Comparative Scores of Hearing-Impaired and Normally Hearing Children. Given
the Caroline Picture Vocabulary Test by. Rosa Marie Wilcox. A thesis submitted ...
Title is in Title Case, double spaced if wrapped to more than one line.
This page does not carry a page number.
Comparative Scores of Hearing-Impaired and Normally Hearing Children We recommend you use the fullest form of your name; this distinguishes you from other authors with similar names.
Given the Caroline Picture Vocabulary Test
Word "by" is not capitalized. by Rosa Marie Wilcox
These two lines must be single spaced.
This line begins with the word "requirements" (not capitalized). Word "in" is not capitalized. These two lines must be single spaced.
This is your year of graduation, not the year you defended or completed your document.
This line ends with the word "the".
A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science in Speech and Hearing Sciences
Thesis Committee: DeLys Ostlund, Chair Richard H. Beyler Joel Bluestone
Portland State University 2009
These three lines must be single spaced. Degree and Major are in Title Case.
Committee is listed in one, single spaced column. Do not use titles (Dr., etc.) before names or degrees (Ph.D., etc.) after. The Chair is identified as "Chair", not "Chairman", "Committee Chair", etc.