Register of the Timofei Fedotovich Tokarev Papers. Prepared by Polina Ilieva.
Hoover Institution Archives. Stanford University. Stanford, California 94305-6010. No online items
Register of the Timofei Fedotovich Tokarev Papers Prepared by Polina Ilieva Hoover Institution Archives Stanford University Stanford, California 94305-6010 Phone: (650) 723-3563 Fax: (650) 725-3445 Email:
[email protected] © 2003 Hoover Institution Archives. All rights reserved.
Register of the Timofei Fedotovich Tokarev Papers
Register of the Timofei Fedotovich Tokarev Papers Hoover Institution Archives Stanford University Stanford, California Contact Information Hoover Institution Archives Stanford University Stanford, California 94305-6010 Phone: (650) 723-3563 Fax: (650) 725-3445 Email:
[email protected] Prepared by: Polina Ilieva Date Completed: 2000 Encoded by: ByteManagers using OAC finding aid conversion service specifications © 2003 Hoover Institution Archives. All rights reserved.
Descriptive Summary Title: Timofei Fedotovich Tokarev papers, Date (inclusive): 1903-1984 Collection number: 2001C31 Creator: Tokarev, Timofei Fedotovich Extent: 7 microfilm reels.(1.05 linear feet) Repository: Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace Stanford, California 94305-6010 Abstract: Correspondence, minutes, financial records, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Russian émigré affairs. Languages: Russian and English. Access Collection is open for research. Publication Rights For copyright status, please contact the Hoover Institution Archives. Preferred Citation [Identification of item], Timofei Fedotovich Tokarev Papers, [Box no.], Hoover Institution Archives. Acquisition Information Acquired by the Hoover Institution Archives in 2001. Accruals Materials may have been added to the collection since this finding aid was prepared. To determine if this has occurred, find the collection in Stanford University's online catalog at . Materials have been added to the collection if the number of boxes listed in the online catalog is larger than the number of boxes listed in this finding aid. Location of Originals Originals in: Museum of Russian Culture, San Francisco. Biographical Note Russian émigré organization official in the United States. Scope and Content Note
Register of the Timofei Fedotovich Tokarev Papers
Timofei Fedotovich Tokarev was a treasurer and vice-president of numerous Russian émigré organizations in San Francisco, including the Museum of Russian Culture, Russian Center, the Ob"edinennyi komitet russkikh natsional'nykh organizatsii v g. San Frantsisko (Consolidated Committee of the Russian National Organizations of San Francisco), the Russian Benevolent Trust Fund in Memory of V. P. and M. P. Anitchkoff, and Russkii Dom Sviatogo Vladimira. This collection consists mainly of material related to his work in these organizations. It is not clear how the papers of the Sedykh family and Fedor Semenov have found their way into this collection. Detailed processing and preservation microfilming for these materials were made possible by a generous grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and by matching funds from the Hoover Institution and Museum of Russian Culture. The grant also provides depositing a microfilm copy in the Hoover Institution Archives. The original materials remain in the Museum of Russian Culture, San Francisco as its property. A transfer table indicating corresponding box and reel numbers is available at the Hoover Institution Archives. The Hoover Institution assumes all responsibility for notifying users that they must comply with the copyright law of the United States (Title 17 United States Code) and Hoover Rules for the Use and Reproduction of Archival Materials. Indexing Terms The following terms have been used to index the description of this collection in the repository's online public access catalog. Subjects Russians--United States. Russia. United States.
box 1
Biographical File, 1953-1961. Scope and Content Note Certificates and clippings, arranged alphabetically by physical form
box 1
Correspondence, 1938-1961. Scope and Content Note Letters to Tokarev and his wife, arranged alphabetically by correspondent
box 1-7
Subject File, 1909-1984. Scope and Content Note Correspondence, official documents and printed matter, arranged alphabetically by subject or name of organization in which Tokarev was active
box 8
Photographs, 1903-1975. Scope and Content Note Negatives and prints originating from both the Tokarev and Sedykh families, and prints of members of the Russian Center and the Museum of Russian Culture, San Francisco
box 8
Memorabilia, 1973-1977. Scope and Content Note Two commemorative plaques presented to T. F. Tokarev
Box 1 BIOGRAPHICAL FILE, 1953-1961 Box/Folder 1 : 1 Certificates Box/Folder 1 : 2
Register of the Timofei Fedotovich Tokarev Papers
Container List
Clippings mentioning Tokarev CORRESPONDENCE, 1938-1961. Scope and Content Note Includes letters to Tokarev's wife, Ilariia Mikhailovna (née Dol'skaia) Box/Folder 1 : 3 Smirnova-Boiarevich, Elena (H. Smirnoff), 1959-1961 Box/Folder 1 : 4 Soiuz russkikh voennykh invalidov v Bolgarii, 1938 SUBJECT FILE, 1909-1984 Fort Ross, California, 1935-1937 Box/Folder 1 : 5 Booklet entitled Fort Ross: Avanpost byloi slavy Rossii v Amerike (K 125-letnemu iubileiu), 1812-1937, istoricheskii album Box/Folder 1 : 6 Financial records. Scope and Content Note Includes ledger, receipts, sales reports all relating to production and sale of booklet Box/Folder 1 : 7 Holy Trinity Cathedral (Sviato-Troitskii Kafedralnyi Sobor), San Francisco, California, 1954-1977. Scope and Content Note Includes charter, bulletin and programs Museum of Russian Culture, Inc., San Francisco, California, 1940-1976 Box/Folder 1 : 8 Bulletins, 1940-1971 Box/Folder 1 : 9 Charter Box/Folder 1 : 10
Register of the Timofei Fedotovich Tokarev Papers
Container List
Correspondence, 1960-1976 Financial records Box/Folder 1 : 11 Checkbooks Box/Folder 1 : 12 Membership fees, 1948-1968 Box 2 Real estate records Box/Folder 2 : 1 New building acquisition Box/Folder 2 : 2 Rent Box/Folder 2 : 3 Receipt books Box/Folder 2 : 4-5 Receipts Box/Folder 2 : 6 Reports Box/Folder 2 : 7 Savings account statements Box/Folder 2 : 8 Minutes of meetings Box 3 Ob"edinennyi komitet russkikh natsional'nykh organizatsii v g. San Frantsisko, San Francisco, California (Consolidated Committee of the Russian National Organizations of San Francisco), 1936-1979 Box/Folder 3 : 1 Charter Box/Folder 3 : 2 Clippings Correspondence Box/Folder 3 : 3 1939-1950
Register of the Timofei Fedotovich Tokarev Papers
Container List
Box/Folder 3 : 4 1951-1955 Box/Folder 3 : 5 1956-1958 Financial records, 1940-1979 Box/Folder 3 : 6 Checkbooks Box/Folder 4 : 1 Commercial account statements Box/Folder 4 : 2 Founding documents Box/Folder 4 : 3 Ledgers Box/Folder 4 : 4 Receipts Box/Folder 4 : 5 Reports Box/Folder 4 : 6 Tax records Box/Folder 5 : 1 List of member organizations Minutes of meetings Box/Folder 5 : 2 1936-1949 Box/Folder 5 : 3 1950-1958 Box/Folder 5 : 4 Reports Box/Folder 5 : 5 Miscellany
Register of the Timofei Fedotovich Tokarev Papers
Container List
