TLKT1240-M&S-OBS-ad-May2017.pdf - Google Drive

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“Dr. Bob” McClure visited us several times,. sharing his amazing stories of selfless service to people in China and
Why We Give

to the Mission & Service of the United Church

Photo: Brenda Wilson

Stories about the ministry of Dr. Robert McClure, told in the church that bears his name, helped to shape Dennis and Beth Johnson’s current giving and planned gift to Mission & Service.

arter ilege of becoming ch iv pr e th d ha e w o, es, Saskatoon years ag visited us several tim re lu cC When we moved to M b” Bo r. “D . dia. United Church ople in China and In pe members of McClure to e ic rv se s es lfl stories of se sharing his amazing istry ly to the McClure min al ci pe es d an , ch ur Ch ement . Bob, to the United pport, and encourag su , ve lo g, We give thanks to Dr rin rtu nu ge of our n for the spiritual larly give a percenta gu re e team and congregatio w , se on sp re to Mission & er the years. In r estate will also go ou we have received ov of rt pa y, el at tim Service. Ul income to Mission & gift. Service as a legacy es. We urch and its ministri Ch d ite Un e th t or pp more than we are able to su e this church of ours ow e We are pleased that W . ne go e ar e ue long after w want them to contin could possibly repay. any amount of money of giving a regular part e ic rv Se & on si is M and Beth in making Please join Dennis your life of faith.

THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA • L’ÉGLISE UNIE DU CANADA Visit, phone 1-800-268-3781, or e-mail [email protected]