Tigger Newspaper April 2018 - Tigger Club

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times mistaken for washed up polystyrene, or .... I love his bright multi coloured body which compli- ments my complex-




B USINESS GIVES BACK TO THE COMMUNITY Have you ever been caught short while out for a walk with your human and realised they have forgotten to pick up the poo bags as you strolled out the door? Then watching as your human frantically searches their pockets for a piece of tissue or sweet wrapper to collect the gift you have left for them on the pavement? We have all been there haven’t we, waiting while humans are rummaging through a litter

bin, looking for a bag of sorts? Well if you’re out for a walk with your human through the village of Ryhill and you realise they’ve forgotten the necessaries, fear not. Just pass by Treats2sit4 on Chapel Street day, night, evenings or weekends and help yourself to a poo bag.

won’t be caught out again. Well done to Treats2sit4 for giving back to the community.

The dispenser is located on the wall outside shop. There is no charge or fee and the added bonus is that they are biodegradable and your human

P ALM O IL There have been several reports of palm oil washing up around a lot of UK beaches . It is an oil extracted from plants which is a well used ingredient in food, beauty & hygiene and bio fuel industry. The waste product is dumped at sea. Where it travels the tides where it comes into contact with whatever pollutants are nearby and bacteria. This creates a very toxic mass.

like lumps. Then eventually it naturally washes up on beaches. Now depending on what contamination it has come across during it’s travels, will depend on what it actually looks like on the beach. It can appear on beaches as a white, yellow or grey jelly type mass or solid lumps, sometimes mistaken for washed up polystyrene, or even like chalk

The main thing to remember is that the oil still smells nice like it’s original state and you may be tempted to lick or eat it. However you must warn your humans that palm oil washed up on beaches is very toxic and dogs that have licked or eaten it are very ill or have died Stay safe out the fur pals.



A MESSAGE FROM T IGGER excitement as to what we were going and what we were about to do.

Hi readers, I hoped you are okay after the flurry of snow and gales recently. I must tell you of how I was tricked by my human. As we were getting ready for work my human asked if I wanted to go on an adventure. I of course was very interested in going so rushed to get ready and jumped into the car. When we arrived I was full of

After a short walk we arrived at out destination. I was shocked, devastated even. This was not an adventure, yes it was a new place to visit, but it was definitely not an adventure. Where had we arrived? Well pals, let me tell you, we were stood outside a Vet!! I tried to refuse to go in, but my human insisted. So I reluctantly and under protest entered the Vet. When it was time to go in to see the vet I stood in protest

and refused to cooperate with either my human or the vet. So the vet ended up crawling around the floor looking at my paws. The vet then got a tool and started chopping off my nails. The vet fussed over me afterwards and tried to give me a treat but I refused as I was still protesting. So a word of warning pals, always be wary of talks of unexpected adventure as they may not be as adventurous as your humans make out. Thank you for reading Nose bump to you Tigger

D USTY ’ S D IARY rooms...she says it might me our new home one day soon, so paws crossed cos it was near some amazing walkies!

Hi Readers, There's been lots of odd things happening lately - lots of strange people coming into our house to look around and then leave it. But most exciting was when my human took me into a strange half finished house to look round and she was all excited about these empty

she met was English BOL!

We had lots of snow - in March, which I loved having a good roll and zoomie in!

I had lots of runs on deserted beaches and snaffled a huge amount of sheep poo in one outing, so much she said I didn't deserve any dinner!

The beast from the east washed up lots of octopus on the beaches near me, but I was good and didn't try to eat any of them, although they did look rather tasty.

I disagreed, and said the sheep poop hadn't filled me up so I needed some sausages, and then I found a seagull skeleton to crunch on and be chased around the beach with!

We also had a fab trip away, to a beautiful part of Scotland, where strangely every peep

Until next time. Have a pawsome month Dusty



N EWS FROM D ORIS - T HE R OVING R EPORTER most dog friendly places. Northumberland and Portugal have the best beaches. Munich the best pizza and the UK the best pubs.

Hi Readers, it's been 12 months and 12,000 miles of Doris adventures. I'm heading home to my big sofas, garden and local beach. I must say, I'm quite looking forward to it. What an adventure I've had though, 7 countries, hundreds of beaches and many lurcher escapades. But what have you learnt I hear you bark? Well, Germany and the Isle of Wight are the

Of course the pressing question is, who has the best cheese? Now this is of grave importance to us hounds. I've scoffed a lot over the year and if I can't say cheddar then Spain has it.

especially love the no nonsense Germans who let dogs in everywhere! So it's been a blast and one I want to continue (apparently this may involve a lottery win but that's a mere detail) Angleterre here I come! Dozza x https://dozontour.blog/

Yep, sorry France, Spain has some strong blue cheese and Manchego which I'm addicted to (administered in annoyingly tiny portions). Cheese aside, there's of course the people. Everyone, bar three or four, have been utterly delightful. I

A M YSTERY I was given a mystery to solve recently. I was contacted by Cassie ,a young brindle poopie, who thanked me for the box of gifts. Gifts?? I never sent anyone gifts. A mystery was waiting to be solved. I asked Cassie to tell me what was in the box. She said there were some bags of treats and a copy of my newspaper.

Ah ha! There was the link, the newspaper. Noe I have only given permission to one company to include my newspapers in their deliveries, so I asked Cassie if she had ordered from them. Alas she hadn’t.

I asked Cassie to check the box again. So she did. There in the bottom of the box under some packaging was the solution to this rather pawsome mystery. A friend of a friend Cassie’s human has sent the box as a welcome gift.

This mystery was getting more intriguing as time passed.

Hello Cassie and thanks for the pawsome mystery to solve BOL!

I asked Cassie if there was a sender’s address on the box, but once again there was no clue as to who sent the box.



B OBTASTIC T AILS Tell me a little bit about yourselves.

Where can it be purchased from?

We are Socks and Marley two purrfect cats. Socks: I am 9 years old. Marley: I am 7 years old.

It can be purchased through Amazon and is available now.

Our human is an independent dog walker, small animal sitter. She has been doing this for 5 years gone August and she loves it.

Our human has already written another book and is just organising the illustrations.

What was the inspiration for the book?

Her inspiration is her job. A lot of the scenarios are either what has happened to her or have been told to her by her customers, with a little artistic licence thrown in.

Are there any plans for another book?

about writing the books? – especially if it involves your human.

Most of the stories involve the funny/embarrassing bits!

There is to be a prequel, about Bob as a puppy, again just need illustrations sorted. A kind human called Michelle from Toonpetz does all of the illustrations for donations to an animal charity,

Do you have any funny or embarrassing stories

T OONPETZ Hi, my name is Michelle, I created my website to help raise awareness and raise money for North Clwyd Animal Rescue - NCAR. They do great work helping unwanted, abused and abandoned pets, finding them new homes with loving families. I was introduced to NCAR when I was looking for a new pet dog. My family and I visited the centre where we first met Stars, our beautiful, happy staffy. We fell in love with her instantly. Since then we have added to our collection from

NCAR with four kittens and cats. I found that I could combine my love of animals, sense of humour and a background in cartooning to help support NCAR. I first started by ‘tooning’ my own pets and posting them on Facebook and soon had friends requesting that I toon their pets too. You will also see lots of toons of Winston our slightly overweight pug. It gave me the idea to use this as a means of helping NCAR.

Things have snowballed from there and I now have a regular stream of requests to toon people’s pets. I really do enjoy learning of their characters and turning this into a toon. www.toonpetz.com



A DVERTISMENT T OY R EVIEW —C UDDLEPILLAR - By RoloHound There is a new craze taking the hound world by storm. In recent months hounds have been insisting on the new toy from their hoomans called the caterpillar also know as cuddlepillars. My caterpillar came from a well known toy shop, yes the shop where little hoo’s get their toys. He is a happy chap with a big smile on his face & is all soft & cuddles you back with his many legs. He cost £24.99. He is not specifically a hound toy so care needs to be taken if you are a bit rough with your toys. It is good fun though when the assistant asks dad if he needs any help & dad had to say he was buying it for his 12 1\2 year old greyhound. The assistant said they are also good draught excluders so a great multi purpose buy.

your beds. He is about 5ft in length when at full stretch so about the same size as mum. Just like us hounds though he can curl up small & give you big hugs & keep you warm. I like to cuddle him mainly but when I think the hoo’s ain’t watching I will give him a good shake. I love his bright multi coloured body which compliments my complexion. I have given mine his own name & he is called Crunchie, like the chocolate bar, which is great for a Rolo. So what are you all waiting for? Get your hoo’s to get you one today & start cuddling your new friend. Be quick as stores are selling out fast! If you are on Instagram you can find loads of #cuddlepillar #cuddlepillarclub fun too. Thanks Rolo

