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Foundations of Systems Biology ed. Hiroaki Kitano. MIT Press, 2001. The ERATO Systems Biology Workbench: An Integrated Environment for Multiscale and ...
To appear in Foundations of Systems Biology ed. Hiroaki Kitano MIT Press, 2001 The ERATO Systems Biology Workbench: An Integrated Environment for Multiscale and Multitheoretic Simulations in Systems Biology Michael Hucka 1,2 Andrew Finney 1,2 Herbert Sauro 1,2 Hamid Bolouri 1,2,3,4 John Doyle 1,2 Hiroaki Kitano 1,2,5 1






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ERATO Kitano Symbiotic Systems Project, M-31 Suite 6A 6-3115 Jingumae Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0001, Japan Control and Dynamical Systems 107-81, California Institute of Technology, CA 91125, USA Science and Technology Research Centre, University of Hertfordshire, AL10 9AB, UK Division of Biology 216-76, California Institute of Technology, CA91125, USA Sony Computer Science Laboratories, 3-14-13 Higashi-gotanda Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0022, Japan



The ERATO Systems Biology Workbench: An Integrated Environment for Multiscale and Multitheoretic Simulations in Systems Biology Michael Hucka, Andrew Finney, Herbert Sauro, Hamid Bolouri, John Doyle, and Hiroaki Kitano

Over the years, a variety of biochemical network modeling packages have been developed and used by researchers in biology. No single package currently answers all the needs of the biology community; nor is one likely to do so in the near future, because the range of tools needed is vast and new techniques are emerging too rapidly. It seems unavoidable that, for the foreseeable future, systems biology researchers are likely to continue using multiple packages to carry out their work. In this chapter, we describe the ERATO Systems Biology Workbench (SBW) and the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML), two related efforts directed at the problems of software package interoperability. The goal of the SBW project is to create an integrated, easy-to-use software environment that enables sharing of models and resources between simulation and analysis tools for systems biology. SBW uses a modular, plug-in architecture that permits easy introduction of new components. SBML is a proposed standard XML-based language for representing models communicated between software packages; it is used as the format of models communicated between components in SBW. INTRODUCTION

The goal of the ERATO Systems Biology Workbench (SBW) project is to create an integrated, easy-to-use software environment that enables sharing of models and resources between simulation and analysis tools for systems biology. Our initial focus is on achieving interoperability between seven leading simulations tools: BioSpice (Arkin, 2001), DBSolve (Goryanin, 2001; Goryanin et al., 1999), E-Cell (Tomita et al., 1999, 2001), Gepasi (Mendes, 1997, 2001), Jarnac (Sauro, 1991; Sauro and Fell, 2000), StochSim (Bray et al., 2001; Morton-Firth and Bray, 1998), and Virtual Cell (Schaff et al., 2000, 2001). Our long-term goal is to develop a flexible and adaptable environ-

ment that provides (1) the ability to interact seamlessly with a variety of software tools that implement different approaches to modeling, parameter analysis, and other related tasks, and (2) the ability to interact with biologically-oriented databases containing data, models and other relevant information. In the sections that follow, we describe the Systems Biology Workbench project, including our motivations and approach, and we summarize our current design for the Workbench software environment. We also discuss the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML), a model description language that serves as the common substrate for communications between components in the Workbench. We close by summarizing the current status of the project and our future plans. Motivations for the Project The staggering volume of data now emerging from molecular biotechnology leave little doubt that extensive computer-based modeling, simulation and analysis will be critical to understanding and interpreting the data (e.g., Abbott, 1999; Gilman, 2000; Popel and Winslow, 1998; Smaglik, 2000). This has lead to an explosion in the development of computer tools by research groups across the world. Example application areas include the following: • Filtering and preparing data (e.g., gene expression micro- and macroarray image processing and clustering/outlier identification), as well as performing regression and pattern-extraction; • Database support, including remote database access and local data storage and management (e.g., techniques for combining gene expression data with analysis of gene regulatory motifs); • Model definition using graphical model capture and/or mathematical description languages, as well as model preprocessing and translation (e.g., capturing and describing the three-dimensional structure of subcellular structures, and their change over time); • Model computation and analysis, including parameter optimization, bifurcation/sensitivity analysis, diffusion/transport/buffering in complex 3-D structures, mixed stochastic-deterministic systems, differentialalgebraic systems, qualitative-qualitative inference, and so on; and • Data visualization, with support for examining multidimensional data, large data sets, and interactive steering of ongoing simulations. This explosive rate of progress in tool development is exciting, but the rapid growth of the field has been accompanied by problems and pressing needs. One problem is that simulation models and results often cannot be compared, shared or re-used directly because the tools developed by different groups often are not compatible with each other. As the field of sys-


