signed document to their Advisory teacher by Monday, October 8. In order to more effectively manage my time, I plan to:
Advisory Homework assignment #2 Dear Parents, The purpose of this advisory homework assignment is to help students understand how they spend their time. There are two objectives 1. The first is that students will recognize and evaluate how they spend their time inside and outside of school. 2. The second purpose will be for the student, with the help of their parents, to select one area that they can do a better job managing, in order to more effectively reach the goals they worked on last week. In class: The Advisor demonstrated the use of the time management record. Your student reviewed the objectives of the time management record and filled in the areas that represent their days at school, and the activities that they spend time on after school. Your student was given instruction to guesstimate the amount of time, on average, they spend on each activity during their after school hours. At home: We would like you to review this daily record with your student, and evaluate together how they spend their time inside and outside of school. After assessing this record, your student will write down (on this sheet), one concrete way they plan to manage their time more effectively. For the purpose of accountability, parents / legal guardians and students are expected to sign off on the plan, acknowledging that together you have reviewed and arrived at a plan of action. You may keep the time management record, but your student knows they must return this signed document to their Advisory teacher by Monday, October 8.
In order to more effectively manage my time, I plan to: