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Au- gust 18, 2016. Available online at: http://bit.ly/2bDKVSZ. 14. Joshi, Devin, J.S. ... “Distributive Politics and C
Timothy M. Peterson Associate Professor of Political Science University of South Carolina 312 Gambrell Hall Columbia, SC 29208

[email protected] Academic Website Google Scholar Page

Academic positions • University of South Carolina – Associate Professor of Political Science: July 2015–present – Director of Graduate Studies (Political Science): July 2014–June 2017 – Assistant Professor of Political Science: August 2013–June 2015 • Oklahoma State University – Assistant Professor of Political Science: August 2011–May 2013 – Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science: August 2010–May 2011

Education PhD University of Missouri: 2006–2010 BA University of Connecticut: 1999–2004

Research Peer-reviewed book Thies, Cameron G., and Timothy M. Peterson. 2015. Intra-Industry Trade: Cooperation and Conflict in the Global Political Economy. Stanford CA: Stanford University Press.

Peer-reviewed articles 21. Peterson, Timothy M., and James Scott. “The Democracy Aid Calculus: Regimes, Political Opponents, and the Allocation of US Democracy Assistance, 1981-2009.” Accepted for publication in International Interactions. 20. Peterson, Timothy M., Amanda Murdie, and Victor Asal. “Human Rights NGO Shaming and the Exports of Abusive States.” Accepted for publication in British Journal of Political Science. 19. Peterson, Timothy M. 2017. “Export Diversity and Human Rights.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 61 (8): 1740-1767. 18. Heinrich, Tobias, Yoshiharu Kobayashi, and Timothy M. Peterson. 2017. “Sanction Consequences and Citizen Support: A Survey Experiment.” International Studies Quarterly 61 (1): 98-106. 17. Peterson, Timothy M., and Thomas Lassi. 2017. “Centers of Gravity: Regional Powers, Democracy, and Trade.” International Interactions 43 (2): 326-348. 16. Peterson, Timothy M. “US Disaster Aid and Bilateral Trade Growth.” 2017. Foreign Policy Analysis 13 (1): 93-111. 15. Peksen, Dursun, and Timothy M. Peterson. 2016. “Sanctions and Alternate Markets: How Preexisting Trade and Alliances Affect the Onset of Economic Coercion.” Political Research Quarterly 69 (1): 4-16. – Invited to summarize findings for London School of Economics American Politics and Policy Blog. August 18, 2016. Available online at: http://bit.ly/2bDKVSZ 14. Joshi, Devin, J.S. Maloy, and Timothy M. Peterson. 2015. “Popular vs. Elite Democratic Structures and International Peace.” Journal of Peace Research 52 (4): 448-462. 13. Peterson, Timothy M. 2015. “Insiders vs. Outsiders: Preferential Trade Agreements, Trade Distortions, and Militarized Conflict.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 59 (4): 698-727. 1

