TLKT1222-M&S-OBS-ad-Nov2016.pdf - Google Drive

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Nicole Beaudry is a member of Bells Corners. United Church in Ottawa. She is also co-chair of. the Regional Table for Mi
Why I Give

to the Mission & Service of the United Church

Nicole Beaudry is a member of Bells Corners United Church in Ottawa. She is also co-chair of the Regional Table for Ministries in French and a Licensed Lay Worship Leader.

d us, & Service that enable on si is M h ug ro th t an gation received a gr . Years ago, my congre ches, to remain open ur ch l ra ru l al sm r he as that like many ot Service. All I knew w & on si is M r fo ng vi e of gi e, and more know the importanc out Mission & Servic ab d ne ar le I At that time, I didn’t en Th . ributions to what we had received opened. Regular cont so al t ar he we were grateful for y M . is ” what “being church and more I realized ng. came part of my givi grant Mission & Service be is much more than a e ic rv Se & on si is M word: e hands of I know. I spread the Diff’rence,” we are th a e ak M o “G Now I give because in ng e si for worship. As we abled to go and serv en en e op ar ch e w ur e, ch ic a rv ep Se to ke ission & inced that, through M nv co am I d an t, ris Ch . cela where we are needed rist. Et c’est pour tout Ch du re iè an m la à ons t le besoin. Nous serv Nous allons là où es que je donne. . join me and give also And so I give. Please Nicole Beaudry (This “Why I Give” sto

blished in Aujourd ry was previously pu

The United Church of Canada L’Église Unie du Canada 1-800-268-3781 [email protected] •

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