Timetable - DigitaleZorg.nl

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Deepdive: Increase your investor readiness and collaboration profile using legal and regulatory framework. Timing. 11.00

Opening plenary

9.00 – 10.30 hr

Breakout sessions

11.00 – 12.30 hr


12.30 – 13.30 hr

Breakout session

13.30 – 15.00 hr

Closing plenary

15.30 – 17.30 hr




Closing drinks

Investors diner

Morning Planery

Opening by Municipality of Utrecht

Kick-off by Erik Gerritsen & patient Oviva, CEO Kai Eberhardt Philips, Alberto Prado

Closing panel

Philips Startups pitches

Timing 9.00 hr – 10.30 hr

Morning Breakouts Philips Workshop: Validating your proposition through prototyping

Timing 11.00 hr – 12.30 hr

SME Scale-up panel Panel: SME scaling-up panel by MoH

Deloitte Deepdive: Increase your investor readiness and collaboration profile using legal and regulatory framework

Afternoon Breakouts

Rabobank Inspiration: How to accelerate health start-ups"

Timing 13.30 hr – 15.00 hr

Investorspanel Panel: Are you ready for a startup marriage?


Afternoon Planery

Bayer, Eugene Borukovich

Investor, TBA


PHI, Machteld Huber

Wrap-up, Erik Gerritsen & Constantijn van Oranje

Closing panel

Timing 15.30 hr – 17.30 hr