12. Peterson, Timothy M., and Peter Rudloff. 2015. “Preferential Trade Agreements and Trade Expectations Theory.” International Interactions. 41 (1): 61-83. – Winner, Frank J. Klingberg Award For Best Paper Presented by a Faculty Member, International Studies Association-Midwest, 2011. 11. Peksen, Dursun, Timothy M. Peterson, and A. Cooper Drury. 2014. “Media-driven Humanitarianism? News Media Coverage of Human Rights Abuse and the Use of Economic Sanctions.” International Studies Quarterly. 58: 855-866. 10. Peterson, Timothy M. 2014. “Dyadic Trade, Exit Costs, and Conflict.” Journal of Conflict Resolution. 58 (4): 564–591. 9. Peterson, Timothy M. 2014. “Taking the Cue: The Response to US Human Rights Sanctions against Third Parties.” Conflict Management and Peace Science 31 (2): 45-67. 8. Peterson, Timothy M., and Cameron G. Thies. 2014. “The Demand for Protectionism: Democracy, Import Elasticity, and Trade Barriers.” International Interactions. 40 (1): 103-126 7. Peterson, Timothy M. 2013. “Sending a Message: The Reputation Effect of US Sanction Threat Behavior.” International Studies Quarterly. 57 (4): 672-682. 6. Peterson, Timothy M., and Jerome Venteicher. 2013. “The Influence of Trade Dependence on Asymmetric Crisis Perception.” Foreign Policy Analysis 9 (2): 223–239. 5. Peterson, Timothy M., and Cameron G. Thies. 2012. “Beyond Ricardo: The Link Between Intra-industry Trade and Peace.” The British Journal of Political Science 42 (4): 747–767. 4. Peterson, Timothy M. 2011. “Third-party trade, political similarity, and dyadic conflict.” Journal of Peace Research 48 (2): 185–200. 3. Peterson, Timothy M., and A. Cooper Drury. 2011. “Sanctioning Violence: The Effect of Third-Party Economic Coercion on Military Conflict.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 55 (4): 580–605. 2. Peterson, Timothy M., and Leah Graham. 2011. “Shared Human Rights Norms and Military Conflict.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 55 (2): 248–273. 1. Peterson, Timothy M., and Stephen L. Quackenbush. 2010. “Not all Peace Years are Created Equal: Trade, Imposed Settlements, and Military Conflict.” International Interactions 36 (4): 363–383.

Research in progress • “Popular vs. Elite Democracies and Human Rights: Inclusion Makes a Difference.” (with Devin Joshi and J. S. Maloy). Invited to revise and resubmit. • “Intra-industry Trade and Acquiescence to Sanction Threats.” (with William Akoto and Cameron Thies). Under review. • “Trade Networks and Vulnerability to Sanctions.” Under review. • “Backyard effects in democracy promotion: evidence from a survey experiment.” (with William Christiansen and Tobias Heinrich). Under review. • “Distributive Politics and Citizen Support For Foreign Policy: Evidence from a Survey Experiment.” (with Tobias Heinrich). • “Export Diversity and the Incidence of Terrorism” (with Victor Asal and Bryan Early).

Invited book chapters • Peterson, Timothy M., and Cameron G. Thies. 2015. “Intra-Industry Trade and Policy Outcomes.” Oxford Handbook of the Politics of International Trade, ed. Lisa L. Martin. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Invited book reviews • Peterson, Timothy M. 2012. Book Review: The Mediation Dilemma, by K. Beardsley. Comparative Political Studies. 45 (9): 1192–1195.

Conference presentations and invited talks • “Intra-industry Trade and Acquiescence to Sanction Threats.” (with William Akoto and Cameron Thies). Presented at the 2017 meeting of the International Studies Association, Baltimore, MD. 2

