a) jd;idg;gw;wpa epiyahd fUj;J X jho;Tzh;T. b) jhNd Kw;gl;L nrayhw;Wjy; X jdpg;gl;l epiyik. c) Neh;ik X jd;idg;gw;wpa nj
gFjp – 1
ral .co m
Foe;ij Nkk;ghL kw;Wk; fw;gpj;jy;
1. jiyikg; gz;G vd;gJ mth;fs; nray;gLk; tpjj;jpd; mbg;gilapy; ________ tiffshfg; gphpf;fyhk; vd;W ypg;gpl; kw;Wk; ntha;l; Fwpg;gpLfpwhh;fs;. a) 2 b) 1 c) 3 d) 4 tpil : c) 3
w. ka lvi
2. ‘kdjpdhy; nghUs;fisg; gw;wpa njspthdr; rpe;jidiag; ngWtNj ftdk;’ vd;W tiuaiw nra;jth;. a) uh]; b) lk;tpy;Ny c) khh;fd; d) uhk;ehj; rh;kh tpil: a) uh];
3. kdntOr;rp Ez;zwpT vd;w nrhy;iy Kjypy; cUthf;fpath; a) Nkay; kw;Wk; rNyhtp b) Nltpl; Nfhy;l;kd; c) gPNd tpil: a) Nkay; kw;Wk; rNyhtp 4. ];fpd;dh; mjpf Kf;fpaj;Jtk; nfhLj;jJ
a) Mf;f epiyapWj;jk; b) cl;fhl;rp topf;fw;wy; c) Kad;W jtwpf;fw;wy; d) nray;gL elj;ij
tpil: d) nray;gL elj;ij
d) nt];nyh;
VASANTHAM TET COACHING CENTRE KALLAKURICHI 606202 CELL:9843421488,8754148487,9043710774
Fog;gkhd fUj;J
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5. vg;NghJ Muk;gpf;fg;gl;lJ? a) 1916 ik#h; gy;fiyf; fofj;jpy; b) 1916 fy;fj;jh gy;fiyf; fofj;jpy; c) 1923 nrd;id gy;fiyf; fofj;jpy; d) 1923 ik#h; gy;fiyf; fofj;jpy; tpil: b) 1916 fy;fj;jh gy;fiyf; fofj;jpy; 13. nghUs; ,izj;jwp Nrhjidia cUthf;fpath; a) Kh;Nu kw;Wk; khh;fd; b) My;Nghh;l; kw;Wk; Nfl;ly; c) gpahN[ kw;Wk; G&dh; d) jhh;z;ilf; kw;Wk; vhpf;]d; tpil: a) Kh;Nu kw;Wk; khh;fd; 14. fpul;r;dhpd; MSik tifg;ghL gb ‘RWRWg;G> ey;yijNa vjph;ghh;j;jy;> ,zq;fp nra;jy;’ tifg;ghL nfhz;lth;. a) cUz;ilahd cly;thF b) rkr;rPuhd cly;thF c) xy;ypahd cly;thF d) Nrhk;Ngwpj;jd cly;thF tpil: b) rkr;rPuhd cly;thF 15. Foe;ij xU rpe;jid epiyapypUe;j mLj;j epiyf;F nry;Yk; fUj;jpid tpsf;fpl gpahNf vd;gtuhy; ghpe;Jiuf;fg;gl;l nray; mikg;G vd;gJ ,t;thW mwpag;gLfpwJ. a) nghUs;khwhj;jd;ik b) rkepiyahf;fk; c) khWjy; $Wfs; d) jd;takhf;fy; tpil: b) rkepiyahf;fk;; 16. fzpjk; fw;wy; %yk; ,aw;gpay; ghlj;jpYs;s vz;zpay; njhlh;ghd fzf;Ffisj; jPh;f;f cjTjy; vd;gJ a) nghJikg; gLj;Jjy; b) fw;wy; khw;wk; c) epidtpypUj;jy; d) njhlh;G gLj;jy; tpil: b) fw;wy; khw;wk; 17. I. Ez;zwpT vd;gJ epidthw;wy; my;y. II. Ez;zwpT vd;gJ gapw;rpapdhy; ngwg;gLk; jpwd; my;y. a) thf;fpaq;fs; I kw;Wk; II jtW b) thf;fpaq;fs; I kw;Wk; II rhp
