TMC ED Job Description 12FEB17 - The Merwin Conservancy

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The Executive Director will also provide leadership in financial management, fundraising, marketing, community relations
Position Description Title: Executive Director Classification: Full Time/Salaried Exempt Reports to: Board Chair/Executive Committee About The Merwin Conservancy Few writers in the American literary canon are identified as closely to a place as W.S. Merwin is with his palm forest on Maui. Reminiscent of Henry David Thoreau at Walden Pond, the life and work of Merwin, whom The Washington Post called “the greatest living poet of his time”, is indelibly tied to this land. The Merwin Conservancy is a nonprofit arts and conservation organization located on the island of Maui, Hawaii, with the mission to inspire innovation in the arts and sciences by advancing the ideas of W.S. Merwin – his life, work, house and palm forest – as fearless and graceful examples of the power of imagination and renewal. To fulfill this mission, the Conservancy maintains the house and palm forest as a place of stillness and reflection for retreat, study, and contemplation through a residency program for creative visionaries and thought leaders from Hawaii and across the world. We engage both local and global communities through our Green Room literary and environmental salon series, through dynamic multimedia storytelling projects, and through innovative collaborations with various artistic, scientific, and educational leaders and institutions. Position Summary As a growing organization, we seek an Executive Director with a bold imagination who is also comfortable rolling up his/her sleeves and contributing to the everyday activities of running a small nonprofit. The Executive Director will work with the Board and staff to realize the Conservancy’s vision to “serve as a model for the power of the imagination and the possibilities of renewal.” The Executive Director will also provide leadership in financial management, fundraising, marketing, community relations, programming, operations as well as in caring for the house and garden as a place of artistic, botanical, and literary significance. Responsibilities The responsibilities of the Executive Director include, but are not limited to, the following activities: • Establish a highly visible profile as the Conservancy’s chief representative, in the Hawaiian Islands, on the mainland, and beyond, advocating on behalf of the Conservancy by conveying its vision, mission, community role and impact, and financial requirements;


Broaden and build the base of community and financial support as an effective advocate, ambassador, and solicitor of the Conservancy, and with the Board of Directors, build on the endowment campaign to secure the future of the palm forest and Merwin home, strengthen relationships with foundation program officers and public agency funders, and strive to increase planned gifts and endowment giving;

Provide leadership in refining and executing the Conservancy Board’s vision while enhancing the Conservancy’s reputation for arts innovation and conservation on a global front while ensuring program vitality and financial health; Ensure integrity and effective management of the Conservancy’s financial resources with the Finance Committee, including annual budget planning and performance, risk management, and endowment management; Oversee Conservancy bookkeeping, financial reporting, and the continued development of a long-range strategy for the Conservancy’s sustainable financial health; Assemble a new Advisory Board to inform Conservancy programming and conservation efforts in partnership with the Board of Directors; Champion and create vital mission-driven programs with a broad scope and reach that exceed the expectations of participants, artists-in-residence, donors, and stakeholders;

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Continue the development of the Conservancy’s ongoing Green Room speaker program and, among other programs, a residency program for writers, artists, scientists, and others whose work and contribution to society would benefit from an immersive experience in the home, Palm Forest, and literary legacy of W.S Merwin; Conceive of and enact a plan for the transition of the property’s upkeep and management from the Merwin family to the Conservancy; Complete the development of a historical archive for the house and gardens and maintain proper physical, financial and ethical stewardship of the Conservancy (archive, artifacts, and ephemera) and physical assets (buildings, forest, and grounds); Build and strengthen relationships through local, national, and international networks, including key educational and cultural partners, relevant government and public agencies, staff, volunteers, and Conservancy donors; Uphold established standards and best practices for Conservancy governance, collections, conservation, programs, and community outreach on local and international fronts; and


Achieve annual participation and earned income goals, while meeting desired audience outcomes. Requirements The Executive Director will be equally comfortable contributing to everyday organizational activities with a resilient mindset as well as guiding the creative and visionary work for realizing The Merwin Conservancy’s unique potential. In addition, select requirements of the role and preferred qualifications include: • Bachelor’s degree or higher in a relevant field; • Minimum of five years of experience as an Executive Director or senior staff member responsible for supervising direct reports; • Experience working in a nonprofit or arts organization during a time of significant growth – experience in providing successful leadership during this growth phase a plus; • Successful track record and experience with fundraising, financial management, public speaking, and innovative programming; • Confident, articulate, and professional manner in writing and speaking; • Pertinent background in and deep resonance with the Conservancy's values of stillness, wonder, imagination, and renewal; • Demonstrated passion for the arts, creative expression, and the literary arts; • A credible professional network in arts and/or environmental conservation; • Affinity for nature’s wild places and conservation – knowledge and interest in biology, botany, or other natural science a plus; and • Knowledge of, or an interest in, Native Hawaiian culture, the natural habitat of the Hawaiian Islands, and Hawaiian history. Compensation This is a full-time, exempt position that includes benefits and requires regional and national travel as well as occasional evenings and/or weekends. Compensation is commensurate with experience. The Merwin Conservancy is an equal opportunity employer. •