Drizzle a small amount of soda on top of the ice cream. This will .... for the perfect
scoop!for the perfor the perfect scoop!fect scoop!for the perfect scoop! Dipping ...
How to make a… Banana Split Float 3 Top with whipped cream (if desired). 4 Serve with a straw and spoon.
1 Fill cup 3/4 full with soda. 2
1 Peel a banana and cut it in half lengthwise. Put the two halves in a long, skinny ice cream bowl. 2 Place three scoops of Perry’s ice cream on top of the banana: one vanilla and two other flavors on each side. 3 Top each scoop with different syrup. 4 Top with whipped cream, a few cherries and nuts.
Slowly add one scoop of Perry’s ice cream into the cup. Drizzle a small amount of soda on top of the ice cream. This will turn to foam. Keep pouring until the cup is full.
What You Should Know About Food Allergies Please be aware that some individuals may have an allergenic reaction to the proteins found in peanuts, tree nuts (walnuts, pecans, almonds, pistachios, macadamia nuts, etc.), eggs, dairy ingredients, wheat and other cereal grains, and soybeans. Steps that you can follow to help these individuals avoid the accidental ingestion of a food they cannot tolerate include: 1. The proper labeling of all ingredients in the food. 2. Avoid the cross-contamination of one food with another. a. Always clean ice cream scoops between flavors. b. When ice cream is transferred from an almost empty container to another, be certain that the new container contains the same flavor. 3. Be sure the customers know what flavors they are getting.
5. Display the “Perry’s Ice Cream Allergen Chart” so allergens can be easily identified by flavor.
4. Know what ingredients are in each flavor.
Selling Price Per Serving
6. Be sure allergen and ingredient information is current and accessible to all employees.
Less Cost of Tub, Cone and Labor
Call Pe
Affairs nsumer
73-7797 1-800-8
rry’s Co
e For Morio n Informat
Gross Profit
Average Servings Per Tub
1 Scoop out 3 scoops of Perry’s ice cream into a dish. 1 Add two scoops of Perry’s ice cream into a chilled cup. 2 Drizzle some chocolate syrup, or any other flavored 2 Add syrup. syrup or fruit topping. 3 Add 6 ounces of milk. 3 Add nuts, sprinkles, whipped cream or other toppings. 4 Mix thoroughly and rapidly. 5 Pour into serving glass. Check out Perry’s website www.perrysicecream.com/recipes for more great recipes!
Hard Ice Cream $___ $___ $___ $___ Profit Per Tub
= $___ x $___ = $___ NOTE: This tool is to be used as a projection of earning potential. It is approximate and may be adjusted based on other factors
Profit Per Year*
The Number of Tubs Served Per Year
Profit Per Tub of Ice Cream
Potential Tool x = =
(716) 542-3381 • 1-800-234-1134 Perry’s Ice Cream One Ice Cream Plaza Akron, NY 14001 www.perrysicecream.com
Consult ice cream supplier for specific recommendations. Different product formulas vary greatly. Check and follow any special storage instructions.
In the freezer, items should not be placed outside the designated load limit line; and care should be taken not to block air flow.
Establish a pattern for positioning assorted flavors of ice cream in freezer. This helps preserve the natural flavor. Avoid placing containers with conflicting flavors near each other. Certain flavors (such as mint and coffee) have a strong aroma. Be sure to keep them away from milder aroma ice creams (such as vanilla).
While loading ice cream into the freezer, proper inventory rotations should be followed. New products should be placed below the existing stock.
Rotate inventory on a “first-in-first-out” (FIFO) basis. Any cases not bearing rotation coding instructions should be dated upon receipt.
Try to keep ice cream at a constant temperature. Always stock ice cream in the rear of the freezer.
Avoid storing ice cream directly on concrete floors or against freezer walls. This can restrict important air circulation.
