by Lars E. Sjöberg Royal Institute of Technology Division of Geodesy SE-100 44 Stockholm e-mail:
[email protected] Biography Lars E. Sjöberg is the head of Division of Geodesy at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). He graduated from the School of Surveying at KTH in 1971, and since 1975 he holds a Ph.D. in Geodesy. During 1977 and 1978 he worked for Professor R. H. Rapp at the Ohio State University, and, after a short return to KTH, he worked for the National Land Survey of Sweden to 1984, when he succeeded A. Bjerhammar as professor in geodesy. Through the years he has been a member of several IAG special study groups (chairing three of them) and commissions, and he is an IAG Fellow since 1991. He is a presidium member of the Nordic Geodetic Commission since 1982, a Fellow of the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation since 1983 and a corresponding member of the German Geodetic Commission since 1989. His research interests are in the fields of geodetic theory of errors, physical geodesy, GPS positioning and deformation analysis. From 1989 to 1995 he served in the editorial boards of Manuscripta Geodaetica and Bulletine Geodesique, and he has published about 200 scientific papers and reports. 1
Abstract The problem of determining turning points of median lines between states separated by sea is considered. The turning point is defined as the point with equidistance lines to two basepoints along the shoreline of one state and one basepoint in the adjacent state. For the sphere the equidistance lines are parts of great circles, and the problem is solved by closed formulas. For the ellipsoid the lines are defined along geodesics, and an iterative solution is presented.
1 Introduction The median line is a line every point of which is equidistant from nearest points on the baselines of two states (IHB, 1993). This line is crucial for the maritime delimitation between opposite coasts of two states separated by sea. In general, the median line runs smoothly as the “straight line” equidistant between two distinct baselines, each belonging to one of the states. However, whenever points belonging to another baseline along one coastline get closer to the median line than points on the previous baseline, the median line turns. As suggested by Carrera (1987) the median line turning point can be defined by a three-point method, i.e. the turning point is the point equidistant to three baseline points (belonging to different baselines). If the scale of the baselines (between defined basepoints) is small compared to the scale of the coastline separation, the points along baselines can be approximated by the discrete basepoints. This approximation will be used here to determine median line turning points. This problem was also treated by Carrera (1987), Horemuz (1999), Horemuz et al.(1999) and Fan (2001). Carrera(1987) solved the problem by classical formulas for solving the geodetic direct and indirect problems for geodesics on the ellipsoid. Horemuz (1999) and Horemuz et al. (1999) solved the problem explicitly by
rectangular co-ordinates for the spherical surface of reference, while an approximate method was used for the ellipsoidal surface of reference.
In this paper the three-point turning point problem is solved explicitly for the sphere by spherical co-ordinates. For an ellipsoidal surface of reference the problem is formulated by integral equations along geodesics.
2 Solutions for the sphere Proposition: Given the points Pi ( ϕi , λ i ) with latitudes ϕi and longitudes λ i ; i = 1,2,3, the threepoint problem has the solutions Case I ( ϕ1 ≠ ϕ2 and ϕ1 ≠ ϕ3 ) :
tan λ =
S23 cos ϕ1 cos λ1 − S13 cos ϕ2 cos λ 2 + S12 cos ϕ3 cos λ3 −S23 cos ϕ1 sin λ1 + S13 cos ϕ2 sin λ 2 − S12 cos ϕ3 sin λ 3
cos ϕ2 cos ∆λ 2 − cos ϕ1 cos ∆λ1 , S12
and tan ϕ = where Sij = sin ϕi − sin ϕ j ; i,j =1,2,3
∆λ i = λ − λi ; i =1,2.
Case II ( ϕ1 = ϕ3 ≠ ϕ2 ) : tan λ =
cos λ1 cos ϕ1 − cos λ 3 cos ϕ3 sin λ 3 cos ϕ3 − sin λ1 cos ϕ1
tan ϕ =
cos ϕ2 cos ∆λ 2 − cos ϕ1 cos ∆λ1 S12
tan λ =
cos λ1 cos ϕ1 − cos λ 2 cos ϕ2 sin λ 2 cos ϕ2 − sin λ1 cos ϕ1
cos ϕ3 cos ∆λ 3 − cos ϕ1 cos ∆λ1 S13
Case III ( ϕ1 = ϕ2 ≠ ϕ3 ) :
and tan ϕ =
Proof: The point P ( ϕ, λ ) is defined by equal geocentric angels to the known points Pi ( ϕi , λ i ) ; i =1,2,3. From the spherical cosine theorem one obtains the following relation between ψ i and the spherical co-ordinates of the points P and Pi:
cos ψ i = sin ϕ sinϕi + cos ϕ cos ϕi cos ∆λ i ; i =1,2,3.