VASANTHAM TET COACHING CENTRE KALLAKURICHI 606202 CELL:9843421488,8754148487,9043710774 c) thf;fpaq;fs; I rhp> thf;fpak; II jtW d) thf;fpaq;fs; I jtW> thf;fpak; II rhp
ral .co m
tpil: b) thf;fpaq;fs; I kw;Wk; II rhp 18. fPo;f;fz;l Njh;Tfspy; vJ jdpahs; nraw; Nrhjid tifiar; rhuhjJ? a) fl;il Nfhyr; Nrhjid b) gl epug;Gr; Nrhjidc) rpf;fy; Nrhjidd) thh;j;ij Njh;T tpil: d) thh;j;ij Njh;T 19. fzf;nfLg;G Nrfhpg;G Kiw cz;ikapy;_____________mZF Kiwf;F Xh; rpwe;j khw;W Kiw MFk;. a) tptu tif b) ghpNrhjid tif c) mwptpay; tif d) nray; tif tpil: b) ghpNrhjid tif 20. ______________ xU kdpjDila kd Kjph;r;rpiaf; Fwpf;fpwJ. a) kdtaJ b) mbg;giltaJ c) milTtaJ d) fhytaJ tpil: c) milTtaJ 21. fPo;f;fz;ltw;wpy; vJ r%f Kjph;r;rp ngw;wthplk; fhzg;gLk; gz;G my;y a) kf;fsplk; ,ize;J tho tpUk;Gjy; b) Ra Nehf;Fld; nray;gLjy; c) r%fg; nghWg;Gfspy; gq;Nfw;wy; d) r%fj;jpw;fhf jd;dyidj; jpahfk; nra;jy; tpil: b) Ra Nehf;Fld; nray;gLjy; 22. Ez;zwpTr; Nrhjidfspd; je;ij vdf; fUjg;gLgth; ahh;? m)nt];yh; M)my;gpuL gpdl; ,)rphpy; gh;l; csg;gz;Gf; $Wfspd; vz;zpf;if. a) 9 b) 16 c) 25 d) 36 tpil: b) 16 25. milT Cf;fj;ij N-Ach vd;w FwpaPl;bd; %yk; Fwpg;gpl;l cstpayhsh; a) ml;fpd;rd; b) nkf;ypNyz;l; c) gp.vg;.];fpd;dh; d) rpf;kz;l; g;uha;l; tpil: b) nkf;ypNyz;l; 26. “Adolescence” vd;w ,yj;jPd; thh;j;ijapy; “Adolescere” vd;w tpidr; nrhy;ypd; nghUs; a) Kd;NdWjy; b) tsUjy; c) Ghpe;J nfhs;Sjy; d) khw;wk; ngWjy; tpil: b) tsUjy; 27. jtwhd Gyd;fhl;rp vd;gJ a) jphpGf;fhl;rp b) ,y;nghUs; fhl;rp c) Gyd;czh;T d) rpe;jid tpil: a) jphpGf;fhl;rp 28. fPo;f;fz;ltw;Ws; eilKiw cstpay; gphptpy; ,y;yhjJ. a) njhopy; gw;wpa cstpay; b) tpsk;guk; gw;wpa cstpay; c) fy;tp cstpay; d) Foe;ij cstpay;
tpil: d)) Foe;ij cstpay;
29. xU Foe;ijapd; Kd;Ndw;wk;__________epiyapy; ,Ue;J njhlq;FfpwJ. a) Fotpg; gUtk; b) gps;isg;gUtk; c) Fotpg; gUtj;jpw;F gpe;ija epiy d) Foe;ijg; gUtj;jpw;F Ke;ija epiy tpil: d) Foe;ijg; gUtj;jpw;F Ke;ija epiy 30. xOf;f tsh;r;rpapy; kuGf;F Kw;gl;l epiyapy; Foe;ijaplk; fhzg;gLk; gz;G a) rl;l xOq;F Kiwfisg; NgZjy; b) cwTfisj; jf;f itj;jy; c) jz;lidf;Fj; jg;gpj;jy; d) r%fj;ij kjpj;jy; tpil: c) jz;lidf;Fj; jg;gpj;jy;