• “Trade Networks and Vulnerability to Sanctions.” Presented at the 2016 meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA. • “Intra-industry Trade and Acquiescence to Sanction Threats.” (with William Akoto and Cameron Thies). Presented at the 2016 meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA. • “Trade Networks and Vulnerability to Sanctions.” Presented at the 2016 meeting of the International Studies Association, Atlanta, GA. • “Popular vs. Elite Democracies and Human Rights: Inclusion Makes a Difference.” (with Devin Joshi and J. S. Maloy). Presented at the 2015 meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA. • “Exit Costs and Sanction Behavior.” (with Cooper Drury). Presented at the 2015 meeting of the International Studies Association, New Orleans, LA. • “Export Diversity and Human Rights.” Accepted to present at the 2014 meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC. • “Foreign Aid and State Repression in the Aftermath of Disasters.” (with Chad Clay). Presented at the 2014 meeting of the International Studies Association, Toronto, ON. • “INGO Shaming and Human Rights Abuse as a Comparative Advantage.” (with Victor Asal and Amanda Murdie). Presented at the 2014 meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL. • “The Onset and Duration of Economic Sanctions.” (with Dusun Peksen). Presented at the 2013 meeting of the International Studies Association-Midwest, Saint Louis, MO. • “Peace, Conflict, and Degrees of Democracy.” (with Devin Joshi and Jason Maloy). Presented at the 2013 meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL. • “Friendship in the Aftermath of Tragedy? US Disaster Assistance and Trade Following Disasters.” Presented at the 2012 Emergency Management Conference, Nottingham, UK. • “Media Coverage of Human Rights Violations, Alliance Commitments, and Sanction Threats.” (with A. Cooper Drury and Dursun Peksen). Presented at the 2012 meeting of the International Studies AssociationMidwest, Saint Louis, MO. • “Taking the Cue: State Response to US Human Rights Sanctions Against Third Parties.” Presented at the University of Iowa, September 7, 2012. • “Preferential Trade Agreements, Trade Diversion, and Militarized Conflict.” Presented at the 2012 meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL. • “Trade and the Variety of International Relationships: How Intra- and Inter-Industry Trade Condition Alliances and Rivalries.” (with Cameron G. Thies). Presented at the 2012 meeting of the International Studies Association, San Diego, CA. • “Exit Costs and Economic Coercion: Threats, Sanctions, and Outcomes.” (with A. Cooper Drury). Presented at the 2012 meeting of the International Studies Association, San Diego, CA. • “Preferential Trade Agreements and Militarized Conflict: a Test of Trade Expectations Theory.” (with Peter Rudloff). Presented at the 2011 meeting of the International Studies Association-Midwest, Saint Louis, MO. • “Intra-industry Trade, Veto Players, and the Formation of Preferential Trade Agreements.” (with Cameron Thies). Presented at the 2011 meeting of the International Political Economy Society, University of Wisconsin, Madison. • “Greed or Pragmatism? Simultaneous Causation between Export Openness and Civil War Onset.” (with Nik Emmanuel). Presented at the 2011 meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL. • “Intra-industry Trade, Veto Players, and the Formation of Preferential Trading Arrangements.” (with Cameron Thies). Presented at the 2011 meeting of the International Studies Association, Montreal, QC. • “Intra-industry Trade, Liberalization, and Militarized Conflict.” (with Cameron Thies). Presented at the 2010 meeting of the International Studies Association-Midwest, Saint Louis, MO. • “The Demand for Protectionism: Commodity Inelasticity and Import Barriers to Trade.” (with Cameron Thies). Presented at the 2010 meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC. • “Shared Human Rights Norms and Military Conflict.” (with Leah Graham). Presented at the 2010 meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL. • “Exit Costs and the Outcome of Sanction Threats.” (with A. Cooper Drury). Presented at the 2010 meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL. • “Sanctioning Violence: The Effect of Third-Party Economic Coercion on Military Conflict.” (with A. Cooper Drury). Presented at the 2010 meeting of the International Studies Association, New Orleans, LA. • “Dyadic Trade, Asymmetric Exit Costs, and Conflict.” Presented at the 2009 annual meeting of the International Studies Association-Midwest, Saint Louis, MO. • “Sanctioning Violence: The Effect of Economic Coercion on Third Party Conflict.” (with A. Cooper Drury).


Presented at the 2009 meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL. • “The Effect of Multilateral Trade on the Initiation of Dyadic Conflict.” Presented at the 2009 meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, LA. • “Economic Interdependence, Imposed Settlements, and Recurrent Conflict.” (with Stephen Quackenbush). Presented at the 2008 meeting of the International Studies Association-Midwest, Saint Louis, MO. • “Miserable Democrats? More than Issues, Ideology and Demography.” (with Ben Hall, and John R. Petrocik). Presented at the 2008 meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, LA.

