeronema callistemon f. bracteosa (L.B.Moore) de Lange et E.K.Cameron
INSUFFICIENTLY KNOWN (26) Taxa that are suspected but not definitely known to belong to any of the above categories because of a lack of information. It is hoped that listing a taxon as "Insufficiently Known" will stimulate studies to find out its true category of threat. ts Atriplex australasica Moq. Chenopodiaceae Carex allanii Hamlin Cyperaceae C. kirkii var. elatior Kiik. Cyperaceae Celmisia cordatifolia var. similis W.Martin Asteraceae SCorallospartium crassicaule var. racemosum Kirk Fabaceae S Crassula mataikona A.P.Druce Crassulaceae Deschampsia pusilla Petrie Poaceae SDeyeuxia lacustris Edgar et Connor Poaceae 8 Elymus falcis Connor Poaceae s Epacris sinclairii Hook.f. Epacridaceae S Festuca luciarum Connor Poaceae tSGrammitis gunnii Parris Grammitidaceae SKoeleria riguorum Edgar et Gibb Poaceae Kunzea sinclairii (Kirk) W.Harris Myrtaceae 8 Lachnagrostis ammobia Edgar Poaceae Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie Boraginaceae M. glabrescens L.B.Moore Boraginaceae M. petiolata Hook.f. var. petiolata Boraginaceae M. pygmaea Colenso var. pygmea Boraginaceae t Polvgonum plebeium R.Br. Polygonaceae ts pterostylis alveata Garnet Orchidaceae 8 P. irwinii D.L.Jones, Molloy et M.A.Clem. Orchidaceae S P. aff. obtusa (CHR 518293; NW Nelson) Orchidaceae P. porrecta D.L.Jones, Molloy et M.A.Clem. Orchidaceae Rytidosperma tenue (Petrie) Connor et Edgar Poaceae SStenostachys deceptorix Connor Poaceae S Zotovia acicularis Edgar et Connor Poaceae Appendix 2 Taxonomically indeterminate taxa This appendix includes described taxa about which there is doubt regarding taxonomic status and which require further investigation, and those recently discovered taxa whose taxonomic status has yet to be determined. In both instances, available information suggests that candidate taxa could be under some level of threat. A total of 92 taxa are included. * denotes indigenous taxa known or thought to be threatened outside the New Zealand Botanical Region, or taxa presently treated as indigenous with additional overseas distribution, but which may, on revision, prove endemic to the New Zealand Botanical Region (6 taxa). 5 denotes an addition to this list (cf. Cameron et al. 1995) (24 taxa). Presumed Extinct (2) Celmisia aff. gracilenta (a) (CHR 282958; Te Mata Peak) Myosotis traversii var. cinerascens (Petrie) L.B.Moore
Asteraceae Boraginaceae
Critically Endangered (14) s $Atriplex aff. billardierei (AK 225956; North Island) Brachyscome (a) (WELT 10278; Ward) :Calochilus aff. herbaceus (CHR 65825; Kaimaumau) Celmisia aff. gracilenta (b) (CHR 469722; Mangaweka) Christella aff. dentata (a) (CHR 472870; Kaitaia)
Chenopodiaceae Asteraceae Orchidaceae Asteraceae Thelypteridaceae
de Lange et al.—Threatened and uncommon plants of New Zealand Appendix 2
Gentiana (a) (CHR 529112; Mt Brown) Hebe aff. bishopiana (AK 202263; Hikurangi Swamp) l soetes aff. kirkii (CHR 247118A; Lake Omapere) S Lepidium aff. oleraceum (a) (AK 230459; Chatham Islands) Leptinella (a) (CHR 515297; Clutha River) Limosella (a) (CHR 222625; Opunake) Linum monogynum var. chathamicum Cockayne (CHR 417633) S Pmmelea aff aridula (a) (CHR 282959; Te Mata Peak) P. (a) (CHR 495025; Turakina)
Gentianaceae Scrophulariaceae Lycopodiaceae Brassicaceae Asteraceae Scrophulariaceae Linaceae Thymelaeaceae Thymelaeaceae
Endangered (16) $Botrychium aff. lunaria (CHR 289336; NW Nelson) Brachyscome (b) (CHR 518295; Pareora River) Cardamine (a) (CHR 312947; "tarn") Colobanthus (a) (CHR 515133; Pareora River) Craspedia (a) (CHR 511522; Clutha River) C. (b) (CHR 516324; Leatham) C. (c) (CHR 529115; Kaitorete Spit) C. (d) (CHR 245893; Otakeho) C.(e) (CHR 514391; "tarn") Gentiana (b) (CHR 529111; Pareora River) Geranium (a) (CHR 518296; Pareora River) S Lepidium aff oleraceum (b) (AK 208579; Antipodes Islands) L. aff. oleraceum (c) (CANU 5995; Snares Islands) Ranunculus aff royi (CHR 513327; Waihao) R. aff stylosus (CHR 515131; Manuhune) Thelymitra (a) (WELT 79140; Ahipara)