gFjp II – jkpo;
31. tUe;jhky; vy;yh tsq;fisAk; ngWthd; vtd;? vdj; jpUf;Fws; $WfpwJ? a) ngha; Ngrhjtd; b) mauhJ ciog;gtd; c) jd;dk;gpf;if cilatd; d) fw;wtd; tpil: a) ngha; Ngrhjtd; Vohk; tFg;G – Kjy; gUtk; -jpUf;Fws; -tha;ik -5k; ghly;
VASANTHAM TET COACHING CENTRE KALLAKURICHI 606202 CELL:9843421488,8754148487,9043710774
ெபாயாைம அ ன கழிைல எயாைம எலா அற த. த. ஒவ ெபா இலாம இலாம வா தைல வ!ட# க
நிைல ேவெறா & இைல, இைல அஃ( அவ
ral .co m
அறியாமேலெய அவ எலா அற ெகா). ெகா).
32. jl;rpd rpj;jpuk; vd;gJ a) kNfe;jputh;kd; vOjpa Xtpak; b) kNfe;jputh;kd; vOjpa ehlfk; c) kNfe;jputh;kd; vOjpa ciuE}y; d) ,sq;nfsjkd; vOjpa Xtpak; tpil :c : ) kNfe;jputh;kd; vOjpa ciuE}y; Vohk; tFg;G – %d;whk; gUtk;-56 jl;rpzrpj;jpuk; vd;Dk; Xtpa E}Yf;F ,k;kd;dd; ciu vOjpAs;shd; Gjpa tpbay; Nfhr;rpq; nrd;lh; gf;f vz; : 62 Mrphpah; Njh;T thhpaj;jhy; el;rj;jpu kjpg;ngz; ngw;wJ.
33. “gps;isfs; gs;spf;$lj;ijAk; jk; tPl;ilg; Nghy; czu Ntz;Lk;. jha;nkhopNa mt;Tzh;itj;jUk;. may;nkhop ,e;j ,yf;fj;ijf; Fiyj;J tpLk;” - ,t;thW $wpath;. a) je;ij nghpahh; b) NguwpQh; mz;zh c) ,uh[h[p d) fhe;jp[p tpil: d) fhe;jp[p Vohk; tFg;G – ,uz;lhk; gUtk;-5
Mrphpah; Njh;T thhpaj;jhy; el;rj;jpu kjpg;ngz; ngw;wJ.
w. ka lvi
34. jkpopy; ‘fz;nzOj;J’ vd;gJ a) Xtpaf;fiy b) rpw;gf;fiyc) mr;Rf;fiy d) ftpijf;fiy tpil : a)Xtpaf;fiy Vohk; tFg;G – %d;whk; gUtk; -53
35. fhe;jpabfshy; jj;njLf;fg;gl;l kfs; vd;W miof;fg;gl;lth; a) yPyhtjp b) mQ;riy mk;khs; c) it.K.Nfhijehafp mk;khs; d) mk;G[j;jk;khs; tpil : d) mk;G[j;jk;khs; vl;lhk; tFg;G – ,uz;lhk; gUtk; -15 36. rJuk; a) nghUl;ngah; b) Fzg;ngah; tpil : b) Fzg;ngah;
37. mirfs; gy Nrh;e;J miktJ a) jis b) mb tpil : c) rPh;
c) fhyg;ngah;
Vohk; tFg;G – ,uz;lhk; gUtk;-35
c) rPh;
d) njhil
Xd;gjhk; tFg;G – Kjy; gUtk;-92
38. ngha; vd;gjd; msngil a) nra;Aspir msngil b) capusngilc) xw;wsngil
d) njhopw;ngah;
d) nrhy;ypir msngil
tpil : vJTk; nghUe;jtpy;iy Mrphpah; Njh;T thhpaj;jhy; el;rj;jpu pu kjpg;ngz; ngw;wJ.
