Timed Languages, Dyadic Approximations and Regular Tree Grammars

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timed automata from the point of view of regular .... tree regular expressions are a good candidate, and to discuss ... In this section, we show how to approximate.
From: AAAI Technical Report SS-99-05. Compilation copyright © 1999, AAAI (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved.


languages, and regular


dyadic approximations tree grammars


and Dominique Luzeaux

Lab. Perception pour la l~Obotique CTA/GIP, 16bis, av. Prieur de la C6te d’Or, 94114 Arcueil Cedex, FRANCE {antoniot,luzeaux}©etca, fr

Introduction Our research on the modelization of the loop actionperception for an autonomousrobot has led us naturally towards a tree-like representation of that interaction: a node is labeled by a perceptive context of the robot, the different branches correspond to the various available actions and the children nodes are then the effect of these different actions on the original context. This tree-like view allows us to state rigorously the problems of viable control in terms of games: the existence of a controller is reduced to the existence of strategies which allow to walk through the trees representing the system in order to remain within a given class of contexts (viability goal). Such gameapproaches are widely used in computer science (BL69; Mos89; NYY92),and appear in hybrid control theory too (TLS98). Furthermoreit is necessaryto describe these tree sets as simply as possible, in order to decide for the existence of a controller, and in the best case to synthesize such a controller (The95). In this paper, we study timed automata from the point of view of regular tree grammars showing how our approach can be applied to this central class of decidable hybrid systems.

Timed automata and duration


Our modelof timed automatondiffers from the one proposed in (AD94). Our choice follows (ACM97)where duration semantic is defined; we believe that the ideas of this paper are more understandable in this framework and that these two models are similar enough to ensure the generality of our approach. Let us recall the notations and definitions from (ACM97). Notation: An interval with integral boundaries is an interval (l, u) (boundaries maybe open or closed) wherel e N, u ¯ N U {(x~} (the case oo] is not considered) and l < u. Definition 1 (Timed automata) A timed automaton A = (Q, C, A, E, )~, S, F) is a 7-tuple where Q is a finite set of states, C a finite set of clocks, E an output alphabet, A a transition relation, )~ an output function, S C Q a set of initial states and F C Q a set

of final states. An element of the transition relation is (q,¢,p, ql) where q and ql are states, p C C and - the transition guard - is a boolean combination of formulae c ¯ I for a clock c and an interval with integral boundariesI. A clock valuation is a function v : C --+ ~+ assigning to each clock a positive value. The reset fnnction for a set p C C maps v to the valuation defined by ifc¯p, Reset o(v)(e) = c0 otherwise. A finite run of length n of the timed automaton is a sequence 51 (qo,vo) ---+ (ql,vl) to tl

52 ----+


5~ ---+ (qn,vn), tn

with 5~ ¯ A and ti ¯ lI~ +, whichsatisfies both following conditions: Timeprogression: to < tl < t~. < ... < tn ; Succession: If 5i = (q, ¢, p, ql) then q~-I = q, qi = qJ, the valuationv~_1 + (t~ -t~_ I) - addition of a fnnction and a scalar - satisfies the transition guard ¢ and

v~= I~e~etp(v~_~ + (t~ -t~_~)). An accepting run should satisfy the following supplementary conditions: Initialization: q0 ¯ S, to = 0 and v0 = 0;~ (zero function), Termination: qn ¯ F. Such an automaton emits a signal o" ¯ E from each state and is able to movefrom a state to another when its clocks satisfy the guardof the transition to be fired. One can consider such a automaton modeling a realtime system whose behavior is: ¯ emiting A(q), the systemsignals that its current internal state is q; ¯ if the clocks have the right values (dependingon the current state q) then it must moveto state q~ (according with the transition relation); ¯ it has to makea movebefore the clocks exceed the right values.

This duration semantic (emit A(q) while staying state q) is now formally defined. Definition 2 A signal of length k > 0 is a rightconlinuous function ~ : [0, k[--+ E with a finite number of discontinuilies. The length of ~ is denoled by I~1. Remark: Such a function can be put under the equivalent form ~ = ~tr1~2~2 ... #n~" with the #i E E and the ri strictly positive for all 0 < i _< n, and Ei=In ri : k. The logical part of the signal - denoted by untimed(~) - is the word cle2...~a. Definition 3 /f one notes S(E) the set of signals whose eodomain is E, lhe renaming g. from S(E1) S(E2) is lhe natural homorphism induced by the letterlo-leller funclion g : E1 -+ E2. Definition 4 Given two signals ~ and ~1 of length k and M, their concatenation is the signal denoted by o ~’, of length k + k’, defined by: fit,Ii, (q, q’), (q’, q">):(q, q’, q") E Q3}. Remark:A carefnl reading of the transition relation showsthat this atttomaton can only accept; quasi binary trees. Moreover,accepted trees have leaves labeled by letters of Q: the only rules leading to the final state are of the form(., q, OK). Now,howdoes such a tree automatonbehave ? First, we note that s E Qi means that the timed automaton maystart a partial run from state s with a clock value greater than vl, and f E Qi-+l meansthat it; mayfinish a partial run at state f with a clock value less than vi+t. Therefore, one can see the state (s, f} as a question from timed automaton to tree automaton like: " I amcurrently in state s. Howcan I reach state f in the remaining time?"¯ Tree automaton tries to answer using the following recursive procedure: ¯ either wait for the beginningof the secondhalf of the interval before doinganything;this is the first; binary rule. ¯ or fire a transition to a state ql (closer to f than s) in the first half of the interval; this is secondbinary rule. The tree automatoncan delay its answer only on a halfinterval and it; cannot do it indefinitely (the accepting tree must be finite). Then, an accepting execution tree exhibits (at its inner frontier) a path from s to f and, for all intermediate states, the numberof "wait" answers that the tree atttomaton gave, allowing different durations elapsed in each state. Wecan nowstate the following long awaited lemma. Lemma3 (Key Lemma)The trace of a partial run s ---+ to =1"i

ql tl =vi "4- cl

) ...

f tn 1