He stretches out long & can easily take over



T HE DAY D OGS B ROKE T WITTER Ok perhaps Twitter was not really broken but it caused loads of issues. It slowed down for many and for some, it even froze up. So what happened you may ask, well it all started so innocently... It was the evening of the 19th of March 2018. A dog (names have been withheld to spare embarrassment) received a tweet from a friend (whose name is also withheld to spare embarrassment) who innocently asked the dog to list 6 emojis that would describe themseves. The dog thought it was a bit of innocent fun, so replied with their 6 emojis and tagged some other dogs in to join the fun. The dog thought no more of it. What followed can only be described as utter chaos BOL! Each friend replied to the tweet, tagging in a few of their dog friends and some humans, who in turn did the same. So before long everyone was receiving notification for every reply, like, retweet, new

tweets. It got so chaotic at one point a hashtag was even made for the occasion #TheDayDogsBrokeTwitter There was the hope it would die down, but some dog along the way tagged a cat, so then there were additional notifica-

tions or replies, retweets and new tweets from cats. Even today there are still notifications being received by dogs that were part of the original tweet. Although most have muted the conversation.



C RUFTS March means Crufts, the biggest dog show that I know of. It is held in the Birmingham National Exhibition Centre. It has been recorded that over 160, 000 humans and 27,000 dogs attend Crufts each year. A little known fact is that after the show there is around 350kg of fur to clear up. Bet your humans feel better after finding a few of your hairs lying around BOL! This year it was held on the 8th to the 13th March. I was unable to attend Crufts but I was able to contact Miss StarHound who did attend. Thank you Miss StarHound for the interview. Tell me a bit about yourself I’m a 9 year old greyhound living in Birmingham with my brother Rolo @RoloHound. I too have a Twitter account @MissStarhound I like promoting greyhounds at meet and greets and the hounds of Twitter family. Why did you visit Crufts? I visited Crufts Thursday 8th March with my hoomans. It was also my hoodads birthday that day.

My visit was for business as I was on the greyhound stand in the discover dogs section in Hall 3. I was on the stand getting lots of cuddles from visitors from 08.30-11.00.

I was tired after discover dogs and then shopping at over 400 doggie shops. I also found another nice bed on a stall that I made myself comfortable on.

More importantly while I gave cuddles the hoomans talked to hoomans that were thinking about homing a greyhound, a man in London and a family in Wales. Have you been before? If so how many times? I’ve been on the discover dogs stand 4 times before.

What was your funniest moment at Crufts? This was when I was being filmed being fed some treats.

Each year I get a visit from a lady from Scotland that has a greyhound but likes to get her hound fix whilst at Crufts.

It was funny as they took my lead off and my hoomans were having heart failure thinking I was going to run off and do laps of the NEC and cause chaos.

What was your favourite moment of Crufts? This was definitely chilling out on the sofa at the Greyhound trust stand in Hall 1 .



H EALTH - B LOOD D ONATIONS After my interview with Jessie last month I received a lot of questions from readers. So I contacted Pet Blood Bank UK to help me with get those answers.

How long have animals been blood donors?

Pet Blood Bank launched after a change in legislation in 2005 made it possible to collect, process and store pet blood. Before this, pets could donate blood in emergencies but it wasn’t able to be stored – itwas just going from one animal straight into another.

Tell me a bit about your organisation.

Launched in 2007, Pet Blood Bank UK is the only charity that provides a canine blood bank service for all veterinary practitioners across the UK. Our products and services are available to all UK veterinary professionals 24 hours a day, 365 days a year ensuring that blood is accessible when it is needed most. Just like people, sick and injured animals may need blood transfusions and in many cases, blood transfusions can save a pet's life. Every one of our lifesaving donors makes a huge difference. With every unit of donated blood having the potential to help save the lives of up to four other dogs.

type, but like O negative in humans, this blood can be given to any dog, so is in much higher demand. This is why we encourage vets, where possible, to blood type their patients so that positive blood is used where possible, reserving the supply of negative blood for those dogs with a negative blood type that need it.

The change in law meant that we could launch the UK’s first animal blood bank, ensuring that blood is always accessible to vets when they need it without the stress of having to source a donor at short notice.

Can one species give blood to another?

What animals can give blood? (cats, dogs etc.)

Our canine donors can give blood up to six times a year.

Our license covers dogs and New World Camelids (alpacas) at the moment, however, we are hoping to expand to other species in the future.

Are there different types of blood? (like humans)

Yes, pets have different blood types just like humans. In dogs, DEA 1 (which stands for Dog Erythrocyte Antigen) is the main blood group that we test for in the UK, and dogs can either be positive or negative. Around 70% of dogs are DEA 1 Positive. DEA 1 Negative, on the other hand, is less common as only around 30% of dogs are this

As all animals have unique blood types, blood shouldn't be transferred between species.

How often can animals give blood?

How do animals become blood donors? We are always looking for more dogs to come forward as lifesaving donors! In order to become a donor, there are certain criteria a dog needs to meet.



H EALTH - B LOOD D ONATIONS Dogs should be: - Fit and healthy - Between one and eight years’ old - Weigh more than 25kg - Have a good temperament - Have never travelled abroad - Vaccinated - Not on any medication If your dog meets our criteria, we would love to hear from you. You can visit our website www.petbloodbankuk.org and fill in our donor registration form, or give us a call on 01509 232 222.

your dog is fit to donate. The donation: if your dog passes the initial checks, you will be shown to the donation area where a fully qualified phlebotomist will collect about 450ml of your dog's blood. This takes 5-10 minutes. Post-donation: After donating, we’ll ask you to stay at the donation venue for a small amount of time to allow your lifesaver to have a drink, something to eat and to be observed by our team.

What happens at one of your donation sessions?

Your dog will receive a goody bag which includes an “I’m a Lifesaver” bandana and tag to thank them.

Much like the human blood service, owners kindly bring their dogs along to donate at one of our sessions across the UK.

They will also get to pick out a toy to take home and we’ll take their picture for our social media pages.

We hold 4-5 sessions a week in different locations throughout the country and work on an appointment system. Your appointment is split into three key parts: Pre-donation health check: this is where your dog is checked over by one of our fully qualified vets. The check involves a physical examination, the clipping of two small areas of your dog’s neck, and a small blood sample which is checked to ensure

Anything else important I didn’t know to ask about? As mentioned above, negative blood is in high demand and so we are always looking for more negative donors to come forward.

(C ONT .)

Our studies on blood types have shown that certain breeds are more likely to be negative blood type including: Weimaraner German Wirehaired Pointer Italian Spinone Flat Coated Retriever Pointers Dobermann Greyhound Boxers German Shepherd Airedale Terrier Lurcher American Bulldogs English Bull Terriers. If you would like to learn more about Pet Blood Bank or to register your dog to become a lifesaving donor, please visit www.petbloodbankuk.org


P AGE 10

I NTERVIEW WITH Z OOMER AND S AGE Tell me a little bit about yourselves. Zoomer ...I'm a hard to please 1 1/2 year old holland lop bunny Sage ... I'm a happy 1 year old lop eared bunny How many humans/siblings do you have and long have you had them? Zoomer... I was adopted at 6 weeks old Sage...I was just adopted in March , we both ,mom and dad live together

Zoomer... Bananas Sage...greens and apple treat Where is your favourite place to be? zoomer...laying under the buffet hutch Sage...playing hop on the dining chairs What is your favourite way to entertain yourself (annoy your humans)? zoomer...wait till the hooms are busy then nose bumps for treats Sage...play under the sofa

Do you work? If so where/ what do you do? our only jobs are too play , run bunny 500's, eat, sleep If you could choose your name what would it be? Zoomer... Chunky bum Sage...fuzzy face

What is your greatest accomplishment? zoomer...traveling I've been visiting to a couple provinces so far Sage...finding my loving furever home

What is your favourite food?

What is your next goal in

@BertieRace (on Twitter) Is making a remembrance leaflet for the #GreatNorthTweetUp 5th May 2018 For all of the hounds that have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Anyone that would like their departed hound to be added, please contact Bertie on Twitter. if you are not on Twitter contact me and I will forward the information.

life? zoomer... To bond with Sage Sage... To try and not beat up zoomer If you could be/do anything for a day, what would it be? zoomer.... To play in my tunnels all day and eat bananas Sage... Watch the hooms clean up after me all day Finally and most importantly...What was your human’s most embarrassing moment? On their wedding exit March a couple years ago someone pushed the wrong song and "bubba shot the jukebox" played


P AGE 11




Please check with the organisers for any changes that may occur to the events

April 2018:

Monday 2nd - Doggie Diner, Durham - Age UK Coffee Morning - 9 am start Tuesday 3rd - Doggie Diner, Sunderland - Build a Labrador - 10 am start Saturday 7th - Doggie Diner, Durham - Ceramic Pawprint - 10 am start Sunday 8th - Doggie Diner, Durham - Puppy Social - 10 am start Sunday 8th - Doggie Diner, Sunderland - Puppy Social - 11 am start Tuesday 10th - Doggie Diner, Durham - Build a Retriever - 10 am start Saturday 28th - Norfolk Greyhound Rescue , Norfolk- Quiz and Curry Night - 7pm start *** For more details and to see all events visit my website Events page ***


Not sure which of our treats to try? Try our Starter pack of 6 delicious air dried treats. Our handmade training treats are available to purchase now, either online or in our pet shop! The perfect training treat that are not only healthy & natural they are made right here in the U.K. www.treats2sit4.co.uk 07598971990 Quote TIGGER11 when responding to this advert


P AGE 12

F INDING A FOREVER SOFA Rescue: Super Sighthound Rescue Name: Shadow Breed: Lurcher Age: 8 Months old Gender: Male Notes: Cat friendly with confident cats. Kids 10+. Can be jealous of other dogs getting

attention. Working on crate training. A bit of separation anxiety. Special food due to digestion problems. Perhaps older bitch to show him the ropes. Needs further training.

Rescue: Fen Bank Greyhound Sanctuary Name: Ace Breed: Greyhound Age: 3 Years Old Gender: Male Notes: Ace is a big, handsome 3 year old boy who is a total cuddle monster! He is very

excitable in the kennel, bouncing about like Tigger, but settles well on his walks. He loves his food (maybe a little too much!) so will need to learn some manners.

Rescue: Norfolk Greyhound Rescue Name: Ghost Breed: Lurcher Age: Approx 2 Years Old Gender: Male Notes: He is snow-white except for some shading on his ears! Ghost is a gentle boy who gets on great with other dogs and loves people. He can be a little timid at first but with a little patience this boy will give you more love than you could ever imagine!

A NNOUNCEMENTS Birthday and Gotcha Announcements Star will be celebrating his 11th birthday on the 1st April

Flynn will be celebrating his 1st Gotcha Day on Easter Sunday

Eggy Elton Will be celebrating his 1st Gotcha Day on the 1st April

Birthday and Gotcha Announcements Jessie will be celebrating her 2nd Gotcha Day on the 2nd April

Emma will be celebrating her 16th Birthday on the 4th April

Sammy will be celebrating his 4th Birthday on the 4th April


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A NNOUNCEMENTS Birthday and Gotcha Announcements

Birthday and Gotcha Announcements

Coco will be celebrating her 7th Birthday on the 6th of April

Honey will be celebrating her 4th birthday on the 23rd April

HollyBobsHound will be celebrating his 12th Birthday on the 11th April

Strawberry will be celebrating her 2nd Gotcha Day on the 26th April

Flo will be celebrating her 3rd Birthday on the 13th April

Luka is celebrating his 3rd Gotcha Day on the 27th April

Fly will be celebrating his Gotcha Day on the 14th April

Simon will be celebrating his 3rd Birthday on the 17th April

Gatsby will be celebrating his 17th Birthday on the 19th April

Alf will be celebrating his Gotcha Day on the 22nd April

Zero will be celebrating his 4th Birthday on the 22nd April

Rainbow Bridge Announcements Sophie crossed the rainbow bridge on 21st March 2018 Run free Sophie x 1st December 2002—21st March 2018

Memories Announcements Poppet crossed the rainbow bridge on 29th April 2017 Run Free Poppet 1st December 2011 - 29th April 2017

Other Announcements


P AGE 14

O UT AND A BOUT In the Out and About section of my website I have started listing these places for you. I have made it as easy as I can for you to find things. All you need to do is to click on the county (or country) and you will see categories along with the number of listing in that category below it. Hopefully saving you time when searching. As you can see I have used Northumberland as an example. In future issues of my newspaper I will be focusing on a County (or Country) to bring you as much information about dog friendly places there that I know of. This is provided free for everyone and you do not need to register or sign up to anything when visiting my website (other than my forum - which is purely to control who posts what and remains family friendly) After all of that I also need your help pals. I am merely one dog and cannot possibly visit every street, town or city to ensure every dog friendly place or business is listed. So if you know of any dog friendly places or businesses near you please let me know and I can add them to my website to share with everyone. Email me at [email protected]