39. gFgjj;ij Njh;e;njL a) mwpQd; b) md;gurp
c) tujd;
tpil : a)mwpQd; )mwpQd; kw;Wk; d)) ftpQd;
d) ftpQd;
Gjpa tpbay; Nfhr;rpq; nrd;lh; gf;f vz; :113
KUfd; jpUkhy; ,e;jpud; tUzd;.
FwpQ;rp Ky;iy kUjk; nea;jy; tpil : a) FwpQ;rp
KUfd; tUzd; ,e;jpud; jpUkhy;
Ky;iy kUjk; nea;jy;
41. VO vd;gjd; jkpnoz; a) m b) rh tpil : d) v
KUfd; jpUkhy; jpUkhy; ,e;jpud; tUzd;.
c) q
FwpQ;rp Ky;iy kUjk; nea;jy;
jpUkhy; KUfd; ,e;jpud; tUzd;
FwpQ;rp Ky;iy kUjk; nea;jy;
tUzd; ,e;jpud; KUfd; jpUkhy;
ral .co m
40. nghUj;Jf: a) FwpQ;rp Ky;iy kUjk; nea;jy;
d) v
Mwhk; tFg;G – Kjy; gUtk;-24
42. rpj;jpiu te;jhs; vd;gJ a) rpidahFngah; b) fhythFngah; tpil : b) fhythFngah;
c) njhopyhFngah;
d) KjyhFngah; vl;lhk; tFg;G – ,uz;lhk; gUtk;-38
w. ka lvi
43. el;G vOj;Jf;fisf; nfhz;l nrhy;iyf; fz;Lgpb a) gf;fk; b) njd;wy; c) rl;lk; d) gl;lk; tpil : b) njd;wy; Mwhk; tFg;G – Kjy; gUtk;-14
44. ,ul;ilf;fpstp a) ghk;G ghk;G tpil : c) rs rs
b) NghNgh
c) rs rs d) jP jP Mwhk; tFg;G – ,uz;lhk; gUtk;-9
45. ge;J + Ml;lk; ,jd; Gzh;r;rp a) Fw;wpaypfug; Gzh;r;rp b) Fw;wpaYfug; Gzh;r;rp c) Kw;wpaYfug; Gzh;r;rp d) Kw;wpaypfug; Gzh;r;rp tpil : b) Fw;wpaYfug; Gzh;r;rp
Fw;wpaYfug; Gzh;r;rp
F>R>L>J>G>W Mfpa MW neby; vOj;JfSk; ,uz;L Kjypa gy vOj;Jfisr; rhh;e;J tUk; NghJ jd; khj;jpiuastpy; Fiwe;J xypg;gJ Fw;wpaYfuk; MFk;. tpjp:1
+ Ml;lk; - j; +M-jh; ge;jhl;lk;. “caph;thpd; cf;Fws; nka;tpl;NlhLk;”. v.fh. ge;J + Ml;lk; - ge;j; + c “cly;Nky; caph;te;J xd;WtJ ,ay;Ng”. +
tpjp:2 “cly;Nky; caph;te;J xd;WtJ ,ay;Ng”. v.fh. ge;J + Ml;lk; - ge;j; + F0OON
VASANTHAM TET COACHING CENTRE KALLAKURICHI 606202 CELL:9843421488,8754148487,9043710774
VASANTHAM TET COACHING CENTRE KALLAKURICHI 606202 CELL:9843421488,8754148487,9043710774
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46. jhNahL Foe;ij nrd;wJ - vt;tifg; nghUspy; te;Js;sJ? a) miljy; b) xj;jy; c) fUj;jh d) cldpfo;r;rp tpil : d) cldpfo;r;rp vl;lhk; tFg;G – ,uz;lhk; gUtk;-58