Additional academic training • Preparing Future Faculty Program (PFF), University of Missouri: 2008–2009 • Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models (EITM) Summer Institute, Washington University in Saint Louis: 2008

Classes taught University of South Carolina • • • • •

Methods of Political Analysis (POLI 502, graduate): Fall 2014, Fall 2015, Fall 2016, Fall 2017 Introduction to Politics (POLI 105): Fall 2016, Fall 2017 Comparative Foreign Policy (POLI 717, graduate): Fall 2013, Spring 2016 Contemporary US Foreign Policy (POLI 341): Spring 2014 Theories of War (POLI 417): Spring 2014

Oklahoma State University • • • • • • • • •

Quantitative Methods (graduate): Spring 2013 War and World Politics: Spring 2013 American Foreign Policy: Fall 2012 Directed readings in IR (graduate): Spring 2012 Conflict and the World Economy (graduate): Fall 2011 Introduction to International Relations: Spring 2011 Proseminar in International Relations (graduate): Spring 2011 International Institutions: Fall 2010 American Government: Fall 2010, Spring 2012

Grants and awards • Provost Grant for the Social Sciences, University of South Carolina: 2017-2018 • Magellan Apprentice for Capstone Scholars Grant (funding to support student research): 2014-2015 • Winner, Award for Outstanding Scholarly Achievement, Department of Political Science, Oklahoma State University: 2012-2013 • Winner, Award for Outstanding Scholarly Achievement, Department of Political Science, Oklahoma State University: 2011-2012 • Winner, Best Faculty Paper, International Studies Association, Midwest: 2011 • School of Arts and Science Travel Grant, Oklahoma State University: Spring 2012 • Dean’s Incentive Grant, Oklahoma State University: Summer 2012 • David M. Wood Excellence in Political Science Research Award, Department of Political Science, University of Missouri: 2010 • Green Chalk Teaching Award, College of Arts and Science, University of Missouri: 2009 • Robin Remington Scholarship, Department of Political Science, University of Missouri: 2007 • Travel Grant, Graduate Professional Council, University of Missouri: 2009–2010 • Travel Grant, Department of Political Science, University of Missouri: 2007–2010


• Travel Grant, Organization Resource Group, University of Missouri: 2008

Service Discipline • • • •

• • • • • •

Associate Editor, International Studies Review: June 2015-present. Member, Executive Council, APSA Foreign Policy section: 2016-2019. Member, Editorial Board, Foreign Policy Analysis: 2013-2015. Completed reviews for: American Political Science Review; American Journal of Political Science; British Journal of Political Science; International Studies Quarterly ; Journal of Politics; Journal of Conflict Resolution; Journal of Peace Research; Conflict Management and Peace Science; Political Research Quarterly ; International Interactions; Foreign Policy Analysis; Political Science Research and Methods; Canadian Journal of Political Science; Governance; International Trade Journal; Defense and Peace Economics, Quarterly Journal of Political Science. Presidential Theme Panel organizer, chair, and discussant, annual meeting of the International Studies Association: 2016. Discussant, annual meeting of the American Political Science Association: 2015. Discussant, annual meeting of the International Studies Association-Midwest: 2013. Round-table participant, annual meeting of the International Studies Association-Midwest: 2013. Discussant and chair, annual meeting of the International Studies Association: 2012. Discussant and chair, annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association: 2011, 2012.

College and University • Member, Faculty Senate: 2014-2016.

Department • • • • • •

Member, tenure and promotion committee, 2017. Chair, visiting instructor search committee, May 2017-July 2017. Director of Graduate Studies, July 2014-June 2017. Member, advisory committee: 2014-present. Member, International Studies committee: 2015-2016. Graduated PhD advisees: – Chienwu (Alex) Hsueh (May 2015): Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies, National Chengchi University, Taiwan.

• PhD dissertation advisor: – William Akoto, Yuleng Zeng, Seth Brake, Hua-Hsi (Samuel) Huang, Shaoshuang Wen. • PhD dissertation committee member: Roger Liu (Graduated Fall 2014), Juri Kim (Graduated Fall 2016), Clay Fuller (Graduated Spring 2017). • Member, graduate committee: 2013-2014. • Panel chair, annual meeting of the Political Science Graduate Student Organization, University of South Carolina: 2014. • Member, graduate committee: 2012-2013 (OK State). • Co-organizer, Political Research Seminar Series: 2011-2012 (OK State). • Member, undergraduate committee & awards committee: 2011-2012 (OK State).

updated August 17, 2017