Ophioglossaceae Asteraceae Brassicaceae Caryophyllaceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Gentianaceae Geraniaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Orchidaceae
Vulnerable (14) Craspedia (f) (CHR 514362; Hackett River) C. (g) (CHR 469764; Pikikiruna Range) Gentiana (c) (CHR 519113; Waitaki Valley) G.(d) (CHR 529114; Ward) Hebe aff cockayneana (CHR 470242; Takahe Valley) H. aff. rigidula (WALK 5822; Awaroa Valley) Hibiscus aff. trionum (AK 218967; North Island) Hypsela aff. rivalis (CHR 369981; Burgoo Stream) Myosotis aff. pygmaea (CHR 244566; Volcanic Plateau) Olearia (a) (AK 178700; Hauturu Range) S Pmmelea aff. aridula (b) (AK 230900; Cook Strait) Polystichum aff. vestitum (AK 230427-8; Chatham Islands) Prasophyllum aff. patens (AK 236408; New Zealand) aff. angulata (AK 212143; Woodhill)
Asteraceae Asteraceae Gentianaceae Gentianaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Malvaceae Lobeliaceae Boraginaceae Asteraceae Thymelaeaceae Dryopteridaceae Orchidaceae Lobeliaceae
Declining (4) Craspedia aff. minor (AK 228074; Chatham Island) Leptinella dioica subsp. monoica (D.G.Lloyd) D.G.Lloyd et C.J.Webb S Melicytus aff. obovatus (AK 100107; Cook Strait) Pimelea aff. arenaria (AK 216133; Southern New Zealand)
Asteraceae Asteraceae Violaceae Thymelaeaceae
Conservation Dependent (1) Rhopalostylis aff. sapida (AK 227148; Chatham Islands)
Sparse (3) Coriaria (a) (CHR 469745; Rimutaka)
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622 Appendix 2
Oreomyrrhis (a) (CHR 364086; "minute flower") Peperomia aff. urvilleana (AK 206056; "Great Barrier Island")
Apiaceae Piperaceae
Range Restricted (19) Cardamine (b) (CHR 511706; Pisa Range) 5 Celmisia aff discolor (CHR 197967; Fiordland) $sChristella aff dentata (b) (AK 126902; "thermal") Coprosma aff. obconica (AK 36254; Surville Cliffs) C. aff. spathulata (AK 229538; Surville Cliffs) Craspedia (h) (CHR 260312; Gouland Downs) Gentiana aff. divisa (CHR 494906; Mt Barefell) Geranium (b) (CHR 469918; Red Hills) Hebe aff. bollonsii (AK 150628; Mokohinau Islands) H. aff. ligustrifolia (AK 207101; Surville Cliffs) Helichrysum aff. aggregatum (AK 54473; Surville Cliffs) $s Leucopogon aff. parviitorus (AK 130914; Surville Cliffs) Limosella (b) (CHR 515038; Manutahi) Myosotis (a) (CHR 320240; Mossburn) Notothlaspi (a) (CHR 363071; Red Hills) Phyllocladus aff trichomanoides (AK 138439; Surville Cliffs) 5Pimelea aff. aridula (c) (CHR 402249; Moawhango) 8 P. aff. onrfa/fl (d) (CHR 221089; Maungaharuru) Ranunculus (a) (AKU 19876; Hope)
Brassicaceae Asteraceae Thelypteridaceae Rubiaceae Rubiaceae Asteraceae Gentianaceae Geraniaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Asteraceae Epacridaceae Scrophulariaceae Boraginaceae Brassicaceae Phyllocladaceae Thymelaeaceae Thymelaeaceae Ranunculaceae
Insufficiently Known (19) Cardamine (c) (CHR 65058; Reporoa Bog) $Chenopodium pusillum Hook.f. (CHR 203825) Craspedia (i) (CHR 395643; Fyfe River) s C (j) (CHR 516302; Lake Heron) Cunoniaceae genus indeterminate (AK 230695; Te Urewera) Euphrasia (a) (CHR 471903; "white") 5Galium aff perpusillum (CHR 476063; Kaitorete) Gunnera densiflora Hook.f. (CHR 90309) Hebe acutiilora (Benth.) Cockayne (AK 107720) H. matthewsii (Cheeseman) Cockayne (AK 7955) H. pimeleioides var. glauco-caerula (J.B.Annstr.) Cockayne et Allan (CHR 462377) 8 H. aff. brevifolia (AK 235669; Surville Cliffs) Leptinella intermedia (D.G.Lloyd) D.G.Lloyd et C.J.Webb (CANU 17225) Melicytus (a) (CHR 355077; Matiri Range) Myosotis (b) (CHR 386966; Mt Tapuaenuku) Parahebe aff catarractae (CHR 324810; "N.W. Nelson") Pseudognaphalium (a) (CHR 365358; Zoo) Spiranthes aff. novae-zelandiae (CHR 518297; Motutangi) 5 Tmesipteris aff tannensis (CHR 496779; Banks Peninsula)