As P ( ϕ, λ ) is defined by ψ1 = ψ 2 = ψ 3 , it follows that sin ϕ sinϕ1 + cos ϕ cos ϕ1 cos ∆λ1 = sin ϕ sinϕ2 + cos ϕ cos ϕ2 cos ∆λ 2 = = sin ϕ sinϕ3 + cos ϕ cos ϕ3 cos ∆λ 3
or tan ϕ sin ϕ1 + cos ϕ1 cos ∆λ1 = tan ϕ sin ϕ2 + cos ϕ2 cos ∆λ 2 = = tan ϕ sin ϕ3 + cos ϕ3 cos ∆λ 3
The first equation of formula (5) (including points P1 and P2) can be rewritten: tan ϕ ( sin ϕ1 − sin ϕ2 ) = cos ϕ2 cos ∆λ 2 − cos ϕ1 cos ∆λ1
Same treatment of the second equation of formula (5) yields: tan ϕ ( sin ϕ1 − sin ϕ3 ) = cos ϕ3 cos ∆λ 3 − cos ϕ1 cos ∆λ1
Let us now consider the different cases of the proposition.
Case I
( ϕ1 ≠ ϕ2 and ϕ1 ≠ ϕ3 ) : In this case ϕ is eliminated by dividing each member of Eq. (7a) by
(7b). The result is
S12 sin ϕ1 − sin ϕ2 cos ϕ2 cos ∆λ 2 − cos ϕ1 cos ∆λ1 = = S13 sin ϕ1 − sin ϕ3 cos ϕ3 cos ∆λ 3 − cos ϕ1 cos ∆λ1
cos ∆λ i = cos λ cos λ i + sin λ sin λ i
Inserting into (8)
one easily arrives at the solution (1a) for λ , and (1b) is directly obtained from Eq.(7a).
Case II ( ϕ1 = ϕ3 ≠ ϕ2 ) : Formula (9) inserted into Eq.(7b) with S13=0 yields cos ϕ3 ( cos λ cos λ3 + sin λ sin λ 3 ) = cos ϕ1 ( cos λ cos λ1 + sin λ sin λ1 ) which can be rewritten on the form tan λ ( sin λ 3 cos ϕ3 − sin λ1 cos ϕ1 ) = cos λ1 cos ϕ1 − cos λ 3 cos ϕ3 The last equation equals (2a). Moreover, the solution (2b) follows directly from Eq. (7a).
Case III
( ϕ1 = ϕ2 ≠ ϕ3 ) : Formula (9) inserted into Eq. (7a) with S12= 0 yields cos ϕ2 (cos λ cos λ 2 + sin λ sin λ 2 ) = cos ϕ1 (cos λ cos λ1 + sin λ sin λ1 )
which can be rewritten on the form (3a). The solution (3b) follows directly from (7b). Q.E.D.
The solution for Case I was also derived by Fan (2001). Corollary: The azimuth αi at point Pi ( ϕi , λ i ) along the great circle towards P ( ϕ, λ ) is given by
tan αi =
sin ( λ − λ i ) ; i = 1,2,3 cos ϕi tan ϕ − sin ϕi cos ( λ − λi )
The proof is given e.g. in Sjöberg (2001).
3 Solution for the ellipsoid
In the case of an ellipsoidal surface of reference it is convenient to introduce the reduced latitude β related by the geodetic latitude ϕ by the relation
tan β = 1 − e2 tan ϕ a 2 − b2 is the first excentricity of the ellipsoid defined by the semi-major and -minor where e = a axes a and b. The distance (si) and the ellipsoidal longitude difference ( ∆Li ) from the point Pi ( βi , Li ) to the wanted turning point P ( β, L ) along the geodesic are given by β
si = ÿ f ( β, h i ) dβ = F ( β, h i ) − F ( βi , h i )
and β
∆Li = L − Li = ÿ g ( β, h i ) dβ = G ( β, h i ) − G ( βi , h i ) βi
f ( β, h i ) = a
1 − e2 cos 2 β cos β cos 2 β − h i2
g ( β, h i ) = ±
hi 1 − e2 cos 2 β cos β cos 2 β − h i2
Here h i = cos βmax , where βmax is the maximum (or minimum) latitude of the geodesic. Alternatively, using the variable substitutions sin β
sin v =
1− h2
and sin w =
h 1− h2
tan β
the integrals (12a) and (13a) can also be written (Klotz 1991 and 1993; Schmidt 1999 and 2000): v
si = ÿ f * ( v, h i ) dv = F* ( v, h i ) − F* ( vi , h i )
and w
∆Li =
ÿ g ( w, h ) dw = G ( w, h ) − G ( w , h ) *
e2 h i2 h i2 + (1 − h i2 ) sin 2 w
f * ( v, h i ) = a 1 − e 2 1 − (1 − h i2 ) sin 2 v
g* ( w, h i ) = ± 1 −
The three-point problem can now be defined by the equations
s1 = s 2 = s3
L = L1 + ∆L1 = L 2 + ∆L 2 = L3 + ∆L3
where si and ∆Li are given by Eqs. (12a) and (13a) or by Eqs.(15a) and (16a). The longitude L can be eliminated from (17b), yielding four independent equations with four unknowns ( β , h1, h2, h3). The system of equations can thus be written s1 = s 2 s1 = s3 L1 + ∆L1 = L 2 + ∆L 2
L1 + ∆L1 = L3 + ∆L3 Inserting formulas (12a) and (13a) and linearizing, one obtains the matrix equation AX = Y
Y T = {( s 2 ) − ( s1 ) , ( s3 ) − ( s1 ) , L 2 − ( L 2 ) − L1 + ( L1 ) , L3 − ( L3 ) − L1 + ( L1 )}
where XT = ( ∆β, ∆h1 , ∆h 2 , ∆h 3 )
Here the bracket ( ) denotes an approximation to the quantity within the bracket, determined by β0 and h i0 . The vector of unknowns X contains improvements to the approximate values β0 , h10 ,
h 02 and h 30 . The elements of the (4x4) design matrix A are presented in the Appendix. In order to determine the elements of Y and A the integrals (12a) and (13a) or (15a) and (16a) must be employed, e.g. by series expansions or direct numerical integrations (Klotz 1991 and 1993; Schmidt 1999 and 2000). Starting values for β0 , v 0 and h i0 are preferably given by the spherical solutions of Section 2. As the equations are linearized, the solution should be iterated.
4 Concluding remarks
The solution of the position of a median line turning point from the three-point problem was derived explicitly for the sphere and as an iterative vector solution for the ellipsoid. Numerical examples are left for a forthcoming paper. A future challenge is to avoid the approximation by the three-point problem and to determine the position of the turning point directly from all points along the baselines.
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The elements of the design matrix A are as follows:
A11 =
∂s1 ∂s 2 − = f ( β0 , h10 ) − f ( β0 , h 02 ) ∂β ∂β β0
ah10 ∂s1 ∂f 0 A12 = , h cos d =ÿ β β β = ( 1) 2 ∂h1 ∂h1 1 − ( h10 ) β1 ∂s 2 −ah 02 A13 = − = 2 ∂h 2 1 − ( h 02 )
f * ( v, h 02 ) cos 2 v
A14 = 0 A 21 =
∂s1 ∂s3 − = f ( β0 , h10 ) − f ( β0 , h 30 ) ∂β ∂β
A 22 = A12 A 23 = 0 ∂s3 −ah 30 A 24 = − = 2 ∂h 3 1 − ( h 30 ) A 31 =
f * ( v, h 30 ) cos 2 v
∂∆L1 ∂∆L 2 − = g ( β0 , h10 ) − g ( β0 , h 02 ) ∂β ∂β
f * ( v, h10 ) cos 2 v
h10 ∂∆L1 ∂g A 32 = dβ = =ÿ 2 ∂h1 ∂h1 1 − ( h0 ) β1 1
∂∆L 2 h 02 A 33 = − =− 2 ∂h 2 1 − ( h 02 )
g* ( v, h10 )
cos 2 v
g* ( v, h 02 ) cos 2 v
A 34 = 0
∂∆L1 ∂∆L3 h10 A 41 = − = 2 ∂h1 ∂h 3 1 − ( h10 )
g* ( v, h10 )
cos 2 v
dv −
A 42 = A 32 A 43 = 0
∂∆L3 h 30 A 44 = − =− 2 ∂h 3 1 − ( h 30 )
g* ( v, h 30 ) cos 2 v
h 30
1 − ( h 30 )
g* ( v, h 30 ) cos 2 v