Russian Benevolent Trust Fund in Memory of V. P. and M. P. Anitchkoff, San Francisco, California, 1951-1979 Box/Folder 5 : 6 Financial reports Box/Folder 5 : 7 Founding documents Box/Folder 5 : 8 Liquidation documents Russian Center of San Francisco, Inc., San Francisco, California, 1939-1980 Box/Folder 5 : 9 Bulletins Charters Box/Folder 5 : 10 General Box/Folder 5 : 11 Arbitration Court Box/Folder 5 : 12 Clippings, 1939-1951 Box/Folder 6 : 1 Correspondence, 1941-1980 Financial records Box/Folder 6 : 2 General. Scope and Content Note Includes documents related to the celebration of the 75 th anniversary of the Holy Trinity Cathedral Box/Folder 6 : 3 Financial reports Box/Folder 6 : 4 List of the board of directors Box/Folder 6 : 5
Register of the Timofei Fedotovich Tokarev Papers
Container List
Minutes of meetings, 1940-1980 Russkii Dom Sviatogo Vladimira (Russian Home of St. Vladimir), San Francisco, California, 1949-1979 Box/Folder 6 : 6 Charter Box/Folder 6 : 7 Clippings Box/Folder 6 : 8 Concert programs Box/Folder 7 : 1-2 Minutes of meetings. Scope and Content Note Includes financial reports Box/Folder 7 : 3 Miscellany. Scope and Content Note Includes religious brochures and flyers Box/Folder 7 : 4 Russkoe Istoricheskoe Obshchestvo v Amerike, San Francisco, California. Scope and Content Note Includes minutes of meetings, 1937 Sanfrantsisskii Komitet Pomoshchi Russkim Voennym Invalidam Za Rubezhom (San Francisco Committee for the Aid of Russian Disabled Veterans Outside of Russia), San Francisco, California, 1960-1975 Box/Folder 7 : 5 Clippings Box/Folder 7 : 6 Financial reports Sedykh family, 1909-1984 Box/Folder 7 : 7
Register of the Timofei Fedotovich Tokarev Papers
Container List
Certificate of appreciation Box/Folder 7 : 8 Clipping about M. D. Sedykh Box/Folder 7 : 9 Correspondence between A. Sedykh, E. A. Vecherin (Vetchorine) and N. P. Mashevskii (Mashe), 1967-1969, and undated postcard from unidentified individual to M. Sedykh Box/Folder 7 : 10 Diaries and notes, 1969-1984 Writings by Aleksandra Sedykh Box/Folder 7 : 11 "50-ti letnii iubilei Doma Miloserdiia," n.d. Scope and Content Note Holograph and typescript Box/Folder 7 : 12 "Fort Ross," Tserkovnaia zhizn', [1962]. Scope and Content Note Printed copy Box/Folder 7 : 13 "Russkoe istoricheskoe obshchestvo v Amerike," 1967 April 3. Scope and Content Note Typescript Box/Folder 7 : 14 "M. D. Sedykh," Russkaia Zhizn', 1967 May. Scope and Content Note Incomplete holograph and printed copy Box/Folder 7 : 15 Miscellany. Scope and Content Note Includes an issue of the periodical Monastyr, 1909 January
Register of the Timofei Fedotovich Tokarev Papers
Container List
Box/Folder 7 : 16 Semenov, Fedor (Semenoff, Theodore), 1925-1969. Scope and Content Note Includes certificates, receipts, photographs Box 8 PHOTOGRAPHS, 1903-1975. Scope and Content Note Negatives and prints originating from both the Tokarev and Sedykh (Sedich) families Box/Folder 8 : 1 Sedykh family - Prints and postcards depicting Mary Pickford, pictures of czar family, movie actors, and post cards Tokarev family Box/Folder 8 : 2 Negatives Box/Folder 8 : 3 Print Miscellany (unattributed photographs) Box/Folder 8 : 4 Negatives Box/Folder 8 : 5 Prints. Scope and Content Note Includes prints of the Russian Center and Museum of Russian Culture of San Francisco, California Box/Folder 8 : 6 MEMORABILIA, 1973-1977. Scope and Content Note Two commemorative plaques presented to T. F. Tokarev
Register of the Timofei Fedotovich Tokarev Papers