Brassicaceae Chenopodiaceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Cunoniaceae Scrophulariaceae Rubiaceae Gunneraceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Asteraceae Violaceae Boraginaceae Scrophulariaceae Asteraceae Orchidaceae Psilotaceae
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de Lange et al.—Threatened and uncommon plants of New Zealand Appendix 3
Taxa no longer considered threatened or uncommon
Listed are 33 taxa fonnerly considered under some of level of threat in Cameron et al. (1995) but which are rejected here because they are now known to be more widespread or abundant (e.g., Acaenapallida, Carex ventosa). Rejected, also, are those named and unnamed taxonomically indeterminate plants whose taxonomic distinctiveness is (on expert and published opinion) no longer warranted, and which cannot be synonymised with other published names within this list (e.g., Brachyglottis saxifragoides), or taxa whose status cannot be judged because they are unknown from cultivation and lack a herbarium specimen (e.g., Euphrasia "Zetland", Ourisia "Clark"). + denotes indigenous taxa found naturally outside New Zealand and not considered threatened within the overseas part of its range. New Zealand populations have been confirmed as conspecific with overseas counterpart (3 taxa).
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Acaena pallida (Kirk) Allan Brachyglottis saxifragoides (Hook.f.) B.Nord. B. southlandica var. albidula (Allan) B.Nord. Cardamine "Rata Peak" Carex chathamica Petrie C. ventosa C.B.Clarke Carmichaelia arenaria G.Simpson Celmisia haastii var. tomentosa G.Simpson et J.S.Thomson Cheesemania wallii (Carse) Allan C. "Chalk Range" Coprosma neglecta Cheeseman sens. lat. Craspedia "Henderson" C. "Loveridge" Dracophyllum "glaucous" D. viride W.R.B.Oliv. Euphrasia "Zetland" 1 Fimbristylis velata R.Br. Hebe "Bald Knob Ridge" H. "marble" Hydrocotyle "Ototoa" Leptinella "Pareora" L. "Tengawai" 1 'Leucopogon parvilorus Lindl. Ligusticum patulum Kirk Melicytus "Burnett" Muehlenbeckia debilis Petrie Myosotis monroi M. "Flora" Ourisia "Clark" O. "Richmond" Pimelea "Three Kings" agg. Pygmaea armstrongii (Buchanan) Ashwin Utricularia "Chathams"
Rosaceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Brassicaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Fabaceae Asteraceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Rubiaceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Epacridaceae Epacridaceae Scrophulariacae Cyperaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Apiaceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Epacridaceae Apiaceae Violaceae Polygonaceae Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Thymelaeaceae Scrophulariaceae Lentibulariaceae
New Zealand Journal of Botany, 1999, Vol. 37
Appendix 4 Nomenclature changes affecting taxa listed by Cameron et al. (1995) Listed here are taxa treated at different levels of taxonomic rank or as informal tag names by Cameron et al. (1995), for which new names have become available, or for which former names are now preferred. Alternative tag names, approved following consultation with specialists, are also listed. i denotes indigenous taxa found naturally outside New Zealand and not considered threatened within the overseas part of its range. New Zealand populations have been confirmed as conspecific with overseas counterpart (8 taxa).
