Oct 29, 2017 - Superlite S6 R3. 15.20. Superlite S9 R3. 15.40. Solos C Group R3. 16.00. Solos B Group R3. 16.20. Solos A
BRITISH SUPERMOTO CHAMPIONSHIP TIMETABLE Round 8 – Rockingham – Sunday 29 October 2017 – Race Day 2 Signing on & Technical Inspection Officials final briefing Compulsory Competitors Briefing Practice/Qualifying commences Warm Up Qualifying
07.30 - 08.30 08.00 - 08.15 08.30 - 08.45 09.00 SHARP Superlite S6 & S9 Solos Group 1 Q1 Solos Group 2 Q1 Solos Group 3 Q1 Superlite S6 Q1 Superlite S9 Q2 Solos Group 1 Q2 Solos Group 2 Q2 Solos Group 3 Q2 Superlite S6 R1 Superlite S9 R1 Solos C Group R1 Solos B Group R1 Solos A Group R1 LUNCH Superlite S6 R2 Superlite S9 R2 Solos C Group R2 Solos B Group R2 Solos A Group R2 Superlite S6 R3 Superlite S9 R3 Solos C Group R3 Solos B Group R3 Solos A Group R3
17.00 TROPHY PRESENTATION NOTE ALL COMPETITORS MUST DISPLAY CORRECT NUMBERS • No Racing engines to be started until 09.00am Penalty will be exclusion from the meeting • All Competitors must attend the compulsory Safety Briefing at 08.30 • All bikes must be fitted with Axle & Footpeg sliders - No Exceptions will be allowed • All timings are approximate but the practice & race order is fixed unless advised. • Practice & qualifying sessions start from first competitor on the track DON’T BE LATE • All races will have 1 complete warm up lap starting from the grid • Please be aware late arrival on the grid & you start from the back DON’T BE LATE • You must be in the holding area a MINIMUM of 5 minutes before your race starts