TI82/TI83/TI84 Calculator Mathematical Programs Programs

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Apr 12, 2007 ... These calculator programs have been written by James Jones to aid his students. .... solve a system of equations using Cramer's rule.
TI82/TI83/TI84 Calculator Mathematical Programs These calculator programs have been written by James Jones to aid his students. Other people may find the programs useful and the source code is provided below in case people want to enter them into their calculators. Downloads of the binary versions of the program are available at https://www.richland.edu/james/ti82/ James Jones Professor of Mathematics Richland Community College One College Park Decatur, IL 62521-8512 (217) 875-7211, ext. 490 [email protected]

Programs ALGEBRA.................................................................................................. 2 ANOVA ...................................................................................................... 6 BINOMIAL................................................................................................. 8 CONTING................................................................................................... 9 DECISION ................................................................................................ 10 FINANCE ................................................................................................. 12 GAME ....................................................................................................... 16 HYPERGEO ............................................................................................. 21 LEONTIEF ............................................................................................... 22 MEDIAN................................................................................................... 23 NUMINT................................................................................................... 23 PDIST ....................................................................................................... 24 PIE............................................................................................................. 25 PIVOT ....................................................................................................... 26 PIVOT1 ..................................................................................................... 27 QQPLOT ................................................................................................... 27 SERIES ..................................................................................................... 28 SIMPLEX ................................................................................................. 30 SIMULAT ................................................................................................. 31 STDNORM ............................................................................................... 33 TWOWAY ................................................................................................ 33

Thursday, April 12, 2007

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ALGEBRA General algebra routines. Will solve a quadratic equation, return the greatest common factor of a list, factor a quadratic, perform synthetic division, or solve a system of equations using Cramer's rule. : Menu("ALGEBRA","QUADRATIC",1,"GCF",2,"FACTOR",3,"S : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

YNTHETIC DIV",4,"CRAMERS RULE",5,"QUIT",6) Lbl 1 Menu("QUADRATIC SOLVER","COEFFICIENTS",A,"SOLVE Y",B,"SOLVE Y‚",C Lbl A Prompt A Prompt B Prompt C Goto D Lbl B Y(0)üC Y(1)-CüD ((Y(ú1)-C)+D)/2üA Y(1)-A-CüB Goto D Lbl C Y‚(0)üC Y‚(1)-CüD ((Y‚(ú1)-C)+D)/2üA Y‚(1)-A-CüB Lbl D BÜ-4*A*CüD úB/(2*A)üX A*XÜ+B*X+CüY Disp "DISC=",DåFrac Disp "ROOTS" If D1) and (F=0) 1üF 1üI While (F=1) and (I÷dim(L†)) If fPart(L†(I)/G)ø0 0üF I+1üI End If F=0 G-1üG End Disp "GCF =",G Stop Lbl 3 Prompt A Prompt B Prompt C abs(A*C)üD If fPart(D)ø0 Then Disp "MUST BE INTEGERS" Goto G End 0üT 1üP While (T=0) and (P÷iPart(ð(D)) D/PüQ If fPart(Q)=0 Then If (C>0) and (P+Q=abs(B)) 1üT Thursday, April 12, 2007

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: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

If (C1 E-1üE End If B÷0 úQüQ If B*C1 Then Input "COEFF=",L… End Thursday, April 12, 2007

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: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

For(J,1,C) L…(J)ü[E](I,J) End End [E]ü[D] {C-1,C-1}üdim([D]) det([D])üD C-1üdim(L†) For(I,1,C-1) [E]ü[D] {C-1,C-1}üdim([D]) For(J,1,C-1) [E](J,C)ü[D](J,I) End det([D])üL†(I) End Disp "D =",D Disp "DXYZ=",L† Pause If Dø0 Then Disp "SOL =",L†/DåFrac Else If sum(abs(L†))=0 Then Disp "INDETERMINANT" Else Disp "NO SOLUTION" End End Lbl 6 Stop ANOVA Generates a one-way analysis of variance table. The means should be entered into L1, the variances into L2, and the sample sizes into L3. Will offer to run Scheffe (unbalanced design) or Tukey (balanced design) posthoc tests.

: ClrHome

Thursday, April 12, 2007

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: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Disp "VERIFY THAT" Disp "Ë IS IN L," Disp "SxÜ IN L‚, and " Disp "n IN Lƒ." Disp " " Input "1=YES, 0=NO ?",Y Disp " " If Yø1 Stop If (dim(L)ødim(L‚)) or (dim(L‚)ødim(Lƒ)) Then Disp "L, L‚, and Lƒ" Disp "MUST HAVE THE" Disp "SAME SIZE." Stop End sum(Lƒ*L)/sum(Lƒ)üG Disp "GRAND MEAN = ",G Pause sum(Lƒ*(L-G)Ü)üA A/(dim(L)-1)üB Disp "SS(B)=",A Disp "DF(B)=",dim(L)-1 Disp "MS(B)=",B Pause sum((Lƒ-1)*L‚)üC C/sum(Lƒ-1)üW Disp "SS(W)=",C Disp "DF(W)=",sum(Lƒ-1) Disp "MS(W)=",W Pause Disp "SS=",A+C Disp "DF=",sum(Lƒ)-1 Disp "F=",B/W Pause Disp " " If min(Lƒ)=max(Lƒ) Then 1üD (ð(W/Lƒ(1)))ñüK Disp "RUN TUKEY ?" Thursday, April 12, 2007

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: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Else 0üD Disp "RUN SCHEFFE ?" End Disp " " Input "1=YES 0=NO ?",Y Disp " " If Yø1 Stop 0üZ 0üR For(I,1,dim(L)-1,1) For(J,I+1,dim(L),1) If Z=0 ClrHome If D=0 Then (L(I)-L(J))Ü/(W*(Lƒ(I)ñ+Lƒ(J)ñ))üT Else (L(I)-L(J))*KüT End Disp "( , )" Disp "TS=" Output(2*Z+1,2,I) Output(2*Z+1,4,J) Output(2*Z+2,4,T) Z+1üZ R+1üR If (Z=3) and (Rø(dim(L) nCr 2)) Then Pause 0üZ End End End BINOMIAL Calculate binomial probabilities

: Input "N = ",N

Thursday, April 12, 2007

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: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Input "P = ",P Input "X = ",X 0üA Menu("CHOOSE X TYPE","=",A,"ù",B,"÷",C,">",D,"