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Cameron et at. (1995) Aciphylla "flaccida" Alectryon excelsus var. grandis t A triplex billardierei agg. Botrychium aff. lunaria Brachyscome "Pareora" Brachyscome "Ward" Brachyscome "West Dome" Caladenia aff. iridescens t Calochilus herbaceu Cardamine "Reporoa Bog slender var" Cardamine "tarn" Carex "tenuiculmis" Carmichaeliafieldii Carmichaelia floribunda Carmichaelia nigrans Carmichaelia prona Cassinia leptophylla var. amoena Celmisia "Mangaweka" Ceratocephalus pungens Cheesemania "stellata" Chordospartium muritai Chordospartium stevensonii Christella dentata "N.Z." t Christella "thermal" Clianthus puniceus Colobanthus "Pareora" Coprosma obconica subsp. "obconica" Coprosma obconica subsp. "Surville" Coprosma spathulata subsp. "Surville" Coprosma "violacea" Coriaria "Rimutaka" Craspedia "Chatham" Craspedia "Fyfe" Craspedia "Gouland Downs" Craspedia "Hackett" Craspedia "Kaitorete" Craspedia "Pikikiruna" Craspedia "tarn" Davallia "Puketi" Deyeuxia "Flaxbourne" Deyeuxia "Waima" Euphrasia "White" Ewartia sinclairii Fimbristylis squarrosa Geniostoma rupestre var. crassum Gentiana "Brown" Gentiana "Pareora"
This paper Aciphylla squarrosa var. flaccida (Kirk 1899) Alectryon excelsus subsp. grandis (de Lange et al. 1999) *A triplex billardierei sens. str. Atriplex aff. billardierei (AK 225956; North Island) Botrychium aff. lunaria (CHR 289336; NW Nelson) Brachyscome (b) (CHR 518295; Pareora River) Brachyscome (a) (WELT 10278; Ward) Brachyscome humilis Caladenia atradenia (Jones et al. 1997a) tCalochilus aff. herbaceus (CHR 65825; Kaimaumau) Cardamine (c) (CHR 65058; Reporoa Bog) Cardamine (a) (CHR 312947; "tarn") Carex tenuiculmis (Heenan et al. 1997) Carmichaelia juncea (Heenan 1995) Carmichaelia juncea (Heenan 1995) Carmichaelia juncea (Heenan 1995) Carmichaelia juncea (Heenan 1995) Cassinia amoena (Cheeseman 1897) Celmisia aff. gracilenta (b) (CHR 469722; Mangaweka) Ceratocephala pungens Cheesemania stellata (Heenan & Garnock-Jones 1999) Carmichaelia muritai (Heenan 1998a) Carmichaelia stevensonii (Heenan 1998a) Christella aff. dentata (a) (CHR 472870; Kaitaia) tChristella aff. dentata (b) (AK 126902; "thermal") Clianthus puniceus var. puniceus (Allan 1961) Clianthus puniceus var. maximus (Allan 1961) Colobanthus (a) (CHR 515133; Pareora River) Coprosma obconica sens. str. Coprosma aff. obconica (AK 36254; Surville Cliffs) Coprosma aff. spathulata (AK 229538; Surville Cliffs) Coprosmapedicellata (Molloy et al. 1999) Coriaria (a) (CHR 469745; Rimutaka) Craspedia aff. minor (AK 228074; Chatham Island) Craspedia (i) (CHR 395643; Fyfe River) Craspedia (h) (CHR 260312; Gouland Downs) Craspedia (f) (CHR 514362; Hackett River) Craspedia (c) (CHR 529115; Kaitorete Spit) Craspedia (g) (CHR 469764; Pikikiruna Range) Craspedia (e) (CHR 514391; "tarn") Davallia tasmanii subsp. cristata (von Konrat et al. 1999) Dichelachne lautumia (Edgar & Connor 1999) Dichelachne lautumia (E. Edgar & H. E. Connor pers. comm.) Euphrasia (a) (CHR 471903; "white") Ewartiothamnus sinclairii (Anderberg 1991) Fimbristylis velata (Harden 1993) Geniostoma ligustrifolium var. crassum (Cheeseman 1897) Gentiana (a) (CHR 529112; Mt Brown) Gentiana (b) (CHR 529111; Pareora River)