Xh; vOthapd; nraYld; gpwpnjhd;wdJ nraYk; cldpfo;tJ cldpfo;r;rpg;nghUs; vdg;gLk;
47. tpidnar;rj;ijf; Fwpg;gpLf. a) Mbg;ghb b) kfpo;e;J ghbdhd; c) fLikahf cioj;jhs; d) gbj;j khztd; tpil : b) kfpo;e;J ghbdhd;
49. jphp nrhy;iyf; fhz;f. a) Nfzp b) fkyk; tpil : c) Mop
48. vy;yh vOj;Jf;fSf;Fk; mbg;gilahdJ a) nrhy; b) nghUs; c) xyp d) nkhop tpil : c) xyp Mwhk; tFg;G – %d;whk; gUtk;-55
c) Mop
d) fhL vl;lhk; tFg;G – Kjy; gUtk;-47
w. ka lvi
jphpnrhy;:• fw;wth;fSf;F kl;LNk tpsq;ff; $badtha; ,Uf;fpd;w nrhw;fs; MFk; • ,JTk; ngah;j; jphpnrhy;> tpidj; jphpnrhy; vd ,Utifg;gLk; v.fh:v.fh:- gPyp> cfph;> Mop – ngah;j; jphpnrhy; tpdtpdhd;> tpspj;jhd;> Nehf;fpdhd; - tpidj; jphpnrhy;
50. Jg;ghh;f;Fj; Jg;gha Jg;gh;fpj; Jg;ghh;f;Fj; Jg;ghaj; J}ck; kio a) nghUs; gpd;tUepiyazp b) gpd;tUepiyazp c) nrhy; gpd;tUepiyazp d) nrhw;nghUs; gpd;tUepiyazp tpil : c) nrhy; gpd;tUepiyazp gj;jhk; tFg;G – ,uz;lhk; gUtk;-243 nra;Aspy; Kd;dh; te; te;j nrhy; kPz;Lk; kPz;Lk; te;J ntt;NtW nghUisj; nrhy;gpd;tUepiyazp
51. ‘jhd;’ vd;w nrhy;iyj; jdjhf;fpg; ghba ftpQh; a) kUjfhrp b) uhkr;re;jpu ftpuhah; c) gl;Lf;Nfhl;il fy;ahzRe;juk; d) me;jf; ftpuhah; tpil Mwhk; tFg;G – %d;whk; gUtk;-21 tpil : b) uhkr;re;jpu ftpuhah;
fšiy¤jh‹ k©iz¤jh‹ fha; ¢Á¤jh‹ fha;¢Á¤jh‹ ¢Á¤ Fo¡f¤jh‹ f‰Ã¤ jhdh?
VASANTHAM TET COACHING CENTRE KALLAKURICHI 606202 CELL:9843421488,8754148487,9043710774
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52. mryhk;gpif mk;ikahh; jpU.tp.f.thy; ,t;thW miof;fg;gl;lhh; a) rq;ffhy xsitahh; b) ,f;fhy xsitahh; c) jw;fhy xsitahh; d) nghw;fhy xsitahh; tpil : b) ,f;fhy xsitahh; vl;lhk; tFg;G – ,uz;lhk; gUtk;-4 Gjpa tpbay; Nfhr;rpq; nrd;lh; gf;f vz; :20
53. flypid kl;Lk; Fwpf;fhj nrhy;iyf; fz;nlL a) Ke;ePh; b) Mop c) guit d) rKj;jpuk; tpil : b) Mop xd;gjhk; tFg;G – Kjy; gUtk;-84 •
fly; - Mop> Mh;fyp> Ke;ePh;> thuzk;> ngstk;> guit> Gzhp.