N ORTHUMBERLAND Seddons Caravan Park Morpeth Tel: 01670 760226 Accommodation: 4 Paws Retreat Cresswell Tel: 07824567314 Commissioners Quay Inn Blyth Tel: 01670 335060 Karen’s Kottages Tel: 07778920881 Rose Cottage Acklington Tel: 01244357715

The Old Granary Seahouses Tel: 07752280229 The Three Wheat Heads Inn Thropton Tel: 01669 620262 Warenford Cottages Warenford Tel: 01668213000 Beaches: There are 30 beaches listed

Daycare/Boarding: There are no listings yet for this category Eating Out: Cafe Des amis Morpeth Tel: 01670 505483 Commissioners Quay Inn Blyth Tel: 01670 335060 Copper Kettle Tearooms Bamburgh Tel: 01668 214315 Pilgrims Coffee House Lindisfarne Tel: 01289389109


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Eating Out (cont.): The Apple Inn at Lucker Bleford Tel: 01668 213824 The Drift Cafe Cresswell Tel: 01670 861599 The Three Wheat Heads Inn Thropton Tel: 01669 620262

Chesters Roman Fort English Heritage Tel: 01661 843276

Dunstonburgh Castle National Trust Tel: 0344 800 1895

Corbridge Roman Town Corbridge Tel: 01661 843276

Lindisfarne Castle Lindisfarne Tel: 0344 800 1895

Edlingham Castle English Heritage Tel: 01661 843276

Norham Castle National Trust Tel: 0344 800 1895

Housesteads Roman fort English Heritage Tel: 01661 843276

Seaton Delaval Hall S/Delaval Tel: 0344 800 1895

Lindisfarne Priory Lindisfarne Tel: 01661 843276

Wallington Hall National Trust Tel: 0344 800 1895

Prudhoe Castle English Heritage Tel: 01661 843276

Secure Fields: There are no listings yet for this category

Walkworth Castle Walkworth Tel: 01661 843276

Shops/Stores: Go Outdoors Berwick Tel: 0344 3876757

Historical: Aydon Castle English Heritage Tel: 01661 843276 Belsay Hall English Heritage Tel: 01661 843276

Brinkburn Priory National Trust Tel: 0344 800 1895

Voicemail Blyth Tel: 01670362333

Brunton Turret Fort National Trust Tel: 0344 800 1895

Walkers/Sitters: Tails & Trails Pet Services Tel: 07824567314

Berwick Barracks English Heritage Tel: 01661 843276

Cherryburn National Trust Tel: 0344 800 1895

Walks: Allan Banks & Staward Gorge Hexham Tel: 01434 321888

Black Middens Bastile House English Heritage Tel: 01661 843276

Cragside House & Gardens Cragside Tel: 0344 800 1895

Northumberlandia Cramlington Tel: 01670 738701

Groups: These are local groups that meet up and socialise with walks and the very frequent cuppa’s and meals along the way.

To see where else you can take your humans while out and about visit my website: www.tigger.club/outandabout


P AGE 16

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed it Let me know what you thought of this publication. You can contact me by email at: [email protected] Or you can follow me on: Twitter : Tiggers_Tails and TiggerClubNews Facebook: Tiggers_Tails and TiggerClubNews Instagram: Tiggers_Tails LinkedIn: Tiggers Tails

You can read this newspaper FREE from my website: www.tigger.club Or you can also visit selected dog friendly stockists to read or get a printed copy: * Pulp Fiction Future Foods - Whitley Bay * Voicemail Mobile Phones - Blyth * Cupcake Lane - Wolverhampton * Woodbridge Emporium - Woodbridge * Brown’s Salthouse - Cullercoats * Cadwaladers (7 stores) * Treats2sit4 * Cosaig Self Catering * The Copper Kettle Tearooms - Bamburgh * Doggie Diner (3 stores) * Castaways Tea Shop - Seaton Sluice *Keel Row Pub - Seaton Delaval * Chesterfield Hydrotherapy Referral Centre Contact me at [email protected] if you are interested in placing an advert

NOTE: There is a charge to place an advert in this publication Events and Announcements are listed FREE Email me for more details: [email protected]

This newspaper and its content are the copyright of Tigger (and my human) Tiggers_Tails, TiggersTailsClub, Tigger Club - © 2018. All rights reserved. Any unauthorised copying or reproduction of any content of this publication is strictly prohibited