de Lange et al.—Threatened and uncommon plants of New Zealand
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Appendix 4
Gentiana "scree" Gentiana "Waitaki" Gentiana "Ward" Geranium "Pareora" Geranium "Tengawai" Geranium "Red Hills" "Gingidia patula" tGnaphalium nitidulum Hebe imbricata Hebe ligustrifolia var. "Surville" Hebe "Awaroa" Hebe "Bartlett" Hebe "bishopiana" Hebe "brevifolia" Hebe "Mokohinau" Hebe "Takahe" Hebe "Wairoa" Helichrysum aggregatum var. "Surville" Helichrysum intermedium var. "tumidum" Heliohebe raoulii var. maccaskillii Hibiscus trionum "N.Z." Hypsela "Burgoo" t Juncus holoschoenus Kirkianella "Cook Strait" Lepidium obtusatum "Manukau" Lepidium oleraceum sens. lat. Lepidium "Open Bay Islands" Leptinella "Clutha" Leucogenes "Peel" Libertia peregrinans agg. Limosella "Manutahi" Limosella "Opunake" Lycopodium serpentinum Mazus novaezeelandiae
Mazus "False Islet" Melicytus "Egmont" Melicytus "Matiri" Myosotis petiolata sens. str. Myosotis "glauca" Myosotis "lytteltonensis" Myosotis "Mossburn" Myosotis "pansa" Myosotis "pottsiana" Myosotis "Tapuaenuku" Mvosotis "Volcanic Plateau" Myrsine "Burnett" Neopaxia "Arthur" Notospartium carmichaeliae Notospartium torulosum Notothlaspi "Red Hills" Olearia "Pomahaka"
Gentiana aff. divisa (CHR 494906; Mt Barefell) Gentiana (c) (CHR 519113; Waitaki Valley) Gentiana (d) (CHR 529114; Ward) Geranium (a) (CHR 518296; Pareora River) Included in Geranium (a) (CHR 518296; Pareora River) Geranium (b) (CHR 469918; Red Hills) Ligusticum patulum (Kirk 1899) tEuchiton nitiduuus (Ward & Breitwieser 1998) Hebe imbricata subsp. imbricata (Wagstaff & Wardle 1999) Hebe aff ligustrifolia (AK 207101; Surville Cliffs) Hebe aff. rigidula (WAIK 5822; Awaroa Valley) Hebeperbella (de Lange 1998a) Hebe bishopiana (de Lange 1996) Hebe brevifolia (de Lange 1997) Hebe aff. bollonsii (AK 150628; Mokohinau Islands) Hebe aff cockayneana (CHR 470242; Takahe Valley) Hebe tairawhiti (Clarkson & Garnock-Jones 1996) Helichrysum aff. aggregatum (AK 54473; Surville Cliffs) Helichrysum selago var. tumidum (Cheeseman 1925) Heliohebe raoulii subsp. maccaskillii (Garnock-Jones 1993) Hibiscus aff. trionum (AK 218967; North Island) Hypsela aff. rivalis (CHR 369981; Burgoo Stream) Juncus holoschoenus var. holoschoenus Kirkianella novae-zelandiae f. glauca (Allan 1961) Lepidium obtusatum Lepidium oleraceum sens. str. Lepidium naufragorum (Garnock-Jones & Norton 1995) Leptinella (a) (CHR 515297; Clutha River) Leucogenes tarahaoa (Molloy 1995) Libertia peregrinans Limosella (b) (CHR 515038; Manutahi) Limosella (a) (CHR 222625; Opunake) Lycopodiella serpentina (Chinnock 1998) Mazus novaezeelandiae subsp. novaezeelandiae (Heenan 1998b) Mazus novaezeelandiae subsp. impolitus f. impolitus (Heenan 1998b) Mazus novaezeelandiae subsp. impolitus f. hirtus (Heenan 1998b) Mazus arenarius (Heenan et al. 1996) Melicytus drucei (Molloy & Clarkson 