54. kuj;jpd; Ntiug; ghk;ghff; $Wk; ghujpjhrd; ghk;ghf cUtfpf;Fk; kw;nwhU nghUs; vJ? a) fpis b) fha; c) tpOJ d) fapW tpil : c) tpOJ
w. ka lvi
55. MW vd;w vz;Zg; ngah; Fwpf;Fk; NtW nghUs;. a) ePh; b) Rop c) Ntfk; d) top tpil : d) top Mwhk; tFg;G – ,uz;lhk; gUtk;-8 Mw;Wzh – MW – top>
56. rhpahd tpiliaj; Njh;e;njL Mrphpah; E}y; 1)ghpjpkhw;fiyQh; m. ,uhk ehlfk; 2)gk;ky; rk;ge;jdhh; M. ehlftpay; 3)mUzhr;ryf; ftpuhah; ,. ee;jdhh; rhpj;jpuk; 4)Nfhghy fpUl;bd ghujp 2- 3-m> 4-, b) 1-M> 2-m> 3-,> 4-< c) 1-m> 2-,> 3-M> 4-< d) 1-,> 2-m> 3- 4-M tpil : a) 1vl;lhk; tFg;G – ,uz;lhk; gUtk;-30 1-M> 22- 33-m> 44- ,
57. kdpjdpd; kd epiyia ,Us;> kUs;> njUs;> mUs; vdf; Fwpg;gpl;lth;. a) tpGyhde;jh; b) Kj;Juhkypq;fj;Njth; c) jpU.tp.f d) MWKf ehtyh; tpil : b) Kj;Juhkypq;fj;Njth; Mwhk; tFg;G – ,uz;lhk; gUtk;-36
58. rhpahd tpiliaj; Njh;e;njL. 1)’FwpQ;rpg;ghl;L’ gjpndd;fPo;f;fzf;F E}y;fSs; xd;W 2)’FwpQ;rpg;ghl;L’ E}ypd; Mrphpah; fgpyh; 3)FwpQ;rpg;ghl;by; 96 g+f;fs; thpirg;gLj;jg;gl;Ls;sd. 4)99g+f;fspd; ngah;fs; thpirg;gLj;jg;gl;Ls;sd. a) 1>2>3 Mfpa $w;Wfs; rhp b) 1>2>4 Mfpa $w;Wfs; rhp c) 2>3 kl;LNk rhp d) 2>4 kl;LNk rhp tpil: d) 2>4 kl;LNk rhp Mwhk; tFg;G – Kjy; gUtk;-8
VASANTHAM TET COACHING CENTRE KALLAKURICHI 606202 CELL:9843421488,8754148487,9043710774 a) dare
b) need
c) can
d) should
ans: b) need
ral .co m
69. Fill in the blanks with a suitable preposition :The dog was hit__________a stick. a)by b) with c) on d) in
ans: b) with
70. Identify the type of adjective in the underlined word of the given sentence. I saw it with my own eyes. a)demonstrative adjective b) Interrogative adjective c) exclamatory adjective d) emphasizing adjective.
Ans: d) emphasizing adjective.