M. Hucka, A. Finney, H. Sauro, H. Bolouri, J. Doyle, and H. Kitano

tems biology matures, researchers increasingly need to communicate their results as computational models rather than box-and-arrow diagrams. But they also need to reuse each other’s published and curated models as library elements in order to succeed with large-scale efforts (e.g., the Alliance for Cellular Signaling, Gilman, 2000; Smaglik, 2000). These needs require that models implemented in one software package be portable to other software packages, to maximize public understanding and to allow building up libraries of curated computational models. A second problem is that software developers often end up duplicating each other’s efforts when implementing different packages. The reason is that individual software tools typically are designed initially to address a specific set of issues, reflecting the expertise and preferences of the originating group. As a result, most packages have niche strengths which are different from, but complementary to, the strengths of other packages. But because the packages are separate systems, developers end up having to re-invent and implement much general functionality needed by every simulation/analysis tool. The result is duplication of effort in developing software infrastructure. No single package currently answers all the needs of the emerging systems biology community, despite an emphasis by many developers to make their software tools omnipotent. Nor is such a scenario likely: the range of tools needed is vast, and new techniques requiring new tools are emerging far more rapidly than the rate at which any single package may be developed. For the foreseeable future, then, systems biology researchers are likely to continue using multiple packages to carry out their work. The best we can do is to develop ways to ease sharing and communication between such packages now and in the future. These considerations lead us to believe that there is an increasingly urgent need to develop common standards and mechanisms for sharing resources within the field of systems biology. We hope to answer this need through the ERATO Systems Biology Workbench project. THE SYSTEMS BIOLOGY MARKUP LANGUAGE

The current inability to exchange models between simulation/analysis tools has its roots in the lack of a common format for describing models. We sought to address this problem from the very beginning of the project by developing an open, extensible, model representation language. The Systems Biology Workbench project was conceived at an ERATOsponsored workshop held at the California Institute of Technology, USA, in December, 1999. The first meeting of all the collaborators at The First Workshop on Software Platforms for Molecular Biology was held at the same location in April, 2000. The participants collectively decided to begin by developing a common, XML-based (Bosak and Bray, 1999), declarative language for representing models. A draft version of this Systems Biology 5

The ERATO Systems Biology Workbench

Markup Language (SBML) was developed by the Caltech ERATO team and delivered to all collaborators in August, 2000. This draft version underwent extensive discussion over mailing lists and then again during The Second Workshop on Software Platforms for Molecular Biology held in Tokyo, Japan, November 2000. A revised version of SBML was issued by the Caltech ERATO team in December, 2000, and after further discussions over mailing lists and in meetings, a final version of the base-level definition of SBML was released publicly in March, 2001 (Hucka et al., 2001). The Form of the Language SBML Level 1 is the result of merging modeling-language features from the seven tools mentioned in the introduction (BioSpice, DBSolve, E-Cell, Gepasi, Jarnac, StochSim, and Virtual Cell). This base level definition of the language supports non-spatial biochemical models and the kinds of operations that are possible in these analysis/simulation tools. A number of potentially desirable features were intentionally omitted from the base language definition. Subsequent releases of SBML (termed levels) will add additional structures and facilities currently missing from Level 1. By freezing sets of features in SBML definitions at incremental levels, we hope to provide the community with stable standards to which software authors can design to, while at the same time allowing the simulation community to gain experience with the language definitions before introducing new elements. At the time of this writing, we are actively developing SBML Level 2, which is likely to include the ability to represent submodels, arrays and array connectivity, database references, threedimensional geometry definition, and other features. Shown at right is an example of a simple, hypothetical S1 0 biochemical network that can be represented in SBML. X 0 k−1−X → Broken down into its constituents, this model contains a k2 S1 X 1 number of components: reactant species, product species, S1 − −→ reactions, rate laws, and parameters in the rate laws. To X2 3 S1 analyze or simulate this network, additional components S1 k−− → must be made explicit, including compartments for the species and units on the various quantities. The top level of an SBML model definition simply consists of lists of these components: beginning of model definition list of unit definitions (optional) list of compartments list of species list of parameters (optional) list of rules (optional) list of reactions end of model definition 6