1996) Melicytus (a) (CHR 355077; Matiri Range) Myosotis petiolata var. petiolata Myosotispygmaea var. glauca (Simpson & Thomson 1943) Myosotis australis var. lytteltonensis (Laing & Wall 1924) Myosotis (a) (CHR 320240; Mossburn) Myosotis petiolata var. pansa (Moore in Allan 1961) Myosotis petiolata var. pottsiana (Moore in Allan 1961) Myosotis (b) (CHR 386966; Mt Tapuaenuku) Myosotis aff. pygmaea (CHR 244566; Volcanic Plateau) Myrsine argentea (Heenan & de Lange 1998) Neopaxia drucei (Heenan 1999) Carmichaelia carmichaeliae (Heenan 1998a) Carmichaelia torulosa (Heenan 1998a) Notothlaspi (a) (CHR 363071; Red Hills) Olearia fimbriata (Heads 1998)
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626 Appendix 4
Olearia "Waima" Oreomyrrhis "delicatula" Oreomyrrhis "minutiflora" Parahebe "hairy" Parsonsia "Surville" t Peperomia leptostachya Peperomia "purple vein"
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Phyllocladus "serpentine" Picris attenuata Pimelea arenaria "North" Pimelea arenaria "South" Pimelea aridula agg.
Pimelea "Turakina" Pittosporum pimeleoides subsp. major Pittosporum "Surville" Plagianthus regius var. chathamicus. tolystichum "Chathams" Pomaderris apetala Prasophyllum aff. patens Pratia "Woodhill" Pseudognaphalium "compactum" seudognaphalium "Zoo" Pterostylis nana Pterostylis aff. graminea Pterostylis "linearis" Puccinellia antipoda Puccinellia "Central Otago" Ranunculus recens "Manaia" Ranunculus recens "Moawhango" Ranunculus "Hope" Ranunculus "Waihao" Rhopalostylis "Chathams" Senecio "Cuvier" Senecio "Pokohinu" Spiranthes "Motutangi" Stipa petriei Swainsona novae-zelandiae Thelymitra "Ahipara" Trisetum "serpentine" Utricularia australi Wahlenbergia simpsonii "X it" "Z ombi"
Olearia (a) (AK 178700; Hauturu Range) Oreomyrrhis colensoi var. delicatula (Allan 1961) Oreomyrrhis (a) (CHR 364086; "minute flower") Parahebe aff. cattaractae (CHR 324810; NW Nelson) Parsonsia praeruptis (Heads & de Lange 1999) 1 Peperomia blanda (Murray & de Lange 1999) Peperomia aff. urvilleana (AK 206056; Great Barrier Island) Phyllocladus aff. trichomanoides (AK 138439; Surville Cliffs) t Picris angustifolia subsp. angustifolia Pimelea arenaria . str. Pimelea aff. arenaria (AK 216133; Southern New Zealand) Pimelea aff. aridula (a) (CHR 282959; Te Mata Peak) Pimelea aff. aridula (b) (AK 230900; Cook Strait) Pimelea aff. aridula (c) (CHR 402249; Moawhango) Pimelea aff. aridula (d) (CHR 221089; Maungaharuru) Pimelea (a) (CHR 495025; Turakina) Pittosporum pimeleoides subsp. maius (de Lange 1998b) Pittosporum ellipticum subsp. serpentinum (de Lange 1998b) Plagianthus chathamicus (Cockayne 1902) Polystichum aff. vestitum (AK 230427-8; Chatham Islands) Pomaderris apetala subsp. maritima (Walsh & Coates 1997) Prasophyllum aff. patens (AK 236408; New Zealand) Pratia aff. angulata (AK 212143; Woodhill) Gnaphalium luteo-album var. compactum (Kirk 1899) Pseudognaphalium (a) (CHR 365358; Zoo) Pterostylis puberula Pterostylis porrecta (Jones et al. 1997b) Pterostylis paludosa (Jones et al. 1997b) Puccinellia walkeri subsp. antipoda (Edgar 1996) Puccinellia raroflorens (Edgar 1996) Ranunculus recens var. recens Ranunculus recens var. recens Ranunculus (a) (AKU 19876; Hope) Ranunculus aff. royi (CHR 513327; Waihao) Rhopalostylis aff. sapida (AK 227148; Chatham Islands) Senecio repangae subsp. repangae (de Lange & Murray 1998) Senecio repangae subsp. pokohinuensis (de Lange & Murray 1998) Spiranthes aff. novae-zelandiae (CHR 518297; Motutangi) Achnatherum petriei (Jacobs & Everett 1996) Montigena novae-zelandiae (Heenan 1998c) Thelymitra (a) (WELT 79140; Ahipara) Trisetum serpentinum (Edgar 1998) Utricularia protrusa (Webb & Sykes 1997) Wahlenbergia albomarginata subsp.flexilis (Petterson 1997) Cunoniaceae genus indeterminate (AK 230695; Te Urewera) (Garnock-Jones et al. 1996) Rachelia glaria (Ward et al. 1997)
de Lange et al.—Threatened and uncommon plants of New Zealand Appendix 4
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Allan, H. H. 1961: Flora of New Zealand. Vol. I. Wellington, Government Printer. Anderberg, A. A. 1991: Taxonomy and phylogeny of the tribe Gnaphalieae (Asteraceae). Opera Botanica 104: 1-195. Cheeseman, T. F. 1897: On some plants new to The New Zealand flora. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 29: 390-393. Cheeseman, T. F. 1925: Manual of the New Zealand flora. Government Printer, Wellington. Chinnock, R. J. 1998: Lycopodiaceae. Flora of Australia 48: 66-85. Clarkson, B. D.; Garnock-Jones, P. J. 1996: Hebe tairawhiti (Scrophulariaceae): a new shrub species from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 34: 51-56. Cockayne, L. 1902: A short account of the plant-covering of Chatham Island. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 34: . de Lange, P. J. 1996: Hebe bishopiana (Scrophulariaceae) - an endemic species of the Waitakere Ranges, west Auckland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 34: 187-194. de Lange, P. J. 1997: Hebe brevifolia (Scrophulariaceae) - an ultramafic endemic of the Surville Cliffs, North Cape, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 35: 1-8. de Lange, P. J. 1998a: Hebe perbella (Scrophulariaceae) - a new and threatened species from western Northland, North Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 36: 399–406. de Lange, P. J. 1998b: Pittosporum ellipticum subsp. serpentinum (Pittosporaceae) - a new ultramafic endemic from the Surville Cliffs, North Cape, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 36: 389-397. de Lange, P. J; Murray, B. G. 1998: Senecio repangae (Asteraceae): a new endemic species from the north-eastern North Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 36: 509-519. de Lange, P. J.; Cameron, E. K.; Murray, B. G. 1999: Alectryon excelsus subsp. grandis (Sapindaceae): a new combination for an uncommon small tree endemic to the Three Kings Islands, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 37: 7-16. Edgar, E. 1996: Puccinellia Parl. (Gramineae: Poeae) in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 34: 17-32.
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