71. Spot the error and fix the part in which the error has occurred. I | have ordered | for | three cups of coffee 1 2 3 4 a)2 b) 4 c)1 d) 3
ans: d) 3
72. A verb that denotes an action which passes over from the doer or subject to an object is a a) adverb b) verb c) transitive verb d) intransitive verb
ans: c) transitive verb
73. Seeing is believing – the underlined word in the sentence is a a) Participle b) Gerund c) Infinitive
ans: b) Gerund
d) None of the above
74. Choose the reported form of the given sentence. She said to me yesterday “ I must go”. a) She told me that she must go b) She told me yesterday that she had to go c) She exclaimed that she had to go d) She told me yesterday that she will go
ans: b) She told me yesterday that she had to go
w. ka lvi
75. Fill in the blanks with the correct conjunction Not only is he foolish,_________also obstinate. a) and b) nor c) but d) yet
ans: c) but
76. Identify the correct passive form of the given sentence. Someone has invited me to the party. a) Invitation has been given to me for the party b) I have been invited to the party. c) Party, I have been invited d) I have been invited by someone
ans: b) I have been invited to the party.
77. Identify the complex form of the sentence. Only Indians are admitted. a) On being Indian, you will be admitted. b) Being Indian, you are admitted. c) In the event of you being an Indian you are admitted d) If you are not an Indian you cannot be admitted.
Ans: d) If you are not an Indian you cannot be admitted. 78. Choose the correct question tag. a)will you b)need you c)can you
Wait a minute, ___________? d)can’t you
ans: c)can you
79. The underlined pronoun in the sentence is ‘I hurt myself’ a)distributive b)reflective c)demonstrative
ans: b)reflective
80. Choose a suitable relative pronoun The moment_________is lost, is lost for ever a) where b) who c) which d) what
ans: c) which
81. A syllable or part added before a word in order to change its meaning is called a a) index b) suffix c) prefix d) matrix
ans: c) prefix
82. A phrase that combines two words that seems to be the opposite of each other is called a) oxymoron b) assonance c) onomatopoeia d) personification
ans: a) oxymoron 83. Diamonte poem contains _______ lines. a) 6 b)14 c) 8
ans: d) 7
ral .co m
d) 7
84. “ I often contemplate my childhood”. The synonym of contemplate is a) worry about b) sorry for c) dream of d) think about
ans: d) think about 85. “ Be glad your nose is on your face, Not pasted on some other place, For if it were where it is not, You might dislike your nose a lot, Find out the rhyme scheme of the above stanza. a)ab, cd b) aa,bb c) ab,ab d) ab,bc
ans: b) aa,bb
86. Which one of the following phonetic transcriptions of the word “examination” is correct?
Ans :
Mrphpah; Njh;T thhpaj;jhy; el;rj;jpu kjpg;ngz; ngw;wJ.
87.For correct compound word for NOUN +ADJ a)Dancing bird b)long jump
Ans:c)Duty free
c)Duty free
Ans : b)Quotation mark
88.T denote direct speech what punctuation mark is used? a)Apostrophe b)Quotation mark c)Exclamation mark d)Colon
89.Arrange the following words alphabetically(derail,diction,declare,dilemma,diligent) a)declare,derail,diction,dilemma,diligent b)diligen,declare,diction,derail,dilemma c)dilemma,diction,declare,diligent,derail d)diction,derail,diligent,declare,dilemma
Ans : a)declare,derail,diction,dilemma,diligent
w. ka lvi
90.find out the right expanded form of NCF a)National Curriculam Framework b)National Curricular Framework c)National Curriculum Federation d)National curriculum Formation
Ans : a)National Curriculam Framework 91. rpy;th; ehzaj;jpy; cs;s cNyhfq;fs;? m)Ag kw;Wk;ZN M)Ag kw;Wk;Cu
,)Ag kw;Wk;Ni
852.50 MFk;? a) 5 Mz;Lfs; b) 4 Mz;Lfs; c) 3 Mz;Lfs; d) 2 Mz;Lfs;
tpil: c)) 3 Mz;Lfs;
130. A xU Ntiyia 10 ehl;fspYk;> B mij 15 ehl;fspYk; nra;J Kbg;gh;. ,UtUk; Nrh;e;J mt;Ntiyia nra;J &.1>500I