Once received, ice cream should be checked in immediately and moved into frozen storage. It is essential to avoid delays which allow products to be subjected to ambient temperatures before stocking into frozen storage. Melting and refreezing can cause ice crystals to form and damage the natural texture.
Top Tips for Storing and Handling Ice Cream
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Order by Email or Phone:
[email protected] or (716) 542-3381 • 1-800-234-1134 Email order forms can be obtained through your sales or customer service representative.
Perry’s Ice Cream One Ice Cream Plaza Akron, NY 14001 www.perrysicecream.com
After removing dipper from dipperwell...
Shake Off Excess Water!
..this prevents water from dripping on ice cream then freezing into bits of ice.
As soon as ball of ice cream has reached desired size, move dipper under the ball, turning it upward. Lift straight up.
A “No-N0” Don’t push dipper against sidewall. This packs ice cream and reduces yield.
Dipping Tips 2
Like This Too Deep
Hold Dipper Firmly
Start At Outer Edge First...
Don’t forget to tap off excess water. (This prevents sticking)
Practice Dipping Daily... Portion Control Scales
Dip and weigh several portions of ice cream at the start of each work shift until you are able to roll a ball of ice cream into the number of ounces specified by management.
Learn To Dip Both Clockwise And Counterclockwise ...And strive to dip the correct size with one sweep of the dipper. Avoid returning to can for an “add-on”.
Procedure for using mechanical (spring-type) dipper is the same as the roll-type, if dipper is too full, excess can be removed by dragging it across surface of ice cream.
Always Moisten Dipper Mechanical Dippers... Between Each Scoopfull!
Start about 1/2 inch into the ice cream.
Never! Never! Never!
Never use thumb to eject ice cream from roll-type dipper!
Never use thumb to hold ball of ice cream in dipper during dipping process.
Move dipper across surface of ice cream in a circular motion. The object is to slice off a ribbon of ice cream and cause it to curl itself inside bowl of dipper.
for the perfect perfect scoop! OR... ...give the dipper a few quick taps (on the handle, not the bowl) on the rubber bumper installed on most dipperwells.
Dipping can also be moved in an “S” pattern. Give it plenty of wrist action when making sharp turns to reverse direction of dipper.
Take next dip from this high spot.
DON’T Keep Dip Cans Level Dig “Wells” Like This... Down the Center! This thin layer of ice cream left on the wall may become “icy” or “gummy”.
NOTE: The information above can be ordered as a poster for your business. Please see Perry’s Bulk & Soft Serve Program Guide for ordering instructions.
P remium Premium
Frozzen Custard Fro Frozen Custard
Machine Temperature Hopper: 34˚- 38˚F (stir everyday) Dispensing of Draw: 19.5˚- 21˚F
Thawing Instructions Allow 24-48 hours to thaw when removed from the case and stored under normal refrigeration temperature (38˚- 40˚F)
Shelf Life Frozen: 12 Months Thawed: 18 to 21 Days when stored consistently at 38˚F
Perry’s custard is an all-natural flavored premium custard containing 11% butterfat and the highest grade stabilizers. The custard is made one batch at a time with egg yolks. These ingredients and process gives Perry’s a smoother texture, fuller body and that old fashioned custard flavor.
Handling Instructions
• Store in frozen state at 0˚F or less
• Date each container when rotating custard from freezer to refrigerator
• Invert each container several times before pouring into the soft serve machine
• Start or prime the machine with fresh completely thawed product
Do Not:
• Put Frozen product into the soft serve machine. Product must be completely thawed
• Re-Freeze opened or thawed product
• Apply any heat to the product (e.g., hot water or microwave). Product should not be left outside of refrigerator to defrost or placed in warm water to speed up defrosting
Perry’s recommends customers use any remaining mix at the end of the day by making and packaging pints, quarts, cookies or pies. Product can be reused only if kept in a sanitized, airtight container. This product must then be mixed 50/50 with fresh product before pouring into the soft serve machine.