M. Hucka, A. Finney, H. Sauro, H. Bolouri, J. Doyle, and H. Kitano

The meaning of each component is as follows: Unit definition: A name for a unit used in the expression of quantities in a model. Units may be supplied in a number of contexts in an SBML model, and it is convenient to have a facility for both setting default units and for allowing combinations of units to be given abbreviated names. Compartment: A container of finite volume for substances. In SBML Level 1, a compartment is primarily a topological structure with a volume but no geometric qualities. Specie: A substance or entity that takes part in a reaction. Some example species are ions such as Ca2++ and molecules such as glucose or ATP. The primary qualities associated with a specie in SBML Level 1 are its initial amount and the compartment in which it is located. Parameter: A quantity that has a symbolic name. SBML Level 1 provides the ability to define parameters that are global to a model, as well as parameters that are local to a single reaction. Reaction: A statement describing some transformation, transport or binding process that can change the amount of one or more species. For example, a reaction may describe how certain entities (reactants) are transformed into certain other entities (products). Reactions have associated rate laws describing how quickly they take place. Rule: In SBML, a mathematical expression that is added to the differential equations constructed from the set of reactions, and can be used to set parameter values, establish constraints between quantities, etc. A software package can read in a model expressed in SBML and translate it into its own internal format for model analysis. For instance, a package might provide the ability to simulate a model, by constructing a set of differential equations representing the network and then performing numerical time integration on the equations to explore the model’s dynamic behavior. The output of the simulation might consist of plots of various quantities in the model as they change over time. SBML allows models of arbitrary complexity to be represented. We present a simple, illustrative example of using SBML in Appendix A, but much more elaborate models are possible. The complete specification of SBML Level 1 is available from the project’s World Wide Web site (http: // Relationships to Other Efforts There are a number of ongoing efforts with similar goals as those of SBML. Many of them are oriented more specifically toward describing protein sequences, genes and related elements for database storage and search. These are generally not intended to be computational models, in the sense that they do not describe entities and behavioral rules in such a way that a simulation package could “run” the models. 7

The ERATO Systems Biology Workbench


The effort closest in spirit to SBML is CellML (CellML Project, 2001). CellML is an XML-based markup language designed for storing and exchanging computer-based biological models. It includes facilities for representing model structure, mathematics and additional information for database storage and search. Models are described in terms of networks of connections between discrete components; a component is a functional unit that may correspond to a physical compartment or simply a convenient modeling abstraction. Components contain variables and connections contain mappings between the variables of connected components. CellML provides facilities for grouping components and specifying the kinds of relationships that may exist between components. It uses MathML (Ausbrooks et al., 2001) for expressing mathematical relationships and provides the ability to use ECMAScript (formerly known as JavaScript; ECMA, 1999) to define functions. The constructs in CellML tend to be at a more abstract and general level than those in SBML Level 1, and it provides somewhat more general capabilities. By contrast, SBML is closer to the internal object model used in model analysis software. Because SBML Level 1 is being developed in the context of interacting with a number of existing simulation packages, it is a more concrete language than CellML and may be better suited to its purpose of enabling interoperability with existing simulation tools. However, CellML offers viable alternative ideas and the developers of SBML and CellML are actively engaged in ensuring that the two representations can be translated between each other.


In this section, we describe how we approached the development of the Systems Biology Workbench from both philosophical and technical standpoints; we also summarize the overall architecture of the system and explain how it enables integration and sharing of software resources. Driving Principles The Systems Biology Workbench is primarily a system for integrating resources. It provides infrastructure that can be used to interface to software components and enable them to communicate with each other. The components in this case may be simulation codes, analysis tools, user interfaces, database interfaces, script language interpreters, or in fact any piece of software that conforms to a certain well-defined interface. We knew from the outset that the success of the Workbench would be contingent on contributors benefitting from sharing resources through the system. For this reason, we made three commitments toward this goal:


M. Hucka, A. Finney, H. Sauro, H. Bolouri, J. Doyle, and H. Kitano

• The Systems Biology Workbench software will be made publicly and freely available under open-source licensing (O’Reilly, 1999; Raymond, 1999). The agency funding the development of the Workbench (the Japan Science and Technology Corporation) has formally agreed that all SBW code can be placed under open-source terms. At the same time, the license terms will not force contributors to apply the same copying and distribution terms to their contributed software—developers will be free to make their components available under license terms that best suit them. They may choose to make a component available under the same opensource license, in which case it may be packaged together with the Systems Biology Workbench software distribution; however, there is nothing preventing an author from creating an SBW-compatible component that is closed-source and distributed privately. • The Workbench architecture is designed to be symmetric with respect to facilities made available to components. All resources available through the Workbench system are equally available to all components, and no single component has a controlling share. All contributors thereby benefit equally by developing software for the Workbench. • The direct interface between a software component and the Systems Biology Workbench is a specific application programming interface (API). The component’s authors may chose to implement this API directly and publish the details of the operations provided by the component. Alternatively, they may enter into a formal agreement with us (the authors of the Workbench) in which they reveal only to us their component’s API, and we will write an interface between the Workbench and this API. The latter alternative allows contributors to retain maximum confidentiality regarding their component, yet still make the component available (in binary executable form) for users of the Workbench. The Overall Architecture of the Workbench Although our initial focus is on enabling interaction between the seven simulation/analysis packages already mentioned, we are equally interested in creating a flexible architecture that can support future developments and new tools. We have approached this by using a combination of three key features: (1) a framework divided into layers, (2) a highly modular, extensible structure, and (3) inter-component communications facilities based on message-passing. Layered Framework We sought to maximize the reusability of the software that we developed for the Workbench by dividing the Workbench infrastructure into two layers: the Systems Biology Workbench itself, and a lower-level substrate called the Biological Modeling Framework (BMF). The latter is a general 9

The ERATO Systems Biology Workbench

software framework that can be used in developing a variety of biological modeling and analysis software applications. It not directly tied to the current architecture of SBW, allowing us the freedom to evolve and change SBW in the future while still maintaining a relatively stable foundation. BMF provides basic scaffolding supporting a modular, extensible application architecture (see below), as well as a set of useful software components that can be used as black boxes in constructing a system (cf. Fayad et al., 1999). Other projects should be able to start with BMF, add their own domain- and task-specific elements, and thereby implement a system specialized for other purposes. This is how the neuroscience-oriented Modeler’s Workspace (Hucka et al, 2000) is being implemented. Computational biologists and other users do not need to be aware of the existence of BMF—it is scaffolding used by the developers of SBW and other tools, and not a user-level construct. SBW is a particular collection of application-specific components layered on top of BMF. These collectively implement what users experience as the “Systems Biology Workbench”. Some components add functionality supporting the overall operation of the Workbench, such as the messagepassing communications facility; other components implement the interfaces to the specific simulation/analysis tools made available in the Workbench. Figure 6.1 illustrates the overall organization of the layers. >@?BADCBEGFH I0JGKML /# #&%,+.*) !

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; S1; k1*X0;

reaction-2: S1 -> X1; k2*S1;

reaction-3: S1 -> X2; k3*S1;


M. Hucka, A. Finney, H. Sauro, H. Bolouri, J. Doyle, and H. Kitano

The XML encoding shown above is quite straightforward. The outermost container is a tag, smbl, that identifies the contents as being systems biology markup language. The attributes level and version indicate that the content is formatted according to version 1 of the Level 1 definition of SBML. The version attribute is present in case SBML Level 1 must be revised in the future to correct errors. The next-inner container is a single model element that serves as the highest-level object in the model. The model has a name, “Branched”. The model contains one compartment, four species, and three reactions. The elements in the listOfReactants and listOfProducts in each reaction refer to the names of elements listed in the listOfSpecies. The correspondences between the various elements should be fairly obvious. The model includes a notes annotation that summarizes the model in text form, with formatting based on XHTML. This might be useful for a software package that is able to read such annotations and render them in HTML.


The ERATO Systems Biology Workbench


M. Hucka, A. Finney, H. Sauro, H. Bolouri, J. Doyle, and H. Kitano

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Language Specifica-

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