Page 1 of 1. Melodie Mui retired from the General Council. Office in 2016. Most recently, she worked in. the Refugee por
Photo: Courtney Chan
Why I Give
to the Mission & Service of the United Church Melodie Mui retired from the General Council Office in 2016. Most recently, she worked in the Refugee portfolio, helping to facilitate refugee sponsorships by congregations and pastoral charges. She is an avid gardener and Toronto Raptors fan who enjoys travelling and is rediscovering her creative self through watercolour painting.
nt in the ated a weekly amou gn si de ly ul tif du ho cal w ople in the pews ey was spent for “lo on m e th w ho ew kn I was one of those pe I lope. e. de of the double enve ice portion was vagu rv Mission & Service si Se & on si is M e th became of purposes,” but what y 18 cil Office. Through m un Co l ra ne Ge e th at our church I was called to a job of the importance of e nc rie That changed when pe ex d an e ted st-hand knowledg the hard and dedica d se es itn w I . ld or years there, I had fir w the al in Canada and across in areas such as soci ch ur ch er id w programs to people e th of tries, supporting the work ns, community minis tio la re ht work of colleagues in rig d an h es , Aboriginal ministri faith, and much, muc cy of ca es vo iti ad un d m an m e co ic in st ju novation n, faith formation, in theological educatio more. rong, of Canada to be a st ch ur Ch d ite Un e Th t serves as rvice because I wan e work of the church Th . es iti un I give to Mission & Se m m co er cal context and wid for it. vital partner in the lo e are a better people w d an y, et ci so r ou of the social conscience Melodie Mui
The United Church of Canada L’Église Unie du Canada 1-800-